Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 24 Jul 1914, p. 6

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mmwmmamkmmsmmmWW - ,_ . With Eggplant. ‘ To Prepare Eggplantâ€"It goes without saying that an eggplant should be fresh and sound, without spots. You can tell whether it is fresh or not by the green 01113 around the stem end. If this is blackened, the vegetable is not fresh The other end also will be wrinkled an dull, whereas a fine eggplant is smooth and plump and shining. Wash the skin as one would a. to- mato, and then pure and out up. It 15 usually sliced, but sometimes cut into dice or jullienne strips. It turns dark quickly, so it should be cooked immediately. One can have ready a savory dish of eggplant in fifteen minutes. Perhaps the rea- son that the fried eggplant one gets at some eating places is. bitter is because it stands aft-er being cut up. When it is‘ to be stuffed, the skin is left on. It is then either parboilâ€" ed whole or cut in half and cooked, the skin loosened around the edges. It may then be fried in deep fat, the out side down. It may also be stuffed and baked. , roe. shooroi ‘ Know ‘ _ f" _ HE more highly refined a sugar is, the better the product. Baked Eggplantâ€"Baked e U- 7 ‘ I ‘ . - ' - - plant commoh 1y means one elabignii- - . g . ,- A pound of hlghly refined sugaris equal to consrderably more ately seasoned; but this is n01, nee- , _ ~ - 1 1, ,than the .same quantity of raw sagar, because in the former, essal‘y- Wash and put mto the oven '_ . , . ‘ ‘ ' water and foreign matter have been remoVed. ' to bake in the same way you would - _ . ‘ l a potato. A small one will require . ~ The quality of .any sugar depends upon the' degree of. refinement to which about thirty minutes to bake, and ‘ ‘ _ , , ‘ it is subjected. . is done when a fork shows it is ~' - " " " soft 2111 through. Take off the skin, The-art .oirefinement has reachedits‘. highest standard in.St.,L‘awrence Sugar. mash and put into the frying pan ' V ' with plenty of. butter over a hot fire," and stir 'until the water has: I ' St. Lawrence represents the finest quality sugar, that scientific refining, combined with the choicest raw materials can produce. ‘ - evaporated. This". tastes and looks ' I J" ‘ " ' . . i ‘ somewhat like the 0110p siieys with- . 24% . - .. Whlle the‘prrce of lower grade sugars appears cheaper thanSt. Lawrence Sugar, out Cl‘lsp Vegetables. and like all . . they are 1n reality more expensrve because a much larger quantity of inferior sugar is eggplant, should be served hot. It " ' .»_. _ ‘ , 1 required foresweetening. . . ” , . ' , . ' needs little seasoning, but when a bit- of onion is tried withlit the reâ€" ‘ :Siilelilance to chop suey 1s not le'sâ€" ' ' ‘ ~‘ ‘ ~ by soiled hands out of a dirty bin is repulsive to the fastidious housekeeper. A cook from India, in describing 4T0 avoid this, buy St. hawrence Sugar in sealed cartons or sealed bags, which, from baked eggplant, says: “A person the time It rs manufactured in the Refinery and until the package or bag is opened by the consumer,'n'ev‘er comes in contact with human hands, nor is exposed to the air. , afi The ideathat any sugar is exposed to dirt, dust or other impurities and is scooped QRR : W .g. does not know the real flavor of . eggplant until he has eaten it bakâ€" g ed." He gives this method as an ‘ â€". _ , It is to your interest tom‘s,“ alternative of boiling, but prefers fl" V 0 ‘ L .. ,. “Q. L S . . 'i ~ ' 7 ’ it ‘ \ this, as it preserves. all the delicate 1:: _ ‘ ,‘ f . , 25:23:31; 5t.lba::;:(decziif:ri ‘ 4 ’ ... - .- ‘. v: St. Lawrence flaV’OI‘ 0f the Vegetable He says :2 ’ k e or in10.â€"20 25 50 or M ' i i" I S R i i C also it may” be used as the foundaâ€" - .- > "'1 . ” ., p22?) 5 «l d b ’ ’ h' ,h .=. ' agar e may 0° tion of a number of dishes, such ' . i i h 55:31:: 2g: Kiefiimz“: , :> - . y, E: 0_ & M l th'rgs as egg lant cro uettes, a-s ' .. 7 e a e1 6 1“ n : ' 11 k a p ' q ‘1‘ 4 - ' % coarse grain. '3 ‘ ' " - .1: lmlte , entrea ' well as eggplant 'stufling for fowl, . , ‘ being mixed with bread crumbs and ‘_ . j . T ’ 7 “V For sale‘at all good grocers. egg and seasoned with salt and ' V , ' ' - .‘ , pepper. This pulp also is us-edfor eggplant souffle and omelet. Grilled or Boiled Eggplant.â€" Thin slices of this vegetable may be rubbed with butter or oil and broiled, but this makes them a little too dry on the surface. They may, however, be served with a tomato sauce. _ ‘ . ,. Fried in the Pamâ€"The easiest and - f _' ~ -' 3" " ' . 2' " , ‘ - ,;..- . . f ,_ _ -' - ’ .~ .6~ '1 _ . ' ~ 4.. , - - . ., . . , '1 ‘ -. ' ' ~ .-.. ..-‘ ,4. ,. , :‘ - - .. . ‘i"" h . , , r gunk” way "" pmpare the egg' . ' . -. ' ' - _ I , _ -. " '1'» - .. mi ,qahgflh‘mfifl: :._ .. .. . plant is to fry or saute it in a pan with a 11th butter or oil. Cut the , “ " . ' - 1,}, -1 .1 H" 11 d' 1 f 1 f ’ eggplant into {1119411in ”“311 Slices; ~- ~r . . ' Household Hints. always egrn- at wrc-est en .. ave a_ rs res or tie re rigera; sea-eon with salt and pepper which ’a'allrlttlle in" ofavelea-Imt andtfinalllryb: A hinged shelf is a reat c-O‘mfort Keep the garment as flat as p0s51â€" tor of white enamelled ware of var-. “V" _ ea en egg. mus on. 5 I I O g Me, and do not, let 1t fall over the i-ous shapes and sizes and keep them 1 .u- _..~. ._..~,.-. .. has been mixed together and then , - , . . . , ,. . - - fry in a little oil or hilt-tor until heated through in the oven and notlto the housekeeper 1n the kitchen. edge of the table. This prevents just for holding left-overs. There - - dried. No matter how eggplant is! Turpentine will be found very . ‘ . . , _ , , , . , . c, - . .r1 - .. . 1 s 1 , . ~ . , , . soil. 2 “it ].110 may berollcc 7111 Hour cooked is must not be too dry, al- good for cleanrng an enamelor por- draggnzlg: kAl o usfe‘is smaol‘l‘a'stltcfi will be no broken china 1f th1s plan and 111cc 111 this way, 0. e\ on drpâ€" tl ._1 . 1_ it to dr ,. it some- celain tub as tie no ness 0 t e ma oria W1 15 followed. _ 1011211 “e 000* ' 3 ‘ ' ' allow. Flies can be”driven_out of the '3. 1.;0' a d -‘ ‘s. S cc -, - - 33311taltgaandliirepc'iiéiincilily, airilstlien what. 81131133211333gtleffinongeilriucllothalgg ’ “711611 canning 1395101105, pour lJ'Qil- house by Ina-king the. rooms very, tried with tomatoes which are serv- Stuffed “Eggplantâ€"This is a, great laundering 3 g, g ". mg1 Wla-terfpverithein and 1311}? SEW}: dark, excepting 0110 011101? 0f light . 'oc.‘ 40“",l ' ',J' 7.. 1 . c'. i‘ . .., .‘ 1‘0 1 . ' . . '. â€""â€"- ‘ ‘3 ed (on Eliot Dimerflf'l Cagplfit it}? hllblaetil 1:1) i'lfdli'oglfiaigglplghlg 1213271 .If you mm plaster of-parrswrth tiiroolhpaond812::‘f52ctem'iiifist131313111211 iffldmgllmlfio 1.11;: ‘Ouii at 33032118. limit iiu'ihl (it ahdlioiz»:mif11=:li(121113.11:iiihll ciit :ff ethe3 pulp ccoope-d but leav- vinegar, instead 9f water, it Will be can also be used with tomatoes. abecl ell-ind cent1 121-0 e .1e g1 $.51:er cal e ”l .1. ' W (W L“ in" a little 113.8; to suppoi't the like putty and will hard-en slowly. Chemists say it takes more than - R‘ 1‘1: '.:’:.L ‘1‘. C) -, c I ‘ . - . ' I - - _ fish-G'nwd E'm‘ui‘xrt The .mo‘n‘- thin skin. then the pulp mix-ed with Theeloudy 100k on a D1830. can be twice as much sugar to sweeten pre- Magistrateâ€"“Can’t you and your 1“. 5- 1' Mi Id} W fag.» bread crumbs seasoninms chopped remoVed by a, doth dlppe 1n soap serves, sauce etc., it put in when husband live together without firrht- pfani 1a icfini‘mief MM} tumult? Iii meat etc a1id put batik into the and water wrung very dry. ‘ they begin tb cook as it does to jug?” Mrs O’Clartyâ€"“No Dyer 5 recs am. ail“ m Gena-op, W1 ‘10} i’ , N . , -‘ \Vhltewaish made of white lime ,” . ’ ' I ’ ' . ' ' ’ ’ - instead or nulk, and With other ad- (£29: “fit iftgig f; iiifnitnmiiigi: and water only is, the best knnownls“eete~n after the food rs cooked. H nor, 1,1“. happily: ‘ b 0 e ' g ‘ ’ agency for keeping the air ot' the ditions to taste or the cooked pulp , finely broken is combined with gr‘at- C'OOde. the pulp scooped out, pl‘e‘ cellar sweet and wholesome. ed bread crumbs, well seasoned with pared, and PM back, the“ baked. Good crackers to serve with salad ,_ . . are made with a half-inch cube of _ _ 1’ cheese set in the centre of .each ' ' ‘ cracker which then is browned in VEL®?ME ? Sfimpgfiv $133ng the .ove-h. . E N 9 LE E When cooking asparagus in broâ€"I a Aab t ken pieces, it is a good idea. to add . the tender tips after the tougher . 63’ gayyi gr 3' pieces have begun to cenie tender. Directors. . With salmon, out big cucumbers: W. S. Herron, Esqu‘Calgary, Thomas Beveridge, Esq., Calgary. into three-inch lengths and scoop i . Prmident- Vice-President- out the ”centre. Mix minced canned l , Albert 0- JOhnson. 135%, gal???- yd d :31“: K. CReed, Esch, C.A.. Calgary. salmon wrth mayonnaise dressingi ' j ' ‘ 0 “ma" ' (1., ”Wary“ and pile it into the cucumber boats. : Capital Authorized, $1,000,000. Holdings 4,220 Acres. To Clean ful‘mtm‘e “10??“ng and -, FIRST WELL. This will be drilled just West of the famous Diugman produce a fine lustre, wring a cloth! producing Wen, ‘ out 1“ a Fall Of water. 1“ “’hlch a ' ssconn WELL. Will be drilled on West Halt Section 36, Township 13, teaspo-onful of coal 011 has been Range 3 West of Fifth. Inuired. Wipe the furniture u 1th th- THE ALBERTA 01L FIELDS,.m-e now merely at the beginning of. their clotlr wrung very dry. _ ' develomnent. The most, eminent Geologists. however, no longer hesitate 'to Just as a small SCOOp or tln cup predict that they will prove among the most valuable 011 Fields of the ' y ' . . _ world. The shares of good Companies holding well-selected Lands are a Is handy ”1 the flour can, SO 3‘ tea perfectly fair and legitimate speculation at the present time. and it Should i l l spoon is handy, kept in the tea bOXi , be borne in mind that after the-Oil Fields are more fully developed and : , l i l l 1 ”â€"â€" see make the v, breed and. butter taste good i” .‘ T is when you spread it out on bread or pancakes, fruit or . porridgethat you notice most tie sweetness and perfect purity of REDPATH Extra Granulated Sugar. Buy it in the 2 and 5-lb, Sealed Cartons, 'or in the 10, 20, 50 or IGO-lb. Cloth Bags, and you’li get the genuine M 9 absolutely clean, just as it ‘l‘eit the refinery. 83 CANADA *SUGARId'EFZNiNG ($0., LIMITED, NIONTREAL. , r? .' TWâ€"s’. TV' ~ .me " is .- 01‘ soda jar Buy cheap tin spoons prove-d shares in Companies such as the Southwest. Petroleum & Development - ' ., Ltd., vill ver like], »be unobtainable exec it at ve.:- much higher and bend hack the handles so that C" l y V l y 2 figures. . the r Wll re ‘1 r 11 into the ar or ‘ , box) 1 adli S p 1 THE COMPANY'S HOLDINGS are among the most valuable in the (1:12:- . trfct and are scattered throughout, the oil-producing area. All leases licid Use neatsfoot 011 to clean leather could already be sold at a, very hoavy advance over cost. . by addmg an equal quantlty'Of bails‘ SHARES may be obtained at par, $1.00 per share. from the wild-er- wax and melt over hOt water With: Signed. but are sllbject to withdrawal without notice. Prospectus and fuil twrce the quantlty of turpentine. E nartxculurs 111on request. - Apply 50ft. but not hqmd, putting w. a. LEITCH, Bank of Ottawa Building, on enough to be absorbed. Agent for Eastern Canada. Montreal. , In stitching seams cut on the bias ~ - - «. .-.u n; m.r1¢-. c .r... vâ€"un -â€"

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