Ontario Community Newspapers

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 10 Feb 1891, p. 3

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m t a 1m. yuan. Ind rt- IM Window and Tm}. «- m Band. In!“ Ethical. We! Irina“. 0a. Woodland. hum Win“. 30.. Will!“ L‘Iflw. 010.5090 2 loan-Mnado one! bonanza-o moo. tho pom Thm um on loan. Clo“ "uh on the on o! oll boul- Mordo . Wham. at uvuoldooum who run we”. got “an om nod awn tho “hm hook. '1‘th won Dru. B. A. goth“. Donahwm'tooy. Fuhor Ind low. Dr. noun-on enminod ii:- muu- tom ud dlnound oh» tho v» mu booth: . By No 036:" lb. Mary won out luto tho dloh room. “gaining oh. bonqon hull. Ind phood on o man were busily doupuolud lo: W6 honorlu. Ind so many on (on: w. 0|!le to his bodymbloh vol ropldly wing cold. Thlo wot n 1005 p. In. or ll: minute: tho clean-lo chock. vou owllod hoauntly. but “than “we“. AI mu pm. Judge Luzon: came out of tho duh zoom and oonounoed um Boon- tuy Window to! brenhod bl: mt. “ u u owl" MI an the funlnl announcement um Ill and. la o voloo mliwoy bemoan o nob and o whim" through an! gull badookod In no! lull. Esoty mun loo ed n his no hot with numbed ooh. sud “lone. loll upon tho men who nly o low mom- un baton won clamoring for now: of Mr. Wlnaom'l condition. The Beoreury bod nooumbod toon «lock 0! heart dine-u. Only lus Mondoy he bod on “not. which. howowr. pound “my wilhoui coming him mnoh lnoonvenlonoo. When it we: cfllololl “nuanced ah“ the Beonlory_ wu do. . alumna-wanlurck bunonnaaa In“ Ifll‘ Dwxvg-q "II In“, Beanie" Tm! mi to the meat telegreph one. end‘ out ‘3 nape-no to Preddeni‘flertleon. internal» Mn 9! «he untimely event. end r an n; him ‘10 communlcet’e ‘whh Mn ‘ inflom end hem In! «men “30.11.1013. In. troll: to: New York. This will bring the widow mum on: by"! o’eloak in the morning, and not an n then be): may mun omen" be nude lathe nmonl o! \be ho y.‘ - my elem-uni. nuns. ‘In' the course of Smrexery Windom'e ‘e ”b.5136 referring ‘0 gm: dccndmce‘ of ‘ 0 American moron-m marine. ha eeid : “' The trndeooy of hue he been ‘0 entren- del' ta lore-goer- even our dcmae'iu com. m, tether men to “Ian oursdvea'upon the noun. Dimtimlnelionn of the mo“ ”maintain-g abet-cu»: hwa been mede.‘ both by Gangrene end by Tree-my "gull- “one in (“or of Genndim tukund lime and “pun-him egg-inn our own‘ Precl- dente of the [hind sum hevo reputedly expreued ehe unionel humilmiou end up- ‘ led to Cnngre'u for tuition in. hem}! of on! repfidly-nniahing member)! merine. bub thulhr word: hem Mien upon dent! an. Leena hope the: the org m appull 0‘ President Harrison on thi, bjeo‘l mey per mm in Iowa mutiny d manure of proledien end ehncuxegcmem." A Ddrol; deapnich one: Jeflermn 1 Latino Prubylwinn Church, of which Senator McMuhn and is 'busintu associ- ate: on lending lxghts.}cmn um“ ago (1- Bended a cull lo 11w. W. W. Bataan, psstc-r of numbed!“ church in Kingston. Ont. Mr. Canon wee ted the call u-d ogned to withdraw Iron: 1 3 Minimal“ Chwcb. nnd ananmmonu mm made to hum him znmlned by the load Pranhytavy lnr admi- Ilon Io :hot body. ‘ Lu. Sundly Mr. Onwn prembeawhnl wu mpg-med to be hll inaugural lumen. Lu“ nigh It 1110 man-l meeting of the church - oommlttu "ported lb“ Mr. Canon's cull I” up. ‘ rally in oontnvomlo‘n at its Alien ‘ nine. Labor Luv. Tho commune ‘ noon-sanded um the call In uncalled. and lb. "port In untnlmon-ly adopted. Thou vu- muoh upcmlulon Ihll anemia: II to tho emu o! lhll remark-bio mow. A lnom member ' of me church. out : “ W0 did not know a! tho luv whan we u: “add tho coll lo Mr. Oman. When In [madam show cu moo M ll but not to l into In) nonbk. M l on.“ w“ an. ad. ' It. Omen h“ rammed lo Klug- ndh. Th. mung-Hon It. lmpotul that he will u tycoon» 5 china of lb. ‘Uniud Bum, n which «out In will be one. more mind to W u «ll to lbs church.“ lav. W. W. fur-on uphomoru .nd Freshman [530 ”DAM morn! lxhlbmon of “noun-Inn. APhllodol bl. dupuoh nyl: One of thou flora. nlhmonwopbomon conmm which nut and dicunca uudeni Me n IIme III Oh. oolkgu ‘ook plnoe yenerduy at m Unhonhy of Pannsylnnin. It wu the mnnsl bowl as)». 3nd Frenhnnn Bury lane Bsywnd. 0! \Mo any. vm chosen" vl mu." Th. "Sop" got out . lugs wooden bowl. bum n ma Navy Ru“ tor the noon-ion. and than getting ywud. fought over him for a hull hour. Ilnool gutting him into fiheir bowl. Hi- olunmnm nun rescued him. thyw-rd .90 more and c u- uliu. blunt in the hoe. whh .11 sh. clash“ mm from hil body. 5nd covered wthsrnhu from the terrible drubbing. mnehln . Ind tnmpllng and" too. In remind. 'bon the Iruhmon n- Iumd um trial to mp‘m’e the bow! and haul: it. hm Mica alter In houl'u adorn. Icahn yer 8.“an mace-dad in booking own 3 mt noon 0! oppomnu. and than mind u blow out n:- on “m on: NI lot-thud opon. and nqulnd M. m the hapitsl. n was a mm mm Dr. 00:. of WC. trusted on a Orimlnll cm... A Duran «lap-uh an: Anni. Genius, the “year-old mining». girl. who confound to having bun mind he: amp! . John 0. Elana, n prom . m Inga... o! “1:: plum! Ind tho to a; on can on r omod upon he by Dr. Wu. . Cox. ohm: on). Inc In mm fro-her Nathan. u come to Daron and In lntannulon min» 00:. A “mm '31 be M: I! t. and III- umm h V» urnml u mi. in... Mold mu». 0" «in to polio. mu": , m0 ind-o bu- ]: It. and o! In... but; M Ma; unit-adj- “MEGAN mm" mm- nnu. , 313mg 1] OPOBTO. $3.". warm. Hw.mzu “m mm“: WWW“ V Bin-lung? ”I01 D's-nun...- ”J‘l'n'. u up... win-I "W110." out no 0'. ‘1‘. . a“ ”I at... gun mud!" “I LIKIIIB‘IOI DOA! DAL. rim. OOLLIGI F10 fl!" 9 mm m Know-ox NW ‘nm L-bor m hoop-lotion“ portoholl olodlron‘ Luau-on» _ltloolto|oo thotthoobioot o! o notloooro iotooo- tohlioholortouooohopuouo. Thoroholo on! tho loyolloto omol'thlo doopotohlo oootJ'htlo‘lnthootrooto. Bonuhoolt tho-uyhnhooo htlloil oohoth idol. Oltiooooorohonloodlo. tholr hooooo. ond tho to to olroolotoo thot tho Gonn- uoott on Magoo-t ln‘hootolron m IUPIIIIID- A lotor doopotoh ooyo: Tho rovolt hoo boon onpprooood ood ado: iooooo moro tootorod in thio ott . Shortly oftor tho ho- ;lnnlo. o! tho rov tho lnoorgont troo . ood o portion 0! tho lloool gurdo. lod y two oon-oomniuiomd ammo. ooilod tho Botol do Villo (town hoh) in Dom Pedro l ou'oood opootdto than ond thondo. can o tops to. Honour, o otronu body 0“ ol troopo. oompoood ct uttllory out tool! on. map“ surrounded ond loirl Mo to tho Haul o Villo. ‘ Tho onlllozy oponod flro upon it ond tho honhoramont woo lollowod by o oomhinod. troll-loo oud olovorly-dlrootod inlontry ottooh at: tho loonr to' lortrooo. Tho loollioro ovoa grond y. hoopla; up o rottllng flro ond od. nnoing ot the oomo timo. Alto: o koblo roohtonoo tho lnourgonto onrrondoror‘l. Tho Ian on both oldoo woo trifling. Tho incur- aonto will he triod hy oourt-mortlol -ond in oil probohility tho ringloodoro ohot. Tho otorohro o hove now thrown dovn tho horrluo oo from thoir windowo ond door! on!) thoro io gonorol rrjololnn hero over tho owilt onppreoolon of tho outbreok. HOW IT BEGAN.- Lum.-1‘hoinonrgonto to the number 01400 stumbled oi to'olook in tho morn- ing. out! with much cheering porodea through tho principol otrooto. hoy mode on otternpt to ooizo tho Protectors 0! Police ond the control tolegroxlih- olfioe. Their plono were. however. rnotrotod hy the mnnioipol gnord, who mode ropeolei ohorueo on tho Insurgents ond repollod their ottooko. Moonw'vhila tho civil Governor tronoforrod bio 'outhorlty to tho gonerol in cammond, who summoned loyol troops. when tho law olviliono onppartfizg the tebalo dlspcrood. The lotttr then pm needed to iho Hotel do Vin», fortdyinu tho otrnoture to tho beat at their obiliiy lo the ohort time ot Ihair mm- monrl, but looking ommnnition they lpPLdily submitted in rcoponoe to on ortillery hombordment. The number of the killcd ond wounded on both aide, in- cluding civillone. lo vorioualy estimoted at from 20 to 50. Some of tho rebelo esotpad, but zurrondexod later. The municipal anorda ouhorquontly oa‘onpied the Hotel de Villa. and at one» houled down the flog o! tho Republioon Eedorol plu‘bi which“ the mam ll 1'3 mm INNS. rcbela Sud hoisted on the bqilding. Six or seven unicorn o! In inferior grade toak pun in the revolt. which was ofldininctly republic“: chunoter. It is ullo ed um ‘ the civilian Index in {he row: a ‘wu a hw or n-mad Al‘vez Va! a. By ao'olooh in I e ulternoou ‘ho mo t had been an- “:on unmanned, butlt‘he department bu been deal-red in a “I“ of siege. ‘ THE “WEBB 07 TB! RIVOL‘X‘. Alvoz Veins. the chili-n lender in the row", formed a rafnblicm directoira. oon- aminu ct Benhor ’rettu, a judga o! the High Court; Benhor Bonus. 3 retired gun enlpmcer; Pref. Silva. and mu brother; Lona. None‘ of tho-o 'psroonn were patent, however, wbm ma Town Hill was «pant-ed. int. Latin and onbLicut. Mnlhoiroo. who on man of the high“: nah. won with the rebeh who wore finned. Th0 number of inn-urgent- Ind dwindkd down to Ibon‘ 150 whoa may wok "has. in m Town Hall; ‘ From th- windovn of chic building an robe“ and Iovonl vollcya u the loyst trcopn. whn stormed the hull and «pound in n tbs pom of tho buyout. In flu mun- Ilmo mun robot: Ind "up“! by way of the bust 00". Forty-three Ioldhn Ind “on ohms!“ who hid Inkon part in the ' piling were pllocdnndor am” by the lay-l troopl. um! 80 oshan surrendemd tumnlveuv Three Ioldfim and tour-mil- Inna, including n woman. ware Mist during the fighting. and Revenue" 3nd 10 ctvilhnl were founded. Under direction 0! tho nuthoritiol the Vofiiou rand printing room! 0! “HM re ubflnnn journnl- mm nidod. and .n the acumen“ found in the pine“ were «ma. Every puma found on ‘hu Kremlin w“ Mkon Into cutcdy. Ind tho nudlngi were laced under ehorgo 0! sh. military. All t chunk. tad commer- 31.1mm: in the city hue cloned their can. Lunou, Fab. -- A number of prominon‘ pound-n- wont to the roynl pghoo to dny Io give ex union to their loynlty to the throne. Ins Chain in nooiving tho donation from Opoflo, nkod “mu to but the lab-shunt- of mu 6" (or am: loyal “made during the "you. ., The (Small! apart o! my mum of Bull!- dq'l uprmn an nine penan- wm killed ml 48 wonnA 951 during “30 fighting. Palm: Albuquuqnt ha ha: “ruled charged will: lining been consumed in film revolt. All the Manner: will the"! be tried hy court-mush]. Two huudr ind Immy-fln rim. were found concealed In hon-u "and tho Town Bull In Dom P051391 tqnup. Hillary luv will rennin In town In Opoflo for I month. Sewn] fugiuvel of the numb-t of thou onglgcd ln .Bnmdny'u luau-ml» of ”man troops mm cap. and many on the 8mm: mum. A London able “71:11:. nmslnn of out!“ 3mm; 11 mn to do md to ml in m «mm a Wohln. pedal aux-am from this any you“? anon hundred lamina o! the grant you unintu- m m Mica um tho om monie- m o! t a sin m d [my 0! thou who (one the body to the comma won nrlm corona ribbons in the“ m. “a“ About 2,000 pooplo hand around Hr. Bndhuh'l mu. moan thou pvt-mat won It. Join Harley. lit. Hmry Ll- bouhcn. In. Baum. no] a numb“ of mum of tho Hon. of Commons. Tho oofln m 0"“ WM: Soul wrenlu. but no summon we. worn. to: w my 0! mm or that cloth. flu. “but m unkind by all M «and th- mu. ii” mmmmm fi wummmmmw Mam». WmmM mam? ”Mm “mum”? ab E. '3'!" 'M-‘P‘hM‘ 9359‘)! m Durham Ital-ugh lurid 'AMWM oflm ad o and! mm: o! nonh- wbo Moflm‘dnflnmh a “It I” o! muting tho trio-‘10. won than» a mum mu. Au noon on uh. oumatottho work I "out can” no to Iho “do at tho convict with o cud-n oo- Iolllln Ml bond. The lull“. knonod and on“. thlok. um futon-d to 3 “out place a! wood and u o hundio. Tho Ion- Mnou o! the court m nod Ind uuuud to whhoo! choose of ooupunoooo on tho pan ollolioo. Thin tho wood 0! commend woo given and “lo out I'll. though the m. is com down wilho mm: on n» whit. book at tho caudal-mod o livid lino wu mo oorou ‘ho akin. Tho Iuooouin Ion luhel was. In“ on wilhom mu. Aoobhor amour thou lttppod («word out! tho oooond communion In ginn with eqool tom. ’1‘?» upon put at tho book grow duke: to one And the luprmioo of ‘ho lnh flood on! in bold mm. Baton tho Hum onto one told on tho flab looked bro n. and blood oongd out of an "alien linen. norm wu noted. From the am to the loot he received mam vmh. out so outcry or "on winoingmnd the poninhmom was h: no mun- ughl. Hi: book wu oovorod and he won roturuod to hi: all to medium over “I. manor. Tho oonvlou who stood b11530 pooh hp- f temd. ad urinal chub blanched 9: tin orociou on was mu to Ml with'muhl- i3 nnd an" hm“ upon tho bud body at a t low-con . ‘Ihu (Imus "nun-id on. with proclaim. and tho nhflouion at tho \ny punishment in Mm min-rod but man A". a detain. ell-oi upon m mind: otoflondeu‘. The public ad the pun were debut“! mom noting tho whippin- It‘s“ the Dublin twp]. to luv-Pul- gnu-Bo Would (but a talisman: {a Dmunc, Fab. â€"- Mr. Parnell upoko hon to-dny. Hlo clumsy from Duhlln to Boul- wu'j "lump .1 ‘progmu. Thou wu a remuhblh min at demonunllou in bi- honor dong tho route. At every stoppue on when w“ mounted to Mr. Pnrnell. lo which he. lam-fl :epliea. Av'Athlono‘ “Joanna; of pcope hid authored al who nation with btuda, torch“ 3nd illumimled devices sad the crowd vulnly lried to per- Mada Mr. Parnell loiglop: H39": Upon utiving n Ennis Mr. Pnrnoil‘wn greeted by the reception committee and ‘by a dance mulmmo o! peoplg from the sur- rounding dlnhieu. A. procession um {attend with band. 3nd lumen. n6 Mr. Puuen wu eloorte‘d to me pltpe‘ol meet- ing In from of OYOonnkll'I statue. when n ph‘fnl’m 116 bun around. Mr. John Eapnonna. M. P. for Eut Lfimuick, pn- Funm aided Mr. Pun-mall in hla'vapeeéh deolund “m Ireland bud Mood but to her claim to b. sovereign within her own, domlln. Ho refund to admit may Engli'nh vezo' n In M bl;- own buuinesl um concerned. u in 1880 he told! the Irish people thu they wouEd win Antigua“ had proud the truth 0! Mi words. so in a. fun day; “my would know the truth of his duel-taken. thus they know the truth of his doolctohon. thus they bud won 1 "filament of this mutation which would he cverlnsungly creditabla to their purlotinmg They would gun a Pulhmem with reg! power tayrgbcol the; inhuman! of_, nary clan. to settle the question a! had Ill-.1 patina, to disarm Ind oonvafl the oamtubnhry {Mo u‘civil force under $119 comm] of Ireland's 0k and zeprenarhuvoq. Under such a psi-115mm: lrehnd would ran)!” her lupiroflonl to be I nation. For Shin ho hid fongm through many long yuu. and n the loot» 0'! this (O'Donnon'l mum ”had them $0 hive pttienoe m j‘pgga him by regain. (ngd 0200".)- ' During tho liternoon Mr. Punch w“ panned with nddnuel by human!" public bodlu. In tho owning ho “flamed so Dublin on route [or London. To (13"! meeting was tho I»! o! thou donnitely unused for Mr. Parnell. 8m anctsoo. On]. Feb. -â€" A nohemn hna jun oomejo light whereby n nhnrp' Chinnmnn hu nwindled the United Sines Government out of tome 030.000 revenue. It in their tan-tom here when good- are imported in “he to the nppniur'n non 10 per cent. 0! Hum. from which we dn‘y in to bo «loci-tad. The Onniom hams broker he to file 3 bond of 0400 for the pnymom of ihn duty. Ind tho owner ll than nilcwod to into the other ninndonthn to; Iii-pines of bntinenf. On Jnnnnry 1 n ChinImnn wont 3hr 1: 1h“ rouiino leaving 10 per out. of a use nhi mi 0 opium with tho up minor. 9 in now wnntod Io n: the nty. but onnno‘ be found. A" n dniy on thn in}! amountot opium ho impound will b. about 035.000 nnd the 10 antic“ by him in only worth 03. Jan mnku n 010:: profit of our 030.000. Durand; the United Hutu Government Out or $30,000. , A Thu defies“ Ihsdu m purl of undmnd Md. win: n narrow cord "amidst: upon the hunt in «It color cm! with. ”’gflu I. hm rl Manon. {I tho nun halibut typ_o_or orig“ dun u m: m be won aroma. be wearing o! evening gloves now nah “not“ 11:. adieu “1M pay not be mlhlunly broken. The tom. II n upon-In one. boo-nu m tuning glovu must be fimmnoulato. A soiled pal: of am!» glans would In Gounod I: am. I III at akin {ml nag} 5»;qu q pgfliou wogrlpg. ' Glavu m lndispennhlo to the nu: that unit" to be well around. Thu 1th“. fullenu om»: hi'm Godly Mflm mm of tho had-nu ‘0 Manu- in W'GII'. Till, Ill" soon 15“." WWII In Math. hon one to ooo out] I halibut... The mm pump!“ mold om so groom width- at the and. Gum-inn mum" on In mid by tho men‘s tumhhon. “though I. would mm the hum nigh! more mostly dd mm to hit Moot. having them to mull flu nflm derby coloring at tho moon. Annual] the annual! should comm! with or much the «lumen. owns“. Int or non: other porticn of an mm. «bor- whuby m mm“ to O loo (Ioâ€"Inn. NM . _ 0-5 ”chow PAINILL 0! TH" .1311]! m OAT-O"! [IE-Tm A CU I" OBIIA‘AI lmlnu In In (nova. [or Your Burbank. MM w“: o no. EWoul-duum Ind-hi on tho Unto-d to. room |l|o oonN-ol u at tho who oath. Wo how no I to I’II. lulu to making. Tho (Junction no on I. on». to, olo cu owl-loo. who! do tho, own. to? It. two-let o row 0! pins. Ir. Conanâ€"Thu lo oo. But n on who Ouodo no {Ill can mount to: on, poulblou mam]! Illuml any maintain-o. y , n u: my on own must. It. Ila-Icy “dbl-l a» lid tho United am.- will a any other mph on th- hen at tho nub. M to: a pophllon of ”300.000 In the Unit“ am». up“. of cup 3b. the Sun noopo sh! a» road on: m, but in on. 0! 9n fowl-to bull uncxpoohd do- ehuuon o! In My maid ho that Wel‘ Hugg- pdlg! WA“! nudge. What would tho Brttloh notion in. lo! 3 up". mil. 0! nah ttoopo. and with riflu thot would not shoot one i.“ uni. 9 Bo did not wont to char tho nobodu‘ of hie mm. but it no homo“ tho whet. wall. know oinody tint tho United Btotu woo ohwlntoiy ham Tho Dom-um could not "cotton tn-doy with «iv-atom Thu won the Bibi. tenth. Grout Briton but A magnificent holhor ot Bullion. to. touted by nohio hottoriu ad the hon out in tho world. She had noothu non] Ito- tiou at Bermuda sad onotha on the north- wutorn coat. on ale» to the Unit“ snu- thnt nut!- in thot huhor could throw shot: ooze-I tho lino. Won a?!“ without notioo. It won nid Glut moi: would not fight. oto. but John Ball got and nod mode on on of himself like othor people. Ho fought ugoimt robbery. and sometimes ho fought to: the not. of roh. buy. In twain ox nightoon boon Groot Britain could numhlo a float ot Portland. in eighteen or twenty homo It Baotou. sad in taunt loo: boon. path-pr. ot Now York. ritilh wor vouch in tho bother of New Yuk could levy o tribute of Mo hundnd or o thou-Ind million doll-u on the city oi New York. one! Now York would ho compelled to 'poy it. In the mention. thou “gollont cool 01 liberty" by the 100.- 000 or the 500,000 might be ormiug. but the would not be worth I sin in loot you'- hi 'I nut. The huhon of onion. Port. loud. Now York. (Shula-ton. New Orleans ‘0! Son Fronol-oo could not b: dolonded. II thgy bod po modern g‘nnl.‘ fir. Dolph duo Ipéko in mo: of Ma qw- 0.0."! p!9'°°!‘°_n-._ Mr. Bl-h'rldnouled Mr. Dolph'u cad. Mr; Bunny" In." of wu whh any nation. can sumo bud no oonoohnblo mm" to nuke war against me Uuiiod' StIMt Ho cflerod In Amendment looking to In inter. nation-l conference for mowuppnuion of the flue undo, “d of “19' "Add In intoxi. outing llqucn. firearms find gunpowdcr In Autos. - Mr. Ooukrallnnd the report of “:9 con- .loronoo of America: "Mom on me Eubjeot o! internnloml Mutation. 3nd nrguod mu up ropxiuionn (01',er pupa-“ion- Hg" ploing thq‘ffnmd swam a h-lno . .l ‘ The U‘uiyoraity of Edinburgh contem- plate} caching itl_d09!!‘(0 \gougan undant‘l Min Rue Bugle is the am womnn «3 receive the honor of a (an ”reactor-hip 11mg! tho Royal Academy of «in 1!: Eng-- u: , Stenognphem pad 353):eran can be had ‘in‘buuohen u 04 a main. Books at ‘80 in mom): cannot. be fonmi to tum-M” the demur‘d. . x ‘An “eupérJ‘é lamb-ream" for tho eupeuioi bands of dyapepu‘o diners bu recently boon uh‘blkhediu New York by Dr. Ron W. Bryn. , Puny flan! 11202181)“ '0! white! vioieuvor ohrynnmamnma 310:er mund together after the {union oh dog-dollar no now won with "suing drawn. Lilliu’ok-lnni. who become: Queen of Haw-ii by an death of Kshhnut. her brother. in u» “(not In Ennllobmnn. Lianne”. John O. Dominlq. Her desig- nation u heir Ippnent wu due to the not um she won the 0221 mambo: 0! she roynl (mail, who hid oh“ ran. . Mmo. Bunion. wile of “a. celebrated President And o woman of nnrponiog bonny, in now «tying n Wuhlogmo. Bh- wu mottled u the IE. of 14 and h mount: 0! If: children. n. a a look: on huh 5nd tool-at u o young girl. She ll very IO- oomplilhednpookina an loom-gel whh fluency. Bo: tortuno h nld. on good onehomy. to lung“. 86,000,000. A {emblem-hie London “no; bu jun computed en elegant paling {or the Prin- ceu ct Welee. I- h o! violet valve! lined with ermine end trimmed with: pneumon- Mrie a! vial“ Ind 3016. Another hind» some poliue in o! eoezlet eloeh, unfiltered into n yoke 0'! udekin. An olive-green cloth pollen in lined with blue to: fur. which n rolled over in large revere to ehe foot 0! the gown. It scam. .I pity thIt tho young womIn who in about to (Ithlinh I home Ind ha I Inn: of monoy to upend for in trust-hing «not bo'pounIdcd {tom II in; ‘t out II] It one. She rob! hone! d to much tutu" enjoyment. The Iplck Ind um: am of lurnitm which no oIrelutly ardond 1mm In upholltour. and curled homo Ind Itood Ironnd her pIrlou by his men. will nova: afford her hi! the anti-- lution uh. on get in I room [or which to- dIy the buy: a chair. Ind next week, using thou must be I able to ”comp-my the chic, Ibo ItIrtI on I trash shoppin nonr- Ilon. Ind and. I ma. which ll nut y tht Ibo w“ looking for; Ind in maths: month. ("marina the mood of I boon-Io or I lama. Ibo hu Iinn th dotlght of the hunt, Ind the qmtihoatlon of oMIlnlng tho «Mott Icmn and boom“ In the city. Itch I room is I growth. I gItherlng to- . ”not. 0! hon-hold trauma llttlo by ttlo, Ind who. by when, Emh Irtlolc, bought only when the need Irina. or when unethlng II hIppuy found to jut moot the hood. ‘1“th I [Imily history whioh 1min It In Intel-Multan II won II I «hr IN. poo-union. EIch conch Ind footnod h In uhhvomut; uoh rug Ind cumin rowan-9M3 ttlgxgp'h. ggch I bong. Mil! .umh though Had [Mignon-Mamie: our“ in Mulls. ulna I mania; In ”than could pnrohued by tho 33%;: pan. from “no” mo» tantalum. «b man. «How 0 But» ‘1 man-ouc- ltm... “ohm. 3-4 mm,- In the not. hum mu. of the world Mun th- "to 010qu of Molina Ind loam-mm, onto! nu ma ha 0! ultimatum!» mine, ; and I In igu- mm to not. an n In human in- mam nod mum-m am the point of am “no. nd tin prim! is no. 11 my mum “mum at x mm a to dam. M Weston I a: who all“ the «min cult-ow- WI cum; and Mad M how " m "Mon tad-cud plut- Ilka." mil- ”pin! III-HI». M at. “oustâ€"hon “Th m offln,’ (I rm Detour. ‘ "MUM“! UM”- "dually Woman Ind Their Wan. “‘0me what And the Ian A‘IIIOAI 11100“- Mann: n Home. lulu lyndhilbfiuflh thilnhg. hall. I» - In“! In.“ “an “II-Inn! a! Not Gaul- uo unloaln I gas” at iuua'ng m urn: I. W In. WI 94 Would luv- Iqu It than I'm”. 430 Abbi Boat 3.. Inc-ind um Juan-In I’M. mad l: mu. an I... Iona. lon- I. m. thud-n “dad! In our. " a 'm mpg: m ‘3'. um. 11 lynud'u mnwmvu uno m1... who: 3...?3‘.‘ 0;. income of dual. Ala. ho ”New In a" to film "Halon Ion-ohm. Who- on m am much to tho ouno, whuhhubunmowlduumo a son tho Pluo Do IA Roam-n. by 0001’» Ind NI gum Flank. than pluloud .06 on th- nlo I». ovuturmd upon "a. mu! 0! I: an! aunt. u n m. In: which n- o um: him “(h be mm m nilo. imud, um: c woman! u of wary conumpt or "autumn "tuna m "tum th- [at Mu, bato- ou him by AM). Emma. u cutaway m mom at Mummi- on the m 0! being ”coated. Tho Lotion 0! mo (tame 9. once lynud'l nook Ill wall banal}: ho uptick". mu Inounmuooou. ‘1']:qu pnnh. bud All In our. Ensud'u bud hul “non tum ma “want-filled I- tal. whlch “and! it. Then touovod an In mot kxuuonl. And the body 0! Gould. murdml I“ handed over to hi: (Eyund'u) “lulu- mud ”quinine“ A ohms. our: to! moon. Inn and null. Pooplo hon been ouch Ihookod to nod of tho won. ond oqoobor In which million! ol the civilised onion“ ot the Wild an. hot ooooolooolly inoldonu no hrongln to mm in thin hi: ooomty which night out- poo! them for tho minty ond dogudoflon Chou. In Guolph. for balance. more lo I totally dompoood a! who! to ton-mod o non. hlo wito mad at ht small ohildron. Tho win in, dying vm consumption. Not being oblomrm from bed, tho homo ho: ho- oomo I0 filthy on to duty description. Two nolghhou Mumpsod to oloon it out but turned oioh hoforo they h‘od gone tor. And. it in reported, olmon hot! to burn mou- olothu. A eta-mum“ rotated to hon onything to do whh it. A. minute: Itoyod in two mlnutu. ond tho-o who hovo noon it ee’ Ibey never new ennui); llhe it. [he nebend it e drunken base. eeeee nothing. for me rest a! the temlly. lo the. his own Ippetisee mey bated. He‘oeme home the olher evening imoxieeeed end dellbentely equirted'vmbecoo juice down: the throes of the helpleee women. ee‘ the wee meeting to him. ‘In other weye he, bee ill-Med bet en the the neighbou‘com: log in have “ken hot for deed. Temporary err-anemones were nude on Sunrdey whereby lhe women was teken to SI. Joeeph'e Heepitel; the children will be outed tor. end the men Allowed to ehlh to: hlmeell. Idle underuood ehec no union on be «ten egelne! him, ee ehe wile ie not in e oondhlon Io ley the informetiou.-â€" Guelph Mercury. Diflerent Ecrte or Ilioee A re Discovered ln ‘t'nriuue Wen. Few pee in in thie pert o! the country hove Iny i eI ol the dimonlty at finding I mine. A men who ioliowe it for n living must thoroughly underntend the nature at the district in which he ie. Different eorte. o! mince Ire found in different weyl, eeye ‘e‘writer in the St. Louie Glob: Democrat. If you In in I plecer dietriot. 0! comes. ‘ you here nothing to do exec-pt to walk elon‘ ‘ I Itrcem, with even in , our bend, In teet the call by weebiog t ll you name to pey dirt. But it you new nothing Ihont it you‘will weete I greet deIl 01 time teetin dirt thIt “experienced prospector wonl know “I glenoe conteined no gold. In I true fleeure or content diemot the experienced proepectcr will welt elong the bottom of the gulchee inching for "floete." Ilthouuh he expeote to find the mine hr '09 the mount-in ride. The flcet it vein mot- ter whiehhreehe 01! with the eettiina of the mountein Ind rolle down he eidee. The proepeetor. who it Icqneinted with the cietrint. hnnwe it It once. end when he fiadeit oiimbt the mountein till he Iecer- teine where it «use tram. A tenderloot would never know whet it wee. Bot tome. tlmu I tenderloct etrilm it richer then anybody. The Silent, Friend mine It Pitkio. 001.. which thawed I that vein or talk! gelene It the greet roote. wee found by two Swede reiiroed hende who didn't know whet the motel wee. end new It“, three-lonrthe 0! their Internet hetero they dleoovered ite velne. Experienced proepectore the been over the ground thoneende of timee. but there were no ex» ternel evidenon oi the luck The Bwedee loud it by rolling I howlder down the monntein. The minerei oregped out from 1 the piece where thebowlder Id been. The greet eerhonete fielde cl Leedvllie were loud by I men: who wee thought to he tune for einhinge else“ where there were no txternel evideneee of mtnerel. He found the oerbcnete in I " hienket "in," lying level II I that of weter. I greet die- tence below the ground. » A reguler pree- pector would never hove eon): I ehIlt there. But where one tendertoct Itrihte it .thet we, I hundred thcneend get broke Ind go home dingo-tel. The now Argentine Pooino Bollroofl. from Buenoa A3!" to tho foot 0! tho Auden. hot on it whnt is probnhly the longest tnnmt in tho world. Thin II 840 kilometer-I (911 mil-u) without I ma. In thin ammo. than in not I ling]: bridgo and no opening lugs! thnn on ordlnnry culvert, no out grater thon one motor In depth. nnd no 0!! of n height exceeding on. mom. Than in nlmoot on anti“ obnonoo of wooden tho ploln tom. which tho wont-tn and o! the root! is I Mod. nu h“ Ind to tho uhndn to! ndnlllo “a. which will be mph, ' on My the ontlro toga. "Th- thln Tampuuon" bu whoa val“: on “I. N" En tad circuit for In- or Gil'mon. The I spend. II unr- nnnnnd donut thud 0! mum “: In! mlon up to thin “mo. 11min Bunny ln"uthy sud F. O. Burn-ad. not: of whom had mock“ tho Ida o! wrung a pity londd on not, 0! ' Guam." In" land to we“ In moon. Thule coo. Winn couple“. will In pro- duct] In. Dagny. Indy Wm. I". at tho ex-Lord lam. o! halo-d. h “and on. o! the handgun-u m h Ink-d, m but loo-jut. w. pg hung! In “WNWWfiI In.” It! ‘ “"43... ' fl Inca-undoing gym ton-«uh mm. But-Bronco]. mama. won am into Ibo poplin ”alumnus-M The Long.“ Straight Bun-cod Incl. HIS HEAD 001' UN. ll DAIK IO! GDILI’H. HOW To Fill!) A Hill. Wuudr ament-fium.m an pond-cl ndmt.’l¢ not. no «mmmautauuuwm woqnmdoofluc no. And by m «mmuMJtohnno noun-aunt. .111 Ian non-ulna 116 nonw- a! “gags. Facile! _ “lemming-n.“ lam do w Mud-flu My a ”um-how '0!!! down with mini nut. I! don m in halo madman: I. 0.000 ups-ha 3%"- m. Mm...“ b": u" . on! at ‘ I um um will mum In “numb". II doom-'3 uh In» mm In. anon. In: oym. In: a ‘ and not. All M mung abouo to In .99.. radio! Think of your 0, in commotion will: that. Mann. «:0 than an am he gm”; You. m. you an n M D A Oren-to an, run one tom 0! VIII. lb“. thumb!) no... Them“, 0! the um am: at Home. In ueooleflon o! loven ol and anon. bullet-Inning: In meow o! a» some. pig. Th enema. the m eon. etude Ibeolnu 1y done. tron one point o1 View. Do who! you will. 18, ll input“. to mete e friend at m. mm nouns. equirrele. wad do , cookooe. even one end aloe. hon been found enable to Madonna. Even Romeo some. In I: heeflee Ind botmmee the been to t to- reoogniu their mum Ind show I fly intone. in them. The union pl; In In Ibeurd um. mime! lo: I number 1 of renooe. end one of the moot "whole “omitte- Ibom him to hie none. He II not I pl; of In] Nodmor my mum: Io-the g3, and lube: nothing to do with Gulnee. e to I kind o! at end hie out" home In South Amerioe. Why he would hove been celled I “pig" no one know. union is wee on Ioooum of she night gunning no!” am he thI not! the word “guineo” h hie one any ha I oorrupflon o! Golan. where the onion]. hon Iomeumee been round. though it wee nm brought (tom Buzii. Hie reel name in the “oevy” end by the: he should be celled, In MI wild emu he in quite difiereoely colored from the dome-meted Inimel end leoh the opening of whim, block Ind town] color which the “med oevy ofeen bu. It need to be commonly euppoeod the! the guioeo pig drove Iway ordinerv rote. or tether «and than to m' Iwa on Ioooum 0! Wait extreme diehke of him. but “on thin nexnlve mom in denied to the 00: little Inimel. No one. hammer. in ob e Io deny hie gentleman Ind nubmieetveneee.â€"~Ymuk’a 00mmnm. To and m uncut lpu locking, sire-om orf perhaps hunt, I no nu omrmm during flu winter In tho modern muoh‘ , plumbui housed. Nothing men thoroughly demouiiaan tho dome-tic inmhlmy, that web (wholly happenings. Floor: any”. mitiuga lent. the: v no: 1" lb!“ ofl, ond the whole hounobold if: M a thud still. waiting. for xho "unions willo‘Aho-wnp. um plumber. When-var the Ink is viable. “in housewife con cure a» m bone”. ‘n has tempunily. Bhniofi tho um- around then lpl‘eld coma white lad on o cloth, like u planter. Tic ‘hia firmly over “I. look. ond the pluter will noon burden, to: the outer onto! work in way out or pro- ve. t the plutot'n ulhumg. ”Unlu- fibo p‘nmtor will make thorough, rep-m when no doel- come, the load pan: is non pmnononi that any pumod dot or weak Iolder. L91 5 pound n whit.- iead Inna I do, or two until a. skin bu formed over in. And fihon om: h with- wner It will be not! sad and: for an at my time, And the human“ on " Inlp hot finger- st tho pinmber'l won." to put.» hrne Sir Jmeph Porter. .- be” mm o rusty morning. Ship! of rubber on. from old rubbor shoe- ond bound clghily our tho look: in hotwour pip“ will do“ “no hole- nnd nop the (hi ping flood. When the water {menu in t 0 sum 0! the both-room or the kitchen link. a gun of common n10 thrown into mom will show “no: out not. npidly nun but fit". A lighted lump plnood under o from water-pi II non npld Ind convenient It: work 6 n pouring on hot want. A lamp. tho but partly lowland. placed under mama! bond or barb of pip. which is um. to . tnm u o I mph pronoun o! cranial. In Nth: wuthor.â€"â€"Hamr'n Bum. some ingeniou young women Ink. puny and convenient won-them out at I Hcotoh Tum o’ Shanta: mp. an “I. Hut York rim». One of Ion, any tone- in lin‘od with [3:10 pink silk. Ind uni-bod on the bud Mud w'nh Rho inuvinblo [lul- bow. which in ihia 0“. in u m. which team- iho vim qua «on to s womm'l anon- um mm. The up run by“: m min mien“ op: on ; mt uh». Ind lama n r ly «pulm- md M0 pocket [or spools. thimbtn and odds nil anal. while the wit uterine of"! u at. lnctivo audio mhion. The Jouml 4'11ng Panda" to: Jan I!) up : “ Mun-In us very prank-s In named. Thin dim" n In from being a! a human ohm. u I Mano- lon. pubflo laugh”. Ion!" An not dangerous '0 M k u. but thy boom. to Ind "on moth! by com loam For thin rum“ in any: I to pm to their care u once. This 00! that, buy. ban or I man um um um. 00m don anon m to“. the mm o! the bout, and More outings?“ tho boo-ob- mvadfilphwo. hon Imlnflmpflon dun-Ina" Funk 1. Mont-on, a Mun), Mnh. an“ oluodhntodmtiomfioumhon from Tom» shot“ five months ago and who an. up to vary may “muting Idiom: hr at. p r. m nodal-ml, Ila-day's!!!“ u-mum amt Ink mu! all Wad-uh, “I" Mo'lo'olook. ma “on.“ m. Mancini- «onto a. mthhU-ud a. m ‘- Mo “ill nitâ€"010W can.“ Am What to Do Before the Piumb'or Coma: now [no for run 0' aha-kn. no! rut taunt. 730! toxin “mum. loam TI. Glfllll P10 on 0.3 Of 3 'IICO'o onion um um um! sh. Walrlfi-PIPIO. m mime! mun-woo “we" tau-nu ...... .- wun .. no m w. uno- wan-v- cum "- EMWA‘i .l ES 1.: _ Il'hnwooldm ”dish“: ”tutu.” Luna-i: m up.» um. I‘m.“ in human In her pun). villa! vuv to: any." to auto: m haunt Min; bu. huh“ um “maul this In. tor uhud um! «Mo. and Included lath-dun quotient-c by m duo“- .ud noun. which It. We nonunion! Map at “u huupuuh. and no .93 99 hi. my. pond no!) word with child”: Mut- nqu, thn “the! “mud. bound. to throw. whhhha Maul! no can «new! n his own mothoc'u hue. “ Nov 1 by no do" to shop. ma shout“ m but to MI boyhood bum-ad to ho campus.“ but.“ up- ho could no In memory tho fund mt methadonpinu mm to not, who Mum his own int»: n,- pnnn which In!“ Mano fouomn 19 mm, But no be m ”mousing aby_ hip team" In 0 Mn The child mt on Nymph.“ but little vane. null then. u mm by a» mother oonunnd. "Gui blu- mmuu. pup. and mum “INâ€"41m: that m n pl». ml “the! her troubled bin .70. to what's hot. 10;th Nan ”a," prompted mm. 9 do! blag: pup:,"_l~§npod 9h. Bulging, *‘Audâ€"plu'nundhfin ham Io'bu ” no.“ not hou- tho moth-t u I!» u. but the chad gunman-um: in- winding: , En ““00dâ€"l-blul ' and planâ€"Ind Mmeâ€"homo -um’."r£m." ' um“ Md ohfld apt»; t9 their (on In guru when tho door oponod Io Inddunl'y. bu. my mum druid than they law who u nu. Mama! to ma; hm um nigh. thaw“. any wu ban tucked up In bad. “to: not a romp v“ pom. “I” aid in thy “topic“ and mmcontunod o mica: 7 “ lama. God mmn’mofl no quick n “In mayhem. doesn‘t he t"-â€"8elccud. A aligned Lou tho mm of ham». _ in Man: Dllmondl. "Ion mm put out. Jim.” he aid. I they am In the pan emu. '9 I‘m All broke up." . “ Anything wrong with the girl 2" " All wrong, 8n shin Mint. 8h. nan“ but uh. won I In home thin «votingâ€"«u: tonyâ€"~03)! lam “me next you. sad so forth." ‘ ’ ’ " And tho motion 1” “ Ohfiltmtlpnmt. you knowmbroooh I» with~ .homâ€"dhmondl. Form to «to tho [price can! all, you know-- muted n 9165) . ‘ " I sunk I “wont." “Girl sou hummusâ€"wanna to mm the duy-mnmmn .n righflugovomo: at: no to an. at?! with in, Bare go. pad I who 010.000 can. And look up In In:- nhun.” v ' V ‘ " I aurmm that I oomprcband. " v "Every thing lovely up to a weak ago. Brooch “ya“ out of repair. Girl him It to another inhaler. 800? Jewakr clan to an ho:- a pack a! aha same quality at (Hammad.l to: .2 and throw in a at oi Shaka Giilgo'u hflm" so tall ma- . matalapa: finale! 8067’ I‘ I maul-lo to churn. ” "0061;: cation: from out; nou‘ n- anon; night’ on aha ioioic. hon go’hlanthag ethicâ€"tho climax. Ta ta. old v huh nrâ€"g gone up. manual“ aha Oomar'u " Dom: Fm Pnu. On tho MN. of n kind I I“ yummy ‘ copy of flu bible which once below to Henry Wad Backer and In on tho that in thu gran winner; nu y, «)1 1h. New York Pmc. It h u can]! volume, nnd. tr‘om m laudpflon. h-d been pro. "and to him b n Maud. There an two who book-mar I run “trough in lam. and 93! my pogo. “guy ' upon“ up Ago pencil marks Hound two pan M of “tip- mu. Nowhcn ulu‘in tho boo no then any pencil mm about pun”, Ind than no «no: can to hug Ind none spam «nation [tom the walnut divino. Tlu Inc {I u the beginning 0! III. “tiny-noon! pun-n, u xenon: Bland I: ha thou «tn-[radon “to: inn. when an is covered. ‘ The other“ tho Ikhih val-II of Oh. mini-u: chap“: o! Jmmuh. all m: F rltlbdl coma» pun in theolonl of loch. “I“ I will ”if: '23."? tron: on thy nah. bud um bnnIIh no “HIM mu no not. um thou-thou oi The Ohfll‘mu mm,- It. om, sud ng-in w. Aral-uni .0 saw. To day w. hum hum. I! II» n fold otiho haul. not patiently an! In, non-Min sh. intu- tng of lb. and old will Moi an "all. In “than 0th.: filing. in h o! tho yum lawnm- um th- in! mp should I» fight. You Am told! an "only dong? Tho wound told of“. ham. it numw fluid unruly proud down, Ind «mi mum mm. 11:- mean: In mound. and bold in plum by. 15min. ole-atom. «In. And now. with Oh: [aiding nah-flu go on. toll no what warn and Ion up tofu“. tenth» a» nllno 01 mm a 0! which pumm- wm undo. Nuns-o’- and!“ «hay won. Bur-l canton-an put. "floral ?" You, i when». with mun of plant: for tho and; «a 3 good My and. I an «flaw. firm. The girl who on mm in the wink: bou- up In sh. who“ km and among our Ono-do mom. I! ah. can has sh. damm- without naming or wot-plug, and In her an and not. u Collect. plat, wh a hot «huh III mm my with 1004 harr- hhod. chunk girl who ' 1cm gun by tho in has and Inn. he has nolaok of ”no I'llloddlphfld to thin withhumthfmmd the Isle shunt-h wand-mm. who vb with”. numb. mdy‘forsoh MGM‘s-h pro-atom.“ um. than. Am I- to ho mp. Admhywdohol! tau-h thoohuadaumhuulhua. no nor-lulu W‘ my «in. muqmam u aunt in m mu. Tholloto numb Japan I: m mm: o! . Fund: ,Ir. in“... am. mil-no. any and flu: magnum)“ "an Ink-m “)0 Elm mm, .06. «ill further. I! unla- noun pow to: Chivalchbl‘nl‘npni mini-squaring...“ A 2181'. DROKIVEI. Quail, '0.“ an new A lethal In in.“ M I”... 3W. I‘ll. I“: Mhur'u Bible. About Indus. llw no: An Isl-d by lull. ”will In lam Who,“ o! “u night milk. than www.m-m art-ohm." larva. nu it. Ncw foam P thou-tun! ulna-mum the at. of mu Run is tab-9th": hid «mum-mum.“ any Mu Inca-gal bong. Will!“ it: put- mm 3 "m. 23 «an... m... “no “moo «MM look {1% M utson ow: u but. one kah- dolihuilu.‘ Tho . flu» “macaw-to mt. “fun noon. yo‘rd.uo .m E “continuum “I... but hop on- W mull: will do m u no”. I! yank. "Continuum" '0 up. ”human-gum, u um - mun gum. inguinal!- Ioight o thouookonioouou.mdthu Moth. ho ”whom. To put I luv Quad 1- mmhmmmur o! woman path. rm $35.”... a"; "W“ $3312; don “Math!" ”womb” mod. My In whit man has uoh unwind?!" ‘Mhhhou. Boa shouldho oopdln Ion loop-ho. ion ham “1‘ so tho! tho» an!!! my not :0»va y on‘ on on tho, t. monumental th rib mum on, hohuog 30in”. All for hon-a how my on. who" mm m hop. to may through the summer month- :0 amino! am. Fan which how boon In. should not be driod in 5 mm loom. Woman vho woo: hm Ihooidl» cox-to] not to dun that: hair too low. or tube: tooloooa. Tho Moon Ind other droop- ing bnid: won- the In: more I" idly thou in mum until “no (hung. a hayond repair. Token In “mo thin injury moy ho overcome. but u in we» no: to incur It. Furrion unnulmoueiy urge tho! (on and. fins lopoin should ho brongm to uhom in the summer moon. on the work any “you be don. with much more oonunlanoo to tho hom ond with greater Iotintooflon to tho water. Iwouldn'ttun my had to look aha nu. frock, or imminent an. ? I wasn't tom to low it‘- Druid mud the pawn of my mu. at tho button on "i :Kl'an't conduit “at "It, nun who aid. ”nothing pun“. ton». bod bum in. [on with me. . mill I woman" tool that 1 WI: u; at. no.“ pun»; W0 boo-nu. tho Ioonld pity pie-nun]. my friend: a 11'. count me 3 modern Mos-rt. Imam n‘ofi. when I could only Inn on. hook, ohoou I conspicuou one am Walla. mrh an In tho gm In tho red l‘ ' I would‘not. bung!“ I :7“ and a: mum-.5; " an: y. an and npflu . qua-“om “ha :55 by thou who ml], «radians; , > I would no. got in Ibo hub“ of waking in a hum“ w. o! the menI knnw; when you nuke them om. Diet or Hurry “In, 3:11.93 to comm“ you n lino, Roll 0‘: _. y- _ _ . A A I iould mi pm“ may am kind to oompldn to In. at but mamâ€"4t II "to 11090::an go bit-phony. , 1 mad Bot “failâ€"find: Mu dam can: Int forgn tho oobwohl o! Mum and un- pigion lgpy hula. ‘ 1 would, n'ofi all my puns. man 80 n no» hum“. girl (thud. um: would I n he: lmpgttincnt qua-“gnu. ..‘ I would not 1"“. till, hum toy yawn-g men. or permit them to In (mum I would not row wary In won doing”. Instead, I we d hop on encouraging my. I01! by trying“ I“. up tony Hal 0! a womsn, And the my not at my vying.» land would nth mu Iohifl. um uh! f0: Whackâ€"TM Laud Hm Join-l February. W: fig” 3%223. All mankind!“ " Whn in flu bod toad in. aim- I”? Ifmmrmwyfiatgj of - pron-uh mo. Album-G”. in " m' on. Jan:- ml." 1 ropiy: “ The load in by In the but." Good. . hut numb food; for tint 1. Oh. for hunt, is tobacdlinhulthhh In m in vdu. und good health In ubuoluuly ms for D . on. 0' I on good Ii 8 I “1th h b. unduly .wo dad. not a nu. lot homo... which “he! the fihmt u no“ u “a dign- “on. To Ind 3 regular 1m in I!" “as luhly aunthl. sud youngâ€"«ml. bled. .u-mm-m: they flat: to 9:05., 3:; n u a I may " plumm- ; I “an?“ i would do. on»: tho man .0 Moon. gnu. nun may will Inn that: round {or all marinas. To be mum they thank! I!" u ”tutuâ€"go. whomnr Wtohugtndhmflngflubanfl 1‘90 TM (IQRNIQM 'm la hm noting; endum to no mu plans. In. mum; and duct book- m the Ho- mpuu 0! [ml nun 5nd gnu Initial-ll durum"; tolivo. In “M. in a una- mol u. an of Ins-IMO. which will mountain-m: um than, in W to think In Mr m mun W. ”than: To 3” I“ of I cold. ”1|th Hm Jamal. Ind So an drunks [or I mmuu manning niphch I! “up“ on. two hundrod Ind tam-m o! I min ; bl~ oulphItI of quanta two and». Ind Fovlu'a IoIIUII. MI drop, Io «oh (II-I. TIM I don one. In "to 1mm tor m. at four “no, at In“! nu Ohm. ham .0 M fly dry. 1! “lb don no. mun], III m “to an . "pat tho 0min.» "It. “go-“7“: Wbâ€"m at you flip-lb wank-uni :5. fim”‘%;:'*m BI: tho wan hobo-WWII... u [We-mo Ian I: no», MWWfl no 11!. (or I my». Muslim an“... h 001‘.

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