Eighth M... AUGUST 1914 KEEP YOUR LIVE . 15T°Q~K THRIFTY .By using D1. 'Hess’ Stock Foods. Fully Guaranteed. Jï¬e Jeneton Jatts Eaaette. I FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1914. ., J n .- . , , 2 v . ,.v 1 ". '3" 1;... . Journalistic Restraint. From the Peterboro Examiner. A man that habitually uses strong and violent lcnguage, dashed with pro- fanityâ€"expands it on small thingsâ€"â€" comes to the time when he‘will ï¬nd his supply of strong-speech inade- quate to express something really de- serving of emphasis. Those yellowish journals which blush blood over a little skirmish at war outposts; that splash their pages with red ink and big type‘ over trifles, when the-real war'neWS comes won’t have any materials for sen- sational effects left. We have so far had only trifles ; but one of these days, news of, perhaps, the world’s biggest and bloodiest battle will come. Then how will the sensationaljournals be able to tell it with corresponding eflect compared with their blood-stained ex- ploitation of skirmishes? The British journals show a ï¬ne restraint. Visitors in London say that from the appearanceand contents of the newspapers, one would hardly know there was a great war afoot fewer than ï¬fty miles away. These journals are really patriotic. They are silent and subdued because premature publication of military and naval movements would be playing into the hands of the enemy. ' In one evening Toronto paper we see the news, evidently a “scoop,†prominently displayed â€"â€"featured ~â€" that “six million dollars (in gold) are now in -Ottawa.†Would not the knowledge of this thus emphasized, tend toxincite the Eisnegnies of Great Britain 'a'nd Canada to}, ‘attempt‘ to get at this gold and watch the ways of transportation to intercept._other ship- ments, The sound philosophy of the sayingaâ€"rfla, close tongue makes a wise head" applies to newspapers as well as to boys. The itch for sensation that sacriï¬ces substantial" interests, is a poor kind of patriotism, for news- papers, that juding by their columns, have cornered patriotism as the Phar- isaic Kaiser Seems to have cornered piety, ) . a. s. c. MGFARLAND. .. \‘,:1, . -,;,. - (if: -7' 7 'z'rrf'l'gr- ~ 2 â€l“ voun EYES _ Ma r be warning youievery day of their inability to do mithoiit help. just what help they need can ONLY be determined. by scientiï¬c examina’uon. â€" I eon’r nscsscr res-2M ’ ': Secure a pair of perfectly ï¬tting lenses and relieve the I trouble. . . _ ' ’limely attention may avert future mlsery. 1 Emittam Bros. . ‘ ’ or'r [CIANS FOOT CF klkTiST" LiHDS AY. Vâ€"»: m‘ -'_-. 32": I“ 1 puts the ee’s. (ease) in sweeping .y! . _, ....-.....-.._____ DRUDGEHY OUT OF ~Iii-13,111“! ‘. Some War Aspects. From the Tomlin stare. Cleans Carpets A good story reaches us of the in- credulity of a certain opulent London stock broken when ï¬rst the war clouds began to lower on the European hori- zon. “Pshaw!†he exclaimed, “there cannot be any big European war. The thing is impdssible. It would dislocate all business.†Characteristi- cally, and almost pathetically, it seemed to him that, while the sun and moon endured, business should not be dislocated. , And, indeed, the letting loose of war’s elemental forces has changed, or modiï¬ed the viewpoint of a good many. There is one aspect of this titanic struggle which cannot be over- looked. However it'endsâ€"and it can only end in one wayâ€"_--one of its. re- sults must be a. great strengthening of the Socialistic idea. Socialism is al- ready strong in Germanyâ€"its roots are deep there. In the hour of Ger- many’s defeat, with the shattering of: militarism, that'idol‘ with feet of clay, ' and with the downfall, maybap, of the. Hohenzollern dynasty, and the whole scheme of thingsâ€"things autocratic, aristocratic, bureaucraticâ€"with which that dynasty is bounds upï¬it cannot but be. that Socialism'must receive an immense accretion of strengths . Nor will it be in Germany alone. that a1 by-product, it not an actual result of this war, months to give a tremendous impetus to the Socialistie ideaâ€"we do not say to Socialism of any particular school, but ,to the "gen- eral idea that the necessities of the community as a whole must override Brighteps Floors order. a tin tmday at your grocer-s. or from ‘ "' your hardware man ’ - l Don’t ask. for sweeping compound. 'yi'zv m-svzmsim , ) .A;>,-_ ‘ » g yogurrp. ’SEE THE. Bantams m - MlLLINERYL by law, of the indiri‘dual. ,In nearly every land the .war is causing the W‘Prights of property†to be somewhat less rigidly and reverently regarded ‘ than they were before its outbreak. The moratorium proclaimed in Great Britain is an illustration of this. The State actually interfered with “business arrangements,†and that, too, in the very stronghold of business itself. It dared to violate the sanctity of contracts, to postpone the payment ‘ of debts, and that in a 'country where not to pay twenty shillings in the pound, when due, is to be lost, indeed. In Germany itself the people’s sav- ings have been appropriated by the State. And it is likely that in other lands the same course may be followed, if the sinews of war show signs of failure. In Great Britain, in Canada, and elsewhere, public opinion is set- ting strongly in favor of legislative enactment precluding the possibility of a limited number of men making, or largely adding to, huge fortunes out of the transformed conditions which war brings in its trainâ€"by “corner- ing†produce, or inflating the cost of living, to their own proï¬t and the community’s detriment, in other ways. To the question, “May I not .do what I. will with mine ownâ€"even in war time?†a decided negative is being re- turned. Of coursethis high-handed way of regarding the “sacred rights of prop- erty†is justiï¬ed ‘by reasonof the exi- gencies of war. But, the war over, will not “the common people†be more alive to the ‘fact that peace- has her exigencies tool That the well-being of the community must, in the last re- sort, be'paramount over individual in- terestsâ€"that is one-of the lessons which the war seems to be inculcating. And there will be a large number of, pupils apt to learn that lesson. Women's Institute. The Fenelon Falls branch of the Women’s Institute held their regular meeting on Friday afternoon, August 21st, at the summer home of Miss K. Dickson at Rosedale. There was .a good attendance of members,» and sev- eral \isitors were welcomed. The rooms. were prettily decorated with asters, golden glow and maple leaves, Miss B. Abbott, President, conducted the meeting, which was- opened by singing “The Maple Leaf.†The min- utes of last meeting were read and adopted, after which the Secretary read a communicatidn from the Dis- trict Secretary regarding a joint pic- nic, and a donation to the Rest Room .1111 Lindsay. . It was decided that the members were in favor of holding a joint picnic with West Victoria, and also of donating the sum of $3.00 to the Rest Room. A circular from the Superintendent of Institutes, Mr, Put- nam, was read by the President re- garding the question of Women’s In- stitutes. in relation to the war. Mr. Putnam urges contributions to the Canadian Red Cross fund, and sug- gests sending the following articles :â€" Pillows and pillow slips, flannel shirts, handkerchiefs, cholera belts, socks and mending kits. It was decided that an entertainment be held .on August 27th :in Dickson’svl-Iall, the proceeds to be in aid ’of the Red Cross Society of Canada. A good '- musical pro- gramme was given, chiefly by guests, Mr. Kenneth Newell giving aselection on the mandolin, which was much on joyed. Vocal solos were'given by Mr. Lumsden and Master Taylor, both of which were highly appreciated. Ex- cellent papers were given by Miss Abbott and Mrs. James Bamboo the subject, “The Influence of Environ ment’,’ followed by a. discussion. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A_. Minthorne, a committee being appointed, consisting of Mrs. W. H. VVelch, Mrs. James Lamb, Mrs. L. Townley and Mrs. Carrie Welch. The. subject chosen for next meeting was the timely one of “How to Save Expenses,†Refreshments were served aster- the meeting, which was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. ' lnverlochlin Regalia. ELK: Following is the list of-winners in the Inverlochlin Aquatic Association regatta held on August 15th :â€" r.:Men’s Single Canoe, (open),-â€"-1-st, Gor- don Gynn ;- 2nd, R. D; Roberts. Ladies†Single Skiffâ€"lot, Miss Muriel. Hewlett : 2nd, Miss Hughes. Boys’ Single Skiff, 10 yearsâ€"let, Jack I . ~'.\’ if; ‘ A. McGillivrav and Miss Shekley; 2nd, B. Black and Miss Cleveland. Mixed Tandem Skill, 13 yearsâ€"131:, Percy Roberts and Aileen Lacey; 2nd, Marjorie Mcuillivray and Spalding Black. . Ladies’ Single Canoeâ€"let, Miss Hughes ; 2nd, Miss Muriel Hewlett. Mens‘ Single Skillâ€"Jet, Gordon Gynn; 2nd, Geo. Mellish. . Boys‘ Tandem Canoe. l3 yenrsâ€"lst, S. Black and P. Roberts: 2nd, J. Bar- rington and ’1‘. Hill. linys’ Single Canoe, 13 years~1st, E. Scott. 2nd, A. McGillivray. Boys' Single Skill“, 13 yearsâ€"let, J. ‘Bm-rington ; 2nd, 1’. Roberts. Men's Tandem Canoeâ€"lat, Messrs. Warner and Wallace; 2nd, Messrs. Wil- son and Northey. Launch Raceâ€"Postponed. Girls' Single Skill, 16 yearsâ€"151;, K. ; 2nd, Lenore Scott. Crab Race, openâ€"let, â€" Wallace; 2nd, â€"- All-’arncr. Children’s Tub Race, 14 years â€"Boys' â€"1st, Percy Roberts: 2nd, S. Black. ~ Girls,’-â€"1st. Aileen Lacey ; 2nd,Lenore Scott. â€" Tug-of-Warâ€"lst, Warner and Knowl- son. Girls’ Swim, 16 yearsâ€"let, Scott ; 2nd, Aileen Lacey. Boys’ Swim, 13 yearsâ€"~1st, Spalding Black ; 2nd, Percy Roberts. Indian Crawlâ€"Jet, Gordon Gynn; 2nd, Creighton Hill. Ladies' Swimâ€"let, Muriel Hewlett; Lenore . 2nd, Lenore Scott. Edwin 2nd, Boys’ Swim, 18 yearsâ€"1 st, Scott . 2nd, Allistair McGillivray. Gunwale Raceâ€"lst,â€"Warner ; Beth. Black. Men’s Swimâ€"let, Edwin Scott; 2nd, Gerdon Gynn. , I Tiltingâ€"«let, Wallace and, Warner. f' Personal. Mr. and Mrs. John .Chockley and family and Miss Annie Proctor, Miss Chocklcy’s sister, left on Monday for Eglinton. Miss Annie Robson is visiting friends in Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, of Bradford. Misses Sadie Gamble and Laura Parker , returned to Pcterboro Wednesday evcn- mg. Mrs. Wm. Keast and Mr. Wm. Keast, jr., are visiting relatives at Brome. Mr. George Marl; of London, Ont, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mia. B. Mark. ~ . Mr. Vernon Lord, being a member of the Fifth Division Canadian Engineers. has been ordered. to the front and has joined his regiment at Valcartier, Mr. W. T. Junkin is visiting relatives at the Falls. ' Rev. H. B. Kenny spent the week-end at the Falls. -' Dr. Hamilton left on Tuesday for his home at Dwight, 111., after spending the summerat his cottage here. Mr. Wm. McDougall of Ingersoll is visiting friends at the Falls. Mrs. George Baptist and three chil- dren of Rochester are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Mark. ' Mr. “Dod†M cKillen of Midland spent Tuesday in town. Mr. G. Littleton of Toronto visited relatives at rhe Falls this week. Mr. Uber Shane of Toronto spent a. few, days with friends in town. Mr. J. L. Davis of Dongola was in town on Thursday. , Mr. Geo. Campbell of New York is visiting his brother, Mr. Wm. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. .108. Minore are home from the West. -â€"â€"â€"-‘. ,FALL FAIRS. Barrie, Sept. 21 to 23. Beaverton, Sept. 28 to 30. Belleville, Sept. 7 to 9. Blackstock, Sept. 29 and 30, Bobcaygeon, Oct. 2 and 3. Bowmanville, Sept. 15 and 19, Bracebridge, Sept. 23 to 25. Brockville, Aug. 80 to Sept. 2. Campbellford, Sept. 29 to 30. Cobourg‘, Sept. 22 and 23. FEUELON FALLS, Sept. 16 and 17., Gooderham, Oct. 1. Gravenhurst, Sept. 17 and 18. Haliburton, Sept. 24. Huntsville, Sept. 22 and 23. Keene, Oct. 6 and 7. Kinmount, Sept. 14 and 15. Lindsay, Sept. 17 to 19. , London (western fair) Sept. 11 to 19. Madoc, Oct. 6 and 7. ' ' Markham, Oct. 7 to 9. M eaford, Oct. 1 and 2. Midland, Sept. 24 and 25. Millbrook, Oct. 1 and 2. Minden, Sept. 29. Napanee, Sept. 15 and 16. Newmarket, Oct. 6 to 8. Norwood, Oct. 13 and 14. Oakwood, Sept. 21 and 22 Orillia, Sept. 17 to 19. Grace, Sept. 24 and 25. Oshawa, Sept, 14 to 16. . Ottawa (Central Canada) Sept. 11 to 19., Peterboro, Sept. 17 to 19. Port Hope, Oct. 6 and 7. Port Perry, Sept. 24 and 25. Sunder-land, Sept. 23 and 24. Toronto (Can. National) Aug. 28 to. Sept. 12. Tweed, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Woodville, Sept. 10 and 11. 0- MILLINERY OPENING. Miss Washburn's fall millinery open- Gratton; 2nd, Stuart Elliott 931765 Gon- ing will be held on Wednesday, Sept. don Mellish. Girls' Single Skiff, 12- yearsâ€"let, Lil- lian Elliot; 2nd, Irene Lacey. Boys' Single Skiff, 18 yearsâ€"lat, Beth. Black : 2nd. Edwin Scott. E’Gi-rla’ Tandem Canoe, 16~ years~lst, the privileges, howsoever sanctioned ! Misses Cleveland and Scott; 2nd, Misses Lacy and Hewlett. Mixed Tandem Canoe, 'Mr. Wallace and Miss Stanley; ' Mr. G. Gyun andâ€"Miss Hughes. I2nd, l . 9th, and following days, when a full line of up-to-date millincry will be shown, .. ..._ ._._._... MARRIED Weancoox-Pn'rnIoK.â€"â€"-At the RIOtIlO-L dist parsonage. Fenelon Falls. by Rev. (open)â€"lst, s D E. Johnston, on ‘Wednesdny. August," 19th. Mr. Nelson Woodcock to Kiss “1161 Max Rethink. . ‘1 fr Mixed Tandem Canoe. 18 years-adï¬zrj‘)‘ .'.'.