“’0 are pleased to learn that Mr. A. James, who has been conï¬ned to his lmme 1'01: the past seven weeks,'is now convalescent. During Mr. James' illness, he received the uoustaut care and attention of his brother Odd- “Laws. The L. I. A. At the regular meeting of the Lit. t-rm'y and Musical Association, on k‘z-ininy evening next, Tennyson's Writings wiIl furnish the entertain- mom, to consist, of'songs, readings, recizunionu, etc. All lovers of the pawl, laureate should make it a point. m be pneseut, as the promnm promises to be of more than ordinary intexeat. Cut. Again. We are pleased to see the gcnial face of one of our principal businem mun again behind the counter. "l‘is rather hard to ha've to stay in the house for two Weeks waiting for the "103310.34 to make their aplmarunce. “(‘IW'I" has it. that another prominent Lu-inuss man has put his house in or- iler by carrying in an extra supply of wand, telling the “ old man to be a pod boy while he is away, for he is f‘ui‘y confident that the dreaded sin-.wlvs‘xvill appear before the end of Since the advent of the Saved Army Our village band have met. for prac- tice over W. Purinh‘ carpenter shop. They are making steady and substan- liui progress. and will no doubt favor u; with some excellrm music as soon as the weather will permit of out-door playing. ‘ Personal. Our Band. Next. week we purpose taking s run mound town, among the industrieu, :md reporting the slate of trade and the prospect of business for the Ipring and summer. ‘Lumbor Yuri. Messrs. Ira Kelly & Co. havea lu-ge stock of lumber piled in their yards, and are daily expecting a large wnmignment ofshlnglcs, scautling &c. Subsnibo Now. H. L. Hagerman hue been author- u. a! by us to canvassthe town and \iuiuity for sulmcribers for the RI- PORTER. He is meeting with good hllt'vt‘fl‘l. Walk. Abtut I porter .w.l Auctioneerâ€"B. Levon-in. Organ for Saleâ€"Jim. I. C. Alguire Persons}. We extend our hearty congntula- [10113 to Sula Bleacher, on his sale 5:- rgval 119mg {rqm {lye Paciï¬p Ilppe. Notes of his trip will appear shortli'. Next W001. A pulitipu signed by MM 100 fl'ec. No.5 has been presented to thu mve of Elizabetbtown, praying .tha' 2mm may be taken on the questiow ' granting a bonus to the above um"! rum‘ “'9 ln'liM'c the foolinu >LIOIm'ly in favor of grinning th nmmtï¬ Luv! fur, us uuly vigil: or m. FARMER8VILLE IND VIOINITV. NW ADVII‘I'IIIIWI- a: s. s. u. try. (1m } rlj'iflll 3:332:38? .°- HI I 5 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TIIE F;‘R“1Enr~‘v‘IJIAE REPORTER. The prospect of an early opening of navigation is very oor. The ice in the St. Lawrence is ry thick and the- lakes are frown to a greater ement than cVel‘ before within the memory of the oldest inhabitant. A survey of Lake Ontario from look-out point, Oswcgo, reveals the that that the only Opt'll water is in the direction of the contri- of the lake, seventeen m' as distant. The Americans have a. decided ad vantage over us in the matter at lcttm pohtugu. The postage wits lately ro- «luced to two (ft'lliS, and now they haw adopted one ounce instead of halt an ounce as the unit of weight in letter pox-tinge within their own Country. Th6 Clayton Independent. givvs an example of the profit of keeping hmis the record of a mun in that. neighlgun hood. From fifty hens in the pint year he sold 634; down eggs for which ho received $126.91. He raised 100 chickens during the sum mer, valued at $25 making gross rc- ceipts, $151.91. They are a cross ui white and brown Leghorirs. The criminal docket for the coming ash-Mes in Broakville is said to be very lwavy. There are several prisoners charged with larceny and other minor oï¬â€˜cnces, am] the three men charged with shunting 'L'; Ric'hurtis, EM}. Wiii pro’lmhly be taken from Kingston fur mu . It is said that Mrs. T1108. Robinson, of Kinustnn, has sucucx-It'ully estab- lished her claim to pro ertyin Phila- delphia worth 81:000,0 0. .. Agirl, 20 years of age. who has beenfur some time a member ofth Salvation Army at Kingston, ‘has be- come insane. She now imagines that she is a queen. A case of peculiar intereet to ten- ante was tried in the town hall. Farmersville, one day lest week, ix- fore Esquire. White, Scovill, d Loverin. It was “an action for $0- paes brought. b a joint tenant against his partner we farmers (whom we will term A and B) rented alarm jointly, and sequined equal rights in eel-tam implements. There Were two barns on the farm. and when the threshing was done, they agreed upon a divisiou of the grain, and atored their respective shares in difl‘ereut barns, In the granary at B was etoreda portion of an implement which Was purchased jointly. A desired to ob- tain possession ot'this portion and got aCCcns to the granar , by removmg some lOoee hoards he result was the action of‘ B against A for tree this. Mr. Blackburn appeared for the. ei"t. Mr. Loverin held that the act of A did not constitute a trespass, but Messrs. White and Scoviil agreed that it was a trespass, and he Wile ï¬ned 81 and costs. Our IUIOIIOI' hu about completed his labors. ('0 1".“1‘ I" and other I ’I'EJIS. In Wilt-etern- 6111 con H) \"l-IRY POOR CONDITION lht 4. The quaint little hamlet of Addison put on gala attire on Tuesday even ing, the auspicious event being a grand concert under the control of the Metho ii>ts of that place. The church was tastefully decorated with ever- greens. bunting, and 'pictures. Prof. Fetherston and choir, of Brockville, musical and literary talent from Fun-morsville. and local talent ,pre- Rented a lengthy and meritorious program, We regret that the inclem ont- weather interfered with its success. We see ly our exchanges that cheese factory" men are getting ready for the season's operations. Frank McCreu’p factory at Spring Valleymtarts 01;, Monday next. The Glen Buell factory starts 0n the 6th of April, and tlfere i.- u general move towards their factor- ies by cheese makers residing in tlw village. Our old friend Huglwy will snnn be able to get a seat bQ’Sillt’ thn stove in our business places, from which he has been excluded by the «uperulmndaut supply of cheesv makers. Concert. WE. Buckley, Barber, wishesus to annnum-e that. he has not, left town a,.~ some intenestcd parties haw: been stating, but that, he is now establiahml in his new quarters, over H. H. Ar nold‘s, in the rooms fm'morly 0cm- vupied by Mayor Carson. where he i~ prepared to do shaving. s‘ullnp:)nin;:, h m- cutting, etc., in the bed mzmuvi‘. home get frightened at 9 hole in the bridgede to hélthp. The women Iero unable to control tho Ilium. and it Melted in such 3 way u to cramp the bum end force it our the side of the approach to the bridge down on to the rocks several feet be- ltiw. Mrs. De could not get clear of the bu gy. en ~when Ill. tell thehoree came own upon her. In thir ponit- ion she remained until help could he obtained from hell‘ it tulle distant; end all the time the horse in its struggles Wt up wen bruising her head and y on the rocks. When men or- rlved and she was extricated. she was found to be seriously bruised and wounded in many places, and one at her ours was almost ground ofl‘ by being rubbed against a smile. The was attended to and after n time re- covered. Then a claim was mude‘on the Front of Leeds and Landedowne for damages. The council contended that they were not liable, as they had examined the bridge in question. and pronounced it unsafe, and haul [tested a notice to that eti'eet. Also that they were building a new bridge at the time and only left the old one in pluco at the request of those near by, for con- venience of drawing milk. ' At the time. we bt-Iit-ve, the council were willing to pay homething to Mrs. Day, “it. least to bear the expenses citusetl by the accident. \Vbether nny (li- t'etJt uï¬â€˜ul' was ever made or not Seems a little uncertain, but a. eonnvilloriu- i terms us that the council never illitl‘ an opportunity of (*Ompi'omisiuu th. i matter. Mr. Duy ottetlthe council for $2,500. The case Waist tried bv Mr Justice O'Connor and ajury ht Kinc- ston, on Thursday last, and a verdict ‘ of $2,000 was given for the plaintiï¬' I Mrs. Day is daughter of Mr. T. Shaw Leeds, and sister to Mr. \V. H. Shuw, t~x~councillou i Commencing Work. I Violins, Acordeons, Concertinas, Moth Organs, Jewa’ Harpn,'lVIcMilidl‘iauos, - &c., &c., &c., &c. ' N. B. All accounts not paid on or before the F irst day of April next, will be placed in court for collection. ’ in all the newest. Shades and M-nkes. These‘ goods I am prepared to make up in ï¬rst class style, according to the Latest Fashions. 1 also keep a full -â€"-rstock ofâ€" MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Main St. Opposite Market, Brookvule. Has and always keeps in stock, a full â€"-â€"-â€"-line of Having entered into an engagm ment with Stevenson & Co of Kingston. for the sale of their P131108] and being desirous of cloaing out my present. stock of fancy goods &c.. before the first of April. next, I will aner the entire lot at Greatly Reduced Prices. China and Crockery Win-a in I'm Sm. 014px, Saucers} and glï¬ï¬af djjj'erï¬nt Gooda’z’n that Lem. Fancy Goods: Jewel Cakes, VWork Baskets Ladies’ Saluhels, Pearl Card Canes, and small vares of various kinds. M. WHITE, WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELERY. Gems; Furnighings 0R SALE. An Organ. in gobd w- puir. Coxnlmrutively new and cheap. For terms and inspection In- quire of J. H Blackburn. 7 CENT STORE. FirstClass Clothing Establishment JAS. ROSS has been appomted agent for Farmersville and vicinity for the “Canada. Permanent Loan and Savings Compmy" of Toronto. 3 w-12. ()"ce. With I View of giving the public a chap mode 0! udverliuing, we will m. um adveni-emomu in this column a! 25c. Io: 51mm, or under, ï¬rst inmmonguud 10 on. for each wbwquent Insertion. ('ORJ'ER hr '3 I '13" 7‘30†1‘ LSS MYERS, utter a short men.- |ion, has resumsd business, and wants 3 or 4 girls as apprentices, at, T "/‘E E D S. FRENCH WORSTEDS, MERCHANT TAILOR and CLOTHLER, CLEARING SALE Scotch, Irish and Canadian Hats and Caps:" am] everything usuallv found in n Also the best value in ---AT THE â€" J as- ROSS. Mrs. I. Alguire.