Ontario Community Newspapers

Farmersville Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18840522), 6 Nov 1888, p. 4

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. ~ . . » ~ 1.11%.. ‘ ..m‘.".‘~..“‘Mm~~wlh‘~-WOIODW‘n-¢A m... ' . ‘vu: ~ Mourning. Matching, mum and nipping " , Done with Qulckul end Aoeureey. , LmER BRAKING: APPARATUS. " I In t... ‘ i v ‘ ' I? 0°. W “- “mm” a t m Ifdmhet'fiuteembi.“ A$r$l will he {cued e. greet convenience " an.“ ' on ere. m r In t to ltl retionl will he I ll ‘ "I, .0,” t a." Wt“ ‘0 e p009» mnditiou (or graph“ drying by .‘4‘ . .1 u I n no“: m deyI’ exposure to jun sud wind. ICE, UNTIL JAN,1$T, 1889. ~ , - ~ no... _.._._.. . , , A . > v ,. _ ,_ “flti‘ma . l d” Judson & son, A Variety of Mg??? Lumber. 61.6., eumm PBPl rams“ -. 5; to u “wt-“wag?” 35.; films" ‘ ‘ ‘ a. '- ‘ . Va? ' "~ h l” 983?... who-...â€"_.~â€"_â€" fimwum... ... ,- - V ’I- GEO. - BISHOP-5”- . ,o ‘ .uw ' or 1. .loore. ot nit-mu. R. R. an A of Mr. Wm. Hiekey.hvlllts (MA. Redd. mingle he» lllGh‘OZ) “uOOd .lélZlA NI Si .LNEIHHDOG 'lVNIDIllO SIHL ,V V The I! 33]) am by that time. Cull end more .- route here. Mil. ‘3 A- M. D Danie], 8 8. , . Yr; 4. g... ’ ' tone. coon Co.“ “a mid Astra-chm ying your gent robe-"t ll. H. 7W m “001:. “““""‘"“" Menth‘ " ' " n ‘ odf'llyou willheeve ten per gent. ' ; w ‘1 {.1 fl“ .._..... m p m w - v - « mm» x mmâ€" --~------ - -FALL TRADE ~ . ....,.?:'Â¥ILEW;..:Y1P.ESE & .“ra'mut“”umr":.*~‘m . -- w...“ - . ° A ~ - “i '- t ’* roe vi to reu pit in my. W. mm». o "9 awn-“v w“ =45 “m” ‘ - t W r ‘ .Wâ€"“m: our udvert’ising oolomne. ‘ Mm W a. A. Rudd . ‘ Man or Malone. ‘ org . , I â€"â€"â€"â€" MM ___ . All rue.- , .Phil. Wilt-e will please our qt one» mph; Moo. d Burg}? 00:: :mheld he? ‘1 gm: 1.. N. u._ v J ‘h‘fm’t‘www be or to In mt . 7 to ‘ sun- . e ‘ - 4 . ' l . 8 . ' ' . I ’ I prod amend-nah t nts. . tr! m or u Him!“ . u on 9v Bend-P.8Wl "450m; fl“. Higuvsfl'w'w‘ L m 3:3. 0f FABIEBSVILLE. , __ htintereeetling. up 8 " ’hgerrhke. 1::- . l , W. Beech. 'SEPWmher Md October. l 2 . . f“ . - i L l f r *- Mmhmrlzswgm gored‘heli iu‘the Gong pto’w‘ dflgnzywrovn, 1;. on; mum-c- w-Ilon-ylyfeg;:. Tom Cabinet-making lll all llS 5‘ A r M at t ‘ 1m: 01! Km lino?" "3‘ ion. Stu ri ' rev . row. , ,,,,,,,, ' ‘ . ~. ‘ , r Them “fa- I luv attendance of v. Judson, r. em“. 'rwo Mn; “#3:: ....... til i; it; Branches. AT TI IE I .0 \V LS1 I’RICE, . . ‘ ._._._._ . oo'rli‘i‘rnuutceutl. a. a m“. weddrill, I‘ve-i3): paving-flan.P :11“... WT ‘ I. , i, a h mu" CALL n ‘ 3 A friend declares that his wife is the most thrifty woman'hc “.“m‘m clmc“ . "l 9“ "" “0W 8° 3- V“, P‘- _ ' “'l‘°"- °" "(Avugo""”inoiiduoo.m.) . , M d , . t , , " A . ,, . er . t t th th 1’ abv- . ~ . 1211 LS O blfl. 0. l I (we, knew. .. \Vhy' 5“. he recently exclaxmed' ,nshe' has gtzllllugzfizgf‘fokyéwm' e'mre‘d“. P ugh. “.810th, “Dalléhfiglwm, “Tunnel: muggeng Tow. g Go o Se Stu, 2 made ten patchwork quilts duri the peel ten yearsâ€"made place on the l4tl) inst. I ,mmmry. “mfomaliufl-‘iggg‘ a g g BROCKVI L LE â€"â€"»~«-~.â€"~~-_-._m_ 3. them herself. Sir' out of the samp (35 she collected in hcr shop- Atl\f?l56l'fil should heartin min 1:33: ~..._ “nuâ€"w wâ€" Socou‘d Forum, .. ., f P. S.â€"-I "Avg on or run BEST CUTTERS IN CANADA. ,. y ' - ' ' " “co or cum 3 mus rate! ‘ _ , . ‘ Mm .-,‘_..._.-,,____H_. V in 7' V r r. -H a 777M"- w rung tours duringw that time. , 1 omogybv noon 01.3;10nd“v' to appear moment BOLD DWI! ‘ rum nuntmzrxm :Oflf: 1a _~ ‘ in the paper of that week. ‘ w..- a... “Ma u. 33. um: I... minor-rim the. attendance of (M'- R “ M ( um um N P mm m” note.- an» «AI built can ‘tohrr ot last year wtth that of the some “fix‘ULJ 5(r,\mi.lal1 u 5mm. m 3W momh of this year. I find that there The mull quiet of our little town in an increeee of 17 this year. The wet (Number! on Suturduy lut by the large and regular attendance, together appearance in the, \‘ill-go of a large Willi the interest taken by the pupils in number of litigants, who, with the their work. i< very camaraging to the Bow. Jae Pullurwill delivers special LADIES? EARllERSVILLE AND VICINITY. o. W... ~ Sabbath evening next. It 7 o‘clock. on We are now pre ared to en ply you the Newest. “A New Heaven and a New Earth. ‘ 1- D The Sacrament of the Lord’s Bup- TIIOS. McCIlIIDI, IAIUI'ACTURII All) "IPAIRRK 0' SMALL MIGHINEIY, ENGINEB,‘ and Best Fa. 1 v and Win 17' Goods at . , , , ‘ - per was dispensed at (st. 1 uul n Church ’ _ ’ ‘ M lower prices than any storem town. 0“ Sunday evening. The sermon and gentlemen who wear alter thetr name. Motor... [1... class-re taking the ’ ‘ ,, ,- _...-._,,_...o,-,- preparatory add,“ by a“, 1mm. were the; lit-nornglle nppyuduigo of 1.9.. Teaclwre' (Zoom end University Mat- GUNS, SEWING MIGHINES, Ml. ‘ . v ~ v / ' d - t . en the eg luncnonnrtos eager to riculation axe very pmmumwwnd the ‘ . A k f 53. BLACK SggthAgfisgg‘g‘slg‘g;01.118‘ lutrfvaifité';%£st :£:;::;:i:" “m cm”. Illfiplt?’ their l'nnd ol legal lore. tnutlt- juniordtvision of the First Finn is one a- PATTERNS AND MODELS MADE. ' : , ' ‘ ' ' ‘ E D 3 or our ‘ Biuutx CLOTHSt Er sale by auction weir “flange up a air sized crowd as thry wooded of the lll'lplltt’sh thutIlmvohwlduring a- ringing Am) communion CAST. EQUALL ’ ‘ ‘ ' ",0 WU, on Elm“ firm and “so ,1“, their way to the tawn hall to thermo- seven years' experience in lligh School moo T0 muncu. m" ' a. o . a l l ‘ ot' the numerous null knotty questions work. ""wâ€" "” w” ,' One and All! till“!th 53!. Till that required unravelling. Nearly uluhe geranium plants that sum» tron \VAGER. were set out in front. ot’ the school The first. case on the docket was building huVe been potted, xurl have that of James Loringflonc r. Andrew been given out to persons in the village Morrison. both of the township of whu will Ink-o «we of them duringthe Mustard. 'l‘hr plltlullfl'flllr‘d furumouot winter and mum them in the spring. of wage-i claimed to be due, amount [u my Virgin“! lhuve kepta list of mg to $27.65. The deft. claimed a the persnrmtowhomplnute were given, non suit. on the grounds that the theunmbt-rand the kind of plenty. pith. by not put‘ingin hie full time. More hooks are. required for the hall failed IO fulfil his auleomnnt. and «look rooms. A clock is u nowsaily that he had llC‘r’le‘fi‘Sktd for a settle. for punctmlily and rugnlerity in znent. school work. There are no cans of The pith. on being exuuinod, said water standing on the stovt-n in the that ho lmd worked for (lrlt. the full ‘two lnwur rooms, I t'eupt-ctl‘nlly (‘ull time, let-1| half n day. and that he had the attention of the Board to these rc- demanded a tctllmnrnt, quilt-moot“ , n , , Doll. wus mam-1:, and said that. he For the euecmsl'nlrm'rying out of They are Beautiful, 8110 had kept, a re ~f:.l escnttntot' thetimey Gru-luntinn Exercises this jear, it will Worked, “hit 5. lurked two dove or he nectswy for you to consider ways; said to be the Best .U‘flwwA ~vr-i‘rl-»‘ ’7 l.‘ V . “v-7-W’- w vil~7--yr - hm “V ‘ A. ' , I } I \ ‘ ' a a . - My business )"rlx 8‘ s btnd 1" 0 er more of-thc quantified period. He aim and means. 1 wcuthl suggest that of 7" ;Q E N N E B A G I N S promptly. be one the stock is all used. put in n ('ountor ltOL'OUul of $1 for use comu'uittre be nppointed from the Boerdg Value town" There was an immense audit-nee st l . . . . . u‘ ‘M horee and huggv drawing home to not With teachers to preparing a pro-l fl . , ARI nmxo onus-o Tum WEIR IN the Methodist Church Sunday evening. In", rm. PM” and 406. (m. m gramme mm Wm do N. High Sghoqii ” Dress Goods, Cloakinge & Mantle Cloth-5 ‘ ()l'llt'lgw C(flDllED DRESS GOOD?“ ' old church on Chum-h street. For Be sur° and 89° w ' , (“CR NY“? (’ULPRED “.33‘11‘11‘3133.‘ Particulate scc ndterzizonwnt in this l, om 512W MELT“). CLOTIlb. [mm _ That. we nfl'cr the Best Value in Black “‘9 Algon‘lpl" ll'l'lls‘hl‘"e.lusl' “03”” . . :3, (iron Grain Silks. Black and colorod Merv PM“ and delivered 1‘29. Mel! h" i’lem 39‘“ m Mm“ ‘2 Silks. Blot-k Faille'Frmcuiee and Smog. Eshed merchants put-lung can-en, uu ‘ item Olllllhct‘l In our former refetonoe to l n . ~ n; ‘ k' '. . l w” ML ‘ U“ Bloc “1 e the output of that establishment. lu Juckel. Mantle and Ulster Cloths we Offer 1 Mr. 1LLang, out'lo buyer,of New- . ' ‘ 5- Agam’ Agaln‘ 'fi 1 very Special Vuluc. bn'o,h:esdoneulurge businose this fall. His shipmtuts over the B. 61. W. .. Luce (‘urlnine of any kind? If so. see our . i -”.\ , S 0 hand of no you Wignt B, { amt-k, which has been bought at very spcoiul prices. flog? Qfigfisafi 0:12:31}: is “UL dc_ m..-“ Wm». velnpiug u paying local traffic ? for the 883'! VALUE in Dry Good- to to We.» have just received at line of stolen-ems and note heads which we BlOCki St. supply 39t~inted and padded at. 31.75 perthouaand or 31 {or five hundred. These node are of fair quality and w... will he ounsljual. the thing for ordinâ€" A’L/ml, merrmu'llr. 13 R 0 c K. V :1“. L L ’E, . *EOMMENCING 2nd AUGUST. .___.â€" to hear the lecture by Mrs. Blair, the I , . ‘I . , , . 1, Well koown temperance orator, of Ne- ‘f’me l'mlveme'" ‘ugwé‘ll‘ll . ‘ 'f; r “main . ' musk”. The subject was handled t mt he led nevvr .030: t to p t . Reepeclfullv anbtnntod, ‘ “mm” and “Mu-cm} The chalk mom-y 3%.") he uskt-d lot it. and wus‘ L. A. hexumvr. y 3" opatfi evttle at. any tune. Ill-d Muster. ._..__._ sketches were most interesting and pr . . . . - - ~ ,,. : . , , w. AlWeonetdrmt on. thejuetioes or . "v‘dly luuatmud m" ‘m'ma ma‘k h' tiered that pltl'. receive full amount. of ’ W", ' " ' " “""' " ' " ‘ ; " 11m gdvrrtmmnts. melecmr-o I t' M claim, each party to pay their own IN this sale we will give {our prizes. Connected with each then: will be one hunder tickets and duplicates (fourth excepted there will l)(: 200 tickets) which will be put in a bug: -â€"-â€"- n ~â€" . . :fosta’ . ’l‘hc dvci‘ig ruxardiug “opts: , S.::;t:':“71'*;:r27::‘A1::7‘i7?: .::"'_.â€"‘-â€"V..= ‘ m" “mm “n we mm'd “m we pm" SALE. \Vhen the: tickets an: all taken up two alisintnrcstvd ovcrscers will be. chosen and :1 child selected it: ’l: and whoever holds l harp made a. drmund for settle _M_ lune. the , Nah ‘ efl'ected. . . . . . loom r‘ M mm!" “mm” "°‘“"" of.film-1.Swooningrtow no 1. l 1 ‘11 v t u i i , - e t . u 2‘, ,1 I - v v v . \ - z, ‘ ________ ___' light (“gamma “'"h ‘ 1 “bud? '1‘ GLANLIEI‘ED noun. m‘mmnge “W‘va fl t C num )Ll L mun “l . gt 1L pl” 1... 3‘ in the ceiling 'The cornive an other H" x" 0"“ w" um" 0‘ Abel “'3 A' “MEL mai- 1 ‘7“"Wf‘i'i’6fi? AWJ' t M t rth t ' ’i' . - ‘ ~‘ ‘ ‘ .. . ,M__-._..._..,,.__ __ 7 t r‘rt‘. L1. 1. ' . .l. ("’4 . I: t ' a as snow A LABOI floor: or mlievin - in“ "a a. “am If: Borne fine. hoodlum. It “all the: A. - 8003;.“ P‘ml'n 0'" m ‘4 W" U 0 1"" J” n 0 ’ “n I "° 0 it: n lgeggct being very h.r ’gf outcrth V “lowland horse on“? AUCer q E “"""‘ gymnasium” Ton dollars] worth of SILVERWA HE, to purchuers of one doller’u ' 0" ' . , . ,, I I I ‘. 1 ' of the work was done by Mr. rereirud to. Ext nun?“ “vol I I L L J . worTmlfiulZI. «Ten «lofiam in CASH. 2:: puth more of one dollar’s worth of “Will {I ’4 Z ’ , . wae 5 ago,“ ‘ _I i 8 lllfiglfihrfllefi T" ERR I,m M n b , b" u 10mm PRIZE. 7\\'o will dot‘nmto- the wallet of your Em‘rlnr in town or country, the win. I 3:3;123-v20gmfix523w ordered tfi“ ‘ 'nlm ll: thOuld he ptfi‘osflfifiiin;;:i'i"rr::i¢pÂ¥, nor be have the choluu 0! any peprr nnd hurth In our mt.t..l=.mnu~nl.. : , ' ‘ ' ' - . l I - o ~ . t ‘ : . , at '- k . ,_ u. ---â€"~-~-â€"-~~~A--~~~~ "mfi -- 4 L ’ mettin ' the aisles mid to the upâ€" kaled Md “fled on 0’. nature “'0 1.6“) “film”? Dmvirl)’ Hltlmwtl ugh"; wznltnehle “’v' he to new thnt in addition tu‘tlmnlmrn llnlm'mm- l. ' w ill gzlve rrry llhrrnl (immuan If . - - - ‘ . lb ’ ,' of 0‘1t|~m I - t [e t had gut, “no t ,Elgln “trout. Minn-rarities, known the the Bap. on All m4 nsnld for rmh. \-. o tun-o lll om L h) for tin; ln'nl vh- npth and lurxmt. monument V' Bl‘n‘lng "1 pnm {mm ‘* Len“ " 375“! up! .nd “"5 week we P08311009 Mill CRmEOTt 0‘ the edlfi‘lfi‘n ‘irouhfion ' 'l ‘ u order had "at gllnl‘flmt‘su'.‘ lll‘lfllt’fll (by! the lam Stephen ""‘E' ltllht‘l nulldylh llrorlallle in our l‘mv. luu folhmfig H all} amour} i‘llll‘t‘llHV :illfllllf“: :lllljlrult‘l ‘ ' ' ' I ' " ' h, l . ‘ :1. l. l (‘7 - _ n. r a. ix \H‘RH 'n 051%,: warm-n, .r nnw, ll \ 1 e, S it .1-1 -r). .1 u ‘n c.‘ r t‘l fi- 060: hrgau" unsurpm “1 ans mpnmhnt. The wmd wag-k was net neglected hi been obu ' d that (me of the horse.‘ Zi‘ttsllt‘rifmfl’llej‘coliigiimfilonf Igonr‘tmtttfuwxl‘ghlh A G or; bi kinds (‘1' h‘lt-ecy‘tilul b‘ing Yarns. Antlvlnultm, UCI‘llll \\ onle, A rrnm-non, ltmlirnt- " A the “moral work of renovation. Tho ’t . 4‘ Lint lltlllhln'!‘ is m the 9th ronmnlon of the town» ' ' ‘ ' (levy. Silks. Finn Plnehm. Felts. . lilo. i‘ortlu. l'omwnu in tntltrm \ (trim; . mid other things ’ . I . hid been ll" ed b7 J:th l‘lfllllfl l0 whip of for: nml hot vm - lot, number 17 «'7‘ -* w ~ ' r f We"! v "H- ~~ ~ too numerous to mention. 7 ~â€"- Commit“!!! hinting charge of the lln- I F - D l Be. . in Bloch. W; il‘nrmomv lla Wit [and fume ' ' 1 & (j() Provomente are to be conga-minted. ' mm " ‘ ‘m’ 0' ‘5 m' me" l‘mm‘» “WW”- “'°""“"“d “ml “WhlG- “"0 A DISSOlullOIl 5310 L ‘ â€" i u haul Fr dlt'mg summoned to show nxm-‘lnltllumi'fitgé“ll'ftiauna Kurt; to ' W.--.._..m__._ _..._...v.... ......._.~| u...â€" , ’ I: .11 mt n '| tows. z: a N - - - ..... A.” Wm“ .. w ' incl uni. been ' , . r r ~ . m ° W I 323.3,,” ; ‘1'“ "m" l The out...“ w} t. o... o... ,omm‘;°;:ll:°1f‘3,‘;;gg‘ 513mm :31;- Mfllmen, Thrashers and Farmers ‘1‘, 2.. . . fi 5 , lstc ennui tuition Ana 1) seat were tin will be u . ‘ ‘ . ' ' ‘ , ‘ , , , . .‘ . v‘ ‘ ‘ .' , Hire 5¢0V|l dGPOW-l M W lilo 0‘” nlalnbg turntrjfififlvmw‘ftlgfihwithqrwithout. gfimhfillfiagfilfifllfif ,f;°.,2“3lf"mz WILL b.\V l‘. lllllhlfl BY Lbth THE . . ~ ‘- . . " trclmeor. . , . _ , Won of mu e! the 33M 6 VF“ dl‘he ooduati. d d .t 31 th The", Wm boa “MW” Mum me we" $2211.08: gifttxsmy;.!mf\coottllligly “0 will loll ‘ m um! ec mr ‘0 “ ml w L at her lnformntion apply to the under. ’ . .33.“, “.mmm m_ the horses were (lt'atI‘OyI-(l or ma. “Md mm”. - mm mare. Ivan snow “on. _r . We show I Fine Ranged the lhndnomut and Cheapo-t Goods in the Better. dairy, minis, Jno. Forth &. Jim" Bull“ WI“ “Huh Who Raul r fi",?"};}§A§Q$§-Su m mc‘ ’0‘ 0“" filteporior t o JXIIJ' in C‘untulu 2 Merket. A Coll of Inspection vitd‘et the Po ulsr House of Sm... hotter not! an». H. Brown he hr! 0! renewed any horaae from ronomvme. on. smoother; 1388. ‘ ‘uit ML mm mm mm Hm, h. x m,“ 3,: â€"-‘“-’~”*â€" ' . ‘ ‘ p J“ Rudd, J_ "on ovum... Crock but: Fendlo ; did not know of his; mm m _7 mu m lluIDIATmJ. ‘ Soto Manufacturers, .nuroLI. I nos. 3 l 0., TOROJ‘TO. «eh "“i.‘ (fir, 123», H. Brown, J. Forth, Jamel :‘m’w‘l' 7 25': de‘l" {lmd wanting" l B c FARIIMIVILLI‘. \nx ‘g‘igfih & CAan' ‘- For sale by (}_ w. BEAC", FARM El;SV]LL}~;_ Rodd; Chem, Wm. Hillis, Enos WW“: 9' 9 one,” '0“. 90m“ "MB ' rockv emetery . ' ‘ " ‘_ ‘ _____.___. “,0” ,, _ “a-.- 7 ---u--f_.._7, _ -_ u 7 1" ll" 7" l u '"d (“d “"t know u“. The int-line“ will he continued by D. \l’lltso m____F0u_' " Ilarralt ' ' ' CO v o e o Soper. Funk Wilm.. Honey, in comb, ’ 'F' CO" SamuelRobb. anle “mung. nan. menu of t - i~ "‘9‘" h“ “‘“lM 2:111 WORKS. ‘erlrrlrtzfl.mm." h . w ,. ,. LE lee, eix . ‘3 ’V A ”“"‘ Dowsley, 'W'm. Hillis. A p ‘ A. n. Louck J. w ' (Influx-8’s I - . or . PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY COURT HOUR AVI, BROCKVILLE. S. B.--â€" All old u‘ommts dur D. “'lltao mun: ‘ the horse n have. , A C t J k, 0‘ > t“ tnl not“. . ton, R. Arnold, Barlow. llome- . thlenp port-mityof tllflllkvlll:ll::')ld'|'";:€m:: an n pw‘ 0.“ , fl llllde breed. I)~ lbwah,» Pflfk" & Am I, A . . x till‘irfimtmm'th fu‘vtinl. 4 ' WM.” 1 :' t 4.; n... ‘ ltuapt-rtl’ull)‘ ynurn, " ° ' ' ) . f ‘ ‘ I). Wurmt'. M“. l 01" l] ' L 5.. (I ‘ “b (- U b. M. and ontulnndin dome of Wilts: _ (hi-22min“ mlllvelv beamed.“ mm mm “Merriam-d has award in rln-o- his ’ ' Luminous ln Fat-muan on the 17th of Nutcm 1”“ "‘d lbw "‘“lmn‘ mar-ammo is rim wrung" nv 9mm no Young People Especially. moroemmns, Should can without delay. and mum them H. 35 r .- ..._._..._.... ..__... .. MBIEY'BMED l8 HONEY- "Alli! -' Al; Plum» 1" Ram Into . r ial beet M) to. lnttar . . o 0 ’ . , e ’ ' “I. ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ m fixtrugrdmenly Low Prices for the next few weeks. . New m best :3 i bet- “ “an m Mfimm. ‘ urn“. " a"... "mum. 01 It. i. at u I“We‘lhgmmmu??mmw Arm“ - , . n ‘ “I! l C W OVQT CHM Ulllt‘l’ Styles new lnmumam. and prevnously unheard of prices- mm Mn M . m“, ,9. n “v pm. no. metith or .znZ-mu a» drum: remnant.er ‘ “ "’ ' mm Ker-that a Pontmutor. " W“ Wm - it normal; roll 5 DOZEI. [IOW’ AND WHEN DEPOSITS -W... nmum Yéoiat M aâ€"noinma. ‘ w Pun:- 1'0 Sun- ALI. Commit ‘m A RE MAI F __..._ ..._ . ' 1 b I: a n denim! also In "OCA‘LI. - Ihkfllle. loan 7 t onyM~ When tint-chum «more are wanted. “I” mmt pronoun. grunt/xi not, to ndo. w! clnlly Torte. Flour. an r and (ht-teal : or “I‘ll. elm Hurdwtro. Cut cry. (Mon. 0m. and . to be In over! "I “Victory. 9 e You “y yOu . learned a N'le â€".._...-â€".â€"~ ~...â€"-- ______ Quintumif . humming): «reliably Hull of That verily 1: pa no guclc -‘ “ (rotting-n. not lr «hot-uk hr e um; - m lulu thebeetmm men. n erg «nod Mhmcre or metre m. Th6“ n" on t m urthl shore -â€"-~ Ton-- v I m. a"... “in”. an. with Poll. . or (all mom. (or a young lady; or M. u..." A 1., m 'ulhugfinm mm. Patent Nedlolnee. which will cure even tooth: .d lull Mac of Cool I] menu-noun. Whom "0*: Ohm manna-d Deposit 730. with mu. who will um but 01 Worth or douc- lmaleur Printersl "Wm-m main»:- ... slight 1‘ no CHEAPE T Grocery Store. o . n g. . . l’nmmou. 33mm :1 Amara ; I! nor. A g 0 out". man . M ’ Hon-n ACI mu. our you Cum. ..â€"â€"â€"â€" [WWI-Ll. m. . Toronto and It w: ..........................o _ W {lei-mu" humm'tum' “an 5:3: not hove to! it mind to their cute. _â€"â€"â€"- . We. all "round. m’ 0' firmÂ¥alfinfl blur-tee R No W M . 8 C 0 T '1‘, '

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