Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Dec 1913, p. 5

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new lemmcxuzma ‘wnh. .: y. .vwf4.: WMN~M ‘ ‘ HOUSE FOR SALE. I l I; g ' Two storey, seven roomed house. near- - ~ 1 . _ icy new, good well, quarter acre lot, near 1 " I .T. R. station, Fenelon Falls. Apply to . ALBERT E. NORTHEY ' ‘ _ I _‘ 7 _ v __ _ . =Fenelon Falls FARM FOR SALE. Two hundred acres, West half 26 Gen. 7 and east half 26 Gen. 6, township ol’ Fenelon, 100 acres woodland, sugar bush. tanlarac alldhcedar ;- 100 acres cleared ; first-class loam ; six roomed'honse, barn 55x57 on stone wall ; .cow stable ; large drive house 26350, 1\yoodshod. two 13E . . hay mews '; two cree '5 running throu ‘ ‘ k ' - ' pasture. Aiso full set him machinery. . G e El . No cause fox-selling but ill health. For ‘ ’ > full particulars apply on the premises to Wurommm up to Saturday, 20th, and have the I photographs , finished , Opens January 5th in all dopart- f ° ments of the CENTRAL BUSIâ€" :-~ 01‘ I'lSt I I I as. NESS COLLEGE, Yonge and Ger- _;-' . rard Streets, Toronto. Our cata- 1. - . llogue explainss our iuporiority in Equipment, tail, letllods and i; _ ‘ Results. You are invited to write :1, J for it if interested in the kind of T l ‘ ' * J‘ ‘ school work which brings best « _ success. Address W. H. SHAW, President. ’ " .-_..____..__._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" Would You Like to Have One of These in Your Home? FENELON FALLS MARKETS Just a Little Husiling and You Win. Fenelon'Fnlls Friday, Dcc.12, l913 V - ' Wheat, Scotch or Fife, 82c. to 85 1. Wheat, fall, 88 to 90 1 \Ve will issue trade certificates with every purchase at our store. These . __ -' certificates represent ONE VOTE for each ONE CENT of purchase, and the per- . “meat: SPHHSv ’0 to 80 . s - son holding; certificates representing the LARGEST NUMBER or VOTES at the Barley, Der bushelg50 t0_60 end of the contest will receive this splendid Piano ABSOLUTELY FREE or Oats, lwr bushel. 39ft) 30 . . I, ~ COST. The certificates are transferable, and if you are not interested in secur- 90358, per bushel. 19 to 1.00 - Buckwheat, 45c. to 00 ‘ ' ing one of these premiums yourself you can assist a friend. Our object is to interest you in our store. “To want a. chance to Show you that you can do better here than elsewhere. We do not expect to recover the 'llcavy expense of this contest through a greater percentage of profit, butthrough Potatoes, bush. E5 to co Camome ’ ’ “ The Right and 0f Eggs, per dozen, 25 to 26' ‘v Hay, per ton, $14 to [6 a} Flour,W_3nnipeg a o A L___. ' Flour’ Silver Leaf’ $d'50 “$17 " For your boys and girls is up for the dillcrellce in volume of businessâ€"we expect the increase to lnore than repay _ Hides, Q10. to $12 1' i - ' -': .4" ' 2. ' g - - - é -v w suseovusa sou I - ‘ I i . > . Flour: family, (supp-0r, $2.35 to 2.55,. . g a. copy of our curriculum. It will 3 ,_, l 1 35 - m 37.38 m w Prices. ' - ' Wool, 15 to 23 We Can Save You Money and We are Ready to Prove It. FlourySnmson. $2.80 to $3-00 $2.70 to $2.90 l _ 2 us, and in the future we shall endeavor to give you EVEN MORE for your money H 13 $6 P5 m QB 25 ‘ ogs, .we, .1 ., é Bram pen 100 pounds, $125 to $ _ present some facts you should than we have in the past. 1 h f d L Beef g 800 to $9 W ' l' -'t on . eso 1 ti on" tle mer‘ts our code an owes - 9 so 1L1 y r patromg e y n In 1 1 o g p Sheelp'ékins’ 50 to 80 a. ' . ‘,' 3 ' v ‘ r r A . Dealers 1n Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Croc..uy Shorts, (10., $1.25 to $1.35 $233215 aux:ng :1 gigs: 2:133:- , . and Glassware: Etc- ~ V Mixed Chop. doz. $1.50 t - Enter any time. t . i. .EnNELON FALLS, ONT. . t , Corrcrrééwihf’éfi"? .v~.r -» .â€":%r., HOW. SOMPLETE. SHAW’S SCHOOLS,TORONTO - Head OmCCB, Central Business College, Yongo & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. W. H. SHAW, President. ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH. . There will be no service in St. An- étrew's Church next Sunday morning. , In the evening the pastor will con-' \ tinny, the series of subjects as announ- ' cod, preaching on “ Men. .ov The King of Range Faney Goods- Ehony Goods Thor nos Bottles 5333:3212": jT-alie tale Leather Goods Bibles Of the old rigs. New . €33 : THE day has, gone past ' when a; wise woman will put up with an inferior cookinzapparatus. Shehaa 5‘: heardoii' Th myf§gfi . .I a.-- .a. _...>.. ..__.,....._,-4-.__.. [I‘ you are thinking of a. nice.Xmas gift for mother, father, brother, sister, sweetheart or friend, What would be better or more durable than a solid ebony hair, hat or'cloth brush, mirror, i manicure or toilet set? Every piece guaranteed at G. F; Vicars' drug store. Choose your gift early and have it put away. for you. .v--.” Hymn Books ones cost Imoney. We Perfumes make a specialty of re- chncolates pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs fixing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one . we can build itâ€"4good as the bests}: \V()MEN.'S INSTITUTE. l'l‘llo‘regular meeting of the \Vomen’s Institute will beheld on Friday after- noon, Dec. 19th, at the home of Mrs. D. JeWell. The report of the Convention at Toronto will be given. 1 The Corrugated 0V0- aad her neighbors tell her what it will do. kl .. 11 by chance you do not know the merits of The “Hm j, Thought” you owe it to yourself to investigate. See the 3.1256. in look into the fireboi and flues. weigh the covers, note the patented V damners.the Ventilatcdjllnminaled oveu,thc corrugated oven we, ‘ i and alt the diEerent teatures that make this Range so different end . j v so superior. ‘ ' You don't know true household comfort if you don't know " V ,«W: "9 in F Our motto is Quality in Xmas goods as in all other lines, and we have put our prices as low as possible considering the quality. -.-¢ What more suitable for a Christmas present than a nice pipe. See Ba rkley’s stock. G. F. VlGARS Druggist and, Stationer FENELON FALLS. ‘BAZAAVR: Asp SUPPER. The ladies of the Methodist church will hold (heir annual bazaar and supper on the afternoon and evening oiTues- ‘ day, Dcc.r 16th, in the basement of the church. See bills for particulars. ‘1,*.(: ’v ,< v' l. t'BHAMBEBS. Colborne Street‘ ertr the Manufacturers for Hlusfufed Catalogue. ‘ Fenclon Falls} we The WM. BUCK STOVE courtesan... by M & m G GING’ TH EM ONE BETTERJE ' c- S. A. CHRISTMAS TREE. The Annual Sunday School entertain- ment and Christmas Tree of tho Sul- vation Army will he held in Dickson's ball, on Monday, Dec. 22, at b‘ p. in. Keep the date in mind. BORN- MANN . At 31 FM! A ' n, Ott: 'a, o . I . Friday Dec. an. iiiin.‘ £31... all Mr: Furniture delivered to your home at'i ‘ . ll. Clark. Mann, a. daughter. I l . DIED- LESS THA N OI T Y PR1 0E8 . l“ i d KBIISLY-ioAiéhb‘emilgiln‘l Falls an \lVednes- ‘ xi H : _ay 00. . )lraim 'as lington . I . 7 g 3ft? aged 61 yeurs’ 4 months and I REXALL Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, for any cough- You Hm - and l ,1 i é _ '- _ 7 7 runwwfl; REXALL Tickle Stopper, stops that tickling. i , ‘ . l A REXALL Throat Gargle, for Tonsilitis; etc. _ ' See our SOOdS. . 1-2:- : ' " ‘ 5.; " NOTICE REXALL Grip Pills, cure and prevent influenza. V f, " i A l'c.t' s vill he recei '06 by the REXALL Plastiklae, for reducing inflammation. 0 . q ‘ l gmldgilgi‘lgfilpitp noon on‘ Dec.‘29th. REXALL Wine of Cod Liver Extract, best of touiw. ' . S . S . G 7, n a 7" fi ' a ,3“ 2 _ film”. tubing EM)SI(l1I8€3‘ll“e'(fl begrctarz-fl Mf- REXALL Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, with Hypophosphites. ‘ 7 - $4 j’ . $3;,,,:,~;&gx,ecggd_ . 3_ ° mm" REXALL Predigested'Bcef, Iron and-Wine Body builder. FENELON FALLS; ‘ . ““ ‘ 5. nonnn or WATER. LIGHT. AND . . ' , ‘ v a“ ,5; PO‘Elll‘jsli cohnlssmxl-zus, FENELUN R EXA L. L. STO R E . SFF OUR WALL PAPERS S ‘A “. ‘ - - J .1 o k g Wm. McArthul-,Chu2rman. A. J; n m l , :

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