Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 9 Jun 1886, p. 1

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A ‘Mross Subscribe $Loo per Year. FARMERSVILLE 8. MALLDRYTO‘NN Next door to the Grealihrgain ”01158. I" III mvrsville. Reporter, ONTRACTS lztkun for inside and out- hMe wmk :ll Must-st prices. Resi- dmusv uuxl to Berna-fa Lineiy, Main 5L. Farumrsville. ‘ UTEST AND MUST FASHION- BLE STYLES. “BE S S 82' ’MAN TLE Snll'citfid. “(NYSE PAINTER & GRAINER, r t .eiegrap‘h I-‘AIIMERSVILLE. HIS fine new hruk hotel has been aleuaully turnishml throughout an the latest styles» law r} utteutinl paid to flue wants u: 'ruests. Hood yalds and stabb- mu. Munrial antic-w; in Inca! cn‘luum. five centl |w-rliuclurnre‘! iuwrllun nuul thru- u-utn not In» fur em-h mime-guru! inst-rtiuu. Tunisian. ulna-um» mu». a cum; lmr line for mu fluor- unu; «w uubwquem mum-Hon. 2 can“ per line. (‘untnoyt Idvvrtm-nwuu lnwru-cl a! reâ€" duuell ruwu. Advortiwlm-nu mmcuum )Mllicd pywrnwn nmlruufluus Will be Inserted I ll tur~ The Ha rter Jnh mum in fully . utpped with the 133:“ styles”! type and profit an Wuvury facility 101' turning out first- clenru'wrk ' ,- ‘ BE’I‘HIIEL LOVEMN. l'umislwr and inriewr. b ' written nmlruuuuns will be inserted t h d and churucd accordingly. 3‘.A\ 1E", MERSWIIBEE Sum-Hy In Mum-c. um pvt mama. or “.50 I! nut pant within an: mouths. K0 paws dimmulmucd uutu an arm»: I!“ pmd. \Nh EVERY WEDIESDAY IOIIIIG. Kalsomlnrr, Paper "anger and Glazier. ’I‘IH'} lflll’UR'l‘Eli IHCVOTICD TO THE 1N 'l'l‘llilflS'l'S ()F‘ WCIIIM “II". IAIIIIIVILLI. tage Line The Gamble House, (HL'I‘ YUI'I: FRIENDS m m LIKEWISE. ifl'l l. HUIBAIOOM, PRDP'I. BIA K ll\"(-‘r. Ho pus! mru'a; Furmi'rswllc, u.m., arriving an f‘Jn'Hnry- .vnnnc-cl with (i. 'l‘. R. a'\~ wait. Rum: lli'lif. luavva . fil‘r‘n'rn! of 1m; 9mm west, nwrwilh- nimm' p.111. . wan arrival Hf \Vt‘sllmn_smg.. (morn, if untifimi in limu by man! MISS S. BYERS, B. LOVERIN. FR ED. 1’! HRC‘ E, Proprietor. Wm. Webster, NOW ADVIRI‘IIXNO. AT '1‘}! H OFFICE, l.» I’I'BIJSIIED MAIL JOB W0". THE \lll is 12 4h C 'l‘ l I“ . If} ‘ii I LAl'REM‘E'S .AI Sl‘. I have tho largmt variâ€" my 0! Styflsh Luna to work on. BEPAI $1 I km-p the Inrm'sv us- snr mum at the I. mm at) I«- '5 at khm' u pm, In .‘wlmt 1mm. fifl Al’ 5!“. I um nmko Hm xwmcsl 7 and strongest Imut in II‘m‘uu-ra- Wutfilws, Clocks, and J(\\\’u"0l‘\'. In the Best Possitle Manner and on Reasonable Terms. TIME IS MONEY FRED. GLOW. FARMERSVILLE, ‘ Farmvrs. 0.1!; and z"! .1 pair of hand-- made Kip‘lhwts, and keep your {(901 dry. Repairing :utundml to promptly. Prices away down, tu ml Hue hard “mos. My reputation as a first-class workman is now so well es- tablished in thiLfgmou that if is. - not néé'essary‘that I snould take up space in rec- ommending my work to the ' public. BOOTW‘SHOES. All “'ork \Varruntod. S l "'1 T8 .71.»! [)1] ('1’ I .V‘ TIIE Lu! '1‘ EST S T I 'L IS .1 ’1‘ S" 0" T J‘O TI CE. A. M. uHfiSS r! U! TH‘E um RELIABLE Tailoring House We rall attention to our complete and attyactivo stock of Whips, Curry Combs, llrnshus, Lap Robes, Home Nets, Trotting; Hum: fixtures, Bandages, Shin Bouts, Qunrn-i ltoots,utc., and respecttullv re- quest all who require goods in our lime in inspect our stock betme purchasing. The ”O't'ti Exculsinr Uil, $| par gallon. Ru- puiring cat-chilly nth-inlet! to. Our Collars are made in our own shop by competent workmen. and are the best in every respect. Our Slack ol' Leulhn‘ ha; been Selttlul with flu Greatest (art, and all our work (a From firsbclau stuck. Wu cut gin: ui good set of name‘s for $12.00. I New Harness Shop. E take this opportunity of letting om “It. ('Ilsinlnuru "I“. frhun... L’nnlu " old cuntou'lérs uud' friends Enorv we amalill doing business, and [hug we haw a large stock on hand of both mngle and double harness, which we guarantee to be all -; SUB/1 3 FA RMERSYILLE. A. E. WILTSB 8c 00., Parmersvine. AM kepamd )9 give _lh‘e most stylish. Hence the Importance of a well Regulated TimesPioco. GUARANTEED FIRST - CLASS. V 7. r « v * =1 the 'lgcfdurabkr. all Soh' .\ mu in Fatmunvilk VOL. II. N0. 25. IIICI’1\IIRIN(5 IIANI) NIAJ)1£ :10 announce Um ! pro-pared than R e! um.“ m IT AND MADE \Tlle DIAXIN S713, (3'. BARNETT, HI’I'IC'I‘A(YI,.I‘IS. Opposite the Gamble "Gum '\ Full Line AND COUNTY OF LEEDS ADVERTISER; GVJXIQAiTTITZD FOR A c. BARNE'] T, 0|" (‘FLEDHATED la NJUK he best “Him: N or CUIHNT)’. A In” mile and mm-v thornml wound through hi9: lnwlv‘s fi-rtilv nvrcs‘ for Dmmn (‘hultr'r wag \xitlml a Inrnwr. Farming. mdmul. mu hisfi «thief \‘uvn Hun, may lv-ulinq helm: arm‘s-m) \'q-n- mn- gum-nu: mm m! Hundry rxlumivo uxrvrlmrnlu m the um M Imlched shm as: \ hrhluzvr. ll w at one of use tunv ml mornings in r-mlv June u n all nntmv inim in n v Ind doxol- J vcrpflnmo “mp Inc and mo irruuliatml by [hr lwnigmnt mm. :Irwy Vancv‘i fiInd) wvnkvllml ore was tun mm-h glare. tun utter. H" I‘M I.» limv m . Fifteen minutes late? the worthy deacon was extending his uohinglongth upon the sittingquom lounge, and gazing through the open window nfler his youthful proxy, who, duly initia~ Led into the mysteries of the calling, was driving away in the bigghluc cart. Behind bounced and cranked an empty ash-bin, llankyd by UV" covered bur- rols‘ol' map; hm the swinging seat was clean and comfortable, command ms: a flu. \ low of iho surrounding “ Well. if I do say it. yuu‘vc got the Vance common some. Some young man u} your bringing up Would be :mlmnu-d to drive a rump vart.” “log, in your tine clothes! I would smilc,‘ mumbled Mm. Chuttor, th the stopper of the camphor but tie between he: teeth. “ Why can't my uncle’s mantle mu upon me, Auntie? l was intuudin‘: Lu borrow the frock." “ 011,1 wouldn’t. worry about. my rounds. uncle. .Wlmt's the hurry ?" “ My customers eXpect me to-day, that’s the point. I hate masterly to lneuk my word. Now there’s the widow Cleaves waiting for me to take her ashes, so she can scrub after me with the boiling suds, and up at Ken- dall’s they’re clean out 9f soap." _ “ And 'not clean without it, oh ?" laughed the young man. “ See here, uncle 7 since you are going to feel 'un- may about disappointing the people, why not send me in your gtead I?" The deacon‘ a attempted locomotion ncaulted In a groan. “ I must have sprained my ankle, Haney If I’ d ostlmned this tub am e until after 13) been my rounds, ’twould have been better calculation." The owner If the vBicc, a. fine-look- ing youth of one-und-twenty, was al- ruudy groping his way among the debug, his aunt in the rear with the camphor. “ 1 can tell you what‘s down," was the grim reapousc. , “ Come and brace mgnfvhilc l try;t0_stop._” And picking up his buCket. the moderate deacon marched off for a second supply of soup. But. thou h the little incident had failed to ulna 0. his nerves it did make him oblivious of his wifnk wash tub poised on the land- ing of the dim stairway,and as a natu- ral consequence he pm. his l'ootjn it. The tub rolled; «by doqu swayed like 14 pestle in a mortar ; there was a lively succession of bumps, followed by n clutter and a thud, and deacon, tub and bucket strewed the collar floor. “ Adah and Abihn l" ejaculated the fallen saint, with sinful energ . “ What's up, uncle '3" criogau anx- ious voice overhead. 9:. ‘ Scam. of nine, and (1:0 washing all done," mused thrifty MN. Chutter, as she scrubbed the porch Deacon, 1' ll get you to set the bin tub down cell u' if you will " “ Ccrtafin, wife." responded the (You own, from his can jg tlicruuor-ynrd. Sonico in the Bap Us! (‘hurch verh Sabbath mornlnl at 1] June mu. BeV. & lchu'ds lupflu. Sandal! serrices at 7 (May sum. June fitfl and J uly 25: mn tu-d.) Pragm- und praise Mn: every \mesduy even! a an. 7. All welcome. Rev. 3. Sheldon. pastur. Church of Inglaud. (:nmsr‘a Cnuuuu. «Rev. B. N. J ones. inc-nut bent. Service the» second and fourth Sulxduys in the month, at In.” mm. Holy Communion unenmoruiux rayur. Service every Suudny mulling at 7. uuduy School at 3.3) p.111. Sat» vice every Thursday at 7.3) p.111. Beau all use. 3:15 ”34:3,. xunduy; @Ee' 13th} 33665-7; Ziié'n'ii um eamm 'béiéifi’ic. p 8mm 33 1 film and Townua'nt 3.15 um. um: Sunday. h. sud every anemia: Snb th thvrmtwr. .otholllto l‘armonvlllo Circuit. Rev. 0. Recon. tor. FAuu-uVILLI.»â€"Subbnh undue. I the Small: church at 10.30 . 111. Ind 1 p. In. Public [In 131' "mating Thu uvenl 2 II. 1.3).. In fhe Iorth_(’hurch._und A pan: eoplv's moot..- Int Shut-thy eveniihgnai 1‘1); - V V "" ' _---. .. “AK! LQYAIQA an] n.9,. auQSuuumn's n WASHIURNI'S 3nd RAID luau) autumnal: Friday evenings at HI). Love in Ashes. 03330! $320103! Elle flepurter Presbyterian. Farmersville, Wednesday. June 9th, 1886. " And with all mamma's shawls and pillows, the plineton in hardly wide enough fur thum,"mliquiscd the young Indy, and thereupon otfcrod to drch the Soup waggon, " unless." she added, with a glance towaflr Harvey, “ you're afraid in mud me with your homo." “Norin the lean. He's far from Tm being : fleryVBnccc-phalm." ' haw c Struck with the im-ongrnily of the ”"l‘°"' Many times wne'thia farce repeated, am! in the meantime the sky had be. comc overcast, with thunder muttering in tho distance. “ My mother has been yoxy ill. It she is caught in the sham-r she may ’31. her death," cried Miss Lil. in dis- truss. " Oh, what shall we do ?" At this point Harvey suggested that he might drive the pony to their dos- linatiun, and nfterwnda return for his cum riu. “0h! daughter, daughter, he is hulking 3g '1: i" cried the older lad , who appcn d to be an invalid. "if there‘s anything I'm afraid oi ‘tis a baulking horse." “ Allow me, mudam," said Harvey, again advancing, and inducing the pony to start, only to bulk agsin as soon as he was lcft.to the ladies. chanically raised his hutâ€"«the defloon'a hat, alas! ydlow and frayed by farm service. The touch sent. flying the]; ashes upon fits brim, giving outpaced-I In lcai'ing {he ladies Harvey me -' I kw: hei‘o the offecbwm‘ b‘c'ing éau ht avmy in u ”299d: A little plinfled, ut “ A prlztty girlmstylish too, but abomhmbly patronizing." thought. the young Sophomore, stalking resentlful- ly at the pony's head. ' “ Then-é, now your cart is behind us we shall have no further trouble. I am sorry to lnve detained you, sir.‘ Infinitely obliged," “Thank you, sirâ€"â€"thank you very mucjn," said the girlish driver, the color rushing to her face. “ Now, if you will be kind enough to lead our pony past your cart we shall be yet more «)bligcd." “ A hrnOOIv n:-l G‘II‘:1‘L On». 1m.-. ‘ I hope he isn 't a travelling mani- ac, mammu. ” ' Meanwhile the younger lady in the carriage was merrily commenting on the quasi soap-man's a«_-tive figure, comspicuously and amply clad in the (leacon's canvas frock and overalls. are HOIGG of his boarders, I suppose-â€" Tom Cavender'a mother and sisterqu aught Iknow. I have heard they were staying at the Eyrie. - Eoodness ! Would‘t it, be ajuke if I should {all in With them to-day !" 7 “That looks like Kendall’s team that gave auntie such a panic this mo :ning,“ phppnght he, “ Those ladies Facing about. to wedgc'in position an empty soup-barrel, he observed two ladies driving up the hill in a. basket phaeton. . “Three miles, and not a neighbor between here and there. I couldn’t blame the widow if she wanted to change her situation," mused the den- con ‘s deputy, scanning the western horizon.“ Shouldn' t c,wourler it that cloud yonder meant business. I thought the sun was too bricrht this morning. Well, a little hirh toned thunder will drouu this eveilustinrr lackct.’ “ You'll fifid it along throat milch," had been Mrs. Cleave'l parting rc- mark. “ mluvnn mung nail nnl- n na§.-l.l.,... Obediont to his uncle's instructions, at her Cottage the oung man took a cross-road to Ken all’s, a summer ho- lci,"1_mniharly called "‘ The Eyrie." To have seen the ca able air with which he measured axles, giving in ’exohange money or gallons of «up, 1meteor-(ling to the customer's desire, one would have prOuouuced him bred to the soap business. Sim-e his month’s rusticetion at his aunt Uhutter'a he had made the acquaintance of "lost of the farmers alnug the river, and these expreeeed their‘gratification at: meeting “a judge's son as wasn‘t! :ut'rand to work," but outside the parish t (units his triumphal max-eh terminated ‘ wd he was a stranger in a. strange land. One man asked if he had bought mu the deacon; u second hoped . he wusNt pro min tu run an opposi- tionteum; an the eye! widow Cleaves could hardly be persuaded to surren- der her ashes, because. lbrsooth, she preferred to trade with the Deacon. And here. to the infinite surprise of staid Dobbin, his new master Broke into a rollicking class songâ€"a. song abrupt! ended as a turn an the road reveal a near farm house, “ Who cares if the; do mks me look llke a frog ?" mused he, as be id- jawed them made his aristocntlo nose. Thanks to them and to chum, re of tinmy poor optics ate undoubtedly improving. I Illall be back to collage by fall. 11:! 119.! If the fellows could only see me now !" putting on his b_lpe gogglpu. m. ' ”13'" “P“ A Lumbmn County Scan Act Convomion u. hardly wade mll be: held at Swain thin not, to con- umcd the young aidor mensmen to secure Ihc enfotccmcht lured to drin ot the Act. ass." She added.’ LcmmV temperance workers have or- ,Itwy, " you to, ganizcd nn ”minim: in aid in til: en- ‘our horse." tntcomem ol the Soon Act. e'n fir from Two I’Mo-Itmo’ County hon! keepers ms," , haw- mm to ”price fajiing to pay fines Brockville buninosn men say that flwy have never seen business butter for the pan twenty yum. The Owario Count Council has deculed byavom nf l7 '0' 1-. to recommend the apnomtment of l police mngiatmo for | North Ontario. A‘ Woodstock hotel nsm betransforan into an organ lactory. Middlemx County Counci’ has refused to agree to the appointment of a police mmmtmte to enfnrno the Scott Am. ! Oh, it’s all right. You’re all right, I mean; but I think 'l‘om might have told‘ me." “ Told you what ?” " About this other fellow.’ “ There isn‘t much t tell,"said Misc; Lila. deinu'rely. “ IIe msn‘t yet come torwanl." Harvey drew on his glove with a mystified air. “ But I am look- ing for him my day now ; the Eyrie is nearly out of soup." “ You bewitching little tease 2" Miss Liln's cheek'a were eddying with dimples deep enough tu drown a man’s heart. l’erbitps they made Hervey's head swim. I cen't any. I only know that he laid hold of the young lady's hands at that moment in‘ the most giddy iambic", Ind she seem ‘ ed tn he quit:- willing to lethimatendy l himself in this manner. “ I met him first, you' know,” said Miss Lila, “ and I am under great 0!). liggpiom to him." “ Oh, if you care for somebody else, why, thenâ€"w!) in that case-" liar~ vey found the English tongue terribly intricate, and rose with precipitation, Absurd ? He would really like to know what she meant. Oh, they were both so young. Harvey looked hurt and nuimnted that he, at least, was nearing llu- down hill of life. And hedidn’t know her well enough. The youth eagerly protested that he knew her well enough to love her. “Besides, I’m not sure hat 1 like anothgr young man better.” He went further yet that evening, even to the length of proposing to Miss Lila. The little coquette only laughed, and bade him not to be absurd. Harvey called again and again, and iudeed his visits became so froquont. thqt his aunt taunted him with being very far gone. . The next. cveu'ing, faultlessly attir- cd, and minus spectacles, he presented himself at the Eyrio, and was cor- dially welcomal by boa Mrs. Caven- der and her daughter. Convinced that. he was not racognized as the ’squire of the soap cart, he saw no necessity for proglaiming himself such. “ My mother and sister have perched at the Eyric," it run. If you are anywhere near their sccludca nest do peep in upon them. They‘ll be charmed to make yqur acquaintance.” .. I believe 1’11 {aka an} mm» chief to Miss Cavendcr tomorrow," n-etflflrked Harvey to his aunt. Standing helical“) the dripping eaves, he assisted the moist young. lady, to slight. “I auxâ€"we are deeply in- debted to you," she stnnuuored blush- ing] . “My mother-«J “{ias taken no cold, I trust," said he, loltily. “ Good afternoon", In putting the cart. to riwé'ts that owning Harwy ,disy A. a“ grimy Object caught betwe mu seat and the ush-bin. It. proved to be u lady’s pocket-handkerchief, bearing in one corner the name “Lila Cavendor.” IIe handed it to his aunt. for bleaching purposes, and received in return a let~ tor from his old college chum. Tum. “Tho dickens she will!" thought the deac‘ou'iiudigpapt substitute. “ You have dime us ngreat servide sir. My daughter will see that you. are recompeuued for your time and trouble." IIe rushed out with an ope; Ium- brolla to escort Mrs. Cawnder to the house. In mounting the stops she turpgf! t0 _Heu-vey. “Is that Miss Lila in the cart. ?” oxclaimed another. “ She's a Hit] of ;ne_t._tlc. lIa, here comes the min. "' cried one “ Where did she 5pics}: up that fantastic drive: 1’" Obedieut to the young mum‘s will, that unaccountable pony darted away on the wing; of the wind, followed closely by old Dobbin. In this style the Eyrie woe soon in View. On sped the pony; on lumbered old Doh- bin ; on swooped the storm-cloud. A dozen guests crowded out upon the piazza to witness the exciting race. “ ‘Hnur min:bn “â€"- 11......» I-.. I_- I-” n To aid the young Indy in mounting to the high can of the can. Harvey extended a hand lhn acceding smut. tinesa of which was intensified by a. soul ring tbs: glittorod upon the little finger. Who was this anomalous being who sported costly ornaments, quoted from t“ classics and drove a soap can ? temaxk Rom Inch 3 source, Miss Lil. 10:19; all c_on_trql of her dimples. SCOTT ACT NOTES. mm or the Scou 'Aét . A V!!! fishy story comm fmm Ottawa, 0! 30,005 sum! of a ma havmg bum «em 10 Ulam from Canada. The Umma Fr" Press nntes t "In! on the Wednesdav 0! the hm ‘ A Micha- an post ofhcv has burn named Mikado. 'um»\'um and Mush-Pm are names of post offices in Tmmeswe. A! F n Macleqd, N. “'. T.,nn Sunday. May , Hm thormmneh-r reached nim-ty in the shade. ' "wing the 933‘ work more wmv 160 business lgilurea in the United Slates and 27 in Canada. ‘ The C. P. R. flaming» fat the Week swim "at May are 8171,“)0; the “me week “you, $214,000. ' Dr. Jones, of Hagnrnwllc, pfimnms «he ten-uni of m- lmlmns of the 6mm! Rm” Reserve: to the North am; at. Ottawa Y. M. C. A. ptopongp toms-ma new building to cost $16,000. There is a mospect of an abundant hay crop in Waterloo (:Ounty. Owing to the LII-ought, water is svlling at 50 cents a gallon at Gulnautuu, Tums. It is reported that "Mmlngnwcm has ru- fuled to abide by thv trmly wnth l"n~nce. The illusion in tlw Imperial Parliament on thv Bumwllulo' Hill Was further 1)»!- pom-d l0 Mumiav. and July One inning of a recent game of baseball in Atlanta, 011., presumed a curious situation. Atlanta had three men to bat. Each one of them was given his base on balls, and each was put out. while stealing bfuwh~There was nota hall struck in the Inning, and yet chx-y base was filled and no run was scored. ‘ Mrs. Hirlemnnn, a lady who arrived at San Jose with three children, a few days ago, from Hamburg to join her husband, relates that a ahort distanfc west of Lincoln, Nebraska, one of her little ones fell from a car window. It was some time before the conductor was loan and the train stopped, but when some parties. returned with the mother to the scene of the accident, instead ol‘a mangled child they found the little fellow playing with pebbles alongside the track. ~ A. Pecullar Iltuaflon. Ungccongtgblo lscapa. The doctrine of the survival of the fittest seems to be cmumplificd in the case of the skating rinks. Many of these buildings have been Jllllllcdg for the meetin s of the SaleLion Army, and now 1 c lumber from the rink in Vassalboro', Maine, is to be worked into the new church. Verily it. is hard to telll’rom the beginning of a matter what will be the end thereof. A mound'hasjust been opened on the Souris River which contained seven skeletons in a goodly state of preservation. An excavation had been made about a. foot and half deep, and the bodies placed in it in a sitting po- sition close tagethor. Timbers had been placed above covered with bark, and a circular mound built over the whole, to a height of seven feet. There were found with the skeletons two cups made of pottery, five pipes of fine, red stone, tWU bone whistles, and several articles the purpose of which could not be determined. lkgting Rinks lvoluted. Pour Fleur, Azania. Key 22.â€" The people of this are l ‘ excitOd over 3 beer out whie ‘ K plaeeJiere yesterdsy, It seems that some beers have repeatedly shown tliemsdves of late, and the seemed in no way timid or sh . ‘estenlsy morning they sttemp to cap-y of! s couple of pigs ,belonging to Alfred Kemp. who lives with his son Johnny about two miles east of Port. Finley. The old gentlemen is rather hard of hearing, but Johnny was immediately awakened by the squealing of the pigs. lIe leaped out of bed, lutd his trousers end boots on, and was on to the pen in a minute. He new but one beer, which run to the bush, so he thought he had saved the igs; but on looking into the pen he iscovered ‘ that another of the bears had decamp- 1 ed with a pig. Running into the} house, lu- shook his father u), told< him what had happened, and be e him 1 go and get helplrom the neighbors while he l'ollowed the bears. In about three hours and it half the father rc- lturned with seven men, some with guns and others with axes, It took them some time to follow the trail. but in half an hour they came up with the lad. He was standing on a ledge of rock aiming blows at the infuriated beasts, which were showing their bare, glistening teeth, and uttering horrible howls mingled with low whines. which told the pain they were eull'ering from the gashes from Johnny's trusty little axe. The E'Wlllllg party immediately despatched the hears, and“ the brave lad fell fainting on their dead b0dies.‘ Johnny was greatly exhausted. lmt the men beliGVe lxe' would have con- quered the bears. The smaller beur had its eyes completely destroyed. The young hero has not lived in this! country long, but he will make it good pioneer. w An Indian Grave. Thvn A grave funding loy- Guaranteed Circulation, 500. GURIOUS All) SENSITIOIIL. GENERAL NEWS. - an post ofhcv has burn named 'um~Yum and Mush-Pm are ”'1 'H 'fibcral Convcn‘ llu: 30th 0! June am (act week of A.; Luther Iloughton, Supernmnerary. llrocliville. ( rgo St.) 1%. Wilson. l’rescoth. Geo. cllilchio; 8. Night, Superzunmted. 1011. James Richardson. e Mallorytown. D. . C. Sanderson. II. II. Coates. ll. A. ' Lansdowne, ° W. Rilzmce. Furrmrsvillo. George lagers. Addison, Wm . ‘florvion. Mailtand. 15.5. Slioroy. . North Augusta. F. Cliialirr . ‘ Augusta, S. (l. l’hip, M.A., H. An- rews, Suparmmnted. (Stmlliroy I‘. 0. Bishop’s Mills, E. H. Taylor. Oxford Mills, A. (i. Robertson Spencenillc, Wm. Raney. . Kemptville, Jag. Awdo. B. A.; ll. Shaler, S; mun-Mod} anhu'l e 6; Toledo. L. Conley. Delta. W. Borne“. Elgin. Thou. McAmrnondzoN. ll. Hound. Supermnuud. ' Tliouund Islands. Alex. Show-ta. Joseph A. Mann]. recommend“! I.» go to Comm. Chairman, (3‘ Meliwliio. Preston Following 13 the final draft. of 31:1 tions of the 1111111510111 in the Brockxille histr ict. for the ensuing your: - 1'01 kullg! (Wall at. ) Jas. Allen, M. Mr. J usticc Taauhereuu has render. ed a most im mmmt judgment in the case of the ichclirn & Ontario Navi- gation Co. v. the Hawaii: Insurance 00., of Brooklyn, N. Y. This was an action to recover tbr damages to the Spartan, insured with the company, and which wan wrecked in the upper lakes in 1884. The insuranc‘ conâ€" tract was signed in Buffalo, and the. Company pleaded in consequence that the Dlaintitl‘ had no right of‘ nation beret The. Court maintained this plea, and held that after sections 10 and 11 01' the Insurance Act, there was no oldi- gation on the part of the defendant to answer an action taken in Canada on account of a contract signed in tin United States. The learned judge remarked that those doing busincm-l with United States insurance. leh panic-s should see that thoir contracts are dated from such a place as will cu- titlu them. to huvn recourm in law. A. E Donovan to Ella B.,only daugh- ter of 1). Fisher, Esq. The Rev. Geo. Rogers ofliciated. After partaking of a. collation with the guests. the happy couple left on a short trip to the west. The Rnpou'm-m joins with the many friends of the young couple in wishing them long life and a. prosperous career. “ Elmwooa " to witness the solemniz- atio_1_1 of the marriage contract between At 10 mm. on Tuesday last a smaii and select party, consisting of the im~ mediate triendsand relatives of the contracting parties, assembled at 0n tlu: passenger list of a stuumm which arrived in New York on the ‘tth inst. was the. name of R. Tichbnrne. Th» person is no other than the malt-styled Sir Roger Tichborne, alias Orton, wlmm famous trial in London was followed by conviction and u long term of penal servi- tude. He was accompanied by a nutty, lady, and intends to lecture in tlitl'm'vnt parts at the United States. The Stratford Assembly of the Knight.» of Labor has wanted a resolution deuoune~ ing the Hun. hank Smith’s statement that members of the Order are a“ lot at thieves,” and demanding t‘mm him or the Government a retraction or an apntngy. President Cleveland’s first child will be named Folsom Grover Cle‘Veluud. It may be a lrille early 0 give this inlonnaliou, but We’ll be ha ged if wa :u-e goingr ln lm 60041138de the New York wporluis 0.: everything pertaining to 11m presidential wedding. Mr. James Reynolds, barrister; Brock- ville, has been appointed Junior Judge ol Leeds and Grenville, and the same ind:â€" vidual has men appointed a local judgu of the High Court of Justice tor Ontatio. Mus. John A. Sherman, of Watct‘lown, N. Y., has presented the city with a foun- taiu. If wnll be surmounted with a life- 527.91,! bust nf nlmlam John. A. Sherman. aml‘upou the pages of a sculptured book will apyear the wares “ Temperance Pledge.’ The Italians who for the: past mumh have been lying around Brockviln'u, .m: jubilant over the ulea that work on tho 1%., W. 81. S. S. M. R. wnll soon be started. The Bill for closing ublic lmusen in England, except ,1“ Lom on, on Sundays, has passed through committee. The Quebec Government has propmnnled a. railway aid ‘home almout identical with that of th iniun Government. Emigration agents report that the immi- gration intu Manitoba this year has been seven or eight times greater than tor the last two at three years. In St. Lawmnce County tlw Potsdam Fair is to be held Semi-miter 21st, ‘3‘an and 23rd. Then follow» Malone- Fair, on the 281h,;29th and 3011). The Canadian contingent for Wimblu- don wall sail on the 27th incl. thirty-three million dqllari uf the people" a money nwuy m ninety minutes. If we attend church- they say it eflbct. If we insert an article whwh pleased the ladies- tbo man become jealous, and Vice '0'”. If we don’t- all hum]: say we ate a great hog. If we give a complimentary uoflcu- we are ccusumd for hem; partial. If we gjve'wleclims- [mmln'uy we an: lazy [or not uniting more. 'II we publish telegraphic uports- folks say they am ttuthin' but It... If we omit thetu- we hath! no antec- ptiu u: suppwu them tor political “feet. If we have a tow joku- (01h any vet are nothing but rattlehoada. If we omit 'oken- folks my we an: Inh- ing but font a. If we habitat: otigiual matter. tthy lind {ault win us .19! not giving teleguom. Editing a «wwapapec in a plcamm bus-- amuâ€" N ya: lit. il. It at comm: much pennies! mun-um implv Won't have it. If the l pa u Inge-u don‘t contain much tea mg nutter. An Impoxftant Decision. lothodlst’ Church. Rim-w fdbnhtlon: Donovanâ€"Fisher. Is for

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