~ it! u"Ifl’iflfxfl.’fa$115357"?th . 5'. “9‘ a: ‘.' †. 'l i ‘6 1. -. 5‘ . . . ' 1. I . .. ‘5‘. ‘J Y. '3 ‘ ., be pleased. . ame. 1.x“ CHAPTER XXVIII.â€"(Continued). I broke into my capital and paid off every farthing. I sold my yacht. my house. my furniture. and dismissed the servants with wages instead of notice. Not a soul would I see. and I felt deeply grate ful to Madge for leaving me alone in my bitter disgrace and shame. All the world of artists and journalists were babbling over the “smash-up at 'Adrian Hervey s. His pretty little wife has ruined him. and; bolted abroad with some other fellow. No doubt our wretched story formed the basis of some highly amusing and unvera- ciou-s club-stories. But I heard none .Of these things. for I admitted no human being into my presence but my .man of business and Wrenshaw. and neither 0} them ever mentioned my Wife’s name. All through this time of tensionLOf sleepless nights. of heartache. and fast- ing. of days of vain looking and bitter re gret. of drudgery over ï¬gures and a}:- counts and cruel humiliation, the refrain ï¬faï¬ song beat through my throbbing e : "My heart. in need of rest. . No longer hopes nor gathers; Without will. without power, Farther to go or fly; - Take me home to thy breast. » . - 0h. valleyof my fathers, For one hour of repose Before lonely I die." _When all-was over. and with honor tar- nished and name.disgraced. crippled m fortune and stricken in heart... I found mY- self alone with Wrenshaw. I turned to the ffilithful old servant‘and told him. my 1) ans. - = “I must leave London and all these peo- ple." I said. “and go somewhere where no' one knews me. or I shall go mad. I can't paintâ€"it-may be that I shall never paint. again. My day is over. But if you’ll have the patience to put up with me, I know a_ lonely old house halfway up a hill that. rises from the marshes which stretch to the sea. There. you and I, Wrenshaw. can live in quietIfor a time at least. until the wounds are a. little less raw. Will you come?" , , * "Anywhere with you. sir." ~. And so. on a bleak November day. Wrenshaw and I became inmates of the old Erench House at. Lythinge. on the steep. sloping moorland above the marshes and the sea. . CHAPTER XXIX. -All through that bitter winter Wren- sh-aw and I lived our hermit life under the vast red-tiled roof. colored gold with lich- en. and hung about with ivy. of the old house above the marshes. About our little garden enclosure. wall- cd in by fragments of what was once a Roman stronghold. the Kentish sheep strayed. bloating in the driving snow. and huddled together for warmth against the massive fragments of the ancient stone- work. * _Down below us in the marsh villages. lights twinklcd out at night. and high above. on the crest. of the cliff. the WM). dows of the square-towered church gleam- ed red on Sunday evenings. Our‘sup lies of food were brought by hand. for are was no road across the strip of rugged moorland to where the ancient. half-tim- bered houso stood in c’bmpleto solitude. and far from any. other dwelling-place. I had .taken the house for a. car at an ex ceedingly low rental. as t o owner wa: only too glad to have it occupied at any time oftho year but the summer. All day long. whatever the weather might be. I took long walks by the sea. I could not paint. The light. was bad through an exceptionally severe winter. But had the skies been azure. and the'eun- shine that. of Italy. it would have been the _I could not paint. I had lost all ncentivc to work. Money was of no value to me. and as'for fameâ€"the sooner my name was'forgotten the better I should The “Rose and Crown" had changed hands. the Nokeses having failed to make it pay.. Consequently I ran no risk of meeting any one who would recognize me and remember Lilith. I took the house in the name. of-"Mr. Wrenshaw." and. apart from this precaution. it is improbable that any one would have known me. for. during the days that. elapsed after I ï¬rst. learned that Lilith had left me, my hair Elm growu as gray as that. etc maul of by. '- ‘ the evening. I would- come in “dog- tired.†and would sit in front of the wide. ~ old-fashioned fireplace. watching the burn- ing logs. and. brooding over my lost Lil- ith. who had‘ vanished from my life like the marsh fairy I had called her. . , Wrenshaw enjoyed the solitude. Hemis- trusted his own sex. and hated‘neariy all women. Madge was hisonc weak spot. and I soon discovered that he Occasionally wrote to her._ About me. of course. She had had too much delicacy to write-to me direct. but. I'knew that. she would sym- pathize. Only I did not want to hear of I The I Wedding Eveâ€; - Or, Marrieduto a Fairy. I J a lady of me. and sent ‘ me to- Morland .was. I think. It. would have been all right 'I was dull and miserable and you never her sympathy. I wanted to wear my oor- - row alone. Winter broke at. last into a. stormy Spring. and a. furious March came 'in. swathed in driving mow. One bitterly cold day I had spent searching with the shepherds for lost. lambs among the snow. and had come home into, tired out. and numb with cold. to eat a little food. and. Eben sit and doze and dream before the re. Wrenshaw had gone to bedâ€"he kept mili- tary hoursâ€"but late iii-to the night I sat. tempted by the warmth and too drowsy after a long and fatiguing day in the bit- ing cold to rouse myself and go to bed. In the comatose state into which I had . fallen. I lived again through the scenes I had that day witnessed. and searched again with the shepherds by murky da - light under a. leaden sky. and afterwar a by lampiight. which cast a red stain over the gleaming snow. for the missing sheep. beneath the feathery downfall that prick- od our faces. _ But in my confused fancies it seemed to me that it. was Lilith for whom we were seeking. and an agony of apprehension possessed me as I beheld the deep drifts by the wayside. .. The night wore on. and still the same ideas pursued mo. Lilith was lostâ€"Lil- ith» was calling me. The hallucination grew so strong that. I_socmcd actually to hear her plaintive vorcosbovo the an0w and sleet on the window-panes: "Dick! Dick!" Once I even sprang up in my chair. and throw open the lattico‘pancd window. ~A rush of snowflakes was driven into the room. and the cold air seemed to clear my brain and convince me of my folly. Never before had I so strongly realized y utter loneliness. My your soul tree "to cry out for my wife in forgiveness an in pity' for with the instigct of love I kn w that she ï¬ve!!! in troubb’. and that she needed my op. In the morning. so I decided. I :5. old go back to town. and leave no stop lunturn. ed to find her. So long aa'she “is happy with the man «she wad prefer-re to me, so long would‘ she orgst myvery exist,- enco. But should sorrow or iii-health come upon her. I felt sure she would creep back to me to tell me her troubles. just. as she used to do when I ï¬rst met her here I‘LL-Raw . . at Lythinge neax‘lyï¬our years ago. But in the morning it was Lilith who came to me. I ioiind her lying huddled within the porch over my door-step. like the lost lambs on the hillside. half dead with cold and exposure. wrapped in a. goolen shawl. with icicles in her yellow air. , My heart almost snapped in two with pity as I lifted her and carried her into the warm dining-room. and wound hot blankets about her frozen limbs. and kiss- ed her poor blue lips. and chafed her stif- fened ï¬ngers. Wrenshaw helped me loyal- ly without a. word. and I believe he was almost as glad as I when. after hours‘of care and watching and fighting with death. I felt her quiver in my arms. and saw her eyes open and ï¬x themselves upon my face. vacan'tly at ï¬rst. but presently with the saddest little half smile of re- cognition-flickerincv in them. “I knew you would be here at the French _House." she whispered feebIY- “And I knew you would be kind to me. whatever anybody said. And I wouldnt. have bothered .vou. Dicky dear. but Ive come home to die." ‘ CHAPTER XXX. "I can't the yet. I have so much to tell you." ‘ . Lilith said. this as she lay that night grouped up by pillows on the couch by the re. .A doctor had been sent. for from Cran~ lingâ€"for I could not.bear that the wise old doctor from Sandhythe should see the tragedy he had sought to avert-end had pronouncedthe patient to be dying from the results of over-strain. slicckgapd _ex- posure acting on rt delicate constitution. Heart and nerves had broken down. the lungs were seriously affected, and the doc- tor held out no hope of recovery. . I wanted no second physician’s opinion- Death was written in ~Lilith's face. in her- hollow eyes and sunken mouth. in the yol-' lowish. waxen tin-t of her skin. and the terrible emaciaticn of her form. †. "I haven’t had enough to eat just late- ly. and 'I have been so cold sometimes without a ï¬re." she said. "I haven't had you to look after me. Dicky. But it has- n’t been the cold or hunger. though they were hard enough to bearâ€"it's been here. '. and. she pressed her thin little hands against her heartâ€"What's where the ach- ing has been. and that's what has killed me. Oh. I know I am dyingâ€"I knew it two days £120. and I was dreadfully fright- ened at first. And then I. thought if I could only come to you. and beg your pardon. and get you to forgive me. I might get forgivenâ€"«somewhere else." Her head fell back on my arm. and she aimed for a moment wistfuliy into the re. \ - . f‘l'ou must not talk of forgiveness." I whispered; “I have nothing but 'love for you in my heart-there is no room them for any other feeling. Lie still and rest. dear: don't try to tell me anything. You have come back to incâ€"that is all I want to know." She put up her hand to my face, and. stroked it with a little caressing gesture I remembered wellâ€"remembered with a stab of inï¬nite pain. _“It is very good of you. Dicky. to he so moo to me and to ask no questions. But I must tell you some things. so that you may understand." . Her voice was very thin and weak. Con- stantly I had to make her stop in her rapid._w-hispering talk to take some ro- . iterative. and to softly wipe her damp .oreliead and to lift from oil’ it. the clue- ;ering hair which looked. in its glossy abundance. pathetically full of life and Vigor against her wasted cheeks. “I know I have been very wicked." she began again,.after a pause. â€and. I have treated you dreadfully. But somehow things have been all wrong from the be- ginning. When you determined to make House. I was miserable. You see. the girls quizzed me and stared at me. and I was- nt used to their ï¬ne-lady ways. And I couldn’t bear being shut in and kept a prisoner. And then I was very. very fond of you: you don‘t quite know how fond I and I'd have been quite good. if you'dpro- mised to marry me when. I came out of echool.- But. when I knewyou were going to’marry' Lady Madge. I felt. sort of de- sperate to think-Ifdmavo to put up with two years of that school. and then perhaps end in being a. nurscm-nid or a, governess. after all. And then~I met him!" She paused and turned her eyes from inc-to the fire again. A faint blush crept slowly over her pale cheeks. and deepened as'sbe went on speaking: “He fell in love with me as soon as he saw rue. he said. Not in your romantic. adoring way. but. in the way girls like me like. He'd make me slip out and meet him and he'd snatch me up in his armsfa'nd kiss me so that he hurt mo. and swear and go on. saying he’d kill himself or me if I didn’t run away with him. Andâ€"and came-rand three months after I’d gono' £9 Morlnnd House I stole of! and married 1m." . “You married him!" -"ch. I. have my linesâ€"I have never parted from them. Often. after I was with you. I'd take them out on the sly. and look at them. and tell myself I be- longcd really to him. only he didn't want me any more. And thou I'd cry my eyes out nearly. and you would. find me and wonder what had upset me. and be very kind. and make mo- forget him. And he did love me just at first, and he hated you because I was so fond of you. and would tell mo how well you were enjoying yourself among your grand relations, and making Lady Margaret laugh at me. He was so handsome and so mneterful-and he said if I didn't go away with him. you would get. married and got tired of koep~ tug me, and I should have to become a servant after all. I was afraid of him at ï¬rst. but thenâ€"then I got to love him. on one morning I run away from school an was married to him in St. Peter's Church at Bristol. And at first I was very happy. Afterward. when you got rich. and he wanted to get rid of mo and to get hold of your money through me. he swore it- wasn't. a real marriage. and that he had a wife already. I don’t know if that'a true. After he and I were married. he went and saw Mrs. Mot-laud. and she was dreadfully angry at tint. until they ar. ranged between them that while he and I. lived together about the country. you should be deceived. so that you might sand the money for my education all the same. Hrs. Mex-land had half. and we had the other hundred. She was dreadfully in debt. and we had no money at all but what I made by dancing." . {'By dancin ?" . ' “Oh. yes! workodnwmlly hard. and for three months we JOlned a little fit-up theatrical company of singers and dams ere. And in urat. ate. hall where I was dancing. Lady Margaret saw me and told me afterward how beautiful I danced. And she saw my husband. too.†“Your husband!" “Yes. yes!" she answered fretfnlly. turns her head from side to side. “Lady Mar- garet's got such sharp eyes. and she caught a glimpse of him somehow. She knew me again in- a minute when she came to we no in Remington. I can't un- 1' King Arthur’s Court is filled with glee, ,_Joy reigns therein this morn; . , The Queenâ€"GOd ble‘s‘sHer Majestyâ€" A pudding has made‘ from Benson’s Corn. ; .2 . Food Fit for a Klng ! ‘ â€"â€"but so cheap that everyone can â€afford it. BENSON’S PREPARED CORN is so popular. It’s a food That is why: ' - for all seasons; excellent for warm. weather because it is not over-heating. BENSON’S PREPARED CORN ,, The housewife who keeps a package of BENSON’S-‘PRE- PARED CORN in her pantry is never at close for a dainty : . ' dessertâ€"one that can be quickly ‘ different ways. prepared. in half a hundred Delicious with any flavoring, fresh fruit or extract. Can be served in so many different ways that it is always new - and refreshing. Send a postcard for a dainty little receipt book that tells how to make the many table delicacies that (me their goodness to BENâ€" - SON ’S PREPARED CORN. :: CANADA - STARCH - COMPANY Makers of the Famous Edwardsburg Brands - B R A NT F O R D MONTREAL u CARDINAL u .0 DO 5 _____ . N. ____,._... .lerstand why she didn't let on to you- butI suppose she thought I wasn't really married before. and. that what was done couldn't be undone; 0h. Dicky. why did- n’t. you marry her and save-all this dread- ful worry?†“Don't tell me any more!" I “You are breaking'my heart. Lilith: How could I know? Why did you not tell me the truth? You loved me as a child. and I thought you must grow to love me again.†. She shook her head. - “Not as you want me to." she said. "If you had been the firstr-but by the time I met you again that day 'in Regent Street, he had made me so fond of him and so afraid of him I had no feeling left for any one else. We were dreadfully Door than. I had been dancing at a. hall just outside London. and I had come up to trynnd get a. West End engagement. That night. af- ter you'd left me at Mrs. Jackson's. I crept out to let him know what had hap- penedâ€"" “You told me you drove to the studioâ€"" "His studio." she whispered; "one a. friend had lent him. Then he told me I might go out with you if I brought him thirty pounds the next dayâ€"" ' "What an-infornal villain! Lilith. you must tell me his name." . She sat up on the couch and clung to me. coughing and crying. - "It is nobody you 1: ow or ever hear of 1" she protested ago. in and again. “He was an artist at. Bristol. and. saw me out. walking with the school. He is wonder- fully clever. but he can't like working. And he's very well- ucatod. and was al- ways telling me how i parent I _was. And sometimes. when he' been drinking a. little too much. he would strike me and even knock me down. But I loved him al- ways. even after I saw he got tired of me. And." she murmured with a little sob. “I love him now!" . She stared into the fire and was orient. I had passed beyond self-sufferin in the intensity of my pity for her. 0t. orwl-ee. it would have out me to the heart that now. as she lay dying. all her thoughts. all her regrets. were for the cowardly and contemptible ruflian who had brutally ill- treated her and had sold her to another man. “I couldn’t bear marrying you.†she went on. suddenly rousing herself. “You know I couldn't. I bagged and prayed h m to let me off. and ran away to London. as you know. And Mrs. Harland thought it was dreadf»ul.'evcn though he grouped." said our marriage was not a real one. Afterward, I was always teasing him to take mcvback. "for. although you were so kind to me. I felt he was my husband. and not you. But he would hardly ever see me. and always wanted mcne . money, nothing but money. y ’ diamonds than its coal. Then at last I heard that he hadufallen in love with some one else. and 'was go- ing to marry her. And I felt quite mad- like. and that I must'go back to him, whatever happened. "80 Irleft you and went to him. But he would not see me. And the woman he was with took away my jewels andmoney, which I offered her to get to see him. and laughed at me. and told me that now I had. left you and could send no more money. he hated me-ap much as he loved her. And then I got very. very ill. And they sent. me back to London. And I tried to ï¬nd you. but. you were gone and the house was cold. And I went back to the old cheap lodgings he and I used to have. and persuaded the land-lady to take me in. I think she meant to be kind. and she ave a little f d now and then. And I ived in a room y myself until .I felt sure I was dying. Then suddenly I thought of what you said one dayâ€"that if a man wanted to hide from the world, he would 6 to the French 301196 at Izythinge. 80 came here. But I dared not knock at the door lest you might. be too angry. And I was weekend faint and so tired. and I grow sleepy with cold cutsddo your door. Then at last you found me in the mom- ing. But it was silly of me not to knock. {gr-d! might have known you would be u .1) She died in my arms at. daybreak. fall- ing asleep with. a. little sigh like a child tired outâ€"this woman who had never lov- ed me. and who had never even been my wife. , And I buried my boa-rt and my outh and all my hopes in this world wit. her in the churchyard on the cliff over the marshes. just where she had told me she wanted to lie. yearn ago. In her purse we found a sealed envelope in which wit; the certiï¬cate of marriage between "Lvth Baron. aged sixteen. and Nicholas Wray. and thirty-ï¬ve." . "Every fatalist knows that saving a. man's life in the best way to turn him into a dangerous enemy." (To be continued). n w wavJIn.‘ nauwm.mammmw farm ~ z Faithfulness. _ The diamond is one kind of crystal and coal is another. But, on the whole, though the diamond is beauti- ful, the world would rather give up its More - ile- ends 11 on'the coalâ€"far more. Gen us {as as slfining as the diamond; faith‘ fulness to duty is often as dull as the! coal to the eye. But it is the latter, after all. that helps the world most. Glass in Place of Iron. The iron ore deposits of the world, are being exhausted, and the tune is not far distant when we will have. to get along without iron and steam _. 'Some substitute will have to be.†found and it has been suggested ha a scientist that the ,logical success-. or will be glass. Interesting. “Oh, yes, my husband is an on1 thusdastic archaeologist,†said Mud . Smith. “And I neverknew it um; til yesterday. I found in his deal: some queer looking tickets with rim I inscription, ‘Mud'hcrse, 8 to 1.’ And when I asked him what. they; were, he said they were relics of I? lost race; isn’t that interestinglâ€; Lawyerâ€"«Madame, I’m sorry to ' say that I don’t see the ghost “.5 a; chance for you to break your uncle'ï¬ will. Clientâ€"We'll, to be frank. with you, I don’t. see the ghost of a chance to pay you for what you’ve already done if the will isn’t brokâ€" . en. Lawyerâ€"~H’mi On seoon thought, madame, 'I. think the wd can be broken. . ’ o" _ ..