Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Jul 1914, p. 1

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ENELON FALLS, ON'PAfiIO, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 191.4. N... is >. ..:* ‘.:r~.'381'4--: .-~.-_r "a... -a,- - .,, 1. ._* . _._s «a; --r H . .l- ... . ' L ‘ “ ' ‘ ’ " I "V" " ' " " ' *- ' " -‘ 7- v‘Wfl ‘---'~«. 'â€".':'<.‘ x.<;u-- .. .n .... . MONTREAL, HEAD OFFTCE MONTREAL. ESTfaLiSHED. 1817 INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Paid up Capxtal$16,000,000.00. Reserve Fund $6,000,000.00. , ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 3 Deposits takenrof $1 and upwards, which can be ,7": '- withdrawn on demand. ‘ R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch Fild nu .iBuy your _ Watches, Clocks and ‘When Spring 1 WWW ‘ everything at cost. The express busi- THE SOCIALIST REMEDY. __ ness has been a private monopoly un- The Socialist remedy for disemploy- til the Parcel P03“ came: and You know ment is to take the employment of the Already how the public insmtution is people from private hands, and place -S?iVmg the People monGY- At one it in their own hands, to be managed tune the SChOOIS were Private: and" by their government, made democratic offly “Ch as had money could pay tui-' and subject to their will in every par- tmn' ‘Vhen the Public 3911001 came it ticutm.‘ ‘ . meant that nearly everybody was en'- This can be done or“), through the abled .to learn how-to read and write. people owning the things with which ,Socla'lism Proposes merely an eXten' they work When they owned the Slon of the principle employed in these simple tools that once were used, and tilmgs in order to enable all to 1': ’5 could get a portion of land to work Wmhout beng held up bYPriVa'te in‘ when land was cheap, they could em- “Feats! . ' ‘ ploy themselves. They can no longer There are those, of course, who will own the big machinery of production tell you that Socialism favors free love, individually. If they are to control is against religion, and Other Similar it, be able to employ themselves, they nonsense.- TheY are merely trying to must do it by owning it collectively. keep Yb“ from thI'OWing Off the y0ke:lle' \Vhen a, few people own the ma- cause they in some way profit from your chinety which, the many use, they exploitationâ€"either that, or they do not can keep those People without em- understand. Socialism intends only to ployment at their will, V free you, to enable you to do and think They become autocrats of industry. for yourself- This is why you‘ muSt ash .th a job, Others vcry innocently ask where we They wt]; not employ you unless they can get the money for doing all these see‘ a’IProspect of making from things. ‘VO get IJPGClSGly Where your labor. If they make a profit from the Preseni3 maStel‘S 0’5 industry get it“ - you’A you do not teoeite the full value from the people who can work, from Our- of your, product. ownership ‘of the selves, by turning our “custom” to our- ,_ tools becomes the means of exacting a 591‘!“ rather than to tribute takers- . tribute from yott That tribute in. Only,in doing thingsfor use ratherthan sures that you will always remain profit, we will save the entire tribute of, pool. and that the owners of the tools rent, interest and profit, so that instead must grow richer and richer. of making the few fabulously rich we Jewelry From reestsrsrrr Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 1 Comes ‘ Men and women emulate the season by dressing them- selves in a new garb, and the “shoelfquestion isn’t of least importance. , ' . Fanolon Falls. _ V I e V t " . ' To those whodesn‘e shoe 1nd1v1duality We commend our ' WM Shoe BtOCk just as it is tb-yday,v., ,, Protossionul Cur-213 - ' ,. «.7; MW LEGAL ' MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON 6: STINSON. ' . BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- ies. Money to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch office at Fenelon Falls, at the L. E. & Power Commissioners’ oilice. Open every Tues- day. Lindsay ofllce over Dominion Bank. 3. J. MoLAuosLm, K. O. A. M. Fumox, B. A. Ju. A. Past. '1‘. H. Srmsox. W HOPKIN s, WEEKS a .HorKINs. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to Quit the borrower. Oflices No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- vilie, Ontario. - , u H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. Wears, In the realm of Shoedom nothingbetter can be found.‘ BecauSe-therc is nothing better. ' c All the newest shapes in all the p'opulereleethers are here for your inspection. . .. _ ' H ARNOLD’S ._ '> x o I}: F. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. Al OUR LINES- If the whole people owned; the ma- Will make a” secure from want, f170m dis- ' . . ' chinery with which things are pro- employmenblflnd from W3r.-Appeal t0“ » MOORE & JACKSON Groceries. duced and distributed, it follows that Reason: Boots" and" sh'oe's' ‘ ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, to. Of the would all be able to em 10 th m- B fice,William “mammalian; I '0' Wan Papers seldes. It would be of necissiyty (the ‘ + F. 0. Moon. - ‘0‘ ~ public policy to so adjust things'as to WILD-CAT SPECULATION.- STEWART &,O’OONNOR, give every owner an opportunity to â€"â€" - work. If there should be such a From the Cmadian courier- ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 3:0. MONEY B to loan at lowest current. rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Office on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. .» . Brnwnr. L. V. O’Colxoi, B. A HM LEIGH R. KNIGHT. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOThRY Public. Successor to M cDiarmld & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real Estate bought and sold. Office Kent 88., Lindsay, Telephone 41’.‘-‘ WW DENTAL. M DR; R. D. KERR Graduate'of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Office over Terrill's Store, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. _____________._.___-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"---- Dr. 8- Fenelon Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the lstestimproved . methods at moderate pricel. OFFICE zâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- orno street W MEDICAL. W DES. GRAHAM (it GRAHAM. Dr. H. H. Graham. M. D. 0. LL, LLB. 0. S. ; M.O. P.&S.,Ont.; F.T.H.S. hr. . 0. Graham, Graduate Toronto Univorsity ; M. C. P. & 8., Ontario. Physicians, Surgeons and Aocouchenu. Ofiice Francis St., Fenelon Fails. thing as overproduction then, it would our rovincia] ovel‘nm n ~ .3 result 1n leisure or vacations for all. 157 lackililg in plaintive sfatzsnfafisiig Moreover, an ‘VOUld have means Only one province, Manitoba has whereby they could afford to take Vfl- law to prevent wild-cat spedulation. cations. There COllld be 110 more to“ Here is a canker which is"eatino‘ into taklng- The Workers WOUId receive the Vitals of the nation and ye? onl the full cquwalent of What they PI‘O‘ one provincial governmbnt in nine ha); . duced mStead 0f 3: snfall P01431011 0f it had the courage to grapple with it. as now. Even If '15 Should not be All sorts of laws are passed to promote Pmd ‘30 them: the OVGFPIUS, HOW called or. hamper legitimate business but PFOfitS. would cofne baCk '00 them as the illegilnate runs wild without res- the owners. Thls \j’Ould gal? one.e 89d triction. If a postman steals a letter poverty and the evlls that 50 “'1th ll?- with a dollar bill in it, he goes to the The Scolahst propos1tlon is that the penitentiary and his life is ruined people shall organize society and in- If the promoter ofa, wildcat 011 com: dustry to do things for themselves, in- pany, or fox-1-aising com an steals - stead Of trusting to individuals hundred thousand (1011312 £13,311] {0110"}: who have no Interest in it except 1'0 ant investors, he is accounted a great make money fl‘Ofll ll). Socialists ask man, gets pictures in neag r- the completion of the work of civilza- pet-s, and becomes a, “leading Omega" 9 @1011 WWW“ begun many years 380- If Canada is to be the grg’at nation At one time the roads were privately that most of us hope to see it we. OWnGd: ‘1an there were to“ gates all in" must distinguish between the cssehtial. tervals. l\0\V they are pUthIY Owned and the non-essential. We must tackle and toll gates are cope; but theg'e the big evils first, not the little evils. are toll gates 0n the I'alll‘OadS and 111‘ We must punish the bi" criminals and the markets: because they are Pl‘ivagte‘ let the petty ones ofi‘ with a reprimand. 1y owned. Al? one tune the carrymg At present our criminal law and com- of the mall was privately done, and you mercial statutes fail to mention the pald whatever Owners COUld get. NOW worst crimes committed in the name it-is collectively owned, and you get of business. A Stitch I in Time Saves nine, ands. suit in time keeps you always well dressed. It pays to be a little forehanded in ordering a new outfit of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit. Up-to-date goods, style and workmanship. Our motto is t " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.” ' Townrsv ' Fina Tailoring Pension Fails “i FWWWW EMPTYSWORDS do not prove the stock. You must -~ test for yourself. Our wares will stand any test. That of actual use , is the one we most desire. 11:. will ‘ ,3“ leave no doubt in your mind as to the ~ quality of our GROCERIES. § DB. H. B. J OHNSTONR, meow“ coaossn ocean or morons. BUCCRSSOR T0 DR. A. WILSON, GRADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- eoncheur. Office, Colborne street, Pou- elon Falls. _m:_â€"__â€"â€"_-_â€"_â€"â€"‘__‘::= AUCTIOBEEB. . W THOMAS OASHORB, ABUI'IONEER - mum urn. Teach the Children theVaiueof money If your children learn, while growing, not only how to spend money wisely, but how, by self-denial, to save some- thing for the future, you will have started them on the road to financial success. Open a Savings Account-for each ill the Bank of British North America, and encourage them to add They are of the “come again" kind The food stuff being fresh and in per- fect condition they never fail to give satisfaction when cooked. Another pleasant feature is the price, We touch lowest notch. MoKENDRY. agate. of all kigds conéiuoto?) l? e am to it TeSUIaI‘IY- manner. c to ates e or ' . . , jwusing- e u . l... W ‘MW mi Fenelon Fans Branoh fi'w- Reivey Hana-851'- gs:

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