Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 9 Feb 2000, Classified, D5

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Wednesday, February 9 , 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 Get On S in c e 1 9 8 4 R e s e rv e A m e ric a , a C a n a d ia n c o m p a n y lo c a te d in M ilto n , O n ta rio h a s p ro v id e d o rig in a l, te c h n o lo g ic a l s o lu tio n s to m e e t th e re s e r v a tio n , r e g is tr a tio n a n d re p o rtin g n e e d s o f th e re c re a tio n in d u s try . ReserveAm enta T R U C K IN G ,, T O A MEW CAREER 4 www.ReserveAmerica.com D u e to p h e n o m e n a l r e c e n t g r o w t h R e s e r v e A m e r ic a h a s im m e d ia te o p e n in g s fo r th e fo llo w in g p o s itio n s : Come join us...be a part of the Best! L.P. S E R V IC E S REQUIRES Program Manager - Senior Position * R e q u ire s a d v a n c e d p ro je c t m a n a g e m e n t a n d c u s to m e r m a n a g e m e n t s k ills * E x p e rie n c e d in p ro je c t s c h e d u lin g , ris k a n a ly s is , c o n tin g e n c y p la n n in g , e s tim a tin g , s c o p e m a n a g e m e n t a n d re s o u rc e m anagem ent "DZ" DRIVERS FOR OUR OWNER OPERATOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TNT Global Express Logistics and Mail, a leading provider of third party logistics solutions, is currently recruiting "DZ" DRIVERS at our home delivery operation to deliver furniture and appliances for a leading retailer. H ER E W E G R O W AG A IN If y o u a re e n e rg e tic , h a rd w o rk in g a n d s e lf m o tiv a te d , w e a re c u rre n tly h irin g fo r th e fo llo w in g p o s itio n s a t o u r B u rlin g to n lo c a tio n . "G " Class Drivers · C u rre n t d riv e rs a b s tra c t m u s t accom pany re s u m e . · C le a n d riv e rs re c o rd a m u s t · M u s t b e a b le to d riv e s ta n d a rd tra n m is s io n v e h ic le s T h e h o u rs w ill b e lo n g b u t th e re w a rd s a re g re a t. W e o ffe r e x c e lle n t c o m p e n s a tio n , b e n e fits a n d a p e n s io n plan . F a x to th e A tte n tio n : H u m a n R e s o u rc e s B a ttle fie ld E q u ip m e n t R e n ta ls 44 01 H a rv e s te r R oa d B u rlin g to n , O n t L 7 L 4X1 F a x: 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -1 1 4 5 No Phone Calls Please A -Z L ic e n s e D riv e rs F o r H a m ilto n /S to n e y C re e k A re a s F u ll-tim e P o s itio n s a re A v a ila b le fo r N ig h t S h ift We require: - O n e y e a r p re v io u s e x p e rie n c e in th e h a u la g e o f s te e l - C le a n D riv e r A b s tra c t - In d iv id u a ls w ith e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills Com pany provides: - T ra in in g - B e n e fit p a c k a g e fo r fu ll-tim e e m p lo y e e s - G ro u p R R S P p la n a v a ila b le - W e ll-m a in ta in e d e q u ip m e n t to o p e ra te F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n p le a s e c o n ta c t George at (905) 312-9902 o r h a n d d e liv e r R e s u m e & D riv e r A b s tra c t to : 100 Mead Avenue Ham ilton, O ntario L8H 3T5 b e tw e e n 9 :0 0 a .m . a n d 3 :0 0 p.m . WE OFFER · · · · · · · · · · System Architect * E x p e rie n c e d w ith th e a rc h ite c tu re , d e s ig n a n d d e p lo y m e n t o f la rg e s c a le 0 -0 a p p lic a tio n s in a w e b e n v iro n m e n t, a p p ly in g s ta n d a rd m e th o d o lo g y a n d to o ls * H a s o u ts ta n d in g le a d e rs h ip a n d te a m -b u ild in g s k ills Attractive Pay Schedule Incentive Program Benefits Local Work Scheduled Days Off Have a clean Driving Record Pass a drug test Speak fluent English Must be bondable Customer service oriented Experience is a definite asset, but will train. For more information on this great opportunity, please call 416-674-3750, or fax 416-674-8380 Java Developers ·M in im u m o n e y e a r o f J a v a d e v e lo p m e n t e x p e rie n c e 'E x p e rie n c e in e -c o m m e rc e , b u s in e s s /fin a n c ia l a p p lic a tio n s w o u ld b e a n a s s e t THE PERSON: Software Testing Project Leader * M in im u m th re e y e a rs o f te s tin g e x p e rie n c e , in c lu d in g te s t s u ite d e s ig n * E x p e rie n c e w ith s o ftw a re te s t p la n n in g a n d p ro c e s s e s , m e th o d o lo g ie s a n d a u to m a tio n to o ls Help Desk Analysts * C u s to m e r s e rv ic e e x p e rie n c e * K n o w le d g e a b le a n d e x p e rie n c e d in a d v a n c e d te c h n ic a l tro u b le s h o o tin g m e th o d o lo g ie s Thank you lor your interest, but only those to be interviewed will be con tacted. We are looking for an energetic, outgoing and wellspoken individual for the position ol CUSTOMER SERVICE DRIVER Financial Reporting Customer ServiceRepresentative * S o lid u n d e rs ta n d in g o f fin a n c ia l b u s in e s s re p o rts * A b ility to u s e c o m p u te riz e d re p o rtin g s y s te m s * C u s to m e r o rie n te d , a b ility to h e lp c u s to m e rs re c o n c ile fin a n c ia l re p o rts E m a il y o u r re s u m e to h u m a n re s o u rc e s @ R e s e rv e A m e ric a .c o m o r fa x to (9 0 5 ) 8 7 5 -2 6 1 2 a tte n tio n H R , s ta tin g th e p o s itio n fo r w h ic h y o u a re a p p ly in g . N o P e rs o n n e l S e rv ic e s s o lic ita tio n o r p h o n e c a lls p le a s e . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n o n th e s e p ro b le m s , v is it o u r w e b s ite a t 0 general help wanted .0 .0 Sc G lo b a l Express, Logistics general help wanted M ail 510 510 general help wanted w w w .R e s e rv e A m e ric a .c o m Attention: Pool Service Technicians Cartier Home Leisure has pool service technician opportunities involving light physical activity and customer service skills. Experience in the pool and hot tub industry is an asset but not necessary. Min. starting wage for experienced technicians is $15/hr and can reach up to $25/hr dependent upon the experience level of the technician. Profit sharing and use of company vehicle benefits will be extended to the right individuals. Must be available for work no later than April 3/00. An earlier start date may be available if desired. Applicants also must be able to work 5 to 6 days/wk with a morning start time of 7:30 am. Excellent attendance as well as the ability to work independently is necessary. You must also be able to operate small equipment (training provided if necessary) and have a good mechanical aptitude. As driving is necessary, a clean valid G2 driver's license will be required. Must have a good driving record, neat appearance and excellent communication skills. Sales experience an asset but not required. We offer: Excellent base salary + commissions; Guaranteed 40-hr. work week; Secure and safe working environment; Complete benefit package. Resumes Attn. Bonnie Stewart, at: C a n a d ia n L in e n a n d U n ifo rm S e rv ic e 891 P ro g re s s C rt, L n T iW O a k v ille , O t i L 6 L 6K1 Fax: (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -9 1 8 2 U.S. FLATBED DRIVERS REQUIRED for trucking firm 20 minutes north of Toronto International Airport. Must have U.S. experience, clean abstract, professional attitude & appearance. Call Charlie or John @ 1-800-268-4620 MANAGERS W ith over 390 super store, North America's largest chain o f discount party supply superstores is continuing its expansion in the GTA area. W e are seeking ambitious and hardworking managers. If you are keen to advance in a fast paced environment, and are with a company where growth is a thing of the past and if your experience is from a drug chain, mass merchandise or hardlines retailer, this is a great opportunity for you. B H Earned Warehouse Staff required fulltime and part-time weekends. Must have good driving record. Attention: Students We have various outdoor summer job opportunities involving physical activity in ail weather conditions. Experience in the pool and hot tub industry an asset but not necessary. Min. starting wage $10/hr reaching up to $20/hr with experience. Must be available for work no later that May 10/00. An earlier start date is available if desired. Applicants also must be able to work five to six days/week with a morning start time of 7:30 a.m. Excellent attendance as well as the ability to work indepen dently is necessary. You must also be able to operate small equipment (training provided) and have a good mechanical aptitude. As driving may be necessary, a clean valid G2 drivers license may be required depending upon position awarded. Please forward an application or resume before Feb. 25/2000. Applications may be picked up and submitted in person at Cartier Home Leisure- Service Centre, 2362 Wyecroft Road, Suite 2, Oakville, or may be faxed to (905) 847-8437. No phone calls please. We thank all applicants and advise that only those to be interviemed will be contacted. NEW STORE OPENINGS If you are interested in joining a Winning team, while building a retail career with Canada's leading mass m erchant then you will be interested in finding out more about the opportunities Zellers is offering at it's new stores located at Square One and Erin Mills Town Centre. Qualified candidates will benefit from Zellers' comm itm ent to training and development, plus a highly competitive salary, incentives and benefits package. We are looking for enthusiastic individuals who welcome comm itm ent and apply their interpersonal skills in a challenging and exciting work environment. Applications are presently being accepted for the following (PT/FT) positions: Customer Service Representatives (daytime availability) Restocking (early morning and overnight) Restaurant Personnel Please apply in p erso n a t S q u are One and E rin Mills Town C en tre ap p licatio n booths. Zellers has an employment equity program and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, aboriginal people, visible minorities and people with disabilities. R e -R o o f S h in g le Subs re q u ire d fo r s p rin g s e a s o n . C a ll 1 -8 7 7 -9 4 3 -7 6 6 3 CET M echanical or equiv a lent w anted fo r detailin g m achinery using Autocad. Must be proficient in com p u te r d e s ia n & flu e n t in English, oral & written. You can see our equipm ent at w w w .a jm ix in g .c o m . Send re s u m e e -m a il o r fax: (905)827-5045_____________ DESIG N ER / Salesperson. C a re e r o p p o rtu n ity in a kitchen & bath show room for an experienced Design er with strong sales skills. Mail resum e to: C ranberry Hill Kitchens, 35 Crawford C re s., C a m p b e llv ille , ON LOP 1BO, Attn: Lorna Brown L y L i office-clerical A D M IN IS T R A T IV E A ssis tant- Entry level. Duties in clude: reception, order en try, clerical. Computer ex pe rie n ce in W ord, E xce l, Outlook, graphics programs required . F u rth e r tra in in g available. Submit resume: Turf Management Systems, Inc. 2 3 9 9 R o yal W in d s o r Dr. M ississauga, O nt L5J 1K9 F A X : 9 0 5 -8 2 3 -4 5 9 4 email: karenmarlatt@ weedman.com Fax resume to: Cribs 'n More (905) 829-2326 R E C E P T IO N W o rk , P a rt tim e , no s a le s in v o lv e d , goo d c u s to m e r re la tio n s , suitable fo r retired person. Home based environment. Call for appointment 847-1378 S U P P O R T IV E , u n d e r s ta n d in g in d iv id u a l re quired to provide com mun ity involvement and support to in d iv id u a ls w ith h a n d i capping conditions in Oak v ille and s u rro u n d in g aread. Please fax resumes to: (9 0 5 )4 5 3 -8 8 5 3 , A tte n tio n Michele___________________ PERSON w ith experience in food service, sandwiches preparation (deli), catering set-u p and s ervices. E x perience an asset but will train. Must be friendly, fast and a team player. Apply to Cafeteria with resume 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville._______ LO O K IN G fo r a chan ge? W o rk no n ig h ts and no w e ekends. R e lia b le , m a tu re , fu ll- tim e p o s itio n s . Benefits/ training/ transpor tation provided. D.L. Re quire d. ca ll M olly M aid, 905-681-7484_____________ CLEANER- (janitorial firm), p a rt-tim e 2 e v e n in g s /w k , O akville building off North S ervice Rd-8th Line. M a tu re , e x p e rie n c e d , own transportation. W ould suit husband/ wife team. 905632-7253_________________ M ICROFILM Service. O ak v ille c o m p a n y re q u ire s g e n e ra l la bour. $ 7 .75/hr. plus benefits. Fax resume/ le tte r to: (9 0 5 )8 2 5 -1 3 3 8 ; Call (905)825-1166________ E X P E R IE N C E D G r o o m wanted for Hunter/ Jumper show stable. Flexible hours a m u s t. A c c o m m o d a tio n a v a ila b le . N o n -s m o k in g e n v iro n m e n t. C a ll 9 0 5 466-4421 or fax resume to: 905-827-6333_____________ A L L around handyman de s ire d fo r lo c a l g a rd e n in g centre. Ideal for mature re tired person. Full-tim e but flexible hours, good cus tom er service, light equip m ent m a intena nce 6938734 evenings only.________ G E N E R A L Lab ourer, fu ll tim e , fo r b u s y lo c k s m ith shop. B e n e fits / u nifo rm s. W age com m ensurate with expe rience. A p ply in p e r son at Active Lock & Safe, 2380 Speers Rd., Oakville VETER IN AR Y Adm inistra tive Assistant required for p ra c tic e in M ississa u g a . Medical Office experience, computer proficiency, client service skills and self moti va tio n required . Personal transportation required. Mail or Fax to : (905)822-9220 Glen Erin Animal Hospital, 2632 Liruma Road Missis sauga, ON L5K 1Z1 L E G A L S e cre ta ry/ ClerkOakville. Sole practicioner requires bright, positive as sistant for real estate, intel lectual property and some corporate. Excellent com puting skills required. Sal ary based on experience. Fax resum e to David Pilo @ 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -3 8 1 0 . No phone calls please! O AKVILLE Head Office re quires a ju nior office clerk with minimum 1-3 years ex perience to assist with word p ro c e s s in g , c o rre s p o n dence and data entry. Must have e x c e lle n t com m u ni c a tio n s k ills . P le a se fo r ward resum es: The Harris G ro u p , 3 2 8 S p e e rs Rd., Oakville. ON L6K 3R9 CREDIT & Collection Clerk with 2-3 years experiencerequired fulltime by Burling to n firm . A p p lic a n ts w ill possess professional man ner, excellent com m unica tio n and co m p u te r skills. Knowledge of A/R an asset. Resumes to: Box 1732, d o T he Post, 2321 Fairview , Burlington L7R 2E3 Fax resume to: (9 05 ) 761-1270 P A R TY C IT Y Q U A L IT Y L E A D H A N D ( A u to m o tiv e ) Leading Supplier of Stamping & Assemblies IS09002/QS9000 Production Facility Oakville area Reporting to the Quality Manager R e q u ire m e n ts : Practical experience in the QS9000 environment. Su pervisory experience, able to perform independently as well as in a team structure. CMM experience (or willing to learn), proficient with GDT. Please reply to: The Oakville Beaver, Box#6238,467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4 Meray Motors Mercedes-Benz ® SERVICE A D V IS O R We are looking for an energetic professional. Experience in ADP computer system. Full time position. Company benefits. Apply in confidence by fax to: Dan Burnside 300 South Service Rd., W. Oakville A L S T O M , o n e o f th e w o rld 's le a d in g su p p lie rs o f D iesel E ng in e P o w e r P la n ts fo r P o w e r S ta tio n s a n d th e M a rin e Industry, re q u ire s a SHIPPER / RECEIVER fo r th e ir O a k ville W a re h o u s e re p o rtin g to th e C u s to m e r S e rvice M a na ge r. T h is p o sitio n is re s p o n s ib le fo r all a s p e cts o f th e w a re h o u se fu n c tio n , in c lu d in g s h ip p in g , re ce ivin g , in ve n to ry c o n tro l and w a re h o u s e m a in te n a n c e . S e c o n d a ry sch o o l e d u c a tio n w ith a m in im u m o f 2 y e a rs relate d w o rk a n d fo rk lift e x p e rie n c e is req uire d. Y o u m u st be a b le to w o rk in d e p e n d e n tly, h a ve a ta ke c h a rg e a ttitu d e a n d be k e e n ly in te re ste d in p e rfo rm in g all fa c e ts of th e lo g is tics fu n c tio n in a s m a ll d e p a rtm e n t. C o m p u te r p ro fic ie n cy an d s tro n g o rg a n iz a tio n a l s k ills a re a m u st. P re vio u s e x p e rie n ce in p re p a ra tio n o f e x p o rt s h ip m e n t p a p e rw o rk a n d in ve n to ry c o n tro l w o u ld b e a n asse t. W e o ffe r a c o m p e titiv e c o m p e n s a tio n a n d b e n e fits pa cka g e , a d y n a m ic a n d e x p e rie n ce d te a m of c o -w o rk e rs an d tra in in g fo r s k ills a n d fu tu re d e ve lo p m e n t. M ail, fa x o r e -m a il y o u r re s u m e to: ALSTOM C a n a d a In c., E n g in e s 3 5 5 W y e c ro ft R oa d, O a k ville , O N L6 K 2H 2 Fax: (90 5) 8 4 2 -2 0 2 5 · e -m a il: a lsto m @ in te rio g .co m Mfe thank all applicants, however, only selected candidates will be contacted. ALSTOM Oakville manufacturing company requires the following skilled help, fulltime, to start immediately: OAKVILLE HONDA has position available in our Sales Dept as a: · · · · 3 6 3 6 Maintenance Mechanics General Machinists Welders General Shop Labourers RECEPTIONIST Part-time- Evenings & Saturdays Suitable candidate will have exceptional people and communication skills along with an outgoing, friendly personality. Reception and general office duties. Fax- 905- 844-8890 Fax resume to: (905) 337-2521 or Call Steve at (905) 337-2501, X222 Please apply in person to Shan Adams: 191 W y e c r o f t R o a d , O a k v ille o r fa x re s u m e : 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -8 0 0 5 A ssistant Sales Manager Oakville-based Head Office of national wholesale distribu tor requires stafl person to assist Sales Manager. Experience in sales analysis, quotation preparation, and MS Office required. Excellent salary and benefits. Profit sharing. Reply with resume & salary expectations to: Warehouse Position · · · · · · · · · · · · · Reception/Administration Luxury automobile dealership is currently seeking a responsible, well-organized individual to fulfill recep tion and administrative duties. Must be reliable and a team player Licensing experience an asset. PLEASE FAX RESUME TO: R oyal &C S u n A llia n c e L ife In s u r a n c e C o m p a n y o f C a n a d a is a m e m b e r o f th e R oyal & S u n A llian ce In s u r a n c e G r o u p p ic, o n e o f th e larg e st in s u ra n c e g ro u p s in th e w o r ld . W e h av e d is tin g u is h e d ou rse lv e s in C a n a d a 's fin an c ial m a rk e tp la c e b y o ffe rin g c o n s u m e rs a b r o a d a n d c o m p e titiv e p o rtfo lio o f h ig h q u a lity life in s u ra n c e , savings, in v e s tm e n t, a n d r e tir e m e n t in c o m e p r o d u c ts . W e a re lo o k in g fo r p e o p le to a d d v a lu e to o u r c o m p a n y in th e fo llo w in g roles: The Oakville Beaver Box 6236, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 An Oakville located business is currently seeking an enthusiastic, self-motivated individual to join our team. The ideal candidate must have a high school education as well as prior warehouse experience. Duties will include order filling, slocking shelves and general warehouse duties. A working knowledge of shipping systems, WHMIS/TDG training and forklift experience would be an asset. No calls please. Please forward resume with salary expectations to: Attention: Jill Love, (905) 827-3377 Q u d d y im p o r te d c a n It's about ® AUTOMOTIVE DETAILER/ CLEAN-UP REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Meray Motors Mercedes-Benz C L E A N IN G p e rs o n re quired for bake shop. Day tim e hours every Saturday. Please apply in person with re s u m e : E a s tw a y B a ke S h op, 404 7 N ew S t., (at W alker's). Burlington_______ HOM EM AKER/ PSW/ HCA required pa rt-tim e nights, approx. 24+ hrs/wk. Psych, experience an asset. Bur lin g to n . F ax re s u m e to: (905)335-1202 or call Patty at (905)335-3463__________ P A R T -T IM E C le a n e r needed im m ediately, O ak ville area, 11am-3pm. Also, n ig h t c le a n e rs n e e d e d . C all Jaim e (905)561-9990, or fax resume: (905)561-8224 W A L -M A R T O a k v ille has th e fo llo w in g p o s itio n s available: Stockroom Per sonnel, afternoon unloader & overnight cleaner. Open availability is a must. Apply at courtesy desk.___________ P R IM E R IC A F in a n c ia l Services seeks in d iv id u a l for unique opportunity. No e x p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . High income potential. Call (905)-681-5515, Ext.62 Staying on life's course while exploring new directions. Actuarial Assistant Reporting to the Director ol Actuarial, you will assist the department in communicating with the field and providing spkial quotes. You will use your strong mathematical skills to help create new plan headers as well as look-up tables for test regions. You will also assist ,as required, in the preparation of weekly and monthly reports. LOMA 280 & 301, knowledge ol Exel, Ingenium and/or CAPS-I-L, and bilingualism are definite assets. Administrative Assistant (P/T) Your proven administrative track record at the executive level, will help you provide administrative and software support to the Operating Committee, Head Office and Regional Office staff. You will assist in the co-ordination and preparation ol board meetings, conventions, and various procedure manuals and reports. You will maintain corporate licences, complete regulatory returns and develop internal software templates. Your expert knowledge of Word and PowerPoint (Office 97) and strong knowledge of Windows 95 and Excel are complemented by a good understanding ol PC/LAN technology. You are a multi tasker, able to prioritize many, often conflicting and rapidly changing, assignments. You possess outstanding written and verbal communication skills, and learn new software quickly. Life insurance and/or legal experience is an asset. w w w .ro y a ls u n a llia n c e .c a AVON ... Your hours, Your profits, Incre dible earning o p p o rtu n ity . E x c itin g in centives. Inventory invest ment not required. Call today, (905) 336-0477 HAWTHORN S Paint & pa per place requires e xpe ri enced help selling paint & related products. Part-time only, m ust be fle x ib le fo r scheduling. 332-1416 TRUCK Driver/ Warehouse p e rs o n re q u ire d fu lltim e . S ta rt $ 9 /h r. R e s u m e s to B ox 6 2 3 4 , c /o O a k v ille B e a v e r, 467 S p e e rs , Oakville, ON L6K 3S 4 PU RE G old nee ds im m e d ia te ly ; W ait and s hoo ter staff. 2630 Royal W indsor Dr., Mississauga (905)8221525 C a n a d ia n In k je t S y s t e m s F a x : (9 0 5 ) 8 2 9 -1 8 4 2 A ttn : B e r n ie J a c o b ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER Entrepreneurial firm of professionals is searching for a mature individual to assume lull responsibility for client accounting duties including monthly processing of clients' data, statutory filing, PST, GST, payroll de ductions, recurring entries and accruals leading to monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements. Remuneration includes flexible working hours, a 4day work week in July and August and comprehensive benefits package. Send resume in confidence to: The Oakville Beaver, Box # 6 23 9,4 67 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4 A ttn: H.R. Manager W e offer a generous co m p en satio n package, a flexible an d c o m prehensive benefits p ro g ram , a n d the o p p o rtu n ity to w o rk in a progressive e n v iro n m e n t th a t p ro m o tes creativity a n d professional g ro w th . I f y o u are seeking an o p p o rtu n ity to explore n ew direc tio n s in th e O akville co m m u n ity , please forw ard y o u r re su m e to: H u m a n R esources, Royal & SunAlliance Financial, 2 7 7 L akeshore R oad East, O akville, O n ta rio L6J 1 H 9 Burlington based business forms manufacturer has opening for a PRINTING PRESS OPERATOR with a minimum of four(4) years experience on small presses. The applicant should have knowledge of papers, as well as mixing of inks. Web Printing experience an asset. Wage governed by experience; Good benefits package offered. 1Full-time · Experience preferred Company Benefits · Positive attitude, team player Apply in person or fax to: CARMEN AGRO 300 South Service Rd., W., Oakville or Fax- 845-3477 Opportunities as a Fax resumes to 905-681-9882 FULL-SERVICE Car Wash A tte n d a n t- F u ll and p a rttime Apply in person: King Car Wash, 1448 Graham's Lane. Burlington.__________ P H A R M A C IS T P a rt-tim e required fo r p rofession al medical building pharmacy. Call M anager at 905-6373377 or fax: 905-637-5520. DRIVER- Mature, local de liveries, flexible hours, no p re s s u re . A, D o r G li cense. Full-time if desired. 693-8734 evenings only. t l I telemarketers hair, beauty salon help Wholesale pharmaceutical company seeks an EXPERIENCED BILINGUAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Must have collection experience. Communication & customer service skills & the ability to work in a com puterized environm ent. This entry level position offers a competitive compensation package. DENTAL TECHNICIAN Experience in denture prep /C&B metal finish. Other positions available, no experience required. Paid training and holidays, Medical/ dental benefits. Apply in person to MITECH DENTAL LABORATORY, 5230 South Service Road, Burlington (Between Burloak & Appleby Line). SUPERCUTS Come join our team! Growing Opportunities for ·MANAGERS ·STYLIST F/T P/T $200. WELCOME ON BONUS Hourly wage + Comm Excellent benefit pkg. Drug-DentalLife Insurance Semi-Private + Additinal Benefits Enjoy our Chemically Free Environment Call Toll-Free Fax resume to 905-560-7013 or reply to Box 6237, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4 Ro y a l s . ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT A growing international company in food and Agriculture (Oakville) immediately needs an Accounts Assistant with approx. 2 years accounting experience up to Trial Balance stage. Spanish and ACCPAC an asset. Please fax resume with cover note suggesting salary expectations to; SUNALLIANCE Roval flc SunAlliance Financial th eW I N E r= r --ra S H O P P E - NEW STORE OPENING!!! We are looking for enthusiastic and flexible WINE SHOPPE SALES REPRESENTATIVES For our new location in: F ood V illa g e /obey/ «8* Part-time positions A pply to the Store Manager at the C ourtesy Counter, Sobey's Power Centre off Brant St. INSIDE Sales/ Telem arket ing, fulltime days, for grow in g B u rlin g to n p e rso n n e l agency. E xp erience p re fe rre d .. Base + bonuses. C o n ta c t G e ra ld C o rn e ll, (905)333-8947 hair, beauty salon help B U S Y O a kville salon, lo ca te d in M all, re q u ire s a Stylist. Salary + up to 40% com m ission. C all Cosim o, (905)825-1977_____________ H A IR S ty lis t A s s is ta n t wanted. Experience neces sary or w ill tra in the right person. 905-257-8998 N A IL Technician required im m ediately for salon/ spa in Burlington. Shelly 6 8 1 2582 The Oakville Town Centre We're looking for part-time sales representatives who will be willing to work days, evenings, and/or weekends as needed. Some physical requirements are necessary. Please hand in your resume before February 16th, 2000 to The Wine Shoppe at one of the following locations: LOBLAWS, 2431 Trafalgar Road, Oakville I.G.A., Abbey Plaza, 1500 Upper Middle Road West, Oakville W h ile w e th a n k a ll th o s e w h o apply, w e w ill o n ly r e s p o n d to th o s e u n d e r c o n s id e r a tio n a n d a s k th a t n o r e s p o n s e b e m a d e b y p h o ne. · Butchers · Meat wrappers · Courtesy Clerks 1-888-888-7778 EXT. 1552 KATHY CEPIN EXT.1354 905-339-0576 PAYROLL ASSISTANT required part-time (21/hrs. per week) ADP Payroll, Microsoft Office, and W indows, Milton location. Fax resume to: (905) 875-4744 M ECHANIC, Licensed, req u ire d fu lltim e fo r b u sy O a k v ille shop . E u rop ean car e x p e rie n ce an asset. Call (905)847-3817 r - ______________

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