Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 9 Feb 2000, Classified, D4

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04 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 9 , 2000 T he Oakville B eaver BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C lassified houses tor sale O A K V IL L E O pen h o u se 2058 Oak Bliss Crs. S at./ Sun , Feb. 12/ 13th, 1-5 pm, WestOak Trail* 4 bedroom, 2.5 baths, Prim e location, stainless/ m arble kitchen, s la te / lim e s to n e e n tre e , huge c o v e re d d e ck, halogen, designer finishes. Private. $269,900. (416)875-8035__________________ TYAND AG A, Burlington. 4 bedrooms, maintloor family room and laundry. C/A, CN h a rd w o o d flo o rs , 5 s k y lights, inground pool, large lot. Excellent condition with many upgrades $334,000. (905)332-7351_____________ 779 M iriam C res. 3 bed room, wood fireplace in livingroom, a/c, eat-in kitchen, diningroom. $198,000. Call for appointm ent (905)4664557. no solicitors please. BY O w n e r - 3 b e d ro o m B ungalow , fin is h e d in la w suite, near dow ntown and GO $196,900.00. (905)8446875. 287 M aurice Drive, Oakville. The site your community clicks on! <- -- ' TO PLACE AN AD CALL 8 4 5 -3 8 2 4 OR 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 FAX: 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 mop - F :RI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. Real Estate 100-165 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 · Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 Over 75% Leased Neighbourhood Shopping Centre - Oakville Prestige 27,000 sq. ft. Neighbourhood Shopping Centre located at the Northwest Corner of 6th Line and River Glen in the heart of the River Oaks community and adjacent to the Uptown core of Oakville TV/REMOTE - used Zenith 20" colour, good condition, in c lu d e s c a b in e t. C a ll (905)844-2858.____________ T V - in good condition, just tuned up. $25. Please call (905)331-3062____________ W E D D IN G d re s s , p u ff sleeved, size 7-8 with train $100 (905)633-8732 W HEEL chair, Everest Jen nings Phase 2, 18' seat. In good c o n d itio n . $500 (905)842-4851 after 6pm G U A R A N TE E D dry 100% hardwood. Pick-up/ Deliv ery. 'O ntario's largest Fire wood retail because we're O n ta r io 's B e s t". M a rc 's Q u a lity F ire w o o d , (9 0 5 )257-6366 I pets, supplies E N E R G E T IC 9 y e a r old S hep/ Lab. Free to good home, loves children & attention. 333-3937_________ F R E E to p a tie n t lo v in g ho m e . 3 m o s. A u s tra lia n Cattle dog/ X. House bro ken and c ra te tra in e d . 842-9265 I cars for sale 198 3 CHEVY B la z e r. N e e d s w o rk , so m e new parts, as is $ 70 0.00 . A n drew 338-9469 after 3pm 1998 W indstar Northwood79,000km, excellent condi tion. Quad sears, maintannace record available, must sell $18,200.(905)332-4826 A U D I 500 0 C D , 1987. In ru n n in g c o n d itio n , as is. $1000 obo. (905)815-1979 leave message.____________ 1989 J a g u a r XJR , 830 00 km org . O n ly su m m e r driven, excellent condition, w ith blue le a th e r in te rio r. $13,500 (905)842-3203 or (905)338-9423 ___________ 19 9 7 M e rc u ry S a b le . 25 month old! O nly 19.000km. lo a d e d - including leather, moon-roof, all power. Lady driven, balance of new car w a rra n ty , s tu n n in g ! $18,999. 842-8988________ 1997 Neon, lo a d e d , Balance of 7 year warranty. 1995 blue Honda Civic, 2 door hatch back, 5 speed, w e ll m aintained, air, cas sette, emission tested, new tire s , ru s t p ro o fe d , 103,500Km. Under warranty. $10500. (905) 257-2720 1995 Dodge Neon- 4 door, $7,200. Certified. (905)631-8032 call after 5pm AN TIQU ES wanted- furn i tu re , g la s s ch in a , s ilv e r, je w e lry , clo cks, w a tche s, p a in tin g s , o ld p h o to s , canes B e s t ca sh ! (905)-522-4727____________ AN TIQU ES, C hina W ant e d - S in g e r P o rta b le s ... D o u lto n , M o o rc ro ft, B e swick. W atches, dolls, es tates, C o lle ctibles. John/ Tracy (905)-331-2477 PAINTINGS Wanted- Older Art, A ntiques of all kinds: A d dison radio s, E sta te s p u rc h a s e d . K a rl (9 0 5 )681-6939 Burlington. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Units from 800 · 2,700 sq. ft. Opportunities for Tanning Salon, Video Store, Children's Clothing, Book Store, Lawyer (Paralegal Services), Travel Consultant, Bakery, Delicatessen, Butcher Shop, Picture Framing, Postal/Courier Services, Tailor/Alterations, Eye Care, Fish & Chip Store, Chinese Take-out, Ice Cream Parlour etc. A N T IQ U E S - M a id s w a r d ro b e . $ 1 2 0 0 . 2 d ra w e r d re s s e r w /m irro r, $500. Bed, $800. C a ll (9 0 5 ) 659-3132_________________ W A N TE D : Susie C ooper. M oorcroft, Royal Doulton, Beswick figurines/ animals. O rie n ta l/ E u ro p e a n porcelain. Paying top prices fo r good fu rn itu re . Established Toronto dealer. (416)545-1447, (416)4841842. Tony 11-6pm S how ing: H o pedale Mall, Oakville. February 9-13th. Booth nearest A&P CARS from $500. Govern m e n t s e iz e d & surplu s. Sold locally. C all toll- free fo r lis tin g s . 1 -8 8 8 -3 4 6 0700, Ext.N200 19 8 7 F 15 0 - A sking $ 2 4 0 0 . E x c e lle n t shape. Call after 6:30pm (905)8498598. Call W hite Oaks Realty Limited (905) 607-3300 "Brokers Protected" 500 career training 500 career training 500 career training 500 training TORONTO "BROW NSTO NE". Modem 3-level 1500sq.ft. 2-bdrm , 1-1/2 baths, firepla ce, rec.room, sum mer terrace, C/A, app liances included. $133,900. W on't Last! Call 681-SELL (7355) Windows 2000 MCSE Program Sheridan an d GP have p artnered to o ffe r you a Microsoft Certified System Engineer Program th a t w ill help you launch an exciting career in IT. ·One o f the first W indows 2000 M CSE program s available in Canada '·Unique m obile learning environm ent: each student has the use o f an IBM ThinkPad ® for the duration o f the program · O nly W in2000 M CSE program in the Western GTA · Courses based at Sheridan College, Oakville Burlington Towers The H o tel A lte rn a tiv e FURNISHED CORPORATE SUITES F urn ish ed D esigner A p artm en ts » Fully E q u ip p ed Kitchens · M agnificent In d o o r Pool » S auna & Fitness C entre · DO W N TO W N B u rlin g to n . Luxurious, im pressive city and lake views! 6 applianc es, 2 parking, 2 ensuites, whirlpool. $1600/mo. inclu sive. L.Davies R.E., (905) 333-4347_________________ l ! u i houses for rent FOR rent, new 3 bedroom, large eat-in kitchen open to fa m ily ro o m . In c l. 5 a p p lia n c e s . Im m ed. o c c u p a n c y . $ 1 8 0 0 p/m . P e n n y C a te s , s a le s rep. RE/MAX Aboutowne Realty Corp. (905)338-9000 3 bedroom hom e- $1255/ mo + utilities. Bridge Rd. & Third Line area. Available March 15th. (905)844-5441, or (905)330-3376__________ D O W N T O W N B ro n te , 3bedroom house, residential or com mercial. Newly ren ovated. $1250/mo.+ utilities. Immediate. (905)847-3564 RENO VATED - Sm all bun galow w /finished 3rd bed room in basement. $1250/ m o+ utilities. Close to lake. (9 0 5 ) -8 4 5 - 5 8 0 1 , a s k fo r A d ri. 30 4 7 S e n e c a Dr (Bronte)___________________ UPPER Middle/ Sixth Line. 3 -b e d ro o m b u n g a lo w , 2baths, finished basement w/ 2 -b e d ro o m s , A p ril 1st. $ 1 3 0 0 /m o . + u tilitie s . (905)849-6311.___________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or c reative financing a va ila b le to fa c ilita te pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep, (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor R O O M S a v a ila b le , share facilities- kitchen, laundry. R esponsible working male p re fe rre d , n o n -s m o k e r, $325/mo. North Burlington. (905)332-3031_____________ F U R N IS H E D e x tra la rg e bedroom, $425./mo. Cable/ hydro included. Immediate. Peter, cell: (905)515-3292 or (905)332-0599__________ N E W LY re n ovated b righ t room. Downtown location. Working non-smoker. Avail able asap. $400 inclusive. L a u n d ry f a c ilitie s and parking . (905)634-4775 S.W. Burlington- 1-bedroom in house, share bathroom, k itc h e n w ith one . C a b le , u tilitie s , parking, laundry. Mature female non-smoker p re fe rre d . R e fe re n c e s . F irs t/la s t. $ 4 0 0 /m o . Immediate. 339-8315 RO O M fo r re n t, non smoker, Brant St/ Cavendish area. Call (905)319-1346 SO U T H B u rlin g to n - n e a r a m e n itie s . $ 4 2 5 /m o in cludes cable, laundry and kitchen facilities. Parking. N o n -s m o k e r. Im m e d ia te . (905)632-0884 ANTIQUE DEALER Looking for quality. Royal Doulton Beswick/ Morecroft European/ Oriental 416-545-1447/484-1842 Hopedale Mall (at 3rd Ln) Oakville 3 -B E D R O O M c o n d o in cludes all a pp lia nces. In G len Abbey a re a . $ 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 . C o n ta c t 9 0 5 827-3789 leave message WE sp e c ia liz e in C o n d o m inium Sales. Lin d a D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Real tor, 333-4347, 827-7728 Feb. 9 -13th Booth nearest A&P 1285 Ontario St. Register for a Free Information Session: 639 · 8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-7pm Sat.: 10am-5pm Sun: llam -5pm w w w .ontim .com · btow ers@ lara.on.ca ^ industrial /commercial space GET SET, Get ready, Thursday, February 10, 6:30 to 8 pm Sheridan Trafalgar Road Campus, Oakville, Rm. B307 INEXPENSIVE warehouse space fo r le ase. 18,000 sq.ft. or less; also, 2,100. Truck level access. Radiant heating, sprinklered. O ak ville. Joe Luyk, (905)8457597 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Gat Spring cleaning. Place those unwanted items in the classifieds, call 632-4440 or fax 632-8165 FR EE E s tim a te s ... G ot w o b b ly c h a irs ...w e a k springs... tired looking wood fin is h e s ? W e do it all! C ustom wood refin ish in g / fu rn itu re re p a irs . F ie ld s C u s to m F u rn itu re , 9-9 , daily! 632-9090___________ 1906 G erhard Heinpzm an upright grand piano. Excel lent condition $1200 OBO, bench included (905)6329847______________________ BED King plush mattress & box, new in plastic, warran ty. cost $15 00., s a c rific e $625. 905-567-9459 BE D - Q ueen iron canopy bed. orth opedic m attress/ box, new , u n u s e d , c o s t $1200., sell $490. 905-5674042______________________ BO YS full bedroom suite, Crate design, excellent con d itio n , 10 p ie c e s . C o st $3500, asking $2000/obo. 825-1205_________________ NEW Year S a le - No G ST or PST. Treat Yourself To A G reat New Look at Super Savings. Sofa and M atch ing Chair from $788. Loves e a ts from $44 8. C h a irs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior's Discounts. Fields Q uality Custom Upholster in g. D a ily , 9 a m -9 p m , (905)632-9090____________ SIT On I t - Don't Sit In It! R e p la c e m e n t fo a m fo r cushions. Residential/ com m ercial. Fields Upholstery, 9 -9 , 7 d a y s / w e ek! 6 3 2 9090______________________ C A R P ET - I have several 1,000 yds. o f new S tainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do liv in g ro o m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve. 639-2902 CO M P U T E R desk, o ffic e desk, Hot Point self clean stove, pool spring board, po o l c o v e r, lo o p lo ck 20X40ft. (905)842-3203 or (905)338-9423____________ DINING-ROOM, Cherry, 13 piece Queen Anne, 8' dou ble pedestal table. 8 Chip p e n d a le c h a irs , b u ffe t/ hutch, never opened, cost $ 1 4 0 0 s a c rific e , $5,0 0 0 . 905-567-4042_____________ DRUM style end table, $35. 3 c u s h io n c h e s te rfie ld , $ 25 0. H u m id ifie r, $20. 634-5904. before 8pm. FLYER e lectric scooter in excellent condition, rarely used, with new recharger. $1700. (905)844-1872 KENMORE washer & dryer. 2-1/2 years. $775/set. Kenmore freezer, 15 cubic ft., $350/obo. 631-0757 M AYTAG gas dryer- 2yrs. old, $500. 633-8163 P IA N O - Yam aha, p ro fe s sional upright grand. Full sostenuto, bea u tifu l teak, o rig in a l o w n e r, m o v in g . $6,800. 905-945-2155. PIANO SALE Feb.8th-12th NO TA XES , w w w .pia nohouseburlington.com. 5205 Harvester Rd. 631-9259 F R ID G E , 2 -d o o r; S to v e . 30"; A u to m a tic / P o rtable Washer, Dryer. Reasonable. U nder w a rra n ty . C a ll (905)549-1911_____________ S O F A - o v ersize d, S klarPepplar, plaid, im maculate condition. Practically new, $3000 new, asking $1200/ obo. 847-7895____________ SOFA Sklar Peppier, beige/ pink floral. Spotless, hardly used, $350; Kenmore micro wave $65. (905)319-5949 CROSS c oun try ski's, ski boots, skates, toboggans, Roller skates, old windows, easy chairs, sofas, house h o ld s . re c o rd s , p ic tu re s , R e a s o n a b le p ric e s . T he R euse C e n tre . 333 5 N .S e rv ic e , B u rlin g to n . W ed/ T hu rs/ Fri- 12-8pm ; Sat-9-5pm ; S u n -1-4pm. TIRES- 4 Firestone Winterhaw k, P 2 0 5 /6 0 R 1 5 used 800 km's. $80/each, all 4 for $300. 632-2474.___________ TR ISHA Romance unlim it ed edition prints (The Ice Castle & Nursery Rhymes), $650/ea. obo 332-1716 VA R IO U S item s for salebathroom , lighting , patio, baby, toddler, m isc. 3 3 5 1859 or www.cgocable.net/ -charronm for more details. Wednesday, February 16, 6:30 to 8 pm Sheridan Trafalgar Road Campus, 1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Rm. B345 Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted LOFTS · STUDIOS · 1 &2 BDRM SUITES · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths · Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access Call: 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -9 4 3 0 . e x t 3 0 9 0 E m ail: M C SE@ sheridanc.on.ca Register o n lin e at: w w w .s h e rid a n c .o n .c a /m c s e EX EC UTIVE o ffice space 1925 sq.ft. located on main artery in Burlington Sublet, p o s s e s s io n fle x ib le . 631-9545 B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (905) 6 39-4677 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm In q u ire a b o u t o u r S T O R E fo r re n t- 2 3 5 9 L a k e s h o re Rd. W e s t, Bronte. Good drive by expossure. Store front park ing. Approx. 900sq.ft. plus basement. 905-827-3571 BRAND NEW, DELUXE CARDEN A P A R TM E N TS Includes 9'6" ceilings, Jacuzzi, double vanity sinks + more! AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 15TH. B U R L IN G T O N S h a re cosy apartment, neat fur nished/ unfurnished room. K itch en p riv ile g e s . $ 42 5/ mo. Immediate. First/ last. 637-7873_________________ S .W .F . A ttra c tiv e , cle a n Townhouse in Meadowvale, 15 minutes from the airport at Glen Erin and Derry Rd. Furnished room and share use of house. Parking spot. N o n-sm oker $500/m onth (905) 814-8787____________ C H E A P rent! Tow nhou se 1.5 baths, laundry, finished b a s e m e n t, s a te llite , bar, March. 1st. (Burlington Mall) 905-631-7381 Brad. S E E K IN G fe m a le , non sm oker, to sh a re la rg e 2 bedroom apartm ent, (2nd floor of quiet building). Pri v a te 1/2 b a th . P a rk in g . $ 4 2 5 ./in c lu s iv e (c a b le ). 905-637-3430.____________ EAST Burlington, close to bu s and G O / S h o p p in g . (Un)fumished room, female, share townhouse, Kitchen, b a th , la u n d ry & C a b le . Avail. March. Non-smoker, no pets. $420.00/ mo., first / last. (905)637-0209 ' TRAIN FOR THE NEW MILLENNIU C e r tifie d C o u r s e s : · A tte n tio n Industrial Electrical Apprentices Humber College is offering the advanced industrial electrician block theory training March 13,2000. Micro Computers MS Office Internet/E-mail IMMEDIATE availability for E sthetics or other related s e rv ic e s , busy sa lo n Guelph Line. Parking. 6 3 2 6090. (905)639-4473 I franchises Northshore Towers 1&2 Bedroom Apt. Avail. Feb./Mar./Apr. $750/mo. to $850/mo. Utilities incl · No Pets Quiet Building S P A C IO U S basem ent apartm ent near Burlington M a ll. F ire p la c e , la u n d ry , p a rk in g , c a b le . N onsmoker. No pets. $750/mo. (905)681-0457____________ C A N A D IA N A .Q u ie t, w e ll m aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1-bed room a v a ila b le M a rc h , 5220 Lakeshore Rd.. Burlington. (905)632-5486 LA K E S H O R E / Maple. 2&3 bedroom s available Febru a ry . B e a u tifu l la k e fro n t view, indoor pool, heat/ hy dro included. Bus stops at door. C lose to M apleview Mall. JBMH. Great highway access. (905)632-5258 · · · · Accounting Office Administration M edical/Legal Asst. Dental Receptionist [ 'D a y a n ! Evening ! ! Sessions ! i____________ j Common curriculum level 1 & level 2 will start August 14, 2000 Contact Lynne Zuk: (416) 675-6622 ext. 4459. L A W N C A R E F ra n c h is e . Protected territory with ex is tin g c lie n ts . E x te n s iv e training and support. M ini mal investment. 1-800-2684628 mornings. RESPONSIBLE mature fe male, fibre artist, looking for loft/ studio apartment- Oak v ille / B u rlin g to n o r ju s t north of above. References available. 905-844-5340 H A L T O N B U S IN E S S IN S T IT U T E (9 0 5 ) 6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 JOB FAIR 2000 J Diane, 9am-7pm 6 8 1 -1 3 0 7 * Burl. O A K V IL L E . 199 Q u e e n M a ry D r iv e n e a r a ll a m e n itie s . 2 -b e d ro o m suites ava ila b le Feb./M ar. U tilitie s in c lu d e d . (905)844-9006_____________ 2-BEDROOM Apartments $770. (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ). 2 3 8 6 N ew S t. a t G u e lp h Line. Rental Office O p e n l 1 8pm. 639-5761_____________ S P A C IO U S 1 .2 & 3 B e d ro o m s . F re s h ly p a in te d , b rig h t. C o m p e titiv e rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellm aintained. C onvenient lo c a tio n . ( 9 0 5 ) 3 3 3 - 9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm PA LM E R / Headon- 1 bed room basement apartment. Im m ediate. No pets. Suit s in g le / w o rk in g c o u p le . 905-332-3160, 905-334-0594 G E O R G IA N A p a rtm e n ts . M ar./A pr./M ay 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro in clud ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm 2 -B E D R O O M , $ 8 5 0 /m o . (+ $ 3 0 /c a r). A v a ila b le F e b .'0 0 . S u n k e n liv in g room. eat-in kitchen. Quick QEW access, G uelph Line near New St.. Burlington. 637-9725__________________ S E E K IN G q u ie t non s m o k in g te n a n t fo r la rg e b rig h t lo w e r le v e l of b u n g a lo w in N o rth B u rlington. S e parate en trance, 3 appliances, huge bed roo m , $70 0 in c lu s iv e . March 1st. 319-5661 B U R L IN G T O N .P a rk -lik e s e ttin g . P re s tig io u s area near T y a n d a g a G o lf Course. Must be seen to be appreciated: 2-bedroom with balcony, Apr. 1st. Heat/ hydro/ appliances included. (905)335-3001_____________ BU R LIN G TO N Downtown. W e llin g to n P la c e , 4 7 8 Pearl Street. Newly deco ra te d 1 .2 & 3 B e d ro o m A p a rtm e n ts w ith s c e n ic views. 632-1643___________ 2-BEDROOM- quiet, clean a d u lt b u ild in g , do w n to w n B u rlin g to n . A v a ila b le F e b ru a ry 15th, $ 6 9 5 /m o in clu des u tilitie s . (9 05)6310191 or (905)643-8979 BURLING TO N 2 bedroom$685./mo utilities included, fro m A p ril. Q u ie t, n e a r lake. 634-8089 (3-6pm) 75 S te w a rt: B a c h e lo r, M a r.1st; 2 -b e d ro o m , A p r .1st. N e a r d o w n to w n O akville/ QEW. W ell-m ain tained clean building. C all (905)844-4294_____________ B R O N T E H a rb o u r L ig h t H ouse. 1 b e d ro o m A v a ila b le im m e d ia te ly $725/mo. (416) 741-2786 REFURBISHEDApartm ents Downtown Burlington. Eliz a be th M anor, 477 E liz a b e th S tre e t. 1 ,2& 3 B e d room A p a rtm e n ts w ith s p e c ta c u la r v ie w . 6 3 4 9374______________________ A L D E R S H O T bright, sp a cio us 2 -bedroom , 2 b a th room basement apartment. Laundry, parking, no pets, n o n -s m o k e r. $ 7 0 0 /m o . March 1st. 631-6650 leave message. DOWNTOWN Burlington, 1bedroom, $825/mo.+ Avail able March 1st. Call Forbes (4 1 6 ) 4 2 0 -3 9 5 2 o r (9 0 5 ) 842^9275 460 Brant St., Burlington Registered M inistry o f Education and Training (1982)j y Call for details ·Location available in Burlington ·Tremendous Growth Potential ·Complete free training ·Full tum-key ooeralion ^ a jfr ·Full franchise support ·20K capital investment required Ask for Glenda Apts & Townhomes Near Waterfront! Large suites. Freshly painted & carpeted with new windows and baths. No pets. 480 Maple Ave. Burlington ( 9 0 5 ) 639-5079 $ 1 4 9 5 /M O N T H RENT WITH A VIEW - 3 bedroom c ond o ap a rtm e n t in p re s tig io u s B ronte. O verlo o k s lake and Toronto. March 1 p o s s e s s io n . C re d it c heck and re fe re n c e s re q u ire d . C a ll D on o r C a th y N aum o w ic h R e m a x A b o u towne (905)338-9000. K f f ^ l rentals FAMILY TOWNHOUSES 3 b e d ro o m un its, a v a ila b le . In c lu d e s s to v e , fr id g e , 1 s t c a b le o u tle t, 1 - c a r g a ra g e , u n fin is h e d b a s e m e n t. C a r p e t in g o n b e d r o o m le v e l. N o p e ts . U tilitie s e x tra . N e a r H w y # 5 & 6 th L in e , O a k v ille . 842-8353 1900 Sq.Ft. 3 bedroom. 3 baths, executive end unit ` O rc h a rd T o w n e H om e" with walk-out to over- sized lot. Ceramics fire place, C/A 5 a p p lia n c e s . $ 1 395 /m o. (905)827-9945 or 332-5194 632-4440 505 W E know w h ere the jobs are! Trades and Computer T e c h n o lo g y ! In d u s tria l E le c tric ia n / M e ch a n ic; W o m e n in T ra d e s ; C o n s tru c tio n o r C o m p u te r Tech nical; S o ftw are Spe cialist; Network Administra tor...! Courses start in Fe b ru a ry / M arch . C a ll T he C e ntre, (905)333-3499 to join a free info session! 4 5 and o ver? U n e m p lo y e d ? F ind ou t m ore a b o u t th e n o -fe e co u rse called E xperience W orks! C ontact Donna (905)3333499 at the Centre for Skills Development and Training. Sponsored by Human Re sources Development C a nad a_____________________ COM PUTER T ra in in g D o n 't kn o w w h a t you sh ou ld take? T he C entre o ffe rs m any courses and certification programs. Find out what is new at our Free F e b ru a ry in fo , sessio n s. C a ll (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -3 4 9 9 . Ext. 101 to register! I careers careers 505 careers Clinical Research Network Administrator CMX Research Inc. and Trafalgar Ethics Board Inc. are two progressive companies that service the clinical research marketplace in Canada. Working with our pharmaceutical clients, CMX Research provides high quality research sites and ethics review sen/ices. We are looking for a Network Administrator to work with the continued development of our business which is growing rapidly. This fulltime, fast paced, detail oriented position includes both the ethics board secretarial role and the administrative functions for CMX Research. The ideal candidate will have advanced computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint; strong interpersonal, organizational, written and verbal communication skills; the ability to work independently, multi-task, prioritize assignments and take a proactive approach with meticulous attention to detail. Knowledge of GCP would be an asset. We offer a competitive salary and benefits and an entrepreneurial environment. To find out more about us check our web site www.CMXres.com. Qualified individuals should forward a resume to: T o m E k e rs , P re s id e n t F U R N IS H E D a p a rtm e n ts fo r re n t in In d ia n R o c k s Beach, Florida. Located 1 block from beach. Close to Clearwater. Call (905)9456343______________________ FLORIDA. West Coast, St. P e te 's B each W a te rfro n t Apt. available from M ar.1/ 00. C all 416-230-8974 for info. K [|r J items under $100. 1-888-693-8888 Visit us at w ww .341 com BASEMENT 1-bedroom, on Centennial Drive, B u rling to n . S e p a ra te e n tra n c e , newly carpeted, bus route, A vailable M arch. 1st 3367426______________________ P L A IN S / Q E W ( B u r lin g to n ). 2 -b e d ro o m , n e w e r sm a ll b u ild in g . P a rk in g , laundry. S ecurity. Im m e diate/ February 1st. $758./+ hydro. 905-825-5539. Burlington- 1 bedroom- 3nd flo o r, s m a ll b u ild in g , in cludes heat/ parking/ 2 ap pliances/ laundry, $650/mo. (905)637-0903_____________ O NE bedroom a p a rtm e n t suitable fo r sin gle or pro fe s s io n a l c o u p le . F ire place. oak spiral staircase. C o untry settin g . $1,500. Application with references before showing. Call Mark Mallalieu. Comm onwealth Real Estate Services C or poration. Private line 905876-0633__________________ O NE bed roo m b a se m e n t apartment, available March 1st. Private entrance, park ing, $650/mo utilities includ ed. (9 0 5 )8 4 4 -5 4 4 1 or (905)330-3376_____________ 1 w h ite toddler bed $50.(905)681-7028)____________ 2 0 " T o s h ib a c o lo u r TV , availab le end of February $100. (905)634-2586 C H A N G E T a b le - w h ite . $30. (905)469-4710. CHESTERFIELD, 4-seater c o lo n ia l, h ig h b a c k e d . skirted, w /m atching chair/ o tto m a n . B ro w n / g o ld Herculon fabric. $100. firm 8 4 5 -8 6 6 4 a fte r 6 :3 0 or leave message.____________ M IR R O R in o rn a te w ood frame, 31 "x 4 7 \ new, $100. 572-7166_________________ CRIB- white with mattress. G o o d c o n d itio n . $10 0. Phone 637-3823___________ DAYBED- white with brass k n o b s . $50 . P le a s e c a ll 844-4741_________________ G AS stove, almond, works great $50.00 (905)632-1333 IOMEGA zip drive, 100Mb, p a ra lle l p o rt. $75. 3 3 1 7171______________________ LA M P S brass with cream c o lo re d shades $10 0 (905)331-0788____________ 2 w hite dressers 6 draws $75 each; (905)681-7028 P R E S E N T A T IO N w h ite board. stands alone or on ta b le . 5, $75 . (9 0 5 )3 3 7 0660______________________ WOODEN artist easel with brush tray, 5', brand new $25 (905)337-0660________ O A K V IL L E 3 p ie c e sofa set, good cond ition, floral print, $100 (416)802-7552 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Available Immediately C a ll 6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 L A R G E 3 -b e d ro o m from $ 1 0 9 9 /m o . (+ u tilitie s ) , A p r.1 s t/ M a y ls t. 5 a p pliances, garage, park-like setting. Longmoor Dr, Burlington. (905)681-0070 BURLING TO N: Apr. 1st: 2b e d ro o m fro m $ 8 9 5 .0 6 / m o.+ utilities. 3-bedroom, from $999.60/mo.+ utilities. 3 a p p lia n c e s , 1.5 b a th s . O ne outside parking. Near s choo ls, s h op ping. P a rk like setting. 333-1190. O A K V IL L E - 3-B ed roo m s available March 1st. 4 ap p lia n c e s . H o p e d a le M all area. Lakeshore M anagement. (905)876-3336 * * * * * * * * * * F R E S H L Y P a in te d 2& 3 bed roo m tow nh ouse m ai sonettes. 1 parking. Avail able March. Starting $775/ m o.+ u tilitie s . N o rth Burlington. (905)319-9104 2 -B E D R O O M s ta c k e d , large 3rd floor condo, Glen A bbey. C a rp e te d , 5 a p p lia n c e s , b a lc o n y . Im m e d ia te . $ 1 0 9 5 /m o . (905)847-5043 T T T T T F U R N IS H E D L u x u ry ! 1-3 B drm C o rp o ra te C o n d o s Hom es. 6 appliances, TV, V C R , s te re o , 1-3 b a th s , h e a lth c e n tre , s e c u rity . D a ily , W e e k ly , M o n th ly . From $ 1 2 95-2795 m onth. Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7368) L/M F U R N IS H E D B u rlin g to n Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1 ,495 /m o, a ll u tilitie s in cluded. Im m ediate. (905) 632-8354; (905)632-6189 F U R N IS H E D condos: D o w n to w n B u rlin g to n . 2b d rm , 2 -b a th , 5 -a p p l., balcony, c/a, pool. Available F e b . 15. $ 1 4 0 0 /m o . L. D a v ie s R e a l E s ta te Ltd. 905-333-4347 CMX Research Inc. S u ite 4 0 5 - 12 3 5 T ra fa lq a r R o a d N o rth O a k v ille , O N L 6 H 3P1 F a x: (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 -0 0 5 4 o r e -m a il to : te k e rs @ C M X re s .c o m We thank all applicants but only those selected lor an interview will be contacted. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGISTS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGISTS Looking For An Exciting and Rewarding Career in Automation ? Solid background in Automation with excellent problem solving and communication skills helps you provide existing customer base in lucrative, exclusive territory with your application expertise. $$. M ARKET Research person needed ASAP. FT/PT flexi ble. Hourly rate plus bonus. Join one of Canada's most dynamic companies! For in terview call Derek Swan at (905)847-5990 ext.237 or em a ii · d s w a n ® ia s e ra a i works.com Patio Sales F/T & P/T for progres sive home products retailer. Experience preferred but will train a motivated candidate! OUTSIDE SALES: tro trtrtr 3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 o r 3 3 6 -0 0 1 6 : Tyandaga Terrace, Burling ton. Freshly deco rated 2bedrooms, Feb./Mar. Lowrise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios._____________________ O A K V IL L E . 2 -b e d ro o m apartment, triplex bldg. All am enities, laundry, im m e diate. From $925/mo+ elec tric ity . P a rking a va ila b le . (905)845-9088_____________ D O W N TO W N O a k v ille : Large 3-bedroom suite, 2 b a th s ... M o s tly s e n io rs . M a r.1st. $ 1 3 0 0 /m o . (905)842-5815_____________ WOW! White Oaks, Luxury 2-bedroom + den, available im m edia tely. W e ll- m a in ta in e d c o m p le x, fu ll rec. fa c ilitie s in c lu d in g in d o o r pool, sunken livingroom ... som e w ith fire p la c e ! C a ll 815-1628__________________ DOW NTOW N, Burlington. 2&3 bedroom . Im m ediate/ Mar. 1st. W ell m aintained, q u ie t b u ild in g . W a lk to shopping, H ospital, Lake. 637-0321__________________ E A S T B u rlin g to n . 3 -b e d room , ground floor, 4 ap pliances, parking. $820/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Re altor. J90 5 )6 3 2 -5 ^0 . All The Advantage? pf Condo Living 1-BDRM + DEN £ 2-BDRM SUITES w/solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Conveniently in the Mapleview area! HEAD SHOP TECHNICIAN: Hands-on mechanical aptitude for assembly and troubleshooting of pneumatic and electrical components. We w ill train you!! Excellent opportunity for growth. INSIDE TECHNICAL SALES: Mechanical, electrical automation or related background. Excellent communication and organizational skills. We will train you!! ALSO REQUIRED Exp'd BBQ/Fireplace Installer Helper G2 lie. preferred. Com petitive remuneration. Attention: Ron Tel: (905) 844-3224 Fax: (905) 844-1919 Burlington manufaduring firm requires a Please send resumes to Gren at COWPER INC. via email at: cowper@golden.net or by fax to (905) 607-5592 «416-390-6279i* "R O Y A L V is ta - , E a s t L a k e s h o re , B u rlin g to n . L a rg e 2 -b e d ro o m , p e n t h o u s e flo o r, a p p lia n c e s , s e c u rity . u n d e rg ro u n d parking. Immediate. $1350/ mo. (905)634-0197 G U E L P H L in e / Q E W . 3Q UEE N s ize dou vet, bed sk irt & sham s. P ink rose bdrm townhouse condo, 1blossoms, never used. $75. 1/2 baths, 5 appliances, C/ 844-4741_________________ A, firepla ce, garage, near GO, QEW. $1100/mo.+ util QUEEN size m atress with itie s . A p r .1st. T ra fa lg a r P ro p e rty M a n a g e m e n t, pillow tops $100 (905)6338732______________________ Warren Hill, 338-1130. RO S E p in k d re s s and m a tc h in g c o a t. S ize 18. (905)637-9686____________ SH E E P skin rug, 4 skins to g e th e r 4 'X 6 ' $100 (905)633-8732____________ NOTRE Dame Uniform Ox fo rd Long S leeve s h irts Large/ X-L, Professionally laundered. 13 at $l00./all. 336-6335_________________ SINK- new, white, drop in. 20 1 /2 ' x 17 1/2*. $30. American Standard. 336-6335. SEARCH ASSOCIATE Com m itted to perform ance excellence and driven by the desire to be one of the m ost successful search firm s in Ontario. LICENSED MACHINIST (i.e. lathe & milling), with minimum 5 years experience Full-time, M-F. Apply in person at: CONNORS, LOVELL & ASSOCIATES INC. Famify C/v-inp // CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 B edroom s · 3 appliancess · E at-in Kit. B asem ent · P lay g ro u n d · P arking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited < is looking to expand our team of generalists for our new Burlington Location. We are focused on continuously training our associates using expertise developed by the m ost advanced recruiting ^ specialists throughout North America. Only those individuals with a strong desire to excel w ithin a fast growing, sales driven organization willbe suitable fo r ou r requirements. Take charge of y our career and explore this exciting industry. CONTACT LYNN BEECHEY, MISSISSAUGA (905) 566-4051 Ext. 222 or Email to: lynn@conlov.com 930 Sheldon Crt. Burlington Ph: (905) 634-7751 TW O P a rt-tim e Salesper son needed for day, even in g and w e e ke n d S h ifts. Retail sales experience not nece ssary. Train ing pro vided. G uaranteed hourly ra te . D e liv e r or fax resum es: Royal Mattress, 5041 Fairview St., Burling to n , M o n -F ri, 8am -4pm , Fax- 905-681-2294

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