. .. 4...... -. U...‘ «- Mr w - :1 M ... ,. .....,..« mu. ingfl’i‘él-‘WQJE-‘p-w 0.... realm .J. ,-....v ~<~.-»n.-.~ - .n«.,...u...r~ V. 1.. ...,-... . .... ._.___ _... .-- F1233}, laughter and applause. Followian is the road be 13ft as Planted- Q'mll I SUN MON TUE Imu SAT the cast: explained that their proposed by-lnw III I. Sister Angelcnkc,Master of the Lodge, ordered 8'" POIWI t“) 139 “Gt further III i I I lll 1 I Miss McKendry. than 6 feet from t to fence nor nearer ‘â€" K E E P Y Sister Gossip, ngh-Back Jelly Mixer, than three feet to the road ditch. All : I r I 8 I second in command, Mrs. E. Chambers. companies must comply with the by- {It . - 1 1 Sister Busybody, Most Refulgcnt Pin- law. Mr. J Brown, treasurer of STOCK T HRIF TY iills I Sinker LonesomeI Royal Peek AbooI granted, the Company to conform to . Mrs. Minthorne. the bylaw and other statutes regard- Sister Blueblood, Miss E. Webster. innr l'ozu‘l obstruction; motion by Messrs. Mrs. Padlock and Mrs. Ipccuc, Candi? L90 and Mark. Jï¬e Jenefon Gates Eugene. cushion, Mrs. W. Welsh. - 116] [â€"2 Ingisrbeauflgnï¬al’ glfmt‘l‘l'c (gig? permission for the use of the roadsides l l \ I ’ 2 M rs. (Dr.) Gould. . By using Dr. Hess’ Stock Foods. dates, Mrs. M. Calder and Miss Abbott. The following other motims were Sister Backbite and other members 0! passed ; the Lodtre, Mrs. Jas. Lamb, Mrs. C. , ,{_I I . ', I , , smith. Misses Tilly Patten. E. Townioy. Mi" ‘ee’ Th“ the 'ee‘e “‘1 FRIDAY, MAY 1,I191I-'l. Fully Guaranteed. _._.._‘ AgQuigg‘ E, pearCCIGI McpmqandI eat-h c‘oundllor be cunuiissioners to - . - Juvenile Visitor and Recitor, Miss , expend the Si“? Of $25) 0" the “lads * Perdue_Peacey_ " Bessie Lamb. " I I " of the township, andtlmt A. C. Hore , l ’ I V , ._.__.,. . ' - Policeman, Mr. Les. McKendry. be appointed ‘by council to expend on ,' 1. . .I ' . . v †'il. ‘. .. ."s' .‘i' ;I I . _ . At Port Dalhoume, on April 15th, The farce_comedIvI ;. Whiskers .,__also the mu 3 of f: S No I such sums 13 ï¬g - , ordered b ' the rceve Mr. H - ' - JOhn lexandel‘ PelduIe: 5013‘ Of the agreat successâ€"showedawe]! balanced ceive the {ISM} comm’iqgion‘v 'oxe to 1e . > i , v I x xx . . late Peter PBIdue and M18. Perdue, cast of “fan. “,omen and brave men] . ' N D ' Fenelon Falls: “fag united in the hOIy Each. performer was cxaellently suited inbfgggféngfasmrw‘ég123‘,ryIIaj $6 A I & C I- . ' . l‘ ' I bonds .Of Inaï¬rlmonx tovEt-l-lel Jane to the part, an'd"t'lie play“ was Bllfl0t¢¢i§0renoinu motioï¬â€˜s‘;,G]atinIrltgllfl?d e .I .. , . . I. . .- l -- Peacey’ thud .d‘tughter. 9f .with much spirit, affording the audience ' ’3 ° b m" ex. . ‘ . -Mrs.vWIa.lter Peuceyof Port Dulhousm.: ' » penditure. The wedding was very.quiet, and was r . an . l . ‘tz' . ' g mt mscment The cab Bylaw passed, Signed and sealed, I I I I I I .I « solemnized in_ St. Church ah Mghï¬hirGldll‘dllhs.’ about to be marued MIrI‘pILeeblfllï¬sephfun 1,. b .t} l, ‘ . » t i ‘ -. - ’ ‘ ' high "00;; .tlI‘I? R¢°t¥£ Re“ R†Fer" Parker Glenn, his best man, Mr. 0.. [hectic )p-lgu-l’nupléllï¬sge :er dfy I I . . - .. a I a , '- ~ ,3 I I I , . -. x bgsoné Qt “allay '1 tï¬re . ‘V92‘ji..';°‘ ICUlbel‘t- I . I y ,- " lcouncillorsatteiziadinnr meetinn’s of coun- i, I _ .- v r . - > a an s, an (my 9 1min 1“ 6 John PhelszuS millionaire unclc,Mr.. ,1. Q3 ,- I » 1°31 , ° . . 3' ~ ‘ . I .I I: relatives were present. The bride Was Leslie chenm-y. I - . _. l9} at 7! ‘l‘t‘imt "†“391 ‘1’“ Passed: z . . » .- I -» - I given away by hex. father, and looked - Mabel I Adams, bride I to boII Miss I I Signed and sealed, Mr. -Mark in the I I " I_ - II: _ I' ‘V ' 10ver in her travelling suit of blueII ICzu‘lcyq I I - . 917m“ ,' -, ._,1 . _ ,‘ ' I - r ' I v I serge, with white hat with soft ostrich Inez Adams, maidVIof IIhoInor, MiSsA‘i .I I.I1I\1*â€'1F“$"}1bh$°“: “lat “fllffld Ha‘ I " .' .' _ b1. wt d . plume trimming, Iand white mambou . , . - I I. v.er be “Ppmnt'ed. pathmaste“ 1“ place g. May be warning I you every day of. then: II ma 1 ity .. o. o. IIstoléI and carrying $5011un of lilies nglss Sarah Adams, their aunt, Miss A. ofIJus. IHavei-Iy, and that Fred. Jones l without help. Just What help they need can,0NLY be of the valley. Miss GertrudeJIohnson 01.5â€. ,. V r .. .beappomted III-Place 0’5 Geo-1311116†{I . . I . . . - , -I I 18‘ d MI d 18 h“: ddir'] ’ march ,‘II‘QDCIS, EULGL Evelynv brldesm‘llds’I , Leeâ€"«Mark, That M.VV. Memes a; determined, by scientiï¬c examination. V . p ye , Ien 0,80 s e g , Misses R. Austin, L. Warren, H. Heard. math-1) 40 .d f , V I ' ' I ' I I I I II , _I IV'I V _ I V . {18 the bII‘IldgfeiIlIItIered the Ichudrcla-leenr -’ Annam Colored maid, Miss DE‘DiclisonJ‘ e" onus on 10 8 “He ence’ :3". -- I. .- ,V . V V . .. . i - a m 'on er 2i ersarmmn .' um" -- - ’ - - '.' ’ - ' ' " ' ‘ I‘ I ‘ T H E M I thg signing of theregister, “0 Perfect A-v pleasing featuro'of the programme _-‘ S'nIltllSOnTMi‘rki That 'the fonP‘V‘ N N L E I Love.†1 After the ceremony a. dainty was the song “Caller Herrin' †in“ cos- }â€3 blns be'and '3 13- Hand: Pl'lnt' ' l: ' I " ' ' ‘ wedding breakfast was served at the tume by a Scotch-lady, Mrs. McKay. “'g 100 “wines; 'Wn'e fence b)"l“-‘": It I I I ‘ ‘ V ' i » ‘ home ofthe bride’s parents,» Ann»St., The other vocaliSts’; wlioiÂ¥contribiited $2250 1mm?» dImWIQIg 82103413 03' f secure a o'f‘peII-fectly ï¬tting lenses and relieve: the Iafter which .Mr.Iand Mia's, 'PerdueI left much ItQ’thbllC'OGSS of the evening were Stone 'OnIIneWIIl‘erfm'bx'ldge, 2524769 3 {I troubleI ' I I I ' ' ' . II on the 2.47 train 'for eastern pOIHts. the Misses Alice Suggitt and Della. Dey< GSâ€- gagl‘m} brl‘IShmg on quarter lmeI Timely attention may aYert‘f‘uture'miseriYg .UPW their return they'm“ reSIde 1“ mm“ the ‘13-“- V- H- A' French and MP» 0°†et‘me" obs 10 and 11’ $6’60’ vStLCnthurines. The bride was the. I .I . . _ , recipient of many beautiful gifts, some V I ' ~r - - - ' ' ' ' oflth‘em coming from old Scotland, and - v ‘ . some ver handsome silver from the . coast. The good wishes for a long and 7 - ' "happy life journey go’ with Mr. and . Mrs. Perdue from many in both Port and Cityâ€"St. Catharines Standard. Cormyca. 'Piano, solos by Miss Patton Ht VV- JOImS‘m’ Seamh Of'rengt‘ZY 0f‘ and Mr. W. Armstrong were much en- ï¬cIe'and expenfle- $5 3 Smithson, joyedI ' MrSI 'IFrenchI Miss' LI Corbett hl‘lp. to Long Point, "re inulding road, and Miss Patton acted as accompanists. $2 3 Tompkumx do" Hr. a}... ._-. anâ€... ofï¬ce of chairman, and in a happy little loum to “3530‘? at Cameron Mondays speech tendered the thanks of the ofli- May 25th: “3 Court Of Rem-319“ 0f the / 121'- . OPT iCIANS . who had so kindly _assisted with the business: 0-. ' I . . Fenelon Fans comm-n _I programme. The proceeds amounted to I °*' 9-. FOOTIIIDF-‘KENT $7., LINDSAY; . ' I about $55. ,, V V W...C.T. U. . " _- VI.I- I * V ._ . ~ . ’ ~ I‘ 'I V . 3 _ - v ' m" The W. C. ’F.U.' will hold their regular- . 97SIchlail meetinglof glecounccilléhpril Personal. I meeting in Jordan's hall at 8- p. m. on, .. t . , resent, tie ceve an ,oun- Monday, May 4th. Everybody welcome~ MORE AUTOS. cillors Johnston and Taylor. I Mrs. Jas. Byrncll and Mr. Edward A letter was read from the Hon. English attended on Wednesday in To. . \i’ ‘3 ,I In 5. chased a. Ford and the latter a Hops Miss Annie Smitherani of' Lindsay mobile.‘ ' is visiting friends at the runs. I I Mrs. E. Brown of Gait is visiting her HQUSe l0 Ren’t, Furniture for Sale. mother, Mrs. H. Pearce. ‘ . â€"â€"-- I Miss Rhoda McKinnon of Cannington House t9 rent 0," Flu‘nms Street Wes“ . ., , and quantity of 1i urniture for sale. Call- spent the weekâ€"end With Miss-E._Pea.1'ce. afternoonSI M RSI SWANTONI Mrs. Geo. Duwkins of Belleville is the r l ‘ guest of the Misses Abbott. - ‘- - The examination results in the Science I Department of Queen’s University have just been announced. In the ï¬rst year On BnndSt. East : seven large rooms] Mr. Vernon Lord of Fenelon Fans takes and attic, cemented cellar. summer kit- high rank, being ï¬rst-class in three and ch?" llnd C"I“"0nie“t “utbui.ldings’ elec" - ~~ . tric lighted throughout, Wltll porches, second m three depanbments Q'f the storm and screen windows, etc. ; water, B. Sc. course. cistern, good garden, large stable and; Mrs. T. H_ Rutherffld left on Wedneg driving house, electric lighted. Apply- - ' "â€..\.‘.."l7 * day for Lindsay, where she will reside. to owner’ _ M ha I L @1115, Tenders were received from E. Lans- ï¬eld and M._Lansï¬eld for street sprink- ling, from J. H. Brandon .and W." E. Austin for send, and from R. Jackett, J. Aldous, W'. E. Austin and J. H. Brendon for gravel. _ Moved by IVIi-.J=ohnston, seconded by Mr. Poulsom, That the following accounts be paid and the reeve Sign E a K S ? H E B U D Y orders for the some ; Thos. Graham, " S W E E F - I} A Y assessing, $75 ; J. Quibell, express and . I That W. E. Aus- ï¬iesns ï¬shnets Brightens 6 fitness ’ ‘. ‘ , Co]. Sam. Hughes,IMinister of Militia, route the funeral of their sister, Mrs. DIQSSfS- G60. Isaac and Wm. MCAII'HJLII‘ , regarding breastwork south of the McKinnon, whose death occurred on have lately been added to “‘9 113‘? 0g Five“ 2 I April 27thIin that ci-t‘yI v auto owners, the former haying pur- -‘N tin’s tender for gravel, at sixty cents per yard be accepted. , Johnston â€" Thompson. in amend- .mcnt, That R. Jackctt’s tender for gravel at fifty-ï¬ve cents pcr‘ynrd be ' , accepted. , _ ‘+‘ . - . . ' ' ' s The amendment curried , F EUBIOH COMIC". ' gW***¥“¥â€Â¥â€˜%*1â€1Ҥ"X‘4â€1â€3"Z“X‘i‘*¢"‘“¥‘““* : V " . , ' ' . - ' . 9'4. I I arder a tin tinâ€"day at your grocer s or from Thompson_T,,ylorI if“, the tea, I _V-_-. I. I . . I V . yfllll‘ hardware man derI ofI Maurice Lansï¬eiil IIfor street Council. met aitCameron pursuant ' I I a. » ;.I sprinkling be accepted at 2:1.00 per to motion. 5: all present except Coun- I ,I '4’ i=1. .' Don’t askf or sweeping, compound' ' dayâ€"Carried. . . . ‘ .cillor Moines, who was absent through . I i i ' . ' . . 3: 3i, . I TnylorII-â€"â€"IIPoulsom,.ThatI.I.H.Bren- sickness. IMinutes of "lastnieeting if - ' - v V , A . 3. II‘; I I I II V I don’s tender for cement he accepted were confirmed..-“ , ' . » 5: - ' i » -» 33' - ‘ I 4 . I V I . V 'I at‘$l.55 per barrol’dcliverod to town ' "Resig'nntions from the-‘oflicoof path- of: a . S; A Y D g A E 4 Ilstorehouse.â€"â€"Od. ' I master were received from Wm. VVil- :i. I ~ _ ' ' '. v," I, ' ’ M-r. Simmons waited upon the own son, Geo.- Imrie, Henry Ruby and J as. ‘ - - ' ‘ ‘ 3“ l _ I ., . ._ » -. e V. + an t. erb'h .1 ;, . ., . 3111;363:555? $2:erch IIfrquInI Evin-EV?!» Hiery- ' 'I I t, ‘ _ Hf -. 3: 83)? ilioi‘sv oidigealignuie ids-3s??? I. , . r -. g ‘ ' ' um ‘03 on e en- ' communion ion wasreceive rom . V - ï¬nish . ' » u. ‘ _ I ' street. I ' ‘ D the township solicitor. Mr. T.Stewart, 1%: 3. .I,II . I I» - - ~ ‘ †" Johnstonâ€"Poulsom, That the 'clerk' advising settlement of; drainage dis- 3;: ‘* g, » ' notify the Grand Trunk Railway to pute between G; I‘mrieand Mr. I .-. ï¬x the approaches tothe crossing on. \V. VVehster. I I Helen streetâ€"Cd. - I Mr. R. Moran,,president of the Pal- I x I ' .. J ohnsouâ€"Thompsonh That MmTay- estine Telephone 00.. asked permission Ior be given permission to open uphis by letter to the placing of poles and l _ S i and 900. Guaranteed by the in the entertainment presented. by the ing'further instructions to all tele- I _ . ‘ ' I ’ i be exceedingly nimble, alarming even BTW-d for rrcovery. L I N D s A V I , ‘ Sister Angelcake, Most Exalted Sky- A dePUta-tion 0f ViCtOI'ia come" . 3 III I - ~ rocket, Master of the Lodge. The cur- telephone men flaking that the P0195 V ' V 2!“; FOR FLililliS IFOVR BOATS AiiD CiiNflES Comes in three-sized tins, 30, 50 “his A 9 ’4 mew “Iâ€? fl“. A Decided Success. '3 “x. I ' = Lee and Mark this request was granted, :gv reliable Varnish in the cities 0 l “ gist†Masons," a bur, for erecting their poles and wires. the company to. carefully observe the 3: Boston and Moutreal- ’ - . ' . _ lesque full of. surprises, excited interest Mr. J. Moore was Present and asked é wan paper'and Frame I I laws as to. placing; obstructions on the ingéicggggm fore comm and- The Fenelon Falls branch of the W0- mad} also that the council would †' v . I . v ' l ' ~ and continuous merrimeut from the $35 as dnmages to buggy at J- west†r I - ‘ >- , ‘ . ‘ opening sentences untilSister Busyhody- ‘my’xc‘flvert' comm“ contended it men’s Institute scored-'a,c1ccided success. PMS 51: by-law at its May meeting giv- i ' Agency 9‘" brought in the butter, which proved to “’83 "0b l'erponsible, so suit was threat NeXt Simpson House 0 '“N 9;». . I -‘ drain under the sidevmlk on Colborne wires with cross-arms on. the Fenelon wI ’ street opposite his mommyâ€"Carried. road lendingfrom Hartley in Eldon to V __I I - I- _ Cambray village. On motion of Messrs. oldest and huge“, makers of I . ‘3’ a members. and friends on'- the evening of: Ph‘me compames “Sing the road Sides A. April 24th. ' ' tam. fell; on. the scene amidst mam QfI complained of as being ‘too far out on the foregding company, asked council’s ’ |to plant the poles, which was- readily V'â€. 'v‘ - â€"-' ~ , ‘ “’WDW'K’I 11011-8“ 39qu :wyn‘Iâ€"I‘.y4y hwy-fjruy _ II 4 ' ' ' ' ‘ - I I The Rev. Mr. French ably ï¬lled the Markâ€"13684 That council now ad- A cers and members of the WV. I. to those 1914 Assessment R0“: “150/ for general . V ‘ WW“? u.» .. 5 * “Vam'jftVy‘wâ€" '</Y.;1W-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"vu~â€"â€"-â€"â€"~ In 2 fl . . {:21 1 .. _ _. -_~_mmmzrmco .v~r=“.. . nH-T «r0. r2:- . I N. . -. __ ‘ v ‘ _ .. I V V. _ .g- . I I I A “Kantwrxpu ~. »- w .