: , 3 ¢OMWWMOWO Eeen Good for Forty Years WHAT IS IT 8003 F08 ? He leaVes home a boyâ€"he comesâ€"back a man. Have a good photograph made of him before he goes out into the big - world. before the boyish features and expression have'taken on the older impress. . Don’t. trust to memory to recall them, memory plays. queer tricks on us all. Y I ' Make a date with your photographer toâ€"day. and spare- yourself the regrets of to-morrow. As a general System, Tonic In Nervous Aï¬â€™ections In ConvaleSCence from Illness I In Bronchitis, Coughs, and affections of the huge . . _ In general Where Vitality, energy and appetite are diminished. J. H. STANTON. .. ‘M ,g-gm» w~~~w wearwxewew $4‘W'X“X‘%*§M " . THE LATEST V GREATEST AW- 4. Oâ€â€OMW¢MOOO¢OO690M6WҤ006000 Is Only make sureiof the quality of your Hypophosphites. Nyal’s name on it is a sure guarantee. 5%. Nyal’s Nutritive Hypophosphites is of the highest quality and a big bottle for $1.00. 1 r .3 .- ‘ *M†Don’t trifle with doubtful goods. You can be sure of Nyal’s. We know jusr what it contains. RG5 F. VICARS Mesawgmewaww ;.. . . Mew § § § § 2 E E E E g g ' “Mucoowmmwoweo It RWWW e M Q afford, lrom a business standpoint, to do such ï¬ as»; ,. O I‘begvto announce that I 0 Douglas I. McKay who was appointed ‘ gigwggfggzggï¬er£331,332; Druggist and Stationer - Fenelon Falls. ,‘ _ Waldo. ' V ' i - ' . ~ weemewowwoweeee»omeeoowwmewooeew» ’ ‘ ’ ' ' , ' system of advertising adopted by us has . l 0 “CF 1 F Ila-N0 606 _ 7 certainly caused Wide comment. and consid. 3:. Toronto Canada include the Cen- i’m‘ ene on &~ ‘ l H ’ we»w¢9.¢.%w¢.¢e¢w.o : ~era-Ible (urore among- the buylng FUbIIC‘Of ' .. Eral Businelss q(),pllelge \(vithl Fitve CARADMN ORDER OF FURESTERS = thIs sectilpln. When we ï¬rst 1agnlounfced tilltlll} a; ‘ /ity Jfranc] pc 100 s. iratua es ‘_ ' ' , 1' z , ‘ mnhr . We wou - .lve awa v a SO u 6- Fee e w iiifide‘ii-lelnclome. if beautiful $33) 00 Emilis Parlor Giand Piano Ii: Shymgtflns. Head 0111005: A.w.QUIB.ELL-, " H.LIT'1‘LETOI’, » . , which is upon exhibition in our store, miich ' cube" ' * C. R- R-S 4‘ curiosity was aroused as to HOW we could 31. § a thing. but when it was learned that We ' .5.‘ have bought out Mr. VVm- I 3; Would give ONE PIANO-VOTE with every Barkley,0f the King Edward ’cent paid for any article in our store, also Shaving Parlor, and hereby that the Piano'was to be} given, absolutely Ii. solicit a continuance of pub- . ,Free to the person presenting the greatest ' .lic patronage. I will carry number of these piano votes to us on June Ii. J ' lst, It looked an extremely novel and most a full line of pipes,tobaccoes, ’ O V *: wees»see-wwwmwwwmwwwe O o "e‘ V? liberal advertising method. The, earnest» mess with which the buying publlc have been “ going alter †theSe.piano votes more v v .Q o; 9 cigars and other smokers 9 O‘Q A~1.'A‘¥~nku- § *4? upplies. U) was â€" '5' I: tdan makes good ou‘r prophecy that it would ,3: ‘ -- ’Av 4.; ’_. . g Q 9% l V . a? £4...pr 4,. - .4 . V“ W _ ‘ JCS. § ;§; be a “ merry strife.†L 3 . ‘ . . t , ,_ _ 1 - a " This novel advertismg campaign, the naeeeeoeeoeeeeeooeeeoeeoeo eVersincreasing crowds, the many splendid values which are offering daily, has made our name a household word, and our store a mecca lor the bargain lovers of this com-. muni‘ty. ' ‘ Not too late yet to enter the contest. Call at our store and let us explain how you can Will this handsome Piano. ‘ ' For Building Strength Rexall Beef, Wino and Iron is an excellent preparation and famous as a . ~ I system builder and general tonic. Great care is taken in its preparation. m I, . I - _ ’ 7 ~ the treatment of the boot, the quality of wine,and the form of iron, as well as ,. guru. Y - - mmwnnv in the manner of its preparation. . RgXALL. 1 Beef, Wine and Iron . F Is most; pleasant to take and is very prompt in its action. It stimulates the appetite and thus helps the stomach to derive full nourishment from all that is eaten. It aids in quieting the nerves and conduces to sound, refreshing V 9 9 V Q 9 9 § 0 § V V seesaw we»: *wmewwwwwwmswews . sleep. Its blood-enriching properties help to bring the glow of hoath to the V_ ,, cheeks. V a , , .. 'f *9 If you are feeling run doxvn, this remedy will tend to build you up. j‘ , A ’3‘ Remember our guarantee. If Rexall Beef, Wine and iron fails to do all - ' ' 3: we claim for itâ€"if, after giving it a trial, you are not more than satisï¬ed with , - 3. the resultsâ€"we will refund your money. - - ' ' I _ '3': . . 3 Price 1 00 i - .9 _ , $ ' " We carr a ood stock of the ,5 ' 801d only by best furniture at attractive ’ ’3‘ c e A. J. GOULD - DBUGGEST AND OFTIGIAN prices. A1 ways Pleased to aeaeszemwerssi4.4 sesame we»: . awas»:wea»r»rr~x«x«x«z«z«rw WW R EXA L. 'â€" STO R E ShOW goods. Picture framing a specialty. omwooeeoeeoeeeemwewomwowwww L. .. § - . ' ‘ _: ' '1' THE day has. gone past 3 . , _ ' AT 0R NEAR THE pares. FURNITURE DEALERS I. r ,will piling) 3&2: 3 thy send your Order to outside Men? â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"_ ’ ' §°°kénï¬appmt“5' 811° 1‘“ 2 Bring the cash and We'can meet the Price. r-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ ear 0 § ; r fries. er - .3 48 2 ' » The. 9 nos, I inc es ngAli. pane Stays to the Roidres, 50 inches high, 310. z -. é FOSTER KELLY - - FEHELon FALLS. § 3 e Thought†Wowmm WWWQW . . ' : Range, Tho Corrugated Oval and her neighgors tell her what it will do. \I . make a. specialty of re- I If by chance you do not know the merits of The "Happy ' palrln g, repainting, etc. Thought†you owe it to yourself to investigate. See the Range, If you have anything look into the ï¬rebox and ï¬nes, weigh the covers, note the patented _ Of the old rigs. New ones cost money. We 1* that needs ï¬xing up bring it here. Or if dampers. the ventilated. illuminatcdoven. the corrugated oven plates, g and all the different features that make this Range so different and We are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum- -.Y°u need '3 new one 5° swarm" » 1' ‘ _ . , - ' ' ,3 You don't kno km 11 11 1d com! t if on d ’ k i 2 mer cottages, etc. It Will pay you to get our estr - - we can bu‘ld It‘IgOOd ;; .212 "IItLppv Thoxght"°R::::.o 0‘ I out now mates. Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish always in , as the beSt- ' 'i . . ; -' stock Planinor and matchinrr done to order - ' mm m dwuf‘cmm f" madam! “wow†I?“ ’ o - D D o _ ' ~.." __.__ . . _ _ _ f! [I CHAMBERS. 3 has: The WM. nucn STOVE conï¬rm-“0,... , g? . ________ ._ 5p" ‘ t . . ’ ’l - r . Colborne Street! P: . » Fenelon Falls. ' , i ' ENELDN FALLS PLANIRG M LL _ T1 12: (l - 4’ ~