Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 May 1914, p. 8

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mum mono iPiratce In Northern Ontario nessea Said to be Waging a War 5 _ of Extermination .__. While beaver and other fur-bearing ~ animals are increasing at such a. rate in Algonquin Park-that it has been found necessary to thin them out, trappers and hunters are waging a war of extermination on these valu- . able animals beyond the limits of the park. This northland is such a net- lflt .fURâ€" ANIMAL‘s- ‘ Fast- 'm:.:.‘ .r Mn: . “3H,, .. ,. 7 'ufi‘i -‘i>bl(i j-‘ -x L}. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilm. honey Urgently Needed-l Their lot was never an easy one, even under favorable conditions. They had to strn 316 along through sheer hard work and nd-to-mouth pinching and scraping. Then came the blow. The husband was stricken down with tuberculosis. The wife was left‘with four little ones to keep.‘ But she faced the future bravely, buo ed up by the hope that some day her has and will come back. In the meantime, she has to go out wushino‘ and cleaning every (in and then force beratired-out body to do lid: own Work at nights. ’ Cases of this kind are numerous. They always call for prompt relief. ‘ For unless consumption is quickly treated its terrible --?v~f'm’v"!:"l': - ~ '2‘3782~‘7.. , erg-r. ice. is?! my": - effects hurt many beyond the first victim. At this moment money is urgently needed so that medicine, nourishment, and treat» ment may be taken to sutl‘erers. “70 im- lore you to contribute something NOW. lease don’t delay ; the situation is serious. Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives will be gratefully Lckzmwledged by W. J. Gage, Chairman Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, work of waterways and, forest fast- . nesses that it forms an ideal breeding ground for all the well known fur? bearers. Beaver, otter, fisher, marten, mink, muskrat and lynx thrive here to perfection and‘produee fur not to be equalled, much less excelled, any- .::-.r unseat-c : «Inn-".2711. riihlrsfm ' r. 1 r9739" 4‘; n.‘ _ . r ’I ~ . . l =‘ - . â€"____'.â€"_..______-______..â€"_..______..â€"~_.â€"_.__. g _ um, , vzwgsgmfiwsfiy‘ .» .V where else on the continent. Before g ’f, R- Dunbar» Secretary- Treasurer, 347 1118 days of steel 'traps and white " ,.= r: 1- r _: . - . E (“"3 8mm W63“: Toronto. Wrappers, with their 'chemically-pre- {- % ' - I-' ’ w -. .lhll. l'l - »_ __ x r: s ,Tm: I , 1:. I l llllfl't * 11:1“!- Hm I I” I!" :1. . -n-' vg I! - Info _, pared baits, the Indians were assured a"ill!||Illlulllllllllllzlllllz . .. llllllmilluhllllllllllilllllllllillIlllllllllllllll:hlllillllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllillllIllllllllllllllllhalllllllllllIllII!Illllllhllhlllhllllll llllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllll {of a good catch even with their primiâ€" I . . - ‘tive dead-falls and snares. But those E: f. . - . - 1 ' - T a ' A A. ‘7 ~ \ .' ‘. ~ A ~ ~ .- v I _ ldays have passed never to return, um g The deccrann,D of: your walls is (1111... a prob em. You Want 1., 1M FM”, m MM,” f ' ' less the whole country is protected them to be pleasmg 1n color and appearance so: as to. make Fenem NH Md“? my 1 , m 4 in like manner to Algonquin Park, and o F . g”? M- “ A ~ r ‘ i . i . that, of course, _ is Impossible_ The l. a suitable background for your furniture and psgbtlteo. Wheat, Sam M ml, 800. to 82 h ' ' 1 hi (1 = , -, , _ _ , Wheat- full. n. so 1: rise muthinpnecesgg 5h: mini: . So the ideal wall finish should be artistic m‘texture and colormg, absolutely sanitary, and capable of being . .wheat: spring. 7 to 50 L‘ as grea y er a ' cleaned if necessary with soap and waterâ€"and durable-to avoid a too frequent expense for rcdccorating. ' € ' Barley, per bushel. 50 to 60 of trappers._ These men usually select ‘3‘ . v. Oats, per bushel‘ 38 tn 40 'theil‘ hunting grounds early in the Wall papers do not meet all these requirements, the patterns and designs fade, the papers themselves 901150, Per busllf‘l- 751‘“ 1-00 f "fall, build one or more camps, accord- ,3 collect dust and germs and cannot be properly cleaned. Sanitary experts have provcn that any kind of wall 7: ' ing to the number of traps they in- paper is unsanitary, and the custom of applying new paper over the old, affords a breeding place for germs. butter, pér po'un’d‘ 27 t“ 23 [tend to enfpzoy’ and hm? in thin Kalsomine and other water paints, While clean and sanitary, have not the necessary permanency. They ._ figgfpgirtggfgqglgo(£1188 {supplies by canoe' Far eyond t e need frequent renewal and often rub off on ones clothingâ€"smudges and finger marks cannot be washed off . Hides, $9.00 to $10 3 .last outpost of civilization they pitch satisfactorily. . , Hogs, live, $7.50 to $900 , 'their camps. and when every lake and - . . . V . Beef, $19 to $11 stream is locked in the icy letters of The product that meets every requirement is Sherwin-Williams Flat-tone, a. durable, flat-drying oil paint . Sheepsltrins, to 80 Winter, ply their trade without let or made in a variety of twenty-four beautiful shades, the selection of expert decorators. W001, 10 to 23 This fimSh can be " ; Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Flour, Winnipeg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $9.60 Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.F5 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.25 to $1.80 Shorts, (10., $1.25 to $1.35 Mixed Chop, (10.. 6‘1.45 to $1.55 Corn Chop, do.. $1.00 to $1.65 Barley Chop. 1.45 to 1.50 Oat Ghop, $1.50 to $1.60 Crushed Oats, $1.55 to $1.65 _ hindranca While mink, marten and washed with soap and water, and will last for years. , some other furs may be taken dur- ' ing certain months, the takingof beaver and otter is strictly prohibited. But the big prices to be obtained for these is a standing inducement to many to violate the law. Particularly is this the case near the Quebec boundary, as in that Province beaver and otter may be sold provided ‘the trapper is'prepared to swear they were taken in Quebec. Such a trifling matter . j l as perjury is of no consequence to , _ _ ‘ . these pelt pirates, who take the oath l is to put a Stop to their depredauons ' Come and see us about Sâ€"W Flat-tone. It is put up in liquid form ready for use. Ask for a color card of ‘ ' ‘ W. J. HEARD HARDWARE, PAINTS, OIL'S, ETC. Phone 13 FENELON FALLS -n. . ...'_--_. 1..,.' -. r 1012 Expriments With Dogs ;J-‘ e‘b": o‘s WV ‘H‘vi'v v3 V'VIVV'E'VW‘V‘V '0 9-: V's" 'uai‘:;l;â€"‘.-';~t~ ‘:‘fii.syfigiyiriciq'xejmu, . sax. ~ N .. ~ . _ .~_. , " 'Eho King of Rangoeâ€" “ BUCK’S HAPPY THOUGHT " .gch'vr‘ .‘ By experiments with dogs ke t .and sell their furs in this way when- [for the “me "being" Even the confls‘ awake for p, .. , u n f h I . t h d 59"91‘31 days two Freucn even their catch warrants a trip across 5 ca. 0 0 a w‘ o 9 Season 3 ca c 098 I scientists demonstrated that both . ii? “the boundary. To follow these men l<n°t seem to discourage them, for they to their forest fastnesses is almost return to the work new Season With, 32.: his ‘ nerve cells and muscles lack oxyger "EHE day has gone. past when tired and secrete a poisonor- when a wise women A .‘11 districts they are working in. But 'WhiCh' once experienced! has 3’1 irre‘ although they may be reached Decaf lsistible attraction for some men. They . impossible in winter. although the Imore experience and added care. 5 acid. will put up with an inferior “fleets of the Game and Fisheries There seems to be a strange fascin- . ~M__ N“ f} cookfiag apparatus. Sheba. Department may know very well the iation about this life in the wilds heard of new veterans The "fizzy-pl. .rz ! . L'- ._£ionany it is quite another matter to trollow it year in and year out until é GGHappy r? asecure evidence sufficient to convict {Seumatlsén [or deaéllll patsba Stop to f; , t,’ _. . eir wan er ngs.â€" e 10 e. 5 E h h .q rtnem, and the best that can be done I K The Be” Telephone COmPany of Can_ . 011,3 " ads. is soon to priuta new issue of its R ' , _ ; Oflicinl Telephone Directory for the ’9' g8, "‘9 Corrugated 0V9. ii 'I" . NV district including FENELONFALLS and her neighbors tell her what it will do. ' O .. If by chance you do not know the merits of The “Happy 55: Thought” you owe it to._yourself to investigate. See the Range, Parties who comtemplate becoming look into the firebox and fines. weigh the covers, note the patented Subscribers. or those who wish changes dampers, the ventilated. illuminated oven. the corrugated oven plates, ,_ in their present entry should place their . and all the different features that .make this Range so different and orders With the local manager at once \ so superior. to insure insertion in this issue g You don’t know true houSehold comfort if you don’t know .- . u Connectlng Companles WW 3.5-: Should also report additions and Write the Manufacturers for Illustrated Cafafogue. , changes in their list of subscribers, Mg?“ The WM. CO.."‘§§.§§&rmnn either to the local manager, or direct to the Advertising and Directory Depart- ... ,1 lilli'll'l'iill' .31“. I ‘ llllllllllll'lllullllfifll - ates .i ‘1‘: y,- j“. Vl’: “Corson’s” are ex- clusively found on the dressing tables of discriminating gentlewomen.They "Ideal Orchid" Pom‘md“ prefer C 0 rs o n’s ment, Montreal, we” muse °f the M THE B :LL TELEPHOliE COMPANY violet Bouquet cate refinement and " \ _ OF CANADA the charm of the exclusive Corson odors. Poinsettia Lily of Valley Sold by all drugg-z'sts. USIHESS GOLLEGE SDVBRBXGN PERFUMES LlMITBD Tommo. om.- » 6 . Yonge McGill Sts., Toronto, Out, 188 the puzpecr high grade Business .chool oi‘ .annda. Under new man- hll llllllll II I III I = - - - r w i 'l‘ ILIL'ldzl‘Ha‘Hfl:ll‘lilll‘lellglgfllalg’~Ia‘l' agemenb It 13 (10mg better “011‘ than ever. Write us it you want to pre- pure for a good position. Henry C. I semen shamans E \Vurd, Principal. mum-mm w axon-mu Furniture delivered toyour home at LESS THAN CITY PR] 0193 Druggist and Stationer, Fenelon Falls. SOLD BY G. F. VIOARS i Marble and Granite illnnumenlsl Still doing busiuess in the same stand but not in the same old way. We ad- vance with the times and are in a posi- tion to do better work than over. New designs, new granites, new and improved tools and methods, in fact, the most up- to-date Marble and Granite works in this part of Ontario. Get our prices and see our designs before purchasing. W e will be pleased to figure on what you will need Air‘t‘fl‘z 933;}??- in supplies, or the whole contmct. ' F. C. T AYLOR. Lindsayi’ianlemrh 7” " E ‘t' l; i. {if S ima. $8 On new buildings consultus. Or give us your order for Doors, Sash, Interior FlfllSll, Yourun NO RISK. Call and see our goods. 8. i8". Gainer. FENELON FALLS. ....v":pwi,l . . SEE OUR P PER ROBT. CHisBERs, PROP. WALL A s m...“ .‘r .._...-x .

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