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I was depressed and low spirited and found it difï¬cult to collect my thoughts, while at times I was troubled with stiffness in the joints. My appetite was ï¬tful, and I had heart flutterings that added to my fears. My twin brother, who had used, Dodd’s Kidney Pills and got great beneï¬t from them, advised me to use them. The ï¬rst two boxes did me so much good that I got two more, and they completed my cure. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills are the right remedy for Kidney trouble.†Every person who has two or sick Kidneys. The right remedy for Kidneys is Dodd’s Kidney Pills. If you don’t know it out of your own experience, ask your neighbors. a sick Y >“ ARE YOU EASY TO LIVE WITH? People Insist'ou Having Their Own ' Way Too Much. The fact that a man or woman is easy to live with does not indicate without question that he or she is in posts-eassion‘of all the virtues in the calendar, but it is pretty safe wagering that the one who is hard to live with has a few vices, and rather serious ones, too. Of course we know there are some people who areyery hard to get along with, who claim that the reason is that they are uncompromising in their principles; Iloluk do not get along with them because these same folk are too easy-going and slip-shod. But that explanation has very sel- dom see-med convincing. Not alâ€" over a contempt-ible vice into the semblance of a respectable virtue. Unless you are a. great exception to the rule, and the chances are that vou are pot, you are hard to ’get along with because you insist , on having your own way, and give too little consideration to other people. And that attitude toward life in general is not a virtuous one ' byany means. Of course every one should be unyielding when it comes ï¬) a, matter of principle, but there is a vast difference between stand- ing 11p for a principle and just standing up for having your own ï¬vay. - ' We, are told of a certain woman who made it the sum of all her praying for herself that she might be made easy to live with. Per- haps she did not go farenough in her praying, but just the same if that prayer was answered for every one there would be a great many cranks made over into something useful, and this would be a vastly more of Mr. Mapp’s symptoms has . ways, perhaps,..,but certainly as a Iiiéléicerg.Bm: “119, it is an a'tt’em'pt to'w'h‘lltewa'sh you write'Natlonal.DruR' & Chemical ‘*"'-. ' (“2'37" AT THE AUTEUIL RACES. A Startling New Suit. This startling checked suit cre- ated considerable attention at the Auteuil (France) races, March 29th. It .13 of closelyâ€"woven black and white material, with the new bias ovcrsklrt and cordings. The collar, cuffs and gaiters are of grey. Elli PIllS ridâ€"won Read What Mrs. Harris Says About Them. ‘ Mrs. T. Harris of Tyneside. knows all about GIN PILLS. “I am now taking my third box of GIN PILLS,†she‘ writes. “The pain across my back and kidneys has almost on- tirely gone. I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism, but it has all left me. I stroneg advise all women who suffer from Pain In_'I‘hc Back and \Veak to try GIN PILLS.†6 for $2.50. Sample free Ont. Limited. Toronto. >14 A GREAT TUNNEL. Co. of Canada, The C.P.R. Is Spending Millions in British Columbia. Advices received at Canadian Paciï¬c headquarters indicate that the work of the great tunnel in the West is proceeding rapidly. Eleven hundred feet on the east side have been driven, about 50 per cent. of the approach has been cut on the west end. Mr. J. G. Sullivan, who is the chief engineer for the West, and. who goesabout planning for work and seeing that. when planned it is efficiently carried out, has jusnt returned from a visit to the tunnel, which he states is being proceeded with in a most vigorous and suc- cessful manner. Mr. Sullivan states that this programme will mean, for the year, at least, $30,000,000 of outlay. 'A great part of this money will be‘spent in British Columbia pleasant-er place to live in. on the doublewtrack work; but there ,1, - are also about 60 miles of new line 7 to be laid on the prairie. Rails- and ii. ties will be a..big item; the work on 1, . _ the tunnel w11.l call for large outâ€" lay-s; while the double-tracking alâ€" ways postulates bug disbursement-s. There is Trouble Ahead. All this work, as Mr. Sullivan Constantly on their feet. attending pomts out, IS part of the old proâ€" to the wants of a large and exacting family, women often break down with nervous exhaustion. In the stores, factories, and on, a form are weak, ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache and bearing down pains. Such suffering isn’t natural, but it‘s dangerous, because due to diseased kidneys. . V The dizziness, insomnia, deranged menses and other symptoms of kidney complaint can’t cure themselves, they require ,the assistance of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills which go direct to the seat of‘ the troublg " To ell-t Vitality and power to the kidneys, to lend aid to the bladder and liver, to free the blood of poisons, probably there is no remedy so suc- cessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. For all womanly irregularities their merit is well known. Because of their mild, soothing, and healing effect, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are safe, and are recommended for girls and women of all ages. 25 cents per box at all dealers. Refuse any sub- stitute for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. grammeâ€"if it can be called old. It \was provided - for last year. It is part of a great plan which is to be lgraduallny realized, from ye. r to l year, until; it is all completeâ€"a. plan which contemplates the entire double-tracking of the entire ‘sysâ€" tour. This alone would take years and many millions of dollars. The work, bowlers-r, will be prosecuted with steady perseverance. \Vhen realized, it will be the big- gest undertaking of modern times. ' hse Canadian limits has 8 . authe- orc flow, from $50,000,000 0 $100,- 000,000 in. the West in a single sea- son. It has moderated its outlay this year, for 1914 will not be a year of thrills. It is not without interest to know that Mr. J. G. Sullivan was the ï¬rst assistant engineer to Mr. Stevens when the latter was in charge of the Panama Canal before the advent of Colonel Goetllrals. Quite a. number of important railway men were at CHINESE Dinners. Paris Cravcs for Puppies Boiled In Oil and Shark’s Fins. The latest product of the Parisian Cravmg for the bizarre‘isito dine a lo ch-inoise. _Gay citizens love experimenting \vlth freak d'ishcs. ‘ ’ Every year a new delicacy .makes its appearance Prevent Snn blemishes grace: the table art, ep’icui‘earri Reyi Ion parties. ’ Panther steaks ,'- ' camel cutlets and roast boa-constrictor have had their vogue in past years, and though it rarely happens that these delicacies are appreciated by those who are able and willing to pay for them, such a dish is re- garded now as a gastronomic neâ€" cessity at the festive season. Then there is tihxeiannual luncheon of the, Paris Zoological Society, where the preparation of the bill of fare must require a very fertile imagination, and the" meal itself a specially adapted palate and the di- gestion of an ostrich. Roast arma- drillo and Chinese- rice wines were the mainstay of the last luncheon, and the event-always furnishes the newspapers with plentiful “copy.†The latest ‘culixnary extravagance is a dinner consisting entirely of di-s‘hes eaten in the Flowery East. Puppies boiled in oil, sharks’ ï¬ns, and swallows’ mes-ts do not ï¬gure on the menu, however, for, accord- ing to latest reports, such delicacies are no longer favored by the Celes- tial aristocracy. The real Chinese cuisine is distinguished by"-its “dis- cretion.†According to a promiâ€" nent Paris chef, it is “delicately strange,†instead of being barbaric and absurd. . It resembles some- what Italian fare, but without its heaviness. v They do,so much to promote and maintain {the purity and beauty of the complexion, hands and hair un- der all conditions, and are unexcelled in purity, delicacy and fragrance for . the toilet andnursery. ' Cutlcum Soap and Ointment are sold throughout , the world. . A llbcrnl sample or each, with 32-page booklet on the cure and treatment of the skln and scalp, sent. post-free. Address Potter Drug 5; Chem. Cox-1).. Dept. 0K. Boston. U. S. A. .. work on the great ditch in positions of great responsibility and trust; and it is related of Mr. Edward J. Williams, paymasxter 0f the Chicago and North Western Rail-way, that when he was disbursing ofï¬cer at the Canal he paid out $250,000,000. .. >74 A >I< llnvlllne llmls Neuralgh, ill-lugs Relief Instantly No Remedy Like Old “Nerviline†to Cure Pain or Soreness. That terrible acneâ€"how you fairly reel with ltâ€"ethat stabbing, burning neuralgiaâ€"~what misery it causes. _ Never mind, ou don’t have to suffer llZed tillat, thanks to ('1- be'bli-er k-nO\V- _use Nerviligye’ it’s a sure cure_ Not ledge-of sanitation and hygiene, an experiment, because nearly forty people are livmg much longer than years Of \Vonderflll Success has made formerly. Quite recently the Lon- a name for N?TV111119 amfmg t1}? D80- dmi Times recorded the death of ten ple of many d1fferent nations. There Pc't’ogen'a'ma‘ns m Ongflfllh Sever} .be‘- headache than old-time ‘Nerviline, mg WO'men- An e'ml'n'e‘nl? Physwla'n writes Mr. G. C. Dalgleish, from Ev- says that “the essential cause of anston. “It is so powerful and pene- death is a wearing out from over- Hating that it Seems to eat. up an)†work of our brain cells. W'oémen 133mm a miPUte- N n, _, may be just as brainy as men, bmt3 get along Without erv me. We ral- they do not work their brain eclls ways keep the 50c' family Size home «.â€" Inulics Live Longer. Shall we ever revert to the days when men and women lived to well over ï¬ves-core years? It is possible. Doctors of toâ€"da’y have already rea- 3n , handy on the shelf, and use it to end as Vlgm‘Oll‘Sly 01' as Contlml'OUSly as chest colds, sore throat, coughs, car- do their male relatives. If they (lid ache, toothache and pain in the back. there would n‘m, be 5.0 great, a, dis- My wife swears by Nerviline. For .' ' ,n , of 1.1-8 . cramps its effect is astonishing and Efsgltgeégsthe 1e gth t 0f the we believe it lsebctter and speedier than any other household family rem- edy.†>74 “So Paddy’s still on strike 2†“Yes. First he struck work, then he» struCk the boss, then a ‘copper,’ and now he’s striking lumps of stone in jail.†Cheap Form. Of Insurance's... You are insured against corns. and .Lr‘pelyt se’luce' . bunions by the purchase of a, single The Dinerâ€"What s the idea. of 25c. bottle. of Putnam's Com Ex- serving all my'orders under glass tractOr; it cures painlessly In 24 hours. covers? Miss Guided. “Why do you call him a misguidâ€" ed you-th l†asked the Boob. ' “He’s engaged to be married,†replied the Grouch. Liniment in the house. Try Putnam‘s Extractor. 250. at all The \Vaitel.__T.he glass covers 'dealers' ’3 I magnify, sir, and make the portions ‘ . look larger. j No Change. 7 . Only One “BROMO comma" To get the genuine. call for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE.» Cures “How does the po‘or woman sup- port herself in her affliction at los- ing her hquand 2†, 9. Cold in One Day. 25c. “I suppose the same way she sup- ‘ ported herself all the time he- was Oversight. living. †howls all night! _ _ . Dealerâ€"Have you tried Slttdng 11p Minard’s Linlment used by Physicians. and entertaining him, sir? Automania. Little Girl (to druggisty_Ma‘ wants to know will you trust her for 10 1-cent stampsâ€"she wants to send away some postal photographs of our new automobile. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes ~Soothes E 0 sin. ‘Dru gists Sell Murine E e emedy, Liqui , 25c, 50c. Murine ye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. [Lu be funk Good for All Even that Head Out. Murine Eve Boned: Co.. Chicago His Prescription. “And how long, doctor, should I stick to this plain, inexpensive diet which you recommend '2†“Whyâ€"~erâ€"until my bill is paid.†_______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"._. Begging the Quest-ion. “I have come to consult you,†she said to the prominent lawyer. “What is the trouble?†' “I have received three proposals of marriage, and I do not know which to accept.†“Which has the most money?†“Do you imagine,†she asked, ' “that if I knew I would consult you or any other lawyer?†Mlnard’s Llnlmeut Co.. Limited. I was very sick with Quinsy and thought I would strangle. I used MINARD’S LINIMENT and it Cured me at once; I am never without it now. Yours gratefully. MRS. C. D. PRINCE. Nauwlgcwauk, Oct. let. g r A Fight for Principle. Why did you oppose that motion at our meeting?†asked one. lady. “Oh, I had nothing against the (disgustedly) â€"â€" Wthat motion. But the member who made Manager would you do if you had a half-bak- ed fellow like that in your ofï¬ce? the ï¬rst chance I have had to get Callerâ€"I’d give him the ï¬re. ‘ even.†with the approach of Christmas is nothing speedier to end Neuralgicchm-CER. 1 My family couldn’t A S-mith-eT-hat dog I bought of you: or Granulated E ellda. Doesn’t Smart 1 All ready baked to a nicely ; whole, mealy and full flavored. Heating only is necessary. 10 in the barn. You can't prevent Spavin, Riugbou e, Splint, or Curb from putting your horse in the burn but you can prevent these troubles from keeping- horses in the barn very long. You can get when e at an druggists at $1 :‘r‘n'ottlefl for 5‘s. and Ken all’s willcurc. ’l‘housuudsoffarmers and horsemen will say so. Our book “Treatise on the horse" free. of: Dr. B. J. KENDALL C9... Enos-burg Falls, V2. mums†'3 FARMS FOR SALE. ' ‘ H. w. DAWSON. ulnoty Coxborm Street, Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY‘OR. SELL .A Fruit. Stock. Grain. or Dairy Farm. _. write H. W. Dawson. Brampton. 0? 99 " Colborne St. Toronto. V - "aw. 'onwsou, Catherine. St. Tacoma; \ I .__â€".â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"‘ n NEWSPAPERS eonâ€"‘s'us, 00D \VEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN 1, York County. Stationery and BOOK Business in connection. Price only $4,000. Terms liberal. ‘ \Vilson Publish- ing Company. 73 \Vest Adelaide Street. Toronto. __________...__._â€" MISCELLANEOUS. NION GROXVERS,>GET LITERA- ture re onion weeders. R. G. Bruner, Olinda, Ont; . , . TUMORS. tours, um. I †internal and external. cured wlth. V out pain-by our home treatment. write us before too late. Dr..Bellmau Medical Co.. Limited. Collinzwond, Ont. . Fractions Versus Fact. 7 Teacher (explaining fractions) â€"â€" Suppose now, Willie. you; had eight little boys visiting you and you had only one apple; how much would each little boy‘ get? Willieâ€"Wouldn’t get any. I’d wait till they’d all gone home and eat it myself. _.â€"â€" A Hopeful Outlook. “Are you satisï¬ed with the jury 'l†“he asked his lawyer when the†twelfthman had been accepted. “Yes. It’s one of the toughest looking juries I ever saw.†" o V~O .- ‘ Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s I'rlem‘l Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days 'lsts refund money if IfAZO gillvgï¬llENT falls to cure Itching. blind, or Protruding Piles. First. application gives relief. 60c. Her First Visit. . Mrs. Yo-ungbrideâ€"I’d like some ï¬sh please. What are these in the barrel? _ ’ Clerkâ€"Salt mackerel, ma am.' Mrs. Youngbrldeâ€"Are they quite fresh? Ask for Minera’a and take no other. . Lord St-athcoua’s Maxims. Be content with your lot, but al- ways be ï¬tting yourself for some- thing higher. Only cheerful perse- ., ,verance will bring you to a better position; grumbling won’t help you lan inch. Do the work yourself; , [don"t depend upon the influence of - friends on your behalf. Opporu trinity comes to some men more frequently than to othersfbut there are very few it does not meat at some time or another. Follow the old counsel: “Trust in Provide-nee and keep your powder dry.†._‘_._‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"3 Dr. Horse’s Indian Root Pills are made according to a formula in use nearly a century ago among the Indiana, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- ' tempts have been made, by physl- Claus and chemists, it has been found impossible to improve the formulaor the pills. Dr. Morsc’s Indian Root Pills area household remedy through- out the world for C6nstipatlon and all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly and effectively, and ‘9 it opposed a motion of mine and it’s Cleanse the system ‘-AAA.AA