Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 30 May 1885, p. 7

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’1‘” E w E 14) KS N EWS “'okuluy has arrived at Cajun Cholera. has ruaplwmu‘l in Fm l‘lx-Svcretary I’m-liuglmysuu in Thu Huuw u! Lorda hum puts Registration Hills. A dihwmpfl' has hum raging burst-fl at, Hurrrumn. Mr. Wm. .1 recently lust. n hm'sc valuwlut ‘3: was (lcdit atom, l’. (i. BL, u! “(-Hcrvfllu. common-u tho ccreuumy. ’ Baum claims that Mnrnwlmk' m in the I’cujdl lx \listlii n. Harris. Hunt. uf )Zurch trashy, who has [wen u. cmme smart-Mar against the license luws.‘iu again in tin:- toils. Hu will spend L’l days in jail. A yearling Cult lusluugmg to Mr. Aux-rt Ferguwu. of “autumn. had It fiitch lurk run iubu its funbthnut)u~1‘ day. which mmibml in its death. 4 Thu nhnrch “unlum ni' Portland have muuhumd a \. rs tiuv mu m hum Ml. S. 1m 11 tint printing fifth htn'l‘t‘) lulled. lvttvr 1‘ m Mr, X0111! shil- u in tha‘ pvn‘lu-I'Ls 01‘ Juurtm :30 311! 1' and w: lll t1]: L The Arctit Halifax for bring: honw your at the llmlmm Etna: wry 1:301 tdking lucbcuruL flu ulevrvationsfi 0 4 men who “‘1“ mum V t‘u l”. 211mm: mm T he 11 1H ttm 1 .\ B nwulvm 1;! (".1 SIM mlrr um HM I] I‘I lUl 1)l|)! 1('\|. Us ‘uLH H L Hr:- nn 1! g «Mahlir-zh il'ls and \un HM m ll)x IUY| Ill m turiuus Hum 'Ll uu NIH] ml ntn (H 51111114 HI Shh to flu I I Hm tht UH Illx lu- li “1m sin-ML [mat mm! Mung tho short- uf ('s{.1‘:fli,~dmi‘hy thv' Dun:- u-nt fur tho purpose nl‘ '.u;_;ic¢l and other scivnti‘ <. amd r-.-plm:v tlwm with I rmnain thm'c another SUN hall in Nurth Aug H [L'l'lt in HUT-N; will, nt in (‘im'uumll I juxupml frnm the lv\\:t'lk. Fiw: “m- Say In m H: Um:- tons. in jail. luumng tn Mr. Burt-mum. had It THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Hi nl ”it ul u-Lurm Nlir-xtl n Sulhmns 1:».th l H 5- oml UI‘HH \\' L Il't h'mn Jul Il't Hm 1H In HI Lu H. ' Anotlwr Italian uxpmlitiuu t4) tho Bod Sea is being pruwrufl. “hunk-m in mud to he on the inert-mu.- iu Mouth-u! «Eixtrict. 'l‘lw dincm'ory of new oil fields in Pmmsylvnnin in rupuru'd. . 'l'lw Italian gurx'izauu at Mussmvuh in surmumlul In .‘ii‘u‘nsiniflllh‘. 'l‘lu- trilcr of at New York bank has dimmwau'ml hm hm; stulvu $333.90“. On Monday ilfbmm pz-titious “are prmmtud m the Hourw of Uunmunm [rum lh‘uclwillc and Lucas, containing an. Ian-go number of siguuturcu, against the fuuwhiut: bill. V ' U: Dr. J. '1‘. Nam-H and J. ILBrittun, of ()gdt-jmlun‘g. :41)me 'l‘hursdny and Fri- day uf lust, mmk trout-flulfing at “(NU-Al Lalw, :leut six-ccvu miles south of ’l'ztlumr. In two (law they secured 150 1m K0, 'l'nlum fish. lilnd. grnyh ufiiuc M .11 who wish to comm with Pruscut‘.’ m: UL “ithuut thrir mm pl 1H hm: Lu th- :‘U‘uuglmhl (J rrlitim; thitlwn’ nith At‘uhm army. ‘ Mnutu All “M “In: ; .uuhv -\\ .~. (‘ hm h, u pruhnhlu that hv may Th;- \\iH «if .lnlm Fn'lllmvr, who xliwl mytlm sum-L in '!‘uruutu several days itgn. prmul in the Surrogate ('ourt rm] mu! pvrsunnl («sums valued at. about MUOJKK), which Faulkner xmulc by pcd‘ (lliug in Yurk and Pool counties. mm‘h ' ‘l‘hwl m “supp. .: mmmm ‘nmutu lun'lm in [In h [ML-11‘s “f In rmml. l‘ll :1. Hum: has on (my \"urk 'l‘mu [ll ham lam-u Mr. McKay. ul‘ i".(linhurg} assistant tn H w. Mr. inn: .1! “id lu- giun u. call u s (‘ hm h, m Mum-tun. tt in rl \xhz . W. HI! llll ul H l\ urns says mlx'it out um lust \h'k m \‘ (humnu ‘EN Iring Ihc HI hltistlnv I» 5H th Suns uf IHI. ultiug Hunt Mm] in Chi [All uttered a suit against ms for 5100.000 for 13 luxflu! in ()wk “awn (‘i' 11‘!“ m In ln 1m £le $in whu liiulslmhu lam at. “CL Liu.‘ “(H n iLlI K’ll PI); m MU; 'u Mm 1h IS IN VERY POURJTONDITION h 1W ul’u W I IL 315mm hi M) l‘ in the t tht UH m uf XML! M M LU H that, th ‘luglnml‘x {mm thv U'xnsux th sudden 11 mm: (lisuw )L‘I‘H “(’I hmml. p110 (lo .su M'ML‘ My. of to St. N is bunk 1(2L In UM in! 10 h| (ll HI Official» of the National Bank ,0! Smthuullmwluft Liverpool to prosc- cutc tlu- circular unto {organs in Montreal. 'l‘h hhphm‘o llgsptivu at Cairo hux .ulnpu ll Um ”w M.) It and tum.- an In {nu it Wu,‘ :‘dlppu‘swd. Mitelwll. whu uhut McIntosh. at. St. 'l‘huruas. lmu‘ bm-u sauna-new! to tan yum-5‘imprisonment. ~ Prmwn pl'kutt‘d :1 Has of tn: mmdiv thus an n Innis n“ pmwv. ('hilm :urcvpt- wt wwu nut! n-jwu-«l the (Mn-rs. 'Hm Cum MU H'Vivh‘ the (-utim [tum-dun Mum. uti'wustzult uml Swuhzn-g in Juuu My": chum will he \fll'iulm munnsuvrm and count attacks. Mmsrs. Just'llh mul Juhn McMillan. late of tluf'l-‘nw‘r Farm,”l‘llluslc)’, luu'u purchawid from Mr. Wm. lluntur his farm ofuuv huudrvd awmsmu the wound lime uf Unumuuud. fur 83.000. The annual \‘(vtl‘y meet pmihh u! l’urtlm£ was held clum'h, 'l‘m-sduy. the 5th. finnuciul account 01' the y( Uuu cflk-ctuf Lav Smtt Act that My wntly \wu‘u inc.» «mm in $110 (“stun pul‘tiuu uf Ontario. is the x-ntal}:li.~'.lnm-nt u!“ a liquur Htul'l‘ nu Burulmrt‘s lshuul. in thu twu nf Muésuua. 'l‘lu- lax-(.xpriotnr is 1!. (.‘muuliuu and his putmxm :u'u prin- 15 It L‘muuuuu um! um [muons :u'u prlu (:Ipally ('unadizunâ€"u Wm. Hlilu‘A-H. of ()gzlmmhm'g. hus' mu a?" fin- Hhipmm: kl‘ll'h’ilu! (lxgilu‘s m 1 WM“ yacht. built vuu‘vssly for'ith} trips I tn v m 5.11 sud. tin \\'il 02‘ mm «m4. rem Hm Llw Smy and alum“. m-m‘ Hm lwml uf \Vult’c .151 on 'J'u‘vrulz‘t‘)‘ «xv-lung. ‘ She was uln {out «mt of mtujr ;u the how. , and vitaily. “or nmw “mm W Kingstmr procured assistance. VA. tvaun of harm-s rmmvd hy‘ ,(u [hulk-y and attached to :1. milk Nu guinu‘tu Bi‘umfll‘s Uh 1:th factory. \H guing‘tu Bi‘nsull‘s ch 12M: fan-mm. ran :t'm‘,‘ 1:19;: \VL~(11:<:.~:<1;1';,’ inorfiiug, on tho thiul UHIPLNHiUU uf l'lizalmblmnm. \buut. half a. mu uf milk wamlishibuwd along the luatL the wagon “as bums!)- ml in atoms. and the “drivx-r somewhat. injured. ' ‘ ' ' ihk HUN H l‘uliLiuu "l'lu «'Izuul ll \ilH ilh‘l'lll. b\\‘ huvn .u'n n L11 “Hf": Uh‘ :Lt Hu- Linn UH! Lu livlnmmc (ugnu‘s m :1 built; «prssly for 'it by Tim [uh-LL math: H(‘\'(‘l'ill ‘uml hen-ugh“) was found UK. It» >pt~ul iiulm \"M‘j; IH ”gull Mum! U l l' lll in} )1 it?“ 1 5m I” (ma 1101' um i0! NU \'. it? to Kingstnn and {or flu ‘ .\l,-<~_m1mn. ”huh. H nu but. “as 1: Lhumnpli‘ uttisfauttm'fl Llus church flourishing: l‘lu m \\ ith u Imul 5C8 l‘lxursflm LR" rmlv in ‘ l'(‘ ‘i \x'uguu. up; “SM iuul‘ (’UI‘I :uul mt HI Ht y Rev. Dr. Gordon. of Bhutan. {minor 01 a Baptist church, and other leading citizuuu. have boon arrested for holding religimm sm ViCUhUll the L'ounuuu on Sun- day. Huldzwm may be avoided by the mic uf llwll'n lluir Hummer, which pruvuuh Lin. falling nut. of the hair. and stnnulnwn it {u renewed growth and luxuri- mum. I: Illm) rcshn'vs {mlm} or gray hnir m itsnrighm! chu'k (-ulor. um! radi- mHy rm x4 manly p.11", dim-um: of the put-rick. L1: 01' qubcc. The British Cabinet have (lwidul that un-rtiluu and night wurk in the Royal .\ mum! shall! be rvmuncul. ,Uulen \wrv ulsq gm-‘u to emu-dim the urmb mutt mul manning of several ocean stvmnors. Lu I‘m-Luur says it is «lofiuiwly 11ml":- .~s_Lno¢l that. kid will be dufuudud by F. X. Lcmiuux. M.l’P., and Chart. Fit!- pzmick. the woll-lmnwu criminal lawyer Tlu- flour and other mills using swam [umvr iu Dakota lax-urn nuUstitutml bay for furl on account of the difficulty in pun-“ring coal. '1‘GC lmy gives n'good, utvauly lu-ut. and ruisuu stuum very quivkiy. IL is more umuomicnl than «and. and tho numey pad-l fur the hay it! distributed mmmg the {armcru 0f the nuighburlmod. Thu Umuiuiun Livcusu Cummissioncm 1mm again granted :1 “license” tn the Port. Elmslcy applicant to so” intoxi. Cami}; liquors, “'0 umlurntmnl the Ontario :wthm‘itius “ill u-Sui‘lb this act» ion. mm ('h-ml) illvgul by lunm-vlltifl' Llw hold ‘1 ()1 tlw H) (am-.1 limnmo n pm) t‘w tint! :nmm 1m m. n th(' muksucb. ”am «if 1 ii .\L :1' null nth-lulu] mowing in Brock. \‘iHu in tin: Udth’cilmvx Hull. 1! \' .‘AHIIL' (id-w! w, M‘ml a. strong unit'urnu-xl un- munh‘ Hui [frond Hf )Iih ‘u-qni-sitimn t0 “1. (x. Hmnlmn. .l‘. unv Linton u! the Muntrvul jaluim's. has a} his mmw on our list. ' The old W \va‘wn‘ is as (ntlm‘siasth :t‘hl \H in do ‘ and WM this {was Rust) Mntht 1's, \\ ill and H and v i ’1 (In « hand \vmld‘us swam: 1. Thu lime blnthl 1-,:4 \\ ill and “mm, are (-xpvvu u to be- “M: us. mxdif no we will u \miuh haw 1L stm‘ug team. All that ix nu (war) now ix mm] practice to get iutu trim fol a tough match, l‘hv Mm ri wm'J 1(‘\'Hl( HM MM mn m). 01' {H'h nu \\u .um; tuna Vuf the Winn” uulwl nL Fish (‘ wt thu huspxml ‘ IIHH'UX'H art in t} in (-11.14: “with s c punk-1' mu] m: are «ptisitinn to uur'club. at am Limo a. mombur‘ :luiurs. has 11134) placed ll] 1 Hutu h lum Full . has 111M) Watch“ l'hu UM stmuL-by u‘Lh Ulll I” m «1m unimr: “ml (9))- 1,: ml tm‘ JUL]! UN'UHLMHH hay 'l‘lu- htt‘flllu'l‘ lfi'ur tlw trip Liv aftcr right n‘ui‘ng 00th) J: ( h i 1:. dim] {id AH; Saska- He had been (1 thin luwms- .11; ma-mhm‘s. law: U!“ 311'. Hf Uh" Win- ch} lxiw {1:111in 19 ovum)" of ~. ‘l‘hin‘isthc 1mm in this Hun Mr. . He ever, Tho

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