Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Feb 1914, p. 5

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‘~ m‘. CASH-IN A CROCODILE- Dporteman Found "l‘wenty-flve Seven Elgns in its Stomach V A Natal (South Africa) reader of "Rod and Gun"’sends the following clipping with reference to the finding bf twenty-five sovereigns inside a crocodile. V"Three Johannesburg sportsmen, - Messrs, Godfrey De Villiers, .s. s. fichleyer, and F. Hind, while hunting for water buck recently on the banks of the Kom‘ati River in Swaziland shot a crocodile and on opening it found to their amazement twenty-five sover- eigns, in additiOn to eight heels of deceased bush buck, a quantity of stiff hair, a number of stones, etc. Three of. the sovereigns were-Kruger- coins, and the remainder were of the Queen Victoria design. The latest date of any 'one of them was 1903, and therefore it was permissible 16% {the hunters to assume that they had been inside the crocodile for at least : ten years. The theory was further borne out by the fact that the crawl- ing treasure trove was an old male of fully twelve feet in length, while the surest guide of all was the fact that the sovereigns were considerably worn, the milling on the edges having completely disappéared. it ’1: sur- mlsed by admits that the coins Were unaltected by gastric Juices, but that the stones alongside which they were round must hallo rubbed the: edges away in the. course 01 years. - “The manager of the Standard Bash, Johannesburg, .who examined the, coins. stated that" the "rubbing of" which they had been subjected to had} reduced their value to aboutfld shil~l ling: each. However, the flrer of the firstahot. Mr. De Villiers, was made some pretty good offers for the coins. One of the coins was presented to the owner of the land upon which the, animal was shot. A “Possibly someone Who was walk-i in; along the banks or through the: river was attacked by the 'croe’ and eaten. It may have been some uh- fortunate native who was making his wy home having garnered the coin by labor on the Rand, or it may have been a white man with money in his belt who was hauled on his horse ~ while crossing the stream. ....-. . u. -._....... ._._.._......;._..- l. i i g I Pollltry ‘Food‘ , .mvalueotgrainsaspoultxyfood, and which they relish the best, are: wheat, oats, corn, barley and buck- ‘wheat. Eye is of the least value, and {owls very seldom eat it, and then only when very hungry. Poor Stock Nb dairyman should be satisfied with cows -that produce much less than 300 pounds of butter tat per year. Use the Babcock test and dis- pose of the poor-stock. Saving Labor in these days of high-priced farm labor or no labor at all, a little gaso- line engine that costs around $100 will do more Work than three hired men. A mixture of siaked lime, linseed oil and cotton fibre is used in some portions of Turkey as a substitute for cement. - Mushroom Mlnea Abandoned mines in Akron, New York, are being profitably used in growing mushrooms. The mines were damp, cool, and dark, and a shrewd man saw that they were ideal places Trot mushroom cultuthetter even hothous'es in certain ways. Three crops 9. year are harvested from these supposedly useless mines- Businels Change. ' I beg to announce that I have bought out Mr. Wm. Barkley, of the King Edward Shaving Parlor, and hereby solicit a continuance of pub- lic patronage. I will carry a full line of pipes,tobaccoes, cigars and other smokers’ supplies. i J 08. HAFFEY g ommeQeuueme-e wwueweeoeeemeeew wwomwmoowmw FENCE % 7 Wires, 44 inches high, 25c. 8 Wires, 47 inches high, 280. ' FOSTER KELLY i i. IEQU Why ' send your Order ’53 outside Men ? Bring the cash and We can meet the Price. ' All Nine Stays to 1the Red. AT OR NEAR THE PRICE. 9 Wires, 48 inches high, 29c. 10 Wires, 50 inches high, 31c. FENELGN FALLS. i l ; 9MW®WWO¢OW¢WOOWN WNONWM¢OWWQM REXALL Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, for. any cough. REXALL Tickle Stopper, stopsthat tickling. REXALL Throat Gar'gle, fof‘Tonsilitis; etc. REXA-LL Grip Pill-s, cure and prevent influenza. REXALL Plustiklae, for reducing inflammation. REXALL Wine of Cod Liver Extracl, best of tonlcc'. REXALL Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, with Hypophoephites‘. REXALL Prediges'ted Beef, iron and Wine Body builder; is. J. EOULD nnuems‘r Ann OPTIGIAPH _ REXALL. STO.R E BUILDING CONTRACTS ‘ - We. are prepared to take contracts For houses, sum- mer cottages, etc. mates. It will pay you to get our esti .Doors and sash and interior finish always in - J stock. Plalllngand matchlng done to order. FENELDN ’ FALLS PLANING MILL A. TEIBS, PBOPRIETOB ' AL TO All Anvenllsssg; 'HUPTUBE EXPEHllT llNlSll F. Seeley. the noted truss egtpert, who fitted the CZar of Russia, will be at the Benson House, Lindsay, on Saturday only, Feb. 28th. Mr. Seeley' says : “The Fpermatic Shield as now. used and ap- proved by the United States Govern- ment will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immediate and complete relief, but closes the open- ing in ten days on the average case. This instrument received the only award in England and in Spain, producing re- sults without surgery, harmful injecé tions, medical treatments or prescrip- tions. Mr. Seeley has‘documents from the United States Governm’entflVaslling- ton, D. 0., for inspection. All charity cases without charge, .or if any inter- ested, call. . He will be glad to show same without charge or fit them if de- sired. Any one ruptured should remen - her the date and take advantage-ct this opportunity. Court Fenelon Falls No. 626 CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTEBS 7 Meets last Wednesday of each month ' V'isltlllg brethren 'ui“il.)b made welcome A. w. QUIBELL, w. E. cums ms. *_ c. R. , as. DEYMAN’S } FOR A ‘ ‘ I FURNITURE We carry up good stock of the best furniture at attracti'Ve Always pleased to prices. show goods. ‘1». h ' s g V A l Picture framlng a speclalty. l , , DEYMAll d SON traumas Drums 1 i ll 2: I DO YOU ENJOY THAT GOLD :2 If not, take Laxacold. Laxacold starts everything ize it you are feeling alright again. 35 Tablets for a quarter. (1:. F. VIGARS Drugglst and Stationer FENELON FALLS M 01‘ the old rigs. New ones cost money. We make a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. Ii" you have anything that needs fixing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can build lipâ€"good as the best. ' F. c. CHAMBERS. Coiborno Strcot‘ Pension Falls: working, and before you real- - â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_-_n..â€"' I gobd’pllotograpll made of him before he goes out into the big: world. before the boyish features and expression have taken ‘= on the older impress. queer tricks on us all. yourself the regrets of toemorl‘ow. Wmswwwe werwosaewee teawvrezeee-e Memwmwwmm ‘ '“ 3. ‘ .l ._’ "Happy , I He lem’es home a boyâ€"he comes back a mall. Have ‘d‘l ’Don’t trust to memory to recall tllem,’¥mem0l‘y plays= Make a. date with your photographer til-day and spare‘ J". 53. STANTON ‘\ WM‘ W\Mâ€"w.“y 4r -Al\~ A HA~~~I~L THE LATEST GREATEST nus _ llP-iTll-IIATE‘ST __ m system of advertising adopted by us ‘bus certainly caused wide comment and consid- erable furore among the buying publiczof this section. When we first announced that We would give aWay absolutely free the beautiful $350 00 Ennis Parlor Grand Piano which is upon exhibition in our store, much curiosity was aroused as to HOW We could afi'ord, irom u basiness standpoint, to do such ajthihg. but when it‘ was learned that we would give ONE PIANO VOTE with every cent paid ior any article in our store, also. that the Piano was tobe giVen absolutely Free to the person presenting the greatest number of these piano votes to us on June let, it looked an extremely novel and most liberal advertlsiug method. The earnest- ness with which the buying public have ‘2? l {agat- wattage , ‘l ‘rrmwwrwe been “ going after ” these piano votes more :3; ,, tdan makes good our prophecy that it would ; $3» be a “ merry strife.” it ‘ 5 This nOVel adVertisillg campaign, the ’ ever-increasing crowds, the many splendid f 1;; values which are ofi'ering daily, has made g our name a household word, and our store a z J mecca. for the bargain lovers of this com- é.- Inunity. 3: Not too late yet to enter the contest. l Callat our store and let us explain how you 3 can win this handsome Piano. I ;~ w slums & sun . I g tweeter K¢*N%%$%%*Z»WHM*€**%% The King. of Ran‘geoâ€" " BUC'K'S HAPPY THOUG '- ..4-v‘,,~ ._. .l- , » .. _ . .. .T.. .. ~ of THE day has gone past -= when a wise woman will put» up with an inferior cooking apparatus. She has heardot The “ i .4 Thought” . Range, ‘v' «ct-(We‘a‘mwmi’v"I’gu'3‘nJ"Wz~‘%" . I The Corrugated Oven , I and her neighgors tell her what it will do. .- 1! by chance you do not know the merits of My Thought" you owe it to yourself to investigate. See the Range, I. 7' look into the firebox and fines. weigh the covers, note the patented ' dampers, the ventilated, illuminated oven, the corrugated oven plates, ,7 and all the different features that make this Range so different and so superior. _. I You don't know true household comfort if you don’t true The " Happy Thought" Range. ' Write the Manufacturers for Illustrated Catalogue. mg" The WM. soon STOVE cameraman . A fi h “’ h ‘ Al a -. n» w.-J. HEARD ~ " v 13.; .-'.-.'-‘:&,.a;.~; azwesuer.v&au.m. -. .- w..,~..'..;:: '54) I Q

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