Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 May 1914, p. 2

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.. .49; 1 WWWm‘mawwu-mg / 4,...“ . , mums-w... , . my. a a1 _ Mex-‘qu m “in. wmwmwwmm.w.mfimm~m<mmmmwm;wmm’wkwm if - ~ No » - . U. . - . .. m;w .4. .-.‘ ‘ x ' Isll I. -r;0 .u a < L.‘ 9 qâ€" -54 _‘ my . ,u, .4: ~ . 3'5".» ' m. worxvrv'v- v l \- r I t4 '3'?“ it: at”. In PRIEES 0 murmurs 2 “form- man I'll! LIADIIIB 1mm . amass or AHERIOA. "ch: u Cattle, ‘craln. anus. an: omit . "Nun a: Ham. and across .'// ('V mum-3--x:igK‘4400mm“... 1 ml“ V,;‘,\‘w\\s\ .7 ~14 ~‘~ .. .vxréun-a- v; :-‘---"-<I--nv‘¥-: ~....---'--‘-“--::.~;.4:‘ ‘. ; g AW} w , mgr" ' 22.4. ,i_ iv Breadstufls. :3, ’ Toronto,. May 5.-â€"'-Floui'-â€"0nt8-l‘1° ,3 V . ' Wheat flours, 90. per cent. $3.85. 583' ..r ‘ . . board. and at 53.9010 $4. Torontor ‘g. ' ' -. Manitobasâ€"First patents in into bag;- I» ‘- ‘ $5.60: do.. seconds, 35.10; strong_.b& - ‘y ers‘. inâ€"‘Jute bags, $4. » = ’ Manitoba. wheatâ€"Bay portsâ€"N9. _1h _ _. r? . _ . .Northern., 96c, and No. 2 at 941%- ; ' . a? ' ‘ ’ - ». . _ wOntario wheatâ€"No. 2 at $1 to $1.03. V .7”. . .. . .1 , u outside. according. to freight, and film” I .3’ ' " to $1.04. on track. Toronto. ..‘ Oatsâ€"No. 2 Ontario oats. 393 to 40c. ,9 outside. and at 42c. on track, Toronto. 'VVestern Canada oats. 410 for No. 2. and ‘«. at 40c for No. 3, Bay ports. ‘.. Peasâ€"~90c, outside. ‘1, ' '-Barleyâ€"Good malting barley, 56 . to IT 580. according to quality. Ryeâ€"No. 2 at 63 to 64¢, outside. » a Buckwheatâ€"80c, outside. Cornâ€"No. 3 American, 72km all rail. Toronto. Branâ€"Manitoba branf $.251tto $23)“: I ‘ 9 ton. in bags, oronto reigi . . . ' 3_ $26 to $23. ’ Little-Boy Blue come blow your horn,‘ -‘ Country Produce. ‘ I The _sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s Emaâ€"Char 3:32.13; in the corn: .9: fer or, 1 to "c; armer . . . prints, 22 to 23d; Creamery triz‘irégs,tfrgih, But thtle Boy Blue, he paid no heed 26;l.,*torae rns, o c; . r. :21 itgs' 5960;51ch e’rszz tg 2§0_ 1 s As he sat on a haystack ha-ung a feed, #0 I . . V logggs .1 to 220 per dozen: n ca 9 Crown Brand Syrup furnished his fare. "I. Honeyâ€"Extracted, in tins. 10; to 110 . , . I "L per in. for No.11; 00511;)25.2$53fto £3262 per Why ShOUId heworry 7 Why should dozen for No. ,an . or o. . « Cheeseâ€"4New cheese, :14; to 15c for he care? -° large, and 15 to 15?:0 for twins. .‘3‘ - Beansâ€"Hand-plcked, $2.15 to, $2.20 - per bushel; IprinieSiSSZilo $2.15. lb 1‘: Poultryâ€"How, o 0 per .; V chickens. 19 to 200:1ducksé,0 1t? t203 180; CHILDREN LOVE THESE VELVET KISSES '3». eese,.15 to 166:: turieys, o c. .. . I ' 5;; g Potatoesâ€"Dclawares are quoted at $1 :lscup of {gain Brand Syrup. ggnsgupfiestulgear, Kings; arégifiggga; .L .on track, here. . cupso te Sugar. cream tartar. Bouuntuitis “imam ' J I 1 Cup 0‘5 Boiling water- cold water. Stir frequently to keep .y Seeds. glfilfgiup 01 Mixed Butter. frodm brig-111mg}.t avgien nearly done, add “i Whol sale seed merchants are selling a espoons “agar. so aan me e utter. Tum'out on .x_ - recleangd seeds to the trade, on the 100- Halfâ€"Teaspoon Cream Tartar. ggfigfifd flsgflgmfi Pull untilapale '3 ' 1b. basis:-â€"-â€"Red clover. N0. 1, $19_ to $21: Quartepreaspmn Soda_ small _ ieces anld dz earspr Sfixssms m a" do.. No. 2. $17.50 to $18.50: alsxke. No. Flavoring. , papers}; up m 0, of wax ' 1. $20.50 to 521; do.. No. 2. $17 to $18; W 4' Timothy, No. 1, $8.50 to $9.50; do.. No. 14- a .2, $7.25 to $72.5§i3aifal$flaé €700. 1. $14 to A V .1‘ $15; do.. No. . o . . V . . 9’ I Children like Crown Brand Corn Syrup because .Prm’imns' of 1ts d‘ehcmus, sweet flavor. It is a Wholesome ._. i.Ba.Con1-â€";L0an clearivI 13ng 1168? tpexisll‘rg. I food that makes plainer foods taste nicer? Bread 2' ‘ncase o s. amsâ€" e i . o ; . r I ., do.. heavy, 17 to 18c; rolls, 15 to 152m; and butter w1th Crown Brand Corn Syrup 15 a {.1 . Ezeakfast bacon, 1‘8 to 19c: backs, 22 to treat for chlldren. . fllt ls excellent too for a. ‘ c. _ I . .j Lardâ€"TiercesLlZflc; tubs, 13c; pails. sweetenlng cakes and pastry, and for makmg . . y - 133“ ' ' taffy and home made candy. Try it on pancake . Z . and fritters. It costs very little. Send for our Free Recipe Book. ~ Address Montreal Office. The Canada Starch-Co. Liniited ' Manufacturers of The Edwardsburg Brands 5 Montreal Markets. Montreal, May 5.-â€"â€"Corn, American No. 2 yellow. 77 to 77lc. Oats, Cana- dian \Vestern, No. 2. 43c; Canadian '- Western, No. 3, 42am Barley; Man. feed, "’ ' 50 to 510. Flour, Mam, Spring wheat pa~ ' tents, firsts, $5.60; seconds, $5.10; strong bakers, $4.00; Winter patents. choice, $5.25 to $5.50; straight rollers, .. .. . «$4.70 to,$4.90; straight rollers. bags, 5 $2.20 to $2.35. Rolled oats, barrels, l $4.55; bags, 90 lbs.. $2.15. Bran, $23. I "-, Shorts, $25. Middiings, $28. Mouille. * ‘ $28_.to $32. Hay. No. 2, per ton car lots, ’ . _ . w . $14 to $15. Cheese. finest westerns. 12~ to use; finest easterngt 11a to ‘ llic. «1" Butter, choicest creamery. 23 to 23M; 3 > ' seconds. 22 to 2220. Eggs. fresh. 22 to i x. - i 23c; selected, 250: No. _1 stock. 21c. 130-1 . ' tatocs. per bag. car lots..85 to 950. MONTREAL CARDINAL TORONfO BRANTFORD VANCOUVER. 'Winnipeg‘ Grain. Winnipeg. May 5.â€"â€"Cashâ€"VVheat-â€"â€" No. 1 Northern, .9020; No. 2 Northern.. 883c No. 3 Northern. 870; No. 4. 8331c; No. 5. 78c: No; 6. 730; feed, 68c; No. 1 ‘ rejected seeds. Sfilc; No. 1 rejected a" - seeds, 843m- No. 2.1‘ejected‘seeds, 81110; No. 1 smutty', 8630: No. 2 smutty, 8420; . 0’ . ' b! , 1:, . DUKE 40F ARGYLL DEAD. lCommission at Washington. and in NOTED DIVINE DROPPEI) DEAD the noted Congrega¢jcmal pig-1.5mm, No.7 3 smutty, Slic; No. 1 red Winter. , . _ . - 91c' No. 2 red '1Vinter..89éc; No. 3 red â€"â€"â€"- whmoh Judgment, has. just been deâ€" ._â€". and pamrlalamemtarian tlh ; x I ~ ” . 1 I _' . v y ' 1 y ‘I . o .‘ y i ‘ ' ’ r ‘3 oo|ngrlgga“" if“ . a: > 33:32:33,713?- 3.91%?“ Nfifo? 4941233538“; Gm 01 nor-General of ‘anada From- liver-ed. Edmund. L. NeweombetK. Rev. C. Silvester Horne Stricken on tron which fill-ed the Metropolitan: :5 i ' iected. 421m feed. 413:0. Flaxâ€"No. 1 1378 to 1833. 0., Deputy Minister of Justice, “Niagara Boat. Church on Sunday afit,e,1.n00;n was; ' N.- V.C., $1.332: No. 2 C.VV.. $1.30!; No. 3 C.W., $1.22}. argued the. case for the Canadian . shocked to lawn from the opening; ‘. Cowes', ' Isle of Wight, Mary 3.â€"â€"â€" i G . Toronto Ma. r 3 â€"â€"Re i 0 SI ' â€" - ~ . . overnmenb. . 1 3 ' V' ' “4.33 words of «the chal m. r ’ The Duke of Arlgyllh sonâ€"inâ€"laW of‘ one was the Cadenhead case, tier Horn-e, member cf the Imperial Gdbson that ‘j‘n‘ssbe‘arld :él’a‘faédgfizg .therliate Queen Victoria, and funnier-I where damages were Claimed by the Parliament for .Ipswmc-h, and a not-ed from the 31%;“ {Social worker thfl Goverpor'Ge-nIe-rasl 0? Canada, (he'd { estate of Miss Cadenhead, an inno- 'S‘OCMI worker m Lg'nd'o’n’ dropped were to assist. at his memorial so 'ylast night at East. Coweus, aged! 59. cam Spectator, Shot at Fort Brady dead aboard the steamer Corona vice ' . v, ' 1' . He was taken ill a. week ago with ' ' ‘ ’ while coming ’00 Toronto from Niaâ€"' » " United. States ~Markets. "" 7 ’ ‘ ‘ « Minneapolis; May 5.â€"â€"Whe&tâ€"May, Sflic; July, 9030; No. 1 hard. 94§c to “Sc: No. 1 Northern. 913 to 93Sc; No. 2 Northern. 808 to 913C: Cornâ€"No. 3 yel- low, 63 .to 63lc. Oatsâ€"No. 3 .White. - . Mich. by a-e-Unii'lbed State-s sentry . . . .- '4 351 t 3'5c..,N11’io_ur andpbraxnu h ng (l. d ubl » - ' . '. ' (.5. . ’ - r , .i i‘. .. "4 . , ' ‘ . ” ' r " ' ‘ ' - ' ' I Dufmg; May.,.5._mseéd'153:3. 31;“ rgpidfyprfii‘l‘fngginfid hls Wndltwn many years ago. The sentry .fired gem 1£,‘,S,0n.,.§wjigvd§y mfah'b- give $320,000 FOR ROADS. ? , . gulfi. 315.3363 MISy. §1N54.thWhe%§Eâ€"I:Iofi 1 V g ' i g- at a (168.8“,er and the shot mmdew 00641.537 ‘1 as c.) his way .1 cm vos- __ , j 2311,,3,mg,.,$; 9032'; Junif’wggf“ c'i‘ °‘ . tally struck-the Woman. The award ml“ _‘to 1‘0”;nt‘°a a‘n‘d _S'P‘e‘f1_’0 Slammed" A System of Roads for the County i. Jolhrn Douglas Sutherland Calmp- is $2,000. ' ' ‘ M the Fa] '5 with his “'lfe’ leavmg oi‘ Oxford. ‘ there to take the evening boat due to arrive in Toronto about 8 o’clock. He was wailkilngon the upper deck with his wife, and as the boat was entering the Eastern Gaapappeared Live Stock, Markets. ’ > V ‘ Toronto, May 5.â€"â€"Cattlet-â€"Choice but- -' ’ ’ ' chers'. $7.75 to $8.25; good medium. $7.40 to $7.60; common cows, $5 to $5.25; canners and cutters. $3.60 to $4; ; i , . choice fat cows. $6.50 to $7.30. I my: _ I - ‘ Stockch and i‘ecd¢rsâ€"-â€"-Stecrs. $00 to '5 '3' . - 900 lbs.,. $7.25 to $7.50: good. 700. to 800 g 4 ' - ~ _ 1135.. $7 to $7.50: light. $6.25 to $7. ' ‘ 'v .Calvesrâ€"Good veal. $8.75 to $10.26; bell, ninltih Duke of Argyll, was born Another case is that of La Can-a- in 1845 in London, and in 1871 he diyenne, a Govevrmmnemt boa-t, dam~ married Princess Louise, the fourth aged by collision in the St. Law- daughter of Queen rVictoria. He ronce .Willtlll an American gunboat. took a leading part in politics after. The Great North-Western Tvelc- _ , _. . three. years, .cxper'i'e‘njce as private I graph Company, in a ,tihird case, re; to stumble over a, chaurvamnd fall to secretary toms father in the Indian | ceived damages far the carrying [the deck. 'Alntlliiough moduoa-l easing ' - taupe was secured of; was found 1m.â€" A_ despat-ch from Woodstock says: i At toâ€"day’s special session of the. ’ Oxford County Council an ord-erâ€"in- , Council was read authorizing an ex-l ' - penditur'eof $320,000 on a. system ofl count-yr road-s for Oxford, with thei . , I proviso that only $60,000 shall be: 1" common- “75 to 5'1 ’ * Oflio“ fmm'ises t 13w” H * r' on ' blé t Q h . br - - ~ - - ‘ _ Sheep and lanlbsâ€"Eng‘ht es s, .'$6."0‘ "L , ‘0 I " ‘ ,6 con" a“ a'y. ' s 08" "’ 8’ ue ec ' 5 an. ‘ " .‘ " » ‘ _ '- . "" SJ ent in; one. 'ea-r., A b 7â€"l! 4 , y I . to 53;. Spréggt la$r§bs.5§g si’ifir7mm6’s; [tested Bradford m189-2, and "m 15951Amerman gulnboaab, and .oxbh-ercaasexs 395%; "if d1° 3‘3Cftfgnfeff‘ .i‘ltmf’ {11's ift',.od’uced “elm-(ting ;fo,.,§hf,3;,;§:;t ' . I ‘7 . ye“ “5'5" 0 '7 i' “ W H” 5° 'per' he was elected b "the Unionists of I’iin which damn esar-e a-Wardred are ‘55 a: ‘c' prove» ' mini. at ‘ ' . . , " ' i ' ‘ l V A y ' 'g' u-re. ,‘Assetmblved to llsbonto an adâ€" Of the latter amount among the Var‘x " head deducted for all the buck lambs. Hogsâ€"$8.90 to $9. fed and watered: $9.120 ,to $9.25. off,c:.1rs;-$SL60 to $8.65 » .o. .. - v I Montreal. May 5.â€"-Choice steers at South Manchester and he » rnepre- '= for the improper seizure of the fislh- . ' u m ' i . lit; semted that ~ constituency in the ing Vesselistovrd Nelson and! F red- dress from RBV- 0- S‘l‘lv‘e’gbe'r H‘O‘l‘n‘ea 10 3 “me pa 188' - House of Commons until 1900. ' La! eunick Granting. W sti‘ssuf §§°df§e$7ig§vg§ $211233; ter he was offered the Governor- . â€"â€"’3‘ sold from $5 to $6, and butchers’ cows Genel‘nllis‘hip of Australia, which he REMARKABLE CASE- frognz £55.50 to $t7.52,land dliilills from $5 declined ~-â€"--â€" to .. per cw . .‘c ecto ots of ho s. ' - - . . . ‘ 39_75 per cm” weighed on cars. ‘ Smfng He came to Canada, m 1878 as Man Blind fox Tim. Years Can Now lambs. $3 to $5 each. as to Size and Govern.0r-Gern.erall‘ and after asuc- ‘ Soc DlStchtly. quality. Yearling lambs. $8 to $9, and ‘old sheep at $6 to 57 per cwt. Calves sold from $3 to $10 eachpas to size and quality. - ,._rl« corx'rmtrcrr $10 Brits; cessful period at Ottawa he rreburnâ€" A des'pabch from Quebec says: A Ed in_ 1833 to England and. Wrote; a remarkable case of the sudden re- numbel‘ (Of VOIUmeSr mCIUd‘mS covery of sight. through being struck “Memories of Canada and Socb- on the nose by a, piece of wood is land” (1884), “Canadian Pictures" that of Mr. Henri R. Germain, an (1885)~ “The United 83333095 After employe‘ of the local. agency of the the WM,” “Imperial F'9(1‘el‘&t‘ii0!n,” Marine and Fisheries Department; tales and poems, and he even wrote who resideg‘azt Beaupopt, Mn Ger- a .Dlay- ' 4 lmain has been practically blind for .Dlllfi‘ng the Duke’s 9035' in Canada over two years past, following a, se- hls name was given to a number of vem attack of inflammatory rheu- towns and settlements in the dziffelr- matism. He was chopping wood at out provinces. and he received how his home when a piece flew up and orarydegree-s from the leading uniâ€" struck him on the bridge of the versmes. , nose. This severed a vein, and as --â€"-â€".â€""z‘-â€"â€"*â€"- , a result Mr. Germain lost - inuch a x“ : .~ N. 3 71 .g .9 .' blood, which was black in color. ( s D x “I S 1 0i i C ‘SLS Immediately after Mr. Genmain dis- covered that he could see distinctly. I Strange to say, he felt; no pain when " -=. struck by the piece of wood. 7 _>‘< "Canadian Bank of Commerce Issues Warning to the Public. Counterfeit $10 notes of the Cana- diaana-nk of Commerce of the issue at present in use are in circulation in Hamilton, Ont. I The counterfeits which have so far been seen are numbered 452,477, in red over black, whereas the genuine notes now issued by the bank are numbered in blue. The colors used are also much deeper in tint than those of the genuine notes, especial- ly the yellow and red on the face. on the back there are two or three flaw-s in the design, apparently made by blots, which appear on the does goalie the bread and butter taste good I” T is when you spread it out on bread or pancakes, fruit or porridge, that you notice most the sweetness and perfect purity of REDPATH E .tra Granulated Sugar. Buy it in the 2 and '5-lb. Sealed Cartons, or in the 10, 20, 50 onlOO-lb. Cloth Bags, and you’ll get the genuine W, absolutely clean, just as it left the refinery. ' ' 83 Damages Awarded for the Seizure of Two Fishing Vessels.” Ottawa, May 3.â€"â€"W'ord was re- â€"â€"â€"-â€" â€"~â€"-f- cciv-ed by the Department of Justice Gil-Lt Board Of Trade 1118. one-day word “bank” where it occurs at the on Saturday that Canada has won Whirlwmd campaign RddEd two h‘m' ' -; foot of the note. The counterfeits four out of till-C five cases recently dred and fifty names '00 lbs member- . AIDA SUGAR REFENlNG CO" LIMITED’ OREAL' 3; are count-ersigncd by H. O’Re-illy. argued before the Pocumda-ry Claims Ship r011- ' ' M New ..'__N f .

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