th 9mm Ill/"7“ nevexrmoré so than on Monday after- noon. He smiled when informing us that. he was detained from camp meet. in}: in the morning to celebrate the marriage of Mr. Beach and Miss Nash. 'hu'. if our readers could have seen him “smile†when informing us at about. 8 p.111. that he had just. performed an- otlw); ceremony, and he actually broke inm n laugh when informing us that he hml to be home on Wednesday mooning m (iv the knot for another happy pair.‘ (gm-z '\ - Who are they ‘3 Echo answers Qlulr wilds The Sunday school parliament, which closed on Sunday evening last at the Central camp ground, was large- ly attended. The only hitch in the arrangements was the non-arrival of the lion. J. B. Finch,“ Nebraskamho was advertised to speak on Temperance and Prohibition on Saturday evening. Uur respected pastor, the Rev. W. Blainalways looks genial and happy,but triml.:1nd the usual amount 6: hard skuriug indulged in. We are pleased to announce the mar- l‘lzlyl', on Monday morning, by the Rev. \V. Blair, B. A., of Mr. Geor W. llmu'll. merchant, to Miss uldah Nash. (laughter of George Nash. Esq., all of this village. The hep y couple left for Montreal and New ork, and expcvt. to be gone about two weeks. “Rain, ruin, beautiful rain." We haw.- had some delightful showers dur- jng the past week. Jne Thompson bu a full stock of (‘mwu Jewel,Strong Bakers and other guod I'mnily flour. Give him I call. 'l‘lw. frost of the past week compute 1y squelched the late Iown buckwheat also corn. 1V mv get ready tor we Ian's. LOCAL ITEMS. 1025 Harsricve Rd..-Unil Iowan. Ontario NGE "’7 INTECH (1984) associates THIS OIIGINAL DOCUMENT IS {N VERY FOUR CONDITION Farmersville, Sept. 1 ,‘84. MID. G. J. HOLMES, General Agent I have carefully examined Hm Work: ' E H I entitled The Pmcticalllnme Physician ! “4.11mi #1.“ f and am so well pleased with its’ truly! .. n “ . ,, :«cxcmiï¬c character that I do 1..“ l..:.~i.‘ Carefulness y Attentlon o I t r ' . , , . , . , , ‘. ,. | rate w recommend it, as mmm-mly? “"111 ""“I’v‘ ‘1‘ 1‘1",“ [’1‘1' ’5? fitted to wrv‘e the pnrpow fur whivh will hold your trade- ‘ I it In written, surpassing uny.efl'«n't ut'; the kind I have ever seen. The jump; [T “VILL STA Y ‘VITH [VS- ductory plate of itself. conveying m} ' ‘ V faithful an idea ofthe inner ï¬tl‘umuw L of‘tlw human body, is by no mom“; We would extend our 1 the least un worthy feature of t he work. 1 c. B. CORNELL, Thanks, 5 ‘ w l g The Practical Homo Physician is a valuable mmpeudum nt'ueeful infor- mation on medical Huhjuvts. A safe work to cumult. in the :llmmce of a physician. and from the cum and pru deuce exercised in its cmnpilntinn, I have pleuuure in giving Hw publica- tion a favorable recommemintinn. A. New Medical wurk of†1100 pages, well illustrated. Written by buy of the pmmincul physicians of the United States. Home Physician, TAPMNâ€"At b‘umomvllle. on Tuesduv Sept. 2nd inst" Allure Algulre. wife of Sidney A. Taplln, Esq, in the 53rd your of her ago. Funeral wlll take place w-mm-row.(’l‘hursday) from her husband's residence at 2 p.xu. P. S. - An oblt‘unry notice wlll appear next Week. We are pleased to see Mrs. Me. Lellnnd improving so fast after her fall out of the buggy. The Mechanic's friend has just gone through another process which we think will probably do this season if it does put come in contact with a cow again. G. N. Young's pony happened with u very bad accident in getting herfeet between two rocks and so danmging her leg as tu almost leave the horse worthless, but perhaps not as bad as is thought. Mr.28amenhoï¬' has got back his trot- ting home again, Big Billie or .he Soldier's Joy. Mr. Samenhoï¬' claims he can trot three minutes very tuick. (I tell U.) There is great improvements going on here this summer. Mr,R.E.FOs-tcr has painted his house and store which adds very much to the looks of Main street, also Mr. McBratuey in painting his carriage shop. \Vo hnvo heard at anti-Scott act meetings around us, but none dare approach this dry place. as yet. Not- withstanding we had I» rousing meet- ing in favor of the act and the invita- tion given to any person to speak againstmut none dare to utter a word. “We’ll hoist our flag and on to victory the right shall gain the duy." J. A.IGRAN'I‘. '.\l. I). 150 Elgin street. Ol.La.\\';L Unt THE PR»! CTCI (".11. District Doings, 'I‘EIIQ 1°11RIVI'FLIIHVI l 4|;l‘3 R [I IN )ll'l‘l‘lll. 09591.5. 0944 o y. I! .â€" D1111). For all past fn§orm and assure them of our conï¬rmed cï¬'orts‘to merit a. con- tinuance of their confidence. “ME USA TRIAL": To those with whom we have notyet had the pleasure of doing busnms ' We would say ' GENERAL MERCHANTS. mnmznsvum Main: A. Parish & Son, Ffrst Class Stare. Farnuersville. ): THE' HIGHEST CASH : PRICE PAID FOR 50. 000 lbs 01“ Dry Goods. Ready-made Clothing, Hats & Ca IS, Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, and ‘(Lrythiug found in u DELTA, PEOPLE’S STORE to any shown in town. Call and see us, we will be pleased to show our guuds and yuu will bc mow than pleased with the value we Ofl'er. H- H» ARNOLD His assnrtment of Scotch, English and Canadian 'I‘weedu and “’Orï¬lod Coatings are pronounced by all SUPERIOR IN STYLE AND QUALITY Bargains in all Lines, The Inspection or Intending Purchasers, New Teas, «Ain‘t-n :tnho.dlflmzhuvul.u. Has at Large and Can‘tth ï¬l'lt‘k‘tt‘tl :4ka to which he invites H. H. ARNOLD, New Fruits and Spices, Particularly at this time am he is now offering unprecedented WOO L. qu the Choicest Importation: of u' I-.'.\'I‘.'lf.’l 1. ME“! 'II. I .\"1 . A PARISH 8: 393? C. L. LAMB Go to the 'vlil V Z Opposite Canral Hotel. 20th. 1884 Main Street. Phone: (519) 6864970 After Hours: 657-0390 §Caskets, Cofï¬ns 9 &Buria1 Robes ('17't'm’kh'un «ml is mu‘ n/' [In Our Prices are. ("all um] ()nh' Subscribe for THE REPORTER ‘We :u'é' niti'†uxpl‘ii‘l'mwm “Movlm mu] we do lmL. make a syn-Malay m" article, but, of our \\'lmlu~,l;usincss. BLACK WéLNUT. HEARSE I~ THE COUNTY, Selected Stock FURNITURE T. GS'I‘EVE) 1†(WW! We lmve lately purclmsvd the ï¬n: and having at all times :1, full stuck Tim Im'qmrtm‘ in rapidly iummm‘n Y’u :m- prvpnrod tn nth-mi fl ' m'dm‘s. with promptin- \'l("l‘HlHA S’l‘ltl‘il-l’l‘. l-'.\IIMI‘TIC>'\'H.I.I’. HAVE ON HAND A LARGE AND N/l I‘llnl, ;\.~ah an ,‘luph wm‘v 'lh-‘lnn‘tnu'nl. mu! \V . '. Q It WI†lw to wurmvlwmtu, before purchasing clsowlmm 01“ ALL KINDS, 1N HUD IOHTS :1 \‘ml'. ()lll‘ Nut? think to HV