Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Jan 1914, p. 7

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l l i i l l -.,:7-.â€":z= . J 45%: .f' "“. .:_â€".p.â€"J;mz-W " ! (tram-mung“ \lstzxtlnl‘fi‘ ; A gi\’I‘-LT‘E.LC: piece-fl tr: 1:2. : .‘J'Jxm: zen Bliilii Billilliil . liliflilliill Could Not Sleep Day or Night. ltcbed and Burned Terribly. Cu- licura Soap and Ointment Cured in a Month. Also Cured Mother of Salt Rheum. g Quarryville. N. B.-â€" "For a month after. my baby was born he could not sloop day lor nightâ€"with eczema. He was all covered with small watery pimples which would break in a day or two and leave a humoury scab and would itch and burn terribly. Ho scratched so much that he made some. His skin burned all N the time and when ,fthe scab came oil it; left. little marks like 1 chicken-pox. At last I saw Cuticura Soap . land Ointment. advertised. After the first; ap‘ , ‘; piication he rested easier. I applied the Cuticura Ointment; lightly and after an hour I would wash him with Cuticura Soap. After a. month's treatment he was cured. H" “I was greatly troubled with salt; rheum on my hands. They broke out) in little watery pimples and would be so itchy I , could tear them to piecw. Then they would | dry up and crack and bleed and when I puo , them in waterthe disme would eat in to the , bones. They were so painful I had to keep i them tied up with cotton rage. I could not {do any work. One box of Cuticum 01m. , menu witir‘lhe Outicura Soap cured them". ' (Signed) Mrs. Grattan. July 31. 1913. . “ ‘ CutleuraSoap and Cuticura Ointment: are {sold by druggiste and dealers everywhere. i For a. liberal free sample of each. with 32-p. book. send posh-cardbo Potter Drug dc Chem. 5 Corp" Dept. 1). Eastern. U. S. A. V .4; Maple Sugar Makers " Wide-awake Maple Syrup makers will consult their best interests by order- ing their supplies now instead of do- loymg until Feb. and Marchâ€"our busâ€" VVrite for free booklet tell- 1)? about our Champion Evaporator, Ill do. in 22 sizes. suitable for large or small groves. was Gummy: use. co.. LIMITED 58 Wellington 3.15., Montreal, Que. lest time. 1" A Trouble Maker. '. “I see they are thinking of put~ ting meters on the telephone.” ' “Ii; will only cause trouble.” “How ' so ?” “My wife will insist everv month Elf-hat she never said {aha-i; much.” .-- ...._..__ .wih“ lit. Daniel F. Fraser of Bridgeville. {N.S., says about GEN PILLS: “For twenty years I have been troubled with Kidney iand. Bladder Disease. and have been treat- ed by many doctors. but found little re- ?Jef. I had given up all hope of getting youred _when I tried GIN PILLS. Now. I lean say with a happy heart. limb I am kiured after using only four boxes of GIN lPILLS." 500. a Box. 6 for $2.50. Sample liree if you write National Drug & Gheiui- q pal Co. of“ Canada, Limited. Toronto. ' 7 .- ,- “Mann...â€" A More Popular Lay. lele nightingale our ears would win, - The: lark'sings in the glen; _ lBub there’s more music these days ‘ m ' The cacklc of the hen. Use LlQ‘JlD SULPHUR in your bath. Doctorâ€"Has you husband follow- ed my directions? Did he take the incdicire I left; for him religiously? (Patienb’s wifeâ€"I’m afraid not, doc- for. He swore every time I gave him a. dose. l u- . Minard's Linlment Cures Colds. Etc. May Be a Curse. “Tealth may be either a blessinur ‘ r a- curse. according to the use , ode of it. Riches only bring hapâ€" .'piness logicople when they are nc~ :eumuiated for the good of others. [When they are accumulated for the ratification of avarice, or are used for obtaining personal aggrandize- uncut, respect. adulation, or fame. liliery‘are very badly applied, and lmay be a curse to a. man. .been using Baby’s Chips With the Bark On. The bright future often dazzles a man to the advantages of the pro‘ sent. There are many low tricks in high finance. A ring on the finger is often fol- lowed by the wringing oi the hands. A man often finds he is “in bad” after a good time. The woman who marries a title rarely gets anything else. Noise does not make a. financial concern sound. The guilty do not escape merely because the jury fails to convict. Think of the fees paid to high- priced lawyers. The pacemaker peacemaker. Getting the game without; the name is often easier than getting the game after one has the name. Convicted banker‘s are not num- beriess; on the contrary, they are distinctively numbered. Conservation of conversation is one reform that needs encourage- ment. ' p The baby born with a. silverspoon in his mouth is most naturally fit- ted out later with gold teeth. The trial of a thieving financier that sends him to prison is really something of a trial. ‘ You can elope and marry secret- ly, but the divorce will be more 1e- gal if cbtaned with full publicity. If all gamblers lost the game could not last long. , A. soft. snap naturally falls to the man who waits until the time is ripe.“ is seldom a n k...”â€" JUST THE MEDICINE FOR THE BABY Baby’s Own Tablets are just the medicine for little ones. They sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels, thus breaking up colds, curing colic, expelling worms and making teething easy. Concerning them MrshE. J. Ayer, Westmoreâ€" land Point, N.B., writes: “I have OWn Tablets some time and find them just the medicine baby needs.” The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a, box from The Dr. W'illiams’ Medicine 00., Brock- ville, Ont. .. as_. __-._. Getting Back. Lawyerâ€"Do you know what "con- scientious scruples” means? Witnessâ€"Yes, indeedl . Lawyerâ€"W'ell, what; does phrase mean? Witnessâ€"Well, my parents want;- ed me to be a, lawyer, but I had scruples. the 'Minard's Linlment Cures Garget In Cows. A Lesson Learned. The teacher, who was giving the primary class a‘nature talk, m- uired: Johnnie, a graduate ‘llew a Sick il’omzm far Regain Health .â€"â€".~ Read This Very Carefullyl “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills. tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr.’ Hamilton’s Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate character of a woman's nature. They never once griped' me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keenâ€"my blood red and pureâ€"heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and today my skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton’s Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof sufficient that Dr. Hamilton’s Pills are a. wonderful woman's medicine.‘ Use . no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or'The Catarrh- ozone 00., Kingston. Ontario. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-I!'-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Heaithful to Yawn. Yawning is said’ to have an ex- ceedingly healthful function besides having a. salutary effect in complaints of the pharynx and the eustachian tubes. According to investigations, yawning is the most natural form of respiratory exercise, bringing into action all the respiratory muscles of the neck and chest. It is recommended that every per- son should have a good yawn with the stretching of the limbs morning and evening for. the purpose of venti- lating the lungs and tonifying the respiratory muscles. An eminent authority asserts that this form of gymnastics has a remarkable effect in relieving throat and ear troubles, and says that patients suffering from disorders of 'the throat have derived great benefit from it. He says he makes his patients yawn, by sugges- tion or imitation, or by a series of deep breaths with the lips partly closed. The yawning is repeated six or seven times and should‘be followed by swallowing. By this process the air and mucus in fhe eustachian tubes are aspirated. ’1‘ Johnny Healthful. “What is an anecdote, Johnny i” asked the teacher. “A short, funny tale,” answered the little fellow. “Quite right,” said the teacher. “And now, Johnny, you may write on the blackboard a sentence con- taining the word.” Johnny hesitat- ed a moment, and then wrote, “A rabbit has four legs and one anew dote.” .â€"â€". Rt ‘ scans a HAVE YOU ANY ? If so. you want to try Putnam's Corn Extractor; it. is not a cheap acid salve, but a genuine 25c. cure that. does remove “JOhTmie: how does a bee Sting 2” coma in twenty-four hours. Be sure and from the get- “Put-nnm’s Extractor," 250. at, all school of experience, replied with dealers. emphasis : - ‘ ‘Awful. ’ ’ M Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated E elids. Doesn’t Smart -â€"Soothes Ere aln. Druggists Sell Murine Eye emedy, Liquid. 25c, 50¢. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An lye Tonic Good for All I)!“ that No“ Cm Murine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago th With Stcrcopticon Views. The Policemanâ€"Where are you going at this time of night? The to a lecture. Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. ... roof. “Keép clear of Macbin; he must be in a. very bad way. He actually asked me vest-erdav to pav him back the half dollar I borrowed off him two years ago.” Use LIQUID SULPHUR In your bath. Six Feet. A teacher was givinq a. lesson in go,” said Caroline. Wandererâ€"~1’mâ€"hicâ€"going - Any Old lIcro. Bettyâ€"I shall not wed until I can marry a hero. Aliceâ€"Well, my ,dear, just show any man who pro- I poses yearly expenses, and if he doesn’t to you a schedule of your back out he’s one. LlQUID SULPHUR cures cold sores. 1 Helpful Neighbors. “My neighbors keep me all the time in hot water.” “Hmv‘ generous of them, when coal is so high.” Mlnard's Llnlmont Cures, Diphtheria. "m. Every mother thinks she has the clearest baby in the world. So does the father when the bills come in. LIQUID SULPHUR cures cold sores. M Chatting About Him. Angeline and Caroline were chatâ€" ting about a young man whom they both knew. “I can’t make any- thing of y'ounngalbonmhe’s so stu- pid.” said Angeline. “I don’t think “He has a lot Pointed Paragraphs. .Success is the mother of‘imitaâ€" tion. Smart men may be fools for a purpose. Bread is the staff of life and flat- tery is the butter: And lots of people do not work as much as they wait. Many a man pats himself on the back who isn’t. a contortionist.. A good husband is an asset, but a worthless one is a liability. It is never too late to blame the other fellow for your mistakes. . A woman will do a lot of cheeky things to improve her complexion. Propose to a girl in a canoe and you’ll have two chances of. being thrown over. Nearly all men are too lazy even to think for themselves. Thinking is hard work. ' A woman always has faith in the judgment of any man who asks her to marry him. Any girl can make a. name for herselfâ€"if she can induce some men to face the person with her. The average man gets a lot of un- necessary abuse while he is alive and a, lot of unnecessary praise af- ter he is dead. A married man’s application for membership in a club may be an ' admission that marriage is a fail- ureâ€"so far as he is concerned. If a homely girl has plenty of money it’s an easy -ma-ttcr'to meet a wise man who will try to convince her she is a prize beauty. .â€"â€"â€"_â€"IItâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€". Best Linimcnt of All Destroys Every Pain But Never Burns.‘ “How thankful we are to get hold of such a wonderful household rem- Quulit ,glavogr.and er cc coo mg 9 combined. ’ The maximum of nourishment and palatnbility. just beat -â€" then serve minimum trouble 4 "ifiérmémifi‘nahrm»: :; for a Horse Save a horse and you ' won't have to buy one. ‘ Don't sell or destroy any horse on account of Spavin, Splint, Ringbone, Curb,Sprains or Lamcncss. Spend one dollar for a bottle. 3? nENMLL’s SPAVHN CURE has saved a great many horses â€"has put them back to work, even after they been given up. Over 35 years of success have proved its value. Mr. J. M. Gremlin. of St. Lin. Que. .. writer: "1 have been using your Spwln Cure for many am, always with excellent relul l." ‘ Got. Kendall's Spin-in (lure no any ~glst's. Price. 11.00 per be lie. albino. for 05.00. “A .1 Treatise on the llom"ireo at drugglsts ortrom Dr. B. J. Kendall Cm. Enosburz Falls.Vsnnoni.li.8.l. ,7‘,’ ‘ ' it. -. at, FARMS FOR BALI. w. koson. Ninety concern-strut. Toronto. H. edy as Nerviline," writes Mrs. E. P. F YOU. WANT TO BUY-~01! BELL A Lamontagne from her home nedr-We- .taskawin, Alberta. section, far away from a. doctor or druggist, every family needs a good supply of liniment. Nerviline is the best of all. .It destroys every pain, but never burns. We use Nervlline in a score of ways. If it’s rheuma- tism, aching back, pain in the side, sciatica or stiff neck,~â€"you can laugh at them if you have lots of Nerviline handy. For‘ earache, toothache or cramps “In this far-away.cO1bo,-ne at" I don’t think anything could tam, Fruit. _ Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm. write II. W. Dawson. Brampton. 9! Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, or Colborns 82., Tennis WANTED. IVE UNINJURED MINK. MARTEN Oth and Fisher. W. D. Bat/es. Ri-dgebown, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. . E HAVE SEVERAL GOOD NEWS paper properties for sale in On- iowns at right prices. Apply quickly act more quickly. For a general all- no subscription renewal time is just open. round pain remedy I can think of no- ing- thing more valuable and speedy to cure than Nerviline.” The above letter is convincingâ€"it tells how reliable and trusty this old- time remedy is. Nervlline for forty years has been a household word in Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada. you can find without Nerviline. Every community has its living examples of the wonderful curative properties of Nerviline which will cure pains and aches anywhere in the joints or mus- cles. ' It’s penetrating, soothing, warming and safe for young and old to use. bottle; it’s the most economical. Small trial size 250. at any dealer’s anywhere. ‘41â€"me Teacher of Hygieneâ€"~“Why must we always be careful to keep our home clean and neat?” Little Girl â€"â€"-“Because company may walk in at any moment.” Minard's Linimem‘, Co, Limited. Gentlemen.â€"I have used .MINARD’H LINIMENT from time to time for the past twenty years. It; was recommended to me by a- prominent. physician of Montreal, who called it. the "great. Nova Seobio. Lini- monlm’ It. does the doctor‘s Work; it is particularly good in cases of Rheumatism and Sprains. Yours truly. G. G. DUSTAN. Chartered Account-ant. Halifax, N.S.. Sept. 21, 1905. A Model Child. George III. was such a. thrifty king that we cannot doubt that he hugged the little chap of whom Thackeray tells this delightful story and longed to knight him on the spot. One day when the king and queen were walking together, probably at Kew, they met a little b‘oy,:~they were always fond of children. the good folks--â€"an<l patted the little tow head. “Whose lit-tic boy are you?” ask- bhe king. Get the large 500. family size Winnirmz. Mnn. Wilson Publishing Company, 73 Adelaide Street. Toronto. ' West MISCELLANEOUS. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ' ETC... internal and external. cured with. out. pain by our home treatment. Write us before too lain. Dr. Bellman Medics! Fn_ 75mian Pallinpn-nnrl Onf {‘3 ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. I (let Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German remedy. "Sanol." price $1.50. Another new .remerlv for Diabetes-Mellltue. and sure cure. is "Ranol’s Anti-Diabetes." Price 82.00 from druseists or direct. The Snnol Manufac- turing Company 0! Canada. Limited. PROD UCEBSâ€"By shipping your - NEW LAID EGGS") to GUNN, LANGLOIS A: (30., LIMITED, MONTREAL you secure the BEST RESULTS. One trial shipment recommended. The Hear-i: ofa Plano is the Action. Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action The wayward younginau, broken in health, was sent- to the southâ€" west to recuperate. He was in jail in Arizona for stealing a hindtluarâ€" ter of beef. He wrote homer“ “Dear Ii‘athcrr-l’ve picked Lup some. flesh since I came‘here, but; am still confined to my room. Please send me $100.” have . mathematics and English combin- in him when you know him.” “Ha-s 9d" he?” replied Angeline. “Well, “A fathom,” she said. "is a nau- then, I’m sure We a. vacant; lot!”’ ticai word used in defining dis- tance. It means six feet. Now I want some little air] to give me a- senfence using the word fathom.” Instantly a hand shot up in the rear of the room. “Well. Mary, you may give your sentence.” Mary stood up proudly. “The reason flies can walk on the ceiling.” said she, “is because they have a fathom.” l “I am the king’s beefâ€"eater’s lit- tle boy,” replied the child. . On which the king said, “Then kneel down and kiss the queen’s hand.” I But the innocent offspring of the beef-eater declined this treat. "No," said he, “I won’t kneel, for i! I do, I shall spoil my new breaches.” I i }. Don't waste time on inferi- I or selves because they’re a few cents cheaper. ’ l have proved Zam-Bnk best for Eczema, Piles. Skin Diseases, and‘lniuriss. As a mother. you owe it 5 to 'our family to use the hes . that’s Zam~Bukl 50:56.1. All 9013431: and Sims. v1 3‘: _ V ("v HA RETORER Restores GRAY Hair to its NATURAL Color, makes it grow, and cures Dandrufl. ' n;- m- i 7 t . g if“ The Glare Explained. Miss loggers (angling for a. com plimenl): They 5 plain girls are always religious. ow, I’m not- at all religions. Mr. Fortnlt (gollantly): Yes. but there are exceptions to all rules, ran know. Yea;sb-”Wha-t made you say my . wife has a prominent month if you I AT ALL DRUGG'STS .never saw her i” Crimsonbeakâ€"l “3 GENTS A BOTTLE N. "‘Oh. I heard it.” 9â€", u ISSUE . flung-74.1.. _'

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