Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 26 Jun 1914, p. 1

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-: FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO. FRIDAY. JUNE 26, 1914. NO. 15 *flâ€"w__ ‘# whfl _‘ a-“ sf 4 a I ~ ‘ ts-l V .d-TREht, 3 i ’ HEAD OFFICE . - MONTREAL. a ESTABLISHED 1317 INCORPORATED av ACT or PARLlAMENT 7‘ wt. p Paid up Capitol 016,000,00000. Reserve Fund $6,000,000.00. ’, _ I . ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. ‘ ~:; W n _ SAVINGS DEPARTMENT r x Buy YOU? Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be h it; \Vq’tches ‘ I Withdrawn on demand. . . p ‘ l ' ‘ R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon Falls Branch Clocks and p g Jewelry 0. es . » . . . _ ' . ‘* j . - - 5 .423; - - ~ C . m ,, VOTE FOR . - ; . . g é -Men and women emulate the season by dressing them- selves in a new garb, and the shoeijquestion isn’t oi least Issuer of Marriage Licenses. importance. :‘w’vif ‘Fenelon Fails. ~ . . . . . ' To those who desire shoe 1nd1v1dudlity we commend our . . v . ‘_ is wmâ€"ww shoe stock'just as it is to-day.. ' ' thO has given satisfaction to the I. Professioqu Cards , ,, , C t b 1 k f . h ‘ , ' iii; #3 n 1 ° _ m . if,“ LEGAL . In all the realm of shoedom nothing better can be found. 0.11 y y 00 lug a tel t O pepp e 8' , . ' . ‘ ' ., ‘ " r? ' ‘ :‘si MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON d; . B. th _ th. b t _ - 1nte1ests dullng the past five LSQSSIOIIS STINSON. ecause ere IS no mg e ter. _ ' . 4 . 15"- ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- . ' ' of the LegISIa’UUIe' . ies. Money to loan. Special atben- . :41 tion81V?““if[Resciniags-LBIEMEHPSEZ: All the newest shapes 1n all the popular leathers are “I, at Fcne on a s. a. - - . . . . V .3 - v t _ T ~ re for. our ms cctlon. - ;. in 53:3:messes.semester3:33;. he 3’ P . Phi-Lilli} DAY hi. llltlE 29' R.3.MoLmenuu,K.0. A.M.anrox,B.A. ' l 74;; - JAB.A.PEEL. T.H.Srmsox. 5;, .(t ’ , ‘ 4 ' " “(1 in~‘ . ARRISTERS’ SOLICITORS, AND ’ , V the magnetic force as recorde >_ |_ p . . Solicitors for the Bank at I ' _‘ - creases annually. After the latter age.‘ _ 34. B Noumea . x . _ - _ .1» it diminishes till it almost-vanishes \; I‘ . . _ -»-.' , _. ‘ .,: ' :}.~:' -. . ‘ p ' Montreal. Money to loan at tel-ins to ' ' suit the borrower. Offices No. 6 William M inqtfiieascxgzegnojftigfigiy pigs; from per‘ '1' Stratouth, Lindsay, Out. and at Wood- ville Ontario. - , , _ son to person, and the vital cinema. «3’: L1. 3’. HOPKINS. K-C-v 0- E‘ WEEKS! ’ _ Instrument Perfected Whlch Detects tion of one may be received by our (- F- HOLMES HOPKINS! 3' A; . OUR LINESâ€" ' . . - the Vital Magnetic Fluid other and stored up by him. 1 1T113: 5 V 7 ' ’ theory of sympathy souls is exp ape 9.: MOORE &JAUKSON Grocenes ‘ A French scientist, M. Fowl. 215- by the assumption that such persons 5, ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORB, 30- 0f BOOtS and Shoes serts that he has made an important have similar ‘magnetic personalities.- I « c“; fice,Williu.m street,Llndsay. Wan Papers . disctplvelg in csgglélishing the polarity ‘- __ ,, r. Annexe” 0 6‘ uman Y- . w . ... - .. W--.” .‘ 2 WM ' The theory that man has positive 2 « STEWART & O’CONNOR, and negative magnetic poles was ad- valu° 0" Poplar \‘ . METERS NOTARIES M). MONEY venced long ago, but no instrument Five thousand cords of poplar are V. BAR loan at lowest current rates. Terms ’ 118d been invented Calla-bl? 0f 11193511“ used annually in Canada for the manu‘ ;_ if r 'tSborrowei-a Office on corner Of Kent 1113 the electric force :atlsfactm‘ily. facture of excelsior according to Sta. 3/ 1‘0 a“; k treets'mndwy; M. Fayol perfected“ an instrument u m 1 ’ -. ' . and or a ) L v O’Coflofi B. A ' “ml which, he says, delicate obser. 8 cs recenty gathered by the Domin-- all N -3TW”~‘- ' ‘ ’ ' WWWOWMMW vatlons 0f the vitaâ€"1 magnetic fluid ion F'Orestry Brancn- The W°°d must a. , . g g emitted by the human body can 'be be clear of knots, peeled, and cut into 51,- ’ “V ‘ LEIGH R. KNIGHT. , " made- He aSsel'ts tho-ism; DESK”: four-foot lengths, to command the . Q " -‘ R NOTARY pole centres in the ~ git an all a J c. Alffigf.gmgufc‘gfigglffmgmamid.52 A ' in the negative in the left, while with niche“ Price from F119 manilfac'turer. weeks“ trig-its madetopenelon Fallsby - #, left-handed persons the reverse is the In Switzerland excelslor is chiefly g appointment. Money to loan am) Real case. p ~ ‘ made from pine and fir and is used'. _, _ ‘5 Estate bought and sold. Ofllce Kent St, ' p '1110 scientist's instrument construe largely for upholstermg’ for it retains. . r Lindsay, Telephone 41. e of an adjustable calf board, \vhereon elasticity longer than hair and the '. 3. ’ Saves nine and a, suit in time keeps you 31W“. 8 a. delicate metal cylinder swrugs in ~ _ _ ’ AL 2 . y a perpendicular position between bull small percentage of resm in the wood. . {, MJM well dressed It, pays to be a httle forehmded in hearings, in order to minimize the is said to protect the furniture from " .'_ 9’ WM ‘ friction The 0 a l' ' 4v 5» . . . - pcratcr pnces his left hs_ h C d1 .. - . DR R, D_ KERR ordering a. new outfit of clothes, for various reasons. hand on the board, the palm facing 33:” I; epajfiiZgaguffiitzt its; a a‘ ' . ‘_ ~ - the cylinder and the thumb uppcr- ’ ' -. -, Graduate of Toronto Quiversity and Call 111 and let lIS take your measure for a new Stilt. g most. In a moment the cylinder- be, using pine and spruce the present I, '_ R-‘gELfiEfiif-g" ffig‘ffitglé’t‘gifieogi‘lbomc i Up-toâ€"date goods, style and workmanship. Our gllns :0 revr):ve,lslowly as first, and uses of excelsior might be extended. _ ," - 9’ '_ ’ , . . . . . tlen aster, n he same ire-c on as ' ,Strect. Feuolon Faus- motto is " Fashionable Tuflormg at Popular Prices.” the hands of a watch. q M A , . . Argentlna Forests .- If the i'ig:‘.t hand is placed behind. BP- 5- J- Sims! DENTIST! the cylinder it will revolve in the 09- The foreSts 01 Argentina are Said li‘enelon Falls. v posite direction. to contain enormous reserves of que- .- Graduate of Toronto University and L gm . handtogng‘télflgcpfgzon fpplt lfilsstrif'llli bracho, a tree of large size producing ’ L-«f' Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ' ,_ $6 Wiii‘é‘ers V1111} rmzve‘iwg 'mgra a. very hard wood containing from .' ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY Fina Taflnraa Famaaa Fangs Papidfy' .- . 16 to 26 per cent. of. tannin. Last! _ _ I performed according to thalatestimproved ‘ ir. Faye} Stags that he is ab}; year, Argentina exported 68,431 ton“ : . ,-_methods MmOGBMW [’1'1035- g “ g by this means to measure the vital of tannin extract, besides 35,793lrail- ,5,» OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyue'a store. 001- , WWWWWW magnetic force of subjects who pm ties made from this wood and 438,216 .14 their ‘iuhls Half?" E c“ ’I- . \l - orne s‘reet r. L l i 418 the ll“tlulntlll A 3 tons of the tlmber. ‘_ .l reaction is observable on the instru- . , i went in the case of infants, but be- """"" “mh‘” " ~ “ ~ - MEDICAL- M . ' gween the ores of 25 and 4-3 years. _ ' 5' ~â€"â€"- W WWW”W°°°§ . . 2, D118. GRAHAM 6; GRAHAM. _ p _, Dr. H. H. Graham. M. D. C. M., M. R. O. ‘ ('1 I S.,Eng.;M.C.P.&S..Ont.; F.T.M.S. ‘ Dr. G. C. Graham, Graduate Toronto ' 3- g a g .‘r L- I. University ; M. C. P. & 8., Ontario. do not prove the stock. 1011 must - -- -. ‘, Physicians, Surgeons audAccouoheurs. test for yourself. Our wares will ‘ . V ’ Olilco Francis St., Fenolon Fells. stand any test. That of actual use -. ' . V I. t k': is the one we mast desire. it will . .. . leave no doubt in your mind as to the ’ 78 Yea-rs in Business. Capital and Surplus $7,783,886. unlit-vol our . . 7 . . A q ' are Issued 1n rlenmmnntlons of 7910, GB 0 G E R I E S . 55.20, $100 and $200., with the . r - They are ofthe “come again“ kind exact value 111 the leading foreign DR. II. B. JOHNSTONE, ASSOCIATE conoxun COUNTY or VICTORIA. SL’CCESSOR T0 bit. A. \YiLSON, RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- sit-y. Physician. Surgeon and A0- coucheur. Oilice Colborue street Fon- The food stufi hciun‘iresh :mdin ['er- ' _ . , - .. . ' , ‘ I I 810D Fans. , . tech condition magnum? m“ to give ‘ 1 I , tuneumes stated plainly on the fact. - satisfzrction when cooked. . Fliey ore payalfl" Without d1scoun’r, AUCTIONEEB" - Another pleasant feature 15 the SO that, you can realize their full "wail-4w price. We touch lowest notch. . . ‘“"‘“ ‘ value Without trouble. Hotels and wwgggg”? CAglgggthm L) D ‘ La C h 6 q u e S Transportation Companies accept them Sales of all kinds conducted in a first Phone 3“ as cash. $135213ng- S°°m ‘13“? WW" “1' 9» WW Fenelon Fells Branch ' MW. Reive, Manager. ..,-. . Wynn-n.) 4. y , . ,.... .. . - . . ' - m C . .. . u . ‘ V ‘ Hi I .. n s... ' - '

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