"‘0": >-".:‘ “ - 3.. .1. f A“ j \I; I . ""'rg"‘~:"‘/"¢'« P.._ui_’.g‘t.‘,. "v-lm. r-«...,.~m-..l. _ . .__ The Wedding Eve ;‘ .0r, Married .to 21 Fairy. CHAPTER III. Long before‘ Nicholas! Wray awoke . on the following morning, I was up and away on my journey. _ CHAPTER IV. _ In one respect my friend Collars had mis- informed me. The Roso and Crown Inn. Lythinge, made no pretence of calling 'it- A; long a I live 1 slum remember every self a. hotel. My landlady, a buxom and detail of int journey. The rain came comely young married woman, who, with down 'in torrents. making amends for an her husband, a year before, had come up exceptionally dry early summer. Sheets of water. descending slantw-ise, seemed to 01 from a farm on the marshes to run the d house, was already dissatisfied with skim witho t penetrating the surface of her bargain. Life at Lythinge W86 “80 the parch , stubby grass and blistered dull, she complained, and her former ex- oarth. It was the worst of all weathom istence in a tiny marsh hamlet was one in which to leave town, but I was more of wild dissipation and delight by com- or- less indifferent to rain, as my friend. the sea, often looks its best under a drenching downpour from the skies. On Tuesday I had to be back agwin to squire Madge to a literary breakfast, and later on to a. concert. Her constant de- _mands on my time throughout the season were often extremely irksome, and I. got into a. wa» of counting the days until my uncle an his wonia-nkind removed to Scotland after Goodwood. Never before had I felt more thoroughly in the need of solitude and quiet; never before had I felt_ so restless and dissatisfied With my posxtion and prospects. It. was the loneli- ness and isolation of Lythinge, as de- scribed by Collars, that led me to the spot; and on mv arrival at tho neares railway station of Cranling. I was rather relieved than d-isappomted to find that no conveyance was, obtainable, and that_ and my baggage must. tramp it two miles and a. half to the villa-go of Lythinge, on the brow of the hill. Happily. a. comfortable inn, relic of the old coaching days, situated at the junc- tion of four crossroads in the open coun- pa-rison. “barring the ague.†She objected to the bar. looked down on ' the laborers, and stood in dread of the occasional soldiers who came over from Sandvhythe; but as she was_ir_icapablo of cooking anything more complicated than ham and eggs, and "did not ‘llke the trouble of letting rooms," I fear me the Rose and Crown must be by thistime in a. very bad way. . ' .' It was a one-story building in two wings. The one which contained the chief eu- traiiceâ€"tlie bar, two (small parlors, and the principal sleeping-roomsâ€"stood at right angles with a. second. composed of two long, low-roofed apartments, one above the other, which could be let for 3 concerts or meetings. The upper one he a great attraction for me on account of its four windows; those inland command- ing a delightful View across ï¬elds of wheat and barley. of sloping. well-wooded hillsund green uplands, while seaward the outlook was finer still, a. vast panorama of marshland, intersected by_cana-ls, and dotted here and there by «tiny villages, bordered by a. row of martcllo towers. which looked at this distance like child- â€y' served to break my “um†and “1" reii's over-turned sand-pails and the sea. ply inc with food. For. the resources 'of ythinge, as I speedily found on arriving there, were limited in the extreme. 'The In a. corner of the room was a half- gravnd piano, old and battered. purchased. no doubt, at a. sale of some gentlemans village was supposed to contain about 11' r A few framed advertisement four hundred inhabitants. but though this {flingfaï¬hs in gaudy colors hung on the flame “eluded dwiflle†in 50“.“er cm†walls and some long wooden benches. one tages about the neighboring hills, I.have 01. W50 cane chains, and a, rickety table, always been inclined to think the roll-call completed the fax-nature of the apartment. must have been swelled by. the addition of some of the small black pigs with which the sparsely populateddistrict air neared to swarm. » In Lytliinge there resided a. local "vet." Here I sat for some time, opening the windows, and letting the strong 'wmd blow up from the stormy sea, and hither I_ re- solved to return after a. walk in the neigh~ liorliood to get up an appetite for the iii- a blacksmith who cut human hair or shod ev-itablo ham and eggs supper. horses indiscriminately, but was report- 'I‘he air was laden with the scent of hay ed to have too heavy a. hand for the more after the recent heavy rain; down the delicate operation of shaving; a. butcher. in whose shop was naught but a. string of uncanny-looking sausages and a live fox- rassy cliff-side fart Kcntish sheep and ambs were contentedly munching the short herbage; all Sights and scents, and terrier; and an emporium of all sorts,‘ in even the rushing and rustling of the wind which blue glass vases, pink calico, and through the little trees that bordered the tinned salmon represented the resources canal, soothed my discontented spirit. of civilization. An old Saxon church, with short, square tower and gray, lichen-covered walls, crowned the summit of a. g the foot of which, in the days of the R0- wished, as I bent in the rough sea-breeze. that I could throw off the restraints of my artificial life in London altogether. rassy hill’ at, wishedpavs I had often wished before, that I could take a. cottage in some quiet spot man invasion. the sea, washed the walls on the Seacoast and 1mmb all day and in of a massiVe castle, which, with its dc- peiidencms, covered close on ten acres of. ground. Nowythe sheep were grazing all weathers, free from the meaningless. heartless chatter, the tedious round of silly dissipation, the exasperatng same- where the salt waters used to flow. and 11888 Of my life in town. liars and there broken fragments of Ti- tanic wallsmpecring up through the rank herbage of - ie half-reclaimed.marshland. All this may, and indeed must, sound the height of. discontent in such a spmled child of fortune as I was then esteemed. told where the fortress had once overlook- But, although I would not own it, it was ed the sea, sheltered under the brow of the overhanging cliff. the thought of my forthcoming loveless marriage that stuck in my throat. Al- FI‘Om the quiet- Churchyard above. Where most insensibly, during the past few pine-trees, rattling in the lemDEGWOIIB months. Madge had drawn my chains clos- wind which followed the rain. fringed the er, Only last. night she had clearly rc- outer edge of the steep descent. I‘ stood for over an hour gaznig over the wide- sprea-ding. marches to the angry line of seated the fact that} was going to be away three. days Without having asked her permissmn or told her my dos-mum , see. beyond. And the charm and strange- tion, l mess of the place sank deep into my heart. “I forgive you this time, but when we 1' preparing me for the noveltyjmd romance are married I shall not be so lenient,†she l WhiCh was comma mm my “fen and was had said; and her words had startled me. 5 even now close upon me. Most people would be beneï¬ted by the occaâ€" sional use of Na-liru-Co laxatives Gently, thoroughly, and. Without discomfort, they free the system of the waste . which poisons the blood and lowers the vitality. 25c. a box, at your Druggist’s. National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. l76 - Choose which 5min you like best for your white Sugar and buy St. Lawrence Pure Cane Granulated white,in original bags-Fine grain, medium or coarse. Each the choicest sugar. As}: your Grocer. ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINEEIES, LlMlTED MONTREAL. cation-ii - "h. 7 THEIR CLOTHES The Dye that colors ANY KIND ‘ . of Cloth Perfectly, with the SAME DYE. No Chance of Mistakes; Clean and i . Ask our Drugs!“ or Dcllcr. Send forSB‘ggl‘LIet. Tin: ohnson-Richnmson Co. Limited, Montreal _ and had remained in my mind with un- pleasant significance. This boisterous wind gave me just the sense of physical flghtipg I wanted in my troubled state of mind. It drove up the sand, pricking my cheeks-and eyes. and as I drewuiearer the long line of dull yellowish-gray fringed With sect-hing white, my lips grew wet and salt with the spray on the sea. - . Afternoon deepened rlnto evening as I wandered between the lines of sand-dunes and the waves. until a very keen country hunger made me turn inland again, and struggle in the teeth of the Wind up the rugged cliff-side toward the church tower. A vivid crimson and yellow sunset bo- gan. to show through long lines of gray stormcloud. To watch the sky over the marshes from the windows of that upper room at once suggested itself ’to me. and. after hurrying IIO rthe inn door, and giv- ing orders about a. meal, I entered the other wing, and ran lightly up the wood- en staircase, to feast my eyes on the scene outside. At the door I suddenly paused. It was about an inch ajar; for, in commOn with all donrs at the Rose and Crown, the damp had warped the wood. and it shut with difï¬culty. A-light sound of patter- iug,i\'hic.li reached my ears through the apertiu'o arrested my progi'cs-sz-the door was immediately at the head of the stairs, without any landing, and I peepcd in. To the last day of my life I shall remem- ber the picture which presented itself be- fore my ch-armedand astonished eyes. A vivid orange liglit'from the western sky suffused the room, striking through to the opaque masses of blackish-gray cloud on the land side. In the midst of the sharp, yellow glow, tran-sfigured and glori- ï¬ed as though robed in tho inner flame about .the wick of a candle, was the ï¬gure of a very young girl. So slender was she, so sWift and light in her constant swaying movements. that she. appeared at ï¬rst more like a. .fairy emanation of the sunset than a living and breathing crest ure. This I thought before I had seen her face. But when she suddenly turned and confronted me in her light-footed dance, and the sunset shone in her tangled fair liair, glanced along her little white teeth. nestled in the dimples about her mouth, and swam in the liquid clearness of her forget-meâ€"not blue eyes, then, indeed, I realized that this exquisite embodiment of grace and ladness was a woman in the first flush of er youth; a woman so love- ly. so pure, and sweet to look at, that I held my breath as I gazed upon her,.and Thanked Heaven that. I had lived to behold ier. Later on I realized that she was poorly. even shabbily. dressed in a. gown of gray cotton, very short and scanty, fashioned by her own hands. She looked little more than a child of possibly fourmen or ï¬f- teen years of a e, and. although her height was ali'ea y above the average. the lovely lines of her ï¬gure were rather those of a child than a. woman. She had kicked off her slices, and I remember noticing that she had danced her gray worsted stockings into holes. although her slender little feet seemed to skim rather than tread upon the floor. I have always intensely love-d dancing, and have seen all the great step-dancers and ballet-dancers of my time, but. I have never seen. and I never shall see anything L‘sipontaneous, so joyous and dainty. as this girl's movements. Eyes and lips, and pretty. birdlikc little head, danced with her nimble feet. lithe arms, and tiny hands. She was lon -limbed and slender. of dancing build. an dancing was surely born in her: for. although at that time she could have had little or no instruc- tion in her art, her twirls and pirouettee. he); “charm of woven paces and of weav- ing hands._" would have made the fortune of a premiere denscusc in any capital Of Europe. I hardly know how long I knelt on the stairs watching her, when a creaking (f the ancient wowka drew her attention Your Guarantee of Goodness The name “SALADA†ages is (your strongest best an most fragrant in tea on the sealed lead guarantee of all t ck; -"r‘: I . IS THE CHOICEST TEA GROWN THE ISLAND OF GBYLON glean, whole leavesâ€"with the delightful flavor of the fresh leaves brought to your table by the sealed lead packages. to me. She bounded to the door, pushed it open, and caught me before 1 had nice to escape. I had expected that she would be. either shy or angry, big. .sho wad neither. She only stared at me for some seconds With starry, distended eyes. and (then began to laugh-tho rippling laugh oi‘ua. heal-thy child. .I didn’t know. any one was there." she said. ‘ Can you play the piano?†I nodded acquiescence. Just play me this tune I've been trying to burn in myhead to dance to. I board it_ on an organ in Folkstoue yesterday. List-en!" And she rectly a popular waltz melody whiclrwae driving residents of suburban side streets mad about that time. I could play a. little by ear, and I cross- ed to the piano. The young girl flew there by my side, opened it for me. and leaned over me, humming still, while I picked out the chords, her tumbled yellow hair ilowuig over my coat-sleeve as she watch- ed my ï¬ngers. ’ , _ She was not in the least self~conscious 01" shy. She treated me rather as an. old friend, and when I struck the notes {the indicated. she turneda lovely, glowing face up close to mine in evxdent delight, and clapped her hands. - Seen thus close. there was no flaw in her bewildering prottiness. Her features were small and neat, her nose being short and straight, and her laughing lips curl- ed and red as a rosebud carved in coral. A light seemed to shine behind her eyes. so brightly did they dance and sparkle; and her silky, light, yellow hair. the ï¬nest lll texture I have overseen, curled and wav- . ed and fluttered in the sea-breeze, as‘thc thought occurred to me, from slicer ex- uberance of spirit. Presently, as I mastered the tune. she sprang to her feet and began to dance again, inventing her own steps with mar- velous grace and dexterity. Every now and then she cried “Faster,†and clapped her hands. I followed her directions. 'and her pace quickened until she was flying hither and thither like a. butterfly flutter- ing in a. summer-garden. Not for one mo- ment could I remove my eyes from her face; merely to gaze upon her gladncss and beauty, seemed to satisfy some want in my heart which had been With me _al- ways, and every note of her voice, which was not ovorslrong, and would have been sweet but for an odd. hoarse sound in it. filled me with a passionate thrill» of de- light. ‘hc grew tired at last, and stepped, rosy-er as the sunset itself. She slid in- to. a. kneeling position by one of the open Windows, and. supporting herself upon her elbows, her flushed cheeks in her hands. looked out toward the sea. _ “Isn't that lovely out there?" she said. “All red like fire. I do like a red sunset all over the sky like that. It makes me feel warm and happy." “You are hot with dancing.†I said. as- suming a, fatherly and reproving tone. "You ought not to run the risk of taking a chi-ll in the evening air." She looked up at me and laughed. "Me take a- cliill? My word, it wouldn’t do for me to turn delicate! Why, I'm out in all weathers with father!" "Is your father staying here with you?" "He’s coming on here after a bit. Mrs. Nokcs, the landlady, she don't know I'm here yet. I just stole up-stairs to have a. look at the view, and do a bit of practice when I saw you. It’s line having a, piano here. Father don’t always get that. I do love 11111810 'don’t you? And you play love- y." There was something pathetic in the thin, sweet voice, which had not yet whol- ly lost its childish cadence. and in the. frank conï¬dence with which she gazed up into my face. Presently she thrust her head out of the window again; poised a little on one side, listening. . “That's a lurk, isn’t it?" she asked. “Don't I wish I‘could sing like that! That's why I love going to church. I smg the hymns as loud as over I can, and it makes me feel good and lovely: Mustnft the birds feel good after saying their prayers like that? Oh, aren’t these waves out there splashingin beautiful? I'd'llkB to dance over the top of them!†There was a. wistfulneos in her blue eyes as she stared out to sea, the same strain: ed look that one sees at times in the eyes of very young children, as though they be- gin to realize the world and its sadness. Bhe ave a. little curb, and turned.) to me wi who-t looked like tears nwmiming in her eyes. ' _ ,“I'm‘so tired." she murmured, "and so hungry. I do wish fatherlwould come." . “When do_you expect him?†"Oh. no time in articular. He's over at the Red Lion in Vest Bandhythe. I left him rthere because the landlord wouldn t have me. and I know Mrs. Nokes here. We’ve train . fifteen miles to-day, and we haven't ad anything to eat since nine o’clock this morning. But, if they like faâ€" ther’s recitations and begin toasting him. I don't know when he'll get, here," “Why don't you order some dinner for yourself?" “Oh, I daren’t. I haven’t any money. and father m-ayn‘t have any by the time he comes here. Mrs. Nokes knows us, and don’t give credit. That’s why I got in a. bit of practice at my dancmg. so as to be ready to work for our supper if anybody comes in." . . “Do you work at dancing for your liv- ing?†I asked, feeling suddenly a great pity creep into my heart for_ the fragile. half-formed littlo thing kneeling there. so close to me, with the fading _light making an auroole of her yellow hair. She nodded. . . “But it isn’t much of a. living." sue ad- mit-ted. "Mother was a clergyman's daughter, and she made father promise I shouldn’t be made to dance on the stage. That was when she was dying. ten years ago. I’d love to be on the stage.†she con- tinued, her bright eyes growmg brighter still. "In iantomime, you know, as a fairy. Las Christmas, while father was out, I ran away to the theatre and saw a. pantomime. My! but it was lovely! The lights and the dresses, and the songs and the transformation scene! I don't think the girls danced much better nor I. either: But father says he Won’t break his pro- mise to mother, and, besides that. he likes to boys me with him. and he hates stop ping in one place ion , and the pay isn t ood at first, andâ€"an I'm a. lot too shab- y to go trying for an engagement along with well-dressed girls.†Her under lip quivered as she spoke. In spite of her evident lack of education and her defective grammar, there was no trace of vulgarity about her. She was as unaf- fected and free from self-consciousness with a stranger as though she had been all her life accustomed to the best sooiet . Her mood changed as oftonrand as open y as a child's, and she turnod to me now proceeded to hum quite cor-. BLACK. GREEN on MIXED 05' with a. look of appeal (in her blue eyes that was irresistible. _"I'm so hungry." she whispered plain- tively. . “You told me you dance for .your liv- ing," I said. “Now I love dancing, and I have never seen anyone dance. more pret- tily than you. I was watching you a long time from the stairs before you saw me, and you must let me pay for the pleasure.†- (To be continued.) *ILâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- BUTLER’S STORY. " Elli-s. Parker Butler some years ago wrote a story which he thought would ï¬t into the scheme of one of the smaller magazines. He sentthe story to the editor.. It was printed. Failing to receive payment, he made an inquiry. There came a. cheque Ellis Parker Butler. ________._.____.___â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"â€" for $2. The humorist returned this with the message, “You probably need this more than I do.†To which the editor replied: “Thank you. We do.†' ’3‘ THE ASTONI’SHED LAIRD. Acted Immediately. Dr. Aberncthy once visited a. ci-iis-t-y old laird who was laid up with gout. He wanted to get out with his gun, and was in a. temper, mid, while the doctor was looking at his foot, asked complainingly, T“Why don’t you strike at the root and get me better!†Solemnly the doctor got up, took his walking-M stick, and smaished‘to, pieces .0. de- canter of wine Which was standing on the table. The astonished laird sprang up and demanded an expla; nation. .“ b,†said the doctor, “I am only striking at the root!†‘3‘ Game to Her Mistress. The day before she was to be ma-r- ried an old rustic servant came to her mistress and entrusted her sav- ings to her keeping. “Why should I keep your money for you? I thought you were going to be mar- ried,†said the mistress. “So I am, ma’am'; but you don’t suppose I’m going to keep all this money in the , house with. that strange man about the place ’2†stop them in NATIONAL Dauo horses. ‘4-‘ t is NEWS You canot afford braiii-bcfogging headchcs. NA-BRU-CO Headache Wafers quick time and clear your head. They do not contain either phenacetln, acetanilid, morphine, opium or any other dangerous drug. 25¢. a box at your Drugglst's. 121 ___._______$S: uni "fills an ISLE . i or nun; anon uni-a. LAND’S snonns. f' ï¬â€"w Happenings in the Emerald Isle of\. Interest to Irish- men. On an acre of ground at his real-- deuce at Ballinastragh, Gorey, Sir T. H. G. Eamonde, M.P., has grown 725 lbs. of tobacco, on which there! has been a. return of $175. During the past couple of week-s there have been a. dozen cases of typhoid fever in Ahoirne district few miles from Cmrick-on-Sui-r a. four deaths have been reported. I , The report relating to the Gallo-f way Harbor Improvement for (lpr ening and improving the optioned to the docks, shows that it is esti4 mated the cost will be about $300;J 000. ' Mr. Murray, a former, was riding a. donkey near Bul-lyli'all, Hindford when the animal threw him, infl' lug fatal injuries. He died later i : the G-alway County Inï¬rmary. . ‘ The Congest/ed - District's " ‘Boartll has completed the purchase cit-00lo- nel Saunders Knox Gore’s estate in the barony of Tyrawly. The annqu rental was about $35,000. I ,Four persons were serimisly in) jured through a. boilorlin a. ldtcheni in the Northern Counties Hotel, Portriisli, suddenly exploding when, water vas being poured into it. The local Government Board h ,I refused the application of the Edlendei‘i‘y No. 2 (County Kilolarc)i District Council to reduce temporll anily the rents of .labor‘ers’ cottages? in“t-het‘distriot._; / v ' The new twinâ€"screw steamer Star) of Victoria, built by Messrs. Work?z man, Clark & 00., Belfast, left Bel i i » fast. harbor recently and proceeded! to Garrick Roads, for speed trials. _' The officials of the Cong-ester). Disâ€"l ti'icts Board- arc engaged in (livid: ing up a large farm in Roscommonl containing 160 acres amongst the, small tenants in the vicinity. An extensive cattle drive recent-l ly took place on a. farm near Let- terfra-ck, and the police subse-l ‘quently arrested eight men, who' were conveyed under heavy escort to Galway. ‘ The. Department of Agriculture, reports that the total produce oil the Irish flax crop for 1913 is esti-i mated at 2,024,332 stones, showing a decrease of 48,569 stones over‘ 1912. v The local government board has sanctioned a. loan of $20,000 to the: Molnaghan urban council for the. purpose of providing houses for the. working classes of the toWn. At a. meeting of the United Irish: League members of the Cork Cor-j poration it was resolved to support: the Right Hon. Alderman O’Sheal as Lord Mayor for a, third year of} ofï¬ce. As the result of an accident on; the Great Southern 8: Western; Railway, between Budhil-l and Kil-i' laloe, when an engine left. the. switch, John .Conlan, the ï¬reman} was secluded to death. The people of Millet-reel; Were re», cently startled by a. terriï¬c explo-Q sion‘. ' It was found that an attempt had been made to blow up the; house of J. I’. Hagert-y, Main St} r No one was injured. Ashocking tragedy is reported5 from Louisburgli. Dr. James 3.! McGrea], Medical Ofï¬cer of the Louisburgh Dispensing Districtâ€; committed suicide at his residence. by taking a. dos-e of morphine. At a. meeting of the Mayo County Council, Patrick Hopkins was ap- pointed i‘ate collector for the Glenâ€" isla-nd district, and T. S. Moclair,‘ Castlebar, was appoint-ed returning ofï¬cer for the forthcoming elec- tions. AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA. LlHITED. In foal or foal at foot. having Distemper or Influenza. or any other form of Contagious Disease, may with absolute safety to Marc and Foal be given SPOHN’S LIQUlD DISTEIlllPER CURE It also is the ver best Remedy to prevent mares slipping foals. and should be 12 vents all Mares, Colts, Stallions . others. in bran or cats. or on the tongue. Then you Will. have very little trouble with sickness of any kind among your and all SPOHN MEDICAL 00., ’ chemists and lactrlologlaiv, Gcsï¬on, lnd-. U. 8. A.