am,» ‘ ,n .I c, I v.~,_.v .3. . ~_. ,, . .,__.__._.-_..'., . ““ "~4'JN >â€"v-â€"-*....d. 44.4 t .- .. . . WW“... .. W... years. “Several years ago when my horse took colio I used to give them Cayenne Pep- - per in hot milk, but . in a few cases only did I help. and be- To Know How to Cure Golic, Dis- temper, Colds, Su‘ellings, etc, Saves Thousands Each Year. Of Practical Interest to Horsemen. It is a matter of vital importance to every farmer, horse-owner. and stock- ;raiser to know exactly what to do :when one of his animals is taken sud- lglenly sick. ’ The letter of Mr. Frank G. Fuller- ton, which we print below, gives in- formation of inestimable value, and tells of his experience in curing ailing 'stock during the past thirty-eight cause I had no . means at hand I lost several valuable animals. Some one 'ltold me of the success Mr. Wendling, lof Brockville, Ont., had in his racing stables with ‘Nerviline,’ so I laid in a. lsupply. It wasn’t very long before Nerviline saved the life of a valuable stallion of mine, which was worth at least $1,000.00. This horse was taken with colic, and would have died had It not been for Nerviline. I have used Nerviline for reducing swellings, for taking out distemper lumps, and cas- lng a bad cough, and always found it worked well. I recommend every man Who owns horses or cattle to keep Nerviline on hand.†Large size bottles, 500.; small size, 250.; all dealers, or The Catarrhozone ogrripany, Kingston, Ont., and Buffalo, .__.â€"->I‘-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" In Between. Not many companions of Richard {Brinsley Sheridan cared to engage ‘the dramatist in an encounter of wit. The royal dukes in the follow- ing story were more courageous, but not more successful, than most of the playwright’s friends. Two royal dukes, friends of Sheri- dan, were walking in St. James’s Street, when they happened to meet the dramatist. - “I say, Sherry,†said one of the dukes, “we have just been discus- sing whether you are a greater fool~ or rogue. What is your opinidiir.»5 mg boy?†‘ “713* heridan smiled, took each? by‘an ’ arm, ond,:lnstantly replied; "Why, faith, your royal high‘n'ess, I believe I am between both-’15†Linn shiï¬sur lis prescribed and used by leading nurses in Toronto as an anti-septic. LIQUID SULPHUR by virtue of being simply pure SULPHUR liquiï¬ed is one of Nature’s own lremedies for skin troubles. It is simple, costs very little, but is 'most effective in its results. ECâ€" ZEMA disappears when LIQUID SULPHUR is given a. fair trial. For sale all druggists. Price 50 ‘Cents per bottle. 0 Ilaâ€"w.â€" Cause of the Trouble. I The church choir had resigned, and the person asked what was the cause of the trouble. “Well,†re- plied one of the ofï¬cers, “you have yourself to blame. You know you said: ‘Providence having seen ï¬t to aï¬lict all our choir with bad colds, let us join in singin ‘Praise God from whom all ilessings IN .â€" ‘flow . â€"-â€"â€"â€"~nâ€"â€"-â€"- .Wllllllll NE_lll__B|lI PlllS For Weak Backs and Headaches. Miss Ethel Balcombe, of Port lDutferin, N.S., writes: "I was troubled with Kidney Disease for several years. My back was weak. I had terrible headaches and was so restless that I could not sleep at night. At last a ‘i’riend told me about GIN PILLS. I at once got a box and after taking them, I felt betterâ€"after taking three boxes, I was cured." _ 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free If you write National Drug and Chem- ical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. ___.._â€"â€"luâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- â€" “sin nncn’s EARLY nus. The present distinction of Sir lIIugh Graham as a newspaper pro- prietor, with a. fortune said to be .several millions to his personal cre- ldit, stands in strange contra-st to the circumstancess of .his early ars. Those who have followed ibis business career from the begin- ning describe the heart-rending months when the ï¬rst edition of the Regularity“â€" oi the bowel: is on absolute neccs~ city for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least oncea dz , it decayeandpoisons the whole y, caulin biliousness,indi- gestion and sick cadaches. Salt: and other harsh mineral purgntivcs irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. _Morse‘s Indian Root Pillsâ€"entirely vegetableâ€"~regulate the bowels eflectxvely. without Weak.- cningï¬ickeningorgnpiug. Ute Dr. Morseâ€: ‘° Indian Rant Pills They/Sch‘E'én the stomach; regulate _ < "r bowels; break up colds; make 6: Montreal Star were run off in a cellar. The press was none too satâ€" isfactory in its performances, and breakdowns were frequent. So pinched were Mr. Graham’s ï¬nan- ces in those days that he was unable to afford a. steam boiler of his own, and arranged with his next door neighbor to run a pipe through the wall and suppily him enough to keep an old steam engine moving at Sir liugh Graham. press time. The small payment for the steam often fell behind, and, it is said, Mr. Graham day after day would watch the coppers comâ€" ing in from the newsboys until they grew into an amount sufï¬cient to pay for the steam when he care- fully wrapped them in his handker- chief and bore them off to the hun- gry neighbor. 15' ’ KEEP BAB HEALTHY. h...â€" To keep the baby healthy his little stoma-ch should be kept sweet and his bowels working regularly. Nineâ€"tenths of the maladies which bowels. Baby’s Own Table-ts are the idea-lamedicinc for little ones. teething easy; dispel worms and cure constipation and indigestion. Concerning them Mrs. S. Shannon, Urney, N.B., says: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for my two little ones and think they am just what children need. . I would not be without them.†Sold by all medicine dealers or b mail at 250. a 'box from The r. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. L___. To Date. Peter, Peter, punkin eater, Bought and used a. carpet beater. Now the doctor’s down the street, Beating microbes out of Pete. M A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S LINI‘MENT from a Toronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that. every Tom. Dick and Harry has tried to intro- duoe. Ask for_MINARD'S and you will get it. Not Doing ï¬le Share. The big sister decided the children could not sit up until mother came home. Tommy did not care; IVillie cried lustily. When the sister re- tired he’ cried still more loudly. She waited for a few moments at the foot of the stairs to hear if he be- came quiet. At last he stopped, and this was what the sister heard: “Tommy, you cry a bit now; I’m tired I†The glory of life is to love, not to be loved; to give, not to get; to serve, not to be served. Mlnard's Llnlmcnt Cures 'Ulphthorla. Why He Failed. Weary Willieâ€"Lady, I wuz wunst a prosperous merchant, I had a luxurious home an honorable name, an’ ten bloomin’ an’ highly educated daughters. Mrs. Weirmanâ€"What you to poverty? Weary Willieâ€"My daughters in- sisted on marrying highly educated men and I had ter support ten fami- lies. brought Medical Advice. “Doctor, how can I prevent my husband from talking in his sleep 1†“Well, you might try giving him few opportunities in the daytime.†Just So. Dentistâ€"The teeth in this case were all taken from prOminent lit- erary men. . Visitorâ€"Extracts from popular authors, so to speak. afflict little ones are caused by some derangement of the stomach or EGZEMA' UN FACE, ' ' SBAlP-ANII HANDS Came Oli‘ in Scales. ltched Badly. Had to Tie Hands. Little Watery Pimples. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Completely Cured. 1307 Davenport Road. Toronto; Ont...â€" “My eczema. ï¬rst started when I was a baby, on my face and scalp. It seemed dry and when 1 scratched it, it camo on in scales. 1t. itchcd very badly and I was obliged to have my hands tied up so as to prevent scratching my face. Little white watery pimples came on my hands and face and I had to stay home from school for nearly two weeks. it caused my face and hands to look badly. The eczema tool: a very bad form, appearing on my face In little watery ulcers so bad that I could hardly beer to be touched. My hair being naturally very thick 1 found to be getting thinner and. won- dered what could cause it to fall out. " My mother tried and and spent no end of money trying to get me botâ€" tcr but it did no good. Atlastefriond rec- ommended Cuticura. Soap and Ointmentond my mother used them. We applied the Cuticura. Ointment to my face, head and hands and washed with the Cutlcura Soap and‘tho eczema began to disappear. Before six months had passed I was completely cured." (Signed) Mis Constance Jane, May 26, 1013. Cuticura. Soap and Ointment do so much. for pimples, blackheads, red, rough skins; itching, scaly scnlps. dandruff, dry. thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapcless nails, that it In almost criminal: not to use them. A single set is often sufficient. Cuti- oura. Soap and Cutlcure. Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send postâ€"card to Potter Drug 55 Chem. Cox-pl, Dept. D, Boston. U. S. A. W STARTLING WAR NEWS. Regulations for Correspondents Were Severe. During the earlier stages of the Balkan war, when the correspond- ents, forbidden by the Bulgarian government to proceed to'the front, were detained in Soï¬a, time passed in ennui and despondency. Hotel life disgusted men who were ready for the hardships of a campaign. Away at the front, says Philip Gibbs in “The Balkan \Var,†men were killing each other in heaps. The Red Cross was very busy. But to Soï¬a the news came only on the wings of rumor, and very tardily. I began to doubt whether it was worth while to go to the theatre of war. For to a journalist it is only an additional exasperation to see things which he cannot describe, and by ofï¬cial orders we were for- bidden to describe anything. I read the regulations for war correspond- ents, and their severity was appal- ling. We were forbidden to de- scribe the disposition of troops, to give the names of generals, the names and numbers of the wounded; ‘ the success or failure of Bulgarian troops, the state of the soldiers’ health, the condition of the climate. I put a polite question to the cen- sor: “Will you tell me, sir, if there is anything about which we shall be allowed to write 2†He thought deeply for a moment, and then answered, with great gravity : ' “There is much interest-in Bul- garian literature.†“Perhaps I may also be permitted to describe the song of the birds 7†I inquired. > ' “By all means,†said the censor. .._.â€".â€"â€"K‘~â€"â€"â€"â€" DEATH REPOTZ-TED. An old oï¬cnder that hung on for years. Nothing touched his stony heart but Put- nam’s Corn Extractor and out he comer root, stem and branch. All corne cured just as quickly when Putnam’s is used; try it, 25c. at. all dialers. It was in the cyclone season and a bad storm having come up in the night Mrs. Hall roused her family and they hurried into their clothes, preparatory to retiring to_the celâ€" lar. The thirteen-year-old daugh- ter, who was just beginning to .be particular as to what she wore, hastenedâ€"before dressingâ€"into her youngest aunt’s room, and, al- though halfâ€"crying,_ inquired anx- iously, “Aunt Nellie, .would you your bobble skirt if you were W611)? .English typist did all the clerical ISSUE 45â€"’13. GIRLS' FARMING COLONY. Will Come Fromâ€"England, Ireland and Scotland. Henry Howes, of Bushby Park, Bristol, England, who is organizing the .Women’s Coâ€"operative Farming Soctety, Ltd, of Canada, under the Industrial and Provident Srcieties Act of England, says in a. letter to George M. Hall, Industrial Com- missioner for the municipality of Edmonton, Alberta, that he will es- tablish a. co-operativc farming col- ony within ï¬fty miles of that city. Girls and women from England, Ireland and Scotland will be located on the land and care for milch cmvs, poultry and pet stock and produce gardens. . ' The plan was suggested to Mr. Howes on a recent tour of Western Canada, when he visited a. farm of eighty acres, managed by a. half dozen young women from England and Scotland. One of the members, a. college trained girl, had charge of the’ greenhouse. Another_ did the housework and one. looked after the poultry and outside work. A Scotch girl opened a district store in the city and an work. The sixth member of the col- ony attended to the cows, bees and rabbits. The scheme worked out satisfac- torily until Dan Cupid made his ap- pearance with his bow and quiver of arrows, carrying oï¬ four of the women, who became wives of farm- ers. The Weddings took place with- in two weeks. The remaining two stayed a. month, doing all the work, when they too fell victims. The farm was sold and the proï¬ts dividâ€" ed equally among the six women. ' >1" Y, Many- Reasous Why qulllll Cough Mixtures Can’t Cure Bronchitis But the Healing Fumes of Catarrho- zone, Whlch are Breathed to the Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial Tubes, Bring Quick Relief and Sure Cure. Every sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat and chest ailments needs a soothing, healing medicine which goes direct to the breathing organs in the chest and lungs attacks the trouble at the source, disperses the germs of disease, and cures the ailment thoroughly. And this medicine is “Catarrhozone.†The germ-killing balsamic vapor mixes with the breath, descends through the throat, down the bron- chial tubes, and ï¬nally reaches the deepest air cells in the lungs. All parts are soothed with rich, pure, me- dicinal essences whereas with a syrup the affected parts could not be reach- ed, and harm would result through be- numbing the stomach with drugs. “I have been a chronlc sufferer from catarrh In the nose and throat for over eight years. I thlnk I have spent four hundred dollars trying to get relief. I have spent but st dollars on Catarrh- ozone, and have been completely cur- ed, and, In fact, have been well for some time. Catarrhozone Is the only medicine I have been able to find that would not only give temporary relief but will always cure permanently. Yours sincerely, (Signed) WILLIAM RAGAN, Brockville, Out. For absolute, permanent cure, use Catarrhozone. Two months' outï¬t costs $1.00; smaller size, 50a, at all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozoue Company, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. 14___._...__. Quick Work. “You seem to have a badly dis- colored eye.†_ “Yes. A man rested hls ï¬st there for only a. fraction of a sec- ond, yet look at the damage he did l†Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn’t Smart -â€"Soothes Eye Pain. Dru glsts Sell Murine E o Remedy, quui , 25c. 50c. Murine yo Salve In Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An In Tonia Good for Allâ€. "In Need Con Murin- Ero Remedy Co" Chicago Angry Dinerâ€"“Hello, you wait- er! Where is that ox-tail soup?†Waiterâ€"“Coming, sirâ€"half a min- ute,†Angry Dinerâ€"“Confound you! How slow you are l†Waiter â€"“Not my fault, sir. Ox-tail al- ways behind.†.â€".â€".. Minard's LInIment Cures ,Garget In cows. Third Place. It was a. cold day in December, and the superintendent of a charit- able institution was examining a number of poor children as to their claims for more comfortable cloth- ing. Margaret was under examin- ation. .She was pinned up quite securely in a thin shawl. “Have you any clothes at home ‘2†she was asked kindly. “No’m.†' “What have you got on ’I†“Please, this is me aunt’s shawl, an’ me dress is next, an’ then comes I." soursi Highly concentrated ; one tin snï¬icca a small family Purcst and best ingredients. Montreal. '| EIEGTBB DYNAI‘I‘W OR GENERATOR FOR SALE 30 Kill, llll llllIS, Ill}, 675 R. P. M. At a. Very Reasonable Figure for ' Immediate Sale. . S. FRANK WILSON 8: sens, 73 Adelalde St. West, TORONTO. EDUCATION. LLIOT'P‘S' BUSINESS COLLEGE, TO- ' ' Canada's Popular Commer- Magniï¬cent Catalogue free. l1 ronto. cial School. FARMS FOR SALE. H. w. DAWSON.. Ninety Colborm Street. Toronto. ._____â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-. . F RUIT. STOCK. GRAIN AND DAIR! Farms in all sections of Ontario. Some snaps. ______________.___â€"â€"-â€"-‘â€"- FACTORY SITES. WITH Oil. \VI'I‘HOU'E Railway trackage. In Toronto. Brnmntnn and other towns and cities. ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN v Brampton and a dozen other towns. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St.. Toronto. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. __________________._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" COUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent opening for man of energy. Write Wilson Publishing Com nn ny. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS. ________________._...â€"._.._ q'I‘AMP COLLECTORS#IIUNDRED 01?- L. fercnt. Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Coats. Marks Stamp Com pany. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC, Internal and external. cured vyltg r1 out pain by our home treatment. us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Colllngwnod. Ont- ________._____._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"-- ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- ‘l dcr Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbngo and kindred ailments positivon cured with the new German remedy. “Sunni.†price $1.50. Another new remedy for 'Diabetes-Mellitus. and euro cure. lI “Sancl's Anti-Diabetes." Prloe $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Rnuol Maugham hiring Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man. FOR SALE Pulleys a Snatting Sultable for Mills, Manufac'wring Plants, Printlng Houses, Etc. 2 Wood Split Pulleys, 12% x 48 in. for 3 15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 121,53 x 48 in. for 2 15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 121,5 1: 28 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 101,43 x 36 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. Pulleys of smaller sizes and Shaft- Ing of various lengths and sizes to be sold at’very low ï¬gures. Box 23, _‘ WIIson Publlshlng '00... _.Toronto. W- A Scotch minister who was taking tea with one of his parishioners re- marked to his hostess that the tea pot had but a poor spout. “Aye,†she replied, “it’s just like yersol’; it has an unco bad delivery.†.â€" ‘ .Mlnard's Llnlment Cures DIstempor. Keep the door of your heart shut and women will peep through the Ikeyhole and pass notes between the crevices. Open it wide and she will look the other way. Minard's Llniment Cures Golds. 6.0. Those Who Succeed Us. It’s just a few years Of heartache and scheming, And then there’s an end Of toiling and dreaming. Our places are ï¬lled By those who come after; And may they know more Than we do of laughter! .,.,,___._....__.............â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" You will ï¬nd relief in Zain-Bukl 3;. It eases the burning, stinging ', pain, staps bleeding and brings " ease. Perseverance, with 2am- ‘: Buk, means cure; Why not prove it {his 7 All Maï¬aï¬d some i“ ‘1 hr: o ' A-‘ArAHMAAA A'Auwiflaka‘m'nnm'n A A A A AA A a nu. AAAAAAAA