I \Ve carry a good Stockjof the best furniture ""‘at. T attraCtiv‘e prices. 1.3'Always' show goods. ' Picture, framing a’s‘pecialty. L. Danni Sn runnuvunrnrnirn‘s : BEFORE-.100 STEP LOOK AHEAD ! Before you not, plan and aim ,high. If you aim to get a V Superior Business Education you will be looking-toward the usagsv .1. .LL Icscsiro. our. the school that has the habit of doing ‘a class of work- that bears the stamp of “ Superiority.†Open all year. Enter anytime. Handsome catalogue sent on request. wag-“ELLIOTT; PRINCIPAL CornerYonge and Alexander Streets. werewgéiaue %‘I“I“X'>X‘+X<*I*%%% $14"? . § 0 wk 6 § 3? . 3" :24» 9% ' '4 n4- ' ' . n o}; ‘ v to of, ‘ ' w o†V ‘ _ s} 0} , u o'o s an n" a ï¬e ' >§4 if ' go *3 and how to save money by the use MetrM Win? were ++ 04 .y «30 0 $2 $0615 0 “3‘ steam _ ‘ .Wall Paper and Frame Shop ’ ensrweemeweewmemww of this oldest and the newest . - ï¬nish ' F08 Fiiiiiiil'UiiE F08 FL00iiS- - F03 Stills Aim EANQES Comes in threeâ€"sized tins, 30, 5‘0 and 900. Guaranteed by-tho oldest and largest makers of reliable Varnish in the cities of Boston and Montreal. See folders for colors and instructions. Agency at tilt». A. Giltlllllll†%X<+X“X‘fÂ¥* .Wsmwwamwws am.» 7 + 1‘ {ehflwtdw Next Simpson House LE N . FENELON FALLS MARKETS Fenelon Falls, Friday, Apr. 10, l 914 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 800.130 82 3. Wheat, full, 85 to 90 Wheat, spring, 75 to 80 Barley, per bushel, 50 to 60 Oats, per bushel, 38 1:040 . Pease, per bushel, 75 to 1.00 Buckwheat, 60c. to 75 Potatoes, bush. 70 to 75 butter, per pound, 2? to 28 Eggs. per dozen. 17 to 18 Hay, per ton. $15 to $18 Hides, $9.00 to $10 _ Hogs, live, $7.50 to $9 00 Beef, $10 to $11 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 ' W00], 15 to 23 . ' ‘ Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3 00 Flour,W:nnipog $2.70 to $2.90 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 ' Flour, new process. $2.40 to $9.00 Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to Bran. per 100 pounds,$1.25 to Shorts, (10., $1.25 to $1.35 Mixed Chop, (10.. $1.45 to $1.55 Corn Chop. dn., $1.60 to $1.65 Barley Chop. 1.45 to 1.50 Oatphop. $1.50 to $1.60 . Srushed Oats, $1.55 to $1.65 .. pleased to i i § _§ E i i % mm ITET??nr-uw.7 " l i I g I Winnipeg i Parcel Post. The new parcel post system and, the rural delivery offer a rare opportunity for those living at a diStance to have their drugs and med'icines‘delivered at their doors for a few cents. for ï¬ve cents. , We have-made special. arrangements to ï¬ll all orders, . I. a “phone 'messag' gas not convenlentgjust Write us. You} can depend» on are delivery, after yo’uruorder isgreCeived. , ‘ -_;éeâ€".s“. We freely in sending theirl‘orders. 'oeeoeeeeeeosoéoeeeeoeeeooooeooeoeoeeeoeooeeeooeeeooo SUBSCRlBERS IN ARREARS Shaw’s : usiniess Schn‘os Toronto, Canada, include the'Cen: 'tral Business College witlrFive WCity Branch Schools. Graduates g mutton WI†be'sumclent' “Court Fenelon‘ Falls No. 626 are universally successful. Enter any time. \Vrite for eatalogue.’ ’ \V.‘H. Shaw, Prrs. Head Offices,- ' 301 Yonge St. , ~ A. w.- QUIBELL, * f c. n. H. LITTLETON, R. s 3x ? OMES EX C on SIONs TO . ‘ MAN ITOBA, ALBERTA. Siï¬KATCHEWAN = 1 Each Tuca‘iay March 3 to October 27.1nclusivc. and Return - 535.6% ‘ Edmonton and Return, -_ 43.80 - From Toronto, and Stations West and ‘ North of Toronto. Proportionate f'uII'Jo : from Stations East of Toronto. ‘_ - ’ Return Limit two months". - L. his 7 i if is the old rigs. New ones cost money. We make a specialty of re- REDUCED SETTLERS’ l-‘ARES ‘ (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) 1 EACH Tussogv, MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and eï¬ects should talv SET’I‘LFRS’ SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves VVrst' Toronto each Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 pm. train from Toronto Union Station. .If that needs ï¬xing up bring it here. i z i _ you need anew» one i ' we can build iiiâ€"good _-. F. ' c. nuns". i Colborno Street! melon Fallout /W*.ry‘-mrc:.r:a. mum-inw.w~muwxozwum " . ' Settlers and families without live stock should use REGULAR TRAENS, leaving DAILY., Through .Toronto 10.1") n m. Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. . Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and ' West. COLONIST CARS 0N ALL'TRAINS. ' No charge for Berths. . Particulars from Canadian Paciï¬c Agents “or write M. G. Murphy. D.P.A.. Toronto. . - To keep beautiful, keep. well.; Don’t~ negleet'any symptom" of ill-health. Lose health,and beauty goes with it. Cosmetics will not bring it back.» ’ Rossetti ' I ' eéieies‘y seed. Egon. ' Tonic is intended to aid in bringing all the I ' :v-VM‘Z"! / 1 [avatar v-. t . harmonious action, toning up, refreshing, and invigorating the entire system, giv- ing energy to the spirits, and new life to the muscles. ‘ m ".- "i \A . It is a valuable strengthâ€"building tonic in hot weather. We guarantee it to - » . a '- 'Sold' Only by it . . I 5-.4- 905m , -' Museum All) onmun ‘ R‘EXALL ‘ STORE - Any“ parcel up “to apound: is delivered ' quickly and carefully. {We have a Bell Phone, NO; 39*,» -_ .1 ‘ ‘ and We'ver)’ icordially ithte. the public to Use the phone _. ' cei-ving; your parcel byttheï¬rstg: Me. i Draggist and Stationer M Penelon Falls. i For th Gazette will please call and p settle or remit by mail without delay. The amount due on each account is small but they aggregate a. considerable sum. "We need the money, and trust this inti- tinnnun ORDER crr‘onESTEn-S . ‘Meetsl'as‘t Wednesday of each month Visitingbrethrcn always made v. elccme ‘ Clpairing,repainting,=-etc, _ '1 . you have anything . Or if . Keep Beautiful _ ' organs of the body into healthy, active, . . please you or‘ money back. 'Price $1.00. _ I v a - “,1 d a a J 1 m ) 3:, “.1 “in “Li’idzr-Qi‘engJ‘ifqigï¬â€˜y‘z: . .. .v- - .-., _,_.-._...... w. n»:- 'v 0 r -. r .y,. .‘b. _M The family in a group Photographâ€"before they have ,. And, when the family is scattered how. glad you will be . that you had it done in time. ’ _ ' . Photography almost puts this obligation on us, make the appointment to-day. lef't the'old fireside and gone out in‘o the big worldâ€"Ever I; think“ of it? ‘ . , r ' Nothing preserves the home. atmosphere and home ' ' the centre. 3.3 i x. ‘ ‘ 3%. I - vt-l-u 4g. . i g memories like a grOup picture with Father and Mother in o o o i E J. .H._STANTON p , «axial-Iv" u ’L ,. \. ~ .21 - /. . vs ‘; my: r. w†W“MW%&%§WH&MWMW%$ * r. a. p. N?!†' z»:- ‘..J.<...:~,'~.f,- :~..- 1 {WM \ 1| l l hm w ‘9 I v r god... a.‘4p.- . .‘ v . {gags 1i . -.L ‘ .. c .j :-1 1 i511; . .«r sf A4,? ’5‘ “6". A» .‘ 0 ‘ <c¢«&*~&‘~ï¬ï¬ï¬'a’~:i res-W .rx Aâ€"VF - 1 ' ~ r“ *5 :I- . _:»’s*rï¬t€;a?etu¢‘:;3= is assassin" can is. ~ resentment? rear, ' ass-cs us We - nicer siesta-res sass a: q: ’X‘Mdfli ‘44“? '11 ‘3‘%*’%4°*$WH‘°2»2‘$$%%% UILDiliG consent We are prepared to take contracts for houses; sum?- mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our esti mates. Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish always in stock.. Planing and matching done to order. Li A. .. ï¬st .,. )1! Ly†renews mus Ftsiiiiit-tiltt In. TEIES, EB BPRIETOB . imp: H†H HI. . , p EQUAL T0 ANY ADVERTISED ' ' AT OB. NEAR THE PRICE. Why send your. Order to outside Men? Bring the cash and, we can meet the Price. a 7 Wires, “inches high, 250. , 9 Wires. 48 inches high. 29c. 8 Wires, 47 inches high, 28c. 10 Wires, 50 inches high. 31c. All Nine Stays to the Rod. FOSTER KELLY - - FEIELeu FALLS. M ‘ ‘ ' ""9« ‘ "a... ‘- ‘ -.. I - .. . - . Avg-«53%,, 4".»fq. J t <_; I _ L. - \ :j‘ ' ' 2. ' . . “ :v, . .v M. . ’3‘â€" ‘13.; - - 3, :1“ .. mijvy-Nx‘..".."gflf: ff’vfâ€. ‘ uflï¬ï¬; l l «1 i: - - -._... .._s. ........ . ï¬.....-,______.____,._ ._..