Eggs‘nakes. Not to be outdone by any Bobcaygeon snake, a Fenelon township snake of the garter variety came out for a constitu- tionnl wriggle on Jordan‘s hill on Thurs- day last. ‘ It was seen by two boys, 'Archie Ellery and Albert Roby, and promptly despatched. It measured ' about two feet in length. Gimm'ent-ing on the snake item in the Ganettc of the 29th, the Orillia Packet says Barie iron see snakes all the year round. and nobody thinks the fact worth passing mention. But the Packet men- tions it. and some other things not worth mentioning. and still others that are not facts. But real live snakes seen by real live people in real live local option mun- icipllitles at this season of year deserve special notice in a. real live journal that discusses real live topics. .___â€"â€".._.-c Curlers Elect Skips. At the Fenclon Falls Curling Club meeting on Monday evening the follow- ing skip were elected for this season: Messrs. R. M. Hamilton. T. Graham, J. H. Stanton. C. Dcyman, A. J. Gould, T. Onshore, M. H. McCallum, H. McCullum. Lu. W. Ricve and T. Sadler. Messrs. Stanton and M. H. McCullnm will be district cup skips. A local bonspiel in- .‘cad of the two-man game game for the Brandon cup was discussed; also the subject of rearrangements for the Mas- on shield. It was decided to give indi- vidual prizes for winners in the Brandon eup contest. The orchestra was tender- ed. a unanimous vote of thanks for their services at the Cnrlers’ concert. ______-.-. AUCTION SALE. Mr. Jas. Lamb will sell by public auction on his premises, west half Lot 27. Concession 3. Verulam, on Wednes- day. Dec. 18th, a number of horses, good milch cows, young cattle, sheep and pigs. Sale at one o‘clock and without reserve. See bills. T. Cashore, auc- tioneer. A. By-Law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, fer- mented or other manufactured liquors in the Municipality of the Village of Fenelon Falls. The Municipal Council of the Village of Fcnclon Falls, hereby enacts as fol- lows: 1.-â€"â€"That the sale by retail of spirit- uous, fermented or other manufactured liquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, inn or other house or place or public entertainment in the said mun- icipality. and the sale thereof, except by wholesale. isand shall be prohibited in every shop or place other than a house of public entertainment in the said mun- icipnli‘ty. 2.â€"’l‘hat the vote of the electors of the said Village of Fcnelon Falls will be taken on this fly-law by the deputy-' returning oiiicers hereinafter named on Mondayfthe Sixth day of January, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirteen, mmmencing at nine o‘clock in.the morn- ing and continuing until ï¬ve o'clock in the afternoon at the undermentioned places : ‘ Polling Sub-division No. 1, at Two- mey‘s Hall; Deputy Returning Officer. Edward Fitzgerald; Poll Clerk, Walter Jordan. Polling Subdivision No. 2, at Jordan‘s Hall ; Deputy Returning Ollicer._Charles W. Burgoyne; Poll Clerk, Alvin J. Gould. 3.-â€"That on the Second day of January AJ). 1913. at the Council Chamber at the Village of Fenelon Falls, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, the Reeve shall appoint in writing, signed by him- self, two persons to attend at the ï¬nal summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of‘the persons interested! in and desirous of‘promoting the passing of this By-I'aw, and' a like number on be- half of the persons interested in and desirous cf'opposi’ng- the passing of this V By-i'aw. . sitâ€"That the Clerk of the said Munici- ' pal Council of the Village of Fenelon Falls shall attend at the Council Cham- ber in the Village of Fenelon Falls, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the Seventh day of January AD. 1913. to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-law. 5.-'l‘his By-law shall come into force I and take effect as from the ï¬rst day of May next after the final passing thereof. Read a ï¬rst and second†time this . Ninth day of December, AD. 1912. Reeve- Clerk. . NOTICE- Take notice that the above is a true- eopy of a proposed By-Iaw which has, been taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the Village of Fen- .elon Falls, and which will be finally passed by the said Council (in the event of the assent of the electors being ob- tained thereto. as- provided by “ The Liquor License Act" and amendments thereto) after one month from- the ï¬rst publication thereof in the Gazette. pub- lished at Fenelon Falls. the date of which ï¬rst publication was Friday. the ’l‘hir- teenth‘ day of December A. D. 1912, and that at the hour. day and places therein ï¬xed for taking the votes of the elec- tors the polls will be held. E. FITZG BRALD, Clerk. EShrer buyers are already, Lindsay Postzâ€"The friends of local option in Lindsay are indebted the advocates of the open bar for their lib~ eral distribution of ,“ arguments " in favor of the retention of the license system. It will do splendid service for the cause of local option. This is the reading age, and people are not nearly so gull-able as they were some years ago. notwithstanding the views of the anti-local optionists to the contrary. We are glad to be in a. position to deal with the “arguments " advanced in the distributed circulars, and we will offer “ evidence in rebuttal " from now on and the people can take their choice. The “ arguments " are chcstnuts with hair on them gray with antiquity. They have been refuted time and again, but they bob up serenely every now and then. A bad cause is always lost for an argument and one need express no sur- - prise that the friends of the open bar in their desperation seize on such clap trap and twaddle. You cannot stay the march of public opinion. Might as well try to dam Niagara's flow with a feather as to use the “ arguments " sent through the mails. o-» SALE OF FANCY ARTICLES. The ladies of the Methodist Church will have fancy articles for sale at W. Northey's restaurant on Saturdoy after- noon and evening, Dec. 14th. 0-0 WOMEN'S TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. The Women’s Temperance League will 'hold a special meeting in Jordan‘s hall on Monday evening, Dec. 16th at 8 o'clock. An interesting programme will be given. ' a- ST. ANDREWS CHURBII. Rev. S. G. Steele, B. A., Glenarm, will occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's next Sunday. Rev. C. S. Lord will preach in Glenarm. Kemp C. Ziamifton CONCERT PLAYER Piano pupils accepted. For terms, etc., apply to Miss Sharp, at 'l‘errill’s Store. Choose Gilts * . Early --O picking 11 their Christmas presents. a Our stock is now complete. This list may help you. Hymn Books Picture Books Toy Books Story Books ‘ Gift Books Perfumery Comb and Brush Sets Dressing Cases Stationery Fountain Pens Mirrors Bibles Purses Hand Bags Come and see. goods till you want them. 0. F. VICAR§_ Druggist and Optician \ FENELON FALL‘S, ONT. We will save ' Pudding Pans, 2,3,4 qt. Dish Pans Fry Pans A nice line of handpainted Trays and Flo“ er Vases, PillowTops and Pin Cushions. Ladies' black and tan hose, 15c. Men's tan Hose 150.» Men's black Hose lOc. MRS. WEIR, LINDSAY v. ,~ “' 45 William St. North, next to I; l _ Fisher’s Grocery. m swarm rover DO YOU NEALIZE The money you can make selling fruit trees ? The present demand for Nursery stock is the greatest in the history of the business. Everybody who has the land is planting or preparing to plant. WE WANT NOW For Fall and Winter months a reliable man to sell in Fenelon Falls and sur- rounding territory. Good pay, exclusive territory, and all the akvantages in representing an old' established ï¬rm. Over 600 acres under cultivation. Established 35 years. Write PE L'H ANI N U BSEBY CO. TORONTO, ONT. 'SUBSGRIBERS In arrears for the Gazette will please call and settle.‘ »â€"FRUIT TREES. FARMERS E'TENTION :- Having completed a very successful season in the townships of Brock, Mari- posa, Ops, Reach and Eldon, I will now be at home, or will call if requested by any one wanting choice mursery stock, shrubs or ornamental trees. Agent for Stone & Wellington, largest and oldest established. nursery in Canada. Many former purchasers are extending their orchards and have placed orders with me for this llrm‘s stock. PETER MOFFAT, ,Fcnelon Falls. PW. " me Of the old rigs. New ones cost money. We make a specialty of re- pairing, repainting, etc. If you have anything that needs ï¬xing up bring it here. Or if you need a new one we can 'build it-â€"-good as the best. I. r. canals. Colborne Street Fenelon Falls. DFuhLER In Plain. and. Ornamental WALL PAPERS Of the Best Quality. ARTISTS†MATERIALS IdllllLlllNliS AND PICTURE FRAMING - Agency for Nordhiemer Pianos and Parker’s Dye Works. Next Simpson House LINDSAY. ml. 2 adrin f We Can Make Sittings All ‘5 J. H. ‘ STANTON PHOTOGRAPHER - N 9 Kb Week Up to Saturday, the 21st, and have them ï¬nisth for Ghristmns. FENELOI‘I FALLS. For Estimates 011 new buildings consult us. your order for etc. CHRIST Or give us Doors, Sash, Interior Finish, We will be pleased to ï¬gure on what you will need in supplies, or the whole contract. F. C. TAYLOR. MS. PRESENI HEADQUARTERS Do not put off gifts. Ornamental and Useful » ; Articles in Ormola Gold and Brass. Candle Sticks Blocks Congas I Jewel Cases . Bridge Counters Pin Cushions Ash Trays Tobgcco Jars Fern Pots Cut Flower Vases and many many Come and see r us to show you the , See our large range of Christmas Cards. Postcards and _ Booklets and. Christmas Stationery. '.L_OO.K your shopping till the last day, and do not fail to consult us if you are undecided what to buy. If we cannot supply your wants from the following list, all we ask is that you come in and let us show you all the other things we have which make very beautiful and useful Leather (leads Baby Sets Handbags Gillette Safety Razors; Travelling Cases Hand Mirrors Purses Shaving Mirrors Card Cases Shaving Sets C9113? Bags Manicure Sets , Bibi“ Variety Boxes. Perfume Atomizers: Books Individual Buffers Books of Poems Wm‘k 335k?†Water-man's Fountain Thermos Bottle? . Pens Tie Racks Rush. and Comb Sets Children's Books. other things. too numerous to mention here). For yourself. It will be a pleasure for goods. whether you buy or not. HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF A PHESEHT' Good for 20 mates. Doors FENELB A. Spectacles er- Eyeglasses Gould the Optician before Christmas Day. COUPON per cent. discount on any pair of purchased from You must cut out the coupon and bring it with you. A. J. Druggist and Optician. BUILDING CONTRACTS ___________._.â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"-â€" We are prepared to take contracts for houses. sum mer cottages, etc. It will pay you to get our enti and sash and interior ï¬nish always in. stock. Planing and matching done to order. N FALLS PLANING MILL . TEIRS, PROPRIETOR.