Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 May 1914, p. 7

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M Chest Colds and harness Mm ROYAE‘EES ARE ILL- Quickly Rubbed Away “Nervillne” Gives Speedy Relief and HELD BACK BY ~ MA‘SY STUDENT SUICIDES. Schoolboys of Berlin, Germany, . .1111 Their Lii'cs. . . The recent examinations at the Thousands of Growmg Girls German schools were again, as each Monarchs Attended by Doctors ‘Who are Alwuyson Duty. From all quart-ere of Europe comes news of ailing monarchs or Yearly Fall Into a HODB- lei)?" “Onoompa'nied. With numerous cures over Night" monarchs-bobs There is’hardly a less Decline_ Irishmfc‘efi'Pf boy's ‘1“ng t‘hemselve’s’ Got 8- COld? . ‘ royal family on the continent that . ert- e1 t- iough fear that they would 15 your voice raspyâ€"is your chest can point to universal geod hmalth congested-or sore? , - It so, you areâ€"the very personrthat Nervillne will. cure in a jiffy. _ V . ' I Nerviline is strong and penetrating. It sinks right into the tissues, takes out inflammation and soreness, . de- stroys colds in a. truly wonderful way. Rub Nerviline over the chestâ€"rub on lots of it, and .watch that tightness disappear. Nerviline won’t blister, "it sinks in too fastâ€"doesn’t simply stay on- the surface like athick, oily lini- ment would. ,If the throat ls raspy and sore, rub it well outside with Nerviline. and use Nerviline as a gar- gle diluted with warm water. Just one or two treatments like this and your voice and throat will be quick normal again. ' - Just think of itâ€"for forty years the largest used family medicine in this countryâ€"Nerviline must *be geod, must quickly relieve and cure a hun- dred ills that befall every family. Try it for earache, toothache, coughs, colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus- cular pains in everypart of the body. Large family size bottle 500.; trial. size 250. at all dealers. .___._>I<___..___.. INSURANCE FOR RAINY DAYS; as a family asset. 'The Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir-presumptive to the thrones of Austriaâ€"Hungary, is said to be' suffering from con- sumption. _King Alfonso of. Spain is suffering from a weak throat, whileone of his sons is deaf and dumb; the young. czarewitoh has 7‘._ been seriously afiiicted; the Ger- man Crown Prince, ‘according to constant report, is suffering from a throat malady that carried off his grandfather. Of late years there has been a fright-fully high death rate among European rulers. In the little more- than a decade since the .death of Queen Victoria no less than nine sovereigns have passed awayâ€"the King of Norway and Sweden, King Leopold of Belgium, King Carlos of Portugal, King Alexander of Serâ€" vi-a, King Edward of England, two kings of Den-mark, and two grand dukes of Luxembourg. Extraordinary precautions are taken to maintain the health of all European monarchs, hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent every year in retaining the best physicians and- surgeons in the world in almost day to day atten- dance upon the kings and queens. Also heavy insurance is carried. The Czar of Russia 1insured for Thousands of! holidayâ€"makers took $4’900’009 m in} Eng-1s C’Qm‘pa'ny’ advantage of the scheme last) sum- ‘Wh'mh’ t I? ‘. lium’ dl’s'bgfibu'tied’dl‘h: mer. Almost every seaside resort ‘Lm'mm -0' 11;: awn?" Fr ea afi‘? ' . ' , . in the country comes within the compmues' 9'“. 51-913 me Emma 5 T1: eve‘s’ S” H‘ave‘ltzck Charles: .8” scope of the policy. tlnrtythree physmians, surgeons, Hickman Goldee, Sir Alfred I‘l‘lpp, H Any sum p611. day or week my be denbleS.’_ and other spams-lists on and Sir, W rlxliuarm Cheyne. Thus be- insured in Proportion to the prom- :Eflrgnedlcifl Staff at the 'EnghSh gigsglmqini la‘gd 513590“ $62." - , .- r .7 . . . V - . H e.‘ n u is pen. in securing cgifll' rhem me fom forms 0f There aggeoolgve pélyis-lclagrll»s,rea§1 pied-foal and surgical attendance for - u :7 r-e‘celvmg . a 3’ a". t ‘1' ‘1‘3' - v e soverei n. Poimy A â€"’-l‘0 for ea'Ch ois Laking is the chief. Each of g sepai ate week 111 which there are - y . . -. w . . 3‘ three or more days of rain amount- the ng S smg’e’ons leagues $l’500 ~ . ing on each day to more’ ghan 20 per annum, and none of them, when Patient, Husbandâ€"“Why did you of an indh. ' the KÂ¥ng 35.301 g'OOd 116311131“, GVG‘I‘, keep me waiting on this corner for ‘Policy .(B,.'_~To pm. for every day sees has Ma-J-esty unless as one of two hours? lou said you were on which the rainfrill amounts to his gues’os' ‘ merely-v gomg (to Ship m Sig? imw more than '20 O£ an inch. The five surgeons attached to Jobs Mrs._ Knowall was. . .Wlfe: Vi ell, '22, who had been Studying 1e gal Policy ,. ,,,___TO play for the sec_ Royal household are 511‘ Frederick s‘he 1ns1sted on telling me. procedure, reached the point. where end and every additional rainy day. ' he was to take his examination for in each week, or in every separate ' advancement to court clerk. He week, on which the rainfall amounts repeatedly told his friends that he to more than .15 of an inch. was sure he should not pass the Policy "‘D” (short periods of four examinations.‘ ' consecutive days)â€"â€"T0 pay for every The night before the examination day on which the rainfall amounts he threw himself from the window to more than .20 of an inch. '(A of his third story room and was weekâ€"end policy). crushed to death. The premiums vary from 155. to £3 ($3.60 to $15), the former secur- ing £6 ($30) a. week, and the latter £24 ($120) a week undo-r policy “A,” in which rain of the amount stipulated fall‘s. Of course, larger insurances can be arranged. The rates for the other policies vary only slightly. It is also possible for persons givâ€" ing private garden parties and other outdoor functions where no‘ moncy is taken to obtain a. wet weaâ€" ther insurance for amounts to. be mutually agreed upon, to arrange compensation for certain 'specifi-ed amounts of rainfall within twentyâ€" four or twelve hours, as they dcâ€" sire. ' not pass or because of mortificatdon at failure. On a single day three suicides of students, all less than 18 yea-rs old, were reported, and the. body of one who had drowned himself some days earlier was recovered. ’ These inâ€" stances we-re in Greater _Ber1in alone. ' ° " One of the boys threw himself in front of a train because he had not been promoted to a higher class. A suicide by drowning was that!) of a 17â€"year-old boy who was shortly to try the examination entitling him ’ Anaemiaâ€"the doctor’s name for; 'bloodlessness â€"- holds back many irls from the path to bright, healthy womanhood. At that all- 1mportaâ€"nl; time when their veins should be- full of rich, red blood, {an.a,em1a., ores-ping on them stealth- Fly, robs them of sparkling eyes and a clear skin. They become languid land exhausted at the least exer- t10n,. thelr backs ache, their hearts .pa-lputate . violently, appetite fails, fa-nd their complexion changes to a :Sasty yellow, or they become E% If, ’7' :"fl'l': ~ LE LlM "louvre m F0 R :.. ' MAKING SOAP "Sorrsume ‘ « WATER ‘ leatth whit-e. No medicine ever . . , .. . . offered the public has bestowed to'dlfSCha‘rge' 3‘15 m‘h'l’a'ry d‘l’m'e's Wlt‘h l ‘ . '..-". ' finch important benefits upon anae- 093 3cm 5- ;Selwce'. Acco'ldmg t0_ mm gwls 3,3 Dr-_ Williams: pink his teachers there was no doubt that [ping They build up t,he,body anew he would have passed, as he“ was, lby making- .bhe rich‘ red blood that unusually- capable and imbelhgenrt. (gives Splendid health, bright eyes, .The fixed bureaucratic.schvemeiof ‘ Life for the average Germain, while not explaining such suicides, throws Ea. clear complexion and 'womanly {brightness Here is an instance out . . , . iof many recorded thousands; Miss spine light on. the youths actions. 'Deli‘n&,.'A,.Sena‘ulb. U‘rbaimdne’ I P_ .11 allure to be graduated from school [13.1., says: “I suffered from an atâ€" lta-ck of anaemia which my friends feared at one time would prove fa- ,tal. Igrcw thinner every day, had Lad-ark Circles around my eyes, could not sleep well at night and got up fin the morning feeling‘ tired and depressed. I suffered severely from lheadach’cs and pains in the back’ {and limbs. I had to leave school, ~ land was unable'to do any wvork- laround the (house. I had no appe- - itit-e and frequently vomit-ed what.- I ,dld canto I was under a' doctor’s ‘lca-re for eight months, but; was growing worse and worse, and was {almost in despair, when a friend ladvis-ed me to give Dr. Williams’ {Pink Pill-s a'trial. Anxious to get ‘well, I decided to do so. After baking a few boxes I found a good improvement, and I continued tak- ing the Pills until I had used nine boxers, when I was again‘enjoying perfect health, and I found on weighing myself that I had gained lseventeen pounds. I have since onâ€" ,joyed perfect, health, for which I have. to thank Dr. Williams’ Pink lPills, and strongly advise all other axa-i-ling girls to give this medicine a {fair trial.” .' ' _ Every woman afflicted with anae- ymia, every woman who suffers from backaches and sid-eaches, and the ' ther miseries that afflict her sex pan-Scoure:mew health and strength through a fair use ofDr. \Villialms’ {Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine 1dealers or by mail at) 50 cents a box ' l,or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. {Williamsi Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. . . ‘ '1‘ Worked His Way. . “Why don’t you buy something 'at my table 2” demanded a girl at 1«a. recent bazaar of a, young man lshe knew. fairlv well, as he passed her stall without putting his hand in his pocket. “Well, you see,” iwvas ‘his answer, “I only buy from the'plaiu girls. Thev have a hardâ€" er time making sales”, She was not offended and ‘he work-ed his answer right through the bazaar kind came out without spending anything. is a serious ’o’hvi-ng. To become a “Beamter,” that is, a. public official, is the goal of a great percentage of young Ger- mans, for the official enjoys many privileges not; granted to the non- ofiici-al German. He has a cerl’oain tenure, a retiring pension, and other material advantages, and on- joys especial protection under the law of insults, it being a much graver crime to insult an' official than a private citizen. ', , ' But for thoserho have failed in their school work there is no chance to become state officials. Even in private life they find it almost impossible-to secure responâ€" sible positions with mercantile firms, and they arc, of course, de- barer from entering the learned professions. It is not altogether strange that the German youth is disposed '~to take a grave vie-w of his failure. ' ' _ It is not only students in the schools who kill themselves before or after examinaitmons. A man of _â€" What are called “Pluvius poli- cies” came into operation in Lon- don, England, this month. This is an ingenious. method of insurance devised to indemnify holiday-mak- ers for loss or disappointment due to wet weather during thc summer. _ half yearly since the Securities of this Corporation were , laced on. the market 10 years ago. Business established 8 years. Investment may be withdrawn in part'or whole any time after one year. Safe as a mortgage. Full par- ticulars and booklet gladly furnished on request. flil'i'lflilAi. SEGilillTlES Bfififfihflflflfi, LlMlTEr 'OONI‘EDERATIOHV LIEE BUILDING - TORONTO. ONT. INFORMATION FOR INVEN'PQBS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon 85 Davis, the patent. solicitons of 71A St. James Street, Montreal, report that 115 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending May 5th, 1914, 80 of which were granted to Americans, 16 to Canadians, 12 to residents of foreign countries and 7 to residents of Great Britain and Colonies. _ Of the Canadians ’7 were of the Province of Ontario, 3 of British Columbia, 2 of Manitoba, 2 of Sas- katchewan, 1 of Nova Scottie, and 1 of Quebec. Do you say decisively :. a “A 5-ib. Package of REDPATH Sugar”, or “A 20-11). Bag of REDPATH”, and â€"-get a definite quantity -â€"of well-known quality,“Canada’s best” â€"â€"cleah and uncontaminated , -â€"in the Original Package ? _â€"â€"â€"â€" Or do you say, thoughtlessly: “A quarter’s worth of Sugar”, or “A dollar’s worth of Sugar”, and get â€"-an unknown quantity -â€"of unknown quality ~scooped out of an open barrel --into a paper bag ? 524 DID THE WORK ur‘_____._ Household Hints. To clean a copper kettle rub with a dry Chamois skin. Be careful not to keep vegetables in a warm 'Cllfld‘flfp place else they will surely mould. . _ Matting may be cleaned by wash- ing it with water in 'which brialn has been boiled, or in Wonk salt wa- Grcw Strong on Right Food. You can’t grow strong by mer-elv exercising. You must have food; the kind you can digest and assimi- late. Unless the food you eat is digestâ€" ed it adds to the burden the. diges- _.____»x‘_.____ Both the Same. “Gentlemen, I can’t lie about the horse; he is blind in one eye,” said the auctioneer. The horse was ypon knocked down to a citizen ,who'had been greatly struck by the P’u‘ilmncflrs khgofifjfgé igclsafitgi ter. Dry it well with a cloth. tive organs have naturally to carr ', PM” 0 ’ If '1 d 1 ' - 3 :You were honest enough to ten 3 , w ien oing up ace curtains, This often means a- nervous break- sheets of fine white paper be placed down. between before. washing, they will ' “About a year ago,”, writes a... not stick and will look like new. Eastern lady. ‘fI had quite a seri- UnbleaChcd muslin shrinks very ous nervous breakdown caused, as much when washing. When makâ€" I believed, by overwol': and worry, ing it up an extra inch 3: yard I, also suffered untolc misery from should he'allowed for this. ' dyspepsia. C To set growing house plants in “First I gave up my position, the bathtub and spray them with a then I tried to find a remedy for my bath spray is one of the best me- troubles, something that 'would thods of giving their leaves the ne- make me Well and strong, some- cessary moisture. . thing to rest my tired stomach and. am well satisfied with Baby's Own Overalls {ind 511.011 heavy articles build up my wornâ€"out nerves and lTablers which 1 used for my little Should be dipped m the tub oi ‘va' bram’ . .' ' I one during. the teething. period. I te-r, then laid on the washbo-ard, “I tried one kind of medicine at- {know of no other medicine to equal thoroughly 5031‘de and scrubbed he” another, but nOt'hmg Seemed to 5 With a. scrubbing brush. help me. ' To make a cat» stay in a new “Finally a friend suggested me that this animal was blind in 'pne eye. Is there any other deâ€" fect?” "‘Yes, sir, there is; he is also blind in the other eve,” was ,the prom-pt. replyéz {THE ONLY MEDICINE _ " FOR TEETHING BABIES Mrs. Alcide Charland, Ste. So- phie do Levr-a-rd, Que, writes: “I A . La . .' .‘ . :kirs‘iéfii-‘E’zhggon, .. - mhem.” Mrs. Charlandis testimony that. of thousands of other mot-h- . . . home: Tub 1‘35 fOI‘CPEWS With but- change of.food and recommended lens, Once the tablets are used a- . . . . . v , . mother will give no ether medicine her, 3' PIO‘Ceedmg that 13 said. 130 Grape-Nuts. With little or no faith I , I 1 A . _ her ones. The tablets are destroy the scent Of ‘Oild It, I trled a, package. “fas \ .. â€".=~_.__~_~ V : : ,1“ ,, ~ '3‘,” ‘1; W . . guaranteed to be absolutely safe, F0? “lily bile-0901113 1i- very thm. Blght mpn‘ths figo find I have ne‘Ve-r -.LAbonATORV,- ' . . " ‘ ‘PAiNTERs’ and are not only good during the and half 900k 1’0 1“, b01‘-11.1g Wfil‘ter, een without 11; same. 1-5575 1,553.5 “ ' ' then cut 1t, fasten. “1 Ella-De Wit-1h a “Grapeâ€"Nuts did -’0he work. It make certain prove the easy ‘ y ’ .+. .1 w 'u the a or ills Seeds not sufiimenflr up? .Wfll Grape-Nuts put new life into :me the qualxty of {I‘m fag t my cum?" m 111 b float in water but when arrived at 1, “1'9 11 l t d d, 8V V '1' W m tel‘i ‘ ‘. _ ‘ r - r . .‘ .j.‘ .. _ .'_~ ,, 111 u .m-‘fw Oesr‘islem an ma 8 e a a. 9i gftt'le ones' T163 me so d 3 full maturity ’they wrll 55ml: to the {motle “Ti-man Of 3113 1“. ' ‘ ry ‘BSlmme dealers OR by mall at '25 bottom, and thisis proof thatthey ‘_ Name given by Canadian Postum V Experiment and .Experiencg ' working quality and enduring wear ' n s a. box from. T 6 Dr. Williams? ‘ , . . , , r ._ C B 7 7-11 0 t are good to plant. . . . (30.. _ Wmdsof " Ont. Read “The wine 0" me u e’ n ' Too much coffee too mu'h' t l ' “ ’ " " ” l ' ” ' . v . , ‘ ' -‘ r v n . - . . . ' . a, f d d» ) v v c 5 3’10 ‘3 Road to 7 Vi 6 1V lllg, 1n pkgs. Both pomt to Ramsay's Pamt as your logical choice. In purity. wear and beauty of 00 , an {430 1113.11} 5“eet.s are the («There’s a Reason_ . oolorthey are unsurpassed. _ln economy they are unmatched. Courteous service from local agent. Write for interesting paint literature. ' ~ (4) ‘ Q. , On gay: whein it beegggcs [i-cccs; gauge of moreflirritable nefi‘veshanill gver read fthe usage fetter; A new gary ry 09 as w; 1} (00173, _._eprcss1on in he spring ’0 an ‘ar one appears mm 9 0 t 9- They , RA E t bl' h d 1842 ' lbang them as big as possrble. work or even late hours_ fiferfi‘t‘fme‘ “ne' “‘1 hm °£ hum“ A .. . 0 , ,. ‘ ).’

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