Keep Anlmals Away From Filth and ' -Cleanse With Coal-tar Dips â€"â€"â€"- _’ It is not at all uncommon for cattle ’to. show a very sudden lameness which .on careful examination proves to be an abscess-like formation between the ' boots. The starting point'is-usually a small scratch or abrasion in the skin, which offers a suitable avenue of entrance for the germ causing the trouble. These germs live in the soil, manure and other ï¬lth about the yards and feedlots. During dry weather - they cause very little damage. When â€the yards are muddy, or the stables "unclean, the growth of. germs is favor- ‘ed. At this time also the continued “action of the wet, foul material makes ‘v-the skin between the claws tender and “easy to injure. An examination of the lame foot will usually reveal swelling and ten- derness. If the space between the claws be cleaned out, the skin abra- sion is usually plainly evident. Some- times there is a thick, cheesy cover- ing of grayish pus over the surface 'of the sore. At other times the pus -may burrow beneath the skin, and ‘even form pockets that are ï¬lled with this cheesy material. ' Treatment consists in keeping the affected animals out of the .mud and fwet manure for several days. Thor- 'ough cleansing of the part with any ~"of the coal-tar ‘dips, using ï¬veteaâ€" ‘spoonfuis per pint of water once daily, is very necessary. All loose shreds of skin should be cut away, and pus pockets well drained. In mild anses the application of. pine tar proves' Is. very effective treatment. The sever- ier forms should receive, in addition to is. thorough cleansing, a dressing oi tequal parts of iodotorm and boric acid lunder a bandage for several days. ETaken‘ in time and vigorously and per- lsistently treated, healing should not {be prolonged beyond a week. If left alone, some cases soon assume the most severe type, which means de- llayed healing and more bandaging and dressingâ€"C. C. Lipp. ..... .~_n.â€";v.â€"'.'â€"â€"â€"'â€"-,...~um -«n <..<._._'._.. .,.-â€"~. . fOUl rm IN ennui It is wonderful what a little money spent in paint, and a ' little time in applying it, will do in the way of improvement 'around your home. ' Worn floors can be made to look bright and freshâ€"dingy furniture made as good as newâ€"cupboards and shelves made clean and Sanitaryâ€"dull woodwork and doors, bright and cleanâ€"and the walls instead of being covered with faded, dust-Collecting Wall paper or streaky and shabby kalsomine, can ~be made artistic and sanitary. Here are the special Sherwin-Williams products that will do all this for you at small expense. _ , ‘ . _ _ _ . - . For your floors use Sâ€"W Inside Floor Paint for a durable painted ï¬nish, or Sâ€"W Floorlac for an attractive ï¬nish imitating all the popular hardwoods such as Oak, Mahogany, etc. - . , . . r Reï¬nish your furniture with a coat 10f Sâ€"W Varnish Stain, a combinationbf a permanent pigment stain and a durable varnish, which renews the old furniture in such colors as Mahogany, Oak, Rosewood, Walnut, etc. Sâ€"W Floorlac can .also be used for the same purpose. _ . ' ‘ . Cupboards, shelves, painted baseboards, doors, and wainscotting' can all be _ ï¬nished handily with Sâ€"W Family Paint, a durable oil paint made in twenty- oueattractive colors, easy to keep clean. . . ' The best ï¬nish for walls is Sherwin-Williams Flat-tone, a durable oil paint that dries with. a soft, velvety flat effect. It is made in 24 colors that are the choice of expert decorators. It is very durable and will last for years and can be washed with soap and water, without injury. ._- .- ._ 0.... . .... n..â€" L. . A. A xflï¬k‘n‘t‘lmï¬fï¬xmflwé I“ . FENELON FALLS MARkt' Fenelon Falls, Friday, July 24, 1014, Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 800. to 82 h ' Wheat, full, 90 to 95 . ~Wheat, spring, 85 to 90 Barley, per bushel, 50 to 60 Oats, per bushel, 40 to 42 Posse, per bushel, 75 to 1.00 Buckwheat, title. to 75 Potatoes, bush. 75 to 80 butter, per pound, 18 to 19 Eggs, per dozen, 18 (019 Hay, per ton, $15 to $18 Hides, $10.00 to $11 Hogs, live, $0.00 to $7 90 Beef, $10 to $11 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 18 to‘27» Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flour, W nnipcg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 13032.70 Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.05 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.00 Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.55 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.30 to $1.55 Shorts, do., $1.35 to $1.40 Mixed Chop, do., $1.45 to $1.55 Corn Chop, do., $1.60 to 81.65 Barley Chop, 1.30 to 1.40 ‘ Oat Chop, 81.50 to $1.60 Crushed Oats, $155179 $1.65 ______________.__..-.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- W BRITISH AMERICAN BUEIHESSV COLLEGE '_ Yonge & McGill Sis, Toront0,0nt., is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new man- agement it- is doing better work than ever. Write us it you want to pre« pare for a good position. Henry C. Ward, Principal. _____________.._._____.__â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"d Marble and Granite Mnnumenls Still doing businEss in the same stand but not in the same old way. We ad- vance with the times and are in sposl- tion to do better work than ever.“ New designs, new granites, new and improved ' "Wm†‘m'ni‘zz‘n‘mzza‘m aw «- tools and methods, in fact, the most u to-date Marble and Granite works 5 this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. Shop and show rooms 11 and 13 Camâ€" Woe-WWW l _ ’ Shaw’s Business Schnnls w. JfIâ€"IEARn " - .. HARDWARE, PAINTS, OIL'S, ETC. '. 81.19111. bridgeSt.. immediately north c’ ï¬reball Phone 13 FENELON FALLS at lunch , ' ‘ - ' 9â€"2â€"â€" L il' ll 1 ill li Toronto, Canada, include the Cen- . I.- 111 $3 311) e 01‘ S tral Business College with Five 1013 City Branch Schools. Graduates 803T. CHAMBERS PROP . are universally successful. Enter . y I , any time. “Site to;I catsggague. I: . . W. 1â€"1. Shaw, res. ca ices, . , l 3 91 Yongc St“ ' HOUSE FOR SALE Court Fenelon Falls No. 626 - ’ ', I WWW _"___> ‘1 '_ ' l Wewwlswowwrwrewe Two storey, seven roomed house, near- BAHADMH ORDER OFFOBESTERS B l I ILDING CGETR‘ACTS . I . F .3; :3; 0 ly new, good well, quarter acre lot, near Meets list Wednesday of each month G. T. R. station, Fenelon Falls. Apply to Visitingbrclluen always made welcome ALBERT E. NORTHEY Fenelon Falls A» mwwmmmww W 3% W 3 N m A. w. QUIBELL,’ ' 11. LITTLETON, ‘ 0' 3' as We are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum- mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our esti mates. Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish always in stock. Planing and matching done to order. WHAT is IT? and how to save' money by the use of this oldest and the newest ï¬nish ' I MW:¢*3W§W§WB€“W TFENELnn FALLS Ptdiiliid nun ~ " fl 5:: FOR FURMTURE E Z A. TEIss, Psoenisrea . 1% FOR FLBDRS . -. . 3;: FOR BOATS AND tnnnEs i , 2. , w I . £v Comes in three-sized tcilns, 30%150 353. g; (â€"m i . § Elité’éjiga(32:31522E;°m§§s if; ,2 5% , . - _ . , 31: rolls cukrnics); iifba 1e 01 ieso ’3‘ , , I :2: fxgggnioldel‘r: {tor bolors and g: g; .\ Thls Store E3 . I. :41: 1118 131.10 10118. ‘enc a .‘ 7/ . , t Ag y t . , .2, g Headquarters EWM' A' GOODWEN b} I . “o; For All that Is New and USeful ‘ 3,? Wall Paper and Frame Shop mm â€WWII†. -._. W6 , ti: ..«,....a....~sa1r, "A'c::«'t_‘/.~i~n~sn~'nmkn-F’J‘. A... t ....s ~ -. _ . E keep abreast of the times. When you see any- NBXi Simpson HOUSB thing new in our line advertised come to our store Liiéï¬Â§dÂ¥- 49;..z.wwmswms‘eswswsmar :«z and you will ï¬nd it here. We test and tryout the new things before we offer them for sale. They must have genuine merit and be all 5 ~When a Lady % buys Perfumeâ€" //'1 -â€"'She chooses it with as much discrimi- : / nation as she does her gowns and hats. .1. Wingt ’ 0 cm «is O 5*»? q A the makers claim before welrecommend them. £0 9:3 ‘1†1nd oar/E of Me maker’s guarantee in our guarantee. 5% make good €11er promise. ’ n .__,..,_..r. .. . . . _ .. ..._. ""“." .....-:-» It must be distinctive in characterâ€"it must breathe I L a a " reï¬nexnentâ€"‘â€"and it must be of strictly high quality. We have seldom 501d anything that gives more satisfac- tion than the O-Cedar Polish Mop. has ever used one is enthusiastic in her praise. wonder, for it saves hard work, time and money. You know the hard work of dusting, cleaning and polishing hardwood floors. It is easy, simple and quick with the O-Cedar Polish Mop. This mop is‘treated with the famous O-Ccdar Polish and it collects all the dust and dirt from the floor, and at the same time gives it a hard, lasting polish. No hard rubbing, no stooPing or bending. You just go over the floor once. Every woman who Corson‘s Toilet Requisitec ï¬ll all these requirements, And no whether in Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Face Creams. or Taics. Th f th ost expert \ e7 are composed o e m - uniï¬fitdi'â€; sivo materials, carefully compounded by V ' skilled chemists. . . .-. .mï¬umthmammr 4m â€GE 6‘ And With the same m0? you can dust everywhere. All the Egg 3 hard-to-get-at places, the tops of doors, the molding, the stairs and. " - hamsters. Under the bed and radiators, in fact every place. _ ne of Ontario's best Commercial Seliools. For thirty years this institu- tion has been giving the thorough prac- tical training essential to a successful business career. Day and evening classes. Carefully arranged home study courses. It TWill be to your best interest to arrange 30“ for a course in this old and distinguish- ed school. Write for full information. ‘ ‘ E. E. LOGAN Principal. Guaranteed Satisfaction or Money Refunded. The O-Cedar Polish Mop, complete, sells for $1.50 and with this distinct understanding, that y0u can try it for two days and at the end of thattime, if you are not perfectly satisï¬ed with it your money Will be instantly refunded. We invite you to try one. Carson's “IDEAL ORCHID†and Canon's “POMANDER†line of Perfume, Toilet Wares. Tabitha Powder, etc... are particular favorites. Ask your draggiat {or 10:. Sample of the Orchid odor. « SOVEREIGN rsarustss LIMITED . . roaoN'ro. on'r. (‘Exc‘lurr'wbwng‘a ï¬lï¬tmcflï¬a‘mwQ/W‘MTW . .- , a s W . /, mWW/er/M/Wr/a H