Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Jan 1914, p. 6

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' Here ' [decided to do so, and before I had v.“ . ._______________________._.___â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"- M ed, the traders claim that. there is no perceptible falling off as yet: that, in fact. more fur is being brought to market each year. But‘in Russia, Germany, Jap- an and. Australia there is a. general de- rcase 1n the supply. In the past twenty years_the world's catch of the twelve most important. furs has fallen 03 from 5 per cent. to 700 per cent. while the de- mand for the more expensive varieties has multiplied enormously. The cease ‘AFTER EFFECTS OF DRL‘ADED LA GRIPPE Dvercome by the Use of Dr. W11- hams’ Pmk P1113 Throughout Canada/la. grippe (in- fluenza) prostrtites thousands of busy men and women every winter, wrecking their health and leaving behind numerous serious ailments. It is the after effects of. 1a gripp-e that cause such Widespread misery. is the reason. La. grippe leaves behind it weaken-ed vital Bowers, a shatter-ed nervous sysâ€" em, impure and impoverished blood, and a low state of health that renders the sufferer extremely liable to rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia. andnervous disorders. You can avoid la 'grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and pure through the occasional use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Or if, be- cause you have not recognized your blood weakness, 1a grippe fastens its fangs upon you, its disastrous after effects can be driven out by the same medicine. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills' increase and enrich the blood supply, feed the starving nerves, and thus impart new health and new strength to enfeobled men and women. Mr. G. St. Clair, con- nected with the Sun Info Assurance Co., Halifax,‘N'."S., says: “I wasl taken down with a heavy cold and la grippe and was confined to the house for some weeks. I had the best of medical attention, and alâ€" though the doctor said I was cured I was still far from’well, and did not have the vim necessary for a attend to either office or field work. Talking with a friend he said ‘Why not try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.’ used a box felt an improvement, and before long the Pills made me feel like a. new man. I can't thereâ€" fore say too much in favor of this valuable medicine, and hope that any who [may read this and be in need of medical attention will be persuaded to try this truly wonder- ful medicine.” You can get these. healthâ€"renew- ing Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from. The Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine 00., Brockvill-e, Ont. The World in ~» The Beau Ideal Bandit. No Mexican Zapata of tO-(lfly LleSlfl‘Vfifl to be rated with that indomitable Raisuli. A man of remote Morocco, plying his ivo- eatiou in a land for which civilization has had small concern, Raisuli has made him- self the most important and distinguish- gd. exemplar of the highest thlngs m rigandage. l _ It will DU remembered that Raisuli took possession of the person of Mr. Perdi. earls, an. American. who had the ques- tionable taste to reside in Morocco. Raisull demanded ransom. Premdent Roosevelt demanded "Pcrdlearis alive or Raisuli dead" from the Moroccan government. Raisuli got. what he demanded. He kidnapped many others, including a. London Times correspondent, and made money easily out of each transaction. The Moroccan government could do nothing with him at. all and no other govern- ment could compel the Moroccan govern- ment to do the impossible. New Raisuli appears in a new role. He has just declared himself Sultan of Mo- K room. The real Sultan is a eudsidized and pitiful thing, a. more tool of the French and Spanish occupiers of his land. Raisuli promises to be a real sultan. a sultan af- er the manner of the first great con- Euerors of Islam. He Will not cease to ght till every Frank is expelled from Morocco or u'ntil every Moroccan fighting man is slain by Frank machine guns. Judging solely from Raisuli‘s past per- formances, he means pretty much what he says. A bandit sultan may cause much trouble before his case is finally :ettled. g ~ ' The Mines .Have Made Good. The steadying and revivifyiug influence of Ontario's mines upon business dun::g the past year has been most marked. There was much money wasted upon 'Wlld-' cat projects in the Rainy River and in the Cobalt and Porcupine regions. Many who "took a flier" in mining stocks have less effort to but one end, of the Ganad Weight of ' and admirat- vioue theory all is that th no longer oi the brains o soientifio fai cells haven't speaker was at afternoon The cd from a fo the wildest bania. According to him, thirty thousand persons are in danger of starving as the result of the Serviau occupation of that territory and one hundred thousand peo- ple are homeless. T11" is in tions in that to the hand cording to the latest information, the situation is improving rapidly and the in- habitantshre not only recovering" from the sufferings entailed by the war. but are emoymg tranquility never before re- alized by them. As a. race high in the this may be due some of the sulfcring they are now undergoing. But they com- bine in themselves some of the best quali- ties of some of the bravest and strong- est races of with the, right type of men for leaders, With a government strong enough to sup press lau'lflesness of all1 kind??? it is 1not . . . . unreasona) e to expect his all ering tley stienuous busmess llfe, and dld ROI: are now undergoing is but the darkness before the dawn. Bourbonlsm in Mexico. What Bour clearly show razas, the g1 State of Chil Bourbonism was so strong that he etrcnu. ously resistr er Presulent of the land monopoly in M -xico. He car- ried his reel lug financial that resulted lie is now .reaplug the whirlwind. His estates have a captive held for ransom and ho himself as barely escaped with his life. It is the story over_ again of the pro-revolutionary French aristocrats who would not listen to the mild proposals of Turgot. Sought to Converse. Seath comfortably in the rail- way carriage a commercml travel- ler found date looking gentleman with whom he sought Rel/179V», by explaining what goods he sold, and in what large quantities he sold “And you, my friend,” be “what is your them. added, “Brains, gruffly. That must samples, I __._____>x«___.__. W0 N D ERED IVE Y And Found the Answer. Many .palc, sickly persons won- der for years why they have to suf- fer so, and that the drugâ€"caffeineâ€"in tea and coffee is trouble. had much why I was weak. “About five years ago my health completely confined to my bed. My Stomach was in such condition that I could hardly take sufficient nourishment to sustain in g coffee, without it. pect that even the great game preserves time be hunted bare. Another popular fallacy has been ex- ploded. We have long regarded with eDVy brow and massive head as the embodi- ment of intellectual greatness. Accordin to a. brain specialist who delivered an a - dress before the American Physiological Society the weight of the brain has no- thing to do With its potency, and all pre- must go glimmering. The result of it all that we have been hearing regardin weigh a. half ton and may be most intri- cately marked, and yet. if the invisible be as dull as some of the men one sees As an aftermath of the Balkan war. which ended many months ago, comes the report of a. man who has just return- “Ah! “I was always very fond of cofâ€" fee and drank it every day. I never “During this time I was drink- satisfy this demand can have and it is only logical to ex- ian North and Alaska will in the Brain and Its Potency. ion the man with the lofty regarding mental equipment e.man with the biglhea-d may aim mental super ority, and f greatmen seems a sort 0 ry tale. Your brain may the mysterious quality the unable to define, you may teas. Starving Albanians. ur hundred mile trip through part of the interior of Al- v sum-p contrast with condi- part of Turkey which fell in- e of the Greeks, where, no- the Albanians do not. rank scale of cwrlization. And to that section of Europe. And boniem does to Bourbons is n in the case of Louis Ter- 'ea-t landed proprietor of the mahua, in Mexico. Tcrruzus’ the mild attempts of 'form- Madero to mit'gate the evil stance to the extent of giv- aselstancc to the movement in placing Huerta in power. been confiscated. his son is >X<__ beside him a rather se- to converse, and began line 'I” answered his companion brains, you say? be nice. You carry no see.” l...____ eventually discover the main cause of the flesh and often wondered always so pale, thin and broke down and I was life. didn’t think I could do‘ (Tea is just as harmful because it contains caffeine, the nothing to remind them of their ventures same drug found in coffee.) encept extremely ornate but. worthless stock certificates. . But. out of the heap of failures there have emerged some splendid successes. Cobalt's silver mines paid over ten mil- lion dollars in dividends last year. Per- cupine'e gold mines began to show their 1msibilitiee. From both sources there will be steady payments during the pre- sent year to thousands ol‘ stockholders scattered all over the country. The die- bursements of mining dividends will con- tinue for many years, and new mines as yet undiscovered or developed. will add greatly to their volume. As an anchor,to windward against. financial storms the mines of this Province have been a pro nounced success. Germans Good Citizens. The Government’s scheme for the estab- lishment of colonies of Germans in Maui- toba and Alberta will give rise to no mie- givlngs. There is no "menace" here, but only promises of the country's good. Nor. ..barring restrictions of the Fatherland, should there be any great difficulty in in- ducing immigration from Germany. Cun- nda has already a generous interming- ling of German population. There is no finer class of citizen. Whercwr he has lauted himself the country has profited liy that thrift and thoroughness. that enterprise and sterling honesty that are his marked characteristics. ' The Demand for Furs. The for trade in the far north is still on very much the same basis us when Cartier and Champlain first. traded beads and knickknaoks with the wondering chiefs at Quebec. says the Argonaut, million and a half dollars' worth of mer- chandise goes north from Edmonton, can. ads. every spring to be exchanged for the two and a halt millions of fur that come back in midsummer and autumn. So far .5 the fur trade in America is concern- I’ostum. -â€"-dark and richâ€"I very fond ‘ ‘Iu one better. less freq being, gone. weigh 148 sent healt Postum Regular boiled. Instant powder. “After awhile I came to the con- clusion that coffee was hurting me, and decided to give it up and try When it was made right soon became of it. _ week I began to feel bet- ter. I could eat more and sleep My sick headaches were uent, and within five months I looked and felt like anew headache spells entirely “My health continued to improve and today I am well and strong, lbs. I attribute my pre- h to the life-giving quali- ties of Postum.” Name given by Canadian Postum 00.. Windsor, Ont. Road to Wellvillc,” in pkgs. Read “The now comes in two for-ms: Postumâ€"Must ‘be well Postumâ€"Is a. quickly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a. de- licious beverage instantly. ers sell b 0th kinds. “There's a Reason” for Postum. countries. Union Pacific and North ‘ we the fastest and most direct reutes. compartment, club and observation par- lor. or more moderate-priced and home- like Tourist car. Three splendid trains dailyâ€"The Overland Limited, fastest train Land of Sunshine, via. Salt Lake City; and Route ofiersz. Safetyâ€"Speedâ€"Elcenery and unexcelled dining car Borneoâ€"test. it. ulars on application. B. H. Bennett, Gen- soluble A teaspoonful dissolves Groc- ' HEALTH FOR BABY bottom ‘of the lake, but the other __ self seemed to float away from my To keep the baby healthy and body and soar above the water. I strong his little stoth must be looked down and could see my body. kept, sweet and his bowels working saw the rescuer-s find it, and place rlegular1y_that the secret of 1t on the bank. I then seemed to health in little ones. The mother “him to the fleShY_ Prison and who keeps a supply of Babyysown agam become a pal-cot it, but was Tablets in the house can feel rea- Incapable of gn'mg 11" l'011t'10n- I sonably Sure that her little ones exerted an my Strengths bill? Could are going to escape the results of cause no movement of the muscles. childhood ailments, for the Tablets Finally, I seemed to secure a firmer instantly relieve and cure such grasp Op flungs’ “Pd Elmo“ msmnt' tumbles as constipation, indigeys_ ly regained consciousness. In that - . fleetin m 1 ' n ve . » - tion, colds, echo and worms by regâ€" - g 0 116 b be“ er} the con SCIOll-S and the unconsolous state lilating the stomach and bowels. - - - . the thought of returning to life was concermng them Mls' Jas' De' repugnant. It seemed like a r°- roche, Cache Bay, Ont., writes: . .~ . . . “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets gitgici: puson afitel 8' tom 0f the for three 3’08)“ and have always “Pridr to that experience I had found “Him the be“? remedy for lit? been an ag‘nOStic, dizsbelieving in 3. t1? ones- They are 591d by medl‘ hereafter or a spiritual state of ex- Clne dealers 01‘ by “13111 .347 2? Oenl‘js istence, but'now my whole point of a. box from The “HUI-321113 Medl- view of life changed. I have never Clue 00-, BIOCkVflle, Ont- since doubt-ed the spiritual exist- »? once. A man is double, and the PRODUCT OF GOLD IN 1913, body is not a part Of him. .I don’t __ want to be classed as a Spiritualist; Will Probably Reach Neighborhood in fa“, don’t Care to be lal’eled at of $490,000,000. all, although th-eosophy comes near- est to my belief. I believe in a re- =Samuel Montagu Coy., of LOn- incarnation, and that death simply don, in his Bullion Letter for 1913, turns a, man inside out.” says that “The British sovereign *_____ resembles a bird in its migration " The Cook’s Retort. and nesting propensities, for its “Mary, when I hired you you stay in a country is very short and permd said you'were a competent cook. I G LLETOMPANY L1 To 0” ‘ “sorrsnmc WATER ‘DgSINFECTlNG perhaps only during the when the crops are being financed.” Wi h u,d k - He proceeds to my that the swap eajinnyo "coo something we can reigns continue to be mined in “And I wish you’d eat so-met-hin great numbers, of which only a I can cook n was her repl ’ g small proportion remains in Great ’ y' Britain, the great bulk being exâ€" ported to India and elsewhere ‘in the British Empire or in foreign >34 A Question 01’ Height. Michaelâ€"Come quick! Patrick ” . . ,, ,. , is stuck in a hog up to his ankles. comldrldhih §Zh%iesbef::§,ofhfihtg: Jamesâ€"Don’t worry’ then’ if he’s “H ' ' national remittan e S h i only up to .hls ankles "he can Soon . me you ever “Oi/Iced; one Odd this r I d ficl tho gluck 9% get out agam! thing about blundpeople? ’ Francgoogniz; ‘ a’i 1 '6 ff a: :0 Mikeâ€"Yes, but he went in head “What 15 that? ' r - _ _ ma spec aJ 1e or s first! They are the ones who generalâ€" maintain a substantia stock 01 . . .1. 1y come to the pomt.” sovereigns in its vaults.” The report indicates a doubt aszto . Had Hoard 0f Burbank BroWn (to his neighbor Jones)â€"-' vghether the 1world’s product of gold Not as Billed. his year ‘wi exceed that of 1913, He says he’s experimentin with a “ . '. ° . ' which W111 probably prove to be in vegetable which will bring him in 1,01%:le 0“ we” dlsappomted m the neighborhood of $490,000,000. thousands of dOllars. “Ye-3' spent three Weeks there A CflpaCl’OUS for gold-was Jonesâ€"V‘V’halt IS and nevier .Salyv a fog- Or a chiral}er manifested by India. during the Brownâ€"He’s trying to rear an‘ sweep, ' a ' . year just ended, and it has been onion with a violet scent. followed by indications of satiety. . ’Lâ€"w Flowers, Fruit and Sunshine ln_January and always, are to be found in California, the ideal wintering place, reached com- fortably and conveniently b the Chicago, cstern Line. That’s What They Do. A man who had been absent for a considerable time, and who dur- ing his travels had cultivated a great ‘crop of whiskers and mous- taches, visited a relative whose lit~ the girl had been his special favor- ite. The little girl made no offer to salute him with the usual kiss. “Why, -child,” said the mother, “don’t you give your old friend a. kiss '1” “Mother,” answered the amidst the luxurious surroundings 0f the _to San Francisco; The Les Angclee le- itcd, three days to the Magic City of the child, “I don’t see any place.” the San Francisco Limited. The Overland Rates, illustrated matter and full partic- cral Agent. 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. u v‘_______. , DIED AND LIVED AGAIN. IIis Other Self Detached From the Earthly Body. Food of Children. . . Angry Customer: “See here, sir! John C. Wheeler, now in his 72nd That dog you sold me yesterday V Restores the color, strength, beauty and softness to Gray ear and livin in Ivanrelst Mich., . , y . g » Hatr and ts not a dye. has a notable history. He experi- b0 Js 1 ,, ence‘i the'sensdtion 0f dy’ng and in finder- “Well sir didn’t I says 11: was delightful; he has spent 1g ' ' . n ’f (i f h.1 40 years of hrs life walking from Say “,3, “35 Specm Y on 0 C 1‘ place to place delivering lectures, dram? ' accepting on] food and clothing as W.____ recompense; lie gives all the money he receives to charity and lives on the charity of‘his friends; he looks like Alexander Dowie and John Burroughs, and has often been mis- taken for one or the other of them; he walks fourteen miles daily to get reading matter in the public .li- brary; he believes in reincarnation and says he is not a fanatic. “I believe I have had the most wonderful experience of any human , this issue on a lication. being living,” he said. “I have pp practically died and lived again. . Dept. W. i64 ST. JAMES ST., Not long after graduation I was MONTREAL; swimming with a number of com- ' . panions when I suddenly went down. It was several minutes be- fore my. friends missed me, and when they finally located my body I was unconscious. A doctor was V ‘ . . . V .. _, . summoned from half a “1119 away, High Class 5-Year Bonds that are Profit-Sharing. Seriesâ€"5100, 5500,9000 ' v onounced and When he arrl‘ ed he pr b d INVESTMENT may be withdrawn any time aft-or one year, me dead, I was taken to my 03:11' - on 60 dayl' notice. Business at back of these Bonds estab- ing_house and another doctor who llshed 281years. Sand for special folder and full particulars. lived a mile away was sent for. He) NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED too, pronounced me dead. com-'EDERATION LIFE UIane - - TORONTO. cannon “While the fact that I regained consciousness after so many hours is not use remarkable, it is remark- able that while apparently dead I was never more fully alive in my life. But I was a part distinct from my body. I could tell the persons about‘me everything that happened while I lay unable to move. During those hours I discovered many things. Much was revealed to me that would sound preposterous to relate. But the one thing I do re- member is the queer sensation of dying. “Dying is‘ delightful; of that I am sure. After losing consciousness my body, I am told, sank to the has bitten a piece out of my little Atkail Drugglsts. 50¢. 8 Bot. We offer for investment, subject to prior sale lBGHLVEE FLOUR MILLS 00., LIMITED 6% FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS, DUE 1932. Price I 00 and accrued interest. WE recommend these bonds as a safe and sound invest- ment, and shall be pleased to send prospectus describing AND LABOR LIGHTER. A PAsTI-z ITHEEEDALLEYG... No Dusr No WASTE. HAMILTON, cANAoA No RUST L,- ' MAKES HOME BRIGHTE “ "3.7. . _. w a»: --m4om re .- y

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