Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 2 Feb 2000, b3

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Wednesday, February 2, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 Community Update An Oakville Reaver Feature C ontact W ilm a Blokhuis: 845-3824 E x t 250 Fax: 337-5567 Email: b lo k h u is @ h a lto n s e a rc h .c o m Please forward announcements for Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd, Oakville, Ont. L6K3S4; call 845-3824 Ext. 250, Fax 337-5567 or email to blokhuis@haltonsearch.com BEFORE NOON Monday to be included. Oakville Rotary Club' s wheel chair accessible van is available, free to disabled persons, who could not otherwise travel to medical appoint ments. Drivers also available. Reserve van 24 hours ahead of need. Call Dave Chamberlain, 845-6044; or Fred Giroux, 844-6719. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 2 Halton-Peel AFAF's (Francophone Business Women's Association) Dinner Conference, 6:30 p.m. at ETCETERA, Etc., Lakeshore and Bronte Roads. Topic: Safety at Work by Ellen Hanright. Cost: $25 ($30 for non-members). RSVP Rita Holmes, 822-3677. Inform of food allergies. Parents o f Children with Cancer, self-help support group for families dealing with childhood cancer, 7 p.m.. Cancer Society office, 635 Fourth Line, Unit 51. Call 842-3682. Beyond Divorce - Seminars for Separation, Stage II, Canadian Mental Health Association, Wednesdays to March 8, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Notre Dame High School, Burlington. Cost: $75. Call 693-4270. MIND - Moving in New Directions, 8 -week program on Wednesday and Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., to March 10th, focused on fostering self-sufficiency and self esteem in women who are healing from an abusive relationship are and looking for financial and emotional independence with emphasis on per sonal and career direction, at Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. Call 847-5520. Kerr Street Ensemble needs addi tional string and woodwind players. The group meets at Kerr Street Senior Citizens' Centre on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m.. Contact Annie Pindal at 827-6309 or Paul Lancaster at 469-0857. Halton-Peel Pet Loss Support Group meets first and third Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. Difficulty coping with loss of pet, struggling with pre-euthanasia deci sion, or to learn more, call 842-2252, 272-4040 or 637-5233. Email: petloss@idirect.ca THURSDAY FEBRUARY 3 East Oakville Community Adult Centre meets at Maple Grove United Church, 346 Maplegrove at 1 p.m. for cards, games and refreshments. For information call Thelma Perras, 8445584. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr, 1 to 4 p.m. American Women's Club (open to all U.S.-bom or naturalized citizens), 9:30 a.m., at Glen Abbey United Church, 1469 Nottinghill Gate, for a Mid-winter Blues Fest. Babysitting is provided, but reservations are needed. Call Phyllis at 569-9350. Mississauga Camera Club, 8 p.m.. Port Credit Library, 20 Lakeshore E., Mississauga. Presentation by Joe Deduc, Portraiture Part 2. Call 625-3071. Halton Central Chapter, BNI, meets every Thursday at the Dynasi Restaurant, 399 Dundas W,, 7 to 8:30 a.m., visitors welcome. For informa tion and reservations, call John Seaga, 257-9463. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4 Oakville Baha'i Community to remember life of Madame Ruhiyyih Rabbani, pre-eminent worldwide Baha'i and Canadian, who died in her 90th year on Jan. 19th. Memoriam service at Le Dome, 7:30 p.m. Madame Rabbani was bom Mary Maxwell, only child of Canadian architect William Sutherland Maxwell in Montreal, and moved to Haifa, Israel, in 1937, where Baha'i World Centre is located, after her marriage to world head of Baha'i faith, Shoghi Effendi. Everyone wel come. MIND - Moving in New Directions, 8 -week program on Wednesday and Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., to March 10th, focused on fostering self-sufficiency and self esteem in women who are healing from an abusive relationship are and looking for financial and emotional independence with emphasis on per sonal and career direction, at Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. Call 847-5520. Oakville Single/Social Dance every Friday at the Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Normandy Room, Church and Navy. Admission $10. Proceeds through Branch 114 to char ities. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Cash door prizes and refreshments. Dress code. Call 842-1327 or 8456271. MONDAY FEBRUARY 7 Steak Out for a Good Cause con tinues at ETCETERA, Etc, Lakeshore and Bronte, minimum $15 donation, 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. sittings. Jan. 24th, Feb. 7th, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, and Feb. 8th, Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington. Reservations, call 827-4121. Front Row Centre, fundraising arm of the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, meets 7:30 p.m., in the lobby. Call 338-4161. Oakville Parent Child Centre offers Cabin Fever, drop-in for par ents and caregivers every Monday, 9 to 11 a.m., 337 Kerr. Call 849-6366. Let' s Dance, Monday evenings, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Sir John Colbome Centre for Seniors. Singles welcome. Call 827-7394. Bruce Trail Association has Lakeside Hikes for fun and fitness with the Bronte Bunch every Monday. Meet at Coach & Four, back door, 7:15 p.m. Bring flashlights. Walk at own pace. Call 827-8768. TOPS - Take O ff Pounds Sensibly meets every Monday at St. Aidan's Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr. at Stewart St. New members wel come, nominal fee. Call Maureen, 827-4893; or Kim at 338-9059. TUESDAY FEBRUARY 8 Block Parents meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Halton Regional Police Safety Village, Bronte Road north of QEW. Everyone welcome. For infor mation call 465-1770. Steak Out fo r a Good Cause con cludes at ETCETERA, Etc, Lakeshore and Bronte, minimum $15 donation, 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. sittings. Feb. 8th, Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington. Reservations, call 8274121. Oakville Newcomers Club meet ing, 7070 Galaxy, 475 North Service Rd. east of Trafalgar, 7:30 p.m. Speaker: Marcia Small, Clutter Clearance. Call Lesley, 844-2045 or Ann, 337-7883. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Sir John Colbome Centre, Lakeshore and Third Line, 1 to 4 p.m. Equilibrium, mental health sup port group for people dealing with unipolar and bipolar depression, 7:30 p.m., St. Dominic's Parish Centre, 2415 Rebecca St. Evening of sharing and mutual support. Call CMHA Halton, 693-4270. ADVANCED REGISTRATION Eating Disorders Information Evening, in conjunction with Eating Disorders Awareness Week, spon sored by Body Image Coalition of Peel, Peel Region and Erindale College - University of Toronto's Mississauga campus (UTM), South Building, Feb. 9th, 7 p.m. Panel of speakers, including a survivor of anorexia nervosa, Dr. Jane Gilbert, psy chiatrist, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and other members from health care pro fession discuss eating disorders and treatment programs, mod erated by Dr. Gail McVey, director, Ontario Community Outreach Program for Eating Disorders. Cost: $5 per per son/family. UTM on Mississauga Road between Dundas and Bumhamthorpe, Mississauga. Call Brenda Jones, Peel Health , 905-7917800 Ext 7651; or Maryann Wells, UTM, 905-569-4656. Tax Effective Estate Planning, Feb. 12th, Woodside Library, 1274 Rebecca, lower level program room. Coffee, 9:30 a.m., presentations 10 to 11:30 a.m. Presenters: Karen Thompson, lawyer specializing in wills, estate litigation and family law; Richard Howarth, estate and financial planner; Leigh Morrison, gift planning consultant, United Church of Canada; and Laurie de Grace, investment advisor. Advance registration preferred, call Karen Thompson, 338-7941; or email: katlaw@cgocable.net Admission, $5 for Halton Women's Place. Gambling Partner's Group: Does someone you care for have a problem with gambling? ADAPT can help. Beginning Feb. 16th, ADAFT will be running a Gambling Partner's Group. This six-week group is open to all residents of Halton who are concerned about the gambling involve ments of a friend, partner or family member. Call ADAPT at 639-6537 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.____________________ PREGNANT & NEED HELP? Free Confidential Service O akville 82 5 -12 1 6 Milton 875-1245 M o n d a y - Thursday 11 a.m . - 5 p.m . Friday 11 a.m . - 2 p.m . Hotline: 24 Hour Service 1-800-550-4900 SUITE 2 0 4 HOPEDALE MALL eaiy sleep sets? W h y S e a ly ? B e c a u s e o f ex c lu siv e p r o d u c t f e a tu r e s s u c k as P o s tu r e te c ii C o ils t h a t r e s p o n d t o y o u r m o v e m e n ts , o ffe rin g p e r f e c t c o m f o r t a n d s u p p o r t. A ll S ealy sleep sets are 1 / 2 price. P lu s, i t 's lik e t h e r e 's N O G S T A D D E D o r u se y o u r and S e a r s C a r d a n d pay n o i n t e r e s t ti l A u g u s t 2 0 0 1 get d o u b le S e a rs C lu h p o in ts* o n all sleep sets. Sale prices end Sunday, February 13, 2000. Store Hours: Mon-Fri. 10:00am-9:00pm Sat. 10:00am - 6:00pm Sun. 12:00pm-5:00pm 3050 B lv d ., M ississau g a, O n tario furniture & appliances store <vh o I e ( T m ) K O M e . M is s is s a u g a Sears furniture & appliance store c o o r d in a te d fu r n itu r e C a n a d a 's la r g e s t e le c tio n o f m a jo r a p p lia n c e s V is it o u r w el .s e a rs .c a (90 5 ) 8 2 0 -6 8 0 1 A l l S e a ly s le e p sets a r e 1 / 2 p rice " It's like there's NO GST ADDED' offer Sears will deduct from the item price the same dollar amount as the GST you will pay. GST equivalent reduction does not apply to purchases made under tax-exempt status. Excludes deferral fees, delivery, maintenance agreement and installation charges. Offer ends Sunday, February 13,2000. "'Pay no interest' offer; Pay in 18 equal monthly payments, interest free, until August 2001. On approved credit, with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. When billed, any unpaid portion of your Sears account balance will attract credit charges, commencing the following month. Offer ends Sunday, February 13,2000. Ask for details. tDouble Sears Club points offer Use your Seats Card and get double Sears Club points on all sleep sets. On approved credit. Offer ends Sunday, February 6.2000. Ask for details. All offers: Apply to merchandise in Sears Furniture, Sears Furniture & Appliances and Sears Furniture, Appliances & Home Improvements Stores. Exclude Catalogue purchases. NP0218400 Copyright 2000. Sears Canada Inc.

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