Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Feb 1914, p. 1

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... “Wei -.: cause: -_-â€"â€"v Buy your Watches, Clocks and Jewelry ._ MT” ._.~....-_..w.- 1.- . .__ FENEL‘ON FALLS, ONTARI 0 H». HighGMdes At Fm" Prices ‘1 HEAD OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1817 Paid up Capital $6,000,000.00. BANK OF MONTHEAL” - MONTREAL. INCORPORATED BY ACT' OF PARLIAMENT Reserve Fund $1 6,000,000.00. _ V ASSETS OVER $240,000,000. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits “taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. R. M. Hamilton, Mgr. Fenelon' Falls Branch. om) ADVERTISING Newspapers Used In Novel Manner to 51011, instruction; ambrilliant lecturer; noted journalist, clever linguist, comâ€" petent mechanic, electrical engineer, fair typist, good autdmobilist, excel- 1311, O m Mak° Wan“ Know" lent demonstrator, known scientist, :-:.. â€" able physicist, methodical experiment- 11,1 About the 1a“ place in whiCh one I er,vflne conversationalist, expert psy- woum 100k for advertismg 15 the chologist, master ocullst, inventor, Dhumhyard’ .b‘1t it has been demon" patentee, hypnotist, traveler, etc.; Is the best business prOposition that a strated that even there all is fishv that comes to the net of the far- It is recorded of appearance studious, thoughtful;. man- ners refined, bright, engaging, gentle, reaming advertiser' sordial; character and , principle, *' a certain shopkeeper 130859851113 9' faultlessly honest, sincere, truthful; grim sense of humor that he had his mmsmoker; total abstainer; best reassitrta Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Pension Fails. merchant could possibly make you.‘ We make it. Superior Groceries. Superior Footwear. Your money willwbuy all the grave dug some years before his death. On the marble he caused to' be inscribed “Here lies John Emery, the" Best Hatter in Ohio.” A Canadian firm went this one bet- ter. 'The senior partner having pas- sed to his reward, his business asso- ppublic, private references; willingly become private secretary, companion, tutor to anyone who appreciates ster- ling merits; salary no question; good position essential." . . ~......;.:;'~ W-.. __ aâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-'â€"â€"‘â€"‘â€"_”"â€""‘ . , . . $9 l"'0t0"i‘~‘i°:“‘l Card's"?! 1 b T a d -t h eiates erected a monument to his MEMgfiikd {- ~â€"â€"â€" â€"r- 7~ 7 I , . I p ’â€" " Va He 1 can uy 1 3011 8} en 1 ere memory. The tombstone bore these A Link With the Past Destroy“ as; - words: “Here lies Abram Stokes, Prince Albert 1.1 tion given to investments. Branch oiliee _ yille, Ontario. LEGAL ______.___. 7 . - L_. _____. McLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON & ' S’I‘INSON. 5) ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, NOTAR- l) 7 ies. Money to loan. Special atten- at Fenelon Falls, at the L. H. & Power Commissioners’ office. Open every Tues- .day. Lindsay oflice over Dominion Bank. R. J NOLAUGHLIN, K. O. A. ll]. FULTON, B. A. Jas. A. PEEL. T. H. Srmson. HOPKINS, WEEKS & HOPKINS. * ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND B Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to :suit the borrower. Oilices No. 6 William St. south, Lindsay, Ont. and at Wood- '. 3 H. HOPKINS, K. 0., ‘ E. HOLMES HOPKINS, B. A ___,______â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"’-' MOORE &. JACKSON AltRlS'l‘ERS, SOLIUITGRS, 81c. Ol.‘ fice,William streel,Lindsay. F . . D. Moons. A. JACKSON STEWART & O’CONNOR, )ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 8w. MONEY l) to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Oiiice on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. . STEWART. L. V: O'Conxon, B. A LEIGH R. - KNIGHT. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ' Public. Successor to M cDiarmid & Weeks. Visits made to Fenelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real Estate bought and sold. Olfice Kent St., Lindsay, Telephone 41. W DENTAT. Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fenelon ZFalls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of-Dcntal Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. OFFICEzâ€"Ovcr Burgoyne’s store, 00]- orne street W MEDICAL. DES. GRAHAM dz GRAHAM. Dr. H. H. Graham. M. D. C. M., M. R. C. 8., Eng“; M. C. 1’. & 8., Out. ; F. ’l‘. M. S. Dr. G. C. Graham, Graduate Toronto University ; M. C. P. & 8., Ontario. Physicians, Surgeons and Accoucheurs. Ollice Francis St., Fenelon Falls. be. H. B. JOHNSTONE, ASSOCIATE CORONER COUNTY OF VICTORIA. SUCCESSOR T0 DR. A. WILSON, C. E. Wrecks, ' é nine, and a suit in time keeps you always E well'dressed. It pays to be a little forehanded in ordering a new outfit of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit. Up-toâ€"date goods, style and workmanship. Our motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at Popular Prices.” TOWNLEV 8303. Fenelon. Fats You Good Man’s Breakfast As well as your own, should include a good cereal? We have breakfast 4 foods in a. most infinite variety. No matter what particular rrain or com- ‘ bination you prefer we have it here. You can have the cooked, the half founder of the firm of Stokes, Stokes & 00., who for many years have manu- factured pickles and bottled fruits. Best of all and without a rival." For her late husband a grief- stricken widow across the ocean put up a stone with this‘ touching inscrip- tion upon it: “Here lies' , dear departed husband of p , who now carries on his business of general outfitter, and always givesgood value, 'terms cash." Bill_ Nye, the] lamented provoker of smiles, once had a cow to sell, or professed to have; and he advertised the animal in this manner: “Owing to my ill health, I will sell at my residence in township nineteen, I range eighteen, according to the gov- ernment survey, one plush raspberry cow, aged eight years. She is of unâ€". doubted courage and gives milk fre- quently. To a man who does not fear death in any form she would be a great boon. tached to her present home with a stay chain, but she will be sold to any- one who will treat her right. She is one-fourth Shorthorn and three-fourths hyena. I will also throw in a double- barreled shotgun, which goes with her. In May she usually goes away for a week or two and returns with a. tall, red calf with wobbly legs. Her name is Rose. __1 would rather. sell to a non: resident." ‘ 4 ' Another Englishman in his home paper boldly declared his want of a. wife “who must be quite dumb and deaf, at least fifty years of age, and who hates music,'children, pet dogs and all strong drinks.” . ' Here is an advertisement taken verbatim from one of the large New "York dailies: ‘ "I, have just arrived; have hands that love no rest; brains marvelous in energy, depth, imagination, power, conception, organization, comprehen- i836 s 1 She is very much at-l â€". A fire at Prince Albert, Sask, which recalls, many interesting memories, started in the wreck’of the old steam-'v er “Marquis” and consumed most of it before being extinguished. Surely no vessel ever rendered greater or more varied service. In 1882 she en- tered the fleet of the Navigation Co., along with the “Mani- toba” and “Northwest.” The line at that time consisted of the “Northcote" and the “Lily.” trips from Grand Rapids to Edmonton» until 1884, the "Marquis" sailed up} the South Saskatchewan river with troops for the rebellion, and at Ba.-~ toche succeeded in running the block-5 lade. When the railway lines camel ‘and the surrounding country caughtf lthe spirit of. rapid development all; the boats were considered too slow; even for freight, and so one by one they disappeared. The “Marquis” was pulled up at Prince Albert on the south bank of the river at a point near the Hudson Bay Co.’s reserve. After her heavier timbers had been removed a homesteader took enough. material for a shack, and a. ferryman supplied himself with a. new ferry. [All that remains is about fifty feet l of battered hull. ' r I ...â€". ... ~_.,‘-.-.....~...~ ~ A Wise Player Ira Thomas some day will probably' that oft-predicted; and Ira will not' ibe an officer in capital-labor war, \be a captain in the army of labor, either. Ira, unless something unfore- seen intervenes, will be a general in; the camp of capital. The former Tiger catcher owns 34 houses and 2 stores and he is looking for investments of: the same kind. In the five world’s series in which he has figured, first with Detroit and later with the Phila- delphia Athletics Thomas received $11,814 as his share of the spoils. North West}. , After making regularg. RADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER- si-ty. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur. Oliice,Colborue street, Fen- elon Falls. The convenienceet a Joint fitoeount A Joint Account may be opened in the names of two or i more persons. Whichever one can most conveniently l'cacii gested, the half digested, or just the plain cereal. It is for you to select, cooked or the uncooked ; the-predi- E .1 us to supply. D. L. McKENDRY. .AUGTIOEEER. . .-.._....M_..â€"aâ€"-a¢qw. . .' the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the It saves time and trouble. ‘ ‘* - THOMAS CASHORE. cash needed, ancrronsna - ramps FALLS. V ( Sales of all kinds conducted in a first . l . . Sec e dates befc e ad- . . “53 “mm m r ‘ ' Fenelon Falls Branch M.W. Reive, Manager. 19?“??? wmmmmwmmmwwowmmw . M- ammy? , .1 W "; <5. ".'-‘ ‘I. «9%? a w. e‘fi\ JV~§§V$~"; “was 1’. ain’t”, “nag . «we ‘ HI '. ' .‘i x MW". E.A~ m . ..,_A. ..C ; "1201‘ - h .‘ s w _ . .My‘afi-qhgfiffi ~»r.;y.,r§; g. I . ‘, 5 ‘ ' t v. 5"? “N‘s «’3 .: A a .5. C“ . g: i ‘1‘; r ‘1. .fn‘r-‘h‘ . “.1".'.u.’\,é 3:9 - K. J5 nah.“ v -' r ..s.e-rrzr§’5v\-‘~ _..

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