l : I i . , l . . _ . .Mr.e .__.... A. . W. . , __- _-_ .. .__,.,... a . 'a ‘ 1‘ arm a: «’1 Rig/1:, THE FINANCES OF CANADA. MNEWWGRMN in m; â€". V (a; a ._.â€"â€" Federal Revenue Shows Increase, Despite Falling 01? In Customs. A despatch from Ottawa says: The national debt of Canada now stands at $303,562,104, an increase of about half a million during De- cember, accordingto the ï¬nancial statement issued on Friday. The fund-ed debt payable in Canada is $803,460, and, in London, $267,541,- 621. » . The revenue during December amounted to 312.931.1166, of'which ' seven and one-half mil-lions was 'de-‘ rived from customs. The expendi- ture was a little over nine and one, quarter millions. December’s net revenue sh..ws a decrease of'a mil- lion and a quarter, compared with December, 1912. For the nine months of the present ï¬scal year the revenue was $127,571,762. This is an increase of three mlilicns over the same period last 'year. Capital expenditure on, public works, including railways and can- als, amounted to $3,407,611 during December. Railway subsidies were half a million. For the nine months of the present year the amount was $40,828,951, an increase of $18,000,- 000 over the same period last year. The $15,000,000 subsidy to the Can- adian Northern accounts for most Westernrléxpenditures Will Be'lVlostly On Built Grades. Branches or Doubling A struotion or other works will come up later in the year. Mr. Bury said to a correspono deepatch from Montreal says:| \dcnt: “Under the direction of‘Sir I Mr. George Bury, Vice-President of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, left for Winnipeg on Thursday night after a. number of conferences with Sir Thomas Shaughnessy on ques- tions involving western expendi- tures, which, it was stated, must for 1914 be almost entirely conï¬ned for the present to the completion of Thomas Shaughnessy, _IO.P.R. ex; . penditureshave always-beeudirect- - ' . ‘ ed' in accordance with’the actual exigencies of traï¬io and with the building up of western Canada, and it was owing to this comprehensive policy that the C.P.R. in 1913 was trackJaVing, etc†on grades 31. able to move such a large grain ready built, on branch lines, exten- trafï¬c so expeditiously at a time sions and double-tracking, the lat-I when the great strain of moving the ter of which will eventually connect harvest came. The facilities pro- Winnipeg with Vancouver, and on vided in rolling stock were such the building of the Rogers Pass that car requirements in other tunnel, which will be pushed with directions were able to be met vigor. The consideration of ex- promptly and other trafï¬c moved penditures on any new railway‘ con- concurrently as well as the grain.†WWW to 88 3-845: No. 2 Northern. 83 3-8 to 85 7-8c: :- F No. 5 wheat. 81 3-8 to 83 7-"c. Corn. No. 3 £ yellow. 59 to 691-20. Oatsâ€"N0. 5 white. ‘ Flour unchanged. Bran. $20.50 to â€". Z . . Du‘uth. Jan. 13.â€"Wheatrâ€"No. 1 hard. tea-ems 0mm 1’“! resume TRABI 8754c: No. 1 Northern. 86 5-80; No. 2 Northern. 84 3-80: Montana, No. 2 hard. of this. can-ruse or “lemon. 1 , _ .. . . .,.4 ‘ , In customs revenue there was a * __ $13,380.53 Bilateémtaï¬hiï¬fi: Jsliiihz 891121;. ’ $1.54 1-8. , . not decrease of $391,215, the ï¬gures ‘flcu at Cattle. cum. and... am! NM! being $82,738,294, as against $84,â€" . i r a. 747,008, but from the latter must "mu" ‘" mm“ "m “b N Montreal L3";ns‘1:°:sr1:;k°z' the be“ be deducted $1,817149'9 0f Chi-73956 anadsmï¬" ' steers were made at $8. and the lower 13.-Flourâ€"-0ntario wheat grades from that down to $5 per cwt. flour. 90 per cent... $5.50 to $3.55. seaboard. Butchers’ cows from $4 to $7. and bulls and at $3.50. Toronto. Manitobasâ€"Flrst [from $4 to $7 per cwt. Lambs at $3 to patents. in into huge. $5.30; (10., seconds. [88.50. and sheep at $4.50 to $7 per cwt. Bales $4.80; strong bakery. in jute bags, $4.60. gof selected lots of hogs were made at 89 7:: Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern. 940. to $10 per cwtmwelghedpfl cars: The de- Bay ports. and No 2 at 920. - mand for calves was lair. at prices rant;- Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 wheat, 85 to Slimline from $3 to $15 each. as to size and outside. quality. , _ Oatsâ€"No. 2 Ontario oats. 341-2 to 35ml Toronto, Jan. 13.â€"â€"Cattleâ€"Chmco butch- outeide. and at .18 to 53 1-?c, on track. To- ers. $8 to $8 50; good medzum, $7 to $7.50: ronto. Western Canada. cats. 40 1-2 for common cows. $5.50 to $4: butchere' brlls. No. 2, and at 390 for No. 5. Bay ports. 83.75 to 87 25: canners and cutters, $3.50 ' to $4.- Calvesâ€"Good veal. $8.75 to 811; com- Peasâ€"91 to $1.05, outside. Barleyâ€"Good malting barley. 54 to 550. men, 84.75 to $5.10. Btockers and feeders-â€" outside. Steers. 910 to 1,050 pounds, $6 to $6.75: Cornâ€"New No. 2 American. 71 1-20. all food quality. 800 pounds. $4.50 .to $5.25; rail. Toronto. lght, $3.50 to $5.50. (Sheep and lambsâ€"- Rye-No. 2 at 62 to 630, outside. Light ewes. $5.50 to $6 25- heavy, ,_ $3 to Buckwheatâ€"No. 2 at 70 to 720. outside. ' $5.50; bucks. $5 to 83.50: spring lambs. $8 50 Bramâ€"Manitoba bran, $22 a ton. in to 89. but with 750 per head deducted 1’23 bags. Toronto freight. Shorts. 823. To- all the buck lambs. Hogs-$8 90 to 09 -i v and watered, $9.15 to $9.25 012 cars, and route. $8.56 to $8.65 fob. revenue, which is this year included Toronto. Jan. in “miscellaneous†revenue, so . that the actual customs receipts for ' Sir’ James 1’. Whitney, Premier of Ontario. ‘ , $23,516:? month‘s 0t 1912 were $32) In excise revenue there was an increase of half a million in post- "flice receipts, an increasc of $775,- 000, and. in receipts from public works, railways and canals an in- crease of one and three-quarter millions. Expenditure on ordinary account for the nine months totalled $75,- 987,925, an increase of $8,986,350. Capital expenditure shows an in- crease of $18,158,848 due, as stated, to large outlay on public works and payments of railway subsidies. The total capital expenditure for the nine months was $40,828,951, as against $22,670,103. > - , , ’3â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" CANADA MAY “'11an. 13†raisin is †Pier tines While. “No Change†[5 sun Official Bulletin, indi- caaions Are Clearly Flore Encouraging Country Produce. ’3“ Butterâ€"Choice dairy, 23 to 24¢. inferior. BRITAIN IS PROSPEROUS. agate 210; farmers' sepggaitors 1Apgrintsl.i d2: tég . ; c earner rinte. o ; no . . , r y p ‘ 27 to 280; (10.. 60- Big Increases in Imports and Ex~u to 29c; storage prints. ports for 1913. lids. 26 to 26 1-20. Eggsâ€"Case 10123701 nesgrélaidufl ttg 4506 pg; , ra . . 33385133; 1103635311. to an a g A despatch from London says: 1 Cheese-fï¬gvo 09199193114 1-2 to 14 5-40 {91‘ The British Board of Trade returns “38' a" or w 5' par for 1913, issued on Wednesday, Beansâ€"Handpicked. $2.20 to $2.25 . I bushel; primes, $2 to $2.10. showed that the aggregate of 1m-_ â€"â€" i , 1 120 91' .1 - - Honey Enrmmd’ in t“ 1 to p ports into the United Kingdom lb. for No. 1: combs. 85 to $3.25 per dozen for NO. 1. and $2.40 to 32.50 for N0. 2 amounted to $3,845,169flg5 and the. - , 11 to 1" 1b: thick. . . . , erii?“iirioF1$¢illducim. 1s°mpitm geese,‘12 exports from the United Kingdom ‘0 15"? turkeys» 19 t0 220' ' to $3 175 585 670 T e respective Po'tatoeaâ€"Ontarics. 75 to 800 or bag, on . ’ ‘ ’ ' . track. and Delawares at 800. all: track. in Increases were $121,966.640 and W 10'5- p $180,780,020 over 1912-. The most notable decrease-s among the im» "WWW" ports were: Cotton $48,342,245 and Baconâ€"Long clear. 15 to 160 cr 1b.. in . . case lots. Porkâ€"Short ont.- 28.50: (10.. gram and flour $14,841,730, while “1969' 324-50- E‘mS‘Mmmm ‘0 “3M†live animals and foodstuffs in- 18 1-2 to 19 1-2c; heavy. 18 to 190; rolls. 15 - to 15 1-2c; breakfast bacon. 18 to 199; backe, I creased , $38,321,775. The largest 2500240. ' New York, Jan. 11.â€"â€"Whilc the Dr. McPhcdran went back to Toâ€" oflicial statements with regard to route last night. It had been in- the condition of Sir James Whit- tended that he should remain for a hey, the Ontario Premier, who is ; few days, but this was not found to ill at the Hotel Manhattan, 0011- be necessary. tlnue to be non-committal, there is Dr. McPhedran expressed the a distinctly hopeful feeling appar- hope that it would be possible to out among those who know the real remove the stricken Premier to his conditions at his bedside. ’ home in Toronto “within a. few TOâ€"night’s bulletin reads: “Sir days.†Dr. Pyne' to-night, while James Whitneyhad a rather rest~ he expressed a similar hope, said it elss day, but Otherwise his condi- was impossible for him to ï¬x a date tion is unchanged.†‘ _ for the removal. 3 Both Dr. Pyne and Horace Wallis The patient gets lots of rest every spent" a considerable time' away night and the periods of delirium from their chi-sf to-day. More s-igâ€" are not long nor serious, and he niï¬cant still, Lady Whitney, who takes nourishment, all factors that kept constant watch while her husâ€" indicate that he is not losing any band appeared in a critical condi- ground, and that when improve- twn, went out for a walk to-day. ment does set in it will be rapid. W GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. nicnts. As soon as the Grand Trunk ' Paciï¬c is operating, the $300,000 The “gays Proms of T. & N6 0‘ rental will be available for running rights and such percentage of: oper- {0°11fo $200,000' sting as the Grand Trunk is liable A despatch from Toronto says; for on a wheelage basis.' The road 'fl reduction of practically $200,000 bail been tjhomughly _0Verhauled 11 total net revenue is the result of and the equlpment made ready for ' the operations‘of the Timmkaming transcontinental trade as soon as 85 Northern Ontario Railway for the “3 13 read)“ _..____ Minister May Put Embargo on Am- erican Potatoes. A despatch from Ottawa says: A. report that it is the intention of the Government to place an embargo upon American potatoes in retalia- tion for the action of the United States authorities for declining to allow Canadian potatoes to go into that country is denied in oï¬icial circles. The claim is made - that there is just as much potato disease 'in the United States as in Canada, and that the object of embargo is to keep the'American market for the potato-growers of Maine. A pecu- liar feature of the situation, how- ever, is that while Hon. Martin Burrell has not decided upon a policy of retaliation he has been practically advised to do so by Dr. Gussow, Dominion Botanist, who Increases in exports were coal and Lardâ€"Tlercee. 13 3.4 to 140; t 1.5.14 ‘to . 141-4c; pans, 141-450 14 1- . u fuel $55,370,910 and iron and steel - $28,653,075. Baled Hay and Straw. _______’_.p_______. Baled 119. â€"No. 1 at 814-50 to $15 a- ton. _, » on track ere; No. 2 quoted at $15 to 'A. $0,000,000 FUND. $1133.50. dang. nilâ€"{cad a: $12 stéiï¬o$12.50.87r ae crew at ots. . to 8 .0. on . , For Relatives of Those Who May track. Toronto. Winnipeg cm". Be Killed in Home Rule Vi ar. Winnipeg, Jan. 13.â€"Cnsh:-Wheatâ€"No. 1 A despatch from Belfast,‘Ireland. N rther . 84 5-80; N . 2 N rtl ru. 82 1-4 ; . . . ‘ N3. 3 NIdrthern. 79 1310; mi. 430m; No. 05. Saw 3‘ fund has been .“msed 680: No. 6. 58¢; No. 1 rejected needs. 770: amounting to $5,000,000 to indem- Aï¬scal year ended October 31, 1913 â€"-â€"â€"â€"’l‘ h . . . ‘ . - -.- as be H 10 km 1nt h No. 2 rejected eeds, 75c; No. 3 rejected - , , ' These ï¬gures are gleaned from the MANY IDLE MEN git ati ï¬n b a - gtl %tited1§(ét:to seeds. 75c; No. 1 smutt . 77c: No. 2 smut- nlfy .thc lelatlves Of those Who may annual report of the railway which . ‘ ‘ 3 00 do 1 m 16 m e a 35 73% gloo- 13:1 :mzuttyd £19. g2 peg}: Wigg- be klllEd or wounded among the U1- . . .â€"-â€" an ana. 'v-:-1'0 ' ' has Just‘been received by Hon. I. B. A “Him†and a Quarter out of v 3 red Winter. 79 1-22. Oatsâ€"No. 2 C.W.. _Sl’e'1 unlonmt VOIunteie'rs “1 raglst" Lucas. Provincial Treasurer. This ‘ W k I m #4 $291,405 $133. 3NS'Y'geg31'gg‘1ï¬xï¬': gigâ€; mg home “119': accordmg to an 311‘ 01 u 0 States. 300'. 'Barley', No“, 5, 41 1120, Ng, 4_'40.,, m: nouncement made Friday by Capt. Two WHOLE FAMILIES KILLED jected. 380; feed. 57 1-20. Flaxâ€"No. 1 N.- James Craig [ nionist ennnber for r a o". ‘ W . W l . w " 81w" No' 2 0' " $1'Z4' No' 3 0' " East Down, Ulster, at a. gathering $1.12. . of Umomsts here. He said the Montreal Markets. sum required had been exceeded. Montreal. Jan. 15.â€"â€"Corn. American No. >X< 2 yellow, 72 to 750. Oats, Canadian Wcst- v v » ern, No. 2, 41 1-2 to 42c; Canadian West- CANADA’S TRADE EXPANDING ï¬fnt, 12.1350 40 I13-2 1to 411%: extfi-nngéi _ ...._ o - . . . e . t 2 melting. 64 to ‘23?†Buzlrrlwhgat. No.02. 55 Gain for Twelve Months Exceeded to 570. Flour. Man. Spring wheat patents. , - - 3,5,0; seconds, $4.29; mosng bakes? Two Hundred Millions. ' . ; inter patent/s, c 0100. 4.75 to : ,, .' . . straight rollers. $4.50 to $4.60; straight A despal’Ch f‘rom OtllanL buyat rollers. bags. $2 to $2.10. Rolled 01mi- ba-r- The trade of Canada during 1913 r018. $4.40 to $5.40: ba 8. 90 lbs., $2.10 to . $2.12 1-2. Bran. szo togSZL Shorts. $22 to Increased by $210,000,000 over 1912- 325. Middlinga. $25 to $26. Mouillie. 327 This is the greatest increase in one to $51. Hay. No. 2. per ton. car lots, $15.50 . . ‘ to $14. Cheese. ï¬nest westerns. 13 7-8 to year over a pievious your own rc- 14c: ï¬nest oasterns, 13 1-4 1015 3-40. But- corded 1n the history of Canada“ ter. choicest creamer . 28 1-2 to "90: 890* ends. 26 1-2 to 270. Eggs, fresh, 43 m 50c; The total ï¬gures for 1913 are selected- 38Ԡҡ~ 1 “Wk 5““ NO- 2 Stock :31 08") 26/1 4210- of this $686 60-1 413 , 260.?ttoes. . ~ t.7"toBSc. I :a > : t a_ i V o a per bag cm 19 8 J was imports and $337,068,305 ex. If Unlted States Marketa. ports. The duty collected amount" Minneapolis. Jan. 13.â€"-Whentâ€"-May, ed to $114,501.61 This. was nearly 87 7-80 asked: July. 89 5-80 asked. Gash: ,_ . I No. 1 hard, 89 3-8d; No. 1 Northern. 85 5-3 $30,000,000 more than befum. decrease in earnings.is pretty well understood to he the result of the A despatch from Cleveland, Ohio, end of the construction period on says: One million workingmen of the National Transcontinental Rail- the iron, steel and metal trades are way, and the fact that the miningvidle in the United States to-day. in Cobalt and Porcupine is on alThe wage loss due to unemployment normal basis. Machinery andland short time is $50,000.000 a equipment ‘for the mines has alllmonth. Two hundred and seventy gone in and from this source the;thousand miners are also idle. The only revenue is derived from partslwage loss to those is computed at _ . ? required for repairs or enlarge- ' $12,000,000 a month. and Hamburg. At-Soldau an entire family, consisting of a man and his W†m†"â€"‘w‘uâ€" ' ' wife with their ï¬ve children, were ' : found in their house on Friday ‘ ‘ morning with their throats out and ~ 1 . the gas turned ,on. A dog with its . head almost severed was lying be- . . . side them. Pecuniary difï¬culties But Not Before He Had Slam Nine of Themâ€"His a... supposed to have driven the j ' ' parents to kill the children and ' Bones were pmked Clean ‘ ' then commit suiicde. At Hamburg , on Friday a city policeman cut the E , v , , , . threats of his three daughters and ‘, ‘ A deepatch from Port Arthur slew them With his weapon until then his own after & family,quar- 1 sayS' Word has just reached here nine were dead at his feet. Then, rel. of a ï¬erce battle with a pack of exhausted from his efforts, he fell wolves in which Peter Nigosh, an an easy prey tothe survivors of the - ' Indian trapper, was killed in the pack. On Monday relatives began, SUFFICIED‘T I‘ABORERS‘ Lake of the Woods country on Sunâ€" a search, and early Tuesday morn- N M ' , ‘1' V a ,_ day. The encounter occurred near ing they discovered the spot where 0 ‘ 0m ‘3‘?xll‘nl(glé 001ml 0“ he“, 0 an anal . l l l ' the Canadian boundary, a few miles the battle took place, but the only ‘ from War Road on the Canadian trace of the Indian was his bones, A‘ despatch from St. Catherinea l l l l Parents Murdered Children and Then Committed Suicide. A despatch from Berlin, Ger- many, says: Two crimes of vio- lence involving the death of eleven people were committed on Friday in Soldau, Province of East Prussia, .14 : "ï¬t‘lï¬'a‘ ' .. -ml ». are just as good ‘ 1 _ _ _.. ., .,._ , for the Bladder Northern Railway. Nigosh was re- stripped clean of flesh. says: In spite of the Warning gent ' ' , _ _ turning from his trap-s, a. few miles The nine dead wolves were partly out two weeks ago men are pouring giglifgggz :2:agetggnggfémxéggggaggfggéglfgzigï¬igï¬Ã©ï¬‚flï¬?†up the lake, when he was suddenly devoured. lvolvcs are exceptional- into St, Catherines looking for urine 13 hot and scalding-(3111‘ P1113 win quickly relieve tlfe “alum? {3" attacked by the wolves. He had ly numerous m that neighborhood work on the new ship canal, There They cure the kidneys and heal the irritated bladder. 60c. a box: not time to scalethc nearest tree, this winter. Because of the ab- are yet; only about, seven hundred 310! 33-50- Aowdealelâ€˜ï¬ â€œ#6119 on 1360811115 OLPHCB- . ’ Sample free you mention this paper. . 184 and had only a long hunting knife sence of snow they are unable to men employed, and there are sum. to protect himself. The pack closed trot-k nvd kill the. deer, and are cient laborers here to meet the de- in on him. and one after another he mixdz- i - 2r‘ ‘mld by hunger. mand for labor for some monthm ’4 , mun um on man: co. or 0mm wanna. Tonomo.