Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 21 Jan 1885, p. 3

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China and Crockcry War: in Ta! Sou, Cupn. Sauce". and all the «(£17m Good; in that Liar. Fresh Goodl. vizt- Shaving Mun, Fancy Cups and Sum-era, 'l‘enpou and omnll run in grant «duty. In Gluawue : Water Sets, Tea Sets, Mugs. Jugs, Ornaments. Tumblou, Goblets, Cake Stands, Nappies, Celery Glass” &c., Inc. Fans Goods: Jewel Cues, Work Buketa La ien’ Satchels. Pearl Curd Cues, and small wares of various kind.» MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Violins, Acordeonn, Concertina, Mouth Organs, Jawu’ Harpn, Metallic Pianos, Ian, 8w... &c., &c. Aconcyfor alltho fisbclass makers of Pianos, Organs. and forms N. Y. Sanger Sewmg Machine I Mani! ofl'er n' greatly reduced pricea, n firsbc lass organ [or 875. N. B.. A fine sehactiun in (Studies. mm; “mm. AM.» swam. Call nudekamlme n before yJu purchaser Inywhem also. Knives and Forks. Childrens’ Kniws and Furks. Spoons, Butter Knives, Pwkle Forks. Carving Kniveszuul Forks, Jacknives and Scissors. Xmas and New Yam": Cards. a fine and cheap aswnmelll. can and sue them. Prices fur everything u down! duwn! Derry, down. _ Jas- ROSS. mouss,‘c1.ocxs a mum“. R. D. JUDSON FURNITURE To be tound in the county. Having a splendid Hearse and a. full supply of Coffins. Caskets J: Shrouds we can fill orders promptly. 8000 “D DHEIP GRODERIES. .«1 Call sumac. “I! “8? I13!" “III! II "II IUIITY (5" Picture frmuimg a Specialty fl Our old established Grocery Store is as usual suppled with a. full line of 7 BENT STBR’E. has on hand one of the best selected stocks at LAMPS & UMP FIXTURES. XJIJIS [025 Harslieve Rd.. Uni! 3. London. Ontario N6E 1P7 INTECH' (1984) associates 4-waâ€" . D. JUDSONH THE L‘AR MERSVI I11. E REPORTER. People’s Store, forth. Mm Input-tum of Dry Goods, Rudy-mad. Clothing. Hots & Gaga, Boon & Shoes. Rubbers. 3nd verything found in o THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR 50. 000 lbs OI“ first Class Store. New Teas, Farmersville. an 20th. 1884.‘ The subscriber, in returning thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to him while connected with the firm of Ross J: Wiltee, begs to inform his old friends and the public generally that he has just opened out a. new GROCERY & PROVISION STORE in part of the premises occupied by PRUVISIBN STORE. New Fruits and Spices, where he is prepared to sell all lands of Groceries and Provisions at Prices Lower than any house in Tom? for Cash or Ready Pay. Look at these prices and then judge for yourself : 16 IM good Muscavado sugar...$l 01) 11} tbs Granulated sugar for ..... l 00 12 113R Prunes for .................. l 00 12 lbs Currants for ................. 1 On 15 tbs Raisins for ................... 1 00 8’ ms Soda. for ...................... 25 The best brands; of Teas from 25 to 40 'cents per lb. Tobaccos at a. great re- ‘ auction . All. KINDS OF BANNEADfil‘JODg The undersigned begs m announce to the inhabitants of Farmeraville and the public germ-ally. that he has opened a Tailor Shop in the room» over Flour. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Pork and Land always on hand. Brooms, Tubs and all kinds of Wooden‘ ware kept in stock and sold at the lowest prices. The highest price pant Ibr Eggs. Remember my good: are all new d' frah. Where he is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to his care with nentnosa and dispatch. Satis- fiction and tit guaranteed. fiShirts cut or made to order. Tailor and Genoml Jobber. Farmersville, May 21. G. W. Beach’s Store, WOOL. New Tailor Shap! New Grocery AN!) ». MeLaughIin C. L. LAMB. Go to the DELDRMA “Mg; Alf. 0. PY'E. GENERAL MERCHANT. mm «nut. “taxman. flu n Luge 3nd Carefully 00le stock m which In invita- m inspection 0! mum MIMI. Bargains in all Lines; His msnrtment of Scotch. English and Cumdinn Tweed: and wouth Coatings nre pronounced by all SUPERIOR II STYLE AID Will" to any shown in town. Call 3nd see us. we will b. pleased to show our goods sad at will be more than planned with t a value we oflor. _ _ All tho lmportut «out: of the wt II mg on mm! «was. The Salvation Army has nude over seven hundwd convem in the city of Guelph. A fatal diam with the symptoms of pinkeye is stacking horses in none puns of Essex County The annual convention of the Dominion Alliance will be held in Toronto, January ‘20, 21 and 22‘. r Arrangemeth have been made at Quebec far the printing of 100,000 copies of the Scott Act in the French language. A _- - ‘ .‘- The Bothwell deep oil well ll 1,496 feet deep. Salt. was found at. 1,406 feet. Ninety feet of pure 331% has been sgywk, and the end is not yet. Notice is given in the Quad. Gszutte that the Temperance Act will go into force in Stormont, Dundee and Glengan'y on the expiry of the pres- uxt hcenses. In the course of a Salvntlon Arm ' mevting at. Anmter Town Hall, A v lied Green sprinkled cayenne pepper (m the wow. The fine :nd coats mm m Med to 822.35. Putioularly n this time II he in now ofloring unpucodonud Duringthe past yea 2,455 plants were named in Canada. The amount oI‘Iees rpceivod was 869.580, as against $73,023.20 in the previous A little child of an East Sandwitch farmer named Pc'ers was terribly burned Thursday hy its clothes matching fire from the grate. The Montreal Licensed Victuallers Assoe union ham devidel m op. all candidate-a for mumcipal 0 cop who du not uuppwrt the liquor traffic. A verdict ut' wilful murder has been l'nund by the comnrr‘n jury against Louis Dupel, who shot Edmund Burke, :1 Buckingham farmer. ‘Dupel gsve himself up and is now in jnil. New: from the Ottawa shamiel is to the efl'ect that. the soft we‘lher is operating greatly agsinnt lumbering Operations. Shouid the present weather continue the lumbermen will y ear. he in Q ‘ their logs. NEWS 01‘ THE WORLD. . H. ARNOLD. dilemma about getting out . H. ARNOLD HnJJLBni of lunch. bu bee-Mods m. Will'um Kath, I but eon- tnctorof Black 300 . ha boo-u- mtod for smuggling 200 pound- of butter iron: Omds '- The English c ition ll duly tuning in ny ny Nile, and if no carious "V0110! occur will will In in night. of Kbutonm. Tho oonnnion of Stud:on big]: school to n millagth innimu will celobntod by u banqnu in honor of Hon. G. W. Ron, Minister oflduua Phone: (519) fifth-IMO After Hours: 657.0390 1 ion. The upid thaw of tho put week caused a. sudden rise in tho 8t. Lur- ronoe, thmmlin tn inundation u luau-ed. me «In: along an nua- t'rom being fillod with water. At. the Conmntlvo'convoauon Ito: Ronfi'ew, John A. “M. editor onho Ampfiw Chronicle, m Meow! u the candidate to. 0 Dr. Bowling n the election to be old on the 27th in». There an, it it in aid. mamm- md armed loci-lieu in Chicago, who drfll secretly end are ready for my emergency. A t Ioohlllfill up. haul in predio in the Gm. grow. ing out. of the oppeeuion of the work- ing clauses. ’Mr. J. Taylor, of Not-wt, bu discovered in the Callingvoml noun- uino the bogt golf 93m _in function. ll. While Dr. Sullim "d J. H. Mote oalfe, M. P. P.. were crossing hem Bah to Amhmt Inhna; that guide» broke through “IO 30.. The tied their bum together. throw 3 0 line to him and drew him out. Mr. Hat- cslfe broke $hrongh the ion moo. .100. but did not get below his vain. Gen. Grunt declines to accept. the subscription which Gym: W. Field and other: have been getting up for his benefit. Vanderbin in u leg.ch tu Mm. Grant. presented her with the debt and 'udgmenu he holds 'nst the General), amounting to O! ,000. The gift ma politely declined. French trannporu crowded with invalid soldiers on roported as no riviug at Saigon. md cholera and typhoid fewr m repoer u rang- ing the troops in Tonqnin. The French have also met with [events in Mndagtsoar,:ud itin trident tbnt the country is snfi‘ering more from m warlike expeditions than the enemy against whom they are directed. The Queen's bench divisional court. has sustained the judgment giving Kivucr. of Whitby. damage. agm'nu the Phauix lodge odedtollowa for damages annuiqu while going thmngh the initmory Waxy. The judge held an: the l awn cleuly liable for Kiwi-'5 in arias. This ought to touch «out Mon to be more «1-0nt in Man.

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