Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Sep 1914, p. 1

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RV: M.Ham11ton Mgr Jewelry SUEMARENE MENES V7=VTo tell the truth, We Ho4r4'1’ t like the wordsV.“cheap “ groceries ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' F1031 ‘VVl4Ve much. prefer to deal .in tho VVhVigheSVil qualitles ' ,5 4‘ Shoreâ€"Othe.a Fired Obtalnable V .â€"‘..V, V l l c. n dVV Because reduced prices ALWAYS stand .4er re-7 “m Ina-n basses ”ll-”01131513- an fig g a” %?E g . 'V 7 4"uncontrollable," or as theyV- are. often termed “electrical" and “mechanics. " Issuer of Marriage Licenses. VV:VV‘V7’ " .;' 1- Vi h L1 duced values V ~' .1143. by electricity. The source of the 7'41430Wer Whether from battery or dynai me is contained in a firing station on VVIt' 1's 1nev1table «FeneiDB-FfiilsV-T finances is 4so regulated that ii: cannot be any Other Way 344.4444 .. .7 ' ' ' V 'mines by insulated cables By simply switching off the electric poWer such' i’r‘btossidhdl Cards 4. V So We talk high quahtles month 11414 and month out‘ le'ss ical mines comes either. f1.'.'om a. self- V small‘ electric battery or LEGAL The power which fires mechan- 4V44's‘3V1Vl' V V _An(L We sell accordingly McLAUGLHIN, PEEL FULTON (it STINSON. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ies. M'one) r to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch office at Feuelon Falls, at the‘ L ‘.H & Power Commissioners’ office. ‘Open every Tues- ' day. Lindsay office over Dominion Bank. ‘ R. J MOLAUGHLIN, K 1.0 A. M. Funron,8 A. ‘ JAS. A. PEEL. T. H. Srmson. ‘ ’ HOPKINS, \VEEKS & HOPKINS ‘_ ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND). f‘V', And 1t is the truest sort (11‘ economy to deal 44her.e.- .. "Weight. In all mines (14f. this class ‘ 4 the impulse Which " gear comes fronVi‘ a ship or floating object. bumping against the mine.V .VMechanical mines thus set for firing ‘ are dangerous to friend and foe a1 i._ke 4'14’he "principal {advantages of uncon- 'trollable mines are their cheapness No Waste (1f materialâ€"constant sausfactlon -â€"most healthful eatab'lés. These are redsOns enough .â€" _ Sales of all kinds conducted infa first 3:. slash manner. frec'ure date‘s'beibre 11d- 4% ’St‘ftising. ~7 -' ‘ . Netaries Solicitors for the Bank or. V ‘7 7 - V 4 VV""1 . 7 V V lb; id ‘ 1 Montreal. Money to loan at terms to 4 - 7 7 , ' 7- -~ 4; 4 44 1 - . . 14.. _41 . 4244:474. 5 ‘ Ell?" 44.4.1 - suit the borrower. Oifices No. 6 William - ' 7 7 V . . ‘ - .. . 9° CVal VmVinVeS' Vl‘é‘kVVe longer l‘OV Vme' St. south, Lindsay, Ont. and at Wood- - _ 4 _ 7 .. -. , - , .- j: ‘ - . rare and lay out They are usually ville, Ontario. 7 4 .4 4 ‘- . ‘ 7 “ 7- 7 , ‘ ; ‘- i ’ ‘ V . arranged on tWo. 4Systemsâ€" â€"'â€"“‘obser- V: 'V V ' . V ‘ VOUR' LINES '* 7 a 7 '7 . ’4 4 7-; . . . depends on- ton'V careful observations 1%.; ' ..71\100RE & JACKSON 4 _7 .7.7 f i '4 V ”'47; 4 4 made by the shore operator, one 4of 6 V ARRISVVTERS, SOLICITORS &'c. or - Groceries . - ‘ ‘ a 4-‘ 4 7 the exact mine positions, the’ other 7 44'4- . 7-.V,fi(e Willian street, LindsayV. Boots and- Shoes . , 4 7' 4 ' _of the track of hostile Vthips passing g V.F D. Moons. 47 A house»! VWall Papers ‘ _' :7V _ _ ' 4 over the field. The position is then $4 STEWART &VOCOVNVNOR' - 4 74- .4: 4: 4 ‘ 4- 4_ 4« 4 4 charted on a map, and the track of E AVVRRIS'i‘ERS, NOTARIES, 3m. MONEY . ‘41.. ‘ . ‘ .. ships crossing; the mine‘ field is also l‘V to loan atlowesi cuneth rates. Terms 7 _ . . ' ' 4 ' . 4’ - plotted V When the ”30k 33 seen t0 '4 to suit borrowers. LOVlVche on corner of Kent - 7" ' 77 - - be crossing the mines the switch is and York streets, 1n say. , . 74 4 ' 1Voséd a th mi ‘ . i Erma" L V OVC°“°“’ 3' A WWWWM V 4c Thes:nmine: 61:62:32: in lines '7' E» 4 _ - 4 7‘ g , = .. V. 7- 4 V . . . 4 " g of two;‘VallV7mines in a line being fired 1 LEIGH R KNIVGHTTOTARY ' ‘ '4 4 .V .. " , V- ‘ 7 together. They are either moored on ARRISTER, SOLICITOR,1\ 7 u 4 .’ f 7 o . > 7 - V ' Public. Successor to MVcDiarmid& 4 , A Stilts}! Em Tlme 4 4 bleeib0ttim 041' :14 sugcientmrleptlf t0 Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by 7 . 7 7.- ...- .- ‘ - - iarm ess 0 ran y ”m c . " ' appointment. Money to loan 3111) Real 7 . - .7 . :4; ~ 4 ’ In- the “Circuit-closer" or “C. C." Estate DOIEgllll and sold Ofiice Kent 85., ‘ 4 V V' V '44“ 4-4 4 V 4 system, each mine contfijfis a, small 1 Lindsay, Telephone 41 7 _7 ' piece of apparatus Whichls set in l7 â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€" .. .. Saves nine, and. (414 edit in time keeps you always 4 motion by a blowfmmavesseL Such i DENTAL well dressed. It pays to .be a little forehandcd 1n 7 an impact completes an electrical cir- " ' V ' 7 ' ordering a. new outfit of clothes for various reasons. “11‘ .thmugh “'th the mine .0“ b? ‘2 DR- R- ‘-D KERR g .4 11 (11 t k ’ - f ' 4 fired If it is not wished to fire, the g RGrndégfieg of "Ergonfi gniversity and . 7. Ca in an et us a 9 your measure or 'a. new suit the “c C4» ,8 automatically reamed 2 eye e o 0 en '1. urgeons .. r : Office over Taming Store, Colbeme 4 .Up- -toâ€"dato goods, style and. Workmanship. Our to- its. 0 dinary condition, by a spring ' Street, Fenélon Falls. __ . 4 motto i3 c. Fashmnab‘le Tailorlng at Popular Prices .11 ,These _mines: _are near the surface 44 -‘ _ ' 7 and are used. in sidechan'nels, which 5 Dr. S. J. 83%.3, IEE’QTIST, - " V :. t-is intended to close entirely. They .4 Feuc’lon'Falls. 4 4 TQ 7‘V=‘ R LE y a gag _are (1150 used to reduce the Width of ; Graduate of Tomato University". and ' V‘ navigable channels. § 4 4 Royal College snta‘l Surgeons , They are effective in foggy or misty- 7 * ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY Fine Tafiflaring Fanalim FéflsV weather The powder charge is small performed thchVVdVVVVg t3 the iatestimproved and they are easy to lay. , 5: met 0 5“" m0 “at" prices g 7 .7 7 V; Any explosive can be used in sub- V â€"- - WWWWWW V 031223-23th Over Burgoyne a V‘VVOVVVVV 00] V V , ‘ . ‘ 7 . _4 4 ‘ marine mines, but the explosive which V V . . .. ' .. .. . . , ., ".7. _ ' is in general. _useV is wet guncotton :4: 4 4 MEDICAL 4 4 44 ‘- . .‘ 7 . with a444sm4all dry primer, and a de- ? - ' “ “ ' " . 7 ' ‘tonator to start i‘rnition‘ ' 14313.8. GRAHAM .1. GRAHAM. i ‘ - . 7. , . Dr. H. 11. Graham. M. D. 0.11., M. R. c. . ,. P 8 V , g- '8. Eng. ; M. C. P. St 8., Ont. ' F. T. M. S. _V V V _ 7 1; Dr. G. '0. Graham, Gradudte Toronto ‘. -. ‘ ”re Pices rV ‘Ugiversity ; g1. C. P. &. Sci,AOntario. " v 7 7 71.9,: 4 4 ‘ - ' 4. hysicians, urgeons an ccoucheurs.‘ V _‘ . g V Ofiioe Francis .St., Fenelon Falls. . 2V _ .' ' .. 4 4' ;.4. 7 aha. 6Xfi‘aé’4ts f 4 - ‘ ' .. _ 7;. 4 V 7‘ 74 -VV Are what makes a store's reputa- 77 D R E" B JOHNSTONE’ . 75 . .'._ , _ 4 .4 V tion.' We are Willing to rest ours Assocu'rs 001103141111 COUNTY OF VICTORIA. >4 "'-" _ "' ‘ ' ' ' .1 4 ‘ ' :7 4 ‘ Von the caracter of those that we sell ' 4,, SUCCESSOR ’10 1112. .1. WILSON, _ 444 ‘ 4 ' ' ' 44‘- There may be cheaper spices and. RADUAI'ELE 0F TO§QNTO UNii‘VIARV ' ' ' 4.4'V-' '. ‘ ' .- . 'V extraotsthnnours, but you can rest ‘ sity.‘ )sician urn-eon an o- ‘ - ‘ “. , ' ; VVO oonoheur. Ofiice,C(1lboi-ne street, Fen- I - :44’4'. ‘ ‘ ”snafu? 102:: xpricfe has got to 111" 9161: Falls. 4 44 4 _ ,_ .4 747. .. :44 mean 1:1 erior 0 ea, or onrbgricclag _-_ ‘“" : .4 _- ‘ areas owaapinegoodscan so AD-Jazflrxi- “NEER- ‘ 4 . ' . VV V 1' 4,4"101', ' Travellers, 7 THOMAS “SHORE 7 ‘ - D. L MOKENDBY he on AWOREEIL 4 â€"7 . FENELON 1mm. Phone 32 722.31,. tag M27? OVnVeV Kind.” is Controlled From theV Submarine mines are divided into V V In the first class Vthé~14nethod of firing ' pistol,_ spring, or suspended V starts the firing Field-Marshal and the "rapidity with which they can . enemies, THE BANK OFV 78 Years in Business. Capital and Surplus $7,786,633. value Without trouble. Transportation Companies accept them as cash. HEAD OFFIC . ‘ MONTREAL. V .. 41545 ESTABLISHED 1817 . .‘ INcoRPoVRATEn BY ACT or PARLIAMENT ' 3‘ 4 -4 Paid up Capltal $.16, @007 ,OQO 00;? Reserve Fund'fllti QVOOV’GOO 00 7, ”V4 4% 7 7:. 4 __ .ASSEVTS OVER $240,000 one. 3i: . g; ’ ‘ SAVINGS DEPARTDIEN. (a; Deposnts taken of7 $1 and upwards, whlch can be $73.44, . ~ 7 3.; withdrawn on demand Fenelon Falls Branch Shore, which is cennected up to the mines are rendered inert and powers; 44.7 . émT‘Am-sgst‘aomo ‘MAN 4V Earl Kitchener, Secretary and peerless organlzer~ 1 1111111195311? 0511111111 27 Political Exigenoies Have Gaus ~ Many Changes In Europe / -_o ' -V / 116 14411 the history of Europe during Vt“; past. century nothing is' more curious than the easy way in which national alliances have been made broken, 7made Again. and changed as dynastic, economic and racial reasons have de; Here are a few' of these!. mended. political transformations. In 1815 Russia, and crushed the poWer of Napoleon for ever. , 4 ' 4 _ 4 In 1849, when ‘ the revolution in Hungary threatened. the house of .Hapsburg' in Austria, 4 Russia V inter- vened and by force of sums placed the present Emperor Frances Joseph firmly upon his throne. ' In 1855-6 England France, Austria. and Italy allied themselves with the Turks against Russia in the Crimean war. ' V In 1859 Italy, and gave a‘great the unification of Italy. In 1866 Prussia gave its present ally, Austria, a fearful beating at Sadowa' and forced it out of first place. in the .Germanic confederation. In 1870 Prussia inflicted upon France the defeat, ‘ With accompany- ing loss cf territory, that-has been the impetus to cause of Europe’s unrest ever since. In 1877 Russia defeated the Turks decisively, Vbut Was cheated out of the rightful fruits of her combination of the other powers in the treaty of Berlin. Old enmities and now forgotten, and England friendships are those old-time 4 tente. 1914 ' “ 4 are issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200. with the exact value in the leading foreign currencies stated plainly on the face. They are payable Without dis ”count so that you can realize their: full Hotels andV 71-» “~17?- {‘iVV 2 ‘ a- w“, ‘:-. ’fl.,’~\ l'.‘ ”1% I". _ as... ‘41 . Lat/3.. U; haemagfir, . War: '1 .4 Prussia England, and Austria combined against France - France defeatedV'Austria in- victo’ry "by a 4 and Russia, areV allied with France in the Triple En- 1 .~..4m9\y;3,~.4 4". 4... ;_ :V, .4 4,-4. '.â€" 7, .4- ;444.47.4'444 41‘ 4 ', 44 7 VVV'VV. .. n 1 4 . ‘ V \1)¢W~Mn_,_ 1 ‘ -' ' . .. . . - ;.. 4 i. _, ...V4 4, _ 4 ' ‘ 7 ' ‘ ~.' .... .7 ‘ 'v-“Vv‘v‘M’N .

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