Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 24 Apr 1914, p. 7

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She Hagan Very 170; France 153; Italy 94; Germany 80; Austria 58; Russia 25. _ Submarines: Great Britain 69; I Francc.50; Russia 25; Germany 24; Italy 18; Austria 6. Vessels now building â€"â€" Battle- Why This Manitoba Lady Ilccom- ships: Great Britain 14; France 10; mchs Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ‘ ( Russia 7; Germany 6; Italy 5; Auls- tria 2. ' Light Cruisers: Great Britain 20; Mrs. Bourbonicrre had many trou- RIISSia 8; Germany 6; Italy 4; Aus- blcs, all of Which were Caused by Sick Kidneys, and She Found a Simple and Complete Cure. St. Rose du Lac, Man, Apr. 20th (SPeCiail).â€"Mrs. D. J. Bourbon- 1erre, an estimable lady of 4 this place, is losing no opportunity to 1 praise Dodd’s Kidney Pills to her friends. And she has a reason. Here it is in her own words. , “I suffered very much from my Kidneys,” Mrs. Bourbonlier-re says. “I was tired and nervous and my memory was failing. I had heart flutterings, my back was sore and I 1113‘. was troubled with headaches. Rheumatism was finally added to my sufferings and I was in a bad way indeed. ., tria 3; France 0. - . Torpedo vessels: Great Britain 1; other powers 0. , '. Torpedo boat destroyers :' Great Britain 36; Russia 45;Italy 16; Ger- many 12; France 7; Austria. 3. Torpedo boats: Austria 27; Italy ; other powers 0. ’ Submarines: Great Britain 29; France 26; Russia 18; Germany 14; Austria 5; Italy 2. . ' A comparison with the figures of the next strongest naval power shows that of battleships Britain has 58 to 35 built and 14 to 6 build- ' while of cruisers she has 47 to 9. .214-“â€" IIospiials of Olden Time. Hospital patients of to-day are “I tried one medicine, but it did better off than their ancestors of me 11.0 800(1) and then I WEI/S 3171‘ “the good old times.’ ’- Mr. Wheat- vised to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ley in his I am very glad that I did, for now after taking four boxcs‘I ama well liament of 1386 to the effect that ' woman again . ” Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured Mrs. book on “London,” quotes fro-m a Scottish act of parâ€" “gif (my man brings to the market corrupt swine or salmond to be Bourbonierre because all her trou- sauld, they sall be taken by the bles came from-sick Kidneys. Kidneys cannot do their work of ony Sick baillie, and incontinent, without question, sall be . sent to the straining the impurities out of the leper folk-e”; and if there be no blood, and. rthe result is sickness, lepers then only “sall they be de- depr-enssion and laissitude the body. Dodd’s Kidney cured the Kidneys: the purified blood did the rest. a BRITAIN’S PLACE ON THE SEA. ’Compa 'ativc Naval Standing of the European Powers. 1 The annual statement of the nuâ€" :merical strength of the. nxavivels of Great Britain and foreign countries commonly known as the “Dickinson return,” has been issued in the form of a parliamentary “white paper.” The return shows all bart- ltleships, battle cruisers and cruis- ‘ers of each navy which have been launched since Dec. 31, 1893. In the case of other classes, all vessels are shown which still retain their armaâ€" ments and are not for sale. The following comparisons show the relative positions of the great powers of Europe [in respect _to ships built and ships bpild-ing: , Vessels already built -â€" Battleâ€" ships: Great Britain 58; Germany .35; France 21; Austria 14; Italy 9; Russia 8. . » Cruisers: Great Britain 47; France 24; Russia 12; Germany 9; Italy 9; Austria 9. Light cruisers: Great Britain 65; Germany 43; Italy 14; Austria 9; France 8; Russia. 2. Torpedo vessels: Great Britain 25; Austria 11; Italy 3; France 3; Russia 0; Germany 0. Torpedo boat destroyers: Great Britain 201; Germany 132; Russia 95; France 80; Italy 30; Austria 15. ' ’Torpedo boats: 'Great Britain . Smiles . * Usually show up with Post Toasties. And why not, when the famous “toastie” flavor begins operaâ€" tionsl There’s a deal of skilllrie- Quired in cooking and toast- ing these thin bits of corn so that every one of the . millions of crinkly flakes ' . has the delicious Toasties taste that invites one to call for more. “ Post Toasties come in sealed packages -- fresh, crisp and appetizingâ€" Ready to eat with cream or good milk, and a sprink- ling of sugar if you like. Post Toasties my? â€"-â€"sold by Grocers. Canadian Postum Cereal 00.. Ltd. Windsor. Ontario. lSSl'E 17â€"’l~l. :ED. 7. all over stroyed utterlie.” The same plea- Pllls san-t custom obtained in Oxford in the fifteenth century, where all pu- trid meat and fish were by statute sent to St. John’s hospital. &4 DON’T use THE KNIFE That’s the barbarous way of treating cormsâ€"dangerous tooâ€"any corn can be removed painlessly by Putnam’s Pain- less Corn Extractor in twenty-four hours. Use only Putnam’s Extractor, 25c. at all dealers. >5â€" Evcr notice how much easier it is to buy experience than it is to sell it? , ‘ Mlnard’s Llnlment Cures Burns, Cured I-Ier. “Does Alice bring her troubles to you now as she used to 2” ' “No; not since I began pointing out to her that she was to blame for having them.” Eta. . Minard’s Linlinent Co. - Gentlemen:â€"-I had my leg badly hurt. the‘pain was very severe and a_large Swelling came above the knee. I expected it, would be seriousâ€"I rub- bed it with MINARD’S LINIMENT, which stopped the pain and reduced the swelling very quickly. I cannot speak too highly of MIN- ARD’S LINIMENT. . AMOS T. SMITH. Port Hood Island. - RABBITS RAVAGE FORESTS. Thousands of Trees Killed in the West. ' At a recent conference of Foresâ€" trv Branch officials at Ottawa, the inspectors of Dominion Forest Re- serves unanimously agreed ' that thousands of acres of young trees on these reserves have been de- stroyed by rabbits in the last couple of years. The bark of popla-r,rjack pine and spruce seems to be equalâ€" aly acceptable to these rodents, and in many places so completely have the trees been stripped of bark at the base of t-he‘trunks that they have the appearance of a white- washed forest. Especially do the rabbits like the young tender tree- seedlings in the forest reserve nur- series, and in one instance some thousands of green ash transplants were entirely consumed in one night. It is hard to realize the great numbers of these rabbits in the West in some seasons, yet the rapidâ€" ity with which they increase seems, strangely, to be one of the reasons .for their periodic decline in num- 'bers, for the western Indians state that the disease which almost ex- ‘terminates them carry seven years .or so is due primarily to starva- tion through lack of sufficient food. The Australians were put. to the necessity of building a wire fence almost across their continent to protect their crops from the rabbit plague there. The Forestry Branch has a similar problem in protecting the forest crops in the West from devastation. It was once proposed to put a little wire fence around each tree planted, but a forest is not anhorchard, and some more practicable preventive will have to be found for the annual destruction caused by rabbit-s on the thirty-six thoiisand square miles contained in Dominion Forest Rese’rves. STORY OF KILKE N N Y CATS. Barbarous Act of Cruelty ol‘ Hes- sian Soldiers. Blllllllllllll ABOUT will HEAD Several Places. , Blister Raised Up, Swollen and Scaly. Hair Fell, Out. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in Four Weeks. _ i [used for drying clothes. The cats .7: Lame. Que.__,..l\,£ylimefiom’agednma. naturally became infuriated, and years.'was afflicted with rlnngrmln several» SCI‘a't'Ohed~ 3210:“ in‘-t-h6 abdomen ll'n' places about his head. The ringworm began til death ensued to one or both of with a few pimples and as it grew worse it them. The amoequ were made ac- was one dark colored blister raised up and ' . . swelled. It; was kind of scaly. The worst quamted with the bal bar ous acts'of 'place was behind his right car. It was about crummy, and l‘e‘S‘OIVGd to SPe‘e'dl‘ly the size of a. silver dollar, dark and swelled, put an end to them. Fer this p11 1‘â€" the worst kind Lover saw. 1:: used to pain pose an officer was ordered to in- $133": c?“1fdl:1°t:°“~ dlglmked very badly- speuct each barrack room daily and rare ou grau y. - . ., ' - “Finally I sent for a sample of Cutlcura 30 1 8pm t It’s St‘a‘te' mhe Sqll'd‘ml .5" Soap and Ointment. I used to take real e'temmned “Om to 1096 We dal y Jam" hot water and the Cutlcura Soap and that t“ re. 0f the ca‘t‘s, ge'n‘e ra‘uy empl'OY" used to clean it off. ThenZI would put the ed one of their comrades to watch giitlcura. Ointment on the affected part. the approach of the 0flice1'__ on 011.9 mm was pus in the sores and the Outlcum ' , ' ‘ - Ointment drew that out and healed at the 010 0115211 lie Peg-{read h'hs dutIy’ aid same time. We saw the Cutlcura Soap and t‘ 1‘6. 0 cm. “as lead wsice'nd'mg t' e Ointment were very good so I got some Shams “41919 the cats were unde‘r‘ more and it was four weeks from the time gomg theor customary torture. One I started using the Cuticura. Soap and Olnt- of’ the. troopers seized a sword from v the arm rack; and with a single blow divided the tells of the cats. The cats escaped through the open During the rebellion which occur- red in Ireland in 1797 Kilkenny was garrison-ed by a regiment of Hes- sian soldiers, whose ‘custom it was to tie together in one of their bar- . rack rooms two cats by their re- spective tails, and then throw them Highest grade beans kept whole and mealyby perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. 'ARMI FOR OILI. u. w. onwsou. Ninety oolborm Sin-J: Toronto. or Dairy Farm. Fruit; Stock. Grain. Brampton. or 9| write H. W. Dawson. Colborne St. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Colborna 51.. Toronto NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 00D WEEKLY 1N LIVE TOWN 1N York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. -Price only $4,000. Terms liberal. \Vllson Publish- ing Company, 73 \Vost Adelaide Street. ment till he was completely cured.". (Signed) Mrs. Thos. Bagley, May 26. 1913. _â€".â€".â€"_ F YOU WANT TO BUY 0R. BELL A. FOR RED, ROUGH HANDS ' Chapped and bleeding hands; with Itch- lng. burning palms, shapeless nulls and pain- v 4 ful finger-ends. a. one-night Cuticura treat- 1ment Works wonders. Soak hands. 'on retiring. in hot water and Cutlcura BoapJ Dry. anoint with Cutlcura Ointment and wear old. loose gloves during the night.l Outlcura Soapand Ointment sold every-f Where. h, For liberal free sample of each, with5 82-1). book, send post-card to Potter Drug Chem. Corp., Dept. D. Boston. U. S. A. ‘l A WORKMAN yHERO. His Presence of Mind Saved His Mate From Being Killed. While a building was in course of demolition at Newton Row, Bir- mingham, England, part of the up- per floor gave way. One man, luck- ily, got clear, but two failed to es- cape, and one of them stood over the kneeling form of the other and supported as much of the huge mass of masonry as he could from falling on to him. If he had not had the presence of mind to do this his mate would have been killed at once. Thus, with this stupendous weight You his shorilld-ei's, with ~blood trickling into his eyes from a severe wound on the forehead, the brave man grasped the windowâ€"sill with his hands and waited assistance. This was some time coming, for the work of rescue was difficult and dangerous, and there was also the danger of the hcrogiving way under the terrible strain. But eventually he was released, and directly the rescuers freed him he fainted from sheer exhaustion, and an examination revealed, not only his head wound, but a dislo- cated collar-bone. W4 Liquid Cough Mixtures Can’t Cure Bronchitis But the Healing Fumes of Catarrh- ozone, Which are Breathed to the Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial Tubes, Being Quick Relief and Sure Cure. Every sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat and chest ailments needs a soothing,_healing medicine which goes direct to the breathing organs in the chest and lungs, attacks the trouble at the source, disperses the germs of dis- ease, and cures the ailment thorough- ly. And this medicine is “Catarrh- ozone.” The germ-killing balsamic vapor mixes with the breath, descends through the throat, down the bron- chial tubes, and finally reaches the deepest air cells in the lungs. All parts are soothed with rich, pure, medicinal essences, whereas with a syrup the affected parts could not be reached, and harm would result through benumbing the stomach with drugs. “I have been a chronic sufferer from Catarrh in the nose and throat for over elght years. I think I have spent four hundred dollars trying to get relief. I have spent but six dol- lars on Catarrhozone, and have been completely cured, and, in fact, have been well for some time. ca. tarrhozone is the only medicine I have been able to find that would not only give temporary relief, but win always cure permanently. Yours sinâ€" cerely (Signed), WILLIAM RAGAN, Brockville, Out.” For absolute, permanent cure‘ use Catarrhozon'e. Two months’ outfit costs $1.00; smaller size, 50c, at all dealers, or the Catarrhozone Com. pany, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. I >14 Does man ever foot ' his wife’s bills without kicking. Minard's' Llnlment Cures Dandruff. \ windows of the room, which was en- tered instantly afterwards by the ofiicor, who inquired what was the cause of the two bleeding cats’ tails being suspended on the line, and was told in reply that “two cats had been fighting in the room, that it was fcun-d impossible to separate them, and they fought so desperate- ly that they had devoured each other up with the exception of their two tails.” '.__.._____- Death llearlyillliiâ€"mâ€"ed New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Family When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.â€"â€"â€"At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St, would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble; “My first attacks of back- ‘ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myself it was terribly intensified. If I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything, but nothing gave that certain grateful re~ lief that came from Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In.- stead of being bowed down with pain, today I am strong. enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood â€"cheeks are rosy with color, and‘ I thank that day. that I heard of so- grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills.” Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it’s good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton’s Mandrake and Butternut Pills. ___.)v‘-..._ A Young Wifeâ€"“What do you do when your husband gets cross and 2“ -‘ V 11(2)} E, " '1 V'P wants to sco '( . xpeliencec wne â€"â€"“I read to hlm one or two of the letters he used to write to me be- fore we were married.” Mlnard's Llnlment for sale everywhere. Parts Ills Name, Too. Hoaxâ€"That fellow Brownâ€"Smith is a man of many parts. ’ Joaxâ€"Yesx, he even name in the middle. parts his To Cure :1. Cold in one Day Take Tablets. fails to cure. E. XV. ture is on each box. 25c. Judicious. Mrs. Peckâ€"Mr- Highflier never takes his wife out in his automo- bile. - Peckâ€"I guess he doesn’t care to have two unmanagable things on his handset one time‘. These Honest, T i m e -T ri e d Ingredientsâ€" face to face across a line gal I LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Druggists refund money if it GROVE’S slgna-' Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. NION GRO\\'ERS. GET LITERA- ture re onlon weeders. R. G. Brunet. Olimla. Ont. C ANGER. TUMORS. LUM PS. ETD». internal and external. cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllnewond. Ont. . zsna'o _| a 56 Used by success- . ful planters for over half a century Ourlarge and beautifullyillustrated f." ' CATALOGUE FREE J. A. sngsas. Limited Anything But Water. ‘ an Mrs. Goodsoleâ€"“You have l awfully dirty face.” Soiled Sylvesterâ€"~“I know it, lady. Can’t "youse recommend a competent dry cleaner?” Piles Cured in G to 14 Days Drugglsts refund money ll‘_ PAZO OIN’I‘MENT falls to cure Itching. Blind, or Protruding Piles. First application ‘gives relief. 600. Dubbleighâ€"Miss Sharp called me a fool. Do I look like a fool? Daw- sonâ€"No, you do not. She couldn’t have judged you by your looks. Minard’si Llulmcnt Relieves Neuralgla. Her Reason. “Mummy, can I have that pear that was on the dining room side- board this morning? ’Cosâ€"eâ€"J’ “Because what?” “ ’Cos I’ve eaten it .__...._â€"â€"â€"- 1)) Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn’t Smart â€"â€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sen Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in .Aseptic Tubal, 25c, 500. Eye Books Free by Mail. In m Tonic Good for All Eyes that Need Caro Hun-fine Ey- Romedr 00.. Chicago In RAMSAY PAINT you get the most accurate and thorough combination of approved raw materials. materials exist. Your own good Judgment Master painters will tell you no better 1 Will tell you that scientific machine mixing is superior to guess-work and “hand paddling}: Specify Ramsay {or your nextbigâ€"iobâ€"and for the odd jobs you do yourself get the right Ramsay finish. Splendid service from the - Y 3‘ .r..- so 6- 142) E, local Ramsay dealer or write the manufacturers. (2) ue. «-

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