Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Sep 1913, p. 6

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~__v~.; x, ‘s'l‘_‘\.‘\_~<‘ 1 ~. “r. a ,2. 54 .-., ,x ‘A.$13.3;Xxf‘sfiivfflt‘E-etNiV‘k ’1‘: - fir- , .l 55‘; fl!‘ ., ‘. 3» m-.._......â€"...._.,._._._. â€"â€" ,, -. t 1 .' vhf", *2: I; ,r. ‘w.’ I ....,_..... . ‘1 "ii-H’ij‘n xv 5.; ‘ ,, ! SW be": (’ ‘o .wi- :21?! elk V .. . s W x,- a, his; . w it.‘ ~. ‘tfivfi's’g". 5.5. - it all" I . 7.7-7“? '~ w es"? ,-â€"‘~â€"- N... w, . :.~..s.~-.~.-.-.r~.x. s... i. as. s.» l f 6?." s. , , 3 G :- a, . s: a ,, {3. f? ' l {9; 1 is: H istry and botany at the Montreal . Petrolea, on Friday. Items" of. News by Wirc Notes of Interest as to What Is Going ? on All Over the World Canada. World’s Sunday School Convention , , ” in Zurich. . 1’909’000 .p.e9p1° “mad the Niki Frank Miller and Frank Rouleau. tlona‘l Emhlblt’mn at Toronto‘ Provincial liquor detectives, the Toronto is to have the finest latter only seventeen years of age, freight terminals in the WOI‘ld- were sent to the Central Prison for John Griffin, of Toronto, plans to six months at hard labor for ac- erecta $100,000 theatre in London. cepting a bribe of $25 from Mrs. Emma. A_ R_ Why“, of the Margaret Brennan, aSouth Porcu- Hamilton Westinghouse staff, is Pme’ mloonkeeper- dead. ' . ' Scarcity of baskets is causing fruit-growers in the Niagara penin- sula. much anxiety and loss. , Thos. Murphy, aged 71, baggage transfer agent, of Cornwall, was taken ill at his work and died. A mission building in erection at Br-untlord collapsed on Thursday, one man, S. Deans, having his col« lar~bone broken. Lyman W. Cox, 1!. commercial traveller, and a prominent curler, died of blood-poisoning at Truro, N.S., on Friday. Joe. E. Morrison, for twenty years professor of pharmacy, chem- Grcat Britain. A huge bonded warehouse at Manchester was burned at a loss of $1,250,000. Flames shot a. thousand feet in the air. A runaway caused a panic among the thousands of people who atâ€" tended the funeral in Dublin of the man killed in the riots. The late Duke of Sutherland. who, during the last few years of his life became an extensive land- holder in Canada, left an estate, according to his will, of more than one million two hundred thousand pounds sterling. United States. One result of the recent railway wrecks in New England may be the passage of legislation prohibiting the use of wooden coaches. Mrs. Margaret A. Carter, 3. so- ciety woman of Elyria, Ohio, is in the county jail on a federal war- rant, charging her with using- the mails to fraudulently secure $3,000 from Miss Lillian Huntington, Elyria’s wealthiest heiress. College of Pharmacy, is dead. Jae. Anderson had ‘his right arm torn off when he tried to readjust a. belt on a running machine at the Lambton Packing Co.’s factory at T. W. J. Pauley, of \Vest London, was attacked by a» cow and was eavedvfrom being killed when the animal hurled him over a five-foot fence into an adjoining lot. Bruce Boyd, aged 14, of Guelph, who was visiting in Napanee, and with companions, for a lark stole a. ride on a freight train to Belleville, fell in getting off to regain his hat and lost his right leg below the knee. Ant-clericalsbroke up the parade Mayor 0. M. R. Graham, of Lon- of the Catholic Gymnastic As-sociar don, announced that the vote on tion in Rome. ' the Beck scheme for the rehabilita- An eccentric American woman, tion of the London and Port Stan- who threw a bouquet at the Kaiser ley Railway by electrification will in Berlin, was temporarily arrest- be taken before October 15th. ed. , Prof. S; L. Umbach, of Napier- At the Zionist Congress in Vien- ville, Que, a native of Woolwich mail. was reported that the mem- township, Ont., died in Cassel, bership has increased by 129,000, Germany, on_ Saturday. He was and that the national fund for pur~ making an extensive tour of Euro- lchavse of land in Palestine has an pean countries, after attending the 'income of 1,876,553 marks. ' m OIL FOR THE BRITISH NAVY. Welland Canal was awarded to M. â€"â€" . ' J. O’Brien and Hugh Doughney for Gaspe Fields Consideer Admirablc approximately ten million dollars. for New Imperial Scheme. There were ten tenders under con- A despatch from London says: sideration, including two British In View of the increasing attention I and two American firms- work W111 which is being directed to the adop_ be started at once by the successful tier, of oil as fuel in the British tenderers, who will make Thorold navy, it is interesting to know thatitheir headquarters. . The contract Oil lands in different parts of the ' calls for the completion of the work Empire are being sedulouslydevel- by 49m]: 1917- The contra/Cl? for oped The decision of the Govern- Section 2 of the canal will be let meat m secure Supplies as far asllalliel'. The CODtPaCt f0]? SCOt/lOl’l,1 possible within the Empire has giv- “'35 let some time 2130- N0 a’Ct-ion en a new impetus to the search for has yet been taken in regard '00 large deposits in different parts awarding the contract for the Dom- of the dominions, and it would be inion Government share of the To- fitting that the premier dominion, l’onto harbor work. 7 Canada, should be reckoned among More Tenders Soon. the fuelâ€"oil sources of supply. _. In who is chairman of the Eastern 1 , - that tenders for No. 2 Section of the Canada Company , and who has just . Welland Ship Canal, extending returned from the Canadian fields,l supplies interesting. details. In the ' from the fourth concession line in course of a conversation Lord Selby; Grantham Township to near Thor- Eold, the northerly boundary of No. remarked that he was ver reatl , y g ans; 3 Section, would be called for with- impressed .with what he saw . heard during the visit. The most‘m ‘1 W?ek- Thrw week‘s Iii/081' N0- favorably situated oil fields in,4 See/01011, south Of ThOI‘Old. With Canada, from g. geographical and' heavy FOCk excavation. Will be strategioal point of view, he states, ready for the call. are those of Gaspe, which extend a. from the se‘acoast on the Bay of 'â€" Gaspe, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, for several'miles in a north-wester- ly direction. It was in the Larocque district, in Y H C t the North-West, that a consider- ' " ' " ' able number of wells were put down A despatch from Toronto says: and good supplies of oil of a high Mr. George A. Barnes, who came quality obtained. What is known to Toronto less than a. week ago as an anticlinal fofmution BXtendS from his home in Sherbrooke, Queâ€" ‘from this district in a south andlbec, to assume the duties of rows}- easterly dil'e‘itlfm down t9 the cal director in the new Toronto coast. The opinions ofe_xper1enced Y.M.C.A., met death with tragic drilling men and 80010315“; 1" thadl suddenncsss on Friday night. He country are to the effect that 011 was on the gymnasium with a, class General. The inflamed Japanese are de- manding military action against C‘h-ina. PHYSICAL DIRECTOR KILLED . __ Fatal Accident at the New Toronto ’ will beieund there in large quanti- of pupils and was engaged in de_ 983' Should tins be the case’ the monstrating certain exercises on Importqu 0f the field from .lhe the horizontal bars, when in some Pom“ 6‘ Supply .for the? Brim-sh unaccountable manner he suddenly navy and for marine and industrial slipped find fen For & moment purposes cannot be overestimated. nothifig was thoéflht-Of the mishap ' : ._. but when the youhg athlete did not WWNB' CABAL LOLTRACT' rise immediately those present (saw $9.1m 1had begn seriotiisly injured. . V it -*al pessi le rapi ity-hewas - Eh” successful Tendemr‘s' rushedto Grace~Hospi~tal It was A despatch from Ottawa says: At found, however, that the fall had a. brief meeting of the Cabinet dislocated his neck, and within ten Council-van Thumday afternoon the minutes'of his arrival at the hospi- oontract for Section 3 of the new tal death ensued. - - M. LIVE-lea and Hugh Doughney l church POET LAUREATE 0N IIYMNS. Dr. Robert Bridges, the newkpoet. great authority on ; Yattendon ,laureate, 'is a music. HIS I Hymnal originwted in his attempts, gwhen preccntor of a village choir, » 'to provide better settings to the T, hymns than those in use. His views Eon congregational singing were set ifo-rth in an article for the Journal of Theological Students, published in 1899. It was entitled “A Practi- cal Discourse on Some Principles of Hymnâ€"singing,” and was afterâ€" A New Photograph of the Poet- wards issued as a pamphlet. It opened with St. Augustine’s words on the happiness with which he lis- tened to the psalmcdv of his day. “The emotional power . of our church music.” wrote Dr. Bridges. “is not so great as that described by St. Augustine fifteen hundred years ago.” He discussed the opin- Laurcatc‘, Dr. Robert Bridges. ion of William Law, that. even the unmusieal should sing in church, and confessed that “Law’s position is in the main sound.” “All will agree,” says the Laureate, “that hymns are that part of the church music in which it is most desirable that the congregation should join in,” but he notes that “when peo- ple are musical they would rather listen, and when they are unmusi- cal they would rather sing.” Dr. Bridges thinks it safer to hold with Law that “singing-is a. general talent” than to reserve the music of the sanctuary for professional performers. The author of ,“A Serious Call” used these words: “If a person were to forbear pray- ing because he had an odd tone in his voice, he would have as good an excuse as he that forbears from singing because he has but little management of his voice.” E‘-â€"__. LARGEST FLOUR MILL. Capitalists Propose to Build It at Calgary, Alberta. A despate‘h from Calgary, Alberâ€" ta. says: A syndicate of local and Minneapolis capitalists will shortly commence the erection of what is claimed will be the largest flour mill in the British Empire. It will be built in four units, to cost $1,- 400,000 each, and when all the units are completed will have a capacity of 6,000 barrels of flour per day. Work on the first unit will be com- menced immediately. 5‘ TllIEF FEAR F UL 0F RADIUM. Metal Returned the Precious Through the Mail. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C., says: The tiny particle of radi~ um, worth about $3,500, which was stolen from the offices of Dr. G. L. Deverteuil recently, was returned through the mail on Wednesday morning. It is thought that the thief, having read of the deadly ef- fects of radium in inexperienced hands, became frightened and de- cided to return the metal. '1‘” A $4,000,000 FIRE. ~â€" More Than Thirty Blocks Burned at Hot Springs. A despateh from Hot Springs, Arkansas, says: More than thirty blocks on the eastern edge of the business district of Hot Springs had been swept clear on Friday night I by a fire which at 9 o'clock threat cued to eat its way toward Central Avenue, the main business thor- oughfare. A high wind was blow- ing, and the Hot Springs and Little Rock fire departments, the latter hurried to this :city aboard special trains. had made but little head: way in checking the flames. . At,9 o’clock Sydney Dillon, Commission. 'er of Public Utilities, estimated the loss would reach at least $4,000,000. 1 Prices of These Prod Breadstufl's. Toronto, Sept. 9.â€"Flourâ€"Ontarlo flours, 90 per cent... made of new wheat, wheat $5.65 seaboard. Manitoba‘sâ€"First patents. in Jute bags, $5.40: (10.. seconds, 84.90; strong bakers'. in jute bags. $4.70. Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern. 990. on' track, Bay ports; No. 2 at 980: No. 3. 931-2c, Bay ports: now. No. 1 Northern. 96c. September delivery. and No 2 at 94c.‘ outario wheat~Ncw No. 2 wheat at‘84o to 85c. outside. 1 Oatsâ€"No. 2 Ontario cats. 33 to 331-Zc,| ogtszdc. and at 36c. on track. Toronto. “cstern Canada old outs, 391-2c for No. 2. and at $81-20 for No. 5. Bay ports. Pc::sâ€"â€"l\om1nal at. 85 to 85¢ outside. Barleyâ€"~50 to 52c, outside; 55c Toronto. guruâ€"No. 2 American corn. 781-2c. c.i.f., Midland. Rye-60 to 650 per bushel. Buckwheatâ€"Nominal. ~ Branâ€"Manitoba bran. $21 a. ton. in bflgfiu Toronto Heights. Shorts. $22, Toronto. a. Country Produce. Wholesale dealers' quotations to retail- ers arc:â€" Butterâ€"Choice dairy, 22 to 24c: inferior, 17 to 199; creamery, 26 to 270 for rolls and; 24 to Zoe for solids. ' : Eggsâ€"Case lots of new laid, 26 to 280 per dozen; fresh. 22 to 24c; and seconds, 17 to 18c. â€"» Honeyâ€"Extracted. in tins, large, and 14 .3-4c for twins. ' Beansâ€"Handpicked, 82 25 to $2.35 per bushel; primes. $1.75 to $2. . ‘ Honeyâ€"-Extracted. in tins, 101-2 to 120 per 1b1 for No. 1 wholesale: combs, $2 50 to $2.75 per dozen for No. 1. and $2.25 to $2.50 for No. 2. Poultryâ€"Hens, 16 to 17c per lb: Springj chickens, 20 to 21c; ducks. 16 to 170; geese, 15 to 14c; turkeys, 18 to 20c, t Palliatocsâ€"Outarlos, 80 to 85c per bag. on we . Provisions. Baconâ€"Long clear, 16c per lb. in case' lots. Porkâ€"Short cut. $20; do.. mess, $211.: Hams-Medium to light. 211-20 to '22c; heavy, 201-20 to 21c: rolls. 17c: breakfast bacon. 211.0 220; backs, 24 to 25c. 4 “gradeâ€"worms, 14c; tubs. 141-4c; pails, Balod Hay and Straw., Baled hayâ€"No. 1 hay, $13 to $14 on track. tT'oorsobito. and No. 2 at $11 to $12; No. 5. $9 B‘a‘le'd strawâ€"$8 to $8.50. on track, To- ronto. Montreal Markets. Montreal, Sept. 9â€"â€"0utsâ€"Canadian West- ern, No. 2. 401-2. to 410: Canadian West- ern. No. 3. 59 1-2 to 40c; extra. No. 1 feed. 40 to 401-2c. Barleyâ€"Manitoba feed, 50 to 51c; malting, 62 to 640. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2. _ __.______â€"___._._â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€": l 'rnnw CASE WIDENS. Fugitive’s Counsel Fight Order for Deportation. A despartc-h from Coaticook, Que- bec, says: Harry K. Thaw will be produced before the full King’s Bench, appeal side, at Montreal, Que, on the morning of September 15. Meantime he may be detained here or at S'herbrooke, or taken to Montreal on a moment’s notice, at the discretion of the immigration Grain, Cattle and Cheese Markets are Here Recorded ‘24 34 to 250; seconds. 241-4 to 241-2c. ucts in the Leading 58 to 60c. Flour~llanitoba Spring wheat I patents. firsts.- 35.60; seconds. $5.10; strong bukcrs', $4.90; Winter patents, choice. $5.25 to $5.50: straight rollers. $5-to $5.10; straight rollers, bags. 32 50 to $2.40 Roll- ed outs, barrels. $4.75; do. bags. 90 lbs.. $2.25. Bran, $21. Shorts, $23. Middlings. $26. Mouillio. $27 to $29. Hay. No. 2. per ton, car lots, $12 to $13. Cheeseâ€"Finest Westerns. 13 to 13 3-8c; finest Ensu‘rus. 123-4 to 13c. Butterâ€"Choicest creunicry. , ‘23: â€"â€"Frcsh, 520; selected. 29c; No. 1 stock. 260; No. 2 stock. 20c. - Wlnnlpeg Grain. Winnipeg. Sept. 9.â€"Cnshâ€"thatâ€"~No. 1 Northern, 891-4c; No. 2 do.. 863-40: No. 3 do.. 841-4c; No. 1 rejected seeds. 830; No. 2 do.. 81c. Oatsâ€"No. 2 C.W.. 550: No. 5 0. W.. 351-20; extra No. 1 feed. 340; No. 1 feed. 5312c: No. 2 food, 320. Barleyâ€"No. 3, MISC; No. 4. 441-20: rejected. 41c: feed. 410. Flaxâ€"No. 1 N.W.C.. 31.5312: No. 2 C.W., 31211-2; No. 3 C.W., $1.171-2. _.__. Unlted States Markets. Minneapolis. Sept. 9.-Wheatâ€"Scptcmber, 861-4c; December. 893-4c; May. 94 3‘40. No. 1 hard. 89 3-4c: No. 1 Northern. 87 3-4 to 891-4c: No. 2 Northern. 87 t0 871-40. No. 5 . yellow corn, 72 to 721-2c. No. 5 white outs. 403-4 to 411-4c. No. 2 rye. 61 to 631-2c. Flour, first patents. $4.50 to $4.75; second patents, $4.15 to $4.50: first clears, $5.20 to $3.50; second clears, $2.75 to $3.10. Bran unchanged. Duluth, Sept. 9.â€"Wheatâ€"No. 1 hard. 89 7-30; No. 1 Northern. 88 5-8c; No. 2 North- ern. 86 5-8 to 87 S-Bc: September. 8778c bid: ' December, 89 7-8c asked; May. 951-8c. Close vLinsecd, $1.50 5-8: September, $1.491-0 ask- cd; October. $1.50 3-4 bid: Live Stock Markets. Montreal, Sept. 9.â€"-The prices paid for bulls were from 31.4 to 53-4 cents per pound. for stockers and grass fed calves. 51-2 to 41-4; prime becvcs, 61-4 to 61-2; medium. 412 to 6; and common. 3 to 41-2; cows. $30 to $65 each; calves. 3 to 61-2; sheep about 4 cents; lambs about 61-4; hogs. 101-2. _ Toronto. Sept. 9.â€"â€"Cattle~Chorcc export. $650 to $6.80; choice butchers. $6.25 to 3650; good medium, $5.65 to $5.90: com- mon, 84 to $5; canncre, $2 to $2.50: cutters, $3 to $5.25; fat cows, 84 50 to $5.25; com- mon cows, $3.50 to $4. Calvesâ€"Good veal. $5 to $7.25: choice. $8.25 to $9; common. $1 to $3.50. Stockers and feeders-Steers. 700 to 800 pounds, $4.50 to $5; extra chores heavy feeders. 900 to 1.050 pounds. 35.25 to $5.60; rough eastern. 400 to 650 pounds. $2.50 to $4.25; light bulls. $2.75 to $3. Sheep and lambsâ€"Light ewes, $4.25 to $4.501 heaVY. $3 to $3 50: bucks. 83 to $5.50 spring lambs. $6.25 to $6.75. Hogs, $9.6 f.o.b.; $10 fed and watered. and $10.25 of! cars. ARRESTED FOR GAMBLING. Jerome Jailed for Playing “Penny A despwtch from Coaticook, Que- bec, says: William Travers Jerome was arrested here on Friday charged with gambling. The com« pl-aint was made by Milford Ald- ridge, a. citizen of Coaticook who swore that he had playing poker in public on Thurs. day. Jerome was taken to jail authorities. Two of his counsel, J. where Thaw was confined when N. Green-shields and N. K. La- brought here two weeks ago. Flamme, obtained a double writâ€" Thaw’s lawyers dis-claimed any habeas corpus and prohibition-at.-knowledge of the arrest. The be~ Montreal on Friday, and whirled in llief prevailed that it was due solely a. special train into Coaticook, where not long before the immigra- tion authorities had ordered Thaw’s ' deportation from the Dominion. 3‘ ., BOOTH PLANT. FIRE IN Three Hundred Mon Idle as Result of $100,000 Blaze. A despatch from Ottawa says: Three hundred men are thrown out of work as the result of a- fire in the timber mill of the J. R. Booth in- dustries here on Sunday at noon. Damage to the extent of $100,000 was caused by the blaze, the origin of which is a mystery. The mill de- stroyed was only rebuilt three years ago. new machinery being installed at the time. Splendid work by the firemen prevented the flames spreading to the other buildings owned by the same firm. I}.-__._ _ ALFONSO TO SAVE ASSASSIN. Asks Premier to Present Plea for Sancho Alcgre’s Life. A despateh from Madrid says: King Alfonso has earnestly request- ed Premier Romanones to propose that the death sentence of Raphael Sancho Alegre, who tried to as- sassinate him last April, be com- muted. The Government will com- ply with the request. 5‘ more TROUBLE-IN PORTUGAL. Bombs Thrown in Lisbon, and Riot- ' iug in Various Cities. A despatch from Madrid says: Reports have reached here of seri- ous disturbances in Portugal arisâ€" ing out of the refusal of the Gov- ernment to forward congratulatory telegrams or gifts to ex-King Man- uel on the occa-sion'of his wedding to Princess Augustine Victoria last week.‘ Bombs have been thrown in Lisbon, and rioting is reported from that place and other cities. to ill-feeling among the town’s people, who resented Jeromelvs presence. After Jerome was in jail almost an hour his friends found Magistrate McKee, who admitted Jerome to $500 bail. Attorney Vcr- ret, assisting the New York State authorities, said that the case dent-bless would be adjourned to give Jerome opportunity to fulfil his mission to Canada should the immigration authorities deport Thaw. Jerome left the jail smil- ing. The special deputy attorney- genera-l sent to Canada by New York State to regain possession of Thaw, was led through the streets with a hostile booting, yelling,. jeering mob of men and boys at his heels and was locked up in the. same cell that Thaw occupied when; he was first arrested on Canadian who; played with Jerome said the gamel was “penny ante” with a “tenâ€"centi One report said that Jerâ€"l soil. The newspaper men limit.” ome lost fifty-four cents. a. N0 noun STATUTEâ€"LABOR. Farmers Are Too Busy to Fix Roads in Bruntford Township. A despatch from Brantford says: The prospects are that there will be no more statute labor in the Town: ship of Brantford. At the present time there are portions which have been commuted, but the remainder has been under statute labor. The work has not been satisfactory, and on Wednesday afternoon the count cillors stated that the condition! were such that they would be forced to commute it and place the entire township roads and local improve- ment work also under a competent supervisor. The trouble was then that the farmers have been too busy to leave their farm work to attend to the roads, which are in bad con- dition. No definite action was tak- en, but later in the year it is likely that all statute labor in the town- ship will be commuted. November,. 1 $1.50 7-8 asked; December. $1.461-2. - seen Jerome ‘

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