Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Jul 1913, p. 1

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v: .. .- sumo ‘ 2 x 1-. a! ,. S, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 3.913. i.."..i‘ slum-«um h'uv (Milk Mr final?!“ :flturfixflnjflu fixgflaJflKJflK uflxmfiz M t ; a taunt ants Is one of the necessities of present times, when accuracy and promptness are required, in all (,l’epartments of business ._ . lire. ' ‘To have your table supplied w1th Buy: a lValtham Watch and :2 wholesome food all the year round, with- have a good, dependable time- .32; out, a, miss 01» a, Slip. keeper. ‘ e§ We carry the best quality of goods that can be purchased from the best manufacturers. Let us repeat What we have many times stated before, and what we are m-,Ssdé‘;tom,n.1,,gclpmceuses,333;. proving every business day in-‘ith‘e year, that the cheapest eatables that can be . bought are those-which are Of- the high- 3 est'possible grade. ' HEAD OFFICE] ESTABLISHED ‘ 1817 Paid up Capital $6,000,000.00. lit reissued flusflxzfiunfi’mzflznfln 4|: ( fiflkzficaflw in M The Victory is Near. Some thirty years ago, in a bearing upon the question of a reduction of railroad freight rates, Chief Justice Frank Doster, of the supreme court of Kansas, announced from the bench the then startling doctrine that “The rights of the user are paramount to the rights of the owner.” To-day, over fifty million men and women, in all civilized nations of the earth, sub- scribe to that doctrine, as applied to all the great machinery of production and distribution of life’s necessities, and they support their belief with all the economic and political power at their command. ' As long as the farmer must ship over the privately owned railroads, and pay the exorbitant rates they de- mand; as long as he must sell his grain to the elevator and milling trust ; as long as he must sell his live stock to the packers’ trust; as long as he must buy his machinery of the bar- vester trust, his sugar of the sugar trust, his salt of the salt trust, his coffee of the coffee trust, his clothes of woollen and cotton trusts and his lum- ber of the lumber trustâ€"in fine, as long as the farmer must sell his prod- ucts in a trust controlled market at whatever price the trust owners are All the freshness, all the; goodness that it is possible to secure mayfbe yours at any time. It simply meansthe send- ing of your orders here. ' The Old Reliable cwelry Store.' 151m .xli'nmfivzjl'irnfim mum mafia “cranium Feneian Fails. fining MM W".â€" _ . .-_._. _.;- thus»..- 1’ rotessiu unl Cards " Always ready to give you our bestservices. LEGAL MCLAUGLHIN, PEEL, FULTON & ' STINSON. D :XthlS’l‘ERS, SOLICITORS, INOTAR- i) ies. Money to loan. Special atten- tion given to investments. Branch office at Fenclon Falls, at the L. H. & Power Conunissioners' oliice. Open every Tues- day. Lindsay olilce over Dominion Bank. ' R. J. Zliclmcoutm', K. O. A. M. FULTON, B. A. ARNOLDS: 515- Aa-PEEL- -~-1‘~-H-,STIN60N. .. .- -. . , ., 70,"- pleased to offer, and buy his necessi-p 4 V l _ I V ' ties ,in attrust controlled market at HOPKINS» WEEKS 3“ HOPKINS Linesâ€" whatever price the trust owners are pleased to demand, just so long will the farmer, his wife and his helpless children slave for a pittance as meager as that doled out to their wage em- )ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND 1) Notaries. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan at terms to suit the borrower. Ollices No. 6 William St. south,‘Lindsay, Ont-and at Wood- Boots and Shoes, Groceries,_Wall Paper. WWW’ MJEWR: M .ville, Ontario. G _H. HOPKINS, K. 0., C. E. WEEKS, ‘ :F. Homms HOPKINS, B. A .________________~._â€"â€" MOORE & JACKSON ARRISTERS, SOLIUI’l‘ORS, so; or B fice,William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. STEWART 8; O’CONNOR, inasmwmsm WW. WWUW‘JWQP‘ minimum Harassm- .-rt=iutaur-W, wwm*wurwmmw.. a . a arm awn-mt 4.. imam a“ Muenster alsan meta-rename: W as A. Jsonsos ployees, by these selfsame trusts. The material interests ofthe wage earner, the salaried employs and the farmer are identical. They are each and all alike the plundered victims of as vicious a system of robbery as ever enslaved the human race. They are, indeed, “ hewers of wood and drawers of water” for .a master class as rapa- cious and insatiable as any'that ever ruled and robbed mankind. N 0 other system of human slavery conceived in the mind of man was as insidious and deceptive, as buutal and heartless, as is capitalism. Its beneficiaries hold forth to mankind the fatuous hope of individual success, of acquiring wealth and power at the expense of their fel- lows; all umnindful of the fact that where one individual under capitalism achieves fame and fortune, or even a competence, ten thousand sink and die in p0verty. And the injustice of the system is that it justifies this result on the ground that those who did not succeed were failures because they deserved to fail. In other words that the millions who have lived and died in ignorance and poverty, could have succeeded un- der the present system, had they so decided and willed. The mirage of the desert, which lures the traveller to ) ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 8w. MONEY I) (clean at lowest current rates. Terms to suit. borrowers. Ofiice on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. . Srnwam.__ L. V. O’Conson, B. A LEIGH R. KNIGHT. ARRIS’I‘ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY B Public. Successof‘ého McDiarnnd & Weeks. Visits, made to Fcnelon Falls by appointment. Money to loan anp Real « Estate bought and sold. Oliice Kent St., Lindsay, Telephone 41. DENTAL. well dressed. It pays to be a little forehanded in ordering a new outfit of clothes, for various reasons. Call in and let us take your measure for a new suit. § Up-to-date goods, style and workmanship. Our 3 motto is " Fashionable Tailoring at .Popular Prices.” Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, Fencl on Falls. Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ALL BRANCHES 0F DENTISTRY performed according to the latestimproved ' methods at moderate prices. OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- 0 rue street __________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ________,_________..___..___..â€"-â€"â€"- MEDICAL. '~ TOWNLEY Enos. Fenelon Falls é Saves nine, and a suit in time keeps you always Fine Tailoring WWWMMMWWOfi DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"u. n.,c. BL, 11.3.0 3. Eng.,u.c. r. a 3., * Own, r. 'r. u. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON dz ACCOUCH- 'eur. Olfice. Francis Street, Fenelon 1836 «gages»: But always correct in price is what you always find prevails at our grocery store. Pickles, cat- sup and other things that we handle are, always the best. The j best is always the cheapest, be- cause it’s wholesome. Poor foods . and adulterated stuff is dear at any price. Get our “ High in Quality " goods and be safe. ASSOCIATE CORONER COUNTY OF VICTORIA. SUCCESSOR TO DR. A. WILSON, RADUATE 0F TORONTO UNIVER- sity. Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur. Ofiice,Colhorne street, Fen- elou Falls. ' Business Men Appreciate . AUCTIONEER. ‘ THOMAS oaseoan, AUOTIONBBR - FENELON FALLS. Sales titan kinds conduch d in a. first E Falls. V ' DR. H. B. JOHNSTONE, ' class manner. Secure dates before ad- yertising. . .- THE BANK F r id: 77 Years in Business. Capital and Surplus-Over $7,600,000. A Service at? wihtti’ - I‘LIONTllllCrXIJ. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Reserve Fund $16,000,00000. ASSETS OVER-$240,000,000. ' SA.VING-S ISANIK DEPxLRTl‘IENT Deposits taken of $1 and upwards, which can be withdrawn on demand. ' R. M. Hamilton, Fenelon Falls Branch , ' " " “"‘"‘V”““NWV"“'“““““VVVVVWMWAMMMW'\.~ certain death, is no more cruel or dc~ ceptive than are the false promises of capitalism.â€"Eugcnc V. Debs. Capital in Control. Capital. in control. Capital is the means used to eNploit labor. This means that the owners of capital will not operate mills, etc.,‘unless they can skin the working class. A factory will not be operated unless it can be made to show unearned revenues for its owners. A railroad that cannot show graftfor its owners will be sold or abandoned. Houses that do not bring in a. revenue will be allowed to fall in- to decay. Yet you are not allowed to enter into a vacant house and live in it. The owner would eject you. A group of workers cannot go and operâ€" ate an idle factory. The capitalist owners would arrest them for trespass. iSocialists say they want the means of production operated by the produ- cers without rent, interest or profit go-_ ing to the capitalist class. This seems- ridiculous to the capitalists. They say‘ that it is impossible. Factories won’t" run, railroads will rust, and the peo- ple will starve in the midst of plenty. - What they say will not happen at all. But the capitalists cannot look at the” question with common sense. They cannot'imagine themselves not owning ’ the establishments; Of course, as long. as the capitalists own, they will allow the places to rot down if they cannot derive rent, interest and profit from them. Socialists say that rent, inter- est and profit will be abolished, and the capitalists think the means of pro- duction will rot. It will be no such thing. "For the Socialists will take the ownership from the capitalist class and vest it in the collective working class. Then they, the workers, can run the mills, mines, railways, etc, and they can run them even if no rent, interest and profit be paid. When the capitalists get hard up, they shut down their mills and produce a panic. But under SocialismL there will be no hard times, for the factory doors will alwaysvbe open to the working class, and they ’can go in and make shoes and bake bread and mine coal, and no master class strickâ€" en with fear will be around to say them nay. The capitalist owners may just as well make up their minds now as later,that their bugaboo tales can only make shivers crawl up and down their own backs.~â€"~Cotton’s Weekly, “d The religious man who argues in favor of continuing the present im- moral profit system necds a revised version of religion. A great many of the big fortunes- were made not by profit, but by actu- al theft. Why allow the thieves to continue their robbery? 1913 . ulna ou want to send any sum up to Dollars, to any point in Canada, Yukon excepted, or to any of the principal cities of the United States, buy a Money Order at any Branch or the Bank of British North America. The cost is triflino'. 1 MW. Reive, Manager AAAAA‘A‘A‘L . .-.v,a"*-<;I‘.x‘ ,. I: 1,,‘:,._.L',,_L‘,,; as,“

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