"Ili‘11.'.:.'"i«‘-".’,i ". ."'I.;L‘“J. L\.. L... ..u .. _. ,m-L ‘ wzmw‘rcmï¬ï¬ï¬zi.:5:x.5§3.£';;.;‘:~ beans."p.14: , H . ._........ ...........,--... . That any old shoe will not ï¬t your feet. gWE KNOW That with Invictus shoes we can give your feet every craf‘ort and you will have style and quality as well. Come 1‘ ~try a pair, then you’ll know what we know. The Best Good Shoeâ€"Invictus a. s c. MCFARLAND. on-r YOU R WATCH Should he wound regularly and cleaned at least every right-cell. months. In that time the oil will have lost its 1 :bricating qualities and the parts begin to wear. these Watch Need. Attention? Orders by mailproznptly attended to. g . FV’J‘JT 0F KENT ST., LINDSAY. inspectors of G. T. R. Time Service. IMMM‘:“’-nnm Britons contains We are prepared to take contracts for houses, sum- mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our esti mates. Doors and sash and interior ï¬nish always in stock. Planing andniatclnng done to order. FENELdii Ffitlï¬ PLANINQ tiitl. A. TEIRS, PEGPRIETOH. W Court Fenelon Falls N0. 626 CANADlllN D’RDER 0F FQRESTERS Meets last Wednesday of each month. A CARD. ’i We. the undersigned hereby agree t9, r. Ill.l)-|.\‘('.\' ol Silver Tip Silent Matches! tor tawny cents. Quaiity guaranteed. A.W_QUIBELLI “._ E‘CHAMBERS‘ ‘ ‘ A. a C. McFARLAND. * C. n. M R. s. “Na-fl “f-r-‘Vr'v' w» r » V“»‘--'7~“~‘-. m::-.«=- . s ...~...-.a::.n..~a.»:eanz...:::n~w‘. -s- ..-. .. :::.... ...:.;..’.'L ...‘ ‘i; ‘ “ ‘ ' ' " ‘ vâ€"t-f- myafl‘th‘EmAuâ€"w‘“ “\Ws’MAâ€"Jav M“,{MuÂ¥-~;-;- J-l‘ ‘ ' The funeral will take place on Sunday. leaving his late res‘dencc at 8.3 a.m. and St. Aloysius Church at l0.30, for the Catholic cemetery, Yerulaui. -v Standard Bank at Lindsay Victimized Money Not “ Tight †for Stranger, SEPTEMBER 1913 [5133 A swiudlcr signing himself “James Ray " obtained $2,000 from the Stauda rd Bank at Lindsay on Saturday last by bogus letters of credit from a Saskatoon bank. Ray also secured $8,000 from banks at Berlin. Gait and Guelph by the some means. The whole $10,000 was obtained inside twenty-four hours. \Vhen Ray got through with the other three banks he came straight to Lindsay, arriving on the evening train and regis- tering at the Simpson House. Next Ji’ie Janeton Gates ï¬aaette. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 12, 1913. 3 talents and faculties, he avoided the ' lure, theenchantment of the big out- l‘s'e have a well earned reputation for doing good Watch st-il .l iw “399 Oi fl“? St‘md‘ml “'7Ԡ"lVis-iung brethren always made welcome‘ - l -. .. " IV . . ..~.-...»sm'-.L_._.-..-- v The Deserted Villages. “The Khan " in Toronto Star. From his home in Rockton last Tuesday Was buried all that was mor- tal of David Bell. His life may well point a moral and adorn a tale. Gift- ed as lie was with splendid business side world. ‘ I went to school with him and knew him well, and 1 know he was re- peatedly tempted ‘to leave his village and enter into the concerns of great cities and vast corporations. He would have distinguished himself in any great business, and might have been a mag- nate, a'Napoleon of ï¬nance, a prince of industry; but he preferred to live his life in his native ï¬elds and in his home hamlet. Hiswas a useful life and he acquired a competence. This 'is the lesson taught by his busy and useful life: That all the op- portunities are not stored in the teem- ing Babylons and the obscene Gomor-. rahs of the land. There are plenty of opportunities in the farms and villages and bright little towns which have been drained of all their bright young men. No wonder the towns are slow â€"â€"-â€"no wonder the farms are half tilled and weedy, when only the culls are left to furnish the brains and muscle. Are you a bright young fellow? Do you wish to do splendid things? Of course you do ; but, alas! you think they can only be done in Toronto or Winnipeg", Hamilton or Montreal, Re- gina,- Calgary or Vancouver. It is not so much your fault, for you have been educated that way. You complain that your mum is a little place. Make it bigger if you want vastness. You say it is slow. Inject some life into it. Man alive, if you go away, too, the town will go from bad to worse. It ’s great men that make great towns. Show me a bright, sparkling Earn, an‘. I know beforehand that there are great men in it. Every dead to rn is full of dead people. It doesn’t take many smart men to make a town ,huai. Two or three will wake it up, ‘Go into Smith’s Falls, Berlin, VVel- .land, Patel-borough,- jar'ric, Windsor, :Oshawa', and you will ï¬nd that these places owe their prosperity to two or three‘ them Who" hadfaith and energy, 'and realized that they 'had not to go ______â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Thinks dredge Left Tod Soon. The Lindsay†Post says} _ The dredge, the" governments scan and all, the paraphernalia connected here le‘ftLilidsay this morning in tow of the “ Bob Hall †for Balsover where they will be put to work. Steamboat men and all those who have to pass up and down tlfe river are very ». indignant as‘ they say Elie bed of the Scugog has been left in Very bad shape, it will soon be impossible to navigate. Those who go up and down regularly state that ridges of rock have been left all over the channel, which is now posi- tively dangerous. The dredge is leaving at the very time of year when it should be easiest and quickest to clear the channel on account of low water and when naviga- tion here has lessened sufliciently not to interfere with the work. It goes to a part of the Trent. Valley Canal where the water is particularly high and has been so all year. With the water all being held back at Fenolon Falls by the new coï¬'cr dam, and almost no water being held back at Bobcaygeon by the useless old look, Sturgeon Lake is bound to fare badly and some steamer will yet come to grief on the rocks where the dredge left oï¬ work in the Scugog. a-.â€" Death of Daniel Dugjm. The death occurred on Monday of Daniel Duggan, of Verulam, at St. Mich- ael's Hospital, Toronto. Mr. Duggan had one of his legs broken last winter by a full, and on account of a previous injury the leg did nothcal properly, and a few weeks ago he was taken to the host-it'll. After some days treatment amptation was considered necessary, but. the patient passed away while under the influence of’the (‘lllJl‘Jl‘pl'llL long black hair streaked with gray, Pany further to‘ï¬nd their opportunity. . with deepening the river channel . and if the water continues to go down ' morning he was up early, had breakfast, ' and talked a good deal of his success in the West, where he said he owned a large ranch. About 10.30 he went to the Standard Bank, presented his credentials and his cheque for $2500 and said he was buying horses to take West. He drew . 2,000, left $500 on deposit and soon a’ terwards wont to the G. T. R. station and it is supposed took the train north. He is described as about 5 feet 9 inches in height, weighing 150 lbs.. wore a gray suit and a soft gray hat, and had a black mustache and rather supposed to be a wig. It has later developed that Ray drew between $2,000 and 33.000 each from banks at Ingersoll, Woodstock, Hamil- ton and Brantford, but these banks kept the matter quiet, and Bay was able to work his game on others later. C lief Chilton of Lindsay visited Cob- ocouk, Burnt River and other points north on Monday, but so far as known without success. .-. Got Coat Back. \Vhen Mr. Thos. Robson got off the train to visit friends at Calgary on the way home from his trip to the West, he forgot his overcoat. As soon as he missed it a telegrram was sent to lVin- nipeg, but when he arrived at that city there was no trace of the coat. Mr. Robson came on to Lindsay, and notified Mr. T. C. Matchett, C. P. R. agent, who got to work and in a few days Mr. Rob- son received the- overcoat safe and sound, thanks to Mr. Matchett's prompt- ness and courtesy in instituting an im- mediate seareh for the lost garment. â€"-â€"â€"-.â€"â€"o o oâ€"-â€"- Bethered by Tramps. ~Residents between \Vestwood and Norwood have been bothered some of late by transient hoboes, and last Friday a. particularly ueg looking customer made his appearance, hanging around various homes. Constable Dickson was sent for. at Mr. Ed. English’s, where the man then was, and made the arrest after a spirited scrap.in which the constable had to use all his scrapping ability, as the man was almost a giant, Finally the intruder made a. vicious kick, pver- balancing himself, and his feet being pulled from under him he was promptl y handeuï¬ed and taken to Norwood. â€" Hastings Star. 0* Verulam Council. Council met last week at a call of the Reeve. All members present. Mr. Silis Thurston applied for com- pens tion for two ewes and nine lambs killed by dogs. Sheep valued at $78.50. On motion of Messrs. Mitchell and Cr en compensation of two-thirds was allowed, $52.33. ‘ A by-law was passed allowing T. W. Thur.» ton to register a plan of G reenhurst summer resort, having no streets less than 60‘fL-et in‘ width. Mr. A. A. Knight, District Representa- tive of the Agricultural Dept. at Lind- say, addressed the Council on the School 'Childrens’ Fair that will be held at Bchaygeon Fair on the 26, in a large Ma'que Tent: l-Ic wouldâ€"be pleased if the C ameil gave a. slight assistance to the e‘xpense. .A grant of $6 was made. Messrs: Mitchell and Lewis moved that John Kennedy be appointed Collec- tor. . ‘ Messrs. Hetherington and Green moved that John“ Flett be appointed. The Reeve declared Mr. Flett appoint, .and' on métion of Messrs. Hetheriugton erin'gton’th‘e‘repairiug of the bridge on Verulam' and Fen Ion boundary be left with the Div.- Com. *chell the township rate was placed at 3.2‘ mills and a. syn-m levying the rates for the year was duly [mess-ea. . Messrs. Lewis and Mitchell reported on a ditch on Scotch line, which they estimated might be done at a cost. of $25, and that the Council would be justiï¬ed in paying 40 p. c. of cost. On motion of Messrs. Lewis and Hotheriugton the matter was left with the Div. Com. On motion of Messrs. Lewis and Green, a resolution was passed regarding the shutting off of the grist mill fluine at Bobcaygeon, and urging upon the de- partment to make immediate repairs. A communication from Mr. Graham regarding the drawing of stone on to wrong division was fyled. Councillor Lewis was authorized ti have the gravel pit opposite W. Mc~ Gregor fenced. A number of accounts were passed, and Council adjourned. ‘- DANIEL SOVA INJURED. In-the Fesserton correspondence of i the Orillia. Packet of last week the fol- lowing item appears: Mr. Paul Sova's horSes ran away on l Monday night», throwing Mr. Daniel Sova from the waggon, and injuring him scr- inlisly. 1. ll I. ,4 .1 Personal. Mrs. Jos. English and family have eturned homo after spending two ionuh's in Hastings. Mrs. Stoddart of Saginaw is visiting her paronts, Mr. and Mrs; J. J. Wilson. Mr. Wm. Fountain was homo from Victoria Harbor this week. Mr. Uber Shane of Toronto visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Robson and son » Mr. E. \l'. Glaspcll of l’cuetang was at the Falls this week, Mr. and Mrs. Coo. Wilson of Victoria Harbor are visiting Mr. Wilson's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson.‘ Mr. Thos. Quigg of Calgary is visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 1'5.- Quigg. Mr. Wm. 'ieDougall and Mr. Brueo McDougall of lngerSoll are visiting Mr. and Mrs. \V. L. Robson. Mrs. Wm. Campbell is visiting rela'a tive at St Augustine, Quebec. Mrs. W. H. Robson is visiting her mother, Mrs. Oakley, in Toronto. Mrs. Klaehu of Stratl‘ord visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Austin, this week _ of Calgary are visiting relatives here and in Lindsay. o -3 Powles' Corners. Correspondence of the Gazette Mr. Richard Kemp of Rochester, N. Y4, travelling for the Eastman Kodak Co., was here last week. He left this neigh- borhood over forty years ago and was never heard of, not even by his brother Thomas in Bruce Co. ed to see Dickonce more. family lived here. We were delight: The Kemp Mr. Juo. Kemp was an invalid and died in a hospital in Toronto. Mrs. Kemp died here and then the family was scattered abroad. There were live boys and three girls. One boy found his way to Alaska and (lied a short time ago. of Mr. J. S. Brown's farm was formerly owned by the Kemp family. and Green, the salary was placed at $65. I On motion of Messrs. Lewis and Het!'- ' Twenty-live acres part Mr. N. Day has made several shipments of live stock to the Toronto market. V Mr. Day has purchased the stock yard and store house at Cameron and will ship a car load occasionally from there. . Mr. and Mrs. 1). Swan of Keuora are visiting friends and relatives in this section. Mrs. G. Argue of Burkton is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Powles. ' Mrs. L. Burton has returned to New York city after spending about two week visiting at Mr. N. Day's. Owing to the long spell of dry weather the turnip and mangold crop will be a poor one. Mr. E. Dunn of Cameron is in this section threshing. Mr. W. Glaspell thrashed last Monday and has about a thousand bushels ol' oats. Mr. Glaspell will sell a quantity of them to some of the neighboring farmers. llis auction sale will be Wednesday, the ï¬rst of October, as he wants to leave here for Uxbridge about the 10th of October. ’ Wisconsin has an anti-gossip, law which should adorn the statute books of every country. It carries with it a. penalty of $500 ï¬ne and imprisonment for peddling damaging- stories about .your neighbor, and particularly punishes remarks reflecting upon the good namo' of his wife, mother or sister. .â€"-o-¢ Bu‘ry's Green . (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Among the visitors to the Exhibition: were Mr. Wm. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs: Begg and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Akister. Mr. Walter Fisk has commenced plow-_ ing on the farm lately vacated by Mr.- John Elliott, and has leased it for a†term of years. , , School ro-opened on Tuesday. Miss“ Bannan of Omemco resumes her duties“ at No. 7 Verulam, and“ Miss Bulleu o‘f Graveuhurst at no: 10 Somérvill‘o. Miss Skuco of .O‘mcniee is visiting friends in this vicinity. ‘ Among the. visitors t’o'the'exhibitiou‘ were Mr. \Vm. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs." Begg and Mr. and Mrs. Thos.“Akister; Mr. \Valter Fisk has cummeuced’ ploughing on tho'l'arm‘latcly vacated by Mr. John Elliott and has leased it for a' termof years. , _ ; School re-opened on Tuesday Miss‘ Bannan' of‘ Omemeo resumes her duties at No. 7, Verulam, and Miss Bulle'n oi" . . . , . ., . ," . â€" iGravenhurst at No. 10, Smuervil‘le. On m’otim' of l-I’ctherington‘ and a‘l‘it- I Miss Skuco of Omomeo is visiting friends in this vicinity. V .. ,Mrs. John It‘lott Sr. is enjoying a month visiting with Pctorboro friends. . Harvesting is' Completed and many are done threshing.- The grain is turning out good, but the supply of feed will be short. Harry Akistor has just finished stump- ing at Mr. John Lamb's. When cleared away it will add much to the appearance of his farm. Mr. Joe Southam ls having a wire fence expected along the road,- which will stop the usual blockade in the winter. _â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"C o oâ€".â€"â€"-â€"‘-â€"__. Faubairn. Gazelle Correspondence, ,Mrs. J“. Tiers of Toronto visited in this vicinity recently. Mr. Alex Motion of Toronto spent a few days at his home here last week. Messrs Jas. and Wm. Tiers spent a few days in Toronto during fair time. Owing to the dry pastures the North Verulam cheese factory has closed to every other (lay. , , 'l hreshing is the order of the day and- gr: in is turning out well to the straw. someway? >- assume; 3 .35.; 2:511;