e . 'wugxmurgz .. car‘Y.’ 1.2; _ .. . «5,- . r. ..‘,. n. . , ., .i. ‘, ,. ._.1 I. ,, 2, up" .-.~.‘)f\ ,v v1.15» 3i, r 'Largest Hats In the World > What would you think of a hat-that was-so large it would safely shelter your father, mother, sisters and your- ,selt' under it should a sudden rain- storm come up? The men of Korea like. these enormous hats would not tee! properly dressed Without them. These hats look like great flower pots set on a round table six feet across. The crowns are nine feet in height, and thrce inches wide, much like a chimney on a one-story house. How do you suppose these large, round head coverings are kept on? Under the brim is a small, close- ly-fltting cap, held on by a padded string which ties under the ears. The material of these hats is bamboo, so This Store Recommends JBF‘WlE because it gives a . "ï¬nish" N) household article that no mere var. nlsh. can give, JAP-A-LACâ€" the F urniture-Saver ‘L, cation ‘ and up in every possible JAP-A-LAC." The Gina... Varnish Co._, Limited, Tordnto HEN you start on your campaign of ’ home-beautifying this Spring. don't Just ask for "varnish" â€" ask for JAPjA-LAC; and don’t be content with anything but JAP-A-LAC. Always put | Greg Tins, bearing the name "GLID- DEN." Made in 2] beautiful colors. providing. for ’ requirement of the housewife, JAP- A-LAC is indeed _a wonder-working aid in keeping ‘ furniture, floors and woodwork "epic and span." No matter how badly scratched or marred a furniture may be. a coat of JAP-A-LAC will make it look » like new. ' It covers up the scratches and produces a beau- tiful. brilliant, durable ï¬nish. Quickly and easily applied. No experience required. Ask your local hardware store for the JAP-A-LAC color ‘ card and book entitled “A Thousand and One Uses of piece of SOLD BY W. J. HEARD FENELON FALLS ’ Made by C EDUCATED CLASS DECREASES ,‘Femlnlnlet Movement Menaces Its g Supremacy I l Edwin Brant'Conklln, head of the department of biology in Princeton, University,» in a lecture, declared that the time has come when society must take account of the immense importance of heredity in the develop- ‘ient of an.’ "Hitherto all the atten- ;‘ Lion of society has been ï¬xed on edu- envlronment," he said. 'l“Hereaft’er, more attention must be given to improvements cf heredity or eugenics.†I ‘ ' At‘the present rate of reproduction. ‘ :«Prof. Conklin said, the more highly educated classes would be unknown within,†,a period of ï¬fty years. Eugenics is right, he continued, in, in- ~sisting__t_h_at.,tse higher classes. pay :morer-attentionto reproduction. .The ’IOWei; classes are increasing in iiqu ~- ber agnd'the-Outcome of it will be that the higher classes will be swallowed up by the lower, he said. Prof. Conklin decried theatemininist i movement of to-day, because it shows unmistakable signs of- women escap- ‘ ing the duty of motherhood, a sign which means degeneration of the race in time, he said. t‘.'ori:.‘"s Output of Iron , According to a return. of the British ‘iBoard of Trade, the world’s output of iron ore in 1912 was about 152 million tons, a ï¬gure which represents an increase of 10 per cent. on the pre- vious year’s production. The princi- pal producing countries . United States, Germany, France, the EUnited' Kingdom, and Spain, in the order named. America, Germany; and the. United Kingdom accounted for about seven- ninths of the world’s output of pig-I ,iron, estimated at seventy-two million ;,tons, and for three-fourths of the ag- gregate prodhcti'on of steel amount; ring to rebuilt ï¬fty-ï¬ve milliontons, were the ' MOTHERS’ PENsmN PLAN Novel Undertaking by People ofnan lmdlana Town A moihers' pension plan is in eflect in Evansville, although there is no law in Indiana creating a mothers' pension fund; “ The pension arose in this way. Mrs. Alice Kelley, widow, announced through a newspaper that she .would be forced to give away two of her children. a scant living at the washtub, but that her health had begun to fail and she felt she could bear the burden no longer. I ' r Mrs. J. H. Conn, president of'the Cumberland Circle of King’s Daugh- éters, took up the matter, and several other people in the city became in- terested and agreed to give Mrs. Kel- ly a certain sum each week for one year. This led to the organization of lMothers' Pension .Club No. 1, and the ' club ‘has paid». Mrs. Kelly $2,50 each 'iw’eeki - » ‘ ' __An Awkward Motto A geod story relating to the Erskine family motto is recalled by'the recent ,death of Lord Erskine, who was a great-grandson of the, famous ï¬rst Lord Erskine, Lord Chancellor of Great Britain. For centuries the ‘family motto had been “judge not.’.' .When the ï¬rst Lord Erskine became :Lord Chancellor, chief of all the judges of the Empire and the Sovereigns ' legal adviser, the motto was obviously an awkward dictum'to appear on the His Lordship proved himself to be a man of the times and invented a new motto for himselfâ€"“Trial by jury"â€" svhich has ever since appeared be‘ . neath the family arms. Mirrors can be backed with almost any metal in 30 seconds by a new process of electrodeposition iprescnce of hydrogen gas. (W‘abum . ' ' > For Estimates On new buildings (3 your order for Doors, onsult us. Or give us Sash, Interior Finish, \Ve will be pleased to figure on what you will need '12 supplies, or the whole contract. TAYroR ‘several of their ships panels of his carriage and elsewhere. ' in the ï¬nely split that it is like thread; and, lastly, they are varnished to keep out the sun, and rain, and the wind. Red Indian Tango The Red Indian has caught the tango fever. The whole Shoshone nation of Nevada Indians has learned the dance, and the old tribal gyrations are new entirely discarded. The In- dians of the White Pine country have started the construction of a large ball to be devoted exclusively to the prac- tice of the tango. Three Indian maid- ens, who have mastered its intricacies, are besieged with pupils eager to pay $2.50 fer a lesson. l i More Armed Llners ' The Wilson Line, in conjunction 'with the Admiralty, are equipping with 4.7-inch quick-ï¬ring guns. The liner Francis- co, which left for New York recently carried a quick-ï¬rer for the ï¬rst time in her stern. In each case the gun is ï¬tted in a stern angle of but 20 degrees so it can only be used for defensive purposes and whilst-being pursued. The liners all run between Hull and New York, and carry grain and food cargoes, the idea being that guns would be useful for protection from small attacking craft. Cancer In Trout Dr. Gaylord found that about 5 per cent. of the 100,000,000 trout bred in New York State, many of which are served in the expensive hotels and restaurants disclosed germs of cancer and goitre. There is no doubt, he adds, that susceptible persons drinking water which the infected ï¬sh inhabit She said that since the acquire the diseases- death of her husband she had earned- NEW TELEPHONE summer The Bell Telephone Company of Can- ada is soon to print a new issue of its Oilicial Telephone Directory for the district including ' ' FENELONFALLS v Parties who comtcmplate becoming .ubscribers. or those who wish changes '11 their present entry should place their rdors with the local manager at once '- insure insertion in this issue Connecting Companies Should also report indditions and images in their list of subscribers, ll her to the local manager, or direct to ho Advertising and Directory Dcpnrt-. lent, Montreal, EHE BiLL TELEPHDNE COMPANY OF Cili‘lliflfl BRETP$H Bï¬ï¬Eï¬E$$ sflLLEGE i Yougc & “C(illl Sis., ’l‘oronto,0nt., isctlie pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new man- igcmcnt it is doing better work than Write us it’ you want to pre- licury C. over. more for a good position. \Vowl. Principal. l lMMiâ€"Munumenls Still doing business in the some stand nut, not in the some old way. We adâ€" mice with the times and are in a posi- tion to do better work than over. New _csigns, new granites, new and improved ‘ools and methods, in fact, the most up- .o-dnto Marble and Granite works in shis part of Ontario. Get our prices and «so our designs bolero purchasing. Shopst show rooms 11 and 13 Cam. ridgeSt.. immccliutuly north I ’ ï¬rehul Lindsay Marble Works Boar. CHAMBERS, PROP. ...__ ___.__.._..._.m.__~__-_ --.. Money Urgently Needed! Their lot was never an easy one, even under favorable conditions. They had to eta-u 1e along through sheer hard work and nd-toâ€"mouth pinching and scraping. Then came the *blow. stricken down with tuberculosis. The wife was left with four little ones to keep. But she faced the future bravely, buoyed up by the hope that some day her husband will come back. In the meantime, she has to go out washing and cleaning every day, and then force her tired-out body to do her own work at nights. Cases of this kind are numerous. They always call for prompt relief. For unless consumption is quickly treated its terrible effects hurt) many beyond the ï¬rst victim. At this moment. money is urgently needed so that medicine, nourishment, and treat- ment may be taken to suï¬â€˜erers. We im- plore you to contribute something NOlV. Please don’ t delay ; the situation is serious. Contributions to the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives will be gratefully toknowledged by J. Gage, Chairman Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Avenue, )1' R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, 347 King: Street West, Toronto. ' FENELON FALLS MARKETS Fenclon Falls, Friday, Apr. 17;, 1914 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 800. to 82 Wheat, full, 55 to 90 V liv:il.,’.~;;tril:g. 75 13080 liol‘lt‘y, pvr lluslml. 50 to 60 (his. In 1- Lush-1.38 to 40 l’- ilM'. pm- lmslicl, 75 to 1.00 ‘ lim'ltv in at . (.00. to 75 l‘otzw‘. 0;: bush. 70 to 75 blitlcl', [lt'l‘ pound, 27 to 28 Eggs, per dozen. 17 to 18 V Hay, per ton, $15 to $18 Hides, $9.00 to $10 Hogs, live, $7.50 to $9 00 Beef, $10 to $11 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 15 to 23 Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3 00 Flour, W'nnipcg $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Loaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour, Victoria, $2.45 to $2.05 Flour, new process, $2.40 to $2.00 Flour, family, clipper. to $2.55 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.25 to $1.30 . Shorts, (10., $1.25 to $1.35 ,Mixcd Chop, (10., $1.45 to $1.55 Corn, Chop. (10., $1.60 to $1.65 Barley Chop. 1.45 to 1.50 > Oat Chop, $1.50 to $1.60 Crushed Oats, $1.55 to $1.65 ~_-.‘3':L;{.v »-r -. w . . '1 HE day has gone past . when a.wise woman will put up with an inferior ,5; cooking apparatus. She has heard of V ; 'El‘ihe .. “ appy Thought†Range. 113;.) 2-,:- ' 3371!: 'l .a. a'l so superior. . .r.‘ -.~. ' .m sadism" w." it as, u- m 54' .« "madam?«amuï¬mgxi emuâ€"vi ‘e>*«.n~: -7. i were sentenced on the 'llth. w: mmsnasm‘ “';_W‘ " ' .___._ ~â€" . .. _-.â€"... Mn" Lindsay Burgulars Sentenced. Fmilh and Wilson. the two burgulnrs who were tried inst week at. Lindsay, Wilson will serve six months. and Smith two The husband was. years less one day at Guelph farm. MARRIED Honnâ€" Srnnon. â€"â€" At Islay. Out, by Rev. S. G. Steele, B. A., on chdnosduy, April 8th, 1914, Mary Elizabeth Spence to Frederick 0. Here, of Echelon Town- ship. We, the undersigned hereby agree to sell, a package of ï¬ve standard size 5 cont boxes of Silver Tip Silent Matches and her neighgors tell her what it will do. mi 5.4 $0 a a C13 C2 2 M (#5 Fl 0 < t?! 0 i .0 . You run NO RISK. see our goods.- 8. 'Gaz’ner.‘ FENELON FALLS. SEE OUR WALL PAPERS. for twenty cents. Quality guaranteed. " A. a C. McFARLAND 9 1' WWI/WW J 07" r... v @fJOflJ‘ [declare/fly Talcurn Powder \xir / l} ’/ â€"â€"-is the most refreshing "/ and pleasant-of all tales V; Its elusive fragrance, cool- ness and antiseptic qualities have placed it foremost among tnlcums and made it the favorite of many users. ‘ES The high quality of the talcâ€"its fine- ness of texture and the costlincss of the perfume that gives it its frag- rance are not equalled in any other talc you can buy. All Dmggzlsls, 25c. tins. Made by _ 38 SOVEREIGN PKRFUMES LIMITED, TORONTO A 17/. WMMMWWM For Sale by Vicars FENELON FALLS, ONT. The King of rung"; " Buck's HAPPY rnoucn‘r " \' " The Corrugated Oven » ‘ If by chance you do not know the merits of The “ Happy Thought†you owe it to yourself to investigate. look into the ï¬rebox and flues, weigh the covers, note the patented dampers, the ventilated. illuminated oven, the corrugated oven plates, and all the different features that makethis Range so 'diï¬erent and Wings, > You don't know true household comfort if you. don’t know The ‘ Happy Thought†Range. Write the Manufacturers for Illustrated Cafafague. V Limited, ' BRANTFORD Call and . m B ,5“: ,.,. ' v . . .5333: zed-$144)? 3:417)» ($CUUVGI ZTQEflï¬f thy}? BETTER. Furniture delivered to your home at LESS THAN CITY PR] 0E8 .17 F ‘ "42:33.2. .:liMWfï¬iï¬iï¬-i‘ki‘?utjymyk....: f l J . v. l ' - A , . - .« â€"> v frWJ‘a-