Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 May 1914, p. 4

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.I I I. . WMQTWALWWWmWFm-w Wkww m.~m'~lc a-mwawwmnuo-rmwmuw‘b $19416 smtiuwfim m1) quiz-tr «- raunn.>ac. 5. >4 “mm. .â€" ndv-v- mm.- . 4 m -n WV WWW mums:~1§:‘rsflkflu:"flflalm Provincial Grants. Powles’ Corner. .l.~-/, The Supplementary Estimates for On- tario contain the fOHOWillg grants i Mr. John S. Brown has been making Burnt River Bridge, Buckhorn Road $220 preparations for the past two years to Cardiff-Monmouth Townline bridge. 600 build a straw barn, and will build it Christian’s Creek bridge, Fenelon . 200 early in June on a Substantial founda- Dunsi’Iord bridges,Verulam, grant- . 200 tion. The timber is nearly all framed, Grass River Bridge, Stanhope . . . . . . 1,000 I The building will be about 35 feet Poverty Lake Bridge, Monmouth . . 600 ' square. For a few years Mr. Brown has Anson & Hindon Township Roads . 300' been pinched a little for stable room. ‘ i Gazette Correspondence: ' KEEP YOUR LIVE sToeK THIRIFTY' ' * s I -' Bexley Township Roads . . . . . . . . . . . 200 The petition sent in last fall to the ' I I I , - *- Buckhorn Road . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 500 Post (lfllce Department for rural mail USIDg Dr. Hess? - Stock FQOdS. Bur-leigh Township Roads . . . . . . . . 1,000 delivery has not yet borne any fruit. It ._ I II III I I I I I - .I 3H9 Jenegon gates Iga'jette. CardamCon. 1, Lots 17 and 18 . . . . . .100 will likely come some this. V . â€"~ ' I h ' ‘ ‘ ' ' _ Garden, 0011.5, from the 4th quarter I Away back in 1880 housekeepers had . Guaranteeé. FRI‘DKYI,MAY 8, 191* ‘ line north ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 to payone dollar for twelve pounds of I . d . .l . . s 4, , Garden, Con. 8, from Lot 9 north. . . 200 sugar, but they could get beefsteak for , I I I I I I I * Fishing I Cardiff Township Roads. . . . . . . . . .. 306 ."100. ' per pound. Times have changed . .I I I __ ' _ I II II Cavendish Township Roads . . . . . . . . 300 since then. G. and L. S. should-investiv ' ' r From thePeterboro Examinen ' ' " Chandos Township Roads . . . . . ._. . 600 gate the high cost of living. III I . _ , , . Dalton, Con. 1, Lots 15 to 17= . . . . . . 200 M rs. D. F. Milloy has left for the West, Cofiser‘iatlon and l'QPrOdpii‘t-‘mn are Dalton, quarter line between Con. , and will be away six months or a. year. the essentmls 0f Permanency of Supply 10 and 11, oppositeLot 25 . . . . . 100 The most ardent Conservatiues have in almost" everything, "and they apply ' 'A‘ I SI as much, if netlmbre, to fishing, as to . anything else. "Time was when. the learned that they have in Mr. N. W: " Rowell a clean, manly leader. ‘He is no Eldon and Garden Boundary-be- tween Victoria Road and the _, I. I . V , . Trent Canal .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 more political adventurer. He did not 'KIawarth?’ ‘ “'3th were htemny film Galway Township Roads . . . . . . . . . . 400 go into politics for what he eculd get )"th fish' It ‘8 mm 510 {low} Overfisl" Glamorgan Township Roads . . . . . . . 400 out of it. He was ‘urged to accept the ‘ - ' ' I, ; . - Eng the waitersfi that 18’ Illegally legit. Harvey Township Roads . . . . . . . . . l 500 provincial leadership of the Liberal I ‘ ' ~ ’ v I . lmaf‘ffl fighmg’ Is one cause 9" the ’ fie" Kirkfleld - Dalrymple Road, Garden 100 party. and to do so he was called upon , ' J " . ‘ r _ wetlon; but 3.3mm“ ‘5““39 1.8 the kin. Lutterworth Township Roads . . . . . 400 to make a. very large personal sacrifice I v . ' ’ ' - I “‘3 0f ',SP"<“’,’““g fiSh in the“..- season' Mcthuen Township Roads . . . . . . . . 250 His leadership from the commencement 3 Somethmg. hke 8‘ {armer Belling .tile‘ Minden Township Roads. 400 has been aggressive, uncompromising - l . most Of 1113. seed gram' _ PUbhfz'splnt' Monmouth Township Roads . . . . . . 400 with wrong, and above all else clean and V . w r , . 4 A ' ed Persons are locally Cll'cula'tmg' 0" Pigeon Creek'Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 manly. I I have circulated petitions to the On- Second quarter line between the 9th fparmers an busy on the 1am], House .tario Gomrnment to, provide a fish . ' . ' . ." . i. ' .V‘ t '. Bo (1,0: d ...-'100 - - - May be warning you every day of their inability to do Ihatchery for the Kawartha waters. Sherggfir’nel‘égxshmamas; 300 0“?““mg 1“ in" “’9‘?” without help. Just what help they need can ONLY be igghfigvgrggfg Osfholgfarggiéghgsg; Silver Lake Road ................ '300 ~~u-â€"â€"~~--â€"-~â€"-~â€"â€"~â€"-----~1~~â€"- ined b scientific examinatlon. . ' . Snowdon Township Roads 300 . . determ y a the Interests of fiSh supply‘ It Is the‘ SomervilleTownship Roads . . . . . 500 _.I___O 2 , . . _ Governments fault, at least, it is re SnowdonIBacon n M from the Monk V I ' ' ' i I l - r ' ' . House to rent on Francis Street West ’ E G L E T H E M , ?:;T: 1815?: 1121113 egifggnwhf knzuv: Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Grain box and other articles for sale. ’ D ' . y . Stanhope Township Roads . . . . . . . . 400 Apply to MRS- SWANTON._ I that one great cause of fish depletion D t B l N 5.2 3 335 d ' the neglect of the Government in- ysar y- aw 0' a ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ‘3 - . Eldon By-law No.410. . . ., ........ 1,000 rmmmwm w“ ..... ~.«.â€"-“,_fi_w...~....- ,. » Secure a pair of perfectly fitting lenses and relieve the trouble. I Timely attention may avert future misery. orrroiana got; fish supply, the writer saysthet the spectors to enforce the regulations in regard to fishing out of season. We have before us the letter of a gentle- man long interested in the fishing of the lakes. After referring to the over- fishing by tourists as a'Cause of lack depletion doesnot arise-so much from‘ Ethis. “as from the wicked, illegal killing.» of fish in the spring, when they come upthecreckato, spawn, We have been advised that in. the. Harvey By-law No. 327. . 375 Personal. Mr. Geo. Pearce is home from the Weston a visit. ' Mr. and ers. Walter Metcalfe and son Elmer of Lindsay spent Sunday with Mr. F. Metcalfe. . Mr. Thos. Austin, who has been. laid up withinflammatory rheumatism, [was out onMpnday for the first time HOUSE FOR SALE... : 0n Bond St. East ; seven large rooms and attic, cemented cellar, summer kit- chen and convenient outbuildings, elec- tric lighted throughout, with porches, storm and screen windows, etc. ; water», cistern, good garden, large stable and? driving house, electric lighted. Apply to owner, MRS. M. E. NEWMAN Fenelon Falls. Wiras‘m'rwawmwme v O FOOT 0F. KENT ST-,_ 7, ' creeks em t inc into lake, 'in five Weeksn ‘ «.2 . v A - " ' ; . p y D . . . so 3c ' ‘ i and 1P: the marshes aQJOlnlilg the Mn G. H, G”, M'cVity of Toronto. 3 a! farms, Waggon-loadsfif femfflex fish was at the Falls this week, accom- § I, I E? i are tifken 01“? durmg .‘th‘S (the panied by Mr N. G. Varcoe, agent of i . ’ N i Sawfly?) PEISOde lante recently, the Toronto General Trusts Ce, who 7 ' . 53; i S-Ome Ill-ems 9- P301) 6 1“ has been a ointed a trustee of the R. , ' "J ' 3. . of 0... r and? s r .9 Were engaged in this work, and 11f: D; smith. I ‘ V l 3‘ was found, 11 on invest-irration that ' ‘V " and how to save money by the use :2” . . p » r = D ’ 0+ . 5*. there. were thousands of pounds of, Of “115 Oldest {ma the Helms“ or; these fishsalted down.” U I Steamer wacoumr fimsil ,1 This cause of fish destruction is Burgoyne dz Co.’s popular. steamer, g. " ' i: , i: ' I .3“, is largely attributed to the failure of the Wacouta, has been greatly im- l + é , ' l . ‘ jthe; fishing inspectorstokeep vigilant proved this spring by the raising of g. g puts. the 69’s; 1n ‘ ,, enough, watch. It is. also suggested the wheelhouse to the deck, making . , i l ' ‘ ' W " . " w r. I“ - that the inspectors should be more much more roomifor passengers in the A! 35 . ' ' I ' ' alert in seeing that the legal limit bow oftheboat. Apcommodious state: :2: aha g: ' 81' K N 0 c K s T H E D B U E H 0 1! TI O‘F of rod fishing is not greatly exceeded, room for Capt. Burgoyne has been, if Comes in threefiimd fins 30 5O ’c‘I " " g; D A " Iwhich it is claimed is almost con- built behind the wheelho-use. The}? and 906. Guaranteed 6y £116, I x; i" «=7 » 4 Estantly done by too, enthusiastic tour- steamer has been thoroughly over-_ oldest and largest makers of. ,th ‘ I I. ists, aided and abetted by guides heeled and repainted, and is in first; I; TellilbleIVal‘lllSh lf‘ the Clues 0f GEE G I I ' who know the best fishing grounds, class trirsfior the season’s work. Reg: >‘« 13%;?)Eiflgeiio'fifagolors and g I I I . y .: I ‘ and Icontribute to catches of illegal ular trips will commence June 15st. .1 ingtwmmg - 3: . o I ' ‘nlnnIbeI‘IIXI The Causes of depleted fiISh' 0+.0‘ 3: A enc ’ at g l I ‘ing waters are, controllable. There ' “Accident 3 , g 3 ,3 .. , - ‘ ' , ' . I must be some efficientE inspechticnI of _. ' .3. I. , r, ‘g l . . i ' _ , ‘ places known to be spawning grounds. - MI. E1 d "gm . l d H 11:: WM. _ 8 3: ' . ' ' ' - - , and a closer enforCementof .the reou- {£3 :E W31}? -. l. ‘mson “1 ' 18 â€" - ' .- - w" arder- a “n 19â€"day. at your" QVPCEFS. ldpions, limiting the , catch . If, €119 right arm broken. above the elbow a Wallpaper and Frame 3’ ' ' ‘ your hardware: man. ' petitioners for a, hatchery urge these and hls £34?" rather badly scriftChed. "943' at! ‘” ' ' jg , 'I ‘ ' ' I ‘ ‘ I points successfully'uponfthe. Govern- $679 {03”}; 0f raga}??? academia I011 N ext Simgson House g 'g‘I: f I ' ‘ ' f in com ound; ment they-will, if they secure a I 3‘ 1195 “Y! » r- 1 "130“ was “V' - ‘ I i: "’ r or p 5 "' ‘ , a hatchery, have the knowledge that its mg a team “find. was thm‘vn 0}”? 0f the ‘<‘-" I - - i? ' " "L I V i _ I, I, .. - . . I benefits-will not ,. be neutralized by waggon, ‘Vhlchpassed 9V9? 1311115 Uni " I I ' I“. f 1 I i ' '1 a p .. ,' . f -' . ’ - .2 v- . centinuedillicit abdu‘Over-fishing, the def DV- JOhnStones “"9 he 13 making... I?» . S N . - I two chief causes of the destruction favorable progress. seaweedswsww’mwmw . e . I . . ' ,J _ .~ .. ofIfish and fishing incur Waters. II I‘ . .-.____.._ ' ' ’ . . - I ~ ' ._ _ W, Wm. . . TOUR or THEIWORILD. _ . ' T ' Beware 0E Substltutes; " Taken to Lindsay Hospital. , Mr. Flavene of. Lindsawhqe de- {[115 “Am; LETTER~ ; "l " ' i N I ' . g i " ' - ‘ scriptions of his. travels around the r . ; . .v '- . tit? ' r. , One of the islands that adds so world. have-delighted» Samara arch: Hm” Vofldyo" “"5" I ’ I greatly to the picturesque beauty of 611088,. “(in bi? .111 St- Apglrewis thll'c‘h Between the lines of this short letter you1 'I.I: . ,. _.._ ,.\. r‘r. V. . ... .. .., '.:-.". .~,.:‘: .4, _,.‘._..,..'.,: '. f ., may ;-.. .._ . ,_ .. ._ .. .. _.. Balsam Idake‘ had as its sole inhabit. on Tuesday evening, read grim tragedy. lbs were jI _ , r - I /. _ :, ‘ 4 ‘ ' b ' 1 “1.” Pro, made to you, personally, how would you. ; I I, / I , ant..Mr. Alfred Graeme. Through 0.0100kii14000mp‘cln19d y ae~.80.91,$ . I . answer it? Suppose you held the Power to g i l » some passing trappora word “330th ceeds for the Sabbath SPhOOI' .Admdg' receive this poor woman or to turn her. (If, it. . , ,Mrs. Sutherland canosedaieihat Mn siqglflagd 1.59=_ 3.9330191 were away. which onuld youIdo? . , . , . r d ‘_ - , 2. ' '~ " ' Greenie was seriously ill. She at,._once,.I , Q” ‘ "Will you kindly glV? me infer-amt: I- : , . p . - . with characteristic kindness, wentte. METHODIST: CHURCHI appgzgnfgga rill-(111112.185lglgr inshzgrys dead): ' “ - ~ ' ' ' ' ' . ' ‘“ ‘ “ the rescue! and telephoned to“ E9117- I ' ‘ . and she is in cobsumption. She has two a f . I a I - elon Falls, whereupon Mr. ‘ Jones. 011011‘ composed entirely Of 18‘1195- sinall children, at present in an orphana’ i ' I ' motored , over IandI found Lila Gl-é‘enié: furnish the music in the home, as the mIObher is Inot ableIto care for . ‘ ' ' " ‘ inla most condition 5 soill,‘ Cllumh 0“ Sunday neXb- The morning them: a“: the" °nlgfin°°fiiig $121313 In ‘ I I N R . indeed, that varnishes sedan: seryice win pe a sacrament service, and 35:33:?“ °r W“ W ‘ d 3;; , .. . .» v .. i . 7 . the house he Could 50“ rise from: ME“ the” Win 1” a mule“ Day “mice in It .is easy to say, “Why, of course, I... if? > . s ' ' to“ reach it, Improvising a the evenlng- I would offer relief, if it were in my power?“ , I stretcher, Mr. J'OQQSfiDd his compan- I ' But, thigkl Are onu smcerptpvhp): ygg, . ,III 1 ' = ions carried the Isick..m_an to the boat MOTHER’S SUNDAY IN ST. Sig/uthaIZIimAbge 111:0 gargfifiefing 032m: g1, V‘ ‘ .- M... ,. .. ahd C(lilill’eyedfiimi‘ quifie comfortably ANDREW’S CHURCH' sumgtives? Thenhere is, your chance to. » (Iii 3 ‘ ‘ " " ' ~ ‘- . across to the McArthur House, where, On Sunday next, by aPI’Oifltmont 0‘ prove your Sinceriby' f‘ ,f I ’ having received ,all needed care, with the General Assembly, Mother’s Sunday IContributions to the Muskoga Free 'EI‘: _‘ ' .. medical attention, he Was transferred will be observed in St. Andrew’s Church i Pfiiéogiegogjugpwei laggee ' I, i I i I . l I} i I. , I on Saturday to the Lindsay hospital; with suitable services 21010.30 3. m. A : Eiecufive ommiltteeI 84 Spadi’na Avenhey I I iés w M ' I ‘ , ' Recent reports "state that there is I song service with address by the Pastor I. 0,. R_ Dunbar, secretary . Treasurer, 3415,; _I,I J & I} I, , , _ ’ . , very slight hope of recovery. ' , I in the evening. l King Street Wash TOFONQH,‘ I ' ‘ g i r ‘ h I ‘II 3 i}: l ' i l I i it"!

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