Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 May 1914, p. 4

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,...,,. ... ’-:.,..â€"u_.-«‘;IL.V;_ -.V_ «ink, ‘x 1"". 2" ‘c ......~..u._. -. “4". ,h- _ M '.y awf,‘ .43,‘A‘. '- \_,.\ Apt, 7:: r3- .s . o .n . mas-in... 1...): ._l a“ '13?" n:.... 12.3.- .~,â€"«,‘_&7,._,,. ,5 "g... "'?"‘..,.“Ir:’l!‘?vl-m 7Mn~wnnfipw~.w.mwh I =m:.-'M_ _' -.~V,nÂ¥n=flmrww_ghlvuanv - xv mfg» :-I ‘ .\1-". 1' I“, ._ v -........,_'-.a - ~ . gnu“ : 4' a - 71.» AIR)“; A. 8*;0 “.454.-- r' f «.4 '-/v;'v-,v‘ «.4 «7 >1 , DON’T‘NEGLECT THEM Secure a pair of perfectly fitting lenses and relieve the ; SEE THE. Basins m L‘:"‘4M\l’\")~uln!rty<v.‘»lc:~<u~«~ van/“m.-. «w -........J..-.....-_.~.... . 0â€"...q ,u ..“,.o.. w. m.» KEEP YOUR LIVE STOCK THRIFTY‘ By using Dr. Hess’ Stock Foods. A. a c. MCF'AR‘LA‘ND. . May be warning you every day ol'their inability to do without help. Just What help they need can ONLY be Fully Guaranteed. determined by scientific examination. trouble. Timely attention may avert future misery. Britton "_ Bros. Cleans Carpets, OrrrcrANs FOOT OF KENT ST., LINDSAY?‘ _swEEP-1At DUSTBANE I puts the ee’s~ (ease) in sweeping I 11' KNOGKS THE ununeEnY ous'r oer Brightens Floors . Order a tin 10â€"day at your grocer’s or from i _V E Don’t ask for sweeping-compound ‘ SAY DUSTBANE .l- your hardware (man Beware of‘ Substitutes MILLINERY wm. .GAMPBELL’S MAY 1914 Ellie Jenefon Jatfs gazette. FRIDAY, MAY 22, ' 1914. Provincial Grants. __ Following are the grants secured by Dr. Mason for roads and bridges in his constituency, taken from the list published a couple of weeks ago ; Anson & Hindon Township Roads .$ 300 Bexlcy Township Roads. . . . . . . . . . . 200 Cardiff Township Roads . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Glamorgau Township Roads . . . . . . . 400 Laxton, Digby and Longford . . . . . . 800 Latter-worth Township Roads . . . . . . 400 Minden Township Roads . . . . . . . . . . 400 Monmouth Township Roads . . . . . . 400 Sherbourne Township Roads . . . . . . 300 Snowdon Township Roads . . . . . . . 30O Snowdon, Bacon line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Stanhopc Township Roads . . . . . . . . 400 Somerville Township Roads . . . . . . . . 500 .chley By-law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Dysart 'By-law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,335 Cardifi-Momnouth Townline bridge. 600 Christian's Creek bridge, Fenelon . 200 Dunsford bridge, Verulam . . . . . . . . 200 Grass River. Bridge, Stanliope . . . . . . 1,000 Poverty Lake Bridge, Monmouth . . 600 0.- Allan Fountain Commits Suicide. Allan Fountain of Coboconk com- mitted suicide on Monday evening last by .cutting his throat with a razor. Although he inflicted a terrible wound, he did not sever the jugular groin, and he survived long enough to :be taken to. .Lindsay Hospital in ‘charge of Dr. Johntsone of Fenelon Falls, who was summoned to Cobo- conk when the affair-occurred. The unfortunate man died” while in the hospital. Fountain was a prominent 'figure in the tragedy at Coboconk some weeks ago.’ when six. children were burned 'tO'death and their mother and Fountain escaped. _ *o' Women's Institute. The \Vomen’s Institute met on Fri- day afternoon, May 15th, at the home of 'Miss Abbott, with, a. good attend. mice The Opening ode, “ The Maple Leaf Forever,” was sung by the mem- bers, after which the‘minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, fol- lowed by the roll call. On motion of Mrs. D.r.‘,C;oald, seconded by Mrs.l\l_in- ,tliorne, Mrs. L. Townley and Mrs. \V. ‘ B. Jordan were appointed a committee to arrange for making an autograph quilt. The election of officers then took place, with Mrs. Dr. Gould in. the. chair. Mrs. Jas. Lamb, in resigning the otlice. of Bresident, which she has ably filled during. the past two years, in alfew well chosen remarks thanked the members 'for their compaction, in the work of the Institute during. her term. The following officers were 3 elected :, Bresident, Miss B. Abbott ;_ Vice-President, Mrs; A. Minthorne ;; Sec-Treats, Mrs. M. E; Calder; Branch Directors, Mrs. Jas. Lamb and Mrs. 'VV. B. Jordan ; Auditors, Mrs. T. Poul- som and Miss Dickson ; -Dclegates. to, Convention in Lindsay June 25th, Mrs. M. E. Calder and Miss Maud Patten; District Director, Mrs. T. Poulsom. Following the. election an exchange of patterns took place._ The. meeting closed by singing the national anthemhaf‘ter which the Misses Abbott served, dainty refreshments. -â€"â€".-.O Eersqnal. ' Miss Jennie Duggan spent Monday in Lindsay. ' - . Mrs. Dr. Gould attended the meet-. ing of the executive committees. of East and \Vest Victoria. Earniers’ and i \Vomen’s Institutes held in Lindsay‘ May 9th. done? _ The Council method of collecting the dog tax. It COMMUNICATIC. \lS. To the Editor of the Gazette : Sinâ€"After the exposures we made I a, last December of the manner in which some of the branches of our municipal institutions were being handled, not one of which was either denied or Cullll‘il- dicted, the people expected some radical changes in our administration. But a brief‘ glance at the auditors' report for 1913, recently published, will show how these expectations have been realized. “'0 shall conline our present remarks to the poll tax question alone, and will not go further back than the last two years, 1912 and 19l3. Take the report for 1912. On December 7 the collector, it seems, paid the treasurer “poll tax for 1911, $3," and on, l)0001nbcr 3rd. 1913, J. Jones paid in “ poll tax (or 1912, $1,” n sum total for the three years 1911, 12 and 13 of $4. Does that amount represent the full sum he collected for those three years ? Mr. Jones is the possessor ol a keen scent for infractions of the game laws. He can smell the pelt of a rat trapped or a bass landed during the close season for miles. ’mt he can meet men who ought to pay poll tax or dog tax, every day and at almost any hour in the day, without being aware of their presence. But this is easily accounted for. In prosecuting poachers there are certain fees and pleasant outings, whether he succeeds in getting a con- viction or not, which come in mighty handy ; while in the latter case he gets nothing extra for doing his duty. llis pay goes on whether he is Working or not. He stands in no danger of any monkeying from his understrappers, the council, and, he does like to stand in with those who, like himself, have no financial interest in the village. “'0 lind that there are thirty-seven names on the manhood franchise voter's. list of Fenclon Falls for the year~1t~ll3 every one of which; with the possible exception of three or four who have reached the age limit. is liable to a poll tax of $1.50. Mr. Jones knows this, and - all he had to do was to take the list of 1 names, call upon them and collect the money. He knew where to find every one and could have done the whole thing in a couple 0.! hours. Can the Council or Mr. Jones explain wlrythis was not have arloptcdra now appears that the owners of dogs now have to call on the clerk, paytheir dole. tar and get a tug. 'l‘hisof course inl.â€". poses an extra duty on the clerk, but what of that ‘2 He is only a connnon man, and it relieves the Shouldch of the redoubtuble Mr. Jones of one of his arduous duties. At the lastnominMion one of the new aspirants blow off a good deal of gas in assuring the electors that if elected he would see to it that every servant of the Council did his duty, and one of his first official acts was an, attempt to get a two-weeks holiday for the constame But at the same nomination the same party said that every day the constable was away he paid him $1.25 for perform- ing his duties ; so that it is not making a very heavy draft on the imagination to assume that in trying to get him the holiday, love for his friend was not the only object he had in view. Hermit me to propound one or two queries to the Council. Supposing they A Were in business and, having a, number of outstanding accounts, sent out a col- lector, and that individual called just on, whom he pleased and when he pleased, and when it suited his own convenience handed what he had col- lected to his einployer-â€"â€"ho.w long, would they keep that collector in their em- ploy ? , Referring once more to the auditors reportâ€"the chief seems to have got the usual extra This has been going on for years. What was it for? We who have to furnish the. money have been given to understand that it is to provide a police uniform. Who ever saw Constable Jones wearing a single article of clothing that wouldindicate his office 2 .What does he do with the money? . shall direct this question, straight to the Reeveâ€"suppose he was to hand a party a sum. of money to be applied to a specific. purpose, and, that it had not . been used as intended-,tbat in fact the. party hadrendered no account of it 9.11,, . how long would it be before he would be with an, invitation from the ‘ served; _ Crown to. give an, account of his stewardu Ship ? Yours truly. RA'rnrM'En, . .r .___.-._.__ CANCELLED. The W. I; Entertainment advertised in last week's Gazette to take place in Bob- caygcon on May 25th has been cancelled, owing... to inability; on, the part of the, Bobcaygeon branch to. secure. the Town, hall for that date. ‘0... AND. w: *v-rerorua I.' A joint meeting of the. Executive of East and West Victoria Institutes was held in. Lindsay on Saturday” May 9th, to arrange for the Conven- tion, to. be held there. on, J une 25th. -0. St A. FARE'VV‘E‘LIJ. Capt. Davis oi the Salvation Army was given a good send-off on Tuesday evening. at a farewell social in the S. A. ball; teen months Captain Davis has made During. his stay of nine- Mr- 3- Terrill“ left 011' TlleSday; 501' many friends, who will regret his de- Edmontou. ‘ pnrture. Capt. Sandford of Uxbridge hir._T..Carley is home ftjornTOrOutO.‘ is taking charge, with,Lieutlfiirbyson Let me ask theCouncibâ€"no,_l , LE: \1 MAY 25TH AT BURNT RIVER. St. Luke's Church, Burnt River, will hold their annual anniversary on Mon- Ly, May 25th, with the usual sports in the afternOon and concert in the even‘ ing. Dinner and tea will be served by the ladies. Everyone is cordially in- vited to spend the day at Burnt River. _. _ . .__. ._ o .. .-.â€"â€"â€"-A...â€"-n BAPTIST CHURCH. Next Sunday, May 24th. the llev. Dr . J. ll. ' ll‘u’riner, Dean in "Theology, Mi:â€" Master University, will“pren(:h both' morning. All made welcome. __ .-.,.. - . -... Mli'l‘i-ILHLST CHURCH. The annual meeting of the Methodist Church Ladies" Aid Society was held on Tuesday of last Week in the church buse- ment. A very successful year's work was accomplished by the ladies, who : raised the sum of $619.95 during the I your. The following oliicers were cl'ec »« I ed: President, Mrs. Corbett; 'l‘reasm'cr, Al A. M cll‘arland ; Secretary, Mrs. F; Magec ; Organist, Mrs. Dr. Gould. Fol- lowing the election of officers a pleasant hour was spent Socially by the members over refreshments. ' -â€"â€"â€":~,â€"â€"â€"‘ 41â€". o.â€"â€". ~.- 9â€": 2:!- Fairbairn. Gazette (.‘(n'respomlcnce. I i Mr. and Mrs. A. Tiers. of Reunion Falls spent Sunday visiting friends here. The Rev. Mr. Campbell occupied the- pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sun- day morning in. the absence of Mr. llar-. . grave. ' . Miss Amy Lamb visited at Henry l£1-. liott‘s on Sunday. ' ' Miss E. Jones returned to li‘enclon. Fallsaftcr spending a week with friends. ‘ here. Mrs. Dsltobinson is visiting in this vicinity. The farmers have finished seeding, l' but owing, to the frost and dry weather I growth is somewhat backward. Mr. Harold Tiers spent Sunday at his; home here. B CRIS] - GII}1;Sâ€"_â€"Ab Fenclon Falls April 4th, the. wife of D. Gibbs, of a daughter. ’ ' Dl-IXIMAXuAt Fenclon Falls, April ‘18th, the wife of Wm. H. Doyinmn, of, a, daughter. ' G.uxnn»~At Fenelon Falls, May 2nd, the. I wife of S. S. Gainer,ol‘ a son. PARKERâ€"At 'Fenelon’Falls, May 11th , the, wife of Thos.Parker, of a daughter; Batman-At E'snelpn Falls, May 12th,, the wife of Wm. Bllrley._of a (la lighter. MINOItEâ€"At Fenelon Falls, April .13th,_ the wife of Thomas H. Minore, of a, daughter. Commrrâ€"At Fenelon. Falls, litany 11th, the wife of W. D. Corbett, of a son. .._. Notice; to; the Public... We, the undersigned, begyteannounce. that after Jame lst, 1914, all meats pur-- chased must be paid forat time of order-“ ing. Kocrcdit will, be given. L COPE k. SON. lg.- OUlihE’lYl‘lfi, QAABD 0F THAN KS. I: wish,t,o express my heartfelt, thanks. to the. many who assisted me. in the. recent piano contest, both in .ll'oneltm, , Halls and surroundingcountry, andhlso. ' to Messrs. Burgoyne & Son for the two. ’niee presents... received for my help in the pianoeontest.‘ IR-ENE' ENGLISH. CARD) 0F THANKS.. I desire to express, my. thanks to the, many friends who assisted: me during; the past months in the piano competiy tion_;, also to Wm. Burgoyne &Son for. delivering the beautiful piano, so, promotion ' ' ' Yours gratefully, Ilium nupwgn __._â€"â€".â€"-7.__- Wfl~kfl- .. COURT OF BEVISlllN-z VILLAGE or Eleanor. nus: Notice is hereby giventhat a Court of;- Revision of the Village of, h‘onelon Falls: Assessment Roll for 19M will, be held in, the-Commission Rooms on ’ ' Monday, the 25th Dayxof. May, at is. o’clock p.11), All persons having business at the. Court are requested-to be present. The Roll is at the Clerk's olllcc foe. inspection. _ ' ' 1'}. FITZGERA Ll). - Clerk. of the Count}, Echelon Eallghlay 10th,’191-l_. ‘ -muhuw; ~..â€".â€".... u ‘” "‘ " .m ...~-._-r-â€"-.-.~-1u..«-w» anewvxvt'marznkmm ~ ‘ » ‘ v. v'vvvv‘v rv'v we a » r'vvwiwmmmvvww: L w < " .r ' ‘v . ---vvvvr'

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