Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 9 Feb 2000, D6

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D6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 9, 2000 sales help & agents sales help & agents Filane: wants to stay in the sport H J IT (Continued from page D3) office-clerical our gym in Toronto and we also have some back in Schreiber. "I ju st want to stay in the sport and give back a little bit o f the stuff tha,t I've learned and give to some other kids and hopefully they can have some o f the opportunities that I have had." With his im pressive resum e, Filane has, in the past, been approached about turning pro, and he's always turned them down. H e's not a fighter by his trade, but by his sport. "I've had offers to turn pro, whether it be in Detroit, Los Angles. But it's not a lifestyle for me. It's a different game altogether. I got into boxing because I love the sport. I enjoy doing it. Right now I'm doing it for the love of coun try where I'm not just doing it for myself, I'm representing my country while I'm doing it. "Professional boxing is a little more money hungry and you're treated just like a race horse. That's something that I didn't ever want to have to worry about, you know, fighting for food, or 10 years down the road my kid pulling my pant legs, saying Daddy when are you going to fight again, I want another bike. It's something that never appealed to me." O F F IC E S u p p o rt- E a s t O akville. E xperience only Oakville. please. Excellent computer skills (Word, Excel) and tel ephone m anner. Flexible day hours for small consult ing office. Fax: (905)8427954 or call (905)842-8588 or e -m a il: h s m ith @ e n tre tel.com____________________ D A T A E n try C le rk - P a rttim e- required for law office in O a k v ille . S o m e b o o k keeping experience would be helpful. Reply Box 6227 c /o O a k v ille B e aver, 467 Speers Rd, Qakvie, L6K 3S4 O P T O M E T R IS T ' S A s s is ta n t- reliable, frie n d ly , re q u ire d fo r W e s t O a k v ille practice. Optical experience preferred. Fax resume 905842-1738__________________ BURLING TO N -Tem porary office help required, flexible hours. C o m pu ter literate. Fax resume to: 905-632-2749 sales help & agents Seeking Motivated SALES PERSON Possessing good English skills to work at a Sushi Kiosk in North Burlington. Responsibilities include explaining products to customers & product promo tion. No cooking skills necessary. Hours: Mon-Wed; 3-7pm, Thurs-Fri; 2-8pm, Sat-Sun- 11-6pm. $9.25 to Start. P le a s e c a ll (416) 535-9890 or fax (416) 535-4995 CAZ'S FISH & CHIP SHOPPE Requires Part-time 100% Quality Pro Painters100% s a tis fa c tio n g u a r anteed. Interior. Exterior. (905)277-1793or(416) 7933339 ^ moving & storage WAIT STAFF (min. 18 years age) Experience preferred Phone: 333 -5899 N IG H T A u d ito rS u nThurs., midnight-8am. Also hiring part-time Front Desk C le rk . S e nd re su m e to: Steve M ontgom ery Travelo d g e , 950 W a lk e rs Line B u rlin g to n , O nt L7N 2G 2 Closing date: February 14. 2000 "An Equal Opportunity Employer1 * _________________ LIN E -C O O K -- Breakfast experience an asset; Wee kend Prep Cook. Nickels Restaurant- 2345 Trafalgar (H w y .5). O a k v ille , p h :(9 0 5 )2 5 7 -9 8 8 8 , Fax: (905)-257-1615____________ B E N N Y 'S R e stau ran t re quire s fu lltim e C a sh ie r & fu lltim e C o o k. D a ys & Evenings. Apply in person after 2pm, 586 Kerr Street. (at Speers)________________ HO Lee Chow hiring parttim e C o u n te rp e rs o n & Cooks. Training provided. A p p ly in p e rs o n : 2 1 4 6 M o u n ta in G ro v e A ve .. Burlington. PRO M overs. S h ort/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700,1 -888-277-5777 tutorial C 0 0 K /S 0 U S -C H E F Our Head Office location is looking for an experienced Cook/ Sous Chef to manage a busy cafeteria for a contract period of seven m onths (May - Dec.). The ideal candidate must have two years managerial experience overseeing a kitchen/ cafeteria operation. Excellent supervisory skills and the ability to cater formal and informal functions are also re q u ire d . The s u cc e ss fu l candidate w ill possess e x c e lle n t o rg a n iz a tio n a l and communication skills, along with the ability to w ork under pressure. Please s u b m it y o u r resume to: Human Resources MATH Teacher, tutoring all le v e ls to O A C . C e n tra l Oakville location. Weekday evenings. $35/hr. Robert. (905)337-0960____________ WMl | | daycare available High school tournaments (Continued from page D2) T Y A N D A G A - EC E m om will give loving reliable care to your child in her home. 315-8999_________________ LOVING mom of one offer ing your children a stim u la ting enviro nm e nt, n u tri tious meals, fun activities. outings. 18mos. + 333-3937 CAREGIVER, m ature lady w ill c a re fo r c h ild re n in sm oke-free e nviro nm e nt hom e. U p p e r M id d le & F o u rth L in e , c lo s e to Catholic school. 469-1493. References._______________ GUELPH Line/ N. of Upper M iddle. M o th e r of 2 p re schoolers has Full-tim e & P a rt-tim e ope nings in my hom e. A lso b e fo re / a fte r school. (905)319-9848 Waterdown and 3-0 by M.M. Robinson. White Oaks lost 7-3 to Notre Dame, 8-3 to Norwell and 8-0 to Clarke Road. Iroquois Ridge edged West Ferris 5-4 but were edged 5-4 by Pearson and 4-1 by Ancaster. Blakelock opened w ith a tough 1-0 loss to E.C. Drury, were doubled 4-2 by defending OFSAA champion St. Thomas Aquinas from London and beat Millwood 5-2. The A-Pool was won by Aquinas which edged Ancaster 2 - 1. B-POOL In the B-Pool, Loyola defeated A ldershot 4-0 and C athedral 3-1 and lost to Algonquin 2-1. Loyola won their quarterfi nal game 3-1 over Beal before losing.in the semifinals 5-2 to St. Joseph's. St. Joseph's went on to win the B-Pool 5-0 over Nelson. Appleby College lost 2-0 to Nelson, tied Orchard Park 0-0 then closed out with a 4-0 loss to St. Joseph's. Lie. agents required for exciting sites in both Burlington & Oakville. Forward resumes in complete confidence to: Box 1734 c/o The Post 2321 Fairview Burlington L7R 2E3 GROWING telecomm unica tio n s c o m p a n y s e e k in g professional sales person nel. P e o p le in te re s te d in working with wireless com m u n ic a tio n s and m odern te c h n o lo g y as an outsid e sales representative dea l in g w ith c o rp o ra te s a le s please contact Tarah Burt at (90 5 )8 7 5 -2 3 5 2 ; fax re su m e & c o v e r le tte r: (905)875-2353; em ail: ta r ah. burt@ com m u n ic a tio n zone.net S A L E S A s s o c ia te s re quired by established Fire place/ HVAC company. The id e a l c a n d id a te s w ill be p o s itiv e th in k e rs and self m o tiv a te d . S a le s e x p e ri ence and training in HVAC industry an asset. Salary/ b o n u s p ro g ra m re w a rd s a m b itio u s , g o a l o rie n te d persons. Fax: 905 -33 30695. Attn: Ken Patterson M O T IO N S u p p ly In c . is s e e k in g R e ta il S a le s C le rk s - F o r p o s itio n s at O akville Place Mall, Full/ Part-tim e openings $8./ hr. C a ll 1 -8 0 0 -8 1 1 -9 8 7 3 , orFax: 905-415-0529. Email: gregbur@ attcanada.net O U T S ID E S a le s R ep re q uired. S ales experience and knowledge of industrial c ontrols is an asset. Fax resume to: 905-825-2163 New Home Sales AIC Limited 1375 Kerns Road Burlington, ON L7R 4X8 Fax: (905) 319-1985 Oakville Sports Scene It's time to start thinking about summer hockey. The Oakville Minor Summer Hockey League (not affiliated with MOHA) is holding a reg istration this Sunday (Feb. 13), 1:30-3 p.m. at River Oaks Rec Centre in Oakville. Ages 5-15, one game per week, no weekends, prime times, from May to August (including vacation week). For info, call 510-1447. Reddick was 4-3 going into last night' s game Oakville's Ju lie R eddick weath ered a slow start at the Karcher Canadian Junior W omen's Curling Championship in Moncton to post a 43 result heading into Tuesday night's game against Quebec (it went beyond our Wednesday edition press dead lines). Reddick, the two-time provincial cham pion, dropped her first two games. Last year, the team, which includes Karen Vachon (Burlington), Leigh Armstrong (Milton) and Stephanie Leachman (Oakville), placed fourth at the nationals with an 8-4 record, just one win short of advancing out of the preliminary round. teaching opportunities Teaching Positions I f you love teaching Without the hassles. Consider Chisholm Centre! Full and part tim e are available now as well as in Septem ber. W e are currently hiring staff in the following areas: TH E R ude N ative B istroWwlZ% daycare wanted Now h irin g D ishw a shers. Apply in person to Lincoln _ or Gord. 142 Lakeshore Rd. FULL-TIM E daycare need (Downtown Oakville) ed starting Feb.28. 7month o ld girl. P alm er Dr- be t w e en G u e lp h / W a lk e rs . 315-9595 _______________ H O U S E K E E P E R / Nanny, live out, before/ after school daycare fo r 10& 7-yr olds. During day housekeeping. Ideal for someone good w/ kid s and lik e s to cle a n . M ust ha ve c a r. E a st O a k v ille (F o rd / D e vo n ). Great working hours. 905257-7846_________________ W A N T E D : liv e -in h e lp (Oakville area).Experienced caregiver w/references for 76 year old lady with limited m o b ility . D r. R ich m a n . 849-1133. *__________ C A R E G IV E R re q u ire d Tues. & Thurs. for 3-year old girl in our Glen Abbey hom e. E x c e lle n t w age. T ra n s p o rta tio n a vailab le. (905)825-2447____________ N O N -S M O K IN G hom e. Third Line/ Bridge area. 2-3 days / w eek, fo r 6 month old, s ta rtin g m id -M a rc h . (905)827-6549___________ TEACHER looking for car ing enthusiastic care pro vider for children, 4-yrs and 11-m os. fro m 11:30am 4:30pm. 335-8527________ BABYSITTER needed, for 31/2 year old. W eekdays e x c e p t T h u rs d a y . 8 :3012:30am. (905)844-7704 The Players Ball Hockey League, going into its 6th year, is having a public registration on Sunday, February 20th at Glen Abbey Recreation Centre between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. This registration is open to teams, and individuals that wish to take part this year. Registration is open in both the Adult (18 and up) which plays on Sunday nights and Masters (27 and up) which play on Tuesday nights. Call 469-9123 or the website can be visited at www.playersballhockey.com. The North American Ball Hockey Championships are being hosted this year in Oakville by the Players Ball Hockey League. The Oakville Sports Hall of Fame, which opened in December in its temporary home at the River Oaks Rec Centre, is getting set for its second annual induction dinner which will take place on Thursday, Feb. 17 at Otello's Banquet Hall, 2273 Royal Windsor Drive. The night gets under way at 6:30 p.m. with a silent auction, enter tainment and a complementary bar. Dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. followed by the official ceremony. To order tickets, contact any committee member, including Wayne Hussey at 847-7747. The inaugural inductees included Donovan Bailey, Vic Hadfield, Sandra Post and Otto and Maria Jelinek. This year's inductees are ... · Larry Cain Olympic gold medal ist in canoeing and a member of the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame; · Bud Corbett long time supporter of hockey and base ball in Oakville; · Jack Duggan Canadian amateur boxing great; · Dan Ferrone two-time Grey Cup champion with the Argos; · Phil Iafrati longtime successful soccer coach, cur rently at the helm of U-10 Blue Stars. Secondary Education · · · · · M athem atics Science Econom ics Physical Education English E U R O P E A N L a d y w ill clean your house! E xp eri ence; O wn tra n sp o rta tio n Call 338-6501 M A T U R E , e x p e rie n c e d caregiver required. Live-in po sitio n , lo oking a fte r el d e rly m an in B u rlin g to n . (905)637-2175 between 68pm. I personals LIVE-O UT- to care for one 4 y r.o ld , irre g u la r h o u rs . D riv e r's lic e n s e & re fe re n ce s required . C all (905)469-2882____________ L IV E -IN nanny/ housekeeper re q u ire d im m ediately fo r 2 boys. 3 and 7. A+ accommodations, M illc ro ft a re a . D riv e rs license preferred. Vehicle p ro v id e . N o n -s m o k e r. (905)336-7592 ___________ E X P E R IE N C E D Mom needed to help w ith light C E R TIFIE D D ental A ssis tant required by Oakville of fice. Must be proficient in all aspects of dental assisting. F o r in te rv ie w p le a s e c a ll 8 4 4 -4 9 1 1 to a rra n g e interview. D IS P E N S A R Y A s s is ta n t, fu lltim e . E x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . A p p ly S h o p p e rs Drug Mart, Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St. Oakville. Fax. (905)827-8170________ D E N T A L A s s is ta n t- parttim e fo r 2 -3 d a y s /w e e k . Fluent in Portugese. Kerr/ S p eers area. P le a s e ca ll (416)-829-4295 Elementary Education · Resource Teachers · English · M athem atics Apply with detailed resume to: H u m a n R esources L IF E w a sn 't m eant to be lived alone... don't you de s e rv e to h a v e so m eone special in your life? Misty R ive r In tro d u c tio n s - B u r lington & O akville 's tra d i tio n a l m a tc h m a k e r (416)777-6302 F r v T S l tost & found 5pm . A p p le b y / N ew St. 681-7599_________________ MOTHER'S helper required fo r newborn, 2 & 4yr. old, fle x ib le h o u rs. M o n -F ri., March 1st start. Downtown Oakville. Driver's license. Excellent waqes.337-7974 N A N N Y / H o u s e k e e p e rS.E. O a k v ille , 2 s c h o o laged girls, fle xib le hours. D riv e r, n o n -s m o k e r. 842-8967, after 5:30pm. N A N N Y re q u ire d in old O a k v ille , fu ll tim e fo r 3 children, ages 5, 3. and 11 m o. R e s p o n s ib le , c a rin g and e n e rg e tic . ECE or s im ila r e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . D riv e r/ nonsmoker. (905)338-3889 NANN Y required full-tim e fo r 2 c h ild re n . F irs t-a id . CPR, non-smoker. $7.50/hr. C a n d id a te m u st be outgoing, high energy, self starter, creative, organized, dependable, patient, w ell ro u n d e d k n o w le d g e of c h ild c a re , p re p a re d to create stim ulating/ educa tio n a l age a p p ro p ria te in d o o r/o u td o o r a ctivates. G eneral household duties. (905)844-0888 Chisholm Centre 440 Inglehart St., Oakville L6J 3J6 www.chisholmcentre.com Fax: 844-7321 Only those short-listed will be contacted. LO S T : G old, D ia m o n d & Sapphire dinner ring. Fore s tw o o d C re s. & M u llin area & Appleby GO station. 634-1178_________________ FOUND: C h ild s eye glasses at outdoor ice rink in G re e n s v ille . C a ll to identify (905)627-8080 L O S T : T o o l box ( fe ll o ff truck), February 5th. Bronte area Please call 338-6048 teaching opportunities MUSIC for YOUNG CHILDREN t m ICHING OPPORTUNITIES (From L to R) Don Lindars - President - Optimists Club of Oakville, Phylis Ann WayLieutenant Governor - Zone Optimists, Scott Schlotzhauer - President - Optimists Club of Milton, Joy Thompson - Halton High Five Coordinating Committee, Floyd Nelson President - Optimists Club of Georgetown. This acclaimed Canadian m usic programme for children ages 3 & up is training new teachers for the B urling ton / Flam borough/ M ilto n / Oakville areas. R E W A R D . L o s t - B e ige short haired neutered male c a t. N o rth s h o re / F ra n cis Rd. area. No collar. Please call. (905)637-6821 Thrilling 6-5 O.T. win clinches series A th rillin g 6-5 o v ertim e w in in O w en S ound has ad v an ced the M in im u m R equirem ents: GRADE VIII PIANO * GRADE II THEORY EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH CHILDREN COMPLETE home renova tio n s p e c ia lis t - In te rio r sp a c e s o lu tio n s , d o o r/ w in d o w re p a irs , g a ra g e doors + opener repairs, trim in s ta lla tio n , c a u lk in g s p e c ia lis t. C a ll R o b e rt Dub6. (905)520-0519 PLUMBING Repairs. New In s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tio n s . B a s e m e n t d ra in s , b a th rooms, drywall, framing, til in g. No J o b T o o S m a ll. Frank. 639-3874. Creating Quality Play Experiences for Children.... It's More Than Kidstuff! With over 300 community sport and recreation groups in Ontario, did you ever wonder who was making sure that our children were receiving a consistent and quality play experience? Until recently NO ONE! Recognizing the important role that organizations and groups play in providing activities to over 1.2 million children across the province, Parks And Recreation Ontario established H IG H F IV E - a quality assurance program for community sport and recreation programs. The HIGH FIVE: Quality at Plav initiative pro vides easy to use resources for community sport and recreation groups to create and maintain quality play experiences for children. Sandra Poolton (Southern Ontario Coordinator) 519-669-8941 M O N EY P ro b le m s? G a r n ish e e s? T oo m any pa y m ents? O ptions to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bankruptcy Trustee: (905) 631-0600 Deaths AITCHISON, Don - On Sunday, February 6, 2000 at his home in Burlington in his 55th year. Survived by his sons Wayne and his wife Krista of Burlington and Scott of Oakville. Loving Grandfather of Amanda, Darryn and Makayla. Family will receive friends at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West, (one block east of Kerr) Oakville, on Wednesday (today) from 7-9 pm. A funeral service w ill be held at the Oakview Funeral Home Chapel on Thursday, February 10. 2000 at 1:00 pm. Interment Glen Oaks Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the A.L.S. Society of Metropolitan Toronto & Area 6, Adelaide Street East, Suite 220A, Toronto Ont. M5C 1H6 or to' the charity of your choice. InMemoriam CHERNECKI, Heidi - In loving memory of H e id i, W ho pa ssed aw ay F e b ru a ry 09,1999. The Gift of Friendship Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought or sold. But its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold. For gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear. And in the time of trouble, it is powerless to cheer. It has no ears to listen no heart to understand. It cannot bring'you comfort or reach out a helping hand. So when you ask God for. a gift, be thankful if He sends Not diamonds, pearls, or riches, but the love of real true friends. Forever loved Marg Oakville Rangers minor atom A rep team to the next ro und o f the play offs against Hespeler. O ak v ille w on the best o f five series 3-1 but w ith all gam es settled by a difference, o f one goal. O akville appeared to have the g am e w rapped up w hen they m ade it 4-1 in the third period, but give O w en S ound credit, they b attled back to tie it at 44. A n d give O ak v ille credit, too. T hey bent but they d id not break, going ah ea d 5-4. O w en S ound then tie d it a t 5-5 to sen t it in to o v e r tim e. Jam ie M cK eow n w as the hero for O akville, scoring the w inner at the 4 :02 m ark o f overtim e. O ak v ille outshot O w en S ound 27-15. S coring sum m afy ... G oals w ere scored by Jam ie M cK eow n (2), M att G rigg, T yson T heaker, Joe C icchini and M att D ow ner. A ssists w ent to A nth o n y F arrow (2), H arry H ristopoulos (2), S p en cer Jenkin (2), G rigg. T h ea k er and B rett C handler. ,, Halton takes the lead on HIGH FIVE! At a rime when this initiative is gaining international recognition, the local com munities of Halton Hills, Milton, Oakville, and Burlington have taken a lead role in bringing HIGH FIVE to Halton. Having experienced the success of HIGH FIVE training and resources with their own programs, the Halton HIGH FIVE Coordinating Committee (representatives from all four municipalities and the Region of Halton) is encouraging community sport and recreation groups to jump on board. CULLINGHAM, Jam es Howard After a brief illness on Sunday February 6, 2000 at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Howard (Hoot) beloved husband of the late Grace Cullingham. Dear father of Gary and his wife Penny of Burks Fall, Glen and his wife Geraldine of Thunder Bay. Craig and his wife Linda of Acton and Wayne and his wife Carol of Kenora. Dear brother of Willis. Loved grandfather of Lynn. Stacey, Cathy, Kyle, Krista, Cheryl, Kevin, Tanis and April. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 pm Wednesday. Funeral service 1:00 pm Thursday at Maplegrove United Church, 346 Maple Grove R oad, Oakville. Interment Palermo Cemetery, O akville. Those who wish may make m em orial contributions to the Dialysis Unit of Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospi-tal or the Red Cross. A special thanks to Dr. Sapir and staff of the Dialysis Unit of OTMH for their compasionate care and dedication. Local Sponsorship provides HIGH FTVE resources to all Community Sport & Recreation Groups in Halton! Committed to the principles of "healthy youth development" the Optimists Clubs of Georgetown, Milton and Oakville, as well as Metroland, have contributed $ 14,000 to ensure that the HIGH FIVE resources will be provided FREE to vol unteer sport & recreation groups throughout Halton. Community meetings have been planned in each municipality (below) to inform groups about the HIGH FIVE project and distribute these resources. Funeral Directors OAKVIEW FU N E R A L HOME O ur fam ily serving y o u r fam ily CHOOSING THE BEST PROGRAM FOR YOUR CHILD... A Parents Guide to Recreation and Sport, is another resource of the HIGH FIVE initiative. The booklet provides parents with information on the various social, physical and developmental benefits of recreation, and discusses the principles of healthy child development. Soon, par ents will know that programs using HIGH FTVE resources are those that provide a consistent quality play experience for their children. 56 LA K E S H O R E R O A D W E ST O A K V IL LE Funeral D irectors · Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville ·Duncan Way ·John Murphy Prayer Prayer to St. Jude. May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved forever. Oh sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude w orker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless pray for us. Say this prayer nine times per day, by the eighth day your prayer will be answered, it has never been kn o w n to fa il. P u b lic a tio n m u st be p ro m is e d . T h a n k you fo r fa v o u rs received. GS Community Meeting Times & Locations H alton Hills Wednesday, February 16, 2000 7:30 - 9:30 PM Halton Hills Library & Cultural Centre 9 Church Street Halton Hills (Georgetown), Ont. Hot Line: 873-2601 ext. 2275 M ilton Wednesday, February 23, 2000 7:30 - 9:30 PM Milton Leisure Centre 1700 Main Street East M ilton, Ont. Hot Line: 878-7211 ext. 188 O akville Saturday, February 19, 2000 1:30- 3:30 PM Sir John Colbourne Recreation Centre for Seniors 1565 Old Lakeshore Road Oakville, Ontario Hot Line: 845-6601 ext. 3153 B urlington Thursday, February 24, 2000 7:30 - 9:30 PM Appleby Ice Centre 1201 Appleby Line Burlington, Ont. Hot Line: 332-1996 ext. 222 842-2252 Garage Sale M O V IN G DOWNSIZING (905)825-9146 W A R D Family Services A lco h o lics A nonym ous If you drink, th at's yo u r busin ess If you w an t to quit, T h at's O urs! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Funeral Homes HELPING TO MAKE IT PERSONAL 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville Shuffleboard Table $1700 new, asking $ 1000. Entryway Light Fixture -large lan tern style clearAinted beveled glass, new $3000 asking $200. 905 - 844-3221 Ann Futher Charles Gibbs

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