« A{§«.~wâ€"...~â€"s-« .. ...-.l W . . . a ‘ i l I 'fcwf days ago to talk over school mat- ‘built the stone foundation for Mr. John , lookout tower ï¬fty feet high. over- ‘ England recently a 15 horsepower a knit-3‘ .A a Powles' Corner. Every day of our lives opportunities come to each of us to do good. A golden opportunity will come on the 29th-of ‘this month to strike a mighty blow to 3.- the greatest curse that'bcsets this ban» , .‘ :- ner Province of Ontario. Will every " Christian that has a vote “Rescue the} 3;“ perlshingt, Gill‘O' for thedying: -†and abol- ish the bar on the 29th of June. The school trustecs'held a" meeting' a I Pure Paris Green ‘ters, and to engage the present teacher for'another your. Miss'l‘rancis has not yet decided to stay. ._ _ , . Mr. Thos. Drake - of Fonelon Falls S. Brown’s straw barn. The dimensions :are 3’3 x 38 foot. _ The raising took place lust Wednesday. p M r. John Moore lost a thrce-year old colt and two fouls of 1914. Rain is badly needed at the present time. In this section-there has not been a good rain since last fall. The hay crop is past redemption. 7 ' . Mr. W. E. 'Powles of Chicago‘is ex;- ‘pecte'd about the ‘2lst. . , ' . ,. ‘ V , Mr. 'C.’ Vaughn'ivill arrive about__ five days later and will spend about ten days , her‘e. " ‘ ' ' \Ve have ust-rcceived an import order of H “Berger’s Paris" Grcen, ‘Thisis ,recOgnized'ass ' V the best and purest Paris Green made. We sell it at 35¢ per 1b., or s’ibsg’for $1.00, and '7 ' guarantee it. We: also have an Engli=h Paris ‘0 .POWER FROM. THE SUN Remarkable Efficiency In Generating Heat From~ Old Sol Grecn int 253'. per lb. 1 c4. RVICARS A J ,. .Druggist and Optician - 'Ii‘en-elon Falls. The sun power plant, by vghibh‘ low-messure. steam is generated .by the heat of 'the sun's rays, recently ‘srected at,_Meadi, near Cairo; has given, hatisfacwry results, I andLor-d Kitchener and Sir Reginald Wingate. _ WWWuwooWowmwwmwwo. FORTHEJUNEBR'DE- ,. hays invited the makers to put- up a:-» > 3,, similar plant for irrigation work in __ . ‘ ~the Soudan. The, present plant-works: " ingot Meadi is stated by the inventor, , . " ‘ V _â€" " ' ' ‘“" ‘ #__ ’ '1 .Mr‘..Fre;nk Shuman, to have shown an ' I â€"n_ A A K " ,i' efï¬ciency of 67 per cent. which is -. »_ _ ‘ _ , _ t .. ' ‘14 per cent. greats!†than that attain- . . . â€" _ Kodak and Brownie Cameras for every purpose at our Store: ed two years- ago, this is as against . I > . ‘. . , . . ~ ian ofï¬ciency of 75 per cent. in the} a _ .. Prompt developlng and Pmntlnfr' 37.; case of the steam boiler, and Mr. _â€" I r ' ' ‘ . - jhuman claims that the sun-heated 1 0mg léulrgdlgd nfges oth larli‘d, Emilie oxfj . -7 J I v -- ~ is; ' ass, 0 , on. ,m is ow s 1p_o I o â€" ‘ ._ :11: Yélldige’fi‘gly‘f’rwe as ef‘cifï¬t Fenelon,‘will be sold by Public Auction 0f the 01d “gs- New .. . H .. S A N I: N ,_ f, ‘tv b0“ 9 I t: an Burp? 5; f e ' on ones cost money. We _, seam or. n s new pan or - ' . , make 6 e ml 1 re- - I . the Soudan the substitution of one W ,5 3 24}, da of me 1914, . .y a p C. _ t)†0 p _ ’ ».. 7 E nes ay. i Y I r O. r 11 t t . large heat absorber for the-ï¬ve smaller at 2 P. m. v - If? “’0’ helm ’ Inga? 0' . mmmowmwnm. ‘ ‘units at present} emDIOyed' is being . . you ï¬ve ‘1“) “n3 - . f ' ' ' lconsidered; these heaters at Cairo 9t Dmkéon Failelon Fans“ ‘ ' that needs ï¬xulg up v z embréce an area 03 55°“ 13100.0 square The farm is very prettin situated on 1 ' bring it here. Or if i _ “le lest, interspersed so that the total the west Shore of Sturgeon Lakei‘ ripe-i you need a new one AT'OB'r‘EARilT'HEZ‘PRIGE' _ “f†‘8 “m†“m- ,ng :1? 331%; "f‘Jfof“2't%.§ecҤl32 wail: no can build -itâ€"good Why send your Order to 'outsmea Men ?‘ .3 x z veg an average output 0 m e shed orchai'd, two wells,vspriné water, . ’ . ‘ -_ . - : homgpower duflngva'temhou‘r. day. hm,andsbmshed’withsmno mm as the best. I V Brmg the cash and we can meet the Price. 3' _. k ' The' new plant will exceed this 111 tion, and stables, all ready for use. . z 7 Wires, 44 inches high, 2504â€, V 9I1M’ires, 48 inches high, 29c. Q . .. power and as the laï¬tude of 081m There are also four or ï¬ve acres of > 8 Wires, 47 inches high, 280:: l‘O-thres, 50 inches high, 310. z ‘ on ‘ .213 onl’y 30 degrees North me new mdnrswaml- that has never been culled ' F. [I All Nme~8teyssto the-Roan l .' "f‘ . ' or cut into. _ V ' . , ‘ _ ~ 9 - "‘5'- plant. when working nearer the Any one wishing to see the farm is ‘ ‘ ' _ FOSTER KELLY, m... PENELOH‘ FALL-s. E.“ tropics. is expected to Show a greater welcome any time between now .and (:olbiirneFSLtll-Ieet‘ . ‘ -' momma ‘ date of sale. ‘ 1 “110 0n 4 5-: 96 .e’ (1-. ~ y' The buyer can come on to plough al‘ior I w ‘ september 13th 1914‘ mm“ H "6 Full'posscssion March lst,1915. Terms of SalewFive per cent down day of sale, balance in thirty days. ' Must be sold, no reserve. T. CASHORE, Auctioneer. . ., JOHN ELLERY, SARAH RABY. Executors of the late William Ellery Estate. 11.-3 __._...- . ...â€"_......._-_-â€"â€"o- BUILDIN. WW Shaw’s Business School-é g i L65i£456£i€696¢7o ' At a cost of only $50 the Dominion . Forestry Branch recently erected a . W, . goNTBACTS: Toronto, Canada, include the Com tral Business College with. Five 1 We. are prepared... to.» take contracts-oilingimuses,.sum~. City Branch Schools.» Graduates é . mer cottages, etCL‘. It? will‘ipaya you†to get our: estii ~ , mates- Doors and sashianadlin-terior ï¬nis‘hulwuys in a gf. niacin. Planing andmatching thus to order. looking two hundred square miles 0! woodland. _-Slmilar toiwers‘a‘re being built on all the Dominion forest re- serves in the West in order that ï¬res may be seen and extinguished before they have time to spread beyond con- trol. are universally'successful. Enter any time. Write for catalogue. W. H. Shaw, Prls. Head Ofï¬ces, 391 Yongc St. MAID WANTED For general housework. Good com- fortable home. Address with particulars Mus. GEO. W. BEALL “ Lindenhurst,†Lindsay, Outtâ€" MW$MM$M$$W+$M f I. K Y A g E On Fidler’s Hill,seven rooms, ' summer kitchen. woodshed, Estates mus MARINE ï¬llit. A... TEES†PROBBIETQB Eating Com , To make eating corn from the cob ouicr'and neuter a. New Jersey man has invented a knife with concave tooth to loosen the kernels. ‘- Qavlng Labor i In rebuilding a church spire in , - stuble, garden. A bargain if , WHAT IS IT . .1 ,sold at unoc. Apply to and how to save money by the use Fenelon Fans electric motor did the work or six I H. C. WELSH, of this oldest and the newest" g ï¬â€˜â€œ5h . Or to W. T. Junkin men at about one-twentieth the cost. iiEiniii’s FOR FURNITURE REXALL REMEDIES. FULLY GUARANTEED. FD B FURiilTUHE 61 Sussex Ave., Toronto. ' FUR FLOORS FUR BflllTS ï¬l’iï¬ Cï¬i‘lUES‘ Comes in three-sized tins; 30,50 and 900. Guaranteed by the oldest and largest makers:- of reliable Varnish in tho citieérof Boston and Mohfreal.‘ See folders for colors and HIGH GRADE EMPLOYMENT you must make High Grade Preparation. One school that is Well known throughout Canada for strictly sup- erioritraining is the i l IF You EXPEGT ' ~r _ ~ instructions. - ‘ \Ve carry a good stools of the * Agency at - best furniture. at attractive ' ' ' { ' , . . - \ ‘ Pï¬lcesf always pleased to Wli. ll. QOODWIN b ~.soid0n1y by s ow gm 3. x . ‘ ._ . ~ G.dtc. fth‘ hl i Picture framing a specialty. ' “an Papal-3nd Frame Shop ' obtgin gfnpfoygn'ent hzcgcusahggzdag thousands of openings in this city every year and we are called upon to ‘ NBXt Slmpson House fill more than we can.. Enter at any time. College open all you. Write L I N DSAY. : m ‘ ‘ A. l. couw . , “unannounonioul DEYMAN" ’& SON iunuuunr DEALERS. . W. J. ILLIOTT. PIIICIPAL CmuYongonndAlmquu-m m . i l c .- â€"-~ » r u -â€"-..---...-. -_.....‘~.._..._....,.._..,... l,.._.... ..-_ ,. _._.....« ... V... ..__.,._.-....-...... -....c.............~_. » . i . ' ‘ ’ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , g V T a . A wwwwwwmmwiwaww uuwwwfl,m.v~"~__wwmmm tunaâ€"H... ,. . . i . F... ‘ ,‘ A .. , . , r m. .« .-......... an. _,-_.. w 1.. - ~ ,.-.4». I» ~vâ€"- 1. - .«vwwu .l‘