Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 9 Jun 1886, p. 2

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:‘ESE'AVKB BEFRBAII \TONbluIMAION, end whether they will devieeeeyetem to give the poeition 0! Enter eneh eoneidere. lion. (Cheere ) ll there hed been eny reel element 0! hoenty in the Bill he ehoold hen voted tor its eeeood reedine. hut he leibd to no eny enoh el eat. The Irieh people would not roger iteefloel. Bed auoh e Bill been oflered to Bootlend the people would indignently heve rejected it. HeotIeud would content with ooneeeeione much lone extre egent. euoh ee the poo eeeeion of looel eotohomy. with the prone- vetinn of the enoremeoy end integrity to the Emp re. Wee there my teen in the Home who could meinteih thet the Bill did not weeleh the eepreneey of the Imperlel Perliement, or et lee-t throw doubt it n it? (moteterlel men of " No. col}; e ehelleoged the hleh topportere at the llltoget p In lrelend eed eey thee they teeored e eoettnoed exietenee e! the reel II emeey of the luperiel Perltemeotâ€"(Pernelllte eheeeelâ€" ee it exiete et preeeot. (Pernelllte etlee ol " No.no.“) Ah. eow tee Boeee eeee the view ot tee Netioeeltet nemeere. They went to weehen thee eopeeneey. low ti heen. The] onlyeemt the Bill '31:” the), believe it throwe lelht In it, end It leevee the tan.” e leere tee- etttetleeel “meet. e weet e “Ll. AID IIIIC‘HVI IUI’HIACY, ndwmnonomaqpowdmnfllll AIM OF CHRIBTIAN CIVIXJZATION, while to destroy them end to re-estehlish reeistless domineering notion nencentnl war is the sum of the Bomsn policy." het was absolute truth. It‘ll wee worth while to enrry the argument further. he could give statements which Oetholic bishops recently mods to the seats efleot. (Cries of "Qtote.qnote." from the Irish members.) Wes Ulster not instilled in letting ettsohe on its meterisl interests when Netionelist pspers were dsscrihln the Belfast linen industry as one o the curses of the country 'I (Cries of " No." no." from Punsllite members) He hed seen s series 0! ertioles in the Irish press in which the linen mennfsc- tnrsre were denounced. Bnt utter ell the question wss not whether these lecrs were well founded or the reverse. they existed. The preotlcsl question wss, would Perus- ment give shot to them. (Opposition shears.) The time he eursly come when the Government should give them more informeilon then thst conveyed ln ltlr. Gledstons‘s recent relerences to Ulster. The time hed come when the Government ought to eey whether there is in Ulster. or s portion of Ulster-(heer. heed-such e predomtnetlng sentiment cs A SELF ”OVERNXNG (DION? A and the changes promised by Named- ttcne would not meet the views of those who maintained this position. It would be impossible to make the House of Commons a fluctuating body. as it would be under the Gladstone proposals. It would be equally unwise to create an Irish Parliament as a subordinate and' not a co-ordtnate body. (Cheers) What they wanted was to pre- vent the Irish members from becoming omnipotent either at Westminster or Dub- lin. (Cheers and counter cheers.) As to I) ulster. that was a very important matter (Parnellite laughter.) The speaker would not go into the question of armed resis- tance. although he resented as absurd the Parnellite charge that he had said any- thing inciting to assassination or outrage. ( hears) But if the resistance of Ulster 3 Dublin Government were expressed in a constitutional way would the British House of Commons override or disregard that resistance? (Hear. hear.) Whv had the resistance of the Protestants of Ulster been stigmatized as unpatriotic? Was it necauee they were proud of belonging to the great Empire. and opposed to being out adrift from lone familiar associations as members of the United Kingdom ‘2 In de- fending (I later he was governed by no reli- gious bitterness. There could, however. be no doubt that the Protestants of Ulster were peaceful from their religious inter- ests. He belonged to a family that always was the opposer of anything like religions ascendancy. He was convinced that the Protestants of Ulster had just cause to fear attempts by the Irish Catholics to secure predomination. The Catholic Church. by its tenets and by its faith. was bound not to be content with equality. (Cries of “Oh. 011.") Members from Ire- land say “ No." Here is a pamphlet writ- ten by the Prime Minister on e“ Vati- canism"-â€"â€"(laughter)-tn which he as s that " to secure civxl rights has been t e A In. (faulty) night's Lulu nil. an : Tho dob" on m Hm- Bnh DUI In a» Bow 0! Common- no man! IMO “brown by Hz. J ouph 0h. ' who In [mud with duh!" than bowl: (tom Ibo mu mambo". 30 in tho IIIOI’IIOII and. by an. E. DI"! O Ihu ho (Ghanaian-la) III III. ulhor tho swam on Notion-l Cancun. Nut-d tn tho " lemma Bevin." u all the donut o! the an. 0 won applied hon Irish mums. “ I myult Win...” an IIII upon-r. “inoonuonniblo um boomed- qh’u rib”, 0‘1"“. 1 "HUSH! N \fiflna'hfi IOHAF" ,- ‘1. here proved the prineiple oi um Counei I." Here the Panellitee uttered loud howl: end erled out " Nemee. oemee." end the Ooueervetivee eed W ebeered Mr.0hemberlein. The denu tiou end eheerinu quietly beeeme en u roer. whieb leeted eeverel minutee. Mr. henherieiu otlmly iolded hie erme end weited tor the tumult to tubeide. but be refund to mention the nemee eelled tor. Returning. Mr Ohemherleiu et greet length expleined will he thouht Kr. uledetone'e oonecwoue inedequete. He did not, he eontlnued. propoee to reply to eny oi the pereonel reiereueee mede towerde himeeli during the eouree o! the dehete. They were perhepe emueing. but they were below the level at e greet eoneti- tutionel dieoueeion oi queetlone ireught with the moot momentoue eoneequeuoee. Thoee who oppoee the Home Rule mreeure believe thet it would rove moet mieehiev- out in ite efleot upon relend. end pottpone (or e long time u eeiisieotory settlement oi the Irieh question. (One- of " Beer. heer.”) There but been in name Liberel quertere e deeire to minimize the import-nee o! e division on the eeoond reedtng o! the Bill. Members heu been told thet the Hill wee elreedy dead. The speaker did not believe thet Mr. Gledetone would eooept e.vote on the eeoond reeding on the underetendlng thet it would he reeeived only ee en eppro- vel of the ebetreot resolution thet Irelend ought to have e Perliement of her own. fled the Government tubmitted e mere reeolution eflirming the principle of legie- letive eutonomy for Ireland he (Mr. Chem- berlpiu) oould have voted for it. heoeuee it would ueve been eoneietent either with she ereution at e Chem her like run (IRATTAN PABLIAMIN‘I,’ or with the eetehllrhment of e Legitletive Council such no the epeeker hed unscented, end which hed ere now received! the rapport oi the Netioneliete. (Oriu from the Pernellitee o! " Nemee. anthem”) The Government propoeel. however. hed e IIIODgil meaning then that o! I were ehetreot resolution. so it pledged the House to the support .0! the principle of the Home Rule 51“.!er which Mr. Gled- etone eeld he would never depart. The cpeeker nod thoee who thought with him hild hoped. since Mr. GmdetOhe'e epcech et the Foreign Office. that the Home Rule Bill might be H) remodelled that they oould support it, but they had been disappointed. Mr. Gladstone had since practically eteted In the House at Commons that it the Bill penned rte eeoond reading it would he euepended until October. and then he reintroduced unaltered, except in minor details concerning the tenure of Irieh representation or Westminster. Thoee who agreed with the speaker did not wieh to reduce Ireland to the condition 0! OIAMIIILAII'S IPIEBI. "1' n.- “I'll! [0'0 DISPUTI human 0cm Brimn um hound. but I my um Inn in hm o! my Bull um nun uh who nut unwound righting oh. wrong nod hump; om to common. 0! Irolnnd to bound. Wham should to m 3 II on. [ml I. would chariot vmh Inning pund- a moot, at It. (ll-dunno. ‘ 8:: Vunon Broom: an. «Inn “to o. "in. mum" annual mm. “In. mum to uman.“ his}. I“ Winn-Item rill CI; M film “TEOD, which would to no noon! ouooooo thou tho oooroivo mooouroo ol noont oontutloo. Ao to Mr. Ohomborlolu'o todorotion oohomo thoro woo nothing In tho Bill to hinder lodorotton, II it woo lound dootrohlo in tho luturo. Rogotdlng tho rotontton at tho [20h mombon. tho, oll tolt thot for o loop ti thoy would hovo onough tqdo to put In“ own mm. in onion. though thoy hod no objection to oonotdottng o p-opoool to oooiot tho Brittoh (.‘qtaloturo to tho oon- niGorooiuu oi meotmi ofioiro for tho Britt!!! Empiro. " I do not forgot. howovor." oold ho. -' thot it would ho polniool ompyrzotom to ottompt h, ony ploroflpn‘on to .wo tho onot moo-uroâ€"tho oxoot dototlo 0! on mooonroâ€"thot ohc uld Mr. Sexton followed. end wee cheered hy the Pnrnollitcc. He celd “ thee Mr. Ghent. berlein hed no leer ol dieeolntion. beceuec he wee going to the country to mecqncredc ea c Unloniet Libcrel relying on Tory voter." The epeech which Mr. Ohember- lein hed juct mede would eneblc Irelend to discern between her true end telec lriendc. Ho eccured Mr. Chemherlein thet no long \ as thin gencretlon “ted the people oi Ire- ‘lend would not forget hie cpcech. Until now the honoreblc member hed been fight- ing under cover; et lest they hed him in the open, end knew him he e deecrter. end ee en elly of e perty thet wee etching to give over the working cleeeee oi Englen to the chemplone o! eleee urivilegee. end to ooneign lrelend to e Government thet edvoceted twenty yeere' coercion. Unlike Mr. Ohemhcrlein. Lord Hertlngton de- eerved. end would receive the rcepect of thoec oppoeing him. Lord Betting- ton hed no injured venity to recent end hed throughout reluccd tocnter the Oeblnet, becencc he could not tolerete the princir le of Home Rule. Lord Eertington ned oflered'lrelend come mouldy crumbe. euch ee hed been given to Lenerne. but Irclend wee not e beuger lor elmc. but de- mendcd whet it eehed (or on e right. He (Sexton) hed never hcerd thet the meegre cherity beetowed upon the beget et the: gete bed in euy wey effected the nlttmete : ucetinetion ol the rich men. (LeughterJ 1 There were two cliclec contelncd In the opposition to the illâ€"e neaetive policy to throw out Mr. Gledetonc. end e punitive. to tehe hte plecc. But the country would dud thet the queetlon wee reelly between Mr. Gledctonc end Lord Bellebnry; between the prcecnt Bill end the policy or enforced emigretion necked up by twenty yeere cl mar-tine. To renew the Coercion Act meent going beck to The Home was drowdod. Ind than wu much exoxtement while Mr. Chamborlun was Ipesklng._ ““110!" BIT"!!! I'll PIQVINOII c Cenede end the Dominion Pnrliement we e those he would eetcblleh between Eoclend end Irelsnd. At to Ulster. he reminded them thet the Constitution of mo. whieh united the two Province-o! Monocle. wee found not to enewer. yd the reenlt wee thet the two Provinces repe- reted. end eeeh it now enjoyinn e eeperete entonomy under the Dominion Perllnment. Thet Perliement bed reeentntlvee eeoordlng totbe numbers n the people. end bed the right ol‘veto. e r bt which won much need. Another mportent ienture o! the Oenedien Administretion wee the leetthet the judgee in Oenede were eppointed by the Governor-Genera lend peid by the. Dominion Pnrlinment. They were. there'iore. independent. nod were not likely to be influenced by local bodice. (Hour. beer.) On these lines would he legislate tor Irelend. Nothing he bed hcnrd from Mr. Gledetone altered hie determinetion to vote einet the second reading of the Bill. hey were threatened with dissolution. (Oheere end counter oheere ) Dissolution hnd no terror for him. (Cheers) 0! one thing he wee confident. namely. thet the Unioniet majority in Puliement would be strength- encd. (Cheers end arise 0! "Oh! ohl") He rej )ioed thet this greet item would soon be submitted to the only tribunal whoee deeieion they could accept. (Parnellite cheers.) He trusted in the altimete good sense and patriotism of the British demo- oreoy. No doubt the British democracy bed a passionate ' 01', who lied torment; _ meiled n the name Ityie Earl Spencer cud Mr. Gladstone. whom they were now lending With luleome nduletion. Thole ohurgee against him were an unjust no they were untrue. “ There is not e men here." acid he. " who does not know thet every per- eonul and political intereet would have led me to out my lot with Mr. Gledetone. Not a duty pause thet I don't receive scores of letters urging me (or my own coke to vote for the Bill and dish the Whigs. The temp- tntion ie no doubt grentâ€"(leughter)â€"-but I em not beee enough to grotity my pereonel ambition by betreying my country. (Loud cheers ) I em convinced thet when thie discussion in over Lihernle will not judge hershly thoee who have panned honeetly the path of duty. even though it Ieede to the disruption of petty end the loan of per- sons! influence cod power, which it in the legitimate cmhitlon of every men to neck. among hie politiccl triende end eeeocietee.” (Loud and prolonged cheering by Concern- tiv_os ens! Redicnlef) , Pal-nun to m but a! timid-0y d In Path on: Once." ( “on shun.) Thy all how tin hilt numb-u I not In mm a a and not“. ont. n M If they m- aul-d u an “up. It they could mum mummi- noO h at. the calla-0 dunno to "palm. it All In (du- onou dmha no him to an at Can-ls. It. Chunk-thin comm um u 17.. n nun»! nonunion tron that hp- ponod to Low Cam. In” tho num- ot 1838. um alarm like that would huh ho mud to [round it the mu won «and. sad. Immune". noun-lion “to: nonunion would bun to to mod. to A mood-.0! (eheern), who hed earned and deeerved it by fifty yeere of publie eervioe. (Oheere) The demooreoy was preetieelly uuenimoue in fever of giving the Irieh° people greater control 0! their own efleire. but it use not unenimoue upon the method of euryiug out the principle of the Bull. It wee upon Mr. Gledetone'e method. end not upon the principlee of the Bull. thet they were now going to the oouotry. (Oheert) He hoped the eleotlou oonteete would be mated by u fairer temper than thet lately diepleyed. He had been eooueed ot ehowmg entrusted pereonel spite end epleen (erlel 0t " Beer. hour." from the Per- nellites). _ eepeoielly _ by lrieh mem- Inland. until them came the ultimate comma to: new. (But. hm.) Donna- hm boon and. upon him to un- hn Alumni" Io It. alumna-'1 propo- uln. Bo hall Inn-lull cumin “no. n which the mount. might h." "our: Hi- Phn hhd huh thumb-d “b“l’op- hm ' pm." and thou approving it won «Hod any whnpuul by It. Hulymhou 0533i um phyllqun onshlod him to look down upon man not had by Provldonu with his arm potion _ pm. h In bud upon than: to In mom 0! “tonne. Ind pruomption when they won living hon- ufly to am. uh. donut] to: on duru- Iin lob-mo. Hambu- wonld and um lines of his hit-run!" uhomo in the Conlthnflon 0103:1363. not in tho "Inton- holmon Canal. and England. The DIVOTXON TO KB. GMDBTONI Demon's Baply. The Book Inland Runny Coupon, hu eflmhd In. In." 0! John Cannon, aliu " Yellow Hanan." und ”Butch McCoy." toll known in Poor“ to: tho murder of Kaila“ Noholu 3nd nu norm roblpry um Hams. III. on m 13m 0! Inch. TM an». an and. on on "mouth at I nonunion of a comet ”mod Pinion. m lam-om in the Inch! Om Palm . Luella "10!". 00an I commit in.“ I, Pin-ha. II. one. In M I'm. Norman. 0! Pulhla. the wit. of It. Jon-9h Norwich. huh». am and- donly ”nerd-y mantras. 8h. wu sebum a; n no of coughing. no! me during one 0 on. " G-G-Gononl." aid an editor. bl. hoe aimpuun II I "ll. "w-w-won't you no. the Ila-boys. pm... when you: b-bbnina won blown out ?"â€"â€"Bocm Rwfl‘ A . 8b: ”hag 4!_-v_ kn. {mm-u! M annl'ng him in m look up took him 00 u Bah-“on Army muting. sod uhon how.- to Mo on hon-o. whm In lodged him to: “I. Main. " Oh. this wen u lemon: bum. end how well I remember the dey and rec-ll the scene. How plunly um men no II to my mind Oh. green fleldl end .he any male! Hen. where my finger potato. in when “as enemy tried to turn on: left that. Herei- when we abused. driving them beet In dleordei. AI this pour! out “Ilene Mejor tell. penetrmd by e noon at Milne ballet. And here. right beeide this clump of In“. is when I bed my leg broken by 3 mpg." One elderly hyperbolntor bee become 3 leerlnl nnleenoe to hi! Mende with hie we: yune. The other dey thle exoellent nea- tlemen Innntered into n new-pone: omoe. took n ohelr heeide e journeheuo friend, pulled out e “ Century " end opened to the mep of e oelehnted engegemeut. With e If; h the editor,who. hy the wey. etnttere moet dieeetronely, leldy down hie pen end prepued to be bored (or en hour. fluid the 79.0“ 1 At e meeting of the Exeentive Committee eppointed to meke errennemente toe the evengelietie eervieee to he held in Toronto in the tell by Rev. 8am Jonel. yeeterdey. e epeoiel eommtttee wee depnted to vieit the flute end report upon their eepeoity. end eieo to ohtein eetimetee of the eoet of build- in; e tempoeery etrnetnre to hold 8,000 people. the opinion of the meeting being thet the eervieee ehonld he held in e tinge hell eentrelly eitneted. Tho Presbyterian oongrogulon n Port Arthur h“ ruched uhn u null jo rhu church he oxtondcd 00 Rev John Pfln’zhmt Kildonm. Mm. .. 3nd shut tho nhry h ’1 _000 par your. with mun-o. Tha Methodtlt Church in Pickering Vil- Inga nu dccidcd unanimously to invite the Rcv. H. 8. Mctthcwc. of Brmbridgc, to nocept thc‘putonto of their church for the next term. , Rav. Dr. Kinndg 0 he decided to luvs Chicago And wept Cuba 310 000 ofiu from fiho Mndi-on Avenue Returned Church. o! No! ngk Cipy. 0min Dodge, of Stonehom. Mm" hos shown 3 disposition to wonder of! and be I gypsy. but one man. be born 3 3y sy to mote 3 good. ant-clues one. They ldn' hova piano dinner, to Curio came home spin. Mme. Modjenk: is I highly momplllhod Hogan». and i! in said there is not 3 European living who could one“ ho: on the price of n bonnet. She aould also 0rd}: 3 neglslxln Iaoqug in Greek or Lain. (ll-Ina“ but play. all“ by Lou Ruin“. u but nu- uhonoon and gel-M1 Mfi- ‘ 09.9501?! '9” v.0 gnu-I. The noun. ominously natal» m gum nu and nuts. “080:0 Bah Bill. The am on Ibo“. “Han-flu o! uh. Bill will no! nu pin...“ in bellowed. anal um Edd” mill- nun. Bonn! at m IIppOflon o! Lard Radium Mn to wont “dun m Mu. William Signal-Twin of in Atlunn. Gm, Ifliun. has fallen heira-a to 150 (”0 let! hot by n rifle: in New Zulu: . It is good .0 MY! . list" so to New Zulund once in 5 while. The Duke 0! Nowoulle is only 21. Hi: gnudtnlher III! the nobleman who nanom- pnni-d lho Prince of W512. during his tour ln_186fl, mg! a vary flue gentleman liq wu. lawn Ion...“ man. It. Nanny loom to: onu- ou Wod- mods). Mistress Mny Benemen five: a Russia- ville. Ind.. and own up to 117 you-a. Young Charles Diokenn does not write novels. ha! ha proposal to land In public. It young Charles hnd been wise he would hove tried rather to mute 3 hit in stocky. In; Libuxuu mu hold ‘ I’rovinoin! eon. mum in m- dty. commencing on Wod- and”. Thom“ uollt.L.W.Bou latch count-d in n annual. It not 070,000 in flu boom “mu. 7 0.9M“: Oink lam In: 0“... am wool. B. will :- uncut the Province It Oh. Ooloninl Md ndhn Exmfluoa. uh: a joint umgomom bottom flu Dominica and the lunch. Government. Household onmpflonl town- 5nd ome- in Munich. bun bun "duo-d from 152.500 to 81.500. The municiputy 0'! Woodwonh propose- to com-rum bridgol aeron- Iho Auiniboino n Virdon. OAR Lake. tad Gmwold. A monument in honor of the volunteer- ond police who lost than: live- dnring the rebellion will be erected ot fidmonwn. Th3 Mhuitob: Legislative bu and 5 Bill to provont aim: sud town: 00 polling tumors to go to the mat“ to loll their produce. Poundmuker is away on n diplomnio via“ to the Bhutto». He is mmpnniod may by bit recently-acquired 3nd youngest w o. Mnjor-Gonenl Buwgo bu been pre- sented with . hundnomo silver ten-service by uh. hamster: ens-god in trauaooru in connection with ‘ho Albert. Field Fem. The nomo of tho oooond O. P. R. oroooin at tho Columbia River boo boon ohongo troll; Fuvol! oo_ Losing; The new riding eehool and drill hell to: the Mounted Police e! Regine he: been completed. 10 east the any 31.000. The Hanoi Mutiueau nutua in the Old Bomb Meeting-home. Benton. in to be pro- aenud Io Welluloy College. A Wlnmpog du nob up: Another the mound to-duy. w ch in hollowed Io huh. work of In boundary. but no dun... wu done. Two "nun am of I mysteriou- ohuutor occurred yanked-y snd' no balm“! to be due to In. an. own. In the Bonn Io-dny Kt. Malta. in on!" to go! a slap n th- Boyd Communion-r nnd his report on the Nozqmy chug... mond two“ of In! oloonfldonu in m. Government. Ho abused Jud Wsu- bridge with “ml putiwly n Bum: findmal. u: add Ibo upon w the moat biased and nnumhtnl production. in view or the evidence. In one saw. The motion Three hundred men end 130 neeme ere England on me Bell term a India 0 o Senetol Schultz. who hoe been ill e! Oleewe for u long “me. how now recovered and in removing beek I0 Winnipeg. Mt. 000nm (Oppooition) MI I motto on the odor pupa: that this mutu- ngudl with unminglod “ti-lumen tho nobl- tflortt of Mr. (Ind-ton. to Wally lolvc Home Bola without dutnmung the Empire. and that the Spam: «bl. tho tune to Mr. Grind-tone. A Gunnhnnt eon-nu. urn-Md n moo Centre Shot II a are-l no". Lute Church Not". Per-anal. Bun. ‘Ihon to no no dying to “#:63- dmu Million, of a mum I ”In a -Oounul (on non-cuminulonyâ€"Whn in your no, mud-n? Winn-«Fan,- nun. Ill. Camelâ€"Ind“ or flank? Wuhanâ€"Single. In": Ml I. ofluot mam-go in my 1m; out. I! I! h In, Int-nu Io m mu. 1 don‘t will out" an 1‘" m to». am for and mm yam. ‘Oonul- B'n. firm I- .h - In hnppy ignorant. 0! «Mo Iy-luu to In Inpumo contnmpl of omhud nomad“! put, 0! Simian nanny “lap“! in It; may nyla, sad and mm (on: b a loan on the mull: "not. 0! Victor... A' o- ,m Mid luu 0| John Rainbow. 0‘ ’1‘! nrlow. van “and to dumb by 3 col. in . field on his II‘IIOIf'I {an on Stud-y. The population of Butler": in 1532. «Bumpton ha 5 ldlu' will!" slut. The mm, town at Go.“ In to In Mud with dummy. The sixth Gonorol Synod of tho Ohnroh 0! Ireland oponod on tho 4th of Moy, in the Hull, Ohriot Ohnvoh plooo, Dublin. tho Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Plunkott. in tho choir. Roloronoo woo mode by tho Choir to tho doothooi Aloh- lmhop Ban-lord ond Tnnoh. ond thou woo oomo dioonooion no to whothor oortoln dignltioo ohonld ho oontinnod or droppod oo voooooieo orooo. 'l‘ho qnootton no not oottlod. hnt tho dehoto ohowod thot tho oontimont lo provomng in Irolond thot o non-endowed Ohnroh hoo no plooo for uolorlod ldlon. Mony tho old oothodrol oflioiolo will ho ollowod to dio out. Tho Bond-y uohoolo oi tho OllIIOII no Ioportod ho flouttohlng. One portion of the Oenedteu section specially deserves to be closely studied. t'.‘.. that illustretive of the. educhionel system of the Dominion. A very elehorete rouge of diegrems end school records hes been sent ecrose. end my one mey leern with greet fecility not only the quentity of school work now being performed in Oenede. hut else the neture of thet work end the eppeerence of the schools in which it is being cerried on. A series of photo- ?" phs exhibit the princi el end cherecter- stio school buildings, en e series of school records exhibit the menner tn which eaucetion is conducted in them. It is menifcstly of e very much more preciicel cherecter then enythintr known in this country. Every School Boerd omciel end schoolmester in the lend ought to he sent to study these records. Nothing so illustre- tive end grephic is to he found in Britein in connection with school work. One volume eonteins needlework done by the pupils in one school. Another volume con- teins the esseys written in enother school. A third volume conteins the meps drewn hy the pupils of e third school. end so on. Two simple facts will meke plein how precticel l end business-like is Oensdieu school teech- ling. The exhibits from the Ottewe Art School include designs for well pe'Fers. for cerpets end for plester moulding. hese de- . signs ere ell reedy to he put forthwith into the heads of the ertisen for execution. wherees. except et the Bredlord Technicel School, es the reformed Meohenics' Institute st Menehester. end et two or three other selected pieces. nothing so precticel is ever ettempted in Britein. but only useless leudscspee end drewings from plester cests. perfectly worthless so fer es designs ior menulecturers ere con- cerned. Thet is one feet. end the other is thet the dpupils in elementery rchools ere not sets to drew meps until they full comprehend whet e mep is. The hr t mep they drew is e mep of the school- nmm. Afterwerds comes e mep of the edjrlning streets or reeds. Nut one of the county. end lestly one of the country. This is very different from the common Scotch system. which compels young. ignorent. untrevelled children to commence I by drewing e mep of Europe or Americe. or some other greet territory, et s time when they heve uc edequete conception of the heerings. size or one of their own perish. much less of their own kingdom. Perheps the lesson teught by Oeuede et this exhibition will help to remove e pree- tiee so cruel es it is useless. It is to the credit of Oeuede thet ehe hes entieipeted the mother country in eholishing the treedmill style of tuition. lmluhm nu hit-Jammy Tumult!“ In. all: his I!” 7 0mm“. ad that dirpioyod with tho stillnoto o! o onto Tho Oonolionoootioo it o wuohonoo whuo tho contou- oro to hnlh ionoiy holon tho oyo. lvorythin. oooinotoho ht to tho trout. Not o Iin thinuo wod to ho pooood without no hoin. tohon at it. Pnhfldty. obtru- oivonooo io horo tho oodoo oi tho doy. Oondonotonly Motto ho known thot oholnohoo .u thooo thinu.hnt iihowioo thotthohootholnonooio. lndio.on tho othol hood. it onntont to hnvo it hnown thnt tho hot Who! wondotini «tom tin wnloo. ond Anotnlio to oontont it tho world hnowo thnt oho puma ho: scoot otoro o! wonlth. Too Omoolon notion in o! itooit n on- ploto oxhihition oi oontomporory indnotry. it oomprohondo ovorythiu hoot plough- to tolephonoo. Thou no whoot. flu. tioo. onto. ryo. ond ryo whiohoy. Appioo. pout. pooohoo. gropoo nnd winoo. inoinding porto. ohoniol. oiorotl. Bnntornoo. Vor- month nod Surnmontnl wino. Mo. porter. oidor and vinoaor. Flour. hitonitt. hoot. hom, hooon. onlmon. iohotoro and modi- oines. Ooooo. ohoooioto. Inga. gingor. tobnooo. oonooo. piohloo. honoy. hoir-dyo ond pormmoo. Tho ooilootion of timhot it lomo. no it nilo tho! 0! “onto. Nouiy oil tho motoia oro ohown. ond o hn¢o gilt oholioh roprooonto £10,000,000 oi gold obtained in Britioh Oolnmhio during tho t twonty flvo youo. Tho monutootnru o no voriod no tho notnrol prodnoto. Tho ooilootion o! wooilon and cotton cloth. hoto ond honnoto. tilh rihhono. fun out! hooioty is ouch thnt Monro. Sponoo a Oompnny might Itooh thoir wnrohonno with _ tho_ gig-toot iooiiity from Oenede ehonld Britleh menu- iectnree be eltoaether ennihileted. Booke. peper. pe er pulp. bode. ehetee.toye. hricke. picture remee. blinde. billierd tebiee. eilver-plete. pottery. glue. violine. plenoe. org-me. cooking reusee. egg-beetere, um- brella. eewing mechinee. weehlng me- chinee, epectaciee end every concetveble commodity in epperently to he found within the Dominion except oneâ€"vim. jute recite. Seeking ie the one thing conepicn. one by ite e‘beence. but probebly thie bee only to be mentioned in order to have it forthwith exhibited. che of theee thinge ere. oi conree. not to plentiful ee othere. end the erticlee oi Oenedien produce which boll: moet lugely ere timber, egrnccltnrel implemente cud mneicel inetrnmente. One luge hell in filled with egrlcnltnrel moonin- ery. end it looke like e portion of en lgri~ cultural ehow. Fermere will be intereeted in seeing the etyle ol experetne in nee on the terms et the other side of the Atlantic. The American orgene end isnoe cannot be judged by eppeerencee. at if they be judged by quentlty the tredc le evidently e thrjving end money-Inching one. SCHOOL BM“ AID “NW. WK. The Irish lplocop-l (lurch. CANADIAN Il-Ill‘l‘. “Nogrqornudn'mnumu till luhl On Build” morninl O’ which won tho lulnnd Ira-poem um Weighs on... n [in MI: in 6. Oh. on.” ‘b .1800. on“! I] P. R Hon Innnl. lo in “ Tulloynnd and.” “vs Grevillo, ' if an 2;";"3 ,‘ ”TV my ”0;. “a "”fif‘: homo u y 9 w '. ul ma no 0' many I Fox Ind no! been has oooul » d9 Maison be ban 0" m“ """R- (Laughterrâ€" "on, “ Blddonu." " ()b an." Mid BWWM'“ v r I 'r' " nun impoumla ‘ one much! In '0" “9 t "m" "-41- mt". intended in an no. u in Mn. Suddona ' r" m, a..." ‘ 8b. in. .00 grout in he! vuy to impmn lon. The Emu Indi. Cdmpary mid!" ‘. :- not noun-try to buy corn cum, Mon "pm to h». noun“ Ion.” 1‘qu rum: comm “and "member tint Pm. III of 00m. nory of Ryduay 8mm” n Punk" Qnrn Enrntot in me only who told “an 3 vary "on! Indy Inn sad punk-I corn romounxnnt. to h mnriod. " lznpo» on it. won quully 3nd With eon-in”. um uh. shun-mu. N. 0. Pol-on .t 00.. Sydney Emma. "I mu: ml- union of bu." um on «all bonlo. Bow». a! poison. On hind“ morn-inn t inflow. _ low the When-bou- ol the Pttildtlt‘a Ind. we" Ducavend. A um. land of "potion wu scouring Ibo town trying to "no. the lmdo-olool of the Plutdont on Fri“, morning. but «fly on. 0! than Iuooudcd In Inc “in her. He dhonnud I trunk win: a big '- " on I. In mo Ghoy Bonn corridor. 3nd in Oh“ wny non-god to go. on flu Ono! of Oh. noun. “on of “I. My. All flan omen rushed about town from morning ml night mm. m, anemia! in chaining Oh. intermuion any won looking (or. The out: o! the smog. monopolmn "homer not amon- m: n m lamâ€"Nu York Car. Emlyn Eagle. To one quert ol ripe strewberrise teks one pound of best white euger; pleee the etrewberries in e chine bowl. cover with the enger. end let them etend lor soverel hours. thet the jam mey drew. Then put them on the fire in e prseerving kettle. end stir frequently while they eeoh. until e think jelly forms. You will find this exoel~ ' lent tor mixing with eresms, lor hleno- ‘ menge. loos. pufla. eto , for which pnr ; it should be meshed. end etreined through 1 efiue sieve. A Iew Crepe oi poke-berry jelly in: rovee the eehr.mebingit resemble ‘thet of rseh etrewberriee. TO PRISI‘RVI ITRAW BIBBXIB. Preeervlng etrewberriee should not be deleyed too lets in the eeesou. es the em piokinge ere generelly the finest. Select the {guest berries helore they ere too ripe; use e best so er only. e pound of euger to eeoh pound of uit. Let the berries and euger stend together lrom evening until morning in e oool pleee. Then slip the whole gently into e hettle over e elow flre. end ee eoou es the berries ere heeted through. lilt them oi! the tire with e per- loreted ledle end epreed them on dishes to cool. Meeuwhile let the syrup boil repidly. In ten minutes return the mm to it. end let th- dinner slowly egein until the her ries ere eleer, when they will be someiently done. Put etrewberriee elweye into smell jen. cover: ith brendted pepere. end eeel tightly. mines the lruit wee in e ler- mented etete when gethered. you will not be ept to heve euy trouble lrom ite epoil- lug, il put up ee here direeted. 10 PHIISVI 0008] El Rim. Seleet young gooeeherriee while they ere etill green. fluke e eyrnp with one pound of sheer to eeoh ound of fruit. edding, iif‘ the beginning. e ell~plnt oi eleer spring weter. Stew the berries until they ere quite oleer end the syrup beeomee think. Do not let the gooeeberriee get meehed. nor heve the pen eovered while they ere oooh- ing. it you would preserve their lreeh. green eolor. Put ewey in emell. eell-seeling glee: jere. end no [rule will heep better or mehe e more deeireble preserve. â€"In pelntlog on ehine let oil ehonld he need when I. thin coating of eolor lo M quired. end epirlte of turpentine elone when the holor ie required thickly. eeye Art and Dementia. It powder oolore ere need. it is I neoeeeery to pot eowe :et all with ell fie eolore, ee they then wor‘h more sully. more for e thin weeh end leee when the oolou ere to he need thickly. A emell oop ehoold be et hood eontelniog tea oil. end enothez oontelolog e mixture of to! oil end t-pirite ot leveoder. â€"Phoiogrnphy, ii in oinimod. is to be still further udnnood by tho an of tho sir brush. In this device 3 mm holder in chores with India ink. and. h n bellow- opon d with 3 foot podni one: iho man- nor 0! n sowing mnohine” the fluid in blown upon 3 ininiiy outlined porirui, the result smug n pioiuro superior in many rupee» to tho but ouyon clawing-«ho whole opornuon involving also only It few hours’ mutual-lbw. â€"'l‘hocudl boy lam!" tho Ilpbnbt in nu much “to an pomp sumpâ€"In cho- uou “not on I letter. --Thoro I" throo kiuu in 3 world 0! mimllmoou than which may ho counted two-tho kin tho mother It; silty]! luyl upon hu Mb)’ I dowy lips. the till he mother glvol ho: boy on he goon forth into the world. and the hill wo ptm upon the nil]. polo lipl of the flood. All tho not I" like tho Itnwboulu in the bottom of the bahtâ€"to ho tahon with suspicion. â€"1‘hpouou who and 0! rd unto-I m can this Inn" on may. not up 5 I196. of _ ”1".“ Caroling by having flu â€"“ run II o with at but. " in win! III. boy said who to us: ”may a numbing tron Ibo old-tableau school lunar. â€"“ Bm‘l to you." aid 3 hummus ladl- vliuul. Manama his mum-"noun Ho upwind Ion “uni-bod [and um Ibo, d'sn took a drop Ion mar. â€"Evuy Motor who panhan- o 050 unit at olouhu of 3 patients: clothing bout .0 Roumlnflord. N south, will ho pto- vidod with o '“0. â€"leno «midp- no coming into nu to: binning purponn. A Info in bond. flu lined «mug. ingot-ad Ind wane: pound out n. The Inorouo In volum : of mud limo with not! attain the uubatmuc which it in duind Io blul. â€"â€"A null boy wu dotootod by n "logy tumor In on. of hi- ohony Inn. The tumor undo the boy coma down and talked vary unoc- to him than! the linluluou o! qulin'. In: boy “Iv-rod indiupu. Ily “ Now. you in" count than: oheniu val ugdn and no it than in on. of them mm in; baton you Ionian». thn I took it.” --“ Bun " Jonu. "pound in the Balu- monBun: L17.“ tho Mlil o! In God- approved montage. Love in not limp], o mu. «flan-venom. of sweot- houmm. hot in. a (loop a null". and his hutho ahouldou o! Gad. I don't know how 1 com. to mury my wits. II in aid tho! God 3m- 5 mon 3 good wife. had I reckon tho dovfl given tho other kind. -â€"A fiil't' III the moat hermieu pet-on in the world. A genuine flirtation 1- the let:- eet buxom payableâ€"nothing to! nothing nihil u: nihilo. I! one gets hurt he recovers immedintely- tor flirts nee ethereel ere.- tune . you onn walk through them end not know there in anythmg there. It to ell. :netter of tenuous reciprocityâ€"His: 0m; and -â€"A yom mu: who vu wanted to tho Phil-601p“. bu than you-n .30 ha jun named his to» ”u. He has mod hi: 'uhuwomnn. who won't "Ian: M- [inn boo-u. he can us old bill. â€"1‘o Ibo Input“! tubal lilo u 3 oil cal-boot. )l loom I MI) __ Indira“- “2:51:15", 3313015363 " 7060755" . unmi- “mu {bu-u. lame: “no. . who u. tum-u. “mun. Ipnnu. h Inn at w an». Whom» h": Inspired a do; In In. in“ bound w «an. And an“ up nu Hn'u to m Home (and Huh Pruenu. BTM'BIIIY JAR. u promiud und than punched In 0 smut utmon. Thonl God, “no good mun an 3 one! which! (Laughton) 1 hue and t M tom. poop‘o ny thou may won't come to but me boo-mo shay don’t m. my nylo And methodl. Ind do on mob Oo amour-go mo. Now. mÂ¥ moods. I don't um onwurngomom. us doing well baton! cum hon. had 1 union I‘ll go! along who I Iolve. «angina! sod spplouu.) Ieholl comma. to pl um. oqum mou- 5 any and min- .ny good cloud-mu! Ibn'u obom .1: you'll hon. A ptnohu “id to mo. " MrJonon. l pnyod God I. chug. you: methodl. sad 5 voice tuned to on to me nun: you won abound on would I» n dull to I um.” (Laughton) oy Ibo Lord hclp our, man to preach Ibo cospol no lag final- but. I on my to «hang. my muboth Jun II son. a: “woody nhon In I- III," by rho. [on ouch more nah. (Longbow) ‘ Bilbuhre I “up my book will“ for «around, mw. In nu- no how any on: be how on Mt! "no“. (LsflgthL-J‘rom a 8m» :1: lm‘timon. " thild 3 yeere old on: "mi: like e fllh. Often children who will not leun of their one record ere reputedly thrown kgerboerd until they become expert Iwi - mfi‘fl the hut-hp" ehilirrn teem to} perpetnelly tumbling ovrxheerd. but t motheu delibontely piek them 'bnt at the water, and name; them I little. so on with their work. It in reelly eetouithing et whet uetheee boys end girl’- wfll lent: to loan a halt. Now. don‘lbothor yourselvee about In oooenmoitiu. They are not name . They are all amdelal. I put 'em on merely to attract you here. Joe. look around and one what a crowd you make. (laughter) A good but todioue preacher. who oould no! draw large eongregaeioni wao advllod than it he would announce that then would be earthen dog- in lho pewe next Sunday Iboueande of curiou- poople would oome to oee the poodles. (Magnum) Another preeehor advortieed eual he would hot Ihe panel out of the pulpll. (Laughter) The ohuroh wae Ihrolged and than -were 5000 outelde trying to go! in. All" he had goo ae many in the ehutoh an the building would hold ho. _kioke_d the panel _ out h I he've seen e hoet twenty feet long moat edroitly meneged by three children. ell under 7 yeere of ego. I em told the! not- withetending their eptneee et ewimming meny boetlnen get drowned. for no hoet ever goee to enoiher'e eid. nor will eny hoetmen eeve enother from drowning, heoeuee. ee he eeye. it ie ell lete. end Inge who interferon with fete will be eoverely punished in home wey. Beeidee this. the eeving of e boetmen’e lite only heepe e eh eonl eo much longer in pnrgetory. when t ouahtto he releeeed by the name It eth o! the eeilor which the node. by leie. eeem to heve eeleeted for the purpoee.” TBI‘. chxnnao KER um. l'm emolerboolrerb gt 91‘1”! 008% end areecbos. Oil’s“d 5 And eoller rocket too-â€" ado hwith met? etitohee! heve e finch end ohein, ' A my mum-u. end e oeno~ No mm 9 kiltflnd Ikh’tl for mo ' In: . m“ boy-don‘t you too. " Kuickerlxiokere! Knickerbocken‘ Hiv- .w my other clothee ' “iv. ewe, mm with rockere I went o no the "Y 109'. But two 11‘ e “70% mu do; And I web I wagon No more c lelre hitched T “‘03 l in e his oy-don't you 0 2’ , an no: we cue. ‘ “Johnny. you mun not eel so much fake. Eel more ”end; We the me o! °.l' " I will by end by. mother; I‘m not old enough yet to need e ma." CHILD“! WHO 8W1! LIX! FISH. “ One of the moat inure-ting feemree of J epeneee lite to me."eeye e r'eeenl unveil" there. " wee the means: of living in the bone end junke. thoneende of which fre- queni every hey elongjhe coal. The ewkwerd jonke elweye belong to in mem- bers of one femily. end nenelly every bunch o! the family. old end young. live on bond. . log-loll... In no A...“ sun on the Au". am»- can. m 00.00!» unw- mud Mon numbed m- not and: tho hue-bu claimant“! an and dull this you : mp'a’x'aifirafisafiunfi; on not to on.“ a acumen-unsound mun ad on p0! coup." and but"). aflrgnfqimuu no! “8“" ad ‘ Full Ethanolâ€"Ono mojor. duo up- mn. on. flout-nun. on. second “mun-m. on. mason. on "luau, ammo. one moan-major. one nut-"nun: an aunt. four urge-L u. on: oorponll. tour hombuduu, on. unmpouv. on. luau. 68 cannon Ind duvou and 99 hon-Ia. Includ- ing an ofliun’ uni non-oommlulonod omurl'horm. About um. Toddlcu. no pop" or rr. Tot In ranking his first [noon in geo- graphy : “ Who! in tho. ?" and the professor. planing his finger on the mop. Totâ€"" Tint in 3 dirty noun-non, m? ’ [8 TH! PR‘JPIB PLACE. Smoll Boyâ€"N Mona-r. plane um mo soother lump of logo: for my man. I've dropped the one you gov. mo." Motherâ€"" When how you dropped 15?” 8mg]! Boyâ€"“ In the notion." n. - Q mm to: am . gov 1m to: an . Oorpn ordered lo: unto. that In July. 1885. and hold' no Mail in Ontuio “yd Q up“ (9: 69!}. no not to ho Include d In The main“: unable! 0mm. non- oommi-Iouod (noon and men to uni" pox-to: drill V)“ In 90.265, ,, Tho pluc- aid dau- tor the uvonl onumpuunu will be notified box-utter. ' Oiuy corps (flmpun' null hunk-o! nlfllory. and lush computa- u halo" to and hon-noun o! lotus» ) nab pu- mmod to norm "valve y will drill a air loos! halal-nu...“ umu. prior no In Dmmhu. 1886, u It, In non nonunion. The eorpe eo eeleeled In eeeh of the die- Oriole, numbered 1, ll, 3. 4, 6. 6, 7, 8 end 9 (oxeludlngleolnted eompenlee ot lnlenlry end englneere end gueleon betteriee o! eulllery. but Including ell le beeueiee o! euillery no. otherwlee exec d). ere to be unaccounted lo: twelve eye‘ drill in 3 amp 0! exerolee. lneludlng lbe dey going eo_em_l the dey geturnlngleom oemp. The In Pcovllloml Band. n Guelph sud Wmnlpeg. Manual Ind Wood-took Field But-tin. no to drlll in «mp nut that local hudqnpngn. Solutions to h- and. from ma can. ol “:0 difiuont tum in each “out. I. on- portion .0 their lit-nun: inn town-do nah ofihu. Thou not drawn to: drill In! yo! to be first tnkon. [sol-ted rare] eompnniee of Infantry nnd engineers. of gerrieon betteriee of ereflwry eeleeeed tor nnnuel drill of 1886 87.11:“ be permitted to perform the enme It their reepenlive heedq nerterl on ehe “me eon- diLIone _ee npplxq _Io eipy _eorpe. mm». on 8mm!“ lulu! upcn I d Inna honu‘ good. u Bodun, ngldy. dob! 0! 07 II. Punch Rev. 8- Jo-u‘ Icccmrlduca. to- 'unnl man an pa. too low .ILII‘AI! (M .'.o a round 8. King. in St. 311‘ch “Mr" I" "5M1 NH train I I-nwlv mllv I1 fw- lm-m V0 A‘ic mimoJL'fimn-n.” y A SIMPLE FREE I “I'rL‘ r“: ‘Wnuh no {and Hum. lhmq Int ynuna man nnIly. Bowl I! ”an In “Ivan m rrml lo and roll“ an" ammm Don! «I .00 made on. Branch Oficé. 3715:1333me ms cocx's BEST FRIEND nigh! D U N N’S BAKING PCMMIER Preside!!! Olsvollud and his puny nriwd in Raw You n 1035015100! In! The 8p: nilh Minister of Main. II shout .0 nun-m lo the (Jones I. ache-o of oredi! o'. 845000.000 with whxoh to onlurgo tho navy. _.. Th0 m it Kw of “possum brida- poomu." ny- nn nob-nu. In «do: Oh» this item may bu inhl igeot how "Mon, no wilt oxplu‘n “In It an In“ tron III. cyclone dismal. GUNSIMPT It outlinl- nullâ€"Dr. Buge’l Unurh Remedy. [Ha reported than n tho inn-no. o Fumes the nllied Puwou have otdon their fleets Io um the bloolmlo “an Greece. There would be lower clouds ond brighter sunshine in many household: it every dxopirited noflerlrg woman reolizod what. boon Dr. Piano‘s " Favor“! Preacription’ is for I“ Weaknena and molodlon to which her we: is liable. No lady who aim! thin wonderful romody a trlolwlll be dis-p- pointod hy the result. It not only son promptly upon I" lunotlonol denoun- morm, but by in run nerviuo oud tonne proportion stungthonl and repair. tho [wholo hminiuo oynom. Pnoo rotlnood to 'czsdollor. By droughts. flolher’l sullen arr uu- Huang!“ 0! lion Greece has orrcnacd directly with Tm key for daurmamant wihhom havm recourcc to the Powers. The cgrcemcn chpulateu for the 'wikhdruwal of hot. srmioa from the frontier and. mumsl exchange of priaonera. Premier Tricoupm‘ will no. officially Inform the Powers of this unngemcm with Turkey, cud on reg-rd. ‘hc continuance of the blockade he now deolcrcu thin Ibo Powers can do whoever they conuder upedicm. Vilma Dump. when m. on and :3 lb. It“. bu bun . drum in I . U!” want.- Ibo fltuuh annual o! bu debut on “no ‘30"! o! m. a min. mouth. A Scotch loot»: mo, In. In» 159 gnu. 8b. in In. Mun Poplin 33 ‘3 Dalia». Grams-d." in s pnnd U “ Form ‘ be ’old in one C the hum of m m hemfii in her go; flowers. The cuuauugpuve rm \u necessarily go no tar tram home and (m to gel relief. For r! not in the In! at of the discus, DAR. Pieroe’r “ Gold Medical DIBOOVOXV" will restore to port health. For sururomo throat. bronchi and lung dines-ma in is I most ralisbld specific. By druggmn. DI. Davin will ruin from uh position 0! 0|th 0! 8t. Jomu' Gun-am. rowan. thou. the begin: w. 0! July. 80 will In conceded by I! J Jan Out». jnu.. nod It. W. I Balm: mu been. choir ulnar. ' The widow of Riel died be’ore he! lather. whr from Edmonton to 9' bed-dds. She wu ‘ hundin the 0: Boniface. ' I Mme. van-m. Mina Marion Baum. Mr. Urooly. flr. Buuuflou r‘uou and My. Butch I Guano In Ibo soloing who '1“ mp an In Mr. Muchum‘. new opal. p “Hun m Troubadour." to be [inn by Ibo Dalton Comptny m Dru, Lu:- l‘huuo. ondon. non month. A "1091‘ LIBERAL OFFER! ‘Tn Venue Burr Co. Mar-ball Mich, 036? to and their Oelobnud V .10 Burn And Boonie Appliances on I by dsya' kill to my mun .mmd with Nervou- Dability.LosI at mew. Manhood, etc. Illunntod pamphlet in ae-led envelope with tall puoionlun, nailed hoe. Wme them u once. ‘ A no. form of double bunooa bu bun portuud b Ben Adolf Buncnlioh. 0! Dru-don. w o bu ouooudod in «min: oh. imuuuuuuflcouvely down 308 an c! It. 82 tool on." The double Moon. mum-d than 1020 by Hm. Bandit“. In and.“ my abs: 3: ~ and [upon- â€"-A- no... loam 3.. ".01!" You! Quinn! Kwnvhm“: E k yvrim. Inn "In“. 44.» I1. almond I Oopiul bu'luquo. oulthd ‘0 Through In. ad Finn." Much the will an: In nut log-on. II connin- until new loan: by Mr. R morlold. who In tho manor 0! “ Climbing up we ledau’xmr ' sad “ Hull. Limo Busby. Um‘l You Cry. Min Foamqno. the Er‘gluh um... ml luvs England In Sanctum-r. toopox. at I]: Lyceum Then" in Now Yuri on 039.189]: W. 8. Gilbert in wrmnu I. new phy to: - America: union. She bl! ”'3’! be. t-voriu will: both Gabon nud Bulliv The hm: engaged nor for “ Iolumbo " g the former IIOIO the drawn ol “ Gumbo capeoinfly for bu. ‘ ' ' AI we epproeobed the mounteineé we eetuelly eew ehout 150 milee o! oontin- . none enameled hille, which, rising etreight 1 out of the prairie. eon-mute e eight whet n = elmoet. if not qulte unique. There in only 3 one perellel to It. namely. the approach to ' the Oeueeene from the eteppee at Bunnie; ‘ end even thie ie not eo fine. us there in first I reuse (mow hille. then another It little higher, and ageinrahove ell the summit: n! the enow-oled peake of Oeuoesue â€"â€"8:‘r R. Temple : Cosmopolitan Buoys. The Ipprouh to flu Booby Monum- trom rho prnirio in. porbupn. the met rem-risk]. in the world. I do no! wiuh r~ gm onggornad ids-r ' ' ' The) no unruly more than a. third to high so the Bimtluyb. Nevertheless, the upprosoh Io Ihem lrom the pruirio in uuly wouderr tnl; for may use is mums of rock fish; out o} “no pnirie. During Ibo greater part; o! m you they are covered ui h Iuow.‘ I'lotldl, VHF“ lllfllu‘n. 'l‘ho ISM-In Mount-Inn. Cub-l In... “mm; V

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