Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 18 Mar 1885, p. 4

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1: 5 " f ' ‘Y “gm. 121:3. W I _ Farm 3614. ’ 11.0. Phillip. hu aid bin tum, p. m-nr Dickens, to Geo.’ h. John-tar. w the considontion being 3.-..- By A this sale the whole of the Phi”? g“ farm becomes the property at e A Juhmonl, fithor an son, m! is without doubt the la “man-nun» f 8. :ud and most productixe farm in the " to wnshlp. , ’ A Hard Wlntll'. , The outlook for the farmers at the * peseut time is far from encouraging. le low prices for rain of all kmds. and the acarcit 0 bay and coarse fulder in 23 mmy localities will In Ike it extremgly hard for farmer-spa Rem-BLeieds and Lsnsdowne voted on lhe y- aw gran ' $8,000 to the I}. W. and S. flaggglwsy, on Fri- “ (my last. The voteotoo 74 for sad 87 against the By-la . We under- stand that the township elsrk declines to declare the“)! a __ carded or lost, nshe is not *htie ‘on the uestion as ‘to whether in making up 0 num- ber ofl gnaw voters necessary to K mks “five-fifths he should strike of Lhegomes of voters who have died or hnve dis ed of their property. be- ~ tween 1. e date of the final revision of ‘ the Voters’ list for 1884 and the day - of polling. rented as well 'u for those owning small farms. We think 3 great many farmers did not. o‘proise due economy la‘vt full. The 30.39)}. being v3 0 n until late, farmer! ‘Inticiplt t at the winter would he mild. ana con. aequently we m'imfliciently care- iul in feeding. The winter bsving muted very cold and severe, far more food than ususl has been required, and hence the scarcity. Bonus By-hv. Human. On Thursday 110‘. u. 1‘. G. Willinnu, of Brockville, "ll oomnlt with the India- of the F1 mville Methodist Church on tho subject of foreign mission work. Omaha _ 000- Johnson, who bought out. all Toledo 01pm last spring; has“ out, his interest. in than. to Ali)!“ Chumh, of Addison. George bl puncbmd the interest of Jam: Ohio): m the Farmeraviile and Brookville vxpreaa line. Mr. Chick has con- cluded to devote his energil to farm~ ing Busineu Chungw-‘Wilm & Mlyhow. FIBHEISVILLE IND VIDIIITY. '8' ADV HHS ORIGINAL DOCILMENT IS n associates creville outta, as recorded below. They ha been in the habit of calling on certain young ladies, at aoertain house. in o certain squsrc, end pro- longing their visits he and the hour at which the good poop e of the house were accustomed to retiring. The master of the house determined to vetoe a continuance of this sort of thing, and not wishing to offend the young ladies by speaking to them, he wrote 3 note to the young men in- forming them that he looked his doors at 10 p. In.“ Hovever, the next night the young men turned u - again. fresh as ever, and at 10 o'cloc evinced not the slightest intention taking their departure. There e, the master of the house called upon them and asked them if they purposed etay~ ing all night. The young men re- garded this question as acovert in- timation thnt their absence would he considered very good company, and they accordingly departed rather crest-fallen. It was apparently a case of“ he couldn’t and he wouldn't" with the smaller of the young gallauts, for the next night 10 o’clock found him in the house which he had left with so little ceremony the previous evening. In a. parent ignorance of the presence of t e youth in question. at 10 o’clock, the master of the house locked the doors and retired for the night; but about 12 o'clock he was aroused by a noise such as :_m inex_ The following very filtering to:- timonid wu received u few duyo :30. by our populn druggiu td opp. Volumes for the IIIOOOBI of his ju celebron medicinal:- Lamb, 1619., Farnunvillc, Dun But, '" Plague and me by’etege on Mondq, grime!!! foil) 2 40:. Mg egos Lamb- inootie Home Phwden, end 2-1101. unt'e Con h S rqp of Wild Cherry and Tar. fifindythet I am sold out of the powder: and have two customer- weiuug for them.‘ 1‘ do not with to be without themJor whereverI have reoommegded than?“ “:63 hove been a. sure cute. A party tel me to-da that! ave him a path- age, (on trial last fall. He paid me for it end said he would not be with- out them if thei coat one dollar per package; and I now that I never 1" commended them but they were sure to cure a cough and even helped the heaven. I find that my customers ask for them just as regular as any eta 1e goods I keep. Hoping they wil always prove as good, and that. your sales may increase as the yours page on, I remain, yours truly. And this will probably explain the strange conduct of a couple ofiFarm- Newborn, lath March ‘85. A mulch: lsonpsdo. “ !u_ the_ gprgng ; livelier MI ohm on the "buttiis’fiéd’ifbfiâ€"iflw" "fl V In the prln ayouug p'stmyu‘hflymm to u: of love.‘ Eyériéticétiibiirglai' vwouia inake, and he was not slow In divining the cause. 1‘“ IS A R'I“ U TLF R EMOV ICU W. Ewan. IN VERY POOR CUNDI'HON Alex. Morrison bid farewell to sin- gle life the other day and chose for his partner Miss Ella Coven h. We wish the young couple long li a and happi- nesa. *Wilaon Taokoberry of Firmeraville has leased the old Rookaprlng Chase Factory. from Josephus Godkin, for a number of years. He will repuir it .md place new and improved machine- ry therein and from his Well knowu ability as a cheese-maker. we predict a succvasf‘ul season's opporations. The revival services. conducted l y the Rev. Mr. Service, has closed. “sale, at Addison. 450 M. X. XX. $1 XXX. Cedar Shingles. Prices as low as the lowest. See him before buying. ISS BYERS. after a short vacu- tion, has resumed business, and wants 3 or 4 girls as apprentices, at once. WAN TED-A general Servant. Ap- ply to Mrs. Bannister, Welling- ton street. AS. BOSS has been appointed agent for Farmersville and vicinit) for the “Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company" of Toronto. SHINGLEswâ€"C. W. LEWIS has for nn‘l‘ -l AAJ.‘..;~.“ AKA II V \'V 9. The oélipse of the sun. on Monday last, was plainly visible here so a par- tial eclipse, and was witnessed by almost everybody. comm. A concert under the ms ices oftbr Addison - Methndiat Chum , will tn held in the White Church at chm place on Tuesday evening. 24th of March. An excellent programme bar been arranged for the occasion. For particulars, sac programme. (YORJ‘IIR for E V‘I.‘ R ['8 0 D I" gum. Notices of births, murriuges and deaths, sent in by subscribers, ,will 1» inserted in the REPORTER free 0! charge. flu tulip». SEW o logic: was briefi 0!» served ambit); from “30 house {0 the street. and than the cmtain drop ed amidst the applause of those who find lost. two hours sleep for the purpose of witnessing the finale. flo looting. um Literary and Musicul Associa- tion will not meet on Friday even- ng next. After: vein etum c to thew one of. the window. loo-e y the applioetion on hot. iron. the youth In ensued in e duel Mel at the front door, when‘ his hoot appeared on the eoene. The youth dotted into the noereet room and bodily secreted himself. Hie movement was quick, but not quick enough to eecepe the observuion of his host, who, in pretended ignorance of the youth'e hiding plece, oom- menced 9. vi orone eeeroh for the in- truder. er terrifyin the youth eufioiently in this way, t. e master of: the home unlocked the front doom} opened the door of the room in which ‘ the boy was hidin . and eternly bede‘ him come forth. u re!- use, to in- djqdnct streak of atrial boy emu LI;E REPORTER. Bock-print. Has a. large sssortment of lilllnory, Feathers, Flowers, a Ribbons, Having purchased Delorma Wiltse's interest in the Grocery Business, I will mntinue to carry on the business in the sum-s. place, whereI will keep on lxandu well selected stock of Fresh Grnceries, Flour, FOG-l, Corn Meal, Fish and all kinds of Goods usually found in a first-class Grocery 6: Provo ision Store; all of which I will Sell Cheap for Cash. or Trade. All kinds of Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. KS’Call and get Prices. ' W. E. MAYBEW. TfllMMED AND UITRIMMED HITS. I’S’Remember we guarantee satisfac- tion to all; and.if goals are not wlxav‘. we represent them we will refund the money. Goods delivered to 1111 parts of the town. Farmersville. March 17th. 1885. , Havin sold out my interest in the Grocery fiusiness to W. E. Mayhew, the business will be carried on by him as usual. in the same place. All par- ties indebted. to the late firm of Wiltse & Mayhew, will pay the same to W. E. Mayhrw, and all clnimq against. the said firm will be setted by him. Hymn, Uncolored and Basket Fit-ed Japan Teas. Fresh Oranges md Lemons constantly in stock. Our Groceries vul befound Good and Chap Mrs. .103 THOMPSON “‘ CHANGE. J. THOMPSON IA!!! :1. “autumn. M0: in '0‘“ up GROCERIE &c., Including Sugars, C coda of all kinr‘a. Tobacc s. pnd Soaps. Tho Old Roll-bl. Hanu- Sbop is still doing business one door want of the Gamble Home, where you will find Humans chaps! than over. I have the be» mute of hone-collars in the marketâ€"warrant ovary set. I warrant. all my Harness to be hand- mudo sud put together in first-class 9!. lo. Iuw nothing but first uallty o Imam. We manufwtunal our own work. Blizzard Horse Blankets, $8.75 per t. I carry astock of Ladies' Saw I Valium. Trunlm,‘ Shawl Straps. 3m me call, and see rm- ynm-wlvt'.’ Flour 51 T96 a Specialty, um M van... - The following phcoo vote on the Scott Act to-xnorrow (19th) viz:- Elgin, St. Thoma; (mum uni Misu- hquoi. Que. Wiltse & Mayhew. In connection with the above BUSINESS With the Llhlt fitylet In NOTICE. Ile. D. WILTSE.

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