Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Mar 1914, p. 8

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‘ 1w: v<v v 7 w l f iated. Stats, and carbo-l'lydrates. E and. carbo-hydrates are easily disposed lot :in this connection, because vegel ".Sllllsmlllls I EOR null. A Subject Connected With. the Cost ‘ of Living â€". I ,There are many personshperhapa, an increasing proportion of thoughtful people, who eat no flesh meat when they can get a vegetable diet that comes up to their ideal of life-sustains ing capacity. Under ordinary econ- omic conditions the number of out- and-out vegetarians has always in creased slowly, and a long time must elapse before human beings cease to be more or less carnivorous. But the present economic conditions, so far as food products aresconcerned, are very extraordinary. and it is a matter of the most profound practical im- portance to know. what other-sub- stances may safely be 'used‘ as substi- 'tutesJ-for or' supplementary. to flesh meat as part of “the dietary of adoles- cent or adult human beings. 'Assuming that the use of meat in, godd condition and in moderation is :defensible in theory as well as satis~ factory in practice, it is necessary [0 know which of its essential elements are assimilated by the body when .takenlinto it as food, in order to ascer- 'tain what vegetables contain the same elements to be in like manner assimi- The elements are proteids The fats itable oils may readily be made-to serve the same purpose as animal fats. that of fuel to keep up the animo‘ heat of the body. Sugar may be free- ily used with the same object in-view, perhaps all the more effectively if it is left flavored by the taste of the maple tree or the sugar "cane. Many fruits in Hair natural condition contain sugar, and very many of them are best preserved by being cooked with sugar before being put up in ves-- .;sels impenetrable by atmospheric air. Starch is abundant in such vegetable products as rice, Indian corn, and po tatoes.. - - The most interesting, if not the most essential elements in food pro- ducts are the “proteids,” which, be- sides the oxygen, carbon, and hydro- gen of the fats and carbo-hydrates, contain nitrogen, which is indispen- sable to the formation of blood, muscles, tendons, and nerves, and to the production of energy. Fortunate- ; 1 Show) BE COMRADES {â€"-.._._ a UNCLE 8 MS MONE Over $636,000,000 of it invested In Parents and Children Should be Lov- ing Friends For Lifeâ€"Some Observations‘on Subject Friendship between children and parents at all ages is the relation that should always exist between them. Unfortunately it is too seldom found in Canadian families after the children have passed a certain age, and often not even before. The want is due partly t: circumstances beyond the control of either party and partly to the fault of..Canadian parents. Time wipes away from the parents’ mind the recollection of how they thought and felt and acted when childw ren, thus removing ajbond of natural sympathy. *In addition, parents then fail iii-reverence for the rights of children as human beings of indepen- dent individuality, fail in self-control and' self-respect, and fail in wisdom of family government. All of us who are blessed with children want their trust, respectand companionship, not only when they are little, but still more when'they are grown and capable; Something can be done by parents to bring this about, so that an ideal relation shall be enjoyed so long as child and'parcnt livef ' I Parents need as much-1 as possible to put themselves in the child's place and trynto become as childrenagain. Fathers and mothers who best remem- ber their own childhood as a rule are those who meet with least'failure in rearing the child. ‘ Germans insist on respect from children, and this discipline helps to hold the German family together all' its life in friendship betWeen parents‘ and children. The Japanese and the French work on their children through love and ccmradeship, ,. Canada The Monetary Times says that'the amount of United States capital in- Vested in Canada. is $636,903,952, as follows: 450 branch companies, with. average investment of $800,000, $185,«I 000,000; investments in British Colum- bia mills and timber, $70,000,000; in- vestments in British Columbia mines, $62,000,000; land deals in prairie provinces, $40,000,000; investments in lumber and mines, prairie provinces, $10,500,000; theatrical lenterprises, $3,000,000; packing plants, $6,750,000: agricultural implement distributing heuses, $9,255,050; land deals, British Columbia, $60,0000,000; investments of United States life and fire insur- ance companies, $67,881,497; miscel- ‘ laneous industrial investments, $12,- 225,000; purchase of city and town property, $20,725,000; investments in the Maritime Provinces, $13,125,000; purchase of government, municipal and corporation bonds (1905-1913), $123,742,455; and fox farm invest- ments, Prince Edward Island, $1,000,- 000. ‘ [8 ll 7 SHELlER-BELT§ Alia Chili’s, influence of. Wind-breaks on crop Growth on Prairlea~ â€"â€" ., It has been estimated by Dr. Oscar 'Bembeck, a. German professor‘of agri- culture, that a moderate wind, when blowing without obstruction, may les- sen the yield of exposed land more than half. In Canada the prairie far- mer realizes the value of shelter-belts- cf trees to break winds which sweep across the prairie. As density and height both influence the effective- ness of the wind-break, it should be lmade at least four rods wide and trees 9making good height growth should be and among l chosen, such as the cottonwood or both peoples grown sons and daugh-zwhite willow, or, among the ever. ters stand more closely beside fathers ' greens, the‘white spruce, Scotch pine and mothers than among Canadians. Parents and children are not all their lives bound together ,in this 'pr tamarack. In theory, deep-rooted, marrow-crowned species should be ' chosen, but it has been found that the country with such lasting bonds Of‘dmlning effect of tree roots on the family affection as in. France, Ger- many and Japan. What has here been laid down does not mean that there should be no parental authority nor family govern- ment. Children must learn lessons of Fly proteids occur in great abundance lobedience if they are to be qualified in'both' animal and the vegetable king- f’dom, and as animals derive their pro- State' teids from vegetable sources it is fair to become members of society and the This article simply - ad- vocates such a union ,of the head to ask why human beings should not I and the heat “tween parents and obtain them directly from vegetables children, such a blending of authority Einstead of getting hand from animals food consumption. containing the largest percentage of them at second- slaughtered for nitrogenous 'matter are the legumin- V out: plants, the'most important of which are peas and beans, but wheat contains it in the form of gluten, which serves more than one useful gpurpose besides the making good the waste of muscular tissue. The pre- sence of gluten in cats adds value to oatmeal as a food. The importance of these proteid substitutes for meat is so great in relation to the high cost of living that it is well worth the while of the house- keeper to make herself acquainted with their nature and the various ways :in which they may be utilized without resorting to baker’s bread for a supply of gluten. The value of» peas and, beans is well known to the habitants of Quebec, and to the men who work during the winter in the lumber camps of Canada. It is quite safe to .say that meat would be comparatively little missrd’ if these, with whole wheat and oatmeal, were allowed a more ample place in the dietary of Canadian householdsâ€"Toronto Globe. ._ ..__. Fire Protection in Canada - l The total area controlled by the {Western Forestry and Conservation ‘Association isabout 20,000,000 acres, containing fully 500,000,000,000 feet of lumber, one-fifth the total timber wealth of the United States and al- most as much merchantable timber as there is in all Canada. This asso- tciation, at an average cost of between two and three cents per acre and‘an aggregate cost of about $200,000. maintains about 600 regular patrol- emergencies, built several hundred miles of trails and telephone lines and installed numerous tool caches aim lookout stations. .Large sums have con spent on «educational work. A" n- _..._. . memes“ “’1‘”? and love, sympathy and wisdom, as shall make parents and children The vegetables loving friends for life. -â€"_â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"u_ Locking Both Ways A new motor cycle rear light. to l‘. mounth on a handle b?.i‘._ can bl ' covered with a mirror in theday tim l | men, besides a large reserve force for! so a rider can watch the road behizi - him. - soil is negligible, and the injury done Eclose to the trees‘by shading can be avoided by growing there shade- enduring crops, such as corn or al- falfa. Alfalfa is the cheapest and best lfeed for beef cattle. Alfalfa insures larger yields from the creps that. follow. EHéFril'éS'l'n‘ the Air All field guns hereafter built for the United States army will be so mounted that they can be used against aero- planes. ‘ No Bumps on the Ground A fork carried above an aeroplane has been invented by a French aviator to enable a machine to alight by clutching a cable. 4 : Gama THE ONE BETTER. Furniture delivered to your home at LESS THAN CITY PR] 0E8 You run NO RISK. ‘- Cali and I See our gobds. 8.1.8. Gamer. FENBLON FALLS. 1' SEE OUR WALL r .m- um APERS. Filer Estimates ‘ 7 {in new buildings ‘ consult us; your order for Doors, Or give us Sash,“ InteriOr Finish, We will be pleased to figure on what you will need in supplies, or the whole contract. “F. C. TA YLOR. . Marble and Granite Monuments FAMlLlAR FILM FACE This is Leah Baird, star of the Imp ‘ moving petal-e company. Every once in a while her director decides that he has to have Scotland or lizi‘giard or the south of France for background. 30 he just tells Miss Ilcird to get ready, and away the company goes.’ If you go to the picture shows you have seen her late. of times. LfiCitS AT THE SAliiJi' Canal Machinery to be Seen in Canada We can see about the same kind of machinery at the Sault Ste.‘Marie locks, which connect Superior with the lower lakes as we would if we went to see the Panama canal. These locks are wonderful and quite a con- trast to the small look first built at this point and the little tramway which carried logszaround the rapids in the St. Mary River before any canal was dug. Statistics are often dull, but, as a matter of fact, in the few months that- these canals are open in the summer more freight passes through than through the Suez Canal. It. is a. fine sight to see the immense freighters, sometimes four in a lock, slowly rise or sink to the desired level, and watch the passengers crowd to the bow of the boat .to experience the sensation of going through some of the most wonderful locks in the world. ,Lakelcaptains boast of this fact Marvellous that though the Great Lakes are im- mense bodies of water they can navi- gate their boats into harbor without the need of a pilotâ€"something ocean captains always require. Usually these men have worked up from com- mon sailors and are familiar with all the moods and tenses of the great inland seasâ€"bodies of/water that as- tound foreigners, they'hre so vast and look so much like the ocean. French Folding Bicycle The French army has adopted a bi- cycle with a removable front wheel and a folding frame that enables it to be carried on a man’s back. Mirror Prices Should Decline Mirrors can be backed with almost any metal in 30 seconds by a new process of electrodeposition in the presence of hydrogen gas. BRITISH AMERIGAH BUSINESS GBLLEGE Yonge & McGill Sis., Toronto,0nt., is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new man- agement it is doing better work than ever. Write us if you want to pre- 1 pure for a good position. Henry 0. \Yard, Principal. ' Still doing business in the same stand but notin the same old way. We ad- vance with the times and are in a posi- tion to do better work than over. » New designs, new ranites, new and improved tools and me ads, in inch-the most up- bo~date Marble and Granite works in this part of Ontario. Get. our prices and see our designsbofore‘purchnsing. Shop and show rooms 11 and 13"Cam_ bridgest... immediately north ( f iirebal Lindsay Marble Works. 8081.. CHAMBERS, PROP. ' . mszorr resonate. our ‘ We. the undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of five standard sizc'5 cent boxes of Silver Tip Silent Matches for twenty cents. Quality gum-antral. (A. a C. ilcFAntANi) W Your success in business‘life will depend almost entirely upon the school you attend and its ability to start you right. has a rrcognizcd standing for su- perior business ll’illlilllg'alld for assisting students to good positions. All business schools are not alike. Write today for our large catalogue and see the advantages this school offers. Open all )car. Enter any time. ‘ W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL CdrnerYonge and Alexander Streets. WWW - WW CGIlliiltl-its C(illi’Se- ill. Siltlililli hit . l Thjs is to certify that Alvin I. Gould, Druggist, Fenelon Falls,~has just completed a course in the advanced “Shadow Test ” system of eye-sight testing, and I find him proficient and capable of accurately correcting even the most complicated cases of refraction by the latest methods known to science. EA. GRAHAM Instructor in Optometry 304 Coristine Bldg, Montreal 09®W0¢®¢W~0WW00 WQWO0WWW00 2. i i g 3 t 3 FENELON FALLS MARKETS Fenelon Falls, Friday, Mar. 6, i 914 Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 80c. to 82 t- Wheat, fall, 85 to 88 Wheat, spring, 75 to 80 Barley, per bushel, 50 to 60 Oats,lper bushel, 87 to 40 Peace, per bushel,'75 to 1.00 Buckwheat, 650. to 75 Potatoes bush. 60 to C5 . butter, per pennd, 27 to 28 - Eggs, per dozen. 28 to 30 Hay, per ton, $15 to $18 Hides, $10. to $11 $9 00 Hogs, live, $7.50 to Beef, $10 to $11 Sheepskins, 50 to 80 Wool, 15 to 23 ' Flour, Samson, $2.80 to $3.00 Fiour,WInnipeg $2.70 to $2.00 Flour, Silver Leaf, $2.50 to$2.70 Flour,Victoria, $2.45 to $2.65 Flour, new process. $2.40 to $2.00 Flour, family, clipper, $2.35 to $2.55 Bran, per 100 pounds, $1.15 to $1.80 Shorts, do., $1.25 to $1.35 Mixed Chop, (10., $1.40 to $1.50 Corn Chop, do., 31.55 to $1.80 Barley Chop, 1.35 to 1.40 _ Oat Chop, $1.50 to $l.00 Crushed Oats, $1.55 to $1.65 %$%WM%%WW$W% KlitlZEl unit is IT 9 and bow to save mone by the um of this oldest and. he newest finish FEB FUFllil'lliilE Hill FLGGRS FOR EGATS AiiD CAEOES Comes in threeâ€"sized tins, 30, 50 and 900. Guaranteed by the " oldest and largest makers, of reliable Varnish in the cities of Boston and M ontreal. See folders for colors and instructions. Agency at O "in? 0 0 NWMM WW amusement” WNW 9;” Will. A. GOODWIN’S i l . rill. Paper and name "shop i Next Simpson House WW .1! 0000000900000900000900000000199¢¢009000990M06 m-unr. mz w r “TASS-H rmmmt‘saamznonxszn mmmugtimmummmxmmnxm .w rm. . .. .. y.” m. . . . ...- l M‘s a: m :rfi's r ruvmamum n mmth :\» «LIN SAY.§ .._'_..-.,r.-< - - W'Vvvv " < “My- 4% A

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