Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 30 May 1885, p. 3

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'1'. “New Prowl-u" n. u'wm ll. Con- aluuw-I an L-wmflum. Engllmhfi . llmndun ham-.1 A! ”a: fm-tory them will appear great clung-ea readily nbs-rvablu to per-«ms who m-ru launfinr with thn operations nl’alclurn yvm's ago. The loads of I':;ll'l'ul-.~'l|:lp<aul runs Imiuus their gmun «ruwm (ml 03’ by tlw :mwurs) will be n'ciglm-l, but‘ not suhyuml to any lrmmlng lly' luuul; unless. in- llccd. ;\ l'orkml :11le lung rm! bv dealt. with now :ml then. l-"or. as lln-ru will I»: no rupivl map grating up the routs into a line pulp, Ill 1%: as nu m-cl for mrufully pAI'HIg 01f llv small moth-N uul l‘Lrus whivh usul m g. mmy in the drain wutvrvâ€"‘to Mm chug; in: unl l'uuhn: nf (In: Drunk which film's close ln-«inlu Hm luvmry. And Ill-'3 I want mun am. I! in flu lowly Ion Tan my heart "when I may grunt nun wwa, Ah, (haul of mint! ’twm add yes on. joy man To Puradise! Andombyono. Tho daf'lmn can; u: bums: tad pm to 5 $0 | l‘ the :91; Wklfld" bra-ding h mom, dim an! “Nth An! night windu thrill. mm. 1'.) bolt muot woven-so whflo the sun cum. utill, ' And le'wu Wi‘h touler stir thoir Uncha- (Oath 'lu- ,‘l‘imu Demon-u. ) Whoa qnlut mm; m new] am noon. W nth “and than «its, that ml not. {are "u 'l‘l‘m bouts, cleanser! frum :ulheri'u ,' am] by 111: mm lmnicul stirrors and brushvs I‘cvulviu; in lung mm of wmhers, will be clumml tn the cutter-.3 machine l‘n- svmblin: the mum-utter mm! by a shepherd ~~\vi|iuh slices the: roots iuto lingvr-picm-s: and these will My 5“!” (1mm u spuuf 01' trou;h whirh dclivurs u pl‘Upt‘I‘ ulx.»rgu in turn intn each m' a Hum-s of (-irvuim‘ Vessels, p'm'ci in a rim: {arm of urnmzmm-nt for bum: cun- mimiun. hum: th.» liquor "Is boiled wnh an-nntm nu'l‘vr premium: :I yvllmVâ€" Isu-wmu: sucrutv. falls usa. deposit to 11w Imnnm uftho w‘ssel; me \mlvr m” holding tho gnltsgm'} impurities waterway \\ ill ‘nuc mad: pmtil'rrum “ whivh use-s1 to 1mm nlu-rs. an more \\'.1 itself wi. haunted : 1 w-s. as MAKINS 83 iulv HM lmrtory. And this mll‘num Lu corruplml and ilk-rum with black char water :1 tupuur 1mm the charms} lln‘x‘c w.“ be no such fillers. A DISCIPLE. ET SU3\R. THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS IN lung." In tho Noun. ll’sll MAP (331mm) More “(hangers in HM lm'lm?" To Hyaper Dan's walls Wu kncwadrcady is appear 3"“? simply to (our: dnuth, for tlw papers L’ ‘0 l“"'f””$ "my mmuin ursniv, and to chm-m in '2’ 0P”“““"“! pn-senw ru‘luircs mnro kuqu-«lzc 01' “‘3 ,‘m'd-‘i ”I » chcumtry thzmthu common 11":me ”W” S"""" possiblyuspirutu. l’ustbins, to». and “‘7’” W” b" (illst-Ct-Uvrs have long ago been Lun- ‘Nl ‘0 “.“Y fished from all ”sanitary ' huwscs'. ‘or “Flo-“v m- whcro tlwsu dustbins am: thm‘u an: the “”‘3. mm gn-I’IIH of dim-awn gather tuguzhur. A *n. ".0" “5 hun'lra-«l ulhvr «lung was war-a point «1 0'1! ‘9 34’3“”; ”P thu ,mlwr day in ‘u papvr read at the ‘~ ”‘ ‘l" L" ""l’ larkcs qusvum; ('urpds are a hunt- 4‘? AL Mil no Conn final-ml» though it has banned mu; um sugar, ls tun out throng | llm pmipllalu of morale on a nerve". umn the hum”). of. the vessel. and this material is (hen (rental with carbonic «will in wator,‘ whhb breaks it up, mummies nml ru- cowré ll: . strontia. and lmn‘ '3 Nu: pur ‘ sugar in wluliun m lm mmwmllr llul my Vacuum pan Ill'l crystalllud in the usual ummwr. The grcntcn gain of the new pro~~us.. however. L that, what-us by tho old :ryuuni Mia. pmnn ch» manufacturer hm some '30 per «out. of Hm mmdmrine matter of the beat juiw. which from conmminnticm of salts muld nut lsv urjs‘ talliuxl and Wn-ut nway in thn “Wham..- «a pmluvt- nt’ lnw \‘ulun "tun alrnutia lk‘l’fl‘t‘HY ch-urn' Ml lhH sugar from lhusu unpurities in (h: way of cryatallimtinn, and c .(ructs up to in or murc per cum. of the sugar contain»! in the bent juice. ctt~.,'in-nunut ‘uhle, l} rex‘blntion and with and 1570. (me I)0\‘.\I‘\“Q Limvill. linstile, of that Karon-n! in Cold “‘nufltor. lBuslun Budgm.) An oil inspector ofl'em this explanao tion of why kerosene oil lmnpsdo not. give as good light in cold weatlurr as at other tunes: "\\isuonsin hast yrinm light oils will thickpn th tlm mlll at temperatures Varying lrom dzero to 2m degrevs above. Heeling svpm'utns the partial-.4 of parutlinu from the remain- duruf lheoil. 'llmy are mu'm‘tcd by the wick and fill the pores. destroying its capiliury power and incrvasing it> tcmlCnvy to inorust andclmr in burn- ing. The best Roms-no oils fur burn- ing in cold weather are wutur whim. colorless oils of light granny. These. cost from ‘2 to :5 cums pm- gallon moron" ‘- “1|." CTIY'YI' rdiliu‘ A 'Mmlt-l of the ”sums. llixvhunnn; f the most, intc-rvstli by the, lam ('mnlx wuszm muln'ntc mm rum-(t out of one of a lint-c. ho. had In"! lun‘u Inns: azu been Lan- nll ”sanitary ' huh‘m, ‘or dusthhns an: thm‘u an! the n.5, mums. “rum, mn rm! with that those of ‘33”. ”HS moth-l ol' the l .3...” \. dc, of the NIOIH‘S h! I I N VERY POOR CONDI'H 0N The f nuiuh (ion-tumult Ina pm. hibitml t w inoculntiou of people with cholera viruu. pending the decision at tho banal 0! health. Prof. (Mlmn. an export swimmer. imn md from Brooklyn bridge. and only Iivm a few minutes am: lmiug taken (mm the “tar. A Muutroal \wuun haw ammo-red dam- ages againut her daughter for slander. 1m uoiu boat Cal-dim! a [worm on Sat“ 3y throw games to two. Thu game was played on the ground u! the huh-l. UH m tlw ‘.. mu (1 l'l‘okh» m w il t" ctgn Timex] Upon mining in the. muruing yuu may wish to invade the 1 ulhmry«lupm'tnwut, but you would letter follow the Script.- ural i1 ,unvtiun and “mt such ihings 1H urn set. I.~ufm'c~ .yuu." .‘Jot that things are mwnsurily undvumy, hut tlwrcis a gem-“W of (-oukm'y and mans, which unly the Well-film! stoma-h unfiys. Tell mmn tn I-nok you (-hivkun: you hI'ur :1 squuwking in the housv, and in just five miuutus the hue lumvmml him! imbvx'orc you‘ all mmkwl. 1t isdnuc in this. wisu: l'pun a char- mul t'mr :me pIm-ml thin x-upgwr puns, \Vhivh nrv nhnnst instantTy hvntml to .1 while hm: . Hi] Is «Irmmz‘d in. Ihu while hm: . ()ii is cii‘deNI in, the u iim‘a-n nn (up, and nil iauwr. ‘ ’lhn nmi 1“ 0; It litth- tlc~h ”1113' since thu .uiwm «if iunigm-r: hum they 1va1‘ivnltomw it at nil. "i‘hr-ir xustmr nncuis drawn mostly from l'il'i‘, swvot potatoes, fish, and a few \‘irgoiahl‘cs, suvhas h "r it radish milled duikun. 'l'hi-ynim «at millet and st :mgc to sax) huekwhvat is nmdn into Soup. The lesvzvr article" lil‘v b.1110. whom. green win. nmngm, rrmpm. Ii :5, persimnmim etc. 'l‘ha-rc is a roup in: Me of rjw small pieces of dough. it little wziwcw. somu snails, an i shulkC fins. \ou may pass it by pri-fyrring 10:. uiin'v- hfllHL‘ hush 0r mnthiiig Iv-s cnmplvx‘. gnu.- "rent (hu'mlm' k m imuign “in“! in Japan is the (i: (Tic uhv of go‘tinj' '.~'uimhh- fund: hm w th agmnl dim-:tiw apparatus )ou WI“ be :.bh in pull thrmuh. th' (1in NW NW!) L'I r()L HI‘ ton run. '1 nwd l Japan: In ranked-y. A New 1) «“un. is u rugmm' '1'er :uhm'm l;,‘ a name. «mug. l to 11m bxowght a nu“ 'und pcv ul- 02 :3 I||'.L~\'I Mus «trawl - smcc they ustcn- sweet ables, The Scott Act. coutuutiu Kingston and' Frontenac. on Thursday lent. wmluul in the duh!“ Of the Act by I majority of 53 in the cit '. and a majority ol Mc'u for the Act in tin: county. How in it. that. tlw cities go so strongly agsimt this. high mum! rut'vnu. Dita want of morals .u mum-v ‘.' . 'l‘m: luxly uf l'rnf. ()«lluw. who met. his dmth last wuuk hy leaping (roundu- Bnmklyn briulgn. haw horn thumuglaly n-mminml and um: fact Ymmght to fight that (-vcry important internal organ was ruptured. by the form: of striking the water. flow Young “in”! An lad Into uuv ' nputnblc Pumice. [t'hicuzu Mould.) “The majority of young lawyer: in . lar city have to wait {or years for the r first brief," said u int-mixer of the profession whose reputation assures him it large nnnuul im-oxno, and whose legal atmnting is unquestioned. "If the ' have influential connections someoo-. levliuu or not)“: commercial business might be thrown in their way, but if these connevtions t'nil tin-m their lot i3. indeed, a sorry one. Many a bright. ymng man has [mt energy and hope for High“? prospect waiting in his dingy min-e for some legitinmte ease H) turn up. “is little savings are gone up in hunks, office next and the nix-owner; of life; he has no means in *nv. no fricnds. no briefs. Finally he t runs out. of the list and i'ii‘rks for his more sue «wsalui brethren or does something else than {rut-tied law to earn an honest living. mt only too ottvu he giwa way tn tho tumptvr. Ho ‘tm'omm the teacher of sharks in human divgu'ue. showing them how tin-y may squeeze the Very liflev Mnud out of their vietiflm~~'skin than: ali u.‘ u." the flying gunsv or, worse mu, he assm-intes with qriminals ugd lmwmcs himself a criminal. Naturally sharp, his observation becomes “nu-per by (llsrvpulubh- practice. Al“ ‘ s bor- drriug on the trial: that woul‘_¢_] pruripi- \I no! rundmml to c puumling of tin the magi-straw. [ms 0 when hat for Nu m unwn w 1.13m ‘1, ‘rmvn M to 2H! rights" for 30123411 .~.::;\".m to enforce nis strange m of the law of the land befo: Hr (‘UU HUOHI lower .1 he NH“!!! m h. imu

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