Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Feb 1914, p. 3

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4. no nu ‘ nun an Skin Beneath Lifeless. Fingers Painful. Sleepless Nights. Used Cuticura Soap and Cutlcura Oint- ment. Complaint Gone. â€"â€".___.â€". '10 Agricola 8t.. Halifax, N. 8.â€"â€"“Some time ago my finger nails began to drop off. the result it was believed of lead poisoning. The nails themselves were brittle and .dry. the skin beneath being lifeless looking. My fingers were excesively painful causing sleepless nights. I was treated for about three months and the nails grew again but away from the flesh of the fingers and then fell off again. ' "Having heard a great deal of Cuticura Soap and Ointment I sent for a sample of both in the hope of their healing my lingers which were very painful. At night after washing my hands well with the Cuticura Soap I rubbed the Cuticura Ointment all around the finger ends and were gloves to prevent the Ointment from being rubbed off. then again in the morning washed my hands with the Cuticura Soap. The Cuticura Soap and Ointment had a cooling sheet and after using them for a short while I was surc prised to feel fingers much less sore and beginning to assume a more healthy appear- ance; the fungus which had grown under the old nails disappeared and then new strong nails formed. This trouble had lasted about eighteen months before using Cuticura Soap and Ointment yet after using same for three months my linger nails had grown strong and complaint had entirely gone." (Signed) Ernest Bechtel-d. Oct. 12. 1912. I Cuticura Soap and Onticura. Ointment m sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. A single set is often sufficient. Foraliberal free sample of each. with 82-p. book. send postpcard to Potter Drug & Chem. Com. Dept. D. Boston. U. S. A. =â€"'â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"_'â€"_â€"â€"â€"_- HOW TO SHAVE. .â€" Some Valuable Hints on How to Use a. Razor. Safety razors have been but a. mixed blessing; they have made men forget howto shave. Apart from that, even a. safety razor can only be used in one way'if the best ,results are to be obtained. ' Which ever kind of razor you use, .vyou should be careful always to shave with the run of the beard. Never shave against the grain; it is bad for the skin, the beard, and fthe razor. A safety razor should be pressed flat against the face, and the action of a. scythe should be imitated. That is to say, instead of running the razor straight down the face, use a semiâ€"circular motion. .. Perhaps the most important part of a, shave is the lathering. The more the beard is lathered the softer it will become; it is false economy to scamp this part of the performance in order to save time or trouble. ' An ordinary razor should always be stropped before and after use, and the soap should be thoroughly taken off it by hot water. A razor is all the better for a. rest occur sion-ally. Learn‘how to use a-strop properâ€" ly. The razorâ€"strep should hang from a. point not high-er than the waist-line. Shaving, and the care of a razor, is a scien e; and the :man who can keep his razor, in Egood condition is a. man to be en- lvied, especially in the winter. ._..___»I<__..__ Equal to the Emergency. Her Fatherâ€"Young man, I shut 'up the house at 11.30 prompt! Her Beauâ€"Very well, sirâ€"I’ll 'begin saying goodâ€"night at 10.30. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€">K‘â€"â€"â€"â€"__. lion 3. Sick Wonun Can liegnin Health __ Read ThisVery Carefully. “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotchcs on ;my face .were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets. I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box-of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without‘them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman’s nature. They never once griped me, yet they estab- flished regularity. My appetite grew Ikeenâ€"my blood red and pureâ€"heavy 'rings under my eyes disappeared and today my skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. ‘ Hamilton’s Pills did it; all." . The shave straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a. well- ;known miller in Rogersville, is proof Sufficient that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are a wonderful woman’s medicine. Use me other pill but Dr. Hamilton’s, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone 00., Kingston, Ontario. u She ' up AND MRS. HARCO URT. a Mrs. Harcourt Loves Home. Interest in the personality of the Colonial ' Secretary, “Lewis Har- court, a-nd his family is revived by the instruction which he is reported to have sent to all British Domin- ions and dependencies directing that oil leases be made only to com- panies registered and having their chief place of business under the B~itish flag. This is intended to ensure. a. world-wide oil supply for the oil fuel-burning ships of the Imperial Navy in time of war. Mrs. Harcourt is a. charming woman who loves her home and children. .__..>x<______. El WSSEERWL BlSSfiES‘l’ An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most won- derful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zamâ€"Buk. Just think! As soon as a single thin layer‘ of Zam-Buk is applied to a wound or a sore, such injury is insured against blood poison! :Not one species of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill! . . Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. They care nothing for the science of the thing. All they know is that Zam-Buk stops their plailn. Mothers should never forget t 3. Again. As soon as Zam~Bnk is ap- plied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin’s sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk’s secret of healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and literally casts oil the diseased tissue above it. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave“ Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he had .been a. martyr to eczema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was introduced to him, and ’in a. few months it cured him. three years after his cure of a. disease he had for twenty-five yearsâ€"he is gtill cured, and has had no trace of guy return of the eczema! All druggiots sell Zam~Buk at 50c. box, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a. lo. stamp (to pay return postage). Ad- dress Zam-Buk Co.,.,‘Toronto. >X<."_.__ BACTERIA IN DUST. Heat of- ihc Sun and Bright Ligh Keeps Them Down. ' That there is a, surprising scarcity of bacteria in dust has been shown by recent experiments. By means of the Aitken dust counter, one scientist discovered that in the open suburbs of London there are 40,000 particles in every cubic inch of air. The same investigator found in London but one microbe to every 38 cubic inches of air. When air is constantly floating about and man is constantly mov- ing about», he comes in contact with a. great deal of air space, and so in the course of a day runs a. chance of breathing many microbes into lhis lungs. If, however, every dark and damp place could suddenly be dried up and stirred up, the micro~ organisms would be found in terri- fyineg large numbers. It is the heat of the sun and the bright light that keep down those micro-organ- isms, and so, even on a. dusty day, there is a. poverty of microbes in the air, and if the sun be bright and hot. __._.____>x<__.,_..__ Even a. girl’s heartache is forgot- ten when she has the toothache. She Could Find Nothing to Cure '_ again shown ,To-dayâ€"over ' l'l‘o get the She. Was Helpless For Two Years .â€" Why Mrs. Baldwin Recommends ‘ Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ._.__ lIcr Rheumatism Till On a Neigh- bor’s Advice She Tried, Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ' St. Walburg, Sask, Feb. 16.â€" (Special).â€"â€"“I can truly recom- mend Dodd’e Kidney Pills for any one suffering from Rheumatism.” These are the words oers. W. A. Baldwin, .3. highly respected resi- dent of this place. And Mrs.’ Bald- win gives her reasons. “I was nearly helpless With rheumatism for two years,’ she states. “I got medicine from the doctor, and tried several 'other remedies, bulb nothing helped me. Then one of my neighbors advised me to try Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I bought four boxes, and they helped almost from the first. I have used nearly two dozen boxes and am nearly cured.” That rheumatism is one one of the results of diseased kidneys is in Mrs. Baldwin’s case. She had headaches, stiffness of the joints and backache, her sleep was broken amd‘ unrcfreshing, and she was always tired and nef- vous. '- Her limbs swelled and she was always thirsty. These are all symptoms of- diseased kidneys. When she cured her kidneys with Dodd’s Kidney Pills the symptoms vanishedâ€"and so did the rheuma- ti s-m. ) ___->I<______. A certain minister was greatly disturbed by a. number of women in his congregation who persistently gossiped in a. loud tone during ser- vice. O'n-e Sunday morning he exe- cuted a plan which he had devised to stop this annoyance. At a. given signal the choir stopped on a cer- tain word in the middle of a hymn. Then one of the gossipers, unable to check herself, was heard all over the church to say: “I always fry mine in lard.” “As we know,” an- nounced the minister, “that she al- ways fries hers in lard. we will proceed with the singing.” -~r10wers, Fruit and Sunshine in rehruary and always. are'to be found in Califor- nia, the ideal Winter-inn: place. reached comfortably and conveniently by the Chicago, Union Pacific and North West- ern Line. via the fastest and most direct routes, amidst the luxurious surround- ings of the compartment. club and ob- servation parlor. or more moderate- priced and homelike Tourist car. Three splendid trains dailyâ€"The Overland Trimited. fastest train to San Francisco; The Los Angeles Limited. three days to the Magic City of the Land of Sun- shine. via. Salt Lake City: and the San Francisco Limited. The Overland Route offers: Safetvâ€"Speedâ€"Scenery, and un- excelled dining car service. Rates. illustrated matter and full particulars on anplxqatxgn. B. H. Bennett, General figciant. do Tonga Street. Toronto. or o. Lost His Happy “Home. “I once had‘a comfortable home, ma’a-m.’_’ - “Poor man, how did you lose it?" “Me wife lost her job, ma’om l" 'Mlnard’s Llniment Cures Distemper. Psychological Moment. Crawfordâ€"What’s the best time for a. man to get Ihome at night? Crawshawâ€"When his asleep. n wife IS Only One “BROMO QUININE” genuine. call for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W1. GROVE. 'Cures a. Cold in One Day. 200. But the man with money to burn may not love the smell of smoke. Minard'e Linlment Cures Gargei In Cows. Learning that his friend had full- en off a. roof on which he was at Work, the scientific chap hastened to his bedside. “I have an oppor- tunity to prove an old theory here,” he said, after obtaining all the deâ€" tails. “They say that when a. man falls from a. great height he thinks of all his sins before he hits the ground. Now, is that true? Did you do that '2” “Well, I didn’t have time to think of quite all of them. You see, I only fell five storiesfl’ Regularity of the bowels is an absolute neceso city for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole bOdy, cousin biliousness, indi- gesdtionhamcliI rial: cadaches. Salts an at er are mineral u 'vee irritate the delicate liniggrgafqthe bowels. Dr. Morse's lndian Root Pillsâ€"entirely vegetable - regulate the bowels eficctively without weak- ening. sickening or piping. Use Dr. Morse’e '° Indian Root Pills ED. 7- 8‘_’14e On-~ . â€" ~r rw ETHERIZING PLANTS. ‘3 A French Horticulturist Has tained Excellent Results. 'Forcing plants by the vapor of ether seems to have proven one of the‘most successful methods: yet tried. A French horticulturist,‘ G. Bultel, has experimented with other as a. means of obtaining? early strawberries, and reports berries much in advance of those obtained by any other method. In the‘winter of 1911-12, Mr. Bul- tcl compared a. lot of '300 plants treated with other with an equal number submitted to hot baths. Of the first lot. 107 .were in bloom on Jan. 8, and blooming ended on Jan. 16, while the first berries were me.- tured on Feb. 21, and the last on March 15. In the second lot, with only thirtyâ€"three in bloom on Jon. S, blooming end-ed on Jan. 29, me.- turity being reached from March 6 to April 15. forty-eight hours. Of the treated plants, 150 were exposed for this length of time, and 150 for sixty hours, and the earlinees of the lat- ter was only slightly greater than that produced with the shorter ex- posure. Q _: . 4,. The Silencer. The Magistrate (to offending mo- to-rist)â€"-You are fined ten dollars. The Motoristâ€"All right,iold man! You musttakeit out of this $20. The 'Magistralteéâ€"rY'ou ere nowfiu- ed $20. Anything more to say? The Motoristâ€"By jove, Sir, no! You’re too quick at reparlteie. THE AGONIES OF HADES Aren't supposed to be worse than a. bad corn. For years the standard re- medy has been Putnam’s Corn Extract- or. It painlessly removes or, 250. at all dealers. Supply and Capacity. The Teacher (out a school treat What’s the matter with Horace, Mrs. Jones? Is be ill? . Jonesâ€"Oh no, Miss. I ain’t‘exactly ill, but no stummlck can stand nine buns. rues Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if or Protruding Piles. gives relief. 50c. Smart. “How old are you, Johnny 7" “Seven.” 7 x ' “And when'were vou seven ‘2” “On me last birthday.” Minard’s Linimeni oures cams. are. His Trouble. The Callerâ€"You say your son to the city. Does he seem restive at home? . Mrs. Tungtwrstâ€"Yes, he’s awful restive. He ain’t done nothin’ but rest since he graduated from col- lege. * - Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or“ Granulated Eyelids. ‘ Doesn’t Smart ~Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid,-25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c, 500. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Iv. Tank: “and for All Even that Need Caro Karine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago Oooi‘! “The silk hat is one hundred years old,’ ’ observed the Boob, as he laid down his newspaper. _ 7 “Is that all ” mused the Grouch. “Some of them look a lot older than that.” , Fairville, Sept: 30. 1902, ‘ Minard’s Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs.â€"-\Ve wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD’S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. \Vhen I tell you I would not be without it if the price was one dol- lar a. bottle. I mean it. - Yours truly. CHAS. F. TILTON. I A banker was in the habit of wearing his hat a good deal during business hours, as in summer' the files used his bald pate for a parade ground, and in winter the cold breezes swept over its polished sur- face. A negro workman on the rail- road each week presented a. cheque and drew his wages, and one day, as he put his money in a. greasy wallet. the banker said; "Look here, Mose, why don’t you let some of that money stay in the bank and keep an account with us i” The ne- gro looked toward him, and with a. quizzical look at the derby the banker wore, answered confiden- tially: “Boss, I’s afeard. You look like you was always ready to start somewheres.’ ’ The best time of exposure to the- other fumes seem-ed to be about‘ corn in 24‘ hours: try Putnam’s Extract- ...My health is stronger, dislikes the country and wants to. go l All ready baked to e nicety ; whole, mealy andfull flavored. Heating only is necessary. . Dfn't trhe too mnny chances whh Hpnin. .‘ spout, cm 1:. rlnglwno,b0uy growths, sxwllings - and or lameness. Use theoldrelt'ablcrcmedya " WHALES am Spavin Cure ' SPW‘“ 5 It has been used!) (03‘ - horsemen, veter _ ,4... 2,. nations and fnrxm_ " ‘: ere for 35 yearsâ€" ' _ and it has proved . ,, its worth in hundreds ' ‘ of thousands of cases. Bickerdikc, Allin, Jan. 29, 1913; “I have been'usiug Kendall's Spnvin Cure fora good many cars With goodxmults. In fact, I amnevcr w then: it." ’ ' ; ‘ ' H.Nnmonr. r $1 a bottleâ€"6 for 85, at dmggistsé-or write for : copy or our book “Treatise on. the Horse“ free. Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 79 W. .- 5!“. v " ' " ' ‘ 'wm, W Dr. Guthrie snideâ€"I am in. good spirits because I take no spin-ts. I am hale because I take no ale. My the worst reasons for being an abstainer are my head clearer, my heart lighter, and my, purse heavier. . Mlnard'e Llnlmcnt (lures Diphtheria. ________________..___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" FARM! FDR IALI. ' ’E H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colbnrm stres Yoronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY 0R SELL A . Fruit. Stock. Grain, or Dairy Farm. write 11. W. Dawson. Brampton. or 9D Colborne 81.. Toronto. PAZO ’ .. Toronto OINTMENT fails to cure Itching..Blind, "‘ w- "Aws‘m' “"3"” 3' First. application NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. _ . E HAVE SEVERAL GOOD .NEWS ‘ paper properties for sale m _On- tario towns at right prices. Apply quickly as subscription renewa‘ time is Just open- lng- Wilson Publishing Company. West Adeleil‘le Sirrmi. Toronto, - NURSERY srocK. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"vâ€"-â€"-â€""â€"'â€""1 ‘1 TRAlVBERBIIES, RASPBERRIES, hIFTY b Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell & Son. Grovesend, Ontario. , _,_________.__â€". macettiuébua. ANPER, TUMORS. LUMPS. HTC.. infernal and external. cured out. sin by our home treatment. _ us bgfore too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Po. Limited. Falling-wood. Ont. The Heart ofa. Piano is the Action. Insist on the “OTTO HEGEL” Piano Action 350 SHOT FUR RIFLE, repeater. lianimerless. . lever action, gun metal finish, FREE for selling 24 of our beautiful drawn wor ‘ handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. Orde' at once. No money required. Cash commission if you wish. thef Mfg: Co.. '13 Chief Bldg" Beebe. Quebec. ‘- M . . Rf "‘ oflensesin 1'. essm: from col to warm room ' Removes grease or finger marks giving the lens a brilliant: polish. Postpaid 25cts. THE HUYRO CO. Hamilton. Oni'i What’s the use of working hard. wasting time and fuel every Spring by using outoi.‘ date boiling contriv- ances that make poor syrup? Invest in a. "Champion" Evaporator. Take a little comfort and make better syrup, which means more money for you. Made in 22 different sizes. Write at once for our free booklet and catalogue. THE GRID!“ MPG. 00., LIMITED 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. canadian Hair Restorer Before and After Using. Restores Grey Hair to original color. Two might use from same bottle, hair of one becoch black, the other blond or other color as they were in youth. Stops Falling Hair. Dandruff. Itching. Cures all Scalp Diseases. Produces New Growth. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Price 75 cents or two for One Dollar (postage paid.) Not sold in stores. address Canadian Halr Restorer 00., wmnson, out. it; '~j ,' m4 ezffis‘kw’ ‘°~‘*‘”""‘“’*¢7 ‘- a c w o $- ‘T' -. i 7 “H ’;\»_“<',.."‘z"‘ .1 1’ -> .r _. «Flu - .',. r. .-. k1 u . . - 4-K»-.. -¢s*\».’:i‘:v ‘. f‘a‘VWW" . z.'\r -. y __ iwwsh"fv'§ «andfifg‘e‘v"f./.M¢"JW‘ , Tfi‘d:§QPW-r3,rw*r '- "J‘J‘a‘fwflmfij‘q‘yw

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