VOL. ‘XLII F03 on Buy your» Watches, Clocks and _ ~ Jewelry 1 From 3 Josrsiirts Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 3": . Fenelon Falls. .39“ Professional Cards LEGAL ,5 _ .. ____ , MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON dz. ‘ l " - STIN SON . -‘ ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ‘ ies. Money to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch oï¬ice at-Fenelon Falls, at the L. H. & Power . . Commissioners’ oiï¬ce. Open every Tues- - day. Bindsay oiliceover Dominion Bank. . a. ruminants, K. c. A. M. rams, B. A. Jns. A. PEEL. T. H. Srinsou. HOPKINS, "WEEKS «it HOPKINS. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries, Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to “i suit the borrower. Oliices No. 6 William ' ’ St. south, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- .. , “ ville, Ontario. - . _ .-9-’-‘ ~. H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. :Wnsns, ' F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A MOORE & JACKSON sauisrnns, SOLIUITORS, so. or 8 free, William street, Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. Jsoxson ____________.___.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€"---â€"'~â€"-â€" ' ' STEWART a O’CONNOR, BARRISTERS, remains, so. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. . Srswaar. L. V. O'Couxon, B. A. LEIGH R. KNIGHT. BARRISTER, soticrron, NOTARY Public. Successor to M cDiarnnd & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by a appointment. Money to loan anp Real 53,? Estate bought and sold. Ofï¬ce Kent St., , Lindsay, Telephone 41. 2; : DENTAL. ____________.________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"- DR. FEVD. KERR Graduate of, Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Ofï¬ce over Terrill’s Store, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fenelon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ‘ ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latestimproved methods at moderate prices. OFFICE zâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, "Gol- orne street W nsnicsL. DES. GRAHAM tic GRAHAM. Dr. H. H. Graham. M. D. C. M., M. R. C. 8., Eng. ; M. C. P. & S., Ont.; F. T. M. S. Dr. G. 0. Graham, Graduate Toronto University ; M. C. P. & 8., Ontario. Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs. 3 Chloe Francis St., Fenelon Falls. DR. H. B. J OHNSTONE, assocmm cononsn COUNTY or VICTORIA. succsssoa T0 ns. A. WILSON, We are Not Much at Undersclling s ~ To tell the truth,iwe don’t like the Words “cheap groceries†We much prefer 'to deal in: the highest qualities obtainable. Because reduced prices ALWAYS stand for re- duced values. ° It is inevitable. Business is so regulated that it cannot be "any other way. So we talk high qualities month in and month out. And we sell accordingly. And it is the truest sort of economy to deal here.“ No waste of materialâ€"constant satisfaction «most ‘healthful eatables. ' ' These are reasons enough. ARNOLD’S OUR LINESâ€"â€" Groceries Boots and Shoes Wall Papers VWWW WWW WWâ€. r E . i i stitch in Time A Saves nine, and a suit in time keeps you always well dressed. .It pays to 'be a little forehanded in ordering a new outï¬t of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your measure .for a new suit. Up-to-date goods, style and workmanship. Our motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.†Tcwâ€"NLEV BROS. Fine Tailoring Pension Fails 1 Pure spices 3 and (Extracts. tion. â€i .. Are what makes a store’s reputa- We are willing to rest ours on the caracter of those that we sell There may be: cheaper spices and. I-IEAD OFFICE ESTABLISH ED 1317 Paid up Capital $6,000,000.00. : , SAVINGS Deposits taken .BRIIISH LOST 2,000 some RESUME!) Allies Again Assume Offensive. Along ' New Battle Frontâ€"Fate of France ln_ Balance _â€" Another battle is in progress, be- tween Mauheuge and central Vosges. The Allies have again aesumed the offensive. The French'and British occupied a front passing near Givet after hard ï¬ghting, and are holding the Germans in check. East of the Mouse the French have regained their original position commanding the roads out of the forest of Ardennes. The engagement began on Monday. On this battle, according to a. state- ment given out by the French war ofï¬ce, hangs the fate of France. ing statement in the House of Com- mons on Tuesday: “We have heard this morning from Sir John French, Commander of the British forces on the continent, that the withdrawal of his troops toa new position was suc- cessfully effected. It was not accom- plished without considerable loss. They were pressed hard by the enemy; who, however, were 'shaken off. “It is not desirable to say anything more at the present moment, except that the Field Marshal reports that, in spite of hard marching and hard ï¬ghting, the British forces are in tl‘. best of spirits. g a “He estimates his casualties at something over two thousand, but we have not yet received any names." Lord Kitchener made his first speech as Minister of War in the House of Lords on Tuesday. He told his hearers that this war undoubtedly would strain the forces of the Empire and entail big sacri- ï¬ces. He laid emphasis on the fact that his position in the Cabinet in- volved adherence to neither party. He said in part: “Our expeditionary force has taken the ï¬eld on the French northwest frontier, and advanced to the neigh- borhood of Mons, in Belgium. Our troops alreadyvhave been for th'rty- six hours in contact with the superior forces of the German invaders. Dur- ing that time they maintained the best traditions of the British soldier, and behaved with the utmost gallantry." â€"- -... London’s Private Wells of the number existence in London. WMWW g rupted by the enemy. . ‘.~."o‘~ _~... Valngvtior â€""“‘.Ti rm Rgfvw'rlov â€E i If. ,1 ‘ '.-. .1. a, ' BANK OF non INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. - . DEPARTMENT :.~ ‘ J of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. - R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch :3 ~ ceived by a murderous ï¬re. Premier Asquith made the follow“ The Metropolitan Water Board not long ago issued a'report stating that it loses $200,000 a year on account of private _ wells in Many of the largest hotels, public baths, and banks, including the Bank of- England, have their own wells, a fact which would be of considerable importance in case the water supply of the metropolis should be inten ~Nearly 2,000 men from rural regi- ments, the Queen’s Own Rifles and Royal Grenadiers of Toronto went to THE BANK or 18 Years in Business. Capital and Su TREA l, l‘lONTREAL. Reserve Fund $16,000,000.00. i ‘,_ v. ' hats TORCH) BACK 1 â€"â€" The French War Office issued the following statement “late Monday N night: , - . “The French and British, the plan of attack having failed owing to us: foreseen difï¬culties, have retired on the covering positions. "West of the Meuse the British: army on our left was attacked by the = Germans, but behaved admirably,- holding its ground with traditionâ€! steadfastness. ‘ - “The French assumed the offensive : ' with two army corps. An African, brigade in the front line, carriel away by their eagerness, were re- Th y did " not give an inch, but, counter-attack- ed by the Prussian guard, they Wel‘l obliged to retire, only, however, after inflicting enormous losses. The Prus- sian guard especially suffered heavilg. . “East of the Meuse our troops ad< vanced.across an extremeiy difï¬cult country and made a vigorous attac.< when they emerged from the weeds, but were obliged to fall back after .1 stiff ï¬ght south of the River Some... “On order of General Jofi‘re OuL' troops and the British troops with- drew to the covering positions. Our, troops'are intact; our Cavalry has Li no way suffered, and our artillery has afï¬rmed its superiority. Our ofï¬cers and soldiers are in the best conditio , morally and physically. , ‘ “As a. result of the orders whi. .1 have been issued, the aspect of th: struggle will change for a few day...The French army will remain for a time on the defensive, but at the right moment, to be decided on by tli Commander-in-Chief, it will‘ resume .1 vigOrous offensive. . "Our losses are heavy; it would be premature to enumerate them. it} would be equally so to enumerate those of the Germans, who suffered so heavily that they were ,obliged to abandon their counter-attacks and establish themselves in fresh positions in Lorraine. “We delivered four attacks Sunday‘- from our positions north of Nancy, " inflicting very heavy loss on th: ' enemy. , ' “In regard to the general situation.‘ we have the full use of our railroads and retain command of the seas. Our operations have enabled the Russians to come into action and penetrate 'the heart of East Prussia.†The Ofï¬cial Bureau at London is- sued the following statement Monday evening: . . â€News has been received that the. ï¬rst line of defence has been taken. necessitating the withdrawal of a por- tion of the allied troops from the lina of the Sambre to the original position on the French frontier. There is no itpformation regarding British casual, es. “British forces were engaged all day Sunday and until after dark with . , the enemy in the neighborhood of ; Mons, Belgium. They held their ground.†‘ ' The London, Times said that Nib mur has been taken by the Germain. The Germans claim to have inflicted a severe defeat upon a French army at Neufchateati. .01! ,Mondaye 10414 "’1 T rplus $7,786,666. The complete and valuable ser RADUATE or TORONTO UNIVER- extracts than'6urs, but you can rest sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur. Ollice, Colborne street, Fen- elon Falls. are as low as pure goods can be sold for, - AUCTION EER. T HOMAS OAS llORE, wonou'ssa - , FENELON FALLS. Sales of all kinds conducted in a, ï¬rst 61388 manner. Secure dates before ad- vertising. 3 D. L. MOKENDBY. assured any lower price has got to ' mean inferior articles, for our prices , vice rendered by the Bank of Brit- .3 ish North America has secured and .7, - retained the accounts as well as i the conï¬dence’of a goodly-proporw ‘ tion of Canada’s prominent business men. The same service awaits Business Merl . 7- AppleClalG gsghzï¬ether your account be large Fenelon Falls Branch M.W. Beive, Manager. 04 A- Service ' .