; HEALTHOGRAMS i Pneumonia begins rather suddenly, often with a severe chill, headache ‘and general pains like'grippe. In a I few hours cough begins,‘short and ’dry, with violent stabbing pain in one sided the chest. Breathing is rapid, with expanding nostrils. The face is anxious and often flushed. The tem- -perature is high. Mild sore throat is commonly the W-beginning if an ordinary cold. How- ever, it may be the warning, sign of a disordered stomach. . eludes a good gargle and a purge. Arteric solerosis (hardening of an" teries) is caused by wear and tear. As the proper stuctures wear... away, a ï¬brous 'tissue‘ takes :their place; :-- When there is an, excess of. this tis- sue present in the walls of the vessels ‘ .it is called arterio sclerosis. remedy is the simple life. It is safe to lift the quarantine in scarlet fever cases when the throat is well, and the secretions from the throat and nose (and ears, when there has been any) are. normal. Dirty milkmen, flies, doctors who ,.do not report contagious disease, and rmanufacturers ofadulterated foods, .are all enemies of ‘man. A city “should be rid of them just as it should be- rid of bad drains or "hold-up†men. Light is life. Light is health. Light is a physician, light is a beautiï¬er. The There is no vitality or healtful struc- ' ture without' light. If you're going to move soon, get a light house. Persons addicted to the excessive use of tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco are often subject, to headache from poisoning of the system by these sub- stances. Tea, coffee and tobacco poisoning often cause palpitation of the heart also. Don't “nag†your nerves. The man ,or woman who wears shoes too tight i'for the feet "nags†the foot nerves. 'Tight clothing of all sorts has the same tendency to “nag†the nerves. IA "nagged†nerve soon tells its own story. .gLittle Prince Has Last “Boy†Vacation 4., Mn“ . 4.1:. Prince Humbert, aged 8, is the heir :to the Italian throne. He has been ;~placed on an Italian man-of-war to get :23. part of his training. From now on ~ he will be under constant naval and military discipline. This photo shows him as he looked .during the last vacation he will ever have as a boyâ€"playing with his goat. NEEDS REM fill] 'Elshop of Edmonton Makes Appeal to Canadian Manhood The Bishop of Edmonton in the course of an address said everyOno should be optimistic, as there was no need of pessimism in this world. In Western Canada men were needed, real men from the top to the toe, who had common sense, who were not afraid of work, and who would not mind whether they had to sleep on he bare ground or on a fence rail. he Church needed such men to work in the West among men. The young men of Canada were neglecting the Church, though the fault was .not on. tirely their own. The real reason for the neglect lay in the home. Parents did not giv’e.that religious instruction to the children that they ought. con- sequently the sons and daughters had no inclination for religious work. Dr. Gray ‘described,the work of the Church in the West, its growth and develop- pent since 1876. ‘ ‘1n_ 325% Simple treat-_ ment which is usually effectNe in- ‘ Be moderate. ‘ , E E: lllllllllillllllllfllfllllll‘lll lllll .ill .llllll mu E %llllllllllllllHill!!!llllllllIllilllllllllllllillllllllllllll f. x 3) 9. .2: . ‘s :. is .g .1 ’- .1 5 .t 31 }- . v- 5 The deCorating of your walls is quite a prOblem. them, to be pleasing in color and appearance so as to make illill'lllli ! 11?: ‘ .NEOLI. 4 r r- z '39“ l1uminimmmuumuh You want a suitable background for your furniture and pictures. So the ideal wall ï¬nish should be artistic in texture and coloring, absolutely sanitary, and capable of being cleaned if necessary with soap and waterâ€"and durableâ€"to avoid a too frequent expense for rcdecorating. Wall papers do not meet‘all these requirements, the patterns and designs fade, the papers themselves collect dust and germs and cannot be properly cleaned. Sanitary experts have proven that any kind of wall paper is unsanitary, and the custom of applying new paper over the old, affords a breeding place for germs.- Kalsomine and other water paints, while clean and sanitary, have not the necessary permanency. They need frequent renewal and often rub oï¬' on ones clothingâ€"smudges and ï¬nger marks cannot_be_washed off satisfactorily. The product that meets every requirement is Sherwinâ€"Williams Flat-tone, a durable, flat-drying oil paint , made in a variety of twentyâ€"four beautiful shades, the selection of expert decorators. washed with soap and water, and will last for years. Come and see us about Sâ€"W Flat-tone. It is put up in liquid form ready for use. Ask for a color card of the pleasing shades. Phone 13 Favorite Talcs , â€"â€"-Made of the highest quality talc money can buyâ€"milled to inï¬nite smoothness, and then perfumed with the xiii} genuine “CORSON†perfumes. . , Ideal Orchid .. S Pomander fl", 7 Violet % Don't buy cheap. inferior talcs, coarsely milled and cheaply {. / scent ed. when by asking for k, CORSON’S you can get the best. é Ask your Dmg'g‘ist {# Made by 39 ; SOVEREIGN PERFUMES LIMITED, TORONTO yr} 58 SOLD BY G. F. lllCilï¬S ‘ liar Estimates FENELON FALLS .. PAc I 'F-I c. HOMESEEKERS’ E ‘X 0 UR SI 0 N S T MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN . Each Tuesday until October 27th. inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 - From Toronto; and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. . Particulars regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets from Canadian Paciï¬c Ticket Agents or write _ M. G. MURPHY. D.P.A.. C.P. Ry., Toronto. .. . -~~~ _ " Bea birds, sensitive to pending changes in the weather, fly inland at' l the approach of stormy weather in. quest of food. ' Eggs of different species of birds greatly differ in shape. but the yolks are invariably Spherical. 011 new buildings consult us... Or give. us your order for Doors, Sash, Interior Finish, We will be pleased to ï¬gure on What you will need ‘ in supplies, or the whole contract. F. C. T A'Y LOB. WW solitary clerg‘ï¬na’n, Canon Newton, had to look after the spiritual needs of the, people in that vast territory-i now there .werje numerous churches. In Edmonton Diocese they had 83 churches and missions, but there. Were only three native-born clergyman in charge; the other 30 came- trom the Mother-tend. He made an earnest exhortation to I the people of the East,to send their sons anddaughters our, West to take M in W93 pithy Church. two dioceses and Balkan War éost Balkan war is estimated to have cost Bulgaria $548,000,000 in war ex- penses and territory ‘ceded to Ron- mania; between 56,000 and 58.000 eBulgarians were killed. ' ‘ British Merchant ships .' It is estimated that 933. war and merchant shipsvof 2,186,607 to'ns gross ‘ were launched from private yards in the UnitedKingdom last year, This .119 the highest aggregate ever ..~.â€"-~ 4-_.-.._.~, ..-'.‘sa._< . . OIL‘S, This ï¬nish can be- W. ‘J. HEARD HARDWARE,. PAINTS, ETC. New Perfection Stoves are mnde in l, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes. W. J. FENELON FALLS MARKETS " Fenelon Fans, Friday,'l\iay 29, 1914 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 80c. to 82 \. Wheat, fall, 85 to 90 Wheat, spring, 75 to 80 Barley, per bushel, 50 to 60 (lots, per bushel, 38 to 40 Posse, per bushel. 75 to 1.00 Buckwheat, (50c. to 75 Point-ow. lmsii. 70 to ‘75 butter, per pound, if? to 28 Eggs, per dozen. 17 to 21) Hay, per ton, $15 to $18 ' . Hitllm, $0.00 to $10 lions, live, $7.00 to $7 75 Beef, $ll) to ï¬ll Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 18 to '17 Flour. Samson, $2.30 to $3.00 Flour, W-nnipvg $11.70 to :52 90 Flour, Silver Loaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour. Victoria, $2.15 to $2.05 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.150 Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.35 Bran, por- lilOpounds, $l.25 be $i.3-J Shorts, do., $1.25 to $1.35 Mixed Chop. 510.. 7-31.45 to $1.55 Corn Chop, (10., $1.60 to $1.65 Barley Chop. 1.45 to 1.50 Oat Chop, $1.50 to $1.0) Crushed Oats, $1.55 to $1.65 - ilarble and Granite lilllnllmtllli Still doing business in the some stand but not; in the same old way. We ad- vance. with the times and are in a posi- tion to do better work than over. New designs, new granites, new and improved tools and methods, in fact, the most up- to-date Marble and Granite works in. this part of (interim. Get our prices and see our designs before puroliasin . Shop and show rooms 11 and ' 8 Cum- brldgoSt.. immediately north of ï¬roha ll ' ~ Lindsay their links 803T. CHMBERS, PROP. BRET§§H AEERIGAH BU$§HE§S GQLLEGE Yonge 85 McGill Sts., Toronto,0nt., . is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new man- agement it is doing better work than ever. Write us if you want to pre- ‘ pare for a good position. Henry C. W'ard, Principal. i Evvry kitchen should be equipped with a New Per- fection Oil Cook Stove. Don’tmiss the cooking dem~ onstration at this store on Tuesday, June 2nd. ' Refreshments. HEARD I G OING J’flEM oNE BET? Furniture delivered to your home at LESS THAN OI TY P12] OES You run NO RISK. Call and see our goods. "S. S. Gamer. FENELON FALLS. sen OUR WALL PAPERS. Pulp lVlllla in on... In the little 'country of Denmark l PIA MW Consumption of Meat The per capita consumption of meat mere are 280 pun) or 9393’ mills. in Australia and Argentina, two In Canada, according to the latest available statistics of the Dominion Forestry Branch, 'there are only 48 pulp mills in actual operation. The fCanadian' mills are, however, many ltimes larger than those in Denmark Forecastan Thunder The essential feature- or-apparatun invented by a Frenchman to forecast the‘ap'proach of thunder storms is a swinging needle coherer, such as in telegraphy.- ~<r~ ï¬led in wireless heavy exporters of meat, is 250 pounds {a year, while in the United States and Canada it is only about 160 pounds. c British Cash , _ The, Southern States now owe zBrltish bondholders a total of more lthan $75,000,0bo, not including in- lt'erest; o'n account of debt: which have 'been‘in- defaultjroni forty to seventy â€;';.R'. ' - "Q;