my,“ . ..-w:.. , r, ;..;.. A“ i- .‘ . . u {“51“,}: _-. r _‘..‘.’;.v_ ._._,.,,.....__._._..__..,..__A w, M. -» , ~ . .. . housekeeper, , 'business that is going on around the farm? Too often I ï¬nd they do not. .‘she is left with 'i-bring them up. --she has to sell“out and go to some , .._,...._...u.«. . HONEY scenes; lelng Conditions Favorable For Busy- Worvers and Food Plentiful For the purposes of reporting on the condition of bees in Ontario and the honey crop prospects blanks are sent to a large number of beekeepers hy the Department of Agriculture. One thousand replies are received, on an average, from which reports are sum- marized. . The total number of colonies re ported according to last ï¬gures is about 41,318, being an average of 32 colonies, spring count, for each bee- keeper reporting. The winter loss is about 71/5 per cent. What losses there are during the winter are due prin- cipally to starvation caused by lack "of sufï¬cient feed in the hives. So far as the condition of bees is ~lconcerned, the prdspects for‘ a good' ‘honey crop this year are very good, but clover is only in a fair condition, having been‘ very much injured in : many localities by unfavorable weath- {er conditions. MRS. JEAN KANE FOULKE Mrs. Jean Kane Foulke is Pennsyl- wania's woman farm adviser. A, part of her duty is to talk to and with farmers’ wives for their own'welfare ‘and interest. “Any woman on a farm," says Mrs. Fouike, "be it wife, mother, sister or ought to know all the know. My idea is that every woman ought to know how to run her hus- band’s farm. Then, if he-dies, and children, she can As it' is, generally, city, where nearly everybody in the family almost starves.†a l . Person Fun scum l W Eddie Lyons is a household word in the homes of picture show patrons. - He’s a happy young chap 'who can turn his personality into all sorts of twists in order to picture “somebody else†on the screen. , Lyons is usually cast for comedy, probably because he has a perfectly serious-looking face. Anyway he is very clever at comedy rolcs. He is often seen with Lee Moran and Vic- .‘td‘ria Forde, Stella Adams and the rest gotthe Nestor comedy company. It is wonderful what a little money spent in paint, and a little time in applying it, will ‘around your home. Here arethe special S ' - , I Small expense. -.-. - For your floors use Sâ€"W Inside Floor Paint for a durable painted ï¬nish, or Sâ€"W Floorlac for an attractive ï¬nish imitating all the popular hardwoods such as Oak, Mahogany, etc. Reï¬nish your furniture with a coat of Sâ€"W Varnish _ permanent pigment stain and a durable varnish, which renews the old furniture ak, Rosewood, Walnut, etc. Sâ€"W Floorlac can also in such colors. as Mahogany, 0 be used for the same purpose. , ' Cupboards, shelves, painted baseboards, doors, and wainscotting can all be ï¬nished handily with Sâ€"W Family Paint, a durable oil paint made in twenty- as newâ€"cupboards and shelves made clean and sanita â€"dull woodwork and doors, bright and cleanâ€"and the walls instead of being cover .. _. . wall paper orstreaky and, shabby kalsomine, can be made artistic and sanitary. 4, ’ herwin-Williams products. that will do all this for you at ' one attractive colors, easy to keep clean. The best ï¬nish for walls is Sherwin-Williams Flat-tone, a durable oil paint that dries with a soft, velvety flat effect. It is made in 24 colors that are the choice of expert decorators. It is very durable andjwill last for years and can be washed with soap and water, without injury. afmqmber of - lithe Phone 13 w. J. HEARD HARDWARE, PAINTS, OIL*S, ETC. FENELON FALLS. 31‘2";;i.".:£\:a",f.‘n;7€’.‘fi{.'7'-1.>'~'.::.:ï¬ "-',‘.1:f.?.-j'u;fl..u-‘.-r -. .' - - ‘1'“?! .s '- SECDND DE‘JISBEN €001†. IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA‘ The next sittings of the above Court A.W.QUIBELL, ‘ Will be held in .T-.vomey's hall, in'the» Village of Fcnelon Falls. On Monday, Sept. 14m, 1914 The last day of service for parties re- siding in the County will be Tuesday, September 3rd ; for parties outside the County Friday, August 28th, will be the last day of service. 3%“ 011100 hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ELISHA MARK, E. D. HAND, Bailiff. Clerk. "Toronto, Canada, include the Cen- tral Business College with Five City Branch Schools. Graduates - are universally successful. Enter . any time. Write for catalogue. W. H. Shaw, l’rcs. , llcad ()llices, 7 391 Yonge St. 4‘ *Mr'i‘ rivtrtrï¬â€˜i'é‘il â€1° $91"? @344“? d'WW'I‘ ' .1: 733% E f user Is are and how to save money by the use of this oldest and the newest ï¬nish his reassess For rinses Filii hhsTS use EliquS Comes in three-sized tins, 30, 50 ‘ 9 ‘30:» . “IQ“.WWW. ’“MWWF‘K‘ â€18$" 2 O 4 fl 0 o WW3 11an 90c. Guaranteed by the '3: oldest and largest makers of 3, Wh’l‘ï¬ï¬‚wdelflvh 'XW 4. reliable Varnish in the cities of 5‘ Boston and Montreal. .3. See folders for colors and 3* instructions. 0 3: Agency at "0 '6 With. GtODlilil’S Wall Paper and Frame Shep Next Simpson House LIND$AY.. ’e'<.-:%$%:«£WW% were nmzmwsnrw o ‘1' ##1## ‘1“ '2‘ MW“%W¢ZW Bdrm} ï¬FIM’. .‘ .. __ ..,,. 'Oourt Fenelon Falls No; 626 CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS Meets last Wednesday of each month Visitingbreihren always made welcome H.3LIT’1‘LETON, " , " _ . C'. R. R. B ' Fall Term Opens . August (list. Pilittltllll ' ' illiliiill Elllill One of Ontario’s best Commercial Schools. For thirty years this institu tion has been giving the thorough prac- tical training essential to a successful business career. Day and evening classes. Carefully- arranged home-study courses. It will be to your best interest to arrange NOW . for a course in this old and distinguish- _ ed school. ‘ Write for full information. E. E. LOGAN Principal. .Q <r.-.v,_- ',-.V.-.-.;.\" E‘s-ifs} .z‘cybi‘k‘. ,. ._ 5 l’ ._ , . ‘ r ‘ p : l ‘ P ‘ 4 2 . A ‘ I" 1 ‘ ' N . 1". I". '. . . .. -‘ ___â€"â€"â€"-__________,_ Favorite Tales ; -â€"-Made of the highest quality talc money can buyâ€"snil-led to inï¬nite smoothness.. and than perfumed with the genuine “censor!" perfumes. , Ideal Orchid OI’SOIZ 8 Fernando! 3" Violet ~'3“‘¢“‘.~""Yr~¢‘\" $333335 .- ~' m. l a fluid-a iii-L; -' -- ;, rig-:2 08 SALE BY G. F. VICABS ' Fenelon Falls. do in the way of improvement Worn floors can. be made to look bright and fresh4dingy furniture d with faded, dust-collecting Stain, a combination of a tgï¬ i ‘b. -â€"' * ‘ :4..-‘..~..a.....‘...w~â€" .1. . ‘"FENELON "FALLS MAM Wheatï¬cotch or Fife, 800. to 82!. Wheat, fall, QO-to 05 Wheat, spring, 85 to 90' Barley, per bushel, 50 to 60 Oats, per bushel, ~10 to 42 Pease, per bushel, 75 to 1.00 Buckwheat, 000. to 75 Potatoes, bush. 75 to 80 butter, per pound, .18 to 19 Eggs, per dozen, 18 toli) Hay, per ton, $15 to $18 Hides, $10.00 to $11 Hogs, live, $6.00 to $7 90 Beef, $10 to $11 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 18 to 27 ' Flour.$umson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flour, Winnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Loaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 ' Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.00 . Bran, per 100 pounds, 81.30 to 81.35 Shorts, do., $1.35 to $1.40 ~ Mixed Chop, do., $1.45 to $1.55 Corn Chop, do., $1.00 to $1.65 Barley Chop. 1.30 to 1.40 Out Chop. $1.50 to'$l.60 Crushed Oats, $1.55 to $1.65 made as good | B'RlTls‘SE-i , ï¬ï¬â€˜ir’iï¬ï¬‚iï¬ï¬ï¬‚ . IUEBEEï¬t’S Gï¬LLEGE ‘ Yongo & McCill Sim, Toront0,0nt‘., IS the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new man- agement it. is doing better work than ever. Write us if you want to pre- . pare fora good position. Henry-C. Ward, Principal. .uâ€"mm -rx-mcrcl 1: Aâ€"â€"â€"â€"_â€".~ Still doing business in the same stand but. not in the same old way. We axl- v_ancc with the times ander in a posi- Are u ‘ tion to do bettcruork than over. New _ , amemgeo; 0‘ deSIgns, new gramtps, new and improved . ï¬nd ' ‘ , [tools and methods, in fact, the most u , to-date Marble and Granite works this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs bcl‘ore purchhsin . Shop and show rooms 11 and 1 Camâ€" bridgeSt.. immediately north ('3 ï¬reball "Lindsay insurers 1013 soar. caresses, PROP. .... 301131110 CdllTRhCTS ‘We are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum-- mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our esti- mates. Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish always in stock. Planing and matching done to order. ' statics mus unease nail. A. TEIRS, Pï¬GFREETGR This Store is . H eadgnartere E For All that Is New and Useful E keep abreast of the times. When you see any- thing new in our line advertised come to our store and you Will ï¬nd it here. We test and try out the new things before we offer them for sale. They must have genuine‘merit and be all the makers claim before we recommend them. iLi‘I r .. r- 72' i .,. 1nd 5405 cf tile mate)â€: guarantee in our guarantee. ’73 make good awry promiye. ' . We have seldom sold anything that gives more satisfac? tion than the Oâ€"Cedar Polish Mop. Every woman who has ever used one is enthusiastic in her praise. And no wonder, for it saves hard work, time and money. You know the hard workof dustin cleanin and 1' h’ ‘ hardwood floors. _ It is easy, simple andgc’luick with the Ig-Cedï¬ Polish Mop. This mop is treated with the famous O-Cedar Polish" ' fluid it collects all tcllieldust and {hr}: from the floor, and at the same - ime gives: a at asting po is . No hard rubb’ ' or bending. You inst go over the floor once. mg, no stoopmg And with the 'same mop you can dust eve ' rywhere. All the hard-to-get-at places, the tops of doors, the molding, the stairs and hamsters. Under the bed and radiators, in fact every place. Guaranteed Satisfaction or Money Refunded. ~The O-Cedar Polish .Mop complete sells for 1.50 d ' this distinct understanding, that,you can ti'y it for “£730 deï¬nan‘dnait the end of that_time, if you are not perfectly satisï¬ed with it your money Will be instantly refunded. We invite you to try one. ' m. J. Heal-a ‘ ‘ v...“ ,. ,. ,.. ,i . --...-,.,. .. . --‘-'-'.:‘ro".-,~§§: KW. UT‘iv'thJ’ig.‘vi‘,’,',"*,»‘.» . 'reneloii Falls, Friday, Aug 14. 1914, ., Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.55. ‘ IMWMI ' . Marble and Granite lhnunenls‘ J g? or < M.-ly¢a__.T.â€"_w.y .1. \' _ . . . >